• Published 21st Oct 2017
  • 4,987 Views, 263 Comments

Replicated Wanderer - QuartzScale

Displaced: Went to a con with self made metal armor resembling X from the Megaman X series. Bought a prop X Buster and wound up in an Equestria of the past. Now I'm lost on a world being followed by a mad god that makes trouble for me.

  • ...

VIII. Retaliate (unedited)

Author's Note:

This is unedited but I don't want you all waiting for so long. First mission starts now.

I was a bit perturbed at this moment when I realized what I just agreed to. I couldn't blame anyone but myself which was something Nana didn't waste any time doing. I had agreed to find out my tolerance to magic from both Starswirl and Mistmane because I didn't know if I could be affected by magic at all. Discord had used mental manipulation through his magic on me but it didn't do anything overt against me. It had fizzled out before it could do anything. When I think back to that moment I realized that it tried to work on my internal systems.

The Suffering Circuit was a marvel of technology that influenced morality on such a precise level that it was impossible to force mental changes due to the heaviest level of protection courtesy of Dr. Light.

It was something I couldn't measure again because Discord wasn't going to give me the chance to get in close. If he could help it. So I looked to my unicorn friends and their magic to check my durability. For the most part I only had a small inkling of what I needed to test and Nana had only finished the prototype thaumic sensors in my body at this point.

‘I have no idea if these even work but it was bound to happen sooner or later. If the looks every single pony gave me was something to go by then eventually I was going to have to defend myself. Nana needs the raw data of any magical signatures and being affected by magic is the only way that things will get going…’ I mentally cringed.

This was a plan I wasn't looking forward to and what made it worse was the fact that I was still walking into the unknown. The Equestrian Principality was a mystery waiting to be unraveled; full of political intrigue, violent battles, and more adventure than anyone could shake a stick at. I honestly wanted nothing to do with the violence that was coming. It wasn't out of a sense of cowardice nor unwillingness to help those in need.

It was for pragmatic reasons. I was nowhere near close to being prepared for anything here. The X1 era weapons were the most useful and versatile out of all the archive but Corundum was an unknown with an unknown strength. Throughout all that, I had boasted that I could handle it on my own even though it wasn't my intention. I was… more expendable seeing as they thought of me as a Crystal Golem.

“Are you certain of this X? We don't know how much you can honestly take and since we are helping each other out it would be in poor taste to hurt you like this.” Starswirl explained, the concern visible in his eyes as he took a few steps forward.

“We need to do this. I'm still not sure of my tolerance with magic. So we start light and work our way up.” I mentioned as I took position near one of the far walls.

“X, this seems far more dangerous than it should be.” Mistmane warned while reluctantly joining Starswirl.

I held my hands up and gave them the international sign of ‘bring it on’ since we needed this done. What came next was a bevy of different spells all castes on me to determine my magical resistance.

Starswirl started first using his levitation spell to determine if he could lift me. His magic was able to grasp me but it strained him to even lift me even an inch off the ground. Mistmane joined him in the second attempt which got me lifted four inches off the ground. That meant that unicorn levitation was an exponential gain. One unicorn even at Starswirl's level could only lift me an inch off the ground… unless he was holding back. Results were skewed if that was the case.

‘Nana what was the reading off of their magic and combined strength?’ I mentally conversed with my cyber elf companion.

‘Well readings are very strange and we don't have a variable to assign to magic as a whole just yet so I'm forced to assign a reading based on the energy released by lightning. A lightning bolt releases over one billion joules of energy and so far telekinesis comes nowhere close to that. At most Starswirl, at the very least, released about five thousand joules of energy trying to lift you off the ground. By comparison Mistmane released only three thousand joules. That's where it gets confusing though. Through their cumulative effects they managed to produce double the energy expenditure releasing sixteen thousand joules. This phenomenon is very confusing but it seemed when they worked in tandem towards a goal it produced a spark that made things easier for them to lift you. I'll look into more of this as we continue. Whether or not that was Starswirl's best is uncertain. More testing is required.’ Nana explained as she held very archaic caricatures of Starswirl and Mistmane and showed me a strange meter for reading magic.

