• Published 3rd Nov 2017
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MLP: Carrie - efug25g

A shy unicorn named Carrie White is suffering from a misunderstood life in the School of Gifted Unicorns. When Princess Twilight Sparkle heard about the incidents that Carrie is suffering from she decides to takes action.

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Fluttershy's Kindness

First week; Day 2

After one day of training with Twilight Sparkle over magic, Carrie gets escorted by Flash Sentry and several other guards to Fluttershy's Cottage. There, she meets up with Discord, Fluttershy, and her pet rabbit, Angel. As the guards left to hang out at a nearby lake, Chris and her friends meet up with each other at a nearby alleyway in the marketplace. For Twilight, she and Spike went down to the marketplace to pick up some groceries and meet up with Mayor Mare for a couple of errands to run. In the alleyways, Chris decides to hatch a plan to get back at Carrie. The moment Billy Nolan shows up, he reveals himself to be an black earth pony with a red-orange mane and tail. He bears the cutie mark of a silver wheel engulfed by a bright red fireball. He was wearing a black jacket embroidered with grey linings with a hot wheel emblem behind its back. Behind Billy, there is four earth ponies and four pegasus. They were wearing that same black jackets as Billy is. As for Chris' friends, she had Tina and three more female unicorns by her side. Of all the unicorns in Chris' group, Tina Blake is a yellow unicorn with a magenta mane and tail who bears the cutie mark of a grey ring. In all, there were fourteen ponies who are poised to humiliate Carrier in front of the public again. Even though Billy and his gang are unaware of what Chris is thinking, they still decide to go with the plan that Chris is intending to hatch.

"Alright, every pony. Here's the plan. We have two weeks before the Grand Galloping Gala takes place at Canterlot. So, we must make this quick before the time comes." Chris announced to the two groups of pony thugs. "We need a few ponies to grab one of those pigs at Applejack's Farm and taken to the Everfree Forest to have it butchered. Next, we drain the pig's blood into a metal bucket and keep it safe. As soon as we make our way back to Canterlot, before the Gala, we need to break into the Canterlot Palace and hide that blood-filled bucket in a place where no pony will see it in plain sight. We'll tie the bucket with a very long string that'll reach down beneath the floors at where the Gala will take place. I will be the one who shall hide underneath the floors. I do need some pony to fill most of the ballots with Carrie's name on it so that she can go up to the stage where she'll be hailed as the winner of the Gala Queen competition. The moment she's on stage, I'll spring the trap. After we're done, we'll all meet back at Ponyville to celebrate at our favorite place, old castle of the Two Royal Sisters. Any questions?"

"I have one." Billy responded to Chris. "If any of the Princesses of Equestria get a wind of our plan, we'll get our flanks busted. How are we going to deal with that?"

"We'll have to keep them and their guards distracted long enough to proceed with our plan." Chris answered.

"Well, let's not forget Princess Twilight." Tina told Chris. "She's always has her eyes everywhere in Canterlot and is known to be the first pony that's popular at Celestia's School. After the fight she had with Lord Tirek while defending Equestria, there's no telling how powerful she is at the moment. I mean, because she bears the Element of Magic, her spells can be very deadly and unpredictable."

"Don't worry about it, Tina. I'll take care of her myself." Chris replied. "And absolutely no other pony is to hear about this, NOT ONE WORD OF IT!!! Any more questions?"

After a few minutes of silence, Chris immediately dismisses the group in order to carry out her plan to humiliate Carrie. As soon as all of her friends left, Chris went to the marketplace to buy several tools until she sees Twilight at the Gazebo speaking to Mayor Mare. Just when Chris approached the purple alicorn while unaware of her presence, several guards appeared in front of her and blocked her way with their spears while giving the female unicorn stern looks from their faces.

"Don't even think about it, Missy!!!" One of the guards snarled as he held his spear, blocking Chris' path with it.

After she was done speaking to the Mayor and sees her go back inside to her office, Twilight turns around to see Chris Hargensen staring at her with hostile looks in her eyes, followed by a small smirk on her face. Upon staring at each other for a couple of minutes, Chris makes her first speech in front of the purple alicorn.

"Hello, Princess." Chris said in sly tone. "How's Carrie doing?"

