• Published 3rd Nov 2017
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MLP: Carrie - efug25g

A shy unicorn named Carrie White is suffering from a misunderstood life in the School of Gifted Unicorns. When Princess Twilight Sparkle heard about the incidents that Carrie is suffering from she decides to takes action.

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The Seamstress and Fashionista

Week 2: Day 1

After spending several days training with Twilight to control her magic, Carrie was able to receive a golden ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala from Princess Celestia and Ms. Rita. Upon seeing this, Carrie could not help but feel so excited for this upcoming event. However, she still doesn't have any pony that she can trust to escort her to the Gala. Twilight and the Mane 5, on the other hand, did her best to help her feel more confident about attending the Gala, in which starts at this Friday night. The moment they all went to the Ponyville Spa for some relaxation, Applejack starts taking a mud bath, Rainbow, Carrie, and Twilight were bathing in the hot tub, Fluttershy and Rarity went to do some massages, and Pinkie was sitting underneath the blow dryer. As Carrie hangs out in the hot tub with Rainbow and Twilight, she still is not sure on how will she prepare herself for the Grand Galloping Gala.

"I'm not sure about going to the Gala this Friday. I mean, doesn't it take place at Canterlot?" Carrie asked the Mane 6. "You know, the very same city were my problems began?!"

"Look, sugarcube. You've got nothing to worry about!!" Applejack protested trying to cheer up the timid unicorn. "I mean, it's already been one week since ya stayed at Twilight's Castle and accepted our friendship and hospitality. If you think you have a hard time trying to find somepony ya can trust at the Gala when things went sour, then it won't be a Gala at all. I wouldn't worry about any humiliation there because we kinda humiliated ourselves when we first attended the Gala."

"Besides, darling. It's okay to make mistakes at special events as this." Rarity said adding in Applejack's conversation.

"You guys humiliated yourselves at the Grand Galloping Gala?" Carrie asked with her eyes widened with surprise. "How so??"

"When we went to the Gala, I had a lot to talk about magic towards Princess Celestia." Twilight explained.

"I wanted to hang out with the Wonderbolts." Rainbow Dash said.

"I intended to sell Apple Products at the Gala." Applejack exclaimed.

"I went to meet Prince Blueblood." Rarity added in.

"I went outside at to the Castle Gardens to meet the animals." Fluttershy proclaimed.

"I was hoping to entertain the Gala attendants with my party antics." Pinkie squeaked.

"But guess what?!" Twilight said to Carrie. "We didn't get what we wanted at the Gala. Instead, we caused quite a disaster there. Pillars and statues broke, animals were running rampart all over the area, and ponies were screaming and running around in terror. It was horrible. Of course, Princess Celestia was there too when it happened."

"Well despite this, it turns out that Princess Celestia didn't really cared if the Gala turned into a total mess-up." Rarity laughed to herself. "She pointed out that the Gala was always terrible. The thing is, the Princess got totally bored from the fact that nothing exciting or crazy happened, until we came in."

"So, what happened when you guys tried to meet up with the people that you found interesting in?" Carrie asked.

"Well, Princess Celestia got too preoccupied with the other Gala attendants." Twilight replied.

"I wasn't getting enough attention from the Wonderbolts." Rainbow Dash said in disappointment.

"No pony was interested in buy any of ma Apple products." Applejack muttered in dismay.

"Blueblood went from Prince Charming to Prince Charmless and turned into a ROYAL PAIN!!!!" Rarity screeched in anger.

"I got totally frustrated from the fact that none of the animals wanted to be friends with me. So, I started to become very forceful and crazy!!!" Fluttershy said while blushing out of embarrassment. "I was like 'You're going to LOVE ME!!!!' right in front of the animals."

"They weren't finding any of my party antics exciting at all." Pinkie said with a pouting frown on her face.

"Oh, Faust. Those were the most terrible things that I have heard." Carrie laughed before she almost went underwater inside the hot tub.

After Carrie resurfaced, followed by a short gasp for air, she starting to think that the Mane 6 still have their own flaws and yet, they didn't find any of this a big deal thanks to Celestia's amusement.

"Yeah, I know, right, darling?" Rarity snickered. "We thought this was going to be the best night ever at the Gala. Instead, it was worst night ever!!!"

"So, Rarity, do you think you can help me find a good dress to wear for the upcoming Grand Galloping Gala?" Carrie asked the unicorn fashionista.

"Why yes, Carrie." Rarity said as she got out of her massage therapy.

