• Published 21st Oct 2017
  • 4,987 Views, 263 Comments

Replicated Wanderer - QuartzScale

Displaced: Went to a con with self made metal armor resembling X from the Megaman X series. Bought a prop X Buster and wound up in an Equestria of the past. Now I'm lost on a world being followed by a mad god that makes trouble for me.

  • ...

Interlude 03. Reignite (unedited)

Author's Note:

You still have time to vote for which race goes first. I won't start until after the next main chapter of Replicated Wanderer. Be a part of the choice here.

Three days after the Fall of Corundum's Army -

“Have you heard? Corundum has fallen. Maybe it's time to continue Countess?” A young voice called out from the rafters before floating down to the floor. His pale black coat contrasting against the moonlit night.

“Of course it is young one. We finally have a chance to figure out what all these things do. These crystals that they hoarded were only a small part of their designs. Has anypony figured out what they do exactly?” The Countess spoke up as several other winged ponies poured over the shipment of crystals that were raided from the Crystal Empire.

“I think so madame.” Another voice rang out, a mare’s dulcet tones ringing out amongst the masses.

“Do tell. Do tell, don't keep me waiting.” The Countess gingerly dictated as she looked over to the mare.

By now all the ponies gathered in where each could hear her words. Everypony uniformly wore the same outfit of military fatigues with a blue, black and brown color scheme which seemed to mesh well with their cavernous surroundings. The mare in question had a white coat which brought out the rose color of her eyes. With all eyes on her her webbed wings idly twitched in stage fright.

“Yes… well, ... “ She slowly covered herself with her wings before speaking. “They seem to be crystal resonators. They act like jumpstarters for a magical transformation into something new. From our own look into the Crystal Empire we have seen that they were implanted into their soldier making them nigh unstoppable killing golems.”

“Excellent… next question. Why don't we have any yet!?” The Countess hissed out causing the mare to wilt onto the floor in fear of her life.

“We don't have the right magical link to make certain the golems will listen to us. At most they would be killing us instead of anypony else.” The mare quickly blurred out hoping to escape her gaze.

“Find it. NOW!” The Countess snorted as she traipsed around the room looking over her staff.

“In other news I've heard tell of a blue golem. Some of you idiots are calling him the Blue Bomber… because apparently thugs explode around him. So after you stop pushing your heads up your collective flanks let's hear who that thing is.” The Countess growled out.

“From our scouting units we've only been able to tell that it is called X. It effortlessly trashed Corundum's Golem Army within a day. There were some reports that he also managed to overpower and kill a Windigo.” A voice rang out across the room while a smaller stallion spoke up. He was a dark lavender coated pony with periwinkle wings. He seemed to know more but held his tongue until asked once again.

“So you're saying that the Equestrians have that sort of power at their beck and call. This flankholes… this will not stand.” The Countess hissed as she turned to one of her smarter looking soldiers. “Find that magical signature we need if you need to capture a unicorn to do so then so be it but I want that ready now! Well? Hurry up and get to work!” The Countess yelled out as the thestrals ran around trying desperately to stay out of her way.

“Mam? A word?” The white coated mare with the light lavender wings and rose colored eyes stood up trying to get her attention.

“What is it Sacred Glade? I'm a very busy mare and I don't have all day to deal with your worries and points you like to make.” The Countess growled out before taking a different approach. “I mean look at you. You're falling apart and I've told you if you need to take a break I can give you time to rest. A mare must look her best shouldn't she?”

“Thank you mam but I'll be fine. I just wanted to voice one little concern if that's okay…” Sacred grinned nervously because all her concerns merely got the Countess mad.

“Ugh… if you must.” The Countess rolled her eyes and allowed Sacred to proceed.

“We don't know what these crystals do. Using them might just be giving the old regime of the Crystal Empire a chance to get back on its hooves. We really shouldn't use it.” Sacred urged concernedly to stress her point.

“Sweetheart. He's dead. He got too full of himself and wound up dead. The reports even say that it was that golem they got that did it. If we don't do this what's to stop them from trying to take our plot of land from us?” The Countess brought up which Sacred couldn't refute as she averted her eyes from the Countess. “Besides we won't be as blatant at that fool of a pony. We know how to stick to the shadows better than any of those posers out there. So relax… and let me do the thinking from now on. Okay? Thanks.”

