• Published 15th Sep 2017
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Baby Hoity Toity in Manehatten - Foal Star

Hoity Toity is suddenly turned into a foal, and his collection of foal clothes went missing. Now he'll have to go to Manehatten and win a foal fashion show with the help of Rarity.

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Chapter 2: New challenges for Rarity

Rarity, with the soaked Hoity Toity in tow, went back to her room to finish changing the foal. She placed him on a changing mat and started untaping the soggy diaper, grimacing at the smell of urine that wafted from it. She gagged and slowly started to wipe the foal’s rump and cleaned it up well as she whispered. “Oh how does Applejack do this everyday? It’s so gross!” She finished wiping him down, then grabbed the powder and started to rub it all over Hoity Toity’s rump as he stirred, still sleeping. A little hiss came from him as a faint trace of urine leaked out, and Rarity jumped back, gasping! “Oh Hoity Toity, that's so gross!”

The little foal woke and babbled. “Whas goin’on?” He looked down at himself, blushing in realization. “Oh, ya changing my diapee.”

Rarity blushed and nodded in spite of what had just happened. “Um yes, I'm trying to. It's a lot harder than it looks. It has been years since I’ve done this.”

Hoity Toity whimpered. “Yeah, used diapees awe gwoss. I sowie, Wawity, I can twy changing mysewf.”

Rarity came over, cooing. “Oh, it's fine darling. And no foal I know can change themselves, not even Cannon Feather. Now, I’ll...um finish up here.” She continued wiping him as he babbled, “So, it was just a soggy diapee?”

“Yes, luckily it was just that.” Rarity remarked.

Hoity groaned. “Oh, I don't want ya chaning my stinky diapees. Tey nasty!”

Rarity just sighed. “I’m not looking forward to that either, darling, but I did promise to look after you, and that’s exactly what I’m going to do.” She continued to wipe the urine from his coat and continued taping the foal up in a new diaper.

Toity kicked about with little puffs of foal powder poofing through the leg holes. He commented, “Ya puts awot on. My mommy says my fuw and skin is sen..sen...sensitive.”

Rarity couldn’t help but giggle at that remark. “Yes, darling. And thanks to me, you won't have any nasty diaper rashes.”

Toity nodded and replied. “Tank you, Wawity..” His voice trailed off as Rarity asked. “What is it Hoity Toity?”

Hoity Toity looked up and babbled, “Wew, I was tinking tat you can hewp me with somthin’.”

“Like what, darling?” Rarity asked the foal.

Hoity Toity turned to the dress on the ponyquin and replied, “Wew, I see tat you weawwy good with sewing, so I was wondering if ya can hewp make foaw cowthes fow ta competition in Manehattan. I pwomice when I tuwn back into a big pony, I’ww pay ya weww.”

Rarity cooed, “Oh, well that does sound exciting, but um...I did promise my friends I would make them dresses for the Grand Galloping Gala, so I’ve got a lot on my plate as it is.”

Hoity Toity chuckled. “So ta designs ya nade ta otha day wewn’te what ya had in mind?”

Rarity sighed again. “Not really. I know with your turning into a foal most ponies forgot about that disaster of a fashion show last night. Still, I think I should at least try to make up for it. Cover or no cover, my friends need proper dresses.”

Hoity babbled in agreement, “Otay, when ya done finishing ya fwiends dwesses, ten we can make ta foaw cwothes. I’ww teach ya evewthin I can wememba, even how ta compensate fow the diapee. Hopwfuwwy aw my memowies didn go away too when I wegessed.”

Rarity nuzzled him. “Of course, darling, that would be splendid, but we should get going. I promised Twilight I’d look you over today. She’s trying to narrow down what spell was used that changed you into a foal.” Rarity then went over to a fancy foal buggy with a purple hood and a basket underneath, with white frills lining the seat. Hoity Toity gasped! “Wow! Ya gonna push me awound in tat?!”

Rarity blushed and waved a hoof, “Well, darling, you are Hoity Toity. I wasn't going to push you around in any old foal buggy.”

Toity sighed at the loss of dignity that would come with getting into that stroller. “Wew, awight I guess. Bu wets twy not to attwact too much attention. I dun wan a wot of ponies seeing me in diapees.”

Rarity nodded, picked him up, and placed him carefully in the foal buggy while nuzzling him. “Okay cutie, now come on, let's get going,” She then looked up the stairs and shouted, “Cannon Feather, we’re going to Twilight’s!”

Canon Feather squealed back. ”Awight! I commin’!” He jumped down the stairs wiggling his diapered tush.

Hoity giggled. “Aw, thewe ya awe. Did ya buiwd a towa?”

