• Published 21st Nov 2017
  • 744 Views, 24 Comments

Fires of Friendship and Ice of Hatred - Super Ponyman

Sequel to "Nightmare Ponyville" an ancient threat to Equestria returns, Burning Star and the Main Six must face the most dangerous villain there ever faced. A villain who wants nothing more than the destruction of Equestria with her Frost Army!

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Chapter 9: Fire Vs Ice, Round 2!

Author's Note:

It's Time for Round 2!

The Windigos want a Rematch between Frost Soul and Burning Star. And this time, Frost Soul brought his partner, Icicle Storm

Although with Burning Star currently in a coma, who will take on the duo in battle? Will he awaken to fight the pair of icy fiends?

You will have to read to find Out!

(The Palace of the Windigo Queen, Training Yard)

Frost Soul stood in the sparring courtyard, using his magic to generate a pair of ice swords and clash with his partner, the Windigo assassin known as Icicle Storm.

Frost Soul swung from both the left and right with his swords, but Icicle Storm blocked it with his Ice Sais and snapped the swords in two, before sweeping Frost Soul's legs and stomping on his chest.

Icicle Storm said, "You were too slow on your swing, try again. Don't run into your opponent with no guard."

Frost Soul got up and sent a kick towards Icicle Storm's chest, knocking him back, Icicle Storm skidded back and flipped off the wall, landing a hammer kick to Frost Soul's head.

Frost Soul snarled, "I'm not going to improve brother if you continue to completely wreck me with every match!"

The assassin lifted Frost up and said, "If you don't struggle, you don't improve. Learn from my lessons, brother, if you are going to face off against Burning Star again you must be ready to counter his combat mastery."

Frost Soul growled and fired a sucker punch at his brother, hitting him in the jaw and sending him staggering back.

Frost Soul roared, "You don't command me, Icicle! I'm perfectly ready to fight that hot headed ass! And I'm going to go ask for the Queen's permission now."

The Windigo walked up and said, "Don't try and stop me, Icicle Storm..."

Queen Diamanda appeared from the palace doors, a look of frustration on her face. She noticed Forst Soul and and Icicle Storm sparring and thought to herself, "Typical, my two greatest warriors, bickering and fighting like foals in the snowbox."

Icicle Storm jumped up onto the ice wall, seeing the Queen at the top of the stairs. "Alright, it's your funeral. Don't say I didn't warn you... brother."

The Queen watched with narrowed eyes as Frost Soul stomped up to her and said, "My Queen! I need to go after Burning Star now! I am more than ready for him now, despite what my brother says about me, he is totally and completely incorrect."

Diamanda rolled her glass like eyes, "Frost Soul, I understand that you have a bit of inferiority complex because of the Alicorn of Fire, but rushing headlong into battle against him would be suicide. So, I have a Plan B, I will send you to fight Burning Star..."

Frost Soul rejoiced in his mind.

The Queen continued, "Alongside your brother Icicle Storm."

Frost Soul cursed to himself!

Why was the Queen sending his smart ass brother with him?!

Frost Soul shouted out, "WHAT! My Queen, excuse my frustration towards your decision to send Icicle Storm along with me, but I am perfectly capable of handling that stallion ALONE!"

Diamanda snorted, "that's bull and you know it. Last time you took on Burning Star you got your frozen flanks handed to you, a truly embarrassing moment for our race. Icicle Storm is coming with you, wether you like it or not!"

Frost Soul stammered, "B-b-but!"

The Queen shouted at the Windigo, "NO BUTS! NOW GET GOING!"

Frost Soul snorted out, venom in his voice, "Yes, my Queen..."

As Frost Soul walked past his brother, Icicle Storm smirked and said, "Told you so."

Frost Soul used his powers and dropped an ice brick from the wall onto his brothers head, knocking him out.

"Don't rub it in, let's get this over with..."

(Ponyville, Sweet Apple Acres)

Applejack was working in the orchard, harvesting all the apples she could in preparation for the winter season, many of the trees were overflowing with Apples, courtesy of Celestia extending Summer.

While she was busy harvesting her crop, the thought of Burning Star's well being hung heavy on her mind.

