• Published 20th Oct 2017
  • 14,538 Views, 157 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Rainboom and Crystal Ninjas - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms are back in New York to help their friends the Turtles take on old threats and new threats, but this time with the help of old rivals and an old friend.

  • ...

Old Friends

The two buses loaded with students from Canterlot High and Crystal Prep had just entered New York city. The students form both schools looked out their windows to get a good look at one of the biggest city's ever. Even Fugitoid was looking out his window in nostalgia. The Rainbooms couldn't help but find the Professor's excitement amusing, but knew he never had a chance to actually visit earth what with the whole planet in danger situation.

As they drove past Antonio's Pizza, the girls couldn't help but think of their friends the turtles and knew they'd be meeting up with them soon enough.

The car parked outside a hotel, and the students dismounted and stood before Celestia, Luna, and Cadence, "All right, students, settle down please." Cadence calmed them.

Celestia spoke up, "For today let's take the time and get settled in at the hotel, and tomorrow we'll begin our tour of the city."

"We've already talked to the manager here and has set you all up two a room." Luna explained.

At the sound of that, Twilight and Sunset Shimmer looked at Fugitoid, and Twilight spoke, "But Fugitoid still sticks with me, right? He is my personal assistant after all."

"We'll allow it, Twilight." Cadence replied.

"Thank you so much, Ms." Fugitoid thanked her.

"Now then let's all get inside and checked in." Celestia ordered, as they all went inside the hotel.

As they all waited in the lobby, the Rainbooms were checking their assigned roommates. Sunset spoke to Twilight, "Looks like it's us and the Professor, Twilight."

"And me." Spike popped his head out of Twilight's backpack.

"I'm with Rarity." Pinkie cheered.

"I can live with that." Rarity admitted.

"I'm with A.J." Rainbow said.

"Works for me." Applejack answered.

"Juniper and I will be bunking." Fluttershy said.

"I don't mind." Juniper added.

Starlight came over, "Hey, girls. I'll be bunking with Trixie."

"Ok, so we know who we're bunking with," Sunset began, "But, Starlight, you think you can sneak out of your room quietly tonight?"

"I'll try." Starlight admitted.

"Oh, girls, I'm so excited to see my friends again." Fugitoid said all giddy.

"So are we, Professor." Twilight agreed.

"Though why do we have to keep it a secret?" Starlight wondered, "Didn't you say your school knows about the turtles?"

"Yes, our school does." Sunset replied.

"Not Crystal Prep." Twilight added.

"And we don't wanna risk scaring them." Applejack added.

"So tonight, we rendezvous with them on their fave look out spot." Rainbow whispered.

"Agreed." they all nodded.

That night, the Rainbooms, Juniper, Starlight, and Fugitoid stepped out of their rooms. The Rainbooms were each wearing new outfits designed by Rarity.

They looked around seeing everything was clear, "Ok, let's go." Rainbow whispered, as they started creeping along the hall, until a voice spoke up.

"You're going to see them, right?"

The group jumped before spinning around, and saw Flash Sentry standing by his assigned room's door, "Flash, don't scare us like that." Sunset gasped.

"Sorry, but you're going to see them, right?"

"Yes, we are, Flash." Twilight confirmed.

"We haven't seen them in awhile, plus they always love to see us." Applejack explained.

"You won't tell anyone will you?" Fluttershy hoped.

Flash smiled, "I'm not one to blab to anyone. You go see the guys. Just make sure you're not out too late."

"Thanks, Flash." Sunset said.

"Yes, a thousand thank yous Flash Sentry." Fugitoid said with gratitude.

So the girls and Fugitoid continued on, while Flash went back into his room. What they were not aware of was that five girls were peeking from their own rooms and watched the Rainbooms sneak off.

Later out in the city, the Rainbooms were roof jumping like the trained ninjas they were, while Fugitoid was following them by using his new built in rockets in his feet. He flew while carrying Starlight and Juniper in his arms. The two girls looked down, as Juniper spoke, "I can't believe they can actually move like that."

"Those are my girls for you." Fugitoid said happily.

"This is my first time in New York too," Starlight admitted, "It's even bigger than Twilight told me."

"Well, girls, hold on tight. I'm going down." Fugitoid instructed, as he slowly descended down onto a roof top the girls had stopped at.

"They should be here soon." Twilight checked the time.

"Professor hide behind there, and stay there until we tell you to come out." Pinkie ordered while motioning behind a water tower.

"Oh, I see. It'll be more of a surprise. Clever, Pinkie Pie." Fugitoid said as, he went to hide.

The girls waited while looking around, until they saw a bunch of silhouette's shine on the ground before them. They spun around and saw eight figures standing above them in the moonlight. They jumped down and revealed with was their friends the turtles, and the New York human friends.