"That's none of your concern, Chris." Twilight responded as she glared at Chris.

"Well, why do you even care about that wimpy little whore?" Chris asked in a jeering tone.

"I care, because just like every other pony, Carrie deserves to be treated fairly and without fear." Twilight responded. "If you think you got a problem with that, you may face even more than just getting expelled from being invited to the Grand Galloping Gala. If I were to own the School of Gifted Unicorns as their headmistress, I would've had you turned over to the security immediately for your constant bullying or write you up for one year of school detention."

"Yeah well, I thought for sure that you'd be the top of every pony else after you ascended towards your Princess status, always being high and mighty and taking advantage of those who have less power than you." Chris cackled in an evil tone. "You were my idol too. I always wanted to be like you too. You know, have all the power I could get in order to have ponies praise me. But what's this, you gave up your own pride and ambition just so that you'd look after that miserable wretch of a unicorn? Are you really that naive, soft-hearted, and dim-witted, like your snobbish mentor?"

"YOU DARE DEFY ME???!!!!" Twilight growled as she snapped with her horn lighting up. "Well, listen up Chris Hargensen and listen good. You are in NO position to lecture me on how I should treat my subjects and Carrie White. This is my kingdom, my domain, my turf. I make the rules here. I make the decisions. I make the threats, not you. And more importantly, Carrie White is now under my protection upon Princess Celestia's request. Do you really think that I am some kind of noble pony that wouldn't take royal duties like this very seriously?!!! Do you really think I'm that stupid enough to personally abuse such power as this?!! Don't you know how to do anything besides ridicule others?! Well guess what? I didn't gained the title as the 'Princess of Friendship just for the fun of it; I am dedicated to help ponies and other creatures get along with each other without fear and with harmony and joy. If I were to be prideful and ambitious, Princess Celestia will never let me get very far in her studies nor would I end up becoming like this. Besides, I was grateful that I'm able make Celestia proud of me because of what I am right now. Therefore, I am responsible for helping others before me; that's the only power that I'm expecting myself to use. Yet, you stand right here trying to test my patience over some pony else that just wanted to fit right in??!!!"

"Well, what are you going to do about it now, Princess?" Chris smirked weakly while still being blocked by Twilight's guards.

In just less than a minute, Twilight used her magic to summon a sheet of paper and shoved it at Chris' chest. The moment Chris used her magic to read the paper that Twilight gave to her, her eyes widened with shock after seeing what it says.

"W-What the BUCK is this??" Chris asked in horror.

"That paper that I gave to you just now?" Twilight hissed at Chris before shouting in a Royal Canterlot voice. "That is a restraining order. It guarantees the fact that if you lay another hoof on Carrie in any threatening way possible or make any attempts of stalking her in the future, YOU WILL BE ARRESTED AND LOCKED UP IN THE DUNGEONS OF CANTERLOT. DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR??!!!"

"Y-Yes, your majesty." Chris stammered in fear of her life and her freedom, as she slowly backed away.

"And don't forget that I received this order from Princess Celestia for you to pick up and that it's issued by Princess Luna herself." Twilight added on. "So, from this point on, we've got our eye on you, young lady!!! Because you have denied friendship towards Carrie White, either you stay the hell away from her or I'LL PUT YOU DOWN MYSELF!!! NOW, GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!!!!"

After hearing such intense speech from the raging purple alicorn, Chris immediately fled in horror not wanting to give Twilight any more scary ideas coming out of her head. The moment Chris disappeared from plain sight, Twilight turns her back towards the entrance of the City Hall only to be meet by a crowd of ponies staring at her under a state of shock and silence. Upon seeing the public paralyzed from what Twilight just said to Chris, the purple alicorn makes her small speech towards them before they could say anything.

"Sorry about that, every pony. I don't know what is going on in Chris Hargensen's head, but she was almost getting in my way for starters, thinking that I was better than the rest, even though that's not true."

After hearing what Twilight said to them, the crowd dispersed in silence and went back to what they were doing moments earlier. As soon as the Mayor came out of her office, she handed Princess Twilight some vacancy papers to fill out for Carrie White during her stay in Ponyville.

"Princess Twilight, are you feeling okay?" The Mayor asked. "I heard some shouting coming from outside of my office."

