• Published 23rd Aug 2017
  • 3,309 Views, 24 Comments

The Big and Cuddly Ursa Minor - Foal Star

After her defeat in Ponyville, Trixie accidently wanders into a cave with a Ursa Major. When she wakes the next day she finds herself adopted by the Beast. To make matters worse she eventually learns that her body is morphing into a Ursa Minor.

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Chapter 7: The Furious and Rampaging Ursa Major

While Trixie and Luna snuggled some miles away the Ursa Major was sleeping soundly in her cave, hugging her son close. She was breathing heavily, deep in her hibernation, yet despite her current state she instinctively reached out with a paw out to make sure her cubs were safe. Naturally, she felt her son curled around her, but she felt around for her second cub she realised something was missing. Despite her mind being all but shut down, it was awake enough to form the familiar image of a little, blue, female cub, whom she’d come to care for greatly. Thus her hand began to reach with greater urgency, trying to locate her other cub, to her growing awareness and panic, she couldn’t find her. Once realization hit, it hit...Hard. The Ursa’s bloodshot eyes, ripped open with momentary panic, roaring in anguish as she looked over every crack of the cave, hoping to find what she had lost. .

Her distress nearly turned to unkempt frustration and were it not for her still sleeping cub, she very well would have torn the cave and mountain apart from it’s foundations to find her adopted child.

Thankfully, having a moment to calm herself, her nose picked up the scent of her missing child, directing her to the cave’s exit.

Eager to find her, The Ursa slowly got onto all fours and pulled herself upward, grunting wearily, as her body had just woken up mid hibernation. Not deterred, she quietly tucked her still sleeping soon under a pile of leaves, being as careful as possible not to wake him. Offering a single kiss to the creature’s blue forehead, her expression made her intention clear. She would find her missing cub, and would tear through anyone or anything that got in her way.

Making her way towards the cave’s entrance, she slowly started to pick up speed, almost breaking into a run once she exited the mountain all together. The scent trail she could tell continued out into the forest beyond view, which she was quick to follow for several yards. However, it wasn’t long before another scent appeared alongside her cubs and it sent her concern to become uncaged anger. Ponies!

Now safely away from her son’s ears, the Ursa let loose an earth shattering roar, splintering trees all around and shaking the ground with the force of a hurricane. Eyes maddened with rage over the thought of her precious child being abducted, she zeroed in on the direction of the scene and charged forward like an avalanche, eradicating every tree, rock and anything else unfortunate to get in the way of her wrath.
She would have her baby, and heaven help the pony who took her.

All the while, completely unaware of the rampaging Ursa, drawing closer and closer to their location, Princess Luna found herself buried deep within Trixie’s fur, held close by the massive bear, as if the princess were a plushie. The Princess of the Night could only sigh in complete bliss, practically drifting off to dreamland amidst the comforting fur, the sight of which made the transformed Trixie chuckle at the irony. “Not long ago, Trixie was in this same situation and now things have come full circle, with Trixie as the ‘Mama,’ to a Princess no less. Though Trixie most certainly won’t be partaking in any breast feeding of any kind, that is something Trixie never wishes to revisit in any capacity.”

The sound of giggling outside, along with her own squeak of surprise, brought the currently cursed mare, to look outside of her makeshift hut. To her surprise, and mild annoyance, it was Fluttershy and Celestia, drinking tea while making passing glances at both her and the Princess still clinging to her, letting off a chuckle every now and again.

“You know, when Trixie dreamed of entertaining royalty. This isn’t even remotely close to what she’d hoped for.”

She started to growl, almost getting up to try and atleast get the two to stop chuckling at her state, only for Luna to hold onto the Ursa’s belly even tighter. Trixie blushed, stopping in her movements, as she looked at the Princess of the Night, still lost in her dreams. “Well, at least Luna is being more...respectful I suppose about the situation...and Trixie would be lying if she said she didn’t find the way she’s behaving a little adorable.” Honestly she was contemplating just laying back down and sleeping some more, Ursa’s were supposed to hibernate right now and she was gonna be stuck like this for a year anyway.

As she laid herself back down, Fluttershy and Celestia continued to observe the scene. “She seems to be adjusting to her situation well. I was honestly concerned she’d become emotionally unstable when I told her just how long she’d be like this.”

Fluttershy calmly sipped her tea, as a small number of her animal companions laid around them, enjoying the peace, not unlike Trixie. “I wasn’t worried. Despite her being in this unfortunate situation, she’s managed to mostly take it in stride. I know I wouldn’t be able to handle it as well as she has.” Fluttershy may have loved animals, but that didn’t mean she would be okay with just turning into one of them, much less forcibly and as...unconventionally as Trixie had.

