• Published 21st Oct 2017
  • 4,987 Views, 263 Comments

Replicated Wanderer - QuartzScale

Displaced: Went to a con with self made metal armor resembling X from the Megaman X series. Bought a prop X Buster and wound up in an Equestria of the past. Now I'm lost on a world being followed by a mad god that makes trouble for me.

  • ...

XXVIII. Reinforce (unedited)

As soon as we reached the ground outside the forest I immediately switched to Ground Fire, dropped the two ponies, and walked into the flames to get everything that was thrown up on me. I was certain I was having flashbacks to Concerto doing so but at least that incident was cute. This was most definitely not at all.

“Sorry… “ Flint called out coughing slightly as he wiped his mouth clean. Stand helped him to his hooves albeit reluctantly.

“It's fine. I was expecting it after you told me. I have a system to handle it.” I quickly called out from the flames which I was so glad that I was getting clean. After making sure I had incinerated all the sick on me I stomped out the flames which took me a while. I really wished I had Bubble Splash or Splash Laser. They would have doused the fires quicker and left less evidence than an ice based weapon.

As I stepped out of the diminishing flames patting them off my body I noticed the disbelief on both their faces. Even as the flames clung to me I was still relatively fine. In most parts I had made the flame output low just to make certain I wasn't overwhelmed. I took damage over time from the flames but my auto repair functions made it next to negligible.

“What?” I stared down my two partners at the time who looked away from me. I guessed I was still to intimidating for them to handle.

“Nothing.” They both quickly shot back averting their eyes as I patted the last of the flames upon me.

Mentally rolling my eyes, I immediately recalled the map in my mind taking care to activate the auto mapping Nana had been developing. We were on the edge of a dense forest with little to no light so it seemed prudent overall to keep things interesting.

“Flint… we gotta feed you your medicine before we go on.” I recalled causing the unicorn to freeze in place. He looked around for some level of escape then remembered the state he was in. With a resigned sigh he nodded his head and I got to work on making certain he took the proper doses.

Wind rushed furiously past his wings as he pushed off back for the town. Hollow Shades was quickly coming into sight. The large iron gates that surrounded the town both protected it from the monsters outside and the dissenters inside. The guard that flew through town seemed to be outfitted with a red crystal embedded on his shoulder. The small pulses he felt just spurred him on further.

As he soared through the town he noted that most of the citizens remained aloof of his presence and the lack of foals around caused him no amount of worry. It didn't matter at the moment to him… or at least he told himself it didn't. Still he ignored the sights and flew straight for the home of Countess Primrose.

He had found news… and heard strange sounds around the mountain range. While he didn't verify what those sounds were he could tell that there was something coming. A response most likely from the Equestrians and their overzealous armies.

Faster his wings pushed and the red crystal on his shoulder pulsed deeper into his shoulder. It started to feel natural at that point. He ignored it. News of what to come first then he would worry about his body. The large ebony building loomed ever larger as he finally came to rest, his hooves finding pressure from the ground calming.

“Countess! Countess!” He knocked on the door fervently. As much as he needed to jet through the door and relay the news… he knew what happened to his predecessor who had made the same mistake. His head was adorned on one of the pikes overlooking the graveyard behind the Church of Blutvergießen. How long ago that was couldn't be told with how dessicated the heads looked. He wouldn't make the same mistake.

“What is it Jet!? I'm trying to sleep here!” Primrose roared as she slammed open the door nearly taking off his muzzle in the process. Jet quickly recovered gulping in some air before he spoke.

“Countess… I'm certain we have intruders near the edge of the forest. They are coming… most likely the Equestrian dogs and their pack monster. We need to prepare for invasion.” Jet quickly summarized though he was uncertain who was coming.

“Are you certain?” Primrose glared at her usually dim guard. He was scatter brained but whenever there was a threat he was eerily competent.

“Yes Countess. Shall I get the corps ready for combat?” Jet mentioned keeping his tone from getting into know-it-all territory.

