• Published 20th Oct 2017
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Equestria Ninja Girls Rainboom and Crystal Ninjas - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms are back in New York to help their friends the Turtles take on old threats and new threats, but this time with the help of old rivals and an old friend.

  • ...

Trip to New York City

One night at Twilight Sparkle's home inside her shed laboratory, Twilight was looking over multiple computer monitors on a table. Some screens were showing schematics, specifications, and brain waves. Twilight was studying them closely, as Sunset Shimmer and Spike were off to the side while looking at a containment chamber

Sunset spoke to Twilight, "Is everything ok, Twilight?"

"Everything appears to check out," Twilight answered, "I'm not seeing any signs of abnormality at all."

"Well, that's good news." Sunset said in relief.

There was a knock at the shed door, and entering were the rest of the Rainbooms, "Hey, we got your text." Applejack told the two.

"What's going on?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes, Sunset your text sounded urgent." Rarity noted.

"Any trouble we gotta take down?" Rainbow asked in excitement, while doing ninja moves.

"Nothing like that, Rainbow Dash." Sunset answered, much to Rainbow's disappointment.

Pinkie looked at the chamber and all the monitors, "Whatcha working on?" she asked Twilight slyly.

"It's what we called you here for," Twilight said, as she went over to a switch, "Everyone ready?"

"Twilight, what're you about to do?" Applejack asked cautiously.

"We're about to meet our old friend again." Twilight said, and before the girls could question her she threw the switch generating power to the chamber.

The girls and Spike watched as the chamber was being charged with power. They started getting nervous feeling something was going to go wrong until they heard a microwave ring sound from the chamber, "What just happened?" Rainbow asked Twilight.

Twilight smiled, "It's done."

"What's done?" Fluttershy asked.

"Behold." Twilight pressed some buttons, and the chamber opened releasing some smoke.

Everyone was nervous while wondering what was about to emerge from the chamber. Suddenly stepping out was the Fugitoid with a body just like his previous one. The Professor yawned and flexed his limbs around, "Oh, yes! This is much better. I can finally move again!"

The Rainbooms looked in disbelief, as Pinkie spoke up, "Professor?"

Fugitoid looked over seeing the rest of the Rainbooms, "My friends! How wonderful to see you all again!" he cheered.

The Rainbooms cheered equally happy, "Fugitoid!" they ran over and embraced their cyborg friend from outer space.

"You're really alive!" Rainbow said happily.

"We thought you were gone for good." Fluttershy added.

"But how is this possible?" Applejack wondered.

"How did you survive the explosion?" Rarity asked.

"Well, I can tell you I was certainly lucky," Fugitoid began, "After my ship exploded and took out the Triceraton mother ship and the black hole generator, my body was destroyed as well, though my head and brain remained in tact. I suddenly reactivated and saw I was floating among the countless debris from both our ships. Without my body and ship I couldn't move or contact anybody for assistance. I spent month circling the earth, until by luck I got hit by one of the Triceraton's ship debris hard sending me closer to the planet. I managed to drift close enough to get caught in earths gravitational pull. With that I started falling to the earth. I made sure to put my brain in hibernate mode so I wouldn't feel the crash landing. And wouldn't you know it, I landed here of all places and Sunset Shimmer found me."

"You found the Professor?" Rarity asked Sunset.

"How long ago was this?" Applejack asked her.

"Two weeks," she answered, "I brought him to Twilight hoping she could find a way to give him a body or something that could allow him to move."

"Before we left the ship I had downloaded most of the professor's schematics for his body just in case. With the data from it I managed to reconfigure and reverse engineer junk into an exact replica of his old body, with a few modifications."

"Such as?" Applejack asked.

"He has more weapons and defense systems than before."

"But what about his fusion core?" Fluttershy wondered.

"No longer a problem," Twilight answered, "Fugitoid's new body runs on electrical power, and much like a cell phone he needs to recharge but his power cell can last a whole day."

"How long does he need to recharge when he needs it?" Rarity wondered.

"It would take the whole night depending if he uses too much power during the day."

