• Published 15th Sep 2017
  • 2,048 Views, 71 Comments

Baby Hoity Toity in Manehatten - Foal Star

Hoity Toity is suddenly turned into a foal, and his collection of foal clothes went missing. Now he'll have to go to Manehatten and win a foal fashion show with the help of Rarity.

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Prolouge: Another foal!

Applejack and Zecora were waiting for a carriage outside their house. Zecora was bouncing up and down, bursting with excitement as she scanned the skies and babbling. “When is Cadence comin?!”

Applejack cooed, “Don't worry, sugarcube, they’ll be here soon.” Just as she said that a chariot flew down from they sky, with a pink coated alicorn and three toddlers bouncing in their seats, they were white in color with blue eyes and tiny blue manes. The carriage stopped near the house as the alicorn checked their pull-ups and cooed, “Just a little wet, but we can get you three changed a bit later. Remember to come and get me if you feel you need to go, okay?” All three shouted back at the mare, “Otay!” as she unstrapped them, and they all ran towards Applejack and bounced around in their pull-ups shouting. “Can we pway with Zecowa now?! Pwease?!”

Applejack giggled. “Hold on, let me get her down.” Applejack settled Zecora next to them, she blushed and babbled at the older foals, “Hi, I Zecowa.”

The three giggled, even the goofy one with a pull-up with moons and stars all over it. He was nervous as he scrunched his slightly wet pull-up and babbled, “Hewwo, I Cannon Fetha and I dun usuawwy pee my puww-up I awmost potty twained.”

A stern little colt named came up next, and puffed out his chest and his pull-up which had cute little smiling suns all over it, as he babbled, “I Bucket Bwidwe, I two yeaws and eight months owd, and I awmost potty twained too. In fact, I the fathwest awong out of aww of us.”

Next was a drowsy looking little colt who smacked his lips and yawned, his pull-up was clearly soaked with little fading blue shields decorating it, as he babbled, “I Bwight Wing and I in potty twainin’ too,” He yawned again and smacked his lips. “Sowwy I tiwed, I just woke up fwom my nappy.”

Zecora giggled. “Yaeah, I know how ya feew. I awways feww tat way aftew my nappies.”

Cannon Feather was curious about the little zebra, coming close to her diaper and poking it innocently with a hoof as he babbled, “So how owd awe ya, did ya get wegwessed?”

Zecora replied. “I one yeaws owd afta a mix of potions spiwwed on me, but I stiww gots some of my adwt memowies. Wha about ya thwee?”

Bucket Bridle sat on hs padding as he blushed. “We used to be woyaw guawds unitw Nightmawe Moon wegwessed us to two and a hawf, basicawwy weaving us with noting to fight.”

Bright Wing turned to the alicorn mare, who was bringing out a large diaper bag as he waddled over and asked. “Mommy, ya need hewp?”

The mare turned and replied. “Oh no, I got it. But thank you anyway champ in the making.”

Bright Wing replied back. “Weww, jus twew me if ya need anythin’. Daddy said I gots to hewp ya and be ta big cowt.”

The mare dawwed and nuzzled him. “Well tell your daddy, that next time he should come and help me himself. I may be a foalsitter, but he needs to do his part too.” She then checked his pull up as the little one blushed and apologized, “Sowwy, I couwdn howd it on ta twip hewe. I weawwy twied”

But the mare just cooed, “That’s okay. Come on, let's get your soggy butt changed.” Bright Wing beamed as he nuzzled her leg. He giggled. “Otay, Cady.” He placed a kiss on her muzzle, as she led him to Applejack, who blushed at the princess.

The mare held out a hoof and greeted, “You must be Applejack. I’m Princess Cadence, nice to meet you.”

Applejack nodded with a smile and took out her hoof, “Yeah, it's nice ta meet you. Zecora’s been lookin’ forward to this vist.” Applejack then led Princess Cadence and the toddlers inside.

Cadence looked around, seeing the toys and plushies laid about, with a playpen and a small bookshelf filled with picture books. The princess cooed. “Oh this is wonderful, you’ve really made quite a home for Zecora.”

