• Published 15th Sep 2017
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Baby Hoity Toity in Manehatten - Foal Star

Hoity Toity is suddenly turned into a foal, and his collection of foal clothes went missing. Now he'll have to go to Manehatten and win a foal fashion show with the help of Rarity.

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Chapter 7: The Foal Show

Next morning the bellhop looked over to see the room he was now in was huge. Looking around he saw a purple coated filly in a thick white diaper (that was slightly tinted yellow) sleeping soundly next to him. The colt gasped at her whispering. “Wow, thewe’s anothew foaw hewe?” He waddled over and nudged her, until she grumbled, waving her hooves in the air. “Hmmm, candy.”

The colt giggled and cooed, “Ya gots to wake up if ya wun candy.” The filly gasped! “Candy!” She got up, looking around the room and seeing the colt laughing at her. She pouted and crossed her hooves. “Mot funny, ya wied to me, meany head!” The filly gasped at her extremely squeaky voice. “My voice!” She shrieked, looking at the diaper. “A diapee!” She then saw her pudgy hooves and shouted “I...I…”

Bell Hopper poked her diaper and cooed. “Yep, it wooks wike ya a foaw. Ta yellow diapee pwoves it. Is otay, I a foaw too”

The filly scowled. “Stop teasin’ me and tew me what’s goin’ on! Why I a foaw?!”

Bell Hopper shrugged and pointed to the bathroom. “I dun know. Aw I know is tat I gots tuwned into a foaw in ta bathwoom somehow.”

The filly pouted, crossing her chubby forelegs. “So, ya dun even know whas goin on, ten how can I get back to nowmaw?! I gonna wose my job!”

Bell Hopper took out a hoof and babbled. “I sowwy, bu fow how about we get to know each othew? My name is Beww Hoppew.”

The filly blushed, taking a hoof and shaking the colt’s. “My name is Penciw Pushew,” The filly then turned to see a large, sandy coated stallion getting into a suit. She then babbled “Wha is he doin’ hewe? Is he ta one tat tuwn us into foaws?”

The colt shook his head. “Pwobabwy not, he cawin fow me. He said we gonna be his foaw modews. Tink he said his name’s Sandy Padding, bu he’s going as Siwky Padding fow the competition.”

The stallion looked over at the two foals and gave them a smile. “Well it’s good to see you two are finally up. We have a big day ahead of us.”

The filly shouted loudly. “Wha hawppened ta me?!”

The stallion snickered. “That’s no way to talk to your elder, missy! You two are my foal models and will be working on helping me win the foal fashion competition.”

Pencil Pusher shouted back. “Nah uh! No way! I not gonna show off bein a foaw! Tuwn us back ta nowmaw, now, ow I gonna tew Wawity bout ya’, and she fwiends with Pwincess Cewestia! Ten ya wiw be in big twobwe!”

The stallion only shook his head. “Trust me, I just found you and diapered you, the least you can do is repay my kindness. In fact, I'll make a deal with you. You help me win the fashion show, and I'll help you two get back to normal. Deal?”

They both sighed as Bell Hopper nodded. “I say is otay, not wike we gots a wot of othew options wight now.”

The little filly pouted, crossing her chubby forelegs. “Fine, deaw, but I howdin ya to ya pwomice. So dun go back on it!”

The sandy coated stallion smirked. “Excellent, now let's get you two ready!” He then came over and nuzzled them. “We can’t have soggy rumps during the fashion show, can we? The rash alone would ruin everything.”

The former receptionist blushed, only now realizing how soaked she was. “No, I guess not. Bu I gots a question, why ya hewpin us if ya not ta one who tuwned us into foaws?”

As the stallion started untaping the soggy diaper, he cooed. “Believe it or not, I love foals, but I’ve never been able to have the time or resources to have my own. Seeing as you two aren’t turning back to normal anytime soon, I figured it wouldn’t hurt if I ‘borrowed’ you and kept you little ones out of trouble. Don’t worry, I’m going to make sure you two turn back into big ponies, I’d rather not have to start changing diapers all the time,” He then popped pacifiers in both of their mouths as he finished. “Now settle down and let me finish the change. And please try to keep the new diapers clean for as long as possible, they’re not like the usual store brands.” The two reluctantly settled down, and let Silky Padding continue changing their diapers.