“You two… are you using as much as you can?” I looked over to the two who weren't breathing heavily though the sweat dripping off their brows made me control my tone as best as possible.

“As much as is necessary we need you intact and if a wayward spell is released could cause catastrophic damage both to you and the structure around us.” Starswirl lectured as he wiped his brow with his hoof.

“Right, okay then. Let's test any other spells you might think of.”

From there, there was a long list of spells done within an hour. My resistance proved to be much more robust. Levitation required multiple unicorns just to lift me. Cloudwalking spells were non effective as I fell through the cloud though Nana made certain to keep the energy readings in case we ever figured out a way to internalize magic to allow it.

Shield spells… well one punch and I knocked through two shields almost effortlessly. When they tried again Starswirl used more energy releasing over ten thousand joules easily. Mistmane shot up to eight thousand and their combined shield require four punches just to break through.

Magic was exponential. It grew more powerful the more ponies worked together. This made it certain that as long as I wasn't focus fired I could tank almost any magic like it was nothing. Unfortunately, we didn't get to elemental magic. They were both exhausted after I broke through their combined shield.

“That should be enough for what we have. You are far more dangerous than I realized.” Starswirl muttered under his breath.

“Better that I'm your ally then, right?” I put my hand down to give Starswirl a chance to stand up. He took it graciously enough. As soon as he was up I offered my hand to Mistmane who luckily took it much quicker.

I needed more data. With certain calculations Nana was running through I could only assume and predict how much magic was necessary to affect me and that would inevitably bite me in the end.

A field test was the most logical course of actions but one I was dreading overall.

“I think it's time for me to head out then. I will head out for the Crystal Empire… unless you require something else.” I motioned to the others who seemed lost in thought over the events transpiring before them.

“No. I think we can trust you on this endeavor though it's best that you meet with Commander Hurricane before you leave. He will not accept this plan but there is little he could do to stop you if you are this durable.” Magnus replied as he trotted up to the edge of the barrier and waited for me to follow.

Joy. I would have felt more entrapped by this but none of the others looked towards me with the same suspicion they did throughout the first moments I entered their lives. It wasn't full trust since Somnambula and Starswirl still remained skeptical but they seemed to come around to the idea that I was firmly on their side. Seeing that these were the only six allies I had it made me somewhat glad I found level headed beings. Now if only the rest of the ponies were that open to the possibility, not even counting the other races that existed.

We exited the room and for some reason I never felt his eyes watching me. That raised several warning bells in my mind. He was monomaniacally fixated on me and if he wasn't… well that would turn out horrible. I mentally had to keep myself from physically reacting because if they knew then they might do something foolish.

It took us several moment to find Commander Hurricane. He was a grizzled looking pegasus with a red coat and grey mane. His entire body seemed to have scars covering most of his neck and sides with a longer scar directly down his muzzle. His armor was a praetorian silver that had the same look as the centurions from the old Roman Empire with the same brush like helmet. His glare told me all I needed to know about him from the moment I walked into the room.

The welcome from the guards was just as icy as when I exited the room earlier the previous day. From the Commander though, I could feel his glare attempt to pierce through me. Once again I had to cut off my emotions leaving them at the bare minimum. It was something I really wanted to fight back against, the human side wanted to physically answer back at the injustice I could feel from his glare but I needed to keep playing the long game before me. Magically, I was resistant to most if not all forms of meddling barring any new discoveries with elemental magic. Physically, I could keep track of everything that was thrown against me due in no small part to my robotic reflexes.

“So this is what I've been hearing about throughout my operation then. What's this golem doing here? Magnus, report.” Hurricane commanded as his stare focused on the soldier.

