• Published 20th Oct 2017
  • 14,536 Views, 157 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls Rainboom and Crystal Ninjas - Wildcard25

The Rainbooms are back in New York to help their friends the Turtles take on old threats and new threats, but this time with the help of old rivals and an old friend.

  • ...

Gang Fight

Outside a shop, Hun was watching several of his Purple Dragons carrying bags of cash, and other goods. He spoke to his crew, "Excellent, we'll go for another place and call it a night."

Suddenly the turtles, and their human friends dropped in, "Little shopping between jail time, Hun?" Leo inquired.

"We're just suckers for a good sale." Hun humored him.

"Impressive new entourage." Raph admitted, while motioning to all the new members.

"Shredder and the Foot Clan may be finished, but the Purple Dragons will never go down," Hun promised them, "Since the Purple Dragons have broken away from the Foot, I've decided it was time we expanded."

"Expansion or not, we're still going to stop you." Karai said.

"I'd like to see you try." Hun answered with a smug look.

"Oh, we'll try all right." Came Rainbow Dash's voice, as she and the Rainbooms came into the light.

"It's those girls from before," Sid gasped. He looked at Rarity and panicked, "AHH! The Whiner!" he cowered behind Tsoi and Fong.

"Miss me, boys?" Rarity smirked.

"So what brings the Rainbooms back to the city?" Hun inquired while crossing his arms.

"We're on a class trip." Pinkie smiled.

"I see. Well, I hope your class won't miss you too much." he readied his spiky rings.

"Try us." Sunset beckoned him.

"Attack!" Hun ordered, as the Purple Dragons went into battle.

"Ninjas, take them down!" Leo ordered, as the good guys went at it with their enemies.

Leo and Twilight were fighting side by side as two Purple Dragons members fought them, "Can you keep up, Twilight?"

"Of course. Question is... Can you?" she asked with a smirk, as they knocked their opponents out.

Raph was fighting three purple dragons, until Sunset called, "Raph, heads up!" she called as another was coming right by him. Sunset ran to Raph who bent over allowing the girl to slide across his shell and deliver a swinging kick to the one punk.

"Nice one." Raph cheered.

Mikey was swinging his chucks around hitting any Purple Dragon, before Shini and Pinkie Pie joined him. Pinkie smiled, "I missed fighting along side you guys."

"Well, you know how to make a fight feel fun." Shini admitted.

"Let's have some fireworks!" Pinkie channeled her geode magic to some sprinkles and threw them around. The sprinkles exploded around the thugs distorting their vision. The three attacked the Purple Dragons knocking them out.

"Explosive." Mikey said, as he and Pinkie fist bumped.

Rainbow Dash using her geode magic ran circles around the Purple Dragons making them dizzy, "Can't catch me!" she mocked them.

Some members armed with butcher knives and butterfly knives went for Rarity who used the magic of her geode to throw diamond disks at their weapons disarming them. When they went to grab their weapons, they were levitated up by April using her psychic ability, "I don't think so, boys." April told them.

Karai shifted into snake form and knocked the the thugs aside before shifting back to human, "You go, girls." he smiled at the two who smiled back.

Casey was skating around swatting his goalie stick at a few Purple Dragons, "Come and get some, suckers!"

Before one could sneak up on Casey, Applejack jumped in and used her geode strength to knock him out, "Watch your back, Jones." she warned him.

"Thanks, A.J."

Donnie was knocking some Purple Dragons around with his bo-staff, while noticing Fluttershy was dodging most of her opponents, "Need a hand, Fluttershy?"

"Don't worry, I can handle it." she activated her magic and called together all the alley cats in the vicinity. All the felines tried to scratch and claw at the Purple Dragons who tried to get them off, but started running from them.

Up on the rooftop, Starlight, Juniper, Fugitoid, and the Shadowbolts watched their friends fight the gang, "Look at them go." Lemon gasped.

"Especially Twilight." Sunny added.

"Is this really the same girl we've been pushing around so much?" Sour Sweet asked in disbelief.

"If you saw what she was like up in space, you'd be surprised at what she can do." Fugitoid told her.

"It's like watching the girls I know back in Equestria." Starlight admitted.

Juniper looked over and saw Tsoi of the Purple Dragons climbed up the fire escape to the roof, "Uh, girls." she said nervously, as they saw him.

"I thought we was being watched." Tsoi said, while smirking.

The girls didn't know what to do, until Fugitoid slid before them, "Behind me, girls."

"What's this walking rust bucket gonna do?" Tsoi asked.