The Countess trotted away allowing a little sway to her hips as she gathered whatever stallion she found to wait hoof and wing on her. Sacred was a little disgusted at how she acted but as the acting leader of the cloud she was supreme word on the matter. Sacred Glade nervously tapped on her hooves as she wondered what would come should X ever appear in their midst.

It had been a trying day as they bounded through the thicket towards the heart of the forest. There they managed to make their way into Thicket, city of the deer, deep within the Everfree Forest. It was their main city with several communes hidden deep within most forests with a collection of antelope farther south and elks further north. Together they worked to the betterment of their place in society… that was until the ponies decided to expand their territory.

The two bounded into the small meeting between the citizens and their main leader, King Sequoia. Sequoia was a large buck nearly seven feet tall with a deep brown coat and white underbelly. His horns were glowed with a golden light as if always channeling magic and on his chest was a blood red crest on it. It was in the shape of an upside down triangle tilted slightly to the left with three counterclockwise spirals trailing off each corner. He stomped his hooves down and they all quieted down and slowly the discussion started up.

“My fellow deer… we cannot allow this to continue. Day by day our forests are purged by those wicked pastel throw rugs that expound the idea that peace is so easily attainable through understanding. Instead this is what we are left with. Desolate landscapes and torn down sections of the forest.” Sequoia shook his head taking a few steps forward. He looked out amongst the masses who were all incensed at the idea already.

“We should do something!” A voice called out ruling the masses up.

“We should make them pay for besmirching our homeland!” Another voice cried out.

“And we shall! After a successful attack driving some invaders out of our forests we have located the means to deal with these violators, these sick mangy creatures that dare call themselves a being of this world!” Sequoia bellowed as he pulled out a large blood red crystal which seemed to glow in his magical grip. His horns lit up with a golden heart appearing between his horns. “These! These right here will be the starting point for our revolution of the world. To return them to a better point in life as one with nature. No longer will decadence and slovenly behavior like those of Ruby Geode will ever be allowed to exist again!”

The deafening stomps and cheers of his fellow deer only strengthened his resolve to see this through. The two deer who had bounded in to watch the proceedings slowly lowered there heads and managed to find a small alcove they could hide within.

“Brother… I don't think there's a way to talk Sequoia out of this one… “ The shorter of the two deer explained. He had a cream like coat and white tuft of fur on his underbelly. He slowly tapped his hooves against the ground as if pacing in one spot.

“Quiet Cedar. We don't need any naysaying at this moment. We need to figure out something before he uses those crystals. They all feel like bad news no matter how you slice them.” The taller of the two deer muttered. He had a darkened ash like coat and a deeper cream colored underbelly. He slowly tore at the ground digging up dirt slightly with how tense he felt.

“But Ash… you saw how he looked. Ever since he took over we've had nothing but fight after fight after fight for the past year with almost every creature we've met. We managed to survive, yeah, but we're going nowhere anytime soon.” Cedar whined slightly keeping his tone low so as to not arouse suspicion by the other incensed deer cheering for their warrior king.

“And there is nothing we can do about that. He earned the throne fairly. Even though he is king we have to warn him about the repercussions of going to outright war with anyone. We're an isolated kingdom with so many differing neighbors that we wouldn't survive outright war.” Ash answered back stating his worries a bit more plainly than he liked.

“Did you hear though? The ponies already marched into the Crystal Empire and took down the golem army with a golem of their own. He did so on less than a day. A day! Can you believe that?” Cedar nearly shouted only to hold a hoof against his mouth to stop himself.

“X, right? That's the name going around right now. We can't rely on rumors like that. It was probably something more mundane like magic or military might. C’mon we need to get ready for our meeting with the king. We have to convince him to reconsider.” Ash stated making Cedar shut his mouth from making anymore comments.

The two brothers bounded off for their home in Thicket. They would have a difficult meeting in front of them. King Sequoia was not one that changed his mind so easily and if they couldn't… war would be on the horizon.

Far south across the grand expanse of the desert, beyond the claims of Equestria, atop the peak of Mount Aris stood a grand nation of hybridized creatures known as Hippogriffs. They were the combination of pony and griffin who founded their own nation after some harsh prejudices were unearthed during their last world meeting.