“This is the golem that has pledge his loyalty to the six of us and the betterment of Equestrian interests. He has been ordered to strike down Corundum first chance that presents itself, sir.” Magnus explained as he gave a serious salute to the grizzled pegasus.

“Hm… sounds like we've got a weapon then. I take it that it will listen to my orders then, is that right?” Hurricane glowered.

“Um, sir…” Magnus started only to be cut off by Hurricane’s boisterous voice.

“Golem, you will remain here. We don't need no fancy magical doodad to assist our forces against this poorly made tyrant. This will be won with pony might. Not some automaton that could break and turn on my soldiers!” Hurricane roared out as he glared at me.

I just stared back. This wasn't really worth it and I sure as hell wasn't going to answer to him with that tone. Quickly thinking through my options I made the best choice I could think of… one that would piss him off but get results.

Order ignored. Mission parameters have been set. Primary objective is the capture of Goring Corundum. Secondary objective is the safety of the royal family.” My voice called out. Nana had tweaked my voice filter acting entirely more robotic… inhuman to my hearing.

That got results as Commander Hurricane nearly fumed at that point. His grimacing jaw spoke volumes about his reaction to my response. Magnus didn't cower away but he did grit his teeth. Hurricane rounded on him but remained the ever professional leader for his people.

“Soldier… what did this hunk of crystals just say to me.” Hurricane harshly whispered.

“Commander Hurricane that would be my doing unfortunately.” Starswirl spoke up dragging away the commander’s harsh glare to him. He was used to dealing with their leaders and their eccentricities.

“Explain.” Hurricane bluntly stated.

“When he was created he immediately imprinted upon the six of us. Because of that he will listen to our commands but he is free enough to interpret those orders as he sees fit. Trust me when I say that he is much more than he is.” Starswirl lied more than he ever did in his whole life.

“He!? What in Harmony’s name are you talking about. This thing isn't a he.” Hurricane explained as succinctly as he could.

“He is masculine and that is what we have identified him as.” Starswirl bluntly answered back managing to get the commander’s attention.

“Whatever. That thing is not going on our mission.” Hurricane put his hoof down.

“With his mission set he will move independently of you. He will head out now and accomplish his mission. We can't change the parameters.” Starswirl mentioned smirking at the Commander.

“Of course you did. Doesn't matter. He'll be a pile of scrap before he meets his first enemy. Fine. Send him. We'll show you that this is a problem that can be solved by the heart and soul of the ponies of this nation.” Hurricane groaned out.

“Good to know. X, head out now.” Starswirl ordered me. I could see the nervous look in his eye but a quick nod assuaged his fears. I knew that parts had to be played and they had to be played well.

This gambit was set though I had a feeling that we each had one in play. Starswirl needed me to be seen as an ally of ponies because this world was going down fast. I needed to be sanctioned by ponies to find the rest of the capsules that were in hiding. At the very least I hoped that that was Starswirl's intention. I stood out a fair distance from the rest of the beings in the room.

‘Teleportation signal acquired, sir. I've set your energy converter ready and I have the sensors ready to scan the environment to fill the topographical map I've been forming. Thaumic sensors are detecting some responses from the more frightened guards. Those are luckily negligible with the highest reading being one thousand joules. From estimates I predict that it would take at the very least fifteen thousand joules of energy to cause any actual damage.’ Nana explained as I glowed brighter.

I bent down as electricity coursed around me and I zoomed up as a mass of light towards Mount Canter.

“What in Tartarus was that Starswirl!?” Hurricane roared out as he swiftly dealt with the panicked troops while Starswirl messed with his beard slightly.

‘So that's what he meant by warping. I'll need to place the one he handed us somewhere where it won't cause a ruckus.’ Starswirl mused while Meadowbrook and Somnambula conversed excitedly about what they just saw. Magnus, Rockhoof, and Mistmane were left in awe after everything that they witnessed.

“Starswirl! Explain!” Hurricane yelled out getting his attention once again.

“Yes Commander?” Starswirl coyly chuckled.