“Yes… I'll prepare something of my own as well.” Primrose growled out as she slammed the door on Jet’s muzzle sending him sprawling on the ground. With some difficulty he stemmed the bloody nose he received and flew off to get the guards together.

“Shears! Shears! We need to get the ritual ready!” Primrose yelled out as she ran around looking for Crystal Shears. She always remained in her home due to merely being a pegasus. Being a crystal pegasus just made things more awkward ever since Corundum had conquered the Crystal Empire.

“Yeah… I got it. I'll put my cloak on then.” Shears sighed as she lifted that large black cloak over her body and covered everything but her eyes. The downside of being a crystal pony was the lack turning the sparkling skin off. Corundum, meanwhile, gauged what was happening more closely.

The rushed timetable could only mean one thing. X was coming. He was coming to stop him once again… and that was actually for the better. Shears looked over her body. Corundum had gotten used to all the female hormones at this point but the uncomfortable nature of desire had hit him hard the last time he saw a stallion. As much use as a body was he didn't like the randomness that came from it. Still… they had their use.

When he had come into town he used the body to great effect getting a few of the guards to come for his flank. Their heads joined the graveyard and their bodies turned into power for the crystals embedded on her body. It also had the aftereffect of getting the attention of Primrose. She still wasn't the most ideal body though.

“Shears! Come on we need to hurry! If this X is as dangerous as was whispered about then we need this ritual done!” Primrose roared as she pushed Shears out the door and off towards the church.

Primrose released a small screech that seemed to cut through sound itself. Within seconds Arum came flapping down from the shadows taking his spot next to her and stomping alongside her. Shears kept herself hidden beneath the cloak waiting for the church to come in view taking care not to reveal herself to the masses. The thestral populace was tame and inattentive though it seemed to tense up the moment Arum came into view. The symbol of a pike on his hooded robe seemed to be the factor.

The three came to the church and slammed the doors close behind them. Primrose immediately rushed to the altar taking care to press the small indent on it. The large organ at the side slid across and the three traveled down into the catacombs.

“Shears, how do we go about this?” Primrose growled out clearly annoyed though the shuffling of her front hooves giving exposure to internal fear.

“Well… the ritual can't be started until tomorrow. At most we could do an impromptu spell. I have some crystal bands we could use to funnel their magic to activate the crystals myself. It would be better if we could do the more intricate ritual but if something is coming to stop this then beggars can't be choosers.” Shears muttered under her breath… the other ritual still looking more appealing by the second.

“Do it. We need something to keep up from losing everything.” Primrose rounded on the crystal pegasus nearly taking off her hood.

“We need someone to act like the magical rod… someone loyal and willing to implant one of these crystals into them.” Shears lightly stated raising a hoof to her mouth coyly.

“Arum…?” Primrose turned to her stalwart quiet partner.

“If you wish it Countess I would do anything for you.” Arum stated lowering his head as he would usually do. His eyes locked with hers and her smirk returned.

“So be it… he'll be one of the best then. When the spell goes off all those you implanted with crystals will be affected so… y'know, be prepared.” Shears stated offhandedly.

“Fine give me a bit.” Primrose mentioned as she turned to Arum and started to remove her crystals and place them on him.

While he had refused earlier due to not trusting them he didn't have the heart to stop her from adorning him into those blood red crystals. Each wingtip had one crystal which embedded itself into his flesh almost too easily. Neither noticed the small glow coming from within Shears’ cloak that seemed to be affecting the crystals.

As Arum continued to have crystals placed on him his entire body started to heat up. He wanted to stop the process but his loyalty to Primrose kept his mouth shut. The largest crystal was placed over his chest. As it melded into his body the tip touched his heart and the pulses enveloped his entire being.

“Good. We just need to siphon their magic and he'll act like a beacon for all those who bear crystals.” Shears explained while Primrose gave her a cocky smile. She was glad for the partnership and benefits this brought… and as soon as the process was done then Ms. Shears would have her head crushed.

It was only business.

“Blast thine doors!” Luna hitched her legs back and bucked against the door they had been sealed behind. This was the fortieth time straight she had done so. Diamond Shard and Clover had taken turns playing some games while they allowed their princess to plan.