Near the stage for the show, Hoity Toity was getting ready, carefully setting his mane to the best of his ability, as Rarity came in, smiling at him. He turned with a big smile on his face. “Hi, Wawity, weady fow ta fashion show?

Rarity smiled, Hoity looked so adorable trying to act like a big pony. “Oh yes, darling. I just can’t wait to see you shine out there.”

Hoity beamed a smile at her. “Yeah, I can’t wait! And neithew can Cannon Feathew!” The little royal guard bounced excitedly, as Rarity came over and hugged him. “Hey, cutie, how are you doing?”

Cannon Feather snuggled her. “I weady to go on and show off my stuff! I just wish Mommy Wuna wewe hewe to see this.”

Rarity giggled, ruffling Cannon Feather’s mane. “I’m sure she’ll be glad to hear all about in your dreams tonight.” They then turned to a sandy coated stallion approaching, with two foals following behind. He smiled, looking down at Hoity Toity. “Oh, Hoity, it's so good to see you. Even if you are entering as a model instead of a contestant.”

Hoity turned with a glare. “Silky Paddin’, should've know ya was hewe.”

“Silky” smirked. “Well, Hoity, it's surprising to see you so small. Hope you don't mind showing off your own styles. I see you’re currently still un-potty trained, how unfortunate.”

Hoity didn’t hesitate to show off his cute blue onesie with a teddy bear on it. “Oh pwease, ya goin to wose! We gots ta best foaw cwothes in Eqwestwia, tanks to Miss. Wawity!

The stallion only snickered. “We’ll just have to see on the catwalk, won’t we?” He then strode off as Hoity crossed his chubby hooves. “We gots to beat him. We just gots to!”

Rarity looked down at her charge and ruffled his mane. “We will, sweetie, I promise. Now come on, you need to get ready for the show, assuming you don’t have to go potty.”

“Nah, I good. I made a pee-pee in ta potty this mowning, wembew?” Hoity boasted.

“Of course, but that was only after you made a huge stinky the night before,” Rarity remarked, fanning a hoof. “Sweet Celestia, I didn’t imagine Zecora’s mixture of formula and soda would be so potent! I’m just glad that’s the worst it did to you.”

Hoity blushed and waddled off with Rarity to the changing rooms. There they found Zecora bouncing in excitement, as Applejack tried to comb her mane. “Calm down, Zecora, and hold still. I'm tryin’ to get these here tangles out.”

Zecora was wiggling all about. “I can't settle down! I just too excited fow ta foaw fashion show!”

Applejack nuzzled her and cooed. “Well, try to keep it under control. I don’t need you bouncin’ off the walls like you were doin’ yesterday. Remember, I'm goin’ to be in the crowd, cheering you on,” She then put a pacifier around the zebra’s neck. “If you gert nervous, just suckle on that. It should help calm you down. Always worked for Apple Bloom.”

Zecora nodded and hugged Applejack one more time, letting the farm mare pat the little Zebra’s diaper for a quick inspection.

Rarity cooed lightly at the scene, before she spoke up. ”Uh, Applejack, we need to get going. The show’s about to start.”

The farm mare placed Zecora on the ground and let the little foal waddle over to Hoity. Cannon Feather then waddled in, dressed in his plastic armor and his pull up poofing in the back. He hugged both of his friends. “Good wuck at the fashion show ya two.”

The two hugged Cannon Feather back as Zecora bopped his nose. “Dun fowget to ask Abbwejackie if ya gots to go potty, even though persowanny I tink it makes fow a bettew caudwon.”

Cannon Feather blushed and whispered. “I wun, and dun tink about twying to use my potty fow ya potions.” Applejack then led Cannon Feather out of the dressing room as Rarity led the other two foals to the catwalk. They could hear happy, bouncing music echoing across the stage, as they heard a female announcer shout. “Hello fillies and gentlecolts, and welcome to the Manehattan Fall Foal Fashion Show! First up, we have Silky Padding with his brand new colt model!”

Rarity, Hoity, and Zecora turned to see Silky Padding out on stage. The stallion stared out among the crowd of fancy mares with foals in their laps as he shouted to them. “Hello everypony! I’m sure all you moms are excited to see our new line of clothes we have this year. I promise you won’t be disappointed, you’re about to see the next evolution in foal attire.”