“What the buck was that!? Why is that golem meddling in our affairs?” Hurricane roared out causing many of his guards to buckle from his voice.

“I don't know what you mean Commander. He is doing what he was meant to do.” Starswirl smirked causing Hurricane to turn even more red.

“Everypony out! Out! Out! Out!” Hurricane screamed causing every guard to rush out of the room leaving him and the pillars only in the room. Starswirl turned back and gave a silent nod to the other pillars. Getting the message each of the pillars exited as well leaving the wise wizard and the pegasi commander alone.

As soon as the door clicked close Hurricane lost his angry expression. Pasted on was the tired eyes of someone who had gone for a long time fighting the good fight. Starswirl lost his haughty attitude showcasing the grumpiness he hid behind the mask he wore.

“Old friend you must calm yourself. This is unbecoming of you.” Starswirl sighed as he checked Hurricane.

“You know I can't do that. They expect a roaring leader brimming with life and ready to fall to war. I can feel it Starswirl. I am losing this battle and the time is the ever closing victor.” Hurricane growled out as he rubbed his weary eyes with his left hoof.

“You've been keeping track of your medications right. I know you hate what the apothecary prescribed you but Meadowbrook insured me that it was exactly what you needed.” Starswirl slowly trotted over to his friend placing his free hoof on his shoulder.

“It's not enough. Look, this is neither the time or the place. What was that thing you brought in? I've been around the cloudbank before and I could tell that that golem was actually thinking. Thinking and listening and clearly disobeying me of its own free will.” Hurricane hissed out though it eased to a tired sigh.

“His name is X. I'm sorry for the show but as you've seen by the troops, having a sapient golem is making them jumpier than usual. That's not the important part. Do you remember when we talked about our plans for the future?” Starswirl stared directly at Hurricane focused.

“Yes. I remember. I remember that we could never accomplish it because Corundum took the Crystal Empire leaving us lacking a plan B. My ponies are already talking about seeing a chimeric entity floating around in random places. We are left with no options here.” Hurricane groaned as he remembered what he was about to order his ponies to do.

“What if I told you that we could do it without going for that bloodbath solution?” Starswirl smiled more than he had ever felt before.

“What are you talking about?” Hurricane peered at the old mage.

“That golem was no mere golem. Do you remember when I talked about there being a balance one to counterbalance the chaos?” Starswirl's voice got more excited with every word that dropped from his mouth.

“You don't mean…?” Hurricane did a double take as he looked back at the spot where X disappeared from.

“I do. Project Harmony now has a chance.” Starswirl stated with a smug smile plastered on his face.

A bright spectrum of light cascading around me was all I could see while I was teleporting. With a bright flash and the sound of thunder I found myself once again on top of Mount Canter looking over the horizon.

“Well X it looks as though we are on schedule to reach the Crystal Empire so long as we head north, obviously.” Nana snarked slightly. “Still we should take care of any Crystal aligned troops as we see fit. Destroying their supplies and weaponry should make it easier for all allied troops to capture them.”

I merely nodded as I looked out to the horizon that faced the sprawling crystal monument that pierced the heavens though from where I stood I was on top of it. Taking a deep breath I materialized the first armor over my primary shell. What was once blue armor was now white with several portions looking bulkier and tougher. The helmet gained new protrusions but from what I remembered they would hardly do anything for me. My chest plate gained an extra layer over it including shoulder pads. The buster went from the normal blue to having a red tip and apparently an extra module on the barrel which probably was the part that would let me charge weapons as well. Weapons I still haven't tested yet. My greaves and legs also gained an extra layer though the dash functionalities didn't change at all.

Overall I was still the same figure only less blue and more ivory armor. I jumped off of Mount Canter and allowed gravity to take me north towards my target. Corundum wouldn't know what hit him.

Discord looked up from his project. Ruby Geode had been an easy nut to crack. The manipulations were as subtle as possible and his ego made it simple to point in a certain direction. This level of control though was something he enjoyed doing but it was dangerous to indulge so much. X was already on the move.