“Brought news Queen Suijin. The monster was slain. We have brought with us the tools of his conquest to better prepare ourselves for whatever comes our way.” A young hippogriff stated bowing deeply in sheer respect. He was purple for the most part and seemed to hold himself with a certain air of ceremony when he conversed with the queen.

“What of them Shatterstream? Is there something important of that bounty?” Queen Suijin raises an eyebrow at her attendant eyeing him with a certain level of curiosity. He only voiced opinions when he had something to propose.

“Only this my Queen. We have been blessed with both a capital above and a capital below. My only concern is that we should work our way back into the graces of the world stage. Our hippocampus brethren enjoy the boon of the Pearl and all it's magic. We should expand that out to the rest of the world.” Shatterstream weaved his tale making certain to be as passive as possible.

“And the crystals we appropriated will assist us in this endeavor?” Queen Suijin asked still not seeing the point.

“Yes, your majesty. It will make us grander than ever. Masters of Sky, Sea and Land.” Shatterstream prostrated himself making certain not to meet his monarch’s gaze.

“Very well. When we figure out how they work I shall use the Pearl to assist with that magical link you've been constantly harping on about.” Queen Suijin muttered as she rolled her eyes. She hated having to work on the world scale when she needed to make certain that the city had her focus.

Shatterstream smiled as he went about the day looking over the crystals in deeper attention. As far as he was concerned the crystals were much more than they appeared. A certain glint in his eyes betrayed all that he though as his mind warped to his own view of how the world should work.

“Argus! Argus! Where are you boy!?” A booming voice roared out as the figure stomped over the cobblestone road.

“Here father! I found something interesting.” A younger voice answered before there was a loud thwack that came from the strike of a broad axe against wood.

“Again Argus, you found something that could spell out disaster.” The older voice growled clearly not liking what his son had found.

“Is Hektor, the great hero, afraid of a box?” Argus chuckled as the lid popped off the box.

“Never afraid boy. Merely cautious. What have you found?” Hektor stepped over carefully scratching his horns as he did so.

The Minotauran figure never let his guard down as he looked into the crate finding several crystals, blood red in color, lying within. A strange find but the boy made it his mission to push the envelope whenever it was inconvenient. Money had been scarce and work even more so on their peninsular settlement. Entrepreneurial assessments raced through his mind. Every bull was looking for the next big thing and the crystals he saw might have been.

“Father. Father! Wake up you blasted oaf!” Argues called out before his father smacked him on the head. “Ow! What was that for?”

“For bugging me while I was thinking. Now these things look valuable don't they? You thinking what I'm thinking?” Hektor peered down at the jewels carefully inspecting them as he picked them up gently between his fingers.

“But I thought you said I only found disaster father?” Argus replied taking stock of his father’s demeanor.

“At the very least you haven't tried to take Gold Resolve’s weapons again.” Hektor countered as he went to pick the crate up, lifting it effortlessly.

“Gods above… these minotaurs have no idea how strange their names are. Why must they always be either a metal and concept?” Argus complained as he picked the lid up placing it back on the crate to hide their bounty.

“These are colony bulls. Of course they've lost most of their spirit and adopted these Equestrian customs for the peace it brings. Worthless fools. We’ll make them better someday… but for now let's make some money here. Right, son?” Hektor grinned as he stomped away for the city of Labrynna ready to make his wares to sell to the fools that lived there.

The rolling plains further out to the northwestern part of the continent played host to another equine species, most known for their striped disposition. The tribals of the nation celebrated one of their greatest accomplishments as two were joined in holy matrimony.

“Silence! Our leader had words for you all, quiet down or your head will fall!” A large zebra wearing ornate green robes called out after pulling his bird like mask off his head to gain every zebras attention.

“Thank you all for your jovial jubilation, 'tis better than your usual aggregation. Today brings the joy of a wondrous day which is sure to keep the sadness at bay. I wish you all to welcome my wife, who shall share with me my entire life.” The largest zebra with the ornate gold robes roared out making certain that the headdress with the blood red crystals they appropriated from the Crystal Empire were still staying on his head.