"Sorry about that Mayor," Twilight replied in a embarrassed tone. "Let's just say that some insensitive pony almost got in my way."

Later on, as Chris meet up with the rest of her friends, she started hyperventilating, leaving most of them confused and worried about her. Upon seeing her marefriend in such a frightened state, Billy came out of the group and took Chris to a nearby park to help calm her down after being traumatized from what Princess Twilight just told her.

At Fluttershy's cottage, Discord and Fluttershy invited Carrie for some tea. As Carrie went inside, she sees all sorts of adorable little critters walking around and munching their food. They were various little rabbits, mice, ferrets, and parrots all over the place. Despite having so many animals in her home, Carrie found it surprising that Fluttershy is able to take care of the lot of them without lifting any hooves. Right next to Fluttershy, there is a little white rabbit named Angel carrying a full tea set on top of a metal tray. Upon seeing the shy unicorn, Angel started snickering at Carrie only for Fluttershy to give her pet "the stare." The moment Angel sees the look on Fluttershy's face, the bunny silently freaks out and slowly backs away. After Angel left the room, Fluttershy turns around to face Carrie, who is sitting across from where she was, with Discord sitting between the two ponies.

"Sorry about that, Carrie." Fluttershy said while sympathizing the frightened unicorn. "Angel can be a bit spoiled and mischievous sometimes."

"How did you do that? You know, when you looked at him in the eyes, he started cowering and backed away from you immediately." Carrie asked out of curiosity.

"Whenever I meet creatures that are being mean and hostile towards my friends, give them the stare." Fluttershy smirked. "Despite my past shy-riddled nature, I'm not as cowardly as I seem."

"Really?" Carrie asked, wanting to know more about Fluttershy. "How is it that you were able to overcome your fears?"

"It's like this," Fluttershy explained as she took another sip from her tea cup. "Whenever my friends are in danger, I have to be assertive against my enemies. This one time when I went out at night to find Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo they accidentally ran into a hostile cockatrice. They have the head of a chicken and a body of a snake. The worse part is, that they're known to turn ponies and creatures into stone just by looking at them in the eye. After seeing one of my chickens and Twilight turned into stone, I confronted that Cockatrice, giving him a terrifying stare. As I won over "the stare," I ordered him to turn my chicken and Twilight back to normal, leaving him behind a warning not to ever catch him doing it again."

"Wow. That I guess even shy ponies have unique devastating abilities to deal with certain situations as this," Carrie said while being astonished after hearing Fluttershy's story.

"So, what I'm trying to say is, that you just need to have the courage to stand up for others, as well as standing up for yourself!" Fluttershy added. "You can't run away from your problems forever, Carrie; even I can't."

"But, it's not just Chris that I'm having problems with, there were like four more unicorns in her group that wouldn't stop hurting me!!" Carrie sniffed as she looked down to right were her hooves are, with tears dripping down on to the table.

Before Carrie could say anything else, the yellow pegasus went over to her side and hugged her in her arms, telling her that it's okay to be scared but it won't make her weak. As soon as the unicorn and pegasus finished embracing each other, Discord makes his speech in front of Carrie.

"I'm sure you're wondering why Fluttershy and the Mane 5 don't fear me," Discord said as begins his story from top to bottom. "I used to be a tyrant that spreads Chaos and Disharmony all over Equestria for over more than a thousand years. That is, until I was imprisoned behind stone by the Royal Sisters. When I first met Fluttershy and her friends, I put their elements of Harmony to the test to see if they really are worth wielding them. Eventually, they all succeeded in putting me down again. The second time I faced them again was when Fluttershy was able to get right through me when the others failed. Because she bears the element of kindness, she still cares about me as much as she cares about her animal friends and her fellow ponies. Despite how bad I was before then, I now know that having friends that enjoy being chaotic with me is actually all that I need to start living in a happy life in Equestria."

"Does that mean...." Carrie asked before Discord finished her sentence.

"It may not always work, but there's still a chance that there might be some good in others," Discord continued. "You just have learn how to believe in yourself that some pony will try to be friends with you. Just try not to give up hope, Carrie."

"I understand." Carrie responded with self-confidence. "Can I see your other animal friends?"

