• Published 3rd Nov 2017
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MLP: Carrie - efug25g

A shy unicorn named Carrie White is suffering from a misunderstood life in the School of Gifted Unicorns. When Princess Twilight Sparkle heard about the incidents that Carrie is suffering from she decides to takes action.

  • ...

Showdown at the Castle of the Two Sisters, Carrie vs Chris

Somewhere at the Everfree Forest, Carrie appeared in the woods. As Carrie sat down, the unicorn started crying to herself due to realizing what she had done at the Gala during the night. What's worse is that her entire body and her dress was covered up blood that's not even hers. Out of grief, Carrie ripped out her dress and threw it away into a nearby thicket, not wanting to see it again. After crying in her hooves for one hour, Carrie spots Chris and Billy laughing at her from a distance before disappearing deep into the forest. Refusing to become humiliated any further, Carrie's blood starts to boil in anger and fury. So, she secretly followed Billy and Chris all the way to the Castle of the Two Sisters, unaware of her presence. At the main entrance of the Castle Ruins, Carrie spotted the two delinquent ponies enter the ruins, greeted by 12 of their friends and lackeys.

Inside the castle ruins, Billy, Chris, and the rest of their friends celebrated in pulling off another prank on Carrie once again. As they celebrated, Chris and her gang proposed a toast and drank some more Apple Cider.

"That was amazing wasn't it, Chris?!" Tina cackled.

"I know, right?!" Chris said while laughing. "You should see the look on her face when we possessed her with dark magic. It was rich!!"

"Well, we did caused a lot of trouble trying to pull this prank up in Carrie's flank." One of Billy's gangsters said.

"Chris, we might as well pack up and head for Manhattan before the EUP guards catch up to us." Billy suggested to Chris. "I mean, since we tied up and gagged an Alicorn princess and committed a heist in Princess Twilight's Castle, they'll likely be posting wanted posters of us. They'll be hunting us down tomorrow morning."

"I know." Chris said to Billy. "We'll leave these Castle Ruins as soon as we're done here and make our way towards Manhattan. There, we'll find a hideout in one of the old abandoned buildings."

"That's fine with me." Tina said.

"Count me in." Billy said to Chris.

As Chris, Billy, and the rest of their friends and gangsters continued to celebrate their victory, the shadow of Carrie White approaches the door leading to were they are. Unbeknownst to them, Carrie picked up a double-bladed Axe that was lodged into a nearby tree that didn't fall on to the ground, yet, and angrily charged up her horn to full power before marching towards the door, growling underneath her breath. Just when one of Billy's earth pony gangsters made his way towards the door where Carrie was from outside, the moment he opened the before trying to take a leak, the unexpected happened right before their very eyes. Carrie blasted the door apart with her magic, sending both the gangster and the door flying and crashing into a nearby wall across from where Carrie was standing at. Before any pony could see what was going on, the pony that was sent flying by Carrie's spell broke his spine when hitting the wall, with his face smashed into a bloody pulp by the door's weight. The next thing they saw was that the earth pony fell dead on the castle floor. The moment Chris and Billy turned around, they see an angry Carrie armed with a double-bladed Axe in her hooves with her horn charging up again. Upon seeing this, Billy's and Chris' eyes widened with fear and shock at what Carrie just done. Before any pony could say anything, Carrie stepped forward, glaring at them with an intent to kill, with Chris making her speech first.

"C-Carrie?!" Chris stammered in fear. "W-What brings you here, ah??"

"Chris Hargensen, you are so dead." Carrie snarled as she raised her ax with her magic. "Just when I was doing fine with Twilight and the Mane 5, you just started ruining my life, AGAIN!!! Prepare to die!!!!"

Before any pony could do anything, Carrie lunged at Tina, raising her ax high above her, and next thing they knew was that, with just one swing of her Axe, Tina's head came flying off from her body, with blood squirting out like a fountain from where neck was. As Tina's headless corpse fell flat on the ground, every pony, other than Carrie, stared at this gruesome scene with horror in their eyes, while Chris started screaming her head off in sheer terror.

"SOMEPONY, STOP HER!!!" Chris yelled while freaking out. "KILL HER!!! KILL HER!!!!!"