A female zebra lithe and slender slowly traipsed up to him nuzzling at his side as she made certain her purple robes remained off the ground with her own headdress, also adorned with the blood red crystals, remained stationary on his head.

“All hail Zekovo and Eiza, our new Queen and King, the rulers that lord over everything!” The large zebra at the side shouted out as the entire procession and village stomped an applause for the happy couple.

Several of the shamans, male and female, wore the blood red crystals as well in their religious looking headdresses. A female zebra fiddled with her own crystals feeling faint whenever she touched them.

“Zira, stop messing with them and finally rest. You are now trying to fail the test.” Another zebra wearing white robes and the same headdress glared at the young mare.

“Quiet Zealot I need not your word, I just think these absurd. We took those crystals of deep blood red, and now we wear them upon our head. A curse I say is what will befall and the head shaman has made a bad call. They feel enticingly wrong and his mind is exceedingly not strong.” Zira hissed as she pulled the headdress off her head placing them into a small satchel.

“Mark my words young one, for you label yourself as done. The ceremony must continue without reason to ensure that we can enjoy the season. You've written it off as a bad choice but you are still only one voice. Celebrate our victory so grand before you go to make a stand. Wait your turn for it shall arrive if you hope… to soon survive.” Zealot warned Zira who merely averted her eyes.

The ceremony continued as every zebra gave their praises for the happy couple and the rise of a new pair. The King and Queen slowly made their way back into another room while their subjects all finally got some rest.

“Zealot, have you figured out anything about the gem? I wish for us to use all of them.” Zekovo ordered his personal shaman to speak.

“Sorry my king I have not found a clue, though surely there is something I can do. Magic is needed to unlock its spell but a potion may work just as well. I've got my rations prepared for the work ahead, I shall work my hooves until I am dead.” Zealot mentioned clearly examining the crystals in more detail.

“Dear old friend do not joke of such a fate, it is truly something I hate. Work your best is all I ask then glory is what we will all bask.” Zekovo answered making absolutely certain that his orders were followed to the letter.

The zebra shaman worked with the head shaman making absolutely certain their their alchemy had no disastrous effects of the crystals. There they toiled over the objects unlocking whatever secrets they could find about those objects. The Crystal Empire and Goring Corundum had always been a passing curiosity throughout the world stage and they would find out what he was hiding.

“Bring it in! Hurry up!” A large griffon with gray feathers and a crown made of red velvet with gold trimming with matching red robe ushered three other griffons wearing ornate iron chainmail brought in a large crate.

“Done. King Griswald, what else should be done?” The large dark gray griffon with the halberd on his back awaited his orders.

“Bring me Gale. The Windwalkers need to look over our haul. These things made Corundum unstoppable. If we get these to work the Griffon Empire will be unstoppable.” Griswald announced as his three soldiers all bowed and stomped out of the throne room.

Griffonstone was the site of the twenty griffon tribes that worked together towards the birth of a grand nation. Held under the dominion of the first king, Grover, who united them under the banner of an idol. The Idol of Astra was their unifying trinket and delivered the griffons out of the dark ages. Griswald was merely the current king in the long line of royalty.

“You summoned me King Griswald? What is it you need?” Gale flapped in eyeing the crate warily. Her snow white feathers with gray plumage and wing tips being the most striking of the griffon hen.

“We've done it. We found the secret behind that army that Corundum founded. These… these are what made them. I know they are activated by magic and you have magic.” Griswald pointed out.

“Yeah we have wind manipulation but what do you wa - … oh you want us to make them work. Why didn't you just spit it out you dweeb?” Gale snapped lowering her gaze and harshening her stare.

“Hey, hey, hey! I'm your king now. Look just get these shinies to work for us. We'll show the world who's better and like always it'll be us.” Griswald grinned as he stated that promise. “No longer will we be seen as thugs, we'll be more. Better.”

“Is this another dick measuring contest you're having with Hurricane again? You know he's older than you and closer to death.” Gale pointed out bluntly noting that Griswald was looking a bit more disgruntled than usual.

“It is not as you so crudely phrased it a dick measuring contest. Besides I'd win that claws down. No this is about showing those stuck up sod munchers that we are a better nation. One more worthy of being seen as peak of the aviary so to speak.” Griswald clarified making certain to keep his tone serious.