‘How long was I distracted for? Well no matter… getting Geode out to where he wanted was no problem and that Concerto mate would be good incentive to fan those flames of discordance over and over again.’ Discord mentally chuckled as he pulled his talons out of Geode astral body.

Chaos magic flowed through him subtly enough that any actions he took would and wouldn't be his own. An agent of chaos was something he never really wanted, or needed before but today was a special day. His manipulations to fulfill his goals would take one step forward this day. With a quick snap he went back near his realm to watch the festivities that would come.

Ruby Geode, General of the Crystal Coalition Forces, an impromptu band created by King Corundum at the beginning of his reign, silently fumed. Concerto had never even slipped close to their encroaching net that they had deployed. It was as if somepony had been saying, ‘nothing could go wrong,’ and then everything went wrong.

Hours after the assault by X, Geode had been forced to march his troops forward to make up for the lost ground caused that day. For those moment Geode was jostled around in his sleep by his ‘servants’ clumsy formation. It wasn't his fault that they didn't eat their bread and water rations right.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the only thing keeping him from sleeping soundly. Throughout the dreams that kept hounding him there were constant flashes of chaotic architecture wisping through his mind. Every single time that another image came though… his mind would feel calmer, more lucid.

“I know where to go…” Geode mumbled from his bed still half asleep. Instantly, he shot up forgoing any raiments or clothing just to get out to his troops faster. Captain Flint caught him.

“General Geode calm down, sir. What has you in such spirits today?” Flint soothed the flustered general who merely turn in a circle seemingly lost in his own palanquin.

“What, Flint, but I just…? No matter I have good news.” Geode smiled as he met Flint’s dull gaze.

“Do tell, sir. I'm dying to hear the good news.” Flint felt the enthusiasm melt from his voice but quickly forced it back before Geode could notice. He didn't though, Geode was far gone in his own rants or proclamations that Flint was trying to hard to hide his boredom.

“I know where Concerto is going. I know exactly where she is going and we will have her by this evening.” Geode smirked showing his teeth off… which had gotten sharper for some reason.

“You certainly seem sure…” Flint answered tentatively. Over time, Flint had noticed that there were small changes in Geode’s demeanor. Throughout his several naps throughout the day he changed little by little. What was once the infuriating and infuriated stallion that ran the army was slowly changing. He was now predatory, dangerously hissing whenever he was forced to sit still for even a moment. Though just as quickly he would change back to the same pissed off pony he always was leaving Flint unsure how to proceed. While he hated the fool, he needed to play his role, and play that role well.

“She’s travelling directly south. She’ll be within range of the mountain within a few hours. We need to get out there now and we’ll get her back. Concerto is mine.” Geode giggled manically before losing that emotion and looking barren of emotions. Geode lost focus and his eyes dilated before he shook his head regaining sense once again.

“Sir?” Flint warily looked at his commanding officer taking a few steps back.

“What? Yes? Get to work Flint we have to get her.” Geode quickly dismissed the captain who sighed in exasperation before leaving the tent.

Geode’s breathing grew shallow as he sunk to the floor doubling over in pain. As he started to lose consciousness out of the corner of his eye he saw a long serpentine creature made up of different animal parts rubbing his paw and talon together in gleeful malice. The pain was unbearable and just as quickly as it began; it suddenly stopped.

Geode looked over his hoof trying to figure out what had happened and how he got to the floor. Those thoughts changed as quickly back to Concerto and he returned back to his room. Rest was required before he had his tool back underhoof once again.

Concerto had been running since the night that everything changed. While finding X was a priority, it was number three on her list. Keeping out of the crystal guardsponies clutches was her primary with survival being the secondary.

The paths she took were heavily covered in brush and debris making it tough to get through. Thankfully, the hours of hard labor she had been put through had actually made her body hardier and tougher than it had been when she had a seat amongst her family. I short sigh escaped her lips as she squashed down the memories that tried to resurface once again.