“X takes the game.” Diamond snickered as she won another game of tic tac toe. Clover sighed into his hooves.

“Greatest genius of my generation only behind Star Swirl and I can't even beat a filly in a foal style game.” Clover muttered slightly embittered by the turn of events. Truthfully he had been throwing the games after the first ten mostly due to the distraction Luna was providing.

“Don't worry Mr. Clover. I'm sure you'll pass your classes next time.” Diamond patted his foreleg. Clover nearly scoffed only to hold it back. While she was insensitive it was always done through a veil of innocence.

“Yes Ms. Shard… I'm sure I will.” Clover sighed placing his hoof in between his eyes to stave off the migraine that was threatening his sanity. It could have also been the pounding of the door creating his headache but at this point either could have been the cause.

“Gah! What are thy doors made of!? Oak? Willow? Brown Ebony!?” Luna cried out before slumping over to the pair defeated… for the moment.

“Did you win your bout?” Clover muttered as he set up the next game with the filly.

“''Twas a formidable foe. After reviving a black eye for its treachery it managed to weather my blows. I provided leniency for the moment before continuing my assault.” Luna announced covering up her acts… even though the two had watched everything unfold.

“Truly… the mightiest of enemies.” Clover snarked rolling his eyes in amusement.

“Doors are strong? I'll have to tell big brother that they're almost as dangerous as Corundum.” Diamond mentioned as she placed an x in the right middle square.

“The pony or the metal?” Luna asked looking at the filly in question.

“Yes.” She answered just as quickly before winning the game once again. “I win again. It's like you're not even trying!”

While Diamond trotted around celebrating her victory Luna looked over the board noticing why she won. A quick look as Clover told the entire story. He was losing on purpose for the most part. She remained silent on the matter if for. Outgoing more than the levity it provided.

As the young filly rejoined their trio the door slammed open and several thestral guards swarmed in. Caught off guard Luna and Clover took defensive positions around Diamond Shard while they were surrounded.

“Hello prisoners. Sorry to bother you at such an hour but I think we need to have a little chat.” Primrose spoke up through the crowd as she was revealed in all her glory. Though their surprised faces weren't focused on her. Arum had followed closely behind and he was far different than he used to be.

What used to be a light gray coat was now covered in spider webbed veins of red energy. The sclera of his eyes had turned black and his eyes, once a light violet, were deep red. His wings were so heavily adorned with crystals that they appeared frayed and torn at random intervals. What used to be a thestral felt no longer equine in the least.

While they were distracted by the sight all three were strung up in rope and crystal bands were wrapped around their horns. Diamond started crying while Clover and Luna struggled against their bonds.

“Worthless cur! You shall know my wrath for what you have wrought!” Luna screamed as she kept struggling.

“Ms. Shard please calm down. It'll be okay.” Clover attempted to ease the now upset filly. She couldn't hear him.

“Begin!” Primrose called out as Crystal Shears, wrapped tightly in her cloak, began her ritual.

The magic leaked from their horns into Shears before being redirected into Arum. The magic coalesced into a single thin wisp as it permeated every section of his body. Arum no longer could control himself and released the screams that had been held back by sheer willpower. This broke Primrose out of her stance.

“Arum! Arum are you okay!? What's happening to him!?” Primrose turned to Shears only to note that all the guards that had come in with her were also being affected by the magic. Each had a red crystal somewhere on their body.

Slowly the glow ebbed and decayed leaving behind the three now unconscious ponies on the ground and the transformed guards surrounding them. Primrose backed up slightly stepping away from the crowd.

“It is done. They are better now… more complete.” Shears started… only to break into a cackling mess of a mare. “I want to spread the red crystals and you idiots let me. You want to use them only to need me to do so and you idiots let me.”

“Shears! What is the meaning of this - gurk! What… what is this!?” Primrose started coughing as black smoke leaked out of her mouth.