Cannon Feather nodded, ”Yeah, I buiwt a big towa! And hopefuwy it doesn’ faw whiwe we awe gone.”

Rarity cooed yet again, stroking Cannon Feather’s mane. ”Okay darling, well we’d better get going, come on.” And she pushed Hoity Toity out the door as Cannon Feather toddled behind.

Twilight was examining the red pillow with intense scrutiny, going over it with her horn and rotating it in her magic while whispering. “Something is here, I know it is.”

Spike came down the stairs as he commented, “Come on, Twilight, you've been staring at the pillow for hours.”

Twilight responded by grunting, “Maybe if ponies stop turning into babies, I can finally get some rest. Until then, I need to find out what’s causing all of this.”

Then they heard a knock and Twilight came over, opening the door. Cannon Feather squealed. “Twiwight!” He rushed up to her as she blushed. “Oh, hello Cannon Feather, how are you doing?”

Cannon Feather giggled, “I doin gweat! I swept ova at Wawity’s, and buiwt a big towa, and pwayed with hew dwessies.”

Rarity squeaked in surprise! “You what?!”

Cannon blushed. “I sowie,” He apologized. “I put one on and pwayed awound in it. I just wanted to see how it feews. I didn’t wip it ow anyting.”

Twilight sighed. “Canmon Feather, next time you need to ask before you play with something, ok?”

Cannon nodded and babbled. “Otay, I wiww.”

Then Twilight turned to Hoity Toity, who was blushing and trying to hide his diaper. Twilight brought him close with her magic, and hugged him while rubbing his soft fur. “Hey cutie, how are you doing?”

He snuggled Twilight's fur, “I doin gweat. Wawity’s been weawwy nice and hewpfuw. She even changed my diapee.”

This made Twilight laugh a bit, before Rarity quickly interrupted. “So, Twilight, did you find anything about what changed Hoity into a foal when he sat on that pillow?”

Twilight looked up with a bright smile. “Yes I did! I think I’m onto something here!” She lifted the red pillow to their faces and continued, “This silk, according to my research, comes from Saddle Arabia.”

“So what does that mean?” Spike asked.

Twilight turned to face Spike, “Well, from what I've read about Hoity Toity, he has a rival named Silky Padding.”

Spike laughed out loud, and even Cannon Feather and Hoity Toity struggled to keep from giggling. “That's his name?!”

Twilight blushed, barely resisting the urge to laugh herself. “Yeah, funny, huh? But that's not all, he's world famous for his line of cloth diapers from Saddle Arabia, and he owns many companies that make foal clothes. If anything, it's a market that Hoity Toity just got into, or was looking to get into.”

“So you think he thought Hoity Toity was competition, so turned him into a foal and took his foal clothes?” Spike concluded.

Twilight hesitantly answered. “Who knows? But we need more evidence, for now all of that is nothing more than a strange coincidence. Unless we go to the competition in Manehattan to learn more that is.”

Hoity Toity sighed, “Tats ta pwobwem. Without a wine up, I dun tink weww be abwe to entew. And mine was stowen.”

Twilight turned to Rarity and blushing she asked. “Rarity...d...do you think you can make a foal clothes line up?”

Rarity blushed and waved a hoof. “Oh darling, to be perfectly honest with you… I don't know. I’ve never done foal clothes before. Besides what should I even make?”

Hoity Toity turned and explained. “Wew, fow ta competition: Ya gots to make a onesie fow both cowts and fiwwes, a bwand of diapees fow both cowts and fiwwies, a foaw suit, a dwess fow owda fiwwies, puwwups fow foaws in potty twaining, and ta finaw wound wiw be a costume fow nightmawe night fow both wittwe cowts and wittwe fiwwes.”

Cannon Feather giggled. “Wow, tats awot! Wooks wike Wawity gots a wot of wowk ta do.”

Rarity stammered and her right eye twitched nervously. “I...I dont know, darlings. I mean, how much time do I have?”

Hoity tried counting on his hooves. “1...2..um...3…” He trailed off, struggling to remember what came after three.

Twilight couldn’t help but daww at the scene, then she quickly corrected. “Oh, don’t worry about that, Hoity, It's in a week from now.”

Rarity gasped and shrieked! “A week! I..I don’t know if that’s enough time.”

“How about you ask Fluttershy for help?” Twilight suggested. “She seems to know a thing or two about sewing from what Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie tell me.”

Hoity bounced up and down, making his diaper crinkle adorably. “I can hewp ya with ta designs! I can modew ta cowt stuff, bu we need a fiwwy to modew too.”

Twilight giggled. “What about Zecora?” She suggested.

Hoity Toity nodded. “Yeah, Zecowa wowd be pewfect!”