"Hey, Rainbooms!" Mikey cheered.

"Guys!" the girls cheered, as they raced over to their friends.

"Leo!" Twilight cheered, as she embraced the turtle leader, "It's so good to see you."

"It's great to see you too, Twilight." Leo admitted, while feeling very happy on the inside.

"Don't' forget about me." Spike said, popping his head out of the bag.

"Like I could." Leo replied, as he rubbed Spike's head.

"Mikey, Shini!" Pinkie embraced the two, "I missed you guys so much!"

"Missed you too, Pinkie." Mikey agreed.

"You always are the life of the party." Shini added with a laugh.

"April, Donnie. Wonderful to see you two." Rarity said, as she embraced them.

"And it's great to see you too, Rarity." April replied.

"Hey, Casey." Applejack greeted Casey Jones with a fist bump.

"What up, A.J?" Casey asked playing it cool.

"Hey, Raph." Sunset greeted the tough turtle.

"How're you doing?" Fluttershy asked.

"Same old I guess." he shrugged.

Rainbow, Starlight, and Juniper went to Karai, "Hey, Karai, how's it going?" Rainbow asked, as the two locked hands.

"Never better, Dash. How've you girls been?"

"Oh, you know. Being awesome and all." Rainbow gloated, as Starlight and Juniper giggled.

"Rainbow, don't ever change." Karai replied.

"So how was the ride in from home?" Leo asked them.

"It was all right." Twilight admitted.

"I can't believe your school is actually having a class trip here." Casey said.

"Yeah. What're the odds?" April asked.

"Surprised us too." Applejack admitted.

"So guys, we also have a surprise for you." Pinkie said in sing song.

"Ooh, I love surprises." Mikey beamed.

"I really hate surprises." Raph said with a grumble.

"This one you're going to love, Raph." Sunset assured him.

"Drum roll, Pinkie." Rainbow told the party lover who made drumming noises.

"Introducing a blast from our past, a friend we lost forever," Rainbow began before motioning to the water tower, "Behold!"

The ninjas looked and saw coming out into the open was Fugitoid, "Hello, my friends. So good to see you again." he greeted.

The ninjas looked in shock, as Donnie asked, "Professor?"

"Fuge?" Casey asked in surprise.

"In the robot body." he joked.

"Professor!" the group cheered, while racing over to their friend, minus Karai and Shini.

As ninjas crowded around their old robot friend, as April spoke, "I can't believe it, you're alive."

"We thought you were gone for good." Mikey said happily.

"You know you can't keep a good robot down, Michelangelo." Fugitoid replied.

"But how's this possible?" Leo asked.

"I survived the explosion, or rather my head was in tact. It wasn't too long I reactivated and floated above the earth. I managed to get close enough to the planet's atmosphere and fell to it. Luckily Sunset found me and brought me back home."

"You found Fugitoid?" Raph asked Sunset.

"Yeah. Surprised me too." Sunset admitted.

"So how'd you get this new body?" Donnie asked, while looking Fugitoid over.

"You can thank Twilight for that." he replied.

"Twilight?" Leo asked.

"All it took was some reverse engineering and elbow grease and he's as good as new." Twilight told them.

"Well, it's good to have you back, Fugitoid." Leo told him.

"Thank you, Leonardo."

Karai and Shini approached, as the former enemy ninja asked, "Now who is this?"

"Karai, Shinigami, this is Professor Honeycutt, the Fugitoid." Leo introduced them.

"This is the robot you were traveling through space with?" Karai asked Leo.

"One and the same." Leo confirmed, as the Professor approached the two girls, and shook their hands.

"Ah, Ms. Karai and Ms. Shinigami, I'm delighted to meet you two. The girls have told me so much about you two."

"Well, Leo said nothing but great things about you." Karai admitted.

"Did he now?" Fugitoid asked Leo, who smiled signaling he truly forgave him for his mistakes.

"So how've things been here in the Big Apple?" Rainbow asked.

"Just the same old." April answered.

"Kicking bad guy butt, and munching on pizza." Mikey added.

"Good times." Pinkie smiled.

April suddenly touched her head getting a vibe, "April, what's up?" Donnie asked in concern.

"We're being watched, guys." she whispered.

"Where?" Juniper asked.

"Right there." April motioned behind a rooftop access door.

The ninjas armed their weapons, thinking it was a spy. They wanted to get the drop on whoever it was until Pinkie shouted, "Come out with your hands up!" the ninjas cringed thinking the enemy was going to make a run for it, but to their surprise they came out from hiding.