"Indeed, but hopefully I won't have to worry about needing a long time to recharge." Fugitoid said.

"Why didn't you tell us about this sooner?" Rarity wondered.

"We wanted it to be a surprise for all of you." Sunset answered.

"We're surprised all right.' Pinkie admitted.

"Any who, it's good to have ya back, Fugitoid." Rainbow said.

"We're sorry there's nothing anyone can do about your ship." Fluttershy said with sympathy.

Fugitoid sighed, "I understand. I may have loved that ship, but I love being able to move even more." he sat down and scratched Spike behind the ears.

"So what's going to happen now that you're back?" Applejack asked.

"Yeah, you can't go back into space and your past self and our past selves have taken off for parts unknown." Pinkie added.

"Well, I begin a new life now. Without the Triceratons or the Kraang looking for me I'm free to do what I want." Fugitoid said.

"I told him he's more than happy than to be here with us." Sunset told them.

"And I could use an assistant around here." Twilight added.

"Oh, the turtles are going to be excited when they hear about this." Rainbow cheered.

"I can't wait to see them again." Fugitoid admitted.

"And you won't have to wait long," Rarity noted, "Our class and Crystal Prep Academy is having a combined class field trip to New York city in a few days."

"You'll have your chance to meet the turtles again there." Applejack added.

"How stupendous. I can't wait!" Fugitoid cheered, as the Rainbooms were happy to have their friend back.

It was early the morning the schools were going to head to New York for their trip. The sun hadn't even come up yet, as the Rainbooms, Spike, and Fugitoid stood outside CHS with bags. The Professor was looking around the front of the school and the building itself, "So this is your school. It looks like a fine institution."

"Ain't no better place to learn." Applejack admitted.

"Though why are we here so early again?" Fugitoid asked.

"We're waiting for someone who will also be joining us." Sunset explained.

"Princess Twilight?" Fugitoid asked.

"Close enough." she replied, as the portal to Equestria glowed, and coming out was Starlight Glimmer wearing a backpack.

"Wow. I don't know if I'll ever get used to that." she said, while getting herself together.

"Starlight!" the girls cheered, as they gathered around her.

"Hey, girls. How's it going?" she asked.

"Everything's peachy keen." Pinkie grinned.

"Hope you're set to see another part of this world." Sunset told her.

"Well, I do need to broaden my horizons." Starlight admitted.

Sunset brought Fugitoid over, "Starlight, we'd like to introduce to an old friend of ours, this is Professor Zayton Honeycutt, the Fugitoid. Professor, this is Starlight Glimmer, Princess Twilight's apprentice."

"A pleasure to meet you, Starlight." Fugitoid shook her hand.

"And it's nice to finally meet you too, Professor," Starlight admitted, "Princess Twilight's told me all about you."

"I can believe that."

"Well, we still got an hour before the buses and everyone else gets here, so we might as well make the most of it." Applejack said, as they waited it out.

When the sun rose up students from both CHS and Crystal Prep were gathering outside the school. It was hard to imagine more than a month or so ago the two schools were bitter enemies, with CPS acting more like the enemies. But now students from both schools were mingling with each other like good friends. It's true ever since Cadence took over as principal, CPA was brought out of Cinch's tyrannical era and into a bright new era.

Sunset spoke, "Ok, guys, let's go. And, Professor, remember what we talked about."

Rainbow spoke, "You're to keep it on the down-low."

"So ix-nay on the yborg-cay." Pinkie added.

"As far as anyone knows, you're my robot assistant who has sentience." Twilight put in.

"Understood, girls. An actor I shall be." Fugitoid declared.

So the girls started walking out, until greeted by a familiar friend, "Morning, girls."

They looked over and saw their enemy turned friend Juniper Montage. After what happened with magic mirror, Juniper decided to transfer over to CHS knowing it would be perfect to make new friends, "Hi, Juniper, how's it going?" Sunset greeted.

"All good. I can't believe we're actually going to New York. I can hardly wait!" Juniper said, getting all giddy.

"I know, right?" Pinkie asked in equal excitement.