“Oh you know… a little of this. A little of that. The corrupted essence of my soul festering within that sack of meat you call a body. Soon you'll be perfect. A perfect vessel for me. But we aren't perfect… we can never be. I have seen perfection, true perfection. I have seen it in X… you are merely a means to an end. I'm grateful that you allowed me to get so close. Now… now you can die here. With them of course. The leader of these ponies dies accomplishing nothing… how fitting.” Shears sneered over Primrose’s body. Her wheezing form trying to make sense of the situation.

“Monster… “ Primrose wheezed as the last of the smoke left her body and she went still. The only signs of life still acting out were the small breaths she was forced to make.

“I'm no monster. I… am a visionary. The only equinoid on this planet who understands what it means to reach for true perfection. You. You were a bigoted religious nut who believed that blood would set you free. Blood didn't. It trapped you down here… to starve with them.” Shears announced as the guards all turned to Arum. “Now Sir Arum… show me you can handle X. Show me that you can take charge and deal with him… just don't die. You are very important to me… very important.”

“Yes… Master Corundum.” Arum and the guards all monotonously answered. With a sly smirk Shears led the group out of the room ready to prey upon that beautiful machine. His body would be hers.

I looked into the darkness and could swear that the abyss was staring back into me. After feeding Flint his medicine for the day he was finally able to move on his own power at this point. In truth I was a bit more worried about our surroundings. While I had the telemetry data building and the general location of the city it was still dark. I had opted not to turn on my lights allowing Stand to use the lantern he brought.

“Couldn't you light this place up easily?” Stand groused though I could tell he was kidding.

“I could… but the lantern needs to do its job as well.” I sniped back rolling my eyes unbeknownst to the others.

“I'm just glad I can trot again. I hated being a bedroll.” Flint muttered under his breath.

“But you were the best bedroll you could be.” I answered before extending my sensors out. At this point there weren't any targets I could find. It didn't fill me with confidence though.

The lack of targets meant they weren't here which would be bad or they knew we were coming which is even worse. They probably didn't stand a chance against me… but I have been wrong before.

“Shut it! I'm not a bedroll!” Flint shouted forcing me to place my hand over his muzzle.

I held a finger up to my mouth which caused his pupils to shrink. After letting go Stand scanned the area with his ears. I was always surprised how adaptable their ears were as he tilted his head to focus on one direction as a time. Flint decided to remain closer to a tree. While I couldn't condone putting your back against a wall he was still recovering from the debacle within the Crystal Empire. Even with the potion he wasn't in any shape to fight for long periods of time.

“I don't hear anything but the rustling of the leaves and the wind.” Stand finally spoke up causing Flint to nearly scowl at me… until recognition rolled across his face.

“They know we're here. Either we are really lucky not to run into any patrols… or more likely a thestral saw us and already reported us.” Flint surmised leaving us with little choice.

What was supposed to be a black ops styled mission was now a full frontal assault before the defenses were fully operational. Now those hostages were in trouble before we had even started.

“Sir… a moment of your time.” Harpuia messaged me causing my attention to shift.

‘Yes? Something new to report or…’ I quickly replied keeping an eye out on my surroundings. My eyes were good in the dark but I still couldn't see through objects and motion trackers can only do so much if they go for speed tactics.

“Well there is something new to report and a proposition. After some rudimentary testing we have figure me out how to make copies of our biometal components from your internal magic reserve.” Harpuia elaborated causing me pause for thought.

‘I have internal magic reserves… wait, not important. What do you mean biometal components?’ My thoughts raced as the three of us relaxed. I didn't hear their conversation and remained with my hand on my buster.

“Each of our armor modules also double as biometal, living armor attachments, which can combine with others to grant power boosts. Testing as of now though makes them temporary and difficult to create. We think that the two you have chosen would be.. decent test subjects for this endeavor.” Harpuia bluntly stated only easing on his words near the end.

‘How long do they last and can you combine with my armor as well?’ I looked over my partners who were worried I hadn't moved as of yet. I took steps forward to mitigate their anxiety but my arm never left my buster.