As soon as the rest of the Mane 5 and Carrie left the Ponyville Spa, Carrie followed Rarity all the way to her Fashion Boutique to start work on a few dresses. As Rarity went to create the first dress on her purple sewing machine, she notices that Carrie was working on a dress of her own.

"Why, darling? Since when did you learn how to make dresses?" Rarity asked noticing Carrie displaying some seamstress skills while using the other sewing machine.

"When I was at home, I did watch my mom make dresses too. She used to work at a Clothes Store back in Canterlot as a seamstress." Carrie explained. "I learned as I watched."

"Well, it seems that you're able to learn one thing good from her." Rarity said, little a small smile. "So tell me, darling, what's your favorite color?"

"I prefer pink or white." Carrie said as she described her favorite dresses.

"How about we both make one that's both pink and white?" Rarity suggested to the peach unicorn.

"That'd be really nice, Rarity." Carrie said with delight.

During the time Rarity and Carrie are making a dress for Carrie to wear at the Grand Galloping Gala, Sue Snell and Tommy Ross attended to Twilight's Castle for a meeting in taking Carrie to the Gala. Twilight took both of the unicorns to the map room where they'll discuss this meeting at. As Twilight went to her seat, which has her cutie mark on it, Sue sat on Rarity's and Tommy sat on Applejack's seat across from each other. At first, Twilight is finding some doubts in Tommy's request because of how many people at Celestia's School wouldn't stop harassing Carrie. However, before she could say anything, Tommy makes his statement first.

"Look, I understand that you still don't trust me with Carrie, your highness." Tommy said while addressing Twilight in a formal matter. "But there's always the first time for everything. Second, I don't actually care what kind of person Carrie is, she's still just like every pony else; no difference."

"Well, wasn't Sue your mare-friend earlier? If so, how did you reacted when you first met Sue Snell?" Twilight asked Tommy. "The last thing I would ever expect is for some stallion to control an innocent mare with such forceful, cruel behavior or by cheating."

"As a matter of fact, we were both able to study well together at the School of Gifted Unicorns." Tommy explained. "In fact, I earned my reputation as one of the most popular athletic unicorn stallions in the school and made good use of poetry. When I first met Sue, she was interested in how to gain such good inspiration to most of the students, just so that we can live a good life in Canterlot. I mean, you and your brother were both way ahead of every pony else, including us, and I can't help but feel even more impressed on how you two became the newest Princess and Prince of Equestria. Trust me, I'm nothing like Chris or Billy or those heartless, snobbish ruffians."

"Even so, I still wanted to be true to myself and to others, no matter what." Twilight informed Tommy. "As the Princess of Friendship, I'm being held responsible for Carrie's safety, as well as the safety of my other friends and my family. I mean, if anything happens to Carrie at the Gala because of you, she probably will never want to speak to me again."

"How could you say that?" Tommy asked. "I mean no harm to Carrie, honest."

"A couple of nights ago, I had a scary dream of her standing on top of a bloodied altar with a demonic shadow appearing right where Carrie's shadow is at." Twilight explained. "Before I could come any closer, Carrie used her magic to shove me out of the Castle of the Two Sisters and the next thing I saw was that the entire ruins collapsed into a huge inferno, falling straight down into a huge, bottomless black hole, taking Carrie along with it. Princess Luna warned me that if Carrie becomes mistreated again, all Tartarus will break lose. Therefore, if I fail to keep Carrie in line and her situation under control, my reputation will go downhill; I probably will never forgive myself after that."

"Well, me and Sue have been talking about Carrie back at Canterlot." Tommy explained to the purple alicorn. "She still wanted to make it up to all the mistakes she made with Carrie when she first attended the School of Gifted Unicorns. In fact, Sue wanted me to go to the Gala with Carrie in order to express her apologizes for letting this school bullying get out of control. I mean, if you let me take Carrie to the Gala, I'll keep you informed that everything will turn out alright. I'll prove it to you that no harm will come to her, I promise."

Upon hearing Tommy's speech, Twilight took Sue to a nearby corner to discuss on what will be their verdict. After discussing all the options between the unicorn and the alicorn in quiet whispering, they both finally went back to where Tommy is before their decision is made.

"Okay Tommy, Carrie is all yours." Twilight said as she accepted the unicorn stallion's request. "Just keep a very close eye on her."

"Thank you, your highness." Tommy said as he bowed down at Twilight's hooves before he and Sue went to the Castle's Main Foyer to wait for Carrie.