Applejack smirked. “Yeah, it does the job of keepin’ the little sugarcube busy. I gotta say, it’s wonderful to meet ya in public after all the stories Twilight’s told about you.”

They sat down and watched the little ones play, with Zecora looking over her toys with curiosity. Cannon Feather picked up a stuffed doll and asked. “Who is tis?”

Zecora swiped it back, hugging it close. “Is a pwushie of Uncwe Big Mac.”

Bucket Bridle babbled. “Wow, ya gots a uncwe?”

Zecora nodded, “Yeah, he ta best uncwe evew! He supa nice and woves to pway with me.”

Cannon Feather bounced up and down babbling. “Wew, fow me and Bucket Bwidwe, Shining Awmoa is wike a uncwe, a bettew one tan my own. And he’s Bwight Wing’s daddy.”

Bright Wing nodded. “Yeah, he my daddy. He said I gots to be ta big cowt and hewp Cady today. And tat’s just wha I gonna do.”

Zecora giggled, not knowing who this “Hoity Toity” was. “Oh weawwy? How ya goin ta do tat?”

Bright Wing shrugged, squished his pull up, and blushed. “Wew fiwst I showd get changed, guess I gonna get a smiley face today.”

Bucket Bridle stood up in pride. “Yeah, I onwy gots smiley faces and check mawks aww week, not one big accidwnt. I even did a poopie in the big potty with Cady’s hewp the othew day!”

Zecora clapped in delight. “Wow, ya thwee awe so coow! It sounds wike potty twainin is exciting. I can’t wait tiw I owd enough fow it!”

Cannon Feather nodded. “Yeah, it is. We gots cawendaws tat tew us how good we doin’. I stiww gets a fwony face once in a whiwe, but Mama Wuna said I doin weawwy wew stiww. Tats why I in puww-ups now.”

Zecora blushed seeing them start to waddle about and she babbled. “I stiww in diapees. Bu I can tew when I wet ow mess mysewf now. Bu Appwejack says I gotta wait fow a twaining potty, whatevew tat is.”

Cannon Feather waddled over and hugged Zecora. “It's otay, we dun cawe if ya in diapees. Ya stiww owa fwiend, us wegessed ones gotta stick togethew.”

Bright Wing nodded as he waddled off over to Cadence and Applejack, and tugged on Cadence's leg babbling. “Cady, can ya change me now? My diapee’s stawting to get cowd.”

Cadence turned and smiled. “Oh of course, little Bright Wing. In fact, Applejack and I were just discussing your potty training,” He blushed as she cooed, “Oh, dont worry. I told her how well you've been doing, and that you only have accidents on trips or at night. But Applejack promised Rarity to try out her designs tonight at a fashion show. So I thought that, just for today, you and your friends should wear diapers so we don't have to keep taking you to the potty, especially if you have to go in the middle of the show.”

Bucket Bridle and Bright Wing gave each other nervous looks, as Bucket Bridle babbled. “But I onwy gots two peepee oopsies, and I got a smiley face sticka. If I weaw a diapee, ten I gonna get a fwony face today.”

Applejack couldn’t help but giggle. “Oh, Celestia has a potty trainin’ calender for you?”

Cadence nodded and explained. “Yeah, it was Shining’s idea actually in order to help motivate them. He says his parents did it for him and Twilight. Basically, they get a check mark if they have no accidents, a smiley face for a few accidents, and a frowny face for big accidents. But like I said, they're doing really well. I don't think a day in diapers will hamper their progress.”

The colts all turned to Zecora building a tower without a care in the world, as her diaper loudly crinkled. And Bright Wing nodded, “Otay, let's do it! I dun mind, itww be nice not to have to go to ta potty fow one day. Puww-ups awe fun, but having to ask to use the potty is hawd ‘cause sometimes I dun know I have to go til is awmost too wate.”

Cannon Feather chirped. “Ya, its fine. I wana weaw a diapee! It's been foweva since Mommy wet me weaw one! As wong as I dun mess in it, I’ww be fine.”

But Bucket Bridle was still unsure, “I dun know...I dun want Mmama Tia to get mad at me. I wanna get aw smiwey faces and check mawks.”