The group then noticed coming over were the five girls from Crystal Prep that competed with them in the Friendship Games. There was Sour Sweet, Sunny Flare, Indigo Zap, Sugarcoat, and Lemon Zest, "Girls, so good to see you!" Sour cheered, as she embraced Rarity. The old Sour Sweet would've followed up with a growling sarcastic remark, but after learning how to be better she broke that habit.

"And it's good to see you girls too." Rarity agreed.

"You girls ready to see the Big Apple?" Rainbow asked.

"Considering we've been planning for this trip for weeks, it's clear we are ready." Sugarcoat answered bluntly.

"I hope I get to see the Yankee stadium." Indigo said feeling pumped up.

"Same here." Rainbow agreed.

"Good morning, girls." Said Principal Celestia, as she, her sister, and Principal Cadence walked over.

"We assume all of you are packed and ready?" V.P Luna asked.

"We are." Twilight confirmed.

"And I hope you don't mind, but we brought some guests with us for the trip." Sunset started.

"Guests?" Principal Cadence asked.

Starlight approached looking a tad nervous, "I'm Starlight Glimmer, I'm a friend of Princess Twilight's. When Sunset told me you were having this class trip she invited me, and Princess Twilight said it would be good for me to see more of this world."

Principal Celestia smiled, "Any friend of Princess Twilight is always welcomed to join us. Welcome aboard."

"Next our other friend is unique." Sunset began, not sure how else to tell them.

"How unique?" V.P Luna asked, as the adults and their other friends were curious.

"Well..." Twilight began, as the girls made way for Fugitoid to take the stage.

"Greetings, everyone. My name is Professor Zayton Honeycutt, but you can call me Fugitoid." he greeted them.

"Is that a robot?" Sunny Flare asked in disbelief.

"Metal body, robotic limbs and joints, what else could it be?" Sugarcoat asked.

Fugitoid shook the three adults hands, "A pleasure to meet you, Principal Celestia, Vice Principal Luna, and Principal Cadence."

"A pleasure indeed." V.P Luna agreed.

Flash went over to the Professor with some of the other students, "Wow. This is totally awesome."

"Thank you, Flash Sentry." Fugitoid replied.

"You know my name?" Flash asked curiously.

"Of course. I know everyone here. Twilight programmed everyone into my mind." Fugitoid acted out.

"You built him, Twilight?" Sour asked in surprise.

"Yeah. I did." Twilight answered sheepishly, knowing it was somewhat true.

"Dude, I have new-found respect for your talents." Lemon said in amazement.

"Thanks." Twilight replied.

"Why does he have the title of 'Professor'?" Micro Chips asked.

"Because his intelligence makes him smart enough to be one." Twilight explained.

"I hope he can come along with us." Sunset told the three authority figures.

"I promise not to be a burden." Fugitoid promised.

"Well, we don't see anything wrong with it." Principal Celestia admitted.

"So he can come too." Principal Cadence added.

"Yeah!" The Rainbooms cheered.

After everyone loaded their luggage in the three charter buses provided by Crytal Prep, they were ready to get on board. Fugitoid walked up to one and spoke, "So this is what you call a bus. How astounding."

"Let's go Professor." Rainbow said, as they led him on board.

Fugitoid walked down the aisle before taking a seat by the window, "Very comfy." he got comfy in his seat.

"We're glad you're feeling that way." Sunset said, as she took the seat next to the robot.

After all three buses were filled with passengers, Celestia, Luna, and Cadence each took a bus to monitor. Celestia was currently monitoring the bus the Professor, and the Rainbooms were occupying with some of the other Wondercolt and Shadowbolt students, "Ok, students, who's ready for New York City?" she declared, as the students cheered.

The three buses took off, while coming around the corner was a blue car that began following the buses. Behind the wheel of that car was none other than Abacus Cinch herself. She drove with determination to keep on their trail, and spoke to herself, "I will not let those girls of CHS get away with getting me fired. I will prove to the school board they use magic and that I was right all along." she laughed to herself, as she trailed the buses bound for New York City.