“Of course you are boss. Fine. I'll get the rest of my aerie working on getting these shiny crystals working. But this better not be what I think it's turning out to be otherwise I'll be hurting you for leading this country down a bad path.” Gale warned Griswald who nervously nodded at the threat knowing that she was just as popular as he was and could get support for the shift if he didn't deliver.

“Of course, of course, I have griffon kind always on my mind. We shall be greater than we are now. No worries about that.” Griswald assured the worried hen waving off her concerns as he did so.

Gale scowled at her boss before she left to gather the rest of the Windwalkers. Griswald grinned as he looked over the crystals seeing nothing but the rise of griffons to the top of the world.

Snow. Snow fell endlessly upon the small village as a short procession watched a bright light over the horizon from their neighbors far across the frozen wastelands. The main figure with the largest helmet lifted his bangs and scowled at the direction. Ponies had once again done something that threatened the world once again.

At this point in time Yakyakistan had cut off ties with the world due in no small part to the sighting of the trickster and his will. They knew of Discord and what he brought should he ever be seen and in their minds Corundum was one of those agents. He brought chaos to the Crystal Empire and he would bring more to the rest of the world.

“King Raud is ready to adjourn? Yaks believe we should look over contraband that was dragged into city.” A large orange brown yak stomped out to his king.

“If that is what yaks think then we shall look over it. What does Elder Yelena say of these crystals Remus?” Raud ordered his fellow yak to speak, the same one who asked for the adjournment.

“Elder Yelena is uncertain we can use crystals except for weaponry. Elder also spoke of feeling weak after touching said crystals. I am believing they have enchantments placed on them from ponies.”

“Hm… if elder is worried then we should take care with using crystals. Weakening charm of pony magic is useful for keeping dragons at bay when used right. Have Reinhard start to making weapons in case dragons strike sooner rather than later.” Raud commanded as he stomped down leaving a foot deep hole from the impact.

“On personal note King Raud, Yelena wishes for there to be better defensive commands. She has asked for me to recommend to you, sir.” Remus mentioned keeping his head held high while Raud looked over him.

“Remus, you should know yak sentiment. Best defense is good offense. We be ready for any dragon attack and any pony trying to reclaim dangerous crystals from us. We have gained chance to keep Yakyakistan safe and we will do whatever takes to keep family safe.” Raud explained before he and his small collection of guards stomped back into the city.

“Yes King… “ Remus muttered under his breath as he looked out towards the shining city beyond the snow.

Remus bit his lip as he remembered finding the red crystals on an old thief they had been keeping an eye on. Rusk, the old thief, had a habit of stealing away into other lands filching things to make yaks reliant on trade and the use of others. It was culturally weak in most yaks eyes because self reliance was the foundation of their culture. They worked by the sweat of their own brow for the betterment of their fellow yaks. Rusk had violated it on several levels but the acquirement of the crystals was done most heinously with the death of a crystal pony. Buried by the snow, the body would forever be lost to its icy tomb and still no search parties had gone to find the pony in question. No gender was identified because all that was left was the burst open remains of said pony.

Whether golems were a thing didn't matter to the yaks. All that mattered was the safety of their city and their land.

The thundering charge of an army sending earth pony settlers off their land raged throughout the desert landscape. Once again they had tried to make a settlement on their land and once again they were forced back.

“Chief Typhoon we have sent those invaders back!” A large orange buffalo announced standing tall and proud.

“Good work brother. Get our defenses back up so we can continue to keep those invaders from encroaching on our land.” Typhoon ordered lumbering around as he looked over his people along the plains further south from Mount Canter.

The Buffalo of the plains had lived peacefully until invaders came out of an area known to most as Dream Valley. At that point fighting had become the norm. It had only been a few years back that their infighting had stopped and the ponies looked to make a name for themselves throughout the world. Instead they were given titles like ‘food’, ‘obstacle’, and to the Buffalo, ‘competitor’.

“What is this?” Typhoon pointed his hoof to the crate that was delivered in front of him.

“Unknown chief but the ponies were after it.” A yellow tinted buffalo answered. She seemed to keep her head down as she did.

“Brave Steppe please open it so we may see what folly these ponies have wrought.” Typhoon commanded as Steppe ordered one of the other buffalo to use their horns to gore open the crate.