"Ah hope that these Element Masters can solve hot stuff's overheatin problem. Apparently the Pegasus called Sea Breeze says is somethin related to his mind, but ah doubt that is true."

All of a sudden, the ground shook and Applejack saw a large stallion bucking the trees.

It was Iron Steed! He was bucking the trees way too hard, and the most recent strike uprooted the entire tree and sent it crashing to the ground.

Applejack snorted and rushed over to the draft pony and shouted at him, "Hey! Don't knock over mah trees!"

Iron Steed glared at the orange earth pony and said, "Don't shout at me, AJ. This is my firs time doing this, so don't get your mane in a knot, jeez..."

Applejack sighed in frustration, "Mane's in a knot because you are knockin over mah entire orchard! What do you mean this is your first time. Didn't you work in the fields since you grew up alongside Burning Star?"

Iron Steed lifted part of his long mane and Applejack saw a pair of dog tags on him, she realized what Iron Steed was doing all these years from that glance.

She continued to talk, "Oh... you were in the army? Ah didn't know Equestria had an army anymore, since the princesses kinda are unbeatable."

Iron Steed shook his head, "No, Equestria still has a military, but it's much smaller than it used to be. A lot can happen in 15 years, AJ. You should be no stranger to combat by now, since you and your friends took on Nightmare Moon, Discord, Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, Tirek... shall I go on?"

Applejack put a hoof on Iron Steed's mouth, "Alright ah get yer point, big guy. But we beat all off those villains and even reformed Discord, what is your point here? Are you sayin that there is another threat still out there?"

Iron Steed was about to respond when he heard the voice of Twilight in his head, "Red Alert! Burning Star's awake, and he is burning up again. Everypony, get to my lab quickly!"

Iron Steed and Applejack dashed as fast as their hooves could carry them towards Twilight's castle, not knowing that a gust of icy wind was trailing them...

(Twilight's Castle, The Lab)

Applejack and Iron Steed burst through the door of the lab and immediately felt the intense heat radiating from the center of the room.

Burning Star was standing tall, taking deep breaths and trying desperately to cool his body down, he finally relaxed and his body extinguished, but the heat was still there.

He asked everypony, "What did I miss? Why was I tied down?"

King Sombra, a serious look on his face, walked slowly towards the Fire Alicorn and said, "Your fire powers are overloading your body's capacity to contain them, Burning Star. If they do not subside, you may explode into a fireball that burns the world to ashes."

Burning Star saw King Sombra through the shimmering heat waves and growled, "What are you doing here, Sombra? Didn't you die, or I hallucinating because it's so hot in here?"

Shadow Armor answered Burning Star's question, "Its a long story, Hot Stuff. But we don't have time for it, we are trying to find out how to stop you from going supernova, do you know how to stop it?"

Burning Star ignored Shadow Armor and looked over to his left and saw his brother and two of his friends, Sea Breeze and Iron Steed.

He called out to them, "Sea Breeze! Iron Steed! Long time, no see. I wish this meeting was under better circumstances, but here we are."

Burning Star's ears shot up, he then said, "Everypony... I sense a presence of Dark Magic, and it isn't King Sombra..."

Sunset inquired, "What is it? Monster? Umbrum?"

Burning Star felt a cold breeze from the cellar window, he then said "No, Windigos. Two of them, one I have not faced yet."

He sank to one knee, "I can't fight in this condition, it's too risky. Somepony here will have to fend them off, so who will volunteer?"

Shining Armor and Shadow Armor stepped forwards, with the black knight saying, "We will take these beasts on. I know that we are probably going to lose, but we can delay them long enough for you to stabilize."

Shining Armor shivered, "Wait... you are actually going out there? You'll die!"

Shadow Armor smirked, "Yeah, but at least I'll die for a good cause, you coming?"

Shining Armor gulped and nodded, "Ok... let's go."

(Ponyville, Main Street)

Icicle Storm and Frost Soul were having the time of their lives.

Not only were they getting some well-deserved vengeance against the ponies, the pair were destroying their homes and causing a snowstorm to form.

Soon, The entirety of this insignificant town will be nothing but a frozen wasteland.