He then moved out of the way, as a cute coated pink earth pony mare with light blue eyes, and a smooth white mane and tail came out smiling. “Well then, let’s give a round of applause and a warm welcome to his little models.”

The curtains opened up, revealing a little blue coated, earth pony colt, in cute, sparkling white padding. He blushed and waved a hoof. “Uh... hewwo, my name is Beww Hoppew. ”The crowd dawwed as he waddled onto the stage, and the announcer continued. “Introducing the colt diapers. See how they sparkle and shine, making your foal look super bright.”

Hoity gasped upon seeing the diaper! “Tat’s my owd diapee desgin, he stowe it!” He shouted accusingly, but the music on stage prevented him from being heard to anyone in the audience.

“Really Hoity?” Rarity asked with concern. “Are you sure it doesn’t just bear a resembelence?”

Hoity shook his head and babbled. “He ta one who stowe my stuff! That settwes it, he must be ta one who awso tuwned me into a foaw!”

“Don’t worry about that, we’ll talk to him later and see if we can get some answers,” Rarity encouraged. “For now, let's just focus on winning.”

The little colt seemed so happy to be showing off his new diaper to the crowd. He barely noticed that his diaper started yellowing and leaked a little on stage. But he eventually felt it, and the colt gasped. “Uh oh!” The crowd started laughing as the colt blushed. Silky groaned. “No, the leak guards didn’t hold! I thought for sure they could hold more than that!”

The announcer tried not to laugh. “Looks like our little model had an accident. Seems the colt diaper line needs some work.”

The colt blushed as he scrunched his padding. “Woops, guess I dwank to much fowmuwa tis mowning.” He quickly waddled off as a janitor mopped up the stage.

Hoity burst into laughter. “He stowe my idea but he fowgot to add mow paddin’ in ta diapee to pwevent weaks! We gonna win fow suwe!”

Once the stage had been cleaned up, a little purple coated, earth pony filly came out of the curtain, twirling about im a flashy pink diaper and squealing happy. “Yay! I finawwy gets a chance to go on a fashion show! My dweam has come twue!”

“Now, see Silky Padding’s new line of filly diapers!” The announcer declared. “They shine and gleam just like the colt diapers.”

The filly happily bounced about, waving her cute, shiny padding in the air as Hoity eyed her. “Wait, that fiwwy wooks famiwiaw.”

Rarity nodded and whispered. “She looks a lot like the receptionist. I don’t recall the hotel we were staying at having a daycare, and I doubt she’d be working there if she had a foal of her own to take care of.”

The filly giggled, showing her rump to the cameras (even as she peed in her padding). Then she bounced back through the curtains with her diaper squishing. Then, after a few minutes, both foals came out together in onesies. The filly was in clad a cute, dark purple one with little flowers on it, while Bell Hopper had one that was crimson and gold in color with Fall leaves on his. As the two waddled out with their diapers crinkling together, the announcer shouted. “These are two onesies from Silky Padding’s new foal line! Spring and Fall" All the while, the foals showed off their cute onesies to the cameras with their diapers cutely poking through the leg holes.

Hoity only pouted. “My best onesies, ta Spwing and Faww.”

The foals then waddled back back through the curtains, and came out in cute new outfits. Bell Hopper wore a cute foal’s tuxedo, as the filly wore a pretty purple frilly dress.

The announcer continued. “Now, Silky Padding will show us his latest designs in fancy foal wear. As you can see, the tuxedo makes it perfect for any formal party, as does the dress. Both pieces of cute clothing were made from his high valued silk. Now you can take your little ones to all your important social gatherings.” Both foals showed off, waving their tushes in the air as the crowed dawwed.

Even Rarity cooed. “They do look pretty cute, darling, even if they're working for Silky. They are just foals after all, though I wonder how he got them to be his models? I can’t imagine any ordinary foal agreeing to wear something so stuffy.”

Hoity eyed the two foals, whispering to Rarity. “Wait, Bewwhoppew, I tink I wememba him! He wowks at ta hotwew, how did he tuwn into a foaw?”