As Chris' three remaining unicorn friends charged up their horns with their magic and Billy's gang drawing out their spears and their swords, Billy and Chris made a run for it down into the dark hallways of the old Castle. The fight between Carrie and Chris and Billy's thugs begins. However, despite all the training that Carrie received from Twilight when comes to magic, she's feeling badly outnumbered as the three unicorns keep bombarding her shield with their magic.

Just when they keep pushing Carrie away from the gang, the Mane 5 jumped into action as they crashed through the castle windows. One-by-one, Carrie sees them land on all four hooves. During the confusion, Carrie charged forward and hacked one pegasus gangster with her Axe, decapitating his left hind leg. The next he knew was that he collapsed on the ground, screaming in pain as he clutched onto his severed leg. In an instant, Carrie teleported herself away from the two groups before pursuing Chris and Billy.

As for the Mane 5, they charged forward engaging 9 remaining gangster ponies in an all-out battle.

"Ya ain't messing up any pony's life no more, YEE-HAW!!!" Applejack snarled as she bucked two enemy earth ponies with two of her hind hooves.

Pinkie jumped over Applejack and slammed a huge candy cane on top of the head of a enemy pegasus, slamming him straight into the ground. Rainbow Dash zoomed right past two enemy pegasus and jabbed one in the groin while they were in mid-air. As Applejack threw a punch at another earth pony, he threw a punch at her instead with both of their hooves hitting each other. Before Applejack knew what was happening, the earth pony gangster jumped over her, pinning the farm pony to the ground and attempted to strangle her. However, Rarity shoots out a blue beam of magic, hitting the enemy earth pony in the face before he fell on his back out cold.

"No ruffian is going to make a ruff out of my friends. HI-YAH!!" Rarity screeched as she made a jump kick at a enemy female unicorn.

After Applejack got back on her hooves she changed forward and went back into the fight with Billy's gang. During her aerial attack, Rainbow Dash was grabbed in the stomach and pinned to the ground by one of the pegasus gangsters.

"Buck her up, everypony." One of the pegasus gangsters hissed.

Before Rainbow Dash could get up, she was met by several kicks in the stomach and on her back. Just when Rainbow was about to lose consciousness, another female Pegasus started screaming in anger and fury. The moment one of the pegasus turned around, he was met by a raging yellow pegasus whacking him in head with a huge cudgel. It was Fluttershy screaming in rage, as she brutally smashed his face in several times with her cudgel until he lost conscious and started gushing out blood from his head. While they were staring at Fluttershy with terror in their eyes, Rainbow got up again and surprisingly punched one of the pegasus gangsters in the neck, damaging his windpipe. In an instant, Rainbow grabbed the enemy pegasus by his hoof and slammed him into another pegasus gangster, with both of them crashing into a nearby pillar.

During the fight between the Fashionista and the three enemy unicorns, Rarity was getting hammered by their magic spells. As she raised her gem shield to ward off the unicorn's spells aimed directly at her, Rarity charged forward in attempting to bash all of them with it on one go. However, one of the unicorns teleported behind the fashionista and blasted her in the back with her magic slamming her straight into a wall. Just when the female unicorns cornered Rarity and are about to finish her off, a huge powerful beam of magic came from their right and struck all three of them at once, sending all of them flying into the old Castle staircase. The moment Rarity turned to her left, she sees Twilight Sparkle appear as she landed on all four hooves. It turns out that Twilight just came in time to blast the three female unicorn thugs away from Rarity. As Rarity got back up on her hooves, she dove in and backed up Pinkie Pie, who was blocking a earth pony's sword with her Giant Candy Cane. Before Twilight could do anything else, Applejack intervened.

"We'll hold them off here, Twi. Ya go find Carrie." Applejack told the purple alicorn princess.

"Thanks, Applejack." Twilight acknowledged as she disappeared into the dark hallways of the Castle.

After seeing Twilight disappear into the darkness, Applejack went back into the fight, helping the Mane 5 drive away Chris' and Billy's gang.

As Billy and Chris made a run for it down the hallways, they reached to nearby open doorway to catch their breath.

"Billy, did we lose her?!" Chris asked while being exhausted.