Rarity stammered. “W..well I’m still unsure about all of this. I mean, as much as I would love to make foal clothes if only for the experience, I only have a week.”

Hoity turned, his little mind driven with determination that was reflected in his eyes! “Ten I’ww hewp too! I gonna need to wite some wettas to my fwiends and get theiw wumps down hewe! But I do understand tat tis is awot to ask, so if ya don't want to do tis, tats fine.”

Cannon Feather and Hoity Toity then looked up at Rarity with puppy dog eyes. Reluctantly, she sighed. “Alright, I'll try. But I'm not promising anything”

Hoity bounced up and down, squealing in delight! “Tank you so much! Tis is goin to be so much fun! Now I got to wite to my fwiends!”

Twilight smiled. “Okay sweetie, but how about I write the letter and you tell me what to write? That way it’ll be easier to understand.”

Hoity nodded, and then he began to dictate the terms of his letter, as Twilight got a quill and a scroll. “Otay wew fiwst, I say: Hi, I Hoity Toity. I had a oopsie that wesulted in me tuwning into a foaw, and I need hewp with ta foaw competition in Manehattan. Ya need to come to Ponyville now and hewp Miss Wawity make a new wine of foaw cwothes. P.S. Bwing some fancy diapees. Dun ask why.”

Twilight giggled as she finished the letter and asked. “So you want this sent as it’s written? Even the ‘fancy diapers’ part?”

Hoity Toity nodded and shouted, “ I need Pwim Headwind to get hew sowwy wump ovew hew to hewp me! Ta fancy diapees is so Wawity has an exampwe to wowk with, not because I wanna weaw them ow anything.”

Twilight pretended not to notice the obvious blush on Hoity’s face, so she just giggled. “Whatever you say, little one,” Then she added “I'll go ahead and mail this, how about you and Rarity start coming up with ideas?”

“Yeah, wets go, Wawity!” Hoity proclaimed, bouncing up and down on his diaper!

Hoity Toity was in awe when they got back to the boutique, rummaging through Rarity’s lines of dresses on ponyquins. “Tis is gweat! Ya weawwy awe amazin, Wawity!

But Rarity blushed and played it off. “Well these are really just some of my unfinished ideas for dresses for the Grand Galloping Gala.”

“I weawwy impwessed awweady,” Hoity commented. He then strode to a desk, before Rarity settled him into her lap and he suggested. “Now, fiwst ya pwoaby awent famiwia with foaw fashion. Wight now it's aww about faww comin’ up and ponies want thewe foaws to be wawm. So we need thick cotton fow the diapees, and fow ta onesie, I tink a wowyaw bwue with with gowd winings, and someting cute in ta middwe.”

Rarity nodded and cooed. “How about a teddy bear?”

Hoity squealed! “Yeah, a teddy beaw with a bowtie, wike Mw. Bowtie!”

Rarity nodded, drawing out a sketch and cooing at how it looked. “Oh, this going to be so adorable. Now, what about Zecora?”

Hoity pondered briefly, and then babbled. “Wha about a puwpwe onesie with wittwe stwpies awound it?”

Rarity nodded in agreement. “That sounds like a good idea,” Then she hesitated. “But what about diapers? I’m unsure of how to make one.”

Hoity blushed, he then crawled off Rarity's lap and waddled over to the diaper bag, pulled out some diapers, and unfolded one wew. “Take it fwom tese. These awe otay, but fwom wha I know, we can impowve tem by making tem thickew,” He turned the diaper round with his hooves while giggling. “It’s faww and goin into wintew, so we can make cute design wike weaves ow pumpkins.”

Rarity nodded. “That does sound cute. But we’re designing them for you seeing as you’re going to be the main model. So what would you like on your diapers? I know that if I were to wear diapers, I’d want to give them something that suited my style.”

Hoity giggled at the idea of Rarity waddling about in a poofy, brightly colored diaper with highly detailed prints on the tapes, then he shook the image from his mind and replied. “Wha about somthin coow, wike wittwe gowd bits. Ow..um..wha about diamonds?! I wove diamonds!”

Rarity cooed, “Alright, diamonds it is,” She kept drawing out the design and cooed. “Now what about Zecora… she likes nature, so fall colored leaves would look cute.”

Hoity Toity nodded. “Yeah, that's a stawt. I tink we gots ta ideas we need.”

Rarity turned to the eager smiling colt and cooed. “Of course we will..but. um...I mean you can’t…”

Hoity looked back down at his own diaper and tiny, chubby hooves. “Wight,” He realized. “I pwobabwy too young to use a sowin machine, I’d get owies.”

Rarity scooped him up and suggested. “You can watch and give me ideas while I work. Okay darling?”