Cadence dawwed, picking the unsure colt up. “It's okay, I'll tell Celestia and she'll understand. After all, she’s my aunt.” She nuzzled him, and then she set the three down, started taking off their pullups, and cleaned them with foal wipes.

Applejack took out a pack of “silly filly” diapers, and helped powder them and started strapping the foals up. They giggled and blushed as they were helped up and with their back legs spread outward due to the excess padding.

Cannon Feather giggled, shaking the big pink diaper. “These aw so coow! Tey wike ta biggest diapees I've evea wown.”

Bucket Bridle wasn’t too pleased though, and he whined. “Why do tey gots to be pink?!”

Bright Wing poked his and babbled, “Tey fine, we gonna be dwy ta whowe time we at ta fashion show. Ouw puww-ups wouwd pwobaby weak.”

Applejack nodded. “Right, and don’t you worry, if you can hold it til the end of the fashion show, ya can still use the potty if you want. Now come on, we better get goin’,” She then helped Cadence help Zecora into her stroller. Packing a diaper bag she added, “Cadence, you’re goin’ to be sittin’ next to Hoity Toity. I'm sure ya’ve met before.”

Cadence shook her head, “I’ve heard of him, but never had the pleasure.”

Cannon Feather rolled his eyes, mumbling. “I dun wana see Hoity Toity.”

Cadence turned and asked Cannon Feather, “Why not, sweetie?”

Cannon Feather looked up and replied, “Weww, he not mean, but he’s gonna make fun of me fow weawin pink diapees, espicawwy since I supposed to be in potty twaining.”

Cadence cooed and reassured him, “Don’t worry, sweetie, you’re a little colt and you can wear whatever you want. If he says anything mean, I'll snap back at him for picking a fashion fight with a foal. Sound fair to you?”

Cannon Feather nodded as Applejack spoke up. “Alright, come on! Let’s get goin’!”

All were escorted outside, Applejack and Cadence pushing the stroller towards the center of town, where a stage had been set up.

Rarity (who was super nervous if the expression on her face was any indication) came up to Applejack, and gazed upon Cadence and shouted. “P...Princess Cadence, you're here!” She immediately bowed in respect.

The princess nodded and laughed. “Of course I’m here, Applejack and I set up a playdate for our foals and it seems your fashion show just happened to fall on the same date. I apologize in advance, and there’s really no need for you to bow.”

Rarity reluctantly got up, but she was sweating profusely and started stuttering. “Oh... now…. now I..I think Twili..Twilight mentioned that...I’m just um… happy seeing an alicorn princess here at my fashion show...It’s more than I could ask for.”

Applejack just rolled her eyes, “Yeah, yeah, let’s get this over with. Don’t mind me tryin’ on my new work duds?”

Cadence smirked and giggled, “Work duds, for a fashion show?”

Rarity nervously waved a hoof, “Oh don’t mind that, we have it all ready backstage. Just go on and get dressed, Applejack, darling.”

Applejack shrugged, as she went over to Zecora and nuzzled her. “Now you be a good girl for Cadence, okay Zecora.”

The baby zebra nodded and babbled, “Otay, Mama, I wiww. Dun wowwie.” As Applejack walked off, Cadence turned to Rarity and asked, “Well, it seems we have a spot next to Hoity Toity, where will he be?”

Rarity shrieked! “Hoity Toity?! Where?!”

The princess of love blinked in surprise, “Um, he’s not here yet. I was just told I’d be sitting next to him.”

Rarity squealed in delight! “Oh how wonderful! Yes, darling, you’ll be sitting at the front of the stage, to get the best view of course. Hoity Toity should be seated in that same location”

Cadence nodded, and as she pushed Zecora’s stroller to where Rarity had pointed at, the princess turned and replied, “Hey, Rarity, don’t be so nervous. I’m sure your outfits turned out just fine.”

Rarity gave a fake hearty laugh and cooed, “Oh, don’t worry about me, darling. Now just get settled in and enjoy the show... I’d better...um... get behind stage.” And she galloped off as Cannon Feather babbled, “I dun tink she fine, besides who weaws wowk duds fow fashion?”