‘Now is not the time to mourn. Now is the time to run. Keep going.’ Concerto pushed herself across several fallen logs.

There had been several close calls due to the Crystal pegasi that had been patrolling the sky. Hiding beneath anything that would hide her coat and mane was her main focus. The mud she had been forced to lay in had been a boon as that once shiny coat was covered in a layer of grime. It didn't matter anymore. Survival and freedom were what she sought and that small amount of filth was keeping her safe.

Concerto peered out at the sky looking for anymore patrols before racing off for the largest thing anypony could see, Mount Canter. It was her best shot to getting closer to the Equestrian Principality. The path evened out revealing a large uncovered plain between her and the base of the mountain.

‘How long have I been galloping for…? No, doesn't matter. Gotta be smart about this.’ Concerto berated herself.

What had been an easy trek hiding within the foliage of the forests had now come to an end. Open ground and open skies stood before her challenging her to sneak through them. She quietly weighed her options.

As a former princess she had only practiced levitation spells to grab and manipulate objects. It was by no means her special talent but it could open up objects. She looked down at her cutie mark which was a crystallized note on top of a heart. Her special talent was musical in nature but there was nothing to sing about anymore. In that moment a bolt of lightning hit her as she stared at her mark once again. She could use sound spells to keep her quiet. She just needed a disguise…

A short trot away was a large puddle of mud and several clumps of grass. She stared at the two components and realized just how much crawling would need to be done.

Covered in grass clippings and mud, Concerto quickly took position at the edge of the boundary between safety and death. It was a foolish plan to be sure but when left with either wait and be captured or hide and be captured there was little choice left. There was an escape clause that could be done with a sharp enough stick but that was something she didn't really want to think about.

Concerto took a dainty step forward clinging to the ground and letting the clippings of grass covering her entire muddy body act as camouflage for the dangerous trip. Twenty steps in and nothing happened. Forty steps in and nothing happened. Sixty steps in and still nothing happened.

The trip across got more dangerous as the glint of something shiny flying through the sky caught her attention. Concerto kept as still as possible.

“Any sign of her?” A voice called out from overhead.

“Not yet. Geode said that this was the area she would be going through.” Another voice answered though partially filled with venom at the mention of that name.

“Flint says that the general is going mad. He looks a bit different lately right?” A third much younger voice questioned the first two.

“Yeah, I guess. Damn foal filed his teeth to points for some reason. I didn't even know he carried a file in the first place.” The first voice acted surprised.

“Let's just find his ‘tool’... you know I hate this whole regime change.” The second voice growled out seemingly huffing in place.

“We all do. We just have to remember what is at stake. Remember what happened to the Grenadine family? How the were paraded through the streets in that manner… urp… sorry. It still makes me sick to see what his golems were capable of. Now we have that other one that purposely singled out our home.” The third voice sniffed though Concerto wasn't sure if that pony was crying. She couldn't even tell genders from how frightened she was of being caught once again.

“Still having nightmares about that. I hope that X does destroy our home. It's not home anymore for everything that happened.” The second voice longingly stated.

“Hey! Both of you knock it off. Look I know things are bad but we need to work for our future. This is a… dirty mission I'll admit but we all have family at stake.” The first voice ordered out but his tone was laced with guilt all the same.

“Right…” Both voices answered and were devoid of enthusiasm.

The slight tutting from the lead pony made Concerto worried. While the ponies of her country didn't harbor ill will towards her and her family… none of them had the courage to stand up to the monster back home. After they flapped off she continued crawling toward the base of the mountain but at her pace it would take an entire day just to reach.

“You know you can't escape Princess Concerto.” A pony uttered a few trots behind her.

Not wasting a second, Concerto sprinted from her position as the clip-clop of hooves rang out behind her. Taking a chance to peer around several earth ponies led by Captain Flint were in hot pursuit. Hooves burning from the constant trek Concerto slipped over her muddy hooves leaving her sliding to a complete stop.