The little colt was sat on her workbench and he babbled back. “Otay,” With a smile, Rarity started up her sewing machine, putting on her red sewing glasses.

While all that was going on, Cannon Feather woke from his nap (having been set down for one upon his return to Carousel Boutique) looking up at the ceiling he babbled. “I bowed, thewe’s got to be somthin’ ewse to do hewe tat wun get me in twoubwe,” He got up, waddled carefully down the steps, and turned to see a stallion asking. “Hello, Rarity? I’m here about a new suit?”

Cannon Feather waddled up and babbled. “Hewwo, Mistew. Wawity is busy, maybe I ca hewp ya.”

But the stallion only chuckled. “Sorry kiddo, but I doubt that.”

Cannon Feather pouted and babbled, “Wawity is busy, so I showd hewp ya. Besides, my famiwy taught me awot about fashion. Did I mention I was bown in Cantewot?”

The stallion storked his chin and replied. “Well then, if that's true, show me what you have in stock.”

Cannon Feather nodded. “Of couwse, ya just gots to fowwow me.” He waddled along with the rich stallion, who look down to the little colt and asked, ”How old are you?”

Cannon Feather answered in reply. “I’m Cannon Fetah, and I'm two yeaws and eight months owd.”

A few hours after Rarity had started she turned to see Hoity Toity slumped over and deep asleep, with his padding now slightly yellow. But overall he seemed content if the little smile on his face was any indication. Rarity whispered to herself, “I have to admit, he’s adorable. I guess taking care of foals isn't that bad.” She came over and nuzzled him with her nose, and as he woke he yawned, “Hi Wawity, is ta onesie done?”

Rarity cooed, “Well, my first try is. I would like it if you could try it on for me.”

Toity nodded as he he kicked about, making his diaper squelch. He whined, “Oh no, I peed in my diapee again.”

Rarity sighed. “Then there’s that about foals. Too bad they can’t be in diapers and be toilet trained. But she forced a smile and cooed for the umpteenth time, “Oh, it's alright, darling. I'll get you changed.” She set him down on a changing mat, and as she changed his diaper he asked, “So, whiwe I hewe, aw ya going to send me to daycawe?”

Rarity laughed and told him. “Oh, you don't to have worry about that, darling. I mostly work at my boutique, and you can stay here as long as you don't mind living under my rules.”

”Of couwse I dun mind,” Hoity replied to Rarity. “As wong as Cannon Fetah is hewe to pway with me.”

Rarity blinked as she suddenly remembered. “Can..Cannon Feather.” She then gasped, “Oh no! I forgot all about him! What has he been doing?! Please don’t tell me he got into the bathroom, I can’t have a clogged toilet or a flushed foal to deal with!” She immediately ran downstairs (Hoity held in her magical grasp) and gasped upon seeing Cannon Feather with some stallions. One was grumbling. “This suit is way too short on my hooves.”

Cannon Feather shook his head as he pressed his hooves on the cash register. “No is not. Ya see? Now ya can eat without gettin ya sweeves diwty. Awso, I tink it woowks gweat.”

The stallion reluctantly shrugged and asked. “Okay, but how much is it? It’s not too expensive, is it?”

Cannon Feather tapped his chin unable to read what was displayed on the cash register. “Um ...I dun know, how about a hundwed bits?”

The stallion’s eyes went wide as Rarity quickly swooped in determined to avoid a disaster! “Oh dear, no, that is not the price!” And she took the little colt down from the cash register.

The stallion sighed in relief. “Well, I guess he’s still learning, but the little guy did find this fabulous suit.”

Rarity blushed, surprised at the rather fine dress Cannon Feather had selected. “Well, it does look exquisite on you, darling,” She looked at the actual price and told the stallion. “It’s only fifty bits.”

The stallion chuckled as he paid her and cooed at Cannon Feather. “Well little one, if you learn your numbers, you could do quite well in fashion.”

Cannon giggled. “Tanks Mistew, sowie about ta pwice, I can't count past five yet.”

The stallion laughed as he left the store, and Rarity turned with something of a harsh stare at Cannon Feather. He whimpered and apologized. “I sowie, Wawity, I just wanted to hewp.”

Hoity tugged at Rarity's mane. “He did hewp that stallion find a suit.”

Rarity sighed. “Well, alright, I suppose I can let it slide just this once. It's not like Sweetie Belle didn’t do this a few times before when she was really little. But don’t do that again, alright, Cannon Feather? I don’t think your mommy would approve of you causing problems for ponies’ businesses,” Cannon Feather nodded as she mumbled. “Alright, now how about we get you two something to eat?” And as the colts waddled off, Rarity sighed again and thought to herself. “Taking care of foals is a lot harder then I thought it would be.