"Why, absolutely." Fluttershy smiled as she put her tea cup on the table. "Follow me."

As Fluttershy, Carrie, and Discord went outside to see the other animals, Twilight spots them from a distance. Upon seeing Carrie smiling with the yellow pegasus and the Draconneques, Twilight sees her fitting in quite nicely with the first of the Mane 5 and made a big smile on her face.

At Ponycadero, Margaret White is brought before a dark-blue earth pony wearing a grey formal suit, who happens to be a psychologist working in the mental institution. His name, which was labeled on his badge, is Dr. Azure Verden. He has a mix of silver and green mane and tail and bears the cutie mark of a balancing scale. After going over Margaret's paperwork and went through everything relating to her case, after gathering all the evidence from her house, Dr. Verden decides to do some consulting with the insane, old unicorn. Both the earth pony and the unicorn are inside a small room sitting in front of a metal table across from each other. On both sides of Margaret, there are two guards watching her every move. Margaret is seen having shackles on both of her hooves and a muzzle strapped to her face, while leaning on the table and staring straight at Dr. Verden. Before Margaret could say anything, the earth pony psychologist makes his first speech in front of her.

"So Mrs. Margaret White, it's been clear that you were having some serious mental issues with your daughter for more than 15 years," Dr. Verden announced to the old insane unicorn. "Tell me, is there really anything that you would consider from Carrie that isn't a sin?"

After giving it some thought, Margaret looks at the pictures of Carrie on the table for a few minutes before facing Verden again. Margaret takes a few deep breaths first before answering Verden's question.

"I don't really know how to answer a question like that, sir," Margaret spoke in a frail voice. "Ever since I devoted myself towards Christianity in Appleloosa, I always believed that the world of Equestria is unhealthy and that it must be completely cleansed of all sins no matter what."

"But, do you honestly think that it's necessary to take something like that out on Princess Celestia and then out on Princess Twilight Sparkle?" Dr. Verden asked. "They were just only trying to help others, not cause anything sinful or tyrannical."

"WHY DO I CARE??" The old unicorn screeched as she was held against her own will by the two guards behind her. "They still can't possibly think that they'll get away with taking my daughter away from me!!! THEY HAVE TO PAY, ALL OF THEM!!!"

"This isn't about you or your daughter Margaret White," Dr. Verden sighed. "This is about finding ways to forgive yourself and those that you hurt without relying on such forceful convictions."

"Well, what about the other races that you ponies brought in??" Margaret asked while still being restrained by the prison guards. "You know, the griffins, the buffalos, and the donkeys. They're just going to infect the entire pony race further with their sins!!!"

"Perhaps, we'll discuss this another time!!" Dr. Verden suggested the zealous unicorn. "Guards, take her back to her cell."

After the two guards grabbed her by the neck and dragged her out of the room, Verden put all of the pictures back into the folder, labeling Margaret White, and headed back to his office.

Twilight finds herself in a dark area of the Old Castle of the Two Sisters. As she made her way down the hall, the purple alicorn hears blood-curdling screams echoing throughout the corridors. When the screaming intensified, Twilight reaches toward a nearby room on her right. The moment she opens up the door, Twilight spots the entire room covered up in pony blood. On the walls, Twilight sees terrified ponies being crucified both left and right with wooden stakes nailing their hooves to the tall, huge cross. One of them is Chris Hargensen on her right and the other is Margaret White on her left. Both were screaming in pain as they feel their blood coming out of their bleeding hooves. As Twilight proceed inside the room, she could not help but witness such horrifying displays all around her. Upon seeing all of this, the purple alicorn princess vomited on the blood-soaking floors. As soon she got back up, Twilight sees an altar in a distance. All around the altar, there was fire spewing out of the cracks. In the middle of the altar, there is a unicorn pony standing right on top of it, with bloody lines drawn into a satanic-like sigil. Just when Twilight approached the altar, she sees Carrie White covered up in blood, from head to hoof, with tears coming out of her eyes. Carrie's shadow appeared behind her and transformed itself into a demonic shadowy silhouette that has tentacles with talons attached to its ends sprouting from its back, glowing blood-red eyes, and minotaur-like horns on its head. After a few minutes of silence, Twilight approaches Carrie before making her speech.