Fugitoid answered, "Watch me." suddenly popping out of his wrists were blasters. He started shooting at the ground close to Tsoi's feet resulting in him jumping around like her was dancing. As he was shooting, he spoke sounding excited, "Oh, I feel it! I FEEL THE ADRENALINE, BABY!"

Starlight put her arms around him, "Professor, relax, will you? No need to go crazy."

Fugitoid ceased his firing, "Oh, sorry. I was just caught up in the moment."

"Well, you sure scared him off." Indigo motioned to Tsoi who retreated back to the ground level.

Back on the ground, Leo, Sunset, and Karai were facing Hun head on. Even with the older martial arts master throwing all his moves at them, they still hung in there. Twilight saw an opening and used her own psychic power from her geode to levitate Hun and throw him into the rest of the dragons.

"Retreat!" Hun ordered, as they ran for it.

The ninjas and Rainbooms cheered in victory, "We are so awesome!" Rainbow pumped her fists.

"Good to see you girls are still in top form." Karai noted.

"Like we would slack off?" Applejack asked rhetorically.

"Come on, let's go back up." Leo said, as they returned to the roof where Fugitoid and the girls waited.

"That was amazing!" Sunny gasped.

"I can't believe how well you can all fight." Sugarcoat said feeling impressed.

"Especially you, Twilight." Lemon added.

"Well, I had some good teachers." she said sheepishly, while motioning to Leo and the rest of her friends.

"Fugitoid also protected us." Juniper told them.

"Thanks, Professor." Sunset said.

"Any time." Fugitoid gave them an A-OK sign with his digits.

"So can we talk about your friends here?" Sugarcoat asked about the turtles.

"It is quite a story." Twilight warned them.

"We're still willing to listen." Sour Sweet assured her.

"Well, sit down and listen closely." Leo instructed, as they did so and told the girls their story.

Afterward the Shadowbolts were in shock. Sour began, "So you were all normal turtles until you turned into mutants by a substance called mutagen."

"And you were raised and trained by your master/father Hamato Yoshi or Splinter who became a mutant rat." Indigo continued.

"You fought other mutants, aliens, monsters, and a ninja clan led by Splinter's rival Oroku Saki the Shredder." Sunny said.

"Who led Karai to think he was her father instead of Splinter." Lemon noted.

"That about sums it up." Donnie answered.

"This is all so wicked." Indigo said feeling hyped.

"So all that talk about New York being invade by the Kraang was all real?" Sugarcoat asked.

"Sure was." April confirmed.

"And that Triceraton invasion wasn't a hoax?" Sour asked.

"Nope." Mikey shook his head.

"And is it really true in an alternate time line the earth was swallowed up by a black hole taking all of us with it?" Lemon wondered.

"That's right," Sunset confirmed, "But thanks to the Professor and time travel we stopped those events from taking place."

"And you actually fought a demon and actual horror monsters?" Sunny asked the turtles.

"Yeah. Even turned Raph into a vampire." Mikey motioned to Raph who glared at his brother.

"Is New York always this crazy?" Sour asked.

"On a daily basis, yes." Leo admitted.

"This place is more exciting than I thought." Indigo said with excitement.

Twilight checked the time, "Oh, man, it's late. We got to get back before anybody knows we're missing."

"And we're suppose to tour the city tomorrow." Sunset added.

"Well, you all go an head back. We need to go to." Leo said.

"Maybe we'll see you tomorrow?" Sour asked.

"Count on it." Mikey assured.

"Well, come on girls." Fugitoid said, as he and the girls headed back to the hotel.

The ninjas watched, as April spoke, "Those Shadow Bolt girls seem ok."

"Yeah. Hate to see what they were like when they were nasty." Casey added.

"Come on, team. Let's go." Leo said, as the ninjas headed back as well.

The girls and Fugitoid returned to the hotel and went back to their rooms without even being caught. As Twilight and Sunset got into their beds, Fugitoid began his recharge mode, "Goodnight, girls."

"Goodnight, Professor." they said, as the Professor went into hibernate mode to recharge.

Sunset spoke to Twilight, "Sure was nice seeing the turtles again."

"Yeah." Twilight agreed.

"And you looked really glad to see Leo again." Sunset teased.

"Not that excited." Twilight answered, while hiding her embarrassed blush.

"Mm-hm." Sunset squinted her eyes at her.

"I'm going to bed." Twilight turned over and pretended to sleep while secretly smiling at how good to was to see Leo.

Meanwhile out in the city, Abacus Cinch was forced to settle for a room at a cheap motel. But she didn't have time to complain about the dirty environment, for she had plans. She looked out the window and spoke, "They're in the city, and I will expose them so the world will know the truth." she closed the drapes.