Zecora bounced in her stroller as she giggled. “Wew, I weaw diapees fow fahsion.”

Bright Wing giggled, bouncing on his thick padding. “Yeah! I bet we ta cutest foaws in any Equestwia fashion show, and cowd get fiwst pwace!

Bucket Bridle just plopped on his diaper and scoffed. “Yeah wight, we not tat cute.” He then rolled backwards onto his back, revealing his thickly padded rump and making Cadence daww, “Oh Bucket Bridle, I think you just won first prize.” and making all the foals squeal in laughter. Cadence took Zecora out of her stroller and let her snuggle deep into her pink fur, as the toddlers toddled over and all nuzzled together, looking up and waiting as the crowds of ponies began to appear.

As night finally fell, Cadence was busy playing patty cake with the foals, and ponies all over were cooing and dawwing at the adorable scene. That was when they heard a high class stallion speak up. “What is everypony staring at?” A bunch of ponies gasped as they backed away, to see a very familiar looking (at least to Cadence) stallion strutting up to Cadence as he gasped, “Princess Cadence?! What in Equestria are you doing here?! Shouldn’t you be in Canterlot?!”

Cadence blushed. “Oh hello, Hoity Toity. I’m just here to foalsit, actually.”

The stallion lowered his sunglasses to peer at the foals, and then spotted Cannon Feather, who blushed as he tried to hide his pink diaper, making Hoity Toity chuckle, “Oh, is that you, Cannon Feather?”

Cannon Feather nodded as he reluctantly babbled. “Hi Hoity Toity.”

Hoity Toity laughed as he came over, scooped up Cannon Feather, and snuggled him. “Oh, it’s so great to see you! I would've came to see you earlier, but I've been so busy with everypony in fashion showing me their latest works for the Grand Galloping Gala.”

Canon Feather turned his head and whimpered. “It’s oaty. I wathwa ya not see me wike tis.”

Hoity set Cannon Feather down as he cooed, “Oh come now, you think I would judge you for being a foal? I’m very proud of you risking your life to protect Princess Celestia, even more so that you tried to do it even after you ended up back in diapers. If anything, I was actually thinking of doing you and your friends a favor.”

The other two toddlers perked up! “Weawwy, wike what?!”

Hoity turned and smiled, “Well, not many know this, but in Manehattan every year, there is a grand foal fashion show, showing the latest trends in foal ware. I was going to win this year’s competition and beat my competitor from Saddle Arabia. And I thought I’d give you three the first pick of what you want from the best line of foal fashion in Equestria!”

Both Bright Wing and Cannon Feather squealed in delight! “Tat sounds awesome!” But Bucket Bridle pouted. “I dun know about bein dwessed up. Tia awedady makes me weaw embeawssin stuff fow the awbums.”

Hoity laughed as he reassured Bucket Bridle. “Oh, don’t worry. You can pick what you want, Bucket Bridle.”

Zecora, feeling left out, got up and waddled over and asked. “Wha about me? Can I get cute foaw cwothes too?”

Hoity turned. “Oh of course!” He replied with a smile. “Are you a friend of Cannon Feather’s?”

Zecora nodded and babled, “Yeah, I Zecowa. We became fwiends a few howas ago.”

Hoity smirked as he lowered his sunglasses, looking Zecora over before he replied, “Well, Zecora, it’s nice to meet you. Fitting a baby zebra could be a challenge, but I’m sure we can find something suitable for a little one like you.”

Zecora blushed. “Wew tanks mista Hoity Hoity. I suwe I’ww wove whateva ya make. I heawd ya a fashion masta.”

Hoity waved a hoof. “I don’t know if I’m all that, but I'm definitely one of the top rated ponies in the fashion world. Even Prim Headline is nothing compared to me.”

Cannon Feather giggled. “Ya neva changed, Hoity Toity, ya stiww a snob.”

Cadence turned and asked. “So, Cannon Feather, you really did know Hoity Toity?”