Rarity gasped, turning to the foals dancing on stage. Now that she thought about it, those foals looked almost exactly like the adults that had been seen at the hotel. “You might be right, darling! Both of those ponies have been regressed into foals!”

The two foals, meanwhile went back through the curtains once again. The announcer cooed as they came back, dressed in sparkling pull-ups. The filly’s was a cute frilly pink, and the colt’s was a sparkling white. The announcer cooed. “Oh, look at the new, adorable pull-ups. Very cute, and just the thing for those little ones in toilet transitioning. I just hope they hold up better than the diapers.”

As the two waddled out onto the stage, Bell Hopper gulped feeling his bladder letting it out again. He blushing feeling his urine leak through, and the crowd seemed to burst into laughter. “Aww, another accident?” The announcer commented. “This foal must be quite the heavy wetter.”

Silky Padding could only stand there, gaping in horror, and Hoity smirked. “Ya forgets aww about adding mowe paddin, siwwy."

Bell Hopper quickly waddled away, as the filly turned to see that her padding had held despite her wetting it too. She then quickly followed the colt who was sniffling.

As the janitor came out to mop up the mess. The announcer declared. “Now we will see Silky Padding’s adorable new foal costumes for Nightmare Night.”

The two foals blushed, waddling out together in their costumes. The colt wore a pirate costume with a vest, a hat, a fake parrot on his shoulder, and an eye patch. The filly wore a poofy princess outfit with a pink dress and a sparkling cone hat. They both waddled together to the front of the stage as the photographers snapped pictures, cheering them on.

The filly snuggled the colt (who was still tearing up) and whispered. “Hey, it's otay. Is not ya fawt ta paddin’ weaked, whoevew that stawwion is, he obviouswy didn’t test tem befowe he put tem on us.”

Bell Hopper nodded and blushed. “Yeah, I know. Is just, I used to cwean messies, not make tem.”

Pencil Pusher giggled. “Come on, have some fun! You look supew cute as a piwate.”

The colt hugged the filly, then he started bouncing on his diaper, making it crinkle loudly enough for everypony to hear. They all cheered, and the little filly went along with Bell Hopper, bouncing in her diaper with him. The mares all dawwed, and Hoity blushed on seeing the cute show. He had to admit, the foal models were adorable.

The two foals waddled back through the curtains for the final time, with applause following them.

“Wasn’t that just the most adorable thing you ever seen?!” The announcer commented. “And now, we have Rarity and Prim Hemline’s brand new foal line!”

Hoity gasped. “Is owa tuwn!” He bounced off and ran as fast as his chubby legs could carry him to Prim Headline, with Zecora gulping, her diaper already soaking up her pee. Hoity whispered. “Ya gots stage fwight, Zecowa?”

Zecora blushed, turning to her new friend and whispering. “A wittwe bit, I nevew done anyting wike tis befowe.”

Hoity hugged Zecora close. “Don’t wowie, tey aw moms with theiw own foaws tat awe just as cute as you.”

They then heard the announcer. “Now, put your hooves together for Zecora and Hoity Toity!” The two foals waddled off onto the stage shaking their little padded rumps as much as possible, getting the mares to daww more. The foals squealed and bounced right up to the cameras flashing at them. Hoity blushed, feeling urine flood his diaper. He blushed, trying to scrunch his soggy diaper and hide it from the crowd (he was glad it didn’t leak). Zecora laughed nudging his diaper. “How about ya go and show off ya soggy diapee to ta wowd? If ya gonna be a foaw, make the most of it.”

Hoity turned to the baby zebra with a smile. “Awight, I gonna go and do it. Hewe goes noting!” He got up and started to dance around, making the crowd giggle at him. All the while, the announcer shouted out. “As you can clearly see, these are Rarity and Prim’s new diapers! Looks like they hold up far better than Silky’s.” The foals scampered off with smiles on their faces, certain they’d gained an early lead since their diapers hadn’t leaked.

Rarity then helped dress the two into their cute onesies (after quickly changing them of course) and sent them back onto the stage. The announcer continued. “Now we shall see the adorable onesies, created by Rarity!”

The two foals went out together, making sure to waddle more. Hoity looked down to see his padding poofing through the leg holes, and he cooed. “Wooks wike tey give us a wittwe wiggwe woom.”