“We can ensure one day of use. That is our limit until we have figured out how to convert ambient thaumic background energy into a sustainable resource. Also we can combine with your armor but it is mitigated by which armor you wear. I with the Falcon Armor and Fefnir with the Gaea Armor. Nana seems to be compatible with the Light Armor.” Harpuia summarized allowing me to see the progress on the system in question. It was steadily rising at ninety four percent completion.

‘Prepare it and we’ll use it only if we need it.’ I mentally prepared the systems. I didn't want to use of if Discord was around since the cyber elves were still a secret.

I prayed that we didn't need it. It would more than likely lead to escalation and that would more than likely be between Discord… and me.

Arum stomped through the town eyeing every thestral he came across. Crystal Shears remained behind him as she kept her cloak on. There wasn't any need to reveal who she was to any of the townsfolk. A frown crossed her face though hidden by the scarf that hid her face.

There were fewer guards than she thought who had partook of the red crystals. She needed more bodies to throw at X. Even if she had gotten the best specimen for the rest of Corundum’s plan the mere mention of X drove him into obsession. She threw in a scoff as Arum found Jet and dragged him off with their growing group. A red crystal was forcibly inserted into his back and he soon joined the cabal as well.

The only pony they were missing was Sacred Glade who had remained an elusive thestral after all the mention of using the red crystals. Shears ignored it. X was more than likely approaching and data was required on how well the new pseudo golems would do against perfection. Her mouth watered at the idea causing Corundum to assert his stoicness once again. He was still not liking the random hormonal imbalances from his indistinguishable thoughts and the sudden impulsiveness from the remnants of Crystal Shears psyche.

Sacred Glade was terrified. Ever since the capture of the crystal pegasus Primrose had become more enameled with the idea of using the red crystals. She had refused them for her own body mostly due to not trusting the source.

Now seeing Arum with fully embedded crystals all over his body caused her warranted fears to get the best of her. She wasn't the best hider due to the brightness of her coat but her home was a cacophony of dark rooms and tiny spots to crawl into.

The guards that had entered her home had left some time ago but she didn't dare step out of the crawl space she had gotten into. Over thirty thestrals had agreed to embed those crystals into their bodies and those same thestrals were now roaming the town looking for more thestrals to join them. The worst part was how aware all of them seemed as they grabbed Jet and gave him one of the crystals as well. He tried to refuse… only for one to slip into his back courtesy of Arum.

“Should have voiced my concerns… that bucking mare tricked us.” Glade hissed under her breath as her teeth grinded into each other from frustration and worry.

She didn't move from her spot though. The thought of being forced as one of the other guards made her shudder as a cold sweat enveloped her being. For the time being her crawlspace was sanctuary… and she could wait a very long time.

“We should rush now… sorry you're being a bedroll once again.” I looked to Flint who didn't protest as much when I placed him under my arm. While his wounds were gone the soreness he felt was still affecting his body.

“You really think they're gonna try to rush us?” Stand muttered as he pulled out the lance.

A squeaking cry rang out through the forest and the flapping of wings cascaded through the darkness. The first thestral was upon us and my buster was ready and charged. A third level shot of blue plasma raced out and hit the thestral full on.

Instead of knocking the pony down… his skin melted off his body in specific places. Underneath were several crystal meshes layered into a crystalline structure to resemble the thestral’s original body. He reoriented and charged once again forcing Stand to take charge thrusting the lance out the tip caught fire and pierced through the thestrals before the flames roasted what was left into a pile of crystals and ash.

“Yes. Yes I do.” I simply answered and switched over to Goo Shaver. If nothing else I would cut their attempts at flight down to size.

Author's Note:

Here we go. Next chapter done and got back into the swing of things.

The Biometal system was the ROCK system in Japan or Rebirth of Crystallized Knowledge. So voice clips in the first ZX game would go Rock On! when they were megamerging.

In the American translation it was the MEGA system or Meta-Encapsulated Granule Awareness.

So yes... this is in this story. I'm making it less stringent with finding a bio match though. Easier that way.