Back at Rarity's Fashion Boutique, Rarity was able to make a dress for Carrie, with her doing the sowing while the fashionista stitched both pink and white fabric together. After one hour, they both finished the dress. It was a sleeveless, long pink gown with white embroideries and a small pink rose on top of its left shoulder. It has small white gems sewn on its waist. As soon as Carrie put in on her dress, she also put on a Ruby necklace and a red rose band on her left hoof. The moment Carrie put on her dress and her accessories,and she started twirling around out of excitement. Upon seeing Carrie in her new dress, Rarity starts to get excited, witnessing such shinning fabulousness.

"My, don't you look lovely, darling?!" Rarity asked with delight. "This is so gorgeous and perfect."

"Why, thank you, Rarity." Carrie smiled, showing a small blush on her face.

"Since you now know what to wear at the Gala, try to keep that dress tidy and clean until the day the Gala starts, okay?" Rarity suggested.

"Yes, I'll do my best, Rarity." Carrie acknowledged as she waved goodbye and took her dress to Twilight's Castle to store it in her bedroom.

As soon as Carrie went inside the castle, she meets an unknown Unicorn stallion standing next to Twilight and Sue. Upon seeing him, Carrie almost freaked out and tried to get away from him. However, Twilight used her magic to hold and take Carrie back to right where she was standing.

"Carrie, it's okay." Twilight spoke, trying to calm the frightened unicorn down. "This is Tommy Ross. He said he wanted to help you out when attending the Gala."

"What makes you say that?" Carrie asked still shaking in fear of what he'll do to her.

"I have some doubts in what Tommy is up to but after a long talk with him and Sue, Sue is just doing this in order to express her apologizes from what she did to you last week." Twilight explained to the frightened unicorn. "It's nothing personal, Carrie; this is the next step for you to hang out with a young, handsome stallion like him, as well as taking the next step to become a grown up pony. Remember what Discord and Fluttershy have both said to you?!"

After hearing what the purple alicorn just said to her, Carrie remembers a flashback a few days ago on what the Draconneques and the yellow pegasus mare said to her.

"You just need to have the courage to stand up for others, as well as standing up for yourself. You can't run away from your problems forever, Carrie; even I can't."

"It may not always work, but there's still a chance that there might be some good in others. You just have learn how to believe in yourself that some pony will try to be friends with you with or without Princess Twilight's guidance. Just try not to give up hope, Carrie."

"Yes, I do." Carrie replied to Twilight's question. "But how will Tommy be any different from the rest of the other unicorns at Canterlot?"

"Because, I gained my respect by being social and kind-hearted with the other students." Tommy answered before Twilight could say anything else.

"I-I guess I could give it try." Carrie reluctantly said.

"Just remember one thing Carrie, I'll still be watching you and Tommy from afar, hopefully no pony will pick on you ever again or do something worse than just that." Twilight informed the shy female unicorn.

As both Carrie and Tommy went out on a date, with Sue's permission, she and Twilight both watch them leave Twilight's Castle before heading into the Ponyville Marketplace. Tommy believed that Carrie will gain his trust after going out on a date with When Sue turned around to face Twilight, she gave her a smile on her face before Twilight smiled back at her.

"Look Princess, I understand were you're getting at, you know having Tommy go with Carrie to the Gala even though the stakes against it were very high." Sue said in a calm tone. "But I've known Tommy for like several months in Celestia's School. I don't really questioned his loyalty since I found a great interest in his poems."

"Well, I hope he'll do the right thing for both of us, Sue." Twilight acknowledged.

Back at Ponycadero, Margaret White was escorted by the Prison guards to a secluded area where female ponies were doing recreational dressmaking. As Margaret went to work, she secretly hid a needle inside her mane while the guards weren't looking. It's been over a week since Margaret was arrested and taken to the Ponycadero Maximum Security Mental Institution. However, despite all means of not being let out, Margaret plans her one-mare escape after observing the entire complex when being escorted around the area by the guards. Unbeknownst to every pony, Margaret looked closely at the map of the Institution in at the mess hall. There was an armory right next to her cell, and a ventilation shaft inside her cell that might lead to the sewers underneath the complex. During her nights in her cell, Margaret notices that there was only one guard stationed at each floor, patrolling the area. However, one of them accidentally falls asleep on the job. So, she decided to wait until she finds the opportunity to escape.

"They think they can keep me in here over my dead body, will they?" Margaret muttered to herself. "Well, I don't care what it will take to break free from this wretched place. I will do what I must. As soon as I leave this place, I'll hunt down Carrie and Princess Twilight and put them both out of their sinful misery."