Before Billy could answer Chris' question, they heard a lot of shouting, screaming, and explosions coming from the area where they ran away from.

"I don't think so, Chris." Billy responded trying to catch his breath. "You go on ahead and get out while you still can. I'll hold Carrie off here."

"Billy, no! I won't leave you here." Chris protested fearing for the safety of her colt-friend.

"Sorry, Chris but you have already done enough. Now it's my turn to return the favor." Billy insisted. "Don't worry, Chris. I be right behind you."

To prove it, Billy and Chris both shared a kiss. After that, Billy handed over a spear to Chris. As she picked the spear up with her magic, Chris fled further into the dark hallways. For Billy, he closed doors behind Chris and drew out his sword and shield.

"Come on out, you little bitch." Billy snarled as he made a battle stance with his shield in front and his sword in the back. "This between you and me now."

As Billy slowly moved away from the door, Carrie reappeared from the shadows behind him, raising her Axe with her magic. When Chris reached the old Castle library, she could hear Billy's blood-curdling screams from a mile away. Thinking that her colt-friend is dead, Chris entered the library immediately and closed the doors behind her before hiding behind one of the library bookshelves. After several minutes have passed, the library doors slowly opened, revealing a bloodied female unicorn named Carrie, who's armed with a double-bladed Axe.

"I know you're in here, Chris Hargensen." Carrie snarled in a scary tone. "You can't hide forever, bitch."

After hearing the hostile voice of Carrie, Chris could not tell whether she felt bad in mistreating her or that she still want to put her out of her misery. Despite that, Chris slowly sneaks through the shelves, with Carrie lurking through the aisles of the library in attempting to hunt her down. Chris hid underneath a table nearby, while covering up her mouth with her hoof. As she sees Carrie's legs move around the aisles, unaware that she's underneath one of the tables across her, Chris sees Carrie move left and right, hopefully she will not hear Chris' breathing. After a few seconds, Carrie went towards her right to continue hunting Chris. As Chris got out from underneath the table, she hid in one of the aisles with her back leaning against a bookcase. When Chris turned her head around, she sees Carrie rummaging through the bookshelves, throwing the books away from her with her magic all over the place. While Carrie was distracted, Chris turns around to see a nearby emergency exit several feet across from where she was standing.

Unable to think straight, Chris went down on her knees and slithered underneath the other tables in front of her. As soon as Chris got up close enough to the emergency exit, she hears footsteps coming closer and closer from behind. Just when Chris turned around and raised her spear, she saw nothing. Upon feeling relived for one minute, she turns around to face the emergency exit only to see Carrie appear right in front of her face, snarling and glaring at her in anger.

"YEEEEEEEK!!!" Chris screamed out loud in fear. "S-STAY AWAY!!!! D-DON'T COME ANY CLOSER!!!!"

As Chris started freaking out, she raised her spear up to her midsection and attempted to thrust it at the bloodied unicorn, only for her to dodge it. The next thing that happened is that Carrie swung her ax from her left, decapitating Chris' horn off her head and the moment she swung her ax from her right, she struck at Chris in her left front leg, chopping half of it off with ease. As blood squirted out from Chris' leg, she started screaming in pain as she hit the floor onto her right side. As the bloodied unicorn circled around an injured Chris, she started taunting the female unicorn with her ranting.

"What are waiting for, Carrie?" Chris screeched in pain while clutching her decapitated hoof. "DO IT! DO IT!!!!"

The female bloodied unicorn raised her Axe way above her head, preparing to behead Chris. But before she can finish Chris off, the unicorn hears another pony shout out loud behind her.

"CARRIE WHITE, STOP!!!" Twilight Sparkle shouted in a Royal Canterlot voice.

The moment both Carrie and Chris turned around, they see Princess Twilight Sparkle appear before them at the doorway entrance of the ancient library. As the pony princess stepped forward, she started glaring at them intensely before saying anymore.

"Carrie, don't do it!!!" Twilight ordered as she lights up her horn with her magic, preparing for the worse. "Just listen to me, Carrie. You have no chance; now drop that weapon!!!"