Within the crate were several blood red crystals. Each radiated a little mote of magic as the buffalo examined them. Typhoon took a few adorning them in his headdress giving him a more intimidating visage.

“Hm… distribute them throughout the warriors. We shall use them against those invaders and keep our land safe. Steppe make certain that these crystals are shared evenly.” Typhoon ordered as he finished placing the most on his own headdress. He needed to make sure as chief he kept the most intimidating look around. As a black furred buffalo with some of the largest horns around he would be at the forefront leading whatever battle needed to be lead.

“Understood Chief. I'll make certain every warrior gets one at least.” Steppe answered as she gathered a hoof full and wandered around handing them out.

The Buffalo would regain their destiny and show the world that they protected their land from all invaders. No pony would take that from them.

Winding tunnels covered the desert further southwest of Mount Canter where several clans were getting their paws upon a new gem. Blood red in color and positively radiating with magic it was a boon to all packs as they acted different from all other gems.

“Yes. Gem looking good, yes? What is it?” A voice barked out from a tall dog like creature resembling a Rottweiler only with grey fur and yellow eyes.

“Found during trade route raid. Crystal ponies have in crate and I bartered them for it. Wanted gems they wanted life. Works out well for us.” Another voice called out from a medium sized dog like creature resembling a Doberman. He had light mocha brown fur and kept rolling one of the gems in his paw.

These were the Diamond Dogs and their brutal lifestyles as bandits who tunneled the world looking for wealth of any kind. Though working towards profit they were looking for something more.

“Thinking we need more of these gems. Why no more?” The Rottweiler growled out.

“Alpha please to stay calm. Crystal Pony leader was killed only he know where gems were. No more gems and these two crates are all we got.” The Doberman quickly spelled out for his Alpha.

“Argh… stupid pony. We should have collared them long ago, make them find us gems.” The Alpha stated as he clenched his fist eyes full of rage before smashing it against the table they were at.

“Alpha Rex, we have enough gems to take over land for new home. We call it Diamondia, yes? Found good place where gems are plentiful. We just need take it from whoever there.” The Doberman offered trying to placate his angry Alpha.

“Fine. We make way there in secret. No need tell anyone else we go to take over new home.” Rex growled out as he knocked on a piece of slate causing the hundreds of Diamond Dogs to perk their ears up.

Everyone knew that signal as they packed up their belongings and marched off through the tunnel systems for their new home in the mountains.

Buzzing wings resounded as several ponies were flown in large green cocoons. It had been several days since the large shadow creature had nearly struck down their queen. The hive was busy at work gathering as much love as they could to restore their queen back to health as they did so.

“What have you brought?” Chrysalis drones out coughing slightly from the loss of her magic. It had taken time to restore even a small portion of her magical essence after nearly being disemboweled by the shadows.

“My Queen, we've brought more cattle for you to feed off. We've even found these random crystal ponies carrying some strange crates with them. They have these blood red gems.” The drone mentioned as several other drones brought in the crates.

“What? Ignore the crates they aren't important. Give me the first one.” Chrysalis forced herself to sit up as the first pony battery was brought in. In the depths of his cocoon he saw the love of his life offer herself to him. At the peak of his fluttering heart’s desire he was drained until nothing but a husk was left behind.

“Another my queen?” The drone cautiously stated as two others carried in another cocoon.

“No… let us see what is in these crates that allowed you to capture these batteries so easily.” Chrysalis dismissed the cocoons and slowly trotted over to the crates in question before looking as one of her fellow changelings. “Open it Labrum.”

“Yes Queen.” Labrum answered and pried open the crate revealing several red crystals. Chrysalis hissed suddenly as the blood red crystals were revealed. She shook her head and scowled at the crystals uncertain of why she reacted as she did.

“What? Never mind… figure out what these crystals are Labrum then get back to me.” Chrysalis ordered as they were covered once again.

“Yes my queen. I shall get Tarsus and Coxa on the job.” Labrum bowed before getting other drones to carry off the crate towards another room in the hive.

Chrysalis sat back down on her throne and carefully looked over her hooves. There was something wrong and she couldn't place her hoof over it. Something was wrong with those crystals but without enough magic within her she couldn't figure out what was wrong. It would take time to figure out what the crystals actually were.