It was the Crystal Prep girls who looked sheepish, "Girls?" the Rainbooms asked in shock.

"Hey, girls." Sour greeted sheepishly.

"What're you all doing here?" Rarity asked.

"We could ask the same thing." Sugarcoat replied.

"No fair, we asked first." Pinkie retorted.

"We saw you girls sneak out of the hotel so we followed you." Indigo explained.

"It wasn't easy following you this way," Sunny spoke, "How can you jump so far?"

"Yeah you girls do parkour now?" Lemon asked.

"Not exactly." Twilight replied.

"Hold up," Raph broke them up, "Who are these girls?"

"Well, who're you?" Sugarcoat asked.

Sunset stepped in, "Girls, these are our friends from this city," she started introducing, "This is April O'Neil, Casey Jones, Karai Hamato, and Shinigami," the four humans waved, "And these guys are the ninja turtles. Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo."

"What up." Mikey greeted, only to get clonked on the head by Raph which annoyed him while Raph shook his head in irritation.

"And Raphael." Sunset concluded.

"You're turtles?" Sour asked.

"That's right." Donnie confirmed.

"Is that a problem?" Raph asked suspiciously.

"No, but turtles don't walk on two legs, or wear masks." Sunny noted.

"That's because we're mutants." Donnie answered.

"Mutants?" Lemon asked.

"Yeah. Cool right?" Mikey asked.

"Cool, yeah." Indigo admitted.

"So who're you girls?" April asked.

Sour Sweet introduced them, "This is Sunny Flare, this is Sugarcoat, this is Indigo Zap, this is Lemon Zest, and I'm Sour Sweet."

"These girls go to Crystal Prep, the school we came on the trip with." Rarity explained.

"Crystal Prep?" Leo asked, before looking at the girls and gasped. He frowned and stomped towards them, much to everyone's shock. The Crystal Prep girls didn't like the look on his face, as he stopped and called them out, "You're the girls that gave Twilight such a hard time all because you wanted to win some stupid game!"

"Easy, pal. What's with you?" Indigo asked.

"I'm a concerned friend. A friend who cares about others," Leo began, "Do you have any idea the emotional trauma you left on Twilight by pressuring her into using magic beyond anyone's control?" he continued to lash out, until Raph and Twilight held him back.

"Ease, up, Leo." Raph told his brother.

"Yes, Leo. It's not worth it." Twilight assured him.

"Not worth it?" Leo asked in disbelief, "Twilight, these girls practically made you become a monster!"

"But we all moved past it." Twilight continued to assure her friend.

"No, it's ok, Twilight," Sunny replied, while feeling guilty, "We deserve to get chewed out."

Lemon spoke up feeling equally guilty, "Winning was the only thing driving us. We didn't even care about consequences to accomplish it."

"But that's not who we are. Anymore." Sour promised.

"Yeah, these girls helped us see winning isn't as fun as it is being friends." Indigo put in.

"So yeah, we're all friends now." Sugarcoat finished.

Leo looked at the five girls, and then to Twilight who was giving him a pleading look. Leo smiled, and answered, "All right." Twilight smiled and embraced him.

"So are you girls gonna tell us how you know these guys or what?" Indigo asked the Rainbooms.

Before they could answer, they heard commotion going down below. Everyone looked down and saw the Purple Dragon looting from a store, but this time it wasn't just Hun and his three flunkies, but at least fifteen to twenty members.

"Whoa, the Purple Dragons have doubled?" Rainbow asked in disbelief.

"This is unexpected." Donnie admitted.

"Oh, well. More Dragons to knock down." Raph smirked, as the ninjas got ready.

"Can we help?" Pinkie asked, "It's been awhile since we fought something."

"But you girls don't have your weapons on you." Karai noted.

"Weapons?" The Crystal Prep girls asked.

"You're right," Rarity confirmed, "They're back at the hotel. We didn't think we'd run into trouble tonight."

"Not run into trouble in this city?" Raph asked rhetorically.

"Point." Rarity admitted.

"Don't worry, we got these babies." Rainbow motioned to her necklace and the other Rainbooms magic necklaces.

"All right," Leo agreed, before motioning to the Crystal Prep Girls, Starlight, and Juniper, "You girls wait here. Professor, if anything happens guard them."

"You got it, Leonardo." Fugitoid saluted.

"Come on team." Leo said, as the group of ninjas jumped down into battle.

"Booyakasha!" Mikey and Pinkie cheered.

The Crystal Prep girls looked at each other, "What did they say?" Sunny asked.

"Booyakasha." Lemon repeated.

"I thought that's what they said." Sunny noted.

Author's Note:

So yeah the Rainbooms will now be wearing their new outfits from the up and coming Equestria Girls series this November.