Zecora bounced around in hers. “Yeah, tey supa comfy and give us so much woom to jump awound.”

The announcer laughed. “Well, our little foals have done well showing us how much they love their onesies.”

The two giggled, hopping back in through the curtains, as the two were dressed into their next outfits. The announcer proclaimed. “Now we shall see the cute suit and dress that Rarity has designed for little ones.”

Hoity and Zecora skipped out in their cute clothes making all the mares daww. Hoity, as he skipped, slipped and fell on his new padding, sending a cloud of foal powder into the air, all the while he blushed (while his padding stuck out for all to see). The crowd giggled, as Zecora jumped besides her friend and huuged him amidst a cloud of foal powder escaping from her own diaper.

The crowd clapped and cheered as the announcer shouted. “Wow, what a display! Not just the outfits but also the foals!”

The two got up and bowed and quickly waddled backstage, where Rarity hugged them close, and then quickly started taking off their fancy foal clothes. “You two are doing so well, keep it up! I know we can win this!” She then quickly put the pull-ups on the foals. Zecora blushed, poking her pull-up, it definitely felt different compared to her diapers. Rarity smiled at the foals in encouragement. “I hope you two don't mind testing them for me.”

Hoity giggled, he’d intentionally been trying to hold on until now. “Not weawwy,” He said with a wink. “I tink we can do it!”

Zecora nodded, now super excited, as she bounced about excitedly! “Yeah! We gonna make ya pwoud, Wawity!” She then bounced onto the stage as Hoity scampered after her. “Wait for me!”

The announcer turned to see the foals on the stage, and she exclaimed. “And now, here are the newest pull-up designs from Rarity! And it looks like they’re going to show us just how well they hold up!”

Both foals giggled, walking out as the crowds cheered. And then they started peeing in their pull-ups as the crowd gasped, seeing the pull-ups absorb their urine with only the pictures on the front fading. The announcer applauded. “Bravo! Clearly these pull ups offer better protection!”

Hoity turned to see Silky Padding glaring at him, and smirked. “You see, Silky, it's not just about fashion. You forgot to make your products productive as well.” He then waddled backstage with Zecora, and after a change they were dressed into diapers and their Nightmare Night costumes, as Rarity asked. “You two ready for the finale?”

They both nod and chirped together. “Yeah! We weady!” They then bounced out onto the stage, as Hoity was in his cute wizard’s costume, while Zecora was twirling in her adorable fairy costume. The crowd melted at the sight, and the announcer cooed. “Oh what an adorable finale to the Manehattan Fall Foal Fashion show. Just lovely.”

Even Bell Hopper and Pencil Pusher both gazed in awe, as Bell Hopper commented. “Hey, Sandy, I gots ta say, I tink we wost."

Silky just grumbled (though not too loudly). “It's not fair! How did Rarity make all those outfits in such a short amount of time?! I already had Hoity’s designs, victory should’ve been mine!”

Bell Hopper shrugged. “Beats me, but awe ya stiw gonna hewp us get back to nowmaw even if ya wost? I kind of needs to get back to my job.”

Silky growled, seeing Hoity and Zecora taking a bow. “I...I can’t stay here! Ugh! How did I lose to some upstart, wannabe fashion star from Ponyville?!”

The stallion quickly ran off as Pencil Pusher scowled at him and shouted. “Hey! Whew awe ya goin?! Ya suppose to hewp us tuwn back to nowmaw!”

Unaware of Silky’s departure, the announcer proclaimed. “Well, I think it's clear that Prim and Rarity's line of foal clothes has won the competition, congratulations!”

The crowd cheered, as Zecora hugged Hoity, and Rarity came up, hugging the two foals together and squealing. “We did it! I’m so proud of you!”

Hoity blushed, looking up at Rarity as he whispered. “Bu we didn’ do anythin. We just acted cute.”

But Rarity snuggled Hoity close. “Whatever are you talking about, darling? You and Zecora were wonderful models. We wouldn’t have won without you two showing off the cute clothes.”

Hoity nodded and nuzzled Rarity back as he thought. “It’s funny, I don't think I’ve ever felt so happy, not even when I finally got potty trained and my mom threw a party. Maybe...maybe it won't be so bad being a foal for just a bit longer.