Several changelings circled the hive making certain to check for any possible intruders. The quietness surrounding the Badlands merely made things much more tense every since that shadow pony tried to exterminate their queen. It had unfortunately drew back most infiltrators from other countries leaving them in the dark about what was going on.

Crystal Shears flew across the sky slowly taking position on different clouds whenever she had managed to find a large enough looking cloud. With her soul gone Goring Corundum had started feeling weird as the new emotions tried to overwhelm his senses.

“Stupid bucking body… must get a new one. Let's see what I can find.” Corundum brought out one of the horns she had hidden on the body using it to use magic.

The horn lit up enough as an archaic map appeared in front of her revealing several red dots across the entire planet. The blood red crystals shone brightly revealing the location of every single being that could be influenced by the umbrella magic concealed within the crystals that covered her wings and body.

All she needed to do was gather a few worthy bodies… bodies she could use. The only problem was finding the right place to start. Magic was a necessity and she needed to fulfill her goal. Evolution required sacrifice and he had sacrificed everything already. Starting with his father then his body there was nowhere left to go but up.

“Eeny, Meeny, Miney, YOU!” Crystal Shears pointed at the map letting her hoof drag along the image of the map as the holographic display created by magic cracked and burned at her touch before she flew off for her first location.

A little subtlety to gain everything that he wanted. Even if he was using the mare like a flesh puppet, his eyes were always on the goal.

Evolution for all races would be a reality. This he swore on.

Discord felt off at this point. Something was tearing apart his little poker game amongst the players he had mystically copied to represent his opponents had somehow swelled to a disproportionate amount. His chaos was immense but even now it seemed that the world was trying to balance things out on its own.

The original players were still around with his greatest of opponents X sitting right across from him. That was a given after what Discord had planned but now…

To X’s right were Corundum sitting smugly as he shifted between a stallion and a mare, a thestral Countess who kept smirking as she pulled her own hand of cards out, a Deer King of some sort who was twisting his own horns as he shuffled his hand, a strange hippogriff who seemed to have a webbed tail snarling at the bit to chomp the deck, a large Minotaur with a crooked smile with what appeared to be a lump of another Minotaur growing out of him and a Zebra with a twisted smile drinking a glowing concoction. To his left stood a very familiar queen of the flies weakened but snarling all the same, a griffon king who so lovingly stroked his beak probably just dusting off his pecker, a large yak who kept watching the other players with distrust and rage, a buffalo chieftain who kept using his crystal headdress to seemingly lord over the others, a large Diamond dog alpha who scratched and bit at his butt like the mutt he was and a pony creature of shadow undulating to keep its shape.

“Well, well, well, well, well what do we have here. The rejects and order sucking scum have stepped to the table trying desperately to feel like they deserve to be here.” Discord scowled at the other players only allowing Chrysalis, Corundum, X and the Pony of Shadows some level of professionalism. “How fitting… I decided to throw my card into another deck for some chaos and I didn't need to in the first place.”

Discord idly pulled the card out of X’s deck and looked at it. Then he placed it back ignoring that little voice that told him to bring it back. He looked around and the wheels started spinning in his head. There was fun to be had here. Tons of fun to be had and all he needed to do was wait. The Plunderseeds were planted in some places and he had pulsed his magic around the large forest need the fortress where the Pillars of Equestria made camp.

“No. No this is just how it should be. That was he can do what I want. Yes, yes.” Discord started laughing as his claws and talons tore through the table ripping his very realm apart as every player at the table was flung to an individual table where they faced down a version of Discord.

The original remained solely focused on the X manifestation before him. His grin grew larger and more demented by the second leaving him towering over every player who didn't react because they were merely constructs created from chaos.

“Oh X, you beautiful golem you. You'll do exactly as I want. And you won't even know you're doing it. None of you will.” Discord chortled as he snapped his talons and all the constructs turned to sand, incapable of keeping their forms as they tried desperately to remain in the game.

Around the world all the leaders who had found the blood red crystals that would help them make a place in the world woke with a start. Their dreams were a myriad of terrifying shapes and figures writhing on the spot and the only constant was the chimera slithering around whispering threats into their minds. They never shared anything with any other soul but some knew. They always knew.

Discord was on the move.