Before Carrie could do anything, a stray beam of magic shoots through the window from a nearby Royal Guard that is stationed outside of the Old Castle Library in the Everfree Forest. It turns out that the Equestrian Royal Guards have arrived to clean up the mess. Outside of the Castle, there were platoons of unicorn guards, charging up their horns, pegasus guards armed with spears, and earth pony guards armed with lances, swords, and shields; all armed to the teeth.

"HOLD YOUR FIRE!!!" Twilight shouted while giving orders to her guards outside.

As Twilight approached the window, a floodlight appeared and was shinning down on the purple alicorn. Upon recognizing one of the Princesses of Equestria, Flash Sentry ordered the rest of the guards to stand down and hold their fire. Back at the Castle Foyer, during the continuing fight between the Mane 5 and Chris' and Billy's gang, a dozen royal guards stormed through the Castle's entrance, pointing their spears at the thugs. Upon seeing them, the Mane 5 quickly disengaged from the fight and let the thugs get apprehended by the encroaching guards.

At the library, after the guards, heeded the purple alicorn's orders, Twilight turned around to face Carrie only to see the bloodied unicorn approach a guard statue and grabbed a halberd from its hooves.

"Carrie, think about what your'e doing!!!!" Twilight continued with her speech with the angry unicorn. "The entire area is covered, no exit. There's like 300 guard ponies out there and all are armed with lethal battle spells and spears."

Refusing to listen to what Twilight had to say, Carrie marched forward with her halberd but not before Twilight teleported herself in front of her and grabbed the halberd with her hooves from Carrie, furiously.

"THAT'S ENOUGH, DAMNIT!!!" Twilight roared in a Canterlot voice as she threw the halberd away from Carrie. "This fight is over. THIS FIGHT IS OVER!!!! Look at them! LOOK AT THEM!!! They're well-organized enough to take down even a rampaging Ursa Major or a Dragon!!!"

After a few minutes of silence, Carrie White felt lost in not getting revenge over the very same pony that started the humiliating shenanigans at the School of Gifted Unicorns, in which were directly aimed at her.

"You kill Chris, and you'll be no different from her!!!!" Twilight grunted in fury. "I mean, look at her, she's a unicorn too just like you. Yet, you dare pick a fight with your own pony kind out of a personal vendetta at school??!! You do this, and either they'll kill you or I'm going to kill you in order to protect others from hurting each other!!!! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT??? IS IT???"

As Carrie looked out at the window, she sees what Twilight was talking about and shook her head, responding with a silent "No." The moment she sees the guards out there, Carrie turns her back a few feet away from the window before Twilight continued talking to her.

"It's over, Carrie. IT'S OVER!!!" Twilight shouted.

"NOTHING IS OVER!!! NOTHING!!!" Carrie shouted back at the purple alicorn. "You just don't turn it off. It wasn't my fault that all this had to happened. Celestia asked you; I didn't asked you. I did what I had to do to win a good life, but somepony wouldn't let us win. When I first went to Canterlot, I see all those maggots at the school picking on me, SPITTING; calling me a 'Little Whore' and all sorts of vile crap??! Who they are to pick on me, huh?! WHO ARE THEY??? UNLESS, THEY'VE BEEN ME AND BEEN THERE, AND DON'T KNOW WHAT THE HELL THEY'RE YELLING ABOUT!!!!!"

"It's a bad time for every pony, Carrie." Twilight informed the upset unicorn. "But it's all in the past now."

"Well, maybe for you!!!!" Carrie replied, still upset about the situation at hand. "But for me, life in Canterlot means nothing to me. In Ponyville, you taught me that Friendship is Magic. Canterlot, however, is nothing."

"You were already doing very well with me and my friends in Ponyville, Carrie." Twilight said. "I beg of you, please don't let it end like this."

"When you took me to Ponyville, I was able to attend Pinkie's parties, I helped Rarity with the dresses, I was in charge of helping Applejack raise income by selling her apples. But back in Canterlot, I could not find a job in SORTING BOOKS, HUH????!!!!" Carrie screamed as she threw her double-bladed ax at the nearby bookcase and crashing into it, knocking it down to the floor.