Hoity Toity turned to Cadence and explained. “Oh yes, we knew each other from school. In fact, I had him model some suits I designed in my early years. Not only that, I helped him learn how to dress and act with the nobles of Canterlot.”

Cannon Feather blushed and babbled, “Yeah, I was his modew fow bits, so I couwd go buy donuts fwom Donut Joe.”

Hoity laughed playfully. “How outrageous! It seems maybe you always were a foal at heart!”

Cannon Feather smirked at his friend. “Oh yeah?! Wew at weast I dun gots tat cwazy mane, wike wha ya thinking?! It wooks wike a giant scoop of ice cweam feww on ya head.”

Hoity brushed his mane and lightly scoffed. “Oh, I've always considered my mane to be magnificent when grown out. Besides, at least I'm toilet trained.”

Then Cannon Feather babbled. “Ya awe now, but fwom what ya mommy towd me, ya wasn’ potty twined untiw ya was five and a hawf because ya was so scawed of ta potty!”

Hoity blushed as the ponies around him started giggling, and he whispered. “Um, Cannon Feather, please don't spout about that stuff. It’s so embarassing.”

Cannon Feather giggled. “You mean wike how ya used to have a teddy beaw named Mw. Bowtie and dwessed him up in cute wittwe suits? Tat actuawy sounds wike awot of fun.”

More laughter followed suit, but suddenly the lights flicked on and a jazzy song started floating through the air, as Hoity Toity gasped in relief, “Oh, thank Celestia, the show’s starting.” And he clapped his hooves, a stallion by the name of Dr. Whooves came up and placed a silky red pillow on the ground. Hoity then plopped right onto the poor doctor’s face making his gasp, “I can’t breathe!”

Hoity Toity turned around and got up, realizing his mistake. “I do apologize for that, my good sir.” He tipped the stallion with a bag of bits, Doctor Whooves just took the bag and grumbled as he stomped off, making the foals giggle.

Then all present heard a voice (which most knew was Spike, Twilight’s number one assistant), Since the beginning of time, the elite of Equestria have longed for pony fashions that express the very essence of their souls. Waiting decades, no centuries, for the perfect pony gown. Today at long last, Equestria, your wait is over!” Then the curtain rose up, revealing five shadowy outlines of ponies. “Let's hear it for the breathtaking designs of Ponyville’s own...Rarity!”

The mysterious ponies began to walk onto the stage. Twilight in her star filled cloak, Applejack in her “colorful” work duds, Fluttershy wearing a flower gown and a bird nest on her head, Rainbow Dash’s stylish armor with rainbow streaks, and Pinkie Pie’s colorful suit with a yellow bowtie and a large cupcake on her head.

Then a foal’s voice shouted out. “Oh tose amatuwist designs wook wike a piece of piwed on mis mash of evewytin’ bu ta kitchen sink!”

Everypony around turned towards where Hoity Toity was, and gasped, covering their mouths as Cadence turned, eyes growing wide at what she saw! Where Hoity Toity once sat was a little tiny foal with a little white mane and tail poking out from his tiny chubby rump. The colt got up, waving his hoof, unaware of everypony gawking at him. “It’s a twavesty is wha it is! Tose outfits awe ta ugwiest tings I eva seen! Oh fow shame!” He remarked.

But nopony was paying any attention to Rarity’s crazy designs, instead staring at the tiny colt whose sunglasses suddenly fell from his face as he blinked at them and whispered, “Wha?” He then looked around at everypony giving him worried looks, yet he had to look up as they towered over him and he babbled, “Wha..wha, why is evewypony bigga..an..and why ya awe wookin at me wike tat?”

Cadence came up to him slowly cooing, “Mr. Hoity Toity, sir...Um, I’m going to explain this the only way I know how. Um..you...you...turned into a foal.”

Hoity shouted. “Nu uh, no way!” He then turned to his sunglasses and stared at his own reflection, with his chubby face and body, and big blue eyes staring back at him. He backed up in shock at what he saw, then he heard a hisss and looked down to see a puddle of urine forming at the base of his hooves and babbled, “Tis..tiss isn’ weaw I..I…” And he suddenly fell backwards, blacking out!