• Published 21st Nov 2017
  • 745 Views, 24 Comments

Fires of Friendship and Ice of Hatred - Super Ponyman

Sequel to "Nightmare Ponyville" an ancient threat to Equestria returns, Burning Star and the Main Six must face the most dangerous villain there ever faced. A villain who wants nothing more than the destruction of Equestria with her Frost Army!

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Chapter 5: The Other Main Six

Author's Note:

So, Last Chapter ended off with a bang, literally and figuratively.

Burning Star is unconscious, Sunset Shimmer is back, what other crazy stuff is about to go down?

Well let's just say the phrase "Truth is better than Fiction." Is completely turned upside down!

(The Ponyville Express)

The train rumbled down the tracks at breakneck speeds, passing all the stops it was supposed to stop at.

Meanwhile, Twilight and her friends was busy trying to figure out what was wrong with Burning Star.

They had the windows open to cool the room, but it still was hot and uncomfortable in the car.

Applejack poked him with her hoof, before immediately recoiling back in pain, her hoof was burned badly.

Applejack said to the rest of her friends, "Ah' don't know what's wrong with him exactly, but he's hotter than the hottest heat wave I've ever been in personally. Ah know he is called Burning Star, but I'd think he'd turn off his fire powers."

Sunset looked on with unnerving curiosity, she said "Incredible. I've never gotten a closer look at Burning Star, but this is truly amazing. His fur is coated in oil or something similar, and its surprisingly hot to the touch even when he isn't ignited into a walking fireball."

Fluttershy put on a pair of heatproof gloves and felt near Burning Star's heart, she then said "Get me some Ice! He's overheating!"

Rarity grabbed an icicle from the open window and gave it to Fluttershy, she stuck it in Burning Star's mouth and tilted his head back to make him swallow it. Within seconds, his body stopped emitting the burning heat and cooled down to a dull red.

Rarity asked the obvious question, "Fluttershy, how did you know that would work?"

Fluttershy reached under her seat and pulled out a large book, which Twilight instantly recognized.

it was King Sombra's Bestiary!

Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow, "Flutters? Why do you still have that thing?"

Fluttershy responded, "This has helped me figure out finally what was wrong with the Everfree Forest and why it kept on growing. Apparently, some giant carnivorous plant was holding the roots of all the trees in a sort of parasitic relationship. But, I think that I know what is wrong with Burning Star, because he shares similar abilities and properties to a monster known as an Ifrit."

Shining Armor and Shadow Armor both shuddered, they both knew what an Ifrit was... so Shadow Armor said, "An Ifrit? You must be kidding, those things went extinct thousands of years ago."

Twilight Sparkle looked at him with disbelief, "We thought the Windigos went extinct, yet here they are, alive and well."

Fluttershy opened it up and read the text


"Of all the elemental creatures, the Ifrit is probably the most dangerous. Golems could be killed by removing their seal and Tempests and Cyclonuses could be destroyed by taking them out of their natural environment, but Ifrits could roam around freely as long as they had enough oxygen to keep their fires burning."

She kept reading,


"Ifrits are fire elementals that are composed almost completely of flame. The only solid part of an Ifrit is its core, which is protected by the fires that make up its body. They have complete control over fire and magma, and They often take the appearance of a giant fiery pony of any species. They are known for causing forest fires and other natural disasters involving burning."

Shining Armor added to the statement, "They also are very short-tempered, and I mean REALLY short-tempered."

Fluttershy continued to read,


"An Ifrit has very few weaknesses, but it is vulnerable to tremendous amounts of water, a lack of oxygen, and massive electrical discharges. They are often prone to overloading their powers to the extreme. Sometimes even blowing themselves up on accident. A common indicator of that phenomenon is a dull red glow followed by intense heat. If you are near an Ifrit, cool it fast to prevent the explosion."

Fluttershy closed the book and said, "Cool it fast means making it drink Ice Water, and if Burning Star's powers are that strong, then we need to find a way to let off some of the excess heat he has stored up in his body."

Rainbow Dash asked the cream colored Pegasus, "So can I make it snow and it will cool him off? Crisis averted?"

Sunset shook her head, "Not even a full-on blizzard can cool him off... he is literally changing the weather around us. Look!"

The ponies looked outside at what they assumed was a snowy tundra...

Instead they saw a dull gray field of grass, and the heat was intense.

(Ponyville Hospital, ER)

Twilight Sparkle paced back and forth in front of the emergency room. She was understandably worried for Burning Star, if what Sunset said was true, than her vision from so long ago was coming true.

Equestria being scorched dry by a being of fire...

At first she believed it was Daybreaker when the "Daybreaker Incident" rolled around, but she wasn't so sure anymore.

Rainbow Dash sat on the couch outside, tapping her hoof on the hard tile floor, making a very annoying tapping sound.

Twilight cocked her head around and said, "Dash, cut it out. I need to focus here."

Twilight Sparkle groaned, she was stumped about this issue.

Maybe Burning Star's brother could help? After all, he has been around him longer than she has.

Twilight Sparkle walked over to Thunder Fury, who was busy arguing with one of the nurses who said he couldn't see his brother.

Twilight Sparkle heard some real colorful language from him as well...

"What do you mean I can't go in to see my own brother?! Are you f--king nuts?!"

The nurse's response only made the lightning Pegasus more angry, "I'm sorry, sir. But currently the situation is too dangerous for civilians to interfere in."

Twilight Sparkle grabbed Thunder Fury's shoulder and asked him, "Hey, Thunder? Considering you are Burning Star's brother, do you know if this has happened before and how you dealt with it?"

Thunder Fury nodded, "Yeah. Right when Burning Star was exiting puberty, he began to overheat himself when he practiced his fire powers. His friends and I helped him control his powers so that he didn't do... what's happening now."

Rainbow Dash flew over to him and asked, "So, where are his friends now?"

Thunder Fury sighed, "They all left off to do their own things, but they all had similar powers to Burning Star, Powers over the Elements of Nature."

Rarity raised an eyebrow, "Elements of Nature? What are you saying?"

Thunder Fury stood tall and clarified, "I'm saying that like you six possess the elements of harmony, Burning Star had six friends who possessed the power to control the Elements of Nature. Together, we defended our little section of this world for a long time."

Applejack asked the obvious question, "So, where would these ponies be located and what are there names?"

Thunder Fury was about to respond when suddenly, Prince Eclipsio, Princess Celestia, Princess Cadence, and Princess Luna stepped through the doors of the hospital, eyes full of worry.

Celestia spoke first, "Twilight! We are here, what's wrong?!"

Twilight Sparkle said to her former teacher, "Burning Star's powers are overloading. His brother says that his friends have a chance of solving this issue, but we have no clue where in Equestria they are..."

Thunder Fury shouted at the three royals, "HEY! I'm not done with my explanation here!"

Celestia went silent, then asked, "Sorry, please continue."

Thunder Fury asked the three royals, "Get me a map of Equestria, some push pins, and my brother's Raven Feather pen. Do not give me the friendship map, I need a paper map, specifically from a decade ago..."

Twilight Sparkle used her magic to create a map from that decade, as well as some push pins and Burning Star's Ravens Feather Pen. Thunder Fury opened it up, grabbing some paper and began to scribble down some names and coordinates.

Pinkie Pie hopped over to the Lightning Pegasus and asked, "What'cha writing?"

He finished scribbling and turned to the rest of the group, "These are the names of Burning Star's old friends, we will have to seek them out, because when I said they split, they really went far."

He grabbed the first push pin and stuck it in the map, it was right in the middle of the Saddle Arabian Desert.

The next push pin was placed near the dangerous Trotland coast, it was atop a cliff called, "The Great Drop

The third push pin was pressed down in the middle of the White Tail Woods, in a location known as "The Ghost's Den."

The forth push pin was placed on the Neighponise islands, it was atop the dormant volcano known as Mt. Gallop.

The final push pin was placed in the Badlands, the only problem was that was where Queen Chrysalis's hive was.

He said to the rest of the group, "These are some of the supposed locations of the Elements of Nature, I am the Element of Lightning, so you don't have to search for me."

He pointed to the first pin, "First pony you want is Iron Steed, an Earth Pony that is supposedly the physically strongest pony alive. Able to demolish buildings with just a kick."

Prince Eclipsio, Sunset Shimmer, and Applejack stepped forward. Sunset said to the group, "We will search for that stallion. I'm sure he is reasonable."

Thunder Fury pointed to the second push pin, "This is the domain of Sea Breeze, a Pegasus with the power over the ocean itself."

Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, and Luna stepped Forwards. Luna saying in her commanding voice, "The moon controls the tides, we will call him to aid."

Thunder Fury pointed to the third pin, "Thorn Horn should be here, be careful, he is a unicorn with the power to control nature. He can supposedly rip a redwood tree out if the ground and swing it with ease."

Celestia and Fluttershy stepped forwards, with Fluttershy saying, "I-I know those woods like the back of my hoof, I should lead."

Thunder Fury nodded, "Ok great, This one is Quick Fire, a expert marksman Earth Pony, he never misses his shots."

Shining Armor and his copy stepped forwards, with Shadow Armor saying, "Shining and I will recruit him, he seems like he will put up a fight."

He finally pointed to the pin in the badlands, "Twilight, Rarity, and Cadence, you should probably head to the Changeling Hive."

Cadence swallowed hard, knowing that this won't end without a fight, she sighed slowly, "Ok fine, don't blame me if this goes awry."

Twilight Sparkle realized something, "Wait a sec, who is going to look after Burning Star?"

Almost as if on cue, a large black unicorn entered the room, a sharp-toothed grin on his face.

Thunder Fury motioned everypony to look behind them, and they all stared slack jawed at the pony. They couldn't believe who it was, but Twilight knew... and she hardened her stare.

The stallion smirked and said in his baritone voice.

"Did you Miss me?"

To which Twilight responded, in a annoyed tone.

"Oh for f--ks sake, it's you again."

The mysterious pony let out a laugh,

"Did you really think I was gone?"