Before Twilight could say anymore, she sees Carrie wailing as she collapsed onto the floor right next to a bookshelf behind her. The moment Twilight approached Carrie, the humiliated unicorn was crying again.

"Oh Faust, help me!!!!" Carrie sobbed. "During the time at home, my mother always kept putting me in that wretched closet at the kitchen and telling me 'Pray, Carrie!!! Pray for forgiveness!!' ever single, bucking day. *Hic* *Sob* Do you even know how long I was forced to do this?? I was stuck in that filthy closet and forced to pray for like four to five hours, unable to do anything else!!! *Wailing* I CAN'T STAND IT ANY LONGER!!!"

After seen Carrie cry for several more minutes, Twilight lowered herself down to Carrie's level looked at her in the eyes before saying anything else.

"I-I'm sorry, Twilight. I-I should've listened to you!!!" Carrie sobbed while covering her face up with her hooves as she let tears fall down from her eyes. "Y-You were right, my intent for getting revenge over Chris will not end well for me!!! P-Please forgive me!!!!"

Without saying another word, Carrie felt Twilight embracing her in the alicorn's hooves. Not a moment too soon, the rest of the Element Bearers entered the Old Castle Library, along with a squad of Royal Guards right behind them. Upon seeing Twilight embracing Carrie, they could not help but feel sorry for the peach unicorn for being humiliated again by Chris and her gang. As Twilight turned around to face the Mane 5, she lets go of Carrie before moving on. For Chris, she was struggling on the ground, trying to reclaim her broken horn and her severed hoof. The moment Chris grabbed those two things, Twilight appeared right in front of the injured unicorn, giving her a stern, angry look on her face.

"And you Chris Hargensen, didn't I warned you to stay the hell away from Carrie White?!! Did I??!!" Twilight hissed at the injured unicorn as she looked up at her, giving Twilight a chuckling, weak grin. "You think this is funny, huh?!! Well, you won't be laughing anymore when you have to face the Royal Sisters at Court back at Canterlot. So, as the Princess of Friendship, I hereby place you under arrest for two counts of trespassing upon Royal Grounds, violating all regulations from a restraining order, stealing a magical artifact from my Castle, aggravated assault, harassment, instigating violence, and for kidnapping an alicorn princess."

As Twilight Sparkle leads Chris out of the Old Castle, they had the traitorous unicorn secured on a stretcher with her broken horn and her severed hoof tied underneath it. John Hargensen went with the medical pony team to take Chris to the Ponyville Hospital to be treated of their injuries. As for the rest of Chris' remaining friends, they were all arrested along with Billy's remaining gangsters and taken to the prison underneath Canterlot to await their trial just as soon as Chris leaves the hospital with a prison escort. Tina's headless corpse was sealed up inside a body bag, along with Billy's corpse, which had an axe wound in his back, and are both taken straight to the Ponyville Morgue. Twilight Sparkle and the Mane 5 left the castle while being escorted by a small squad of Royal Guards. At the medical tent, most of the Mane 5 went only treated of their minor injuries and bruises shown all over their bodies. Before Twilight could take Carrie back to her Castle, Applejack steps in first.

"Hey, Twi. Do you think Carrie will be okay after all of this sheer madness and mayhem??" Applejack said in a worried tone.

"I'm not so sure, Applejack. I mean, for Carrie, this already has been the most horrible night ever; unlike any other that is." Twilight responded with a frown on her face. "I'm going to try to have her cleaned up before presenting her at trial as well. I can't blame her for causing such destruction at the school since Carrie was just being possessed by dark magic. However, she still needs to face her trial after murdering two ponies and attempted to murder another one all in one night. She may be our friend, but her actions still come with a price."

"Ah understand." Applejack acknowledged. "We'll drop by at your Castle to see how Carrie is doing later on."

"Thanks, guys." Twilight replied to her friends with a smile on her face as she took Carrie back to her Castle.

As soon as Carrie, Twilight, and Spike went back inside the Friendship Castle, Margaret White emerged from her hiding spot and snuck inside, drawing out her knife and preparing to strike at Carrie from the shadows.

Author's Note:

For Twilight trying to have Carrie stand down from getting worse, I used some similar lines from that of Colonel Trautman in Rambo: First Blood part 1.