"Carrie White, what in the name of Celestia is going on here???" Twilight asked in horror not knowing what to think of this scenery.

"I-I'm sorry Twilight," Carrie cried as she lit up her horn. "Promise or no promise, I can't stand it any longer."

"Carrie, whatever you're doing here, this has to stop at once!!!" Twilight spoke intensely before shouting out loud. "THINK ABOUT WHAT YOU'RE DOING!!!"

"No, you don't understand," Carrie protested. "You can't help me anymore, no pony can."

Before Twilight could say another word, she feels herself lifting off the ground and start getting dragged away from the bloodied altar.

"Carrie, stop!" Twilight ordered the out-of-control unicorn. "You don't have to do this!!! I can still help you!!!"

"No you can't," Carrie said as she continued to protest while pushing Twilight out of the room with her magic. "I've been hurt since on the day that I was born. JUST GO!! LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!"

"ARRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!" Twilight screamed as she got sucked all the way out of the Old Castle.

As soon as Twilight hit the ground, she gets back up only to see the entire castle ruins collapse before her very eyes. The next thing Twilight saw was that the ruins fell into a massive black, bottomless pit before it completely disappeared, leaving behind a massive fire that consumed the entire ancient structure in an instant. Upon seeing all of these horrors, Twilight's eyes widened before she screamed.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" Twilight shrieked at the top of her lungs. "CARRRRRRRRRRRIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!"

"WAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!" Twilight screamed as she woke up from her bed, with cold sweat covering up her purple fur coat.

After taking a few deep breaths, Twilight immediately got out of bed to check up on Carrie. As soon as she went to Carrie's bedroom, Twilight opens up a crack to see the female unicorn still fast asleep. It turns out that Twilight was just having a nightmare about Carrie's future. During the trek back to her bedroom, Twilight just realized that it's still midnight when she had this bad dream and that she still needs to go back to sleep and rest up for the next day. The moment Twilight went back to her room, she sees Princess Luna appear before her. She's a dark blue alicorn who happens to be the Princess of the Night and is known to travel through ponies' dreams. She bears the cutie mark of a black cloud with a white crescent moon in the middle. She also has flowing dark-blue mane and wears a black crown and necklace.

"It seems you've had a terrible forewarning about Carrie's future inside your dreams Princess Twilight," Princess Luna told the purple alicorn.

"Y-Yes, I have," Twilight answered in a quiet, frightful tone. "That was most terrifying nightmare I ever had."

"You do realized that Carrie is still an emotionally disturbed young unicorn who may flip out if she gains the power to attack her tormentors out of retribution if not dealt with sooner," Princess Luna informed Twilight. "It may be just the beginning for her to understand friendship in Ponyville. However, friendship in Ponyville is very different to that of in Canterlot."

"Yeah, I know," Twilight spoke. "I mean, I already warned Carrie not to let her grudges get the best out of her. I even gave one of her tormentors a restraining order like you and Celestia wanted me to."

"But what if that's not enough?" Luna asked the purple alicorn as if she was doubting Twilight's efforts. "What if Carrie can't hold back her powers any longer? How would you respond to that? Do you even know what that nightmare is trying to tell you?"

After giving it another thought, Twilight wasn't able to come up with any good answers for Princess Luna questions.

"Let's face it, this may be the most dangerous friendship problem you and your friends have ever faced in Equestria," Luna summarized. "Trying to placate an emotionally, vulnerable pony who is like a ticking time bomb that'll blow up in any second is not going to be a cakewalk."

"Well, me and my friends will still try to do our best to make her feel comfortable in Ponyville," Twilight told Luna. "You know we can do this, Luna; I can do this."

"Just try to be careful on what you do or say to Carrie, Twilight," Luna suggested. "There's no telling how will she react to what the future will hold for her because I've got a very bad feeling about this."

"I'll do my best Princess Luna," Twilight acknowledged to the moon princess. "Thank you."

"I'll see you on the other side," Luna said as she unfurled her wings before taking off into the clear, blue night sky.

"I just hope Carrie will be hanging in there," Twilight said to herself before going back to sleep.

Author's Note:

For any pony who wants to know more about the restraining order, see this link below:
