• Published 23rd Aug 2017
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The Big and Cuddly Ursa Minor - Foal Star

After her defeat in Ponyville, Trixie accidently wanders into a cave with a Ursa Major. When she wakes the next day she finds herself adopted by the Beast. To make matters worse she eventually learns that her body is morphing into a Ursa Minor.

  • ...

Chapter 4: Trixie's new home

A week has gone by and Trixie was now waited, snuggling deep into the Ursa’s warm fur, but Trixie kept her mind busy to avoid falling asleep, until she heard the snores of her captors.

“It’s strange as much as Trixie wishes to flee and return to her normal life, she can’t help but feel saddened by such thoughts. If nothing else, these two have shown no ill intent towards Trixie….However, I can’t let that stop me. Trixie is a pony and I wish to return to how i was and I will do so, no matter the cost.”

Trixie waited a few more moments, taking one deep breath, before slowly getting her large body up. She walked towards the entrance of the cave looking towards it before taking a pause to look at the sleeping Ursas. With one last longing look she gave a long sigh and whispered, “Bye you two, hope you have a good hibernation.”

Trixie then slowly turned towards the entrance of the cave and slowly wobbled out into the moonlit Everfree Forest. She continued at a sluggish pace through the cold woods, until she heard a psst. Trixie turned her head to see the shy smile of a familiar yellow pegasus. “Oh uh..he...hello again, are they finally hibernating?”

Trixie gave a small nod, causing Fluttershy sighed in relief., “Oh that’s wonderful. Come on then let's get going.”

She lead the transformed Ursa Minor through the Everfree Forest, who only grunted as she strained to keep pace. “So where exactly are we going?”

Fluttershy gave her companion a warm smile and whispered sweetly, “Oh just back to my cottage. You’ll be staying with me until Twilight can whip up a cure.”

Trixie with a confused look posed the obvious question. “Wait, Trixie is a Ursa Minor? how can she stay in your cottage? Trixie doubt she’d be able to get inside, much less live there”

, “Oh, you don't need to worry about that. My friends helped build a little house just for you. In fact they’re probably finishing it right now.”

Trixie’s eyes went wide with surprise, “Really? They did all that for Trixie, even after what she did?”

Fluttershy nodded as she fluttered by the big purple bear, ”Oh yes of course, nopony should ever go through what you have.” Fluttershy then leaned towards one of Trixie’s ears, “Also, while they won’t admit it, some of the others agreed we may have been a little rude ourselves. Either way we’ve put the whole affair behind us.”.”

Trixie whimpered a little, genuinely touched by the sentiment, “Thank you, but are you sure it’ll be okay for me to live with you until Twilight finds a cure?”

The yellow coated pegasus cooed in response. “Of course it is, i've taken care of baby bears before, I don’t think you’ll be much different.”

The Ursa Minor shook her head at what Fluttershy said and stomped a paw and growled. “Trixie is not a baby.”

Fluttershy however, merely responded with a familiar motherly smile , “Oh well, I’m Sorry but you’re still technically a bear cub. From what Twilight told me you're actually no older than a few months in Ursa Minor years.”

Trixie’s jaw practically detached at apparently definitive classification of her as an infant, turning red and pouting in embarrassed anger. ”Does that mean I have to wear diapers?”

Fluttershy giggled sweetly. “Oh no, you’ll have the whole yard to yourself, so you can go wherever you like.”

“My doesn’t that just make Trixie’s situation all the more appealing. Anything else Trixie should be informed of.” Her deadpan delivery served to remind the animal caretaker that while the stage Mare was accustomed to her situation, didn’t mean she enjoyed certain aspects about it….like being too large to use a proper bathroom.

The pegasus fluttered by her and whispered, “ Well..um...you’ll still need to drink formula since your large body needs a lot of nourishment. Luckily, we found a company that makes it for bear cubs.Twilight also enchanted a blanket that heats up to keep you warm at night and even made an oversized pacifier. I myself bought you some mashed berry foal food that t I’m sure will help with digestion.”

Trixie all but moaned at the growing indignities she was visualizing following the Pegasus’s words. “And thus Trixie’s indignity continues, almost makes Trixie miss the breastfeeding….almost.”,

The two eventually made their way back to Fluttershy’s quaint, little cottage.,

“My, Trixie is impressed with you abode Fluttershy. Very rustic.”.”

Fluttershy blushed at the compliment, hiding her red face behind her wings. “Thanks...glad you like it but..”