Celestia however, giggled at the idea of Fluttershy as an Ursa, “That would certainly be an interesting sight. Hopefully, if things remain as they are, then the year should go by rather quickly and Trixie will be back to her old self again.”

The mention of “her old self” made Fluttershy recall when Trixie first arrived in Ponyville and her...less than respectable behavior, both regarding her ego and her constant posturing. “Well, maybe not quite her old self.”

Thankfully Celestia didn’t see cause to question any further and the two continued to sit in relative peace, only sounds being the wind, the birds, and the calm breathing of Trixie and Luna nearby.

However, their peace was short lived, as a loud roar, almost like a boom of thunder shook through the woods. As it continued, everything, the trees, the water, even Fluttershy’s hut, started to shake, as loud stomping sounds echoing throughout the area. The shaking and booming, quickly woke Trixie up, but once she heard the roar, she knew what was causing it.

“She’s coming.”

The Ursa Minor got up with a jolt, effectively shaking Luna off of her, waking her up in the process. “What is it? Are we under attack?”

Celestia’s gaze remained zeroed in on the forest, fully aware of what was happening. “No, but I fear in few moments we will be.” “yeah..that sounds like!?”

Fluttershy’s own expression turned to horror, both from her cup shaking and the roar that echoed on the wind. ”The Ursa Major its coming!”

Despite her voice barely being above a whisper, both Luna and Trixie could easily make it out, confirming Trixie’s fears for certain.

A loud crashing could be heard nearby, as the stomping grew louder. Not far in the distance, they could see the trees in the forest falling over, birds flying in every direction and the sight of glowing purple fur beneath the sea of foliage. It was only a matter of moments before the beast tore through the forest entrance and upon Fluttershy’s hut.

The ponies nearby watched in horror as the beast towered above them, showing off its massive size. The beast easily stood over the trees, blocking the sun with it’s giant furry body. As the mares gaped in horror the creature started to stomp slowly towards Ponyville with a fierce gaze, it's breathing now echoing throughout the village.

Anypony near the Everfree Forest started fleeing as Celestia, Fluttershy, Luna and Trixie just stood gaping at the massive creature. They might have stayed that way, had Twilight’s voice not snapped them out of it, as she ran towards the group, clearly unhappy at the situation. “Trixie! you said that the Ursa Major was hibernating!”

Trixie turned and shouted, “She was! Trixie is just surprised as all of you! Honestly, Trixie believed she was asleep!”

Rainbow Sash, just as angry, flew into Trixie’s face, “Yeah! I bet you lured here on purpose!”

Trixie growled at the pegasus, “Yes, because Trixie wanted to be reunited with the Ursa she spent several weeks trying to escape from.”

Fluttershy came up and stomped a hoof, “Rainbow Dash that’s enough. It’s not Trixie’s fault the Ursa is here. She more than likely found her way here by following Trixie’s scent along with mine.” Her gaze almost shifted into the infamous “Stare” calming the Rainbow Mare, as her attention turned to the Ursa Major. “Besides, right now we have more important things to worry about than assigning blame.”

Rainbow, managing a one eyes glared at the transformed, blue bear, let out a defeated huff, “Fine, but what are we gonna do. I mean look at that thing, it’s like a mountain suddenly grew arms and made the sky into a fur coat. How are we supposed to stop that!” Her hoof shot out in tn the direction of the rampaging bear.

Another roar, with wind force comparable to a hurricane, ripped through the trees, shattering several nearby windows into millions of glass shards that, were it not for the circumstances, might have been perceived as a beautiful sight.

Both Celestia and Luna agreed with the sentiment from Fluttershy, with Luna seeming more eager for a fight, her horn actually starting to glow blue with magic. “Tis been much a time, since I did battle with one of the great star bearers. Large though you maybe, I will not allow thee to continue to threaten my subjects.” Her horn’s tip started to shine brighter as she readied an attack spell, only for Celestia’s own outstretched hoof to block her advance.

“What are you doing sister? Surely you don’t expect us to simply stand here and allow that brute to rampage across the countryside?”

“Obviously, I would like nothing more than to avoid that. That is exactly why I stopped you. If you attack that creature, then violence will be our only option. And we’d need our combined power and possibly most of the Equestrian military to stop it. The damage and lives risked would be too numerous to count.”

Luna’s horn dimmed as the potential toll was quickly forming in her mind. “Noted, but what do you propose we do then? You know that Ursa won’t stop until it is given what he desires.”

Celestia’s gaze turned to Trixie and Fluttershy, both turning pale at what she was obviously implying, as they turned their gaze back to the rampaging Ursa, knowing what they would need to do.

The Ursa Major continued to make it’s anger known, stomping and roaring just barely outside of Ponyville, sending every resident fleeing in a panic, hiding their belongings and many bolting themselves inside their homes.

Trixie gulped looking at her as Celestia turned to Fluttershy. “Fluttershy, I understand this is a lot to ask of you and were the circumstances more favorable I wouldn’t ask at all. However, do you think you might be able to calm the Ursa, at least enough for Trixie to speak with her perhaps?”

Fluttershy gulped looking up at the beast in terror “I..I don’t know she seems really angry.”
The sight of the Ursa stomping onto a nearby and thankfully empty home, did little to help her confidence.

Thankfully, a familar presence stood beside her, the yellow pegasus seeing the equally terrified Trixie, standing with her, face showing what courage it could.

Emboldened, Fluttershy shakingly, stumbled her way towards the creature, who nose promptly twitched as the pegasus got closer, making her massive eyes quickly direct all her anger upon the pony. The pink haired pony could actually see herself, almost like she was trapped, in those deep, yellow pools of animalistic fury, the two red irises like a pair volcanic craters. A single glance as all it took for the Ursa to spot her and unleash a roar, that practically ripped the ground near the pony apart, as she started to charge upon her target, blinded by her anger.

Fluttershy shrieked, cowering in fear as Trixie stared up at the Ursa Major, now crashing towards the pair. Yet, despite Trixie being in plain sight, her presence did not quew the Ursa’s anger. Knowing what would happen if she didn’t act fast, the transformed pony jumped in front of her caretaker and roared as loudly as her underdeveloped vocal cords could allow.


The roar, while lacking the same hurricane like force of the Ursa Major, it was certainly loud enough to be heard all across Ponyville and into the Everfree. More than enough for the Ursa to recognize the sound, allowing the gaze of her massive eyes to widen enough to spot, the source of her strife and that which she sought.

The Ursa’s feet stopped in place, anger replaced with joy at the sight of the cub, eager to take her back. Though, it’s anger was far from gone, as it still growled at seeing her cub and the pony so close together and took a threatening step forward. However, Trixie roared again, more firmly this time.

“Trixie said, to stop. I won’t let you tear apart my friend or this town. This needs to end.”

The Ursa seemed confused, if only at Trixie referring to the pony as her friend,” her body languaging saying all that was needed.

Trixie, now having the Ursa’s attention, continued, “Trixie will not be returning with you. You were very kind to Trixie, but Trix...I am a pony. I belong with other ponies and I want to go back to being a pony.” Trixie spoke as firmly as she could, trying to make the message a clear as she possibly could.

The Ursa however, didn’t seem to quite get it, taking another step forward, while almost cooing at Trixie, almost like asking a foal to take it’s first steps into its mother’s hooves.

Trixie groaned and shouted, “I can’t! iIm sorry! Trixie thanks you for caring for her and being so nice. But Trixie is a pony and she has to stay in Ponyville. Can’t you please understand that?”

The Ursa only growled instead, now seeing Trixie as simply a misbehaving child and was starting to advance on her more quickly.

Trixie groaned, giving a pleading look over to Fluttery, and back at the Ursa Major glaring down at her. “If I go back,Trixie will be a Ursa Minor forever, but if I stay, she’ll more than likely destroy Ponyville.”. At this point she was running low on options, Luna and Celestia could potentially stop the Ursa, but that would risk all of Ponyville and the surrounding towns. Fluttershy likely couldn’t do anything, if just from the creature's size and her own fright, and talking already proved ineffective. Thus, that left her with one possible option. Mustering what little courage she had, Trixie took a step towards the Ursa Major. “Trixie will leave, just don’t destroy Ponyville.”

Everypony gasped, staring at Trixie, while the Ursa merely looked thrilled at the declaration, practically directly the young Ursa into her open arms.



A meek, but loud sounding voice caught the attention of all present, as a small yellow and pink dot found it’s way in front of the Ursa’s massive eyes. It was Fluttershy, glaring directly into the practically lake sized eyes of the Ursa.

“Now listen, please Ms. Ursa. I know you think that Trixie is your cub, but I can assure you she’s not. She’s a pony, and a pony with her own family and her own mother, who would probably be worried about her and miss her terribly if she stayed with you.”
This seemed to get through, atleast partially to the Ursa, while Trixie herself briefly flashed to memories of her own mother. “In all the drama, I’d completely forgotten about my own mother...I wonder what she would say if she knew about this.”

Fluttershy all the while, did her best to talk down the massive, star colored titan. “You’re a mother and I’m sure you can understand how painful it would be for a parent to lose their child and never see them again. Would you really do that to another parent, simply to make yourself happy? What if that happened to you?”

The Ursa’s massive eyes widened again, honestly thinking about what would happen if such a thing came to be. Yet her eyes continued to drift towards Trixie, to which Fluttershy offered, a sympathetic pat near the nose.