The two knights stepped out into the snow, a look of concern on their faces.

The town was being buried in snow and ice, and the beings causing it were MUCH more powerful than them.

Shadow Armor shouted out, "Windigos! Leave this place before something bad happens to you two!"

Icicle Storm and Frost Soul reformed into their pony forms a few hundred feet away from the two knights, hatred in their mirror like eyes.

Frost Soul hissed out, "Well, Well. It seems Burning Star sends his minions to fight for him. What a coward... can't even show his face."

Icicle Storm responded to Frost Soul, "Quiet, brother. Something is... off about the dark one. He is not afraid of us, unlike the white one."

Shining Armor was shaking in his hooves, he had never seen a Windigo before, but seeing them now sent chills down his spine.

Shining Armor said to his dark copy, "Are you sure we can beat them?"

Shadow Armor narrowed his eyes and lowered his horn, "Not can, We HAVE to beat them!"

Shadow Armor charged without care at the two Windigos, Shining Armor close behind him.

The Windigos laughed and turned into an Icy Mist, dodging around the two knights before retaliating with a blast of Ice from their mouths.

The frozen Beam struck both knights in the chest, sending them flying into a house. Shadow Armor struggled to his feet, and returned fire with a storm of knives, which passed through their icy mist bodies.

Shining Armor shouted in fear, "We can't beat them if we can't hit them, Shady!"

Shadow Armor scowled, "We must beat them, Shining. Lives are on the line, Burning Star is counting on us!"

He continued in an inspirational voice, "Let's show these things why you don't mess with the bodyguards of the Fire Lord!"

Suddenly, Shining Armor had an idea. He turned to his dark copy and said, "Shadow Armor, I've got a plan. Let's trigger Rainbow Power Form. I've only seen it once, but I believe that we can both do it! Come on!"

Shadow Armor dived out of the way of a giant icicle missle before saying, "Do you even know if you can use Rainbow Power?!"

Shining Armor stepped towards the black knight, "Nope! But it's worth a shot. Come on!"

Shining Armor began to focus his magic around him, so did Shadow Armor, and the two began to glow.

Frost Soul dropped a giant ice block on them, before saying "Hah! You can't kill us! We are invincible to your pathetic magic!"

Suddenly, the two Windigos heard a echoing voice.

"We... no... I am not done yet!"

A Rainbow shattered the large ice block and the two knights emerged, floating in the air.

Shining Armor was the first to speak, "Hmph, you actually thought you could defeat me by turning into a monster?"

The two Windigos saw Shadow Armor float up next, saying Behold the ultimate power!

Shining Armor stared at Shadow Armor and said, "Ready?"

Shadow Armor responded, "Ready when you are, Shining!"

The two knights shouted out, "Rainbow Power, Go!" And rushed towards each other, as a bright light engulfed the two, blinding the Windigos.

When the light died down, the two ice monsters went white with terror.

Before them stood a unicorn, but it had two horns instead of one, both curved and sharp as a knife. A coat of white and gold fur covered them and a black and white mane and tail hung from its body. A cutie Mark of the Yin-Yang symbol sat glowing on its flank.

The two windigos wasted no time and blasted a Beam of ice at the twin horned pony. It put up a shield and deflected it back into the pair of ice monsters.

The pony said, "I am Duality, the Unicorn of Light and Dark, I am the balance between life and death, and you have Interfered with death long enough, Frost Soul and Icicle Storm.

The two Windigos charged Duality with giant ice lances, Duality fired off a Blast of Golden energy Spheres that collided with the two beasts.

Duality then said in a triumphant voice, "Take This!

"Equalizer Wave!"

With a mighty roar, Duality unleashed a rain of golden shards of light that slammed into Frost Soul and Icicle Storm, who both began to disintegrate.

The Two Windigos screamed in pain and began to retreat, but were reduced to a pile of ashes within seconds.

Duality smiled, before falling to the ground and separating into Shining Armor and Shadow Armor.

Shadow Armor said, "We won... yay. Ouch..."

Shining Armor struggled to his feet, before saying.

"We showed them the true superpower of teamwork!"