She pointed a wing near her place to a hut with a thick stone roof and a wide opening, “That is where you’ll be staying until we can find a cure.”

Trixie sighed looking at it with a unamused face, “Well it certainly looks more welcoming than a cave.”

As the pair drew closer, both caught sight of Applejack in the process of finishing construction of the structure. She turned and gasped at the hulking Ursa Minor lumbering towards her. “Oh my Celestia it is true.”

The farm mare quickly jumped down from the roof with a grunt, “Did what I could to make something for ya, hope ya like it.”

Trixie gave it a quick look over, examining the structure. “Well I think it could use some more work, but it looks alright for now I guess.”

Applejack smirked., “How about ya go in and see if it's comfy?”

She shrugged and wobbled inside, seeing the rocks overhead reminded her of the cave, but it was nice and warm. She felt something crinkle beneath her paws and looked down to see the ground was padded down with a white fluffy fabric. She looked at Applejack with a confused look and gulped, “Um whats this?”

Applejack giggled as she strokes the back of her head completely clueless, “Um, Fluttershy, mind translating?”

Fluttershy turned to Applejack and giggled. “Oh she’s just surprised by the soft floor.”

Applejack turned to Trixie with a yawn and explained. “Well seein’ that we didn’ want ya sleepin on a hard floor and that ya not going to be able to control your bladder. This is like a big diaper covering the ground. It's super soft to sleep on and can absorb everything and anything that leaks out of ya. Heck, it can even be changed out too. Rarity made a dozen or so.”

Trixie, unamused at the reminders of her unfortunate bladder control issues, plopped her big rump down on the fabric, poking at it curiously at the strange crinkling noises it made. Fluttershy cooed, “Oh I think she loves it Applejack.”

The farm mare sighed, “Well that's good to hear, I'm sure this’ll work out for the time being. Hopefully though it won’t be for too long.”

Trixie continued to pad and paw around at the strange material underneath her, when another familiar voice threatened to rip apart her ear drums.

“Is that Trixie she's so CUTE!”

The transformed mare quickly found her blue fur being assaulted from multiple angles, only catching glimpses of a pink blur running across her massive body. g “Wow she so soft! And fluffy! How did you get so fluffy!”

Trixie in turn growled angrily at the unwelcomed contact, getting the attention of the two other mares. “Trixie is NOT some plush toy to be handled. I have put up with enough indignity as is.”

Applejack was quick to pick up on her discomfort let out a loud whistle, “Pinkie, I don’t think Trixie appreciates being handled like that. Might be wise to stop.”

Fluttershy nodded, “Yes, while petting animals is fun, you should only do it when they enjoy it rather than trying to force it on them.”

The pink blur, quickly halted in place, revealing the titular party pony, who was still bouncing in place oddly enough. “Oh sorry. I thought big fluffy things liked being petted!”

A loud gasp quickly halted any retort Trixie might have had, revealing the pony to who not to long ago, Trixie had blamed for all her misfortunes, Twilight Sparkle, flanked by the remaining members of her group Rarity and Rainbow Dash.
“Hehe, looks like the Great and Powerful Trixie really let herself go.” Dash chuckled light, trying to avoid going into full on belly laughs at the mages condition.

“Honestly Rainbow Dash, must you be so uncouth. The poor dear has clearly suffered enough as is.”

Twilight however, remained silent, horrorstruck at the sight before her. “Is that really Trixie?”

Fluttershy turned to face Twilight with a sad smile , “Yes, though you shouldn’t worry too much Twilight, she seems to be taking it pretty well and is more than willing to wait until you make up a cure for her.” ..”

Twilight,still astounded looking Trixie’s body, only offered a half hearted nod., “Of course, I’ll do everything I can to find a cure. It's just...I mean whatever changed her must be some kind of very powerful magic.”

She went over to Trixie's side and took out a pair of scissors, offering a sheepish smile. “Um Trixie, I'm going to snip some fur so I can isolate a cure. Is that okay?”

Trixie simply offered a nod, not wanting to make the task any more difficult than needed. With a sigh of relief, the purple alicorn quickly cut off a patch of fur and placed it in a test tube.

Rarity meanwhile came in closer, still taken aback by the situation. “I must say, I still have a hard time believing this is the same stage magician from before. Are you sure it’s really Trixie?”

Said pony turned bear growled, making the fashionista jump in fright. Fluttershy only offered her friend an uneasy smile, trying to put her at ease. “Um, she’s still a little fussy about the situation, so, try to be a little more considerate.”