“I understand how you must feel. Though if you like, Trixie may still come and visit you from time to time. If she’d be willing to do so?”

Both pairs turned their attention to Trixie, whose thoughts had drifted to her own family life, before looking at the Ursa, and did her best to respond. “Trixie does not wish to abandon you or anything of that nature. And Trixie would love to visit you and the cub from time to time. I just want to go back to being a pony and live my life again. So please, let me go.”

The massive Ursa didn’t make a sound at first, before it took a long step towards Trixie, lowering it’s head until they were at eye level, to which Trixie could see the fate sign of tears, before it quietly nuzzled it’s large purple cheek against Trixie’s blue fur, a gesture she returned in kind

They quietly separated after a moment with Trixie looking the Ursa in the eye with a loving smile, as she planted a kiss on the creature’s massive snoot. “Despite everything that happened. Trixie was glad to have you as a mother, even if it was for a short time….and against her will, but still, thank you.”

The Ursa let off a sad moan as it slowly changed direction, heading back into the Everfree Forest to return to it’s child and hibernation. Both Trixie and Fluttershy simply watching as she slowly disappeared into the deep woods, offering one last glance before she left.

Once she was out of sight, a sense of relief feel over all those present, none more so that Fluttershy and Trixie, who practically collapsed next to each other.

Fluttershy, managed to work up enough strength however, to hug Trixie’s forearm with pride, “That was amazing Trixie. You finally stood up to her.”

“That she did, I guess I can actually say I did defeat an Ursa Major this time around. Maybe not in the traditional sense, but still.” Both shared a chuckle at the call back to their first encounter, but Trixie’s eyes stayed on the forest line, still able to catch glimpses of shaking trees and patches of purple fur amidst the sea of green.

“Though, this time, I think I’ll keep this story between us. I’ve had enough bad luck as a result of my incessant bragging.”

Fluttershy only chuckled at the comment, Celestia and Luna similarly following suit. “I must say Trixie, it would seem you’ve grown a fair amount from this experience. Seems being turned into an Ursa has some advantages after all.”

Trixie’s expression tuned flat, as she let out hollow chuckles at the Princess’s humor, “Yes, well. Regardless of those advantages, I can’t wait to turn back to my former self and start performing again.”

“Well, don’t be too impatient, you’re still going to have to wait a year.” Celestia’s eyes turned to Fluttershy who was still clinging to Trixie, while noticing several of the caretaker’s animals making themselves comfortable around her as well. “Though, by the look of things you’ll hardly even notice the time and it’ll only be a matter of moments before you’re a pony again.”

Seeing how the crisis was averted, both Princesses felt it was best to return to Canterlot, while Twilight continued to work on the cure for Trixie.

As they prepared to leave, via their chariots, Celestia offered one last glance at Trixie, “In the meantime, I’d also suggest having some fun with your new appearance. After all there are some benefits to this situation, best to enjoy them while you can.”

Trixie only nodded while Fluttershy, having released her arm, had climbed up the Ursa’s back and onto her shoulder. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she won’t just be sitting around all day. I plan to make this whole year as enjoyable for her as possible.”

Both Princesses nodded at the statement, and boarded their chariots, “Then I think you are in good hooves Trixie. I wish you well and hope to see you in the foreseeable future.”

“Indeed, I had much fun with you this day Trixie. I fully intend to return within the next few fortnights. I wish to experience even more fun in the weeks to come.”

With one last word the princesses left. Leaving Fluttershy and Trixie, behind. Once the two were out of sight, the pair promptly collapsed in a heap. Trixie laying flat on her belly, with Fluttershy perched on her back.

Both were out like lights, exhausted from their experience with the Ursa and fine with spending their now first stress free day together, simply sleeping under the sky. It would be the first of many days they would spend together and if this day was any indication it would be a fun year to be had.

Comments ( 4 )

this was a good read

Whoa... This was something I did not expect but, after reading it, really should have seen coming. No mother, sleeping or not, would ever make the mistake of missing a child. "Mother Senses" are unexplainable but super powerful and very capable of overriding a lot of other instincts, emotions, etc.

Quite the well written action sequence. You definitely made that Ursa Major come off as a force to not be taken lightly. Princess Luna, still newly returned to normal, would definitely be all for battle while Celestia would have long been used to calculating such risks. I also liked how Trixie rose to the occasion until Flutters finally gained her courage to do what she needed to do. Nicely done!

If this is the end I do feel it a great ending. I'm also interested in how the time as an Ursa may impact whether-or-not the events of "Magic Duel" will ever come to pass. It seems this whole situation has reformed Trixie quite well.

Wow, this is an unexpected gem of a story and I would LOVE to see a sequel or a follow-up of sorts to it as well. Amazing job!

I agree I would like to see Trixie putting on a show for the Ursa both major and minor

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