“Looks as though we have you now Princess.” Flint sneered as he stamped his hoof down.

One of the pegasus soldiers came back holding a rain cloud over her. With an apologetic sigh he kicked it giving the princess the chance to wash away her disguise. Left a shivering mess she watched as one of the unicorn soldiers brought out the cast iron anklets. There was nowhere to run and nowhere to hide at this point. She didn't even have a pointy stick nearby either.

Before they could get too close several ponies stopped. Concerto saw Flint go wide eyed and fearful once again. It was weird… she quietly peered around finding the same golem that had appeared before only something was different. Instead of the blue and cyan armor it was now in white armor with several patches of blue and gold placed in ways that made it aesthetically pleasing. The biggest change though was the eyes though. What were once yellow and red eyes were now a clear shade of green pupils against white.

“Hm… so crystal ponies actually look like they're made from crystal. Neat.” I stated as I lifted my buster up.

“It's X! Get the golems now!” A scared pony screamed out.

“Shut up!” Flint screamed out backhanding the screaming pony and getting decent distance for how far he traveled. “Hello again X…” his voice dripped venomously as he glared at me.

“Hello…?” I kept my buster primed. I didn't have very much in terms of low key weaponry at the moment but Shotgun Ice and Electric Spark could be set to stun ponies at the very least. If I had Crystal Hunter I could incapacitate them better. Still it was better than nothing.

“You have a lot of nerve showing your face around her again.” Flint growled out.

‘Again? Nana did my body move on its own last night?’ I furrowed my brow in confusion.

‘No, sir. You remained incarcerated within the Pillar’s fortress for the entire night. I couldn't read anything either. I think you should play along though. If this is Discord’s doing as you are now thinking about then he most likely set this up for a reason.’ Nana postulated as several magical flares appeared on the thaumic sensor. I quietly placed my back foot near the pony that was on the ground who was a shivering mess.

‘Thanks for reading my thoughts Nana. What would I do without you?’ I sneakily thought. I still needed to get used to that. Most of my thoughts were segregated but surface thoughts from the processor would always break through.

‘No problem X. I live to serve.’ Nana cheerfully stated.

I wanted to blink in frustration and face palm at how naively cute she acted. I forced myself to completely ignore it and focus on the army of ponies before me. They were obviously after the pony beneath my feet now and I was going to stand in their way. I briefly wondered why but that was discarded. It didn't really matter and if they were crystal ponies then that meant I was on the right track for capturing Corundum.

“What can I say? I live to please.” I answered the lead pony. I had no idea who he was but if he thought I did then that would keep things simple.

“Of course you are. Leave the mare to us. She is a wanted criminal and harboring her with pull the entire might of the Crystal Forces upon your head.” Flint commanded as several ponies in the background started to shuffle away. The mare on the ground shook even harder when she noticed me look at her.

“S’okay. I feel like keeping her. You can leave though. I really don't want to fight you ponies.” I responded keeping my tone even and neutral as possible. I didn't lower my buster though. I wanted to follow the real X’s example and try to be pacifistic on issues but even I knew anyone that was angry usually chose violence as the answer.

“You will give her to us or you will pay for your treachery you filthy golem!” Flint cried out stamping his front hoof down.

I merely stared him down and shook my head. His eyes narrowed as several strange looking golems started to walk out of the surrounding forest. Each were a bit taller than me and seemed extremely bulky. They reminded me of the mini boss that was fought in Sting Chameleon’s stage. The egg shaped body and bowed legged stance were very similar. The only difference was the lack of a industrial grappling hook arm. On each arm were three crystal shards in the shape of claws.

“Then you leave us no choice. Golems! Crush X and capture that mare!” Flint ordered out as several ponies escaped a decent distance away.

“Stay still, okay.” I whispered down to the pony by my feet as I picked her up and placed her on my back.

It was time to hunt some mavericks.