Trixie was tempted to simply crawl into her house and wait until a cure was found, she liked being a center of attention, but not like this. However, before she was given a jolt at sensation of Rarity feeling her fur, captively brushing her hooves across it. "Oh my, your fur is even softer than any of fabric I have in my boutique.”

The sudden compliment made the marebear forget her anger and turn red with embarrassment, almost let out a cute little squeek.

“Oh Trixie, darling, may I have a sample as well? I must find a way to make this myself.” Rarity pleaded, attempting to guilt Trixie with her doe eyes.

Trixie, hoping to end this odd encounter, shrugged, allowing Rarity to take out a pair of scissors and taking a sample of fur too. Then she turned down to the crinkling padding and waved a hoof with a blush? “Oh do you like it darling?”

Trixie blushed and gave the fashion pony a nod. Rarity clapped her hooves and squealed, “How wonderful! I made it out of the same material they use in diapers so I'm sure it'll keep you warm and clean.”

Pinkie laughed out loud shouting, “Oh wow Rarity! Maybe you should try to make Bear sized diapers too!”

Everypony snickered, though Trixie was about ready to roar in anger. THIS IS RIDICULOUS. I don’t care what Fluttershy says, Trixie is an adult AND SHE WILL BE TREATED WITH PROPER RESPECT!”

Unfortunately, a Rainbow Dash, ever the oblvious, flew up towards the bear’s massive face and cooed at her,”Daww is little Trixie hungry? Does she need her bottle?”

At that point, Trixie’s patience had officially been used up. Her vision turned red as she glared at the blue pegasus with more fury than a raging dragon, and without missing a beat let out an earth shattering roar. The sheer volume of the roar sent the cocky Pegasus crashing into the nearby ground, actually leaving a pegasus shaped indent in the earth. The other ponies quickly clammed up, with Rarity fainting at the sound.

However, Trixie didn’t even care anymore, “Trixie is through with this. She has been humiliated by all the ponies in town, kidnapped by an Ursa, forced to drink it’s milk for days on end, turned into a Ursa herself and now after all that, this Pegasus has the GAUL to mock Trixie’s suffering…....RAAAAAAA” Her thoughts quickly turned to pure anger, as she stomped towards Rainbow Dash’s hole, possibly to cause more pain.

However, she stopped at the sight of Fluttershy staring her down, a look of disappointment quickly dosing her anger and replacing it with fear.

“Young Lady, that is not how you behave when someone is laughing at you. I understand you are angry and what Rainbow did to you is wrong, but violence is not proper. Now apologize to Rainbow, right now.”

Trixie stared into Fluttershy’s eyes, completely unnerved by her gaze. She quietly turned to Dash and grumbled, “Sorry.”

The angry yellow pegasus then flew down and turned her gaze to Rainbow Dash. “I think you should apologize as well.”

The cyan colored pegasus rolled her eyes, quietly spitting some dirt from her mouth, before mumbling out. “Sorry. Geez, just having some fun.”

Fluttershy then turned to her friends and grinding a hoof into the padding underneath she whispered. “Now um...I don't want to be rude but...well... I need to make sure Trixie gets her sleep. If you don’t mind.”

Twilight nodded giving Trixie a motherly smile, “Alright Fluttershy, we’ll leave you two alone, she is only a baby Ursa Minor after all.”

Trixie furiously glared at the purple pony, only making the mares laugh as they left. Fluttershy then came over to the big bear, “It's okay Trixie, i'm sure you’ll get used to all the extra attention. Though, Twilight has a point you know.”

She then helped the Ursa Minor lay on her back as the yellow pegasus drifted a giant blue warm blanket over her. Trixie blushed at how comfortable it was, as she laid on the soft padding underneath her. She turned to Fluttershy while she was stroking her fur, “What a good girl. Now do you want something to suck on?”

Trixie’s expression quickly dried up, past experience making her afraid to answer. “Um….sure?”Fluttershy simply giggled at her hesitation, quickly producing an oversized blue pacifier with a amber nipple and plopped it in her mouth and cooed. “There you go, now I’ll be in my cottage if you need anything.”

The yellow pegasus flew off as Trixie gave her paci a suckle and blushed, realizing it reminded of the Ursa Major’s warm teats. After a few suckles, she snuggled underneath her , thick, warm blanket, enjoying the sensation. She laid there for a few minutes before turning to stare at her ceiling.

“Well this isn't going to be too bad. Fluttershy is really nice to Trixie and will help her. All I have to do is wait until Twilight makes a cure. That shouldn’t take too long?