• Published 21st Nov 2017
  • 744 Views, 24 Comments

Fires of Friendship and Ice of Hatred - Super Ponyman

Sequel to "Nightmare Ponyville" an ancient threat to Equestria returns, Burning Star and the Main Six must face the most dangerous villain there ever faced. A villain who wants nothing more than the destruction of Equestria with her Frost Army!

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Chapter 2: Dimanda's Reason for Conquest

Author's Note:

Time to check back with the Windigo Queen and tell why she is really going to conquer Equestria...

Believe me, your not going to expect this...

Also, slight gore warning here.

(The Palace of the Windigo Queen, The Queen's private chambers)

The Palace of the Windigo Queen is a dangerous place, both physically and mentally. Queen Dimanda was a very important Pony/Windigo, she surrounded herself with mirrors, even the crystals on the ceiling were to reflective and showed off her beautiful face and body.

Her vanity and obsession with beauty knew no bounds, even ordering her Windigos to carve statues of herself, all of which were reflective and showed her image in their icy eyes.

Dimanda sat in her bedroom on a bed of soft white wool, she was busy admiring herself in her personal mirror, when Frost Soul walked in on her, she was naked, something not very fitting for a queen.

Dimanda gapsed and hid herself under the covers, before saying "Frost Soul! What are you doing here?! Do you not know that coming into a Queen's personal chambers without consent is punishable by exile?!"

Frost Soul sighed, breathing an icy mist out of his mouth, "My Queen, my apologies. I have recieved a message from Equestria, would you like to read it?"

Dimanda pulled the scroll from Frost Soul's grasp and placed it on her bed. She motioned for Frost Soul to leave, "Well, what are you waiting for, leave me be!"

Frost Soul walked out of the room and slammed the icy door in rage, causing it to shatter. Dimanda used her ice powers and It refroze instantly.

The Queen of the Windigos was known for her admirers, but in this case, she admired somepony.

That pony she admired was her polar opposite, her yin to her yang, her complete and total opposite.

The Black Fire Alicorn known as Burning Star.

As soon as the windigo queen saw the fiery pony in action when he felled an ice dragon with a single shot, she had become obsessed with him. She followed his every move, watching him from afar as he dispatched monsters and sent them to the gates of Tatarus himself...

His defeat of King Sombra and Daybreaker was most impressive, as both a master of dark magic and an Immaculate Alicorn would be a great challenge, even for her.

Then came his victory over the Nightmare Tribe, a race that even the Windigos considered disgusting to be around, with their smoky bodies and tendency to spread their fear and paranoia everywhere. While Windigos could feed off fear, these Nightmares spread an Type of fear that they could not consume, so she was thankful for him blasting those vile creatures away.

Although she held command over his opposite element, being Ice to his Fire, she couldn't help but agree that opposites attract.

She yearned, craved, no... she wanted the warm embrace of his wings around her. She wanted to feel the hot kiss of his lips upon hers...

She wanted Burning Star all to her own, and she would not let anypony stand in her way.

She opened the scroll and read it,

Dear my Secret Admirer,

I am thankful that you have sent me the gift of that Ice Crystal Headband, it came in handy when I traveled to Saddle Arabia, I'm guessing you wouldn't like Saddle Arabia, since it's so hot and dry.

How is your home in the Frozen North? Actually, I have good news, I will be coming for a visit to settle a diplomatic issue. I'm sure you are pretty busy, being a Queen and all. Heck, my girlfriend is a queen, and I'm a king.

The word girlfriend filled Dimanda with rage, she was not going to let some normal queen take away her Burning Star!

Dimanda swallowed her anger and resumed reading

Sorry to get your hopes up, I got the feeling that you have affection for me. But I'm already taken, but that doesn't mean that I will not come to this meeting. I will arrive within the next few days. Keep my seat warm! Heh-heh...

The Queen giggled a bit, then finished up the letter.

"I will be coming to your Palace soon, so be prepared. I can come off a little hot on my first encounter. Be seeing you soon!"

The King of Equestria

Queen Dimanda swooned, her dream pony was coming right to her! Her wildest fantasies were coming true, she may not have to conquer Equestria after all...

Or, she can wait until Burning Star was in her grasp, then conquer Equestria to show how much she loves him. That was a much riskier plan, but it had a chance of it working.

She put on her chest piece and crown of ice, then exited her room and walked into the throne room, where the rest of her nobles were standing.

She shouted out, "my fateful lords and ladies, within the next few days we will have a visitor from Equestria."

Many of the nobles began to protest and get mad, a visitor from the country that nearly destroyed them, and somehow their queen seemed eager to meet this unknown pony!

How aggravating!

Two Windigos watched from the shadows, one of which was Frost Soul.

He cursed in his mind and seethed with hate, ponies should not have been victorious on that Hearth's Warming Eve, his race should have smothered them!

"So a pony from Equestria is coming to talk with my Queen, he must have a death wish... but I will not allow my queen to humiliate herself trying to be civilized with this pony... I'll take care of this myself."

With that, Frost Soul quietly turned into an icy mist and flew out the open window.

One of the nobles, Lord Crystal Tail, spoke out in protest, "My Queen, have you gone mad? We do not know who this pony is and yet you seem completely ok with this?!"

Queen Dimanda glanced at Crystal Tail with her stone cold eyes, saying
"I have my personal reasons for welcoming him, and I do not need the approval of somepony like you..."

Crystal Tail felt his neck being crushed as Dimanda used her Ice Magic to crush him in a arm made of ice. Many of the lords stepped back, knowing what will come next.

She said to the Windigo Nobles, "Besides, you all have no chance of stopping me from meeting with him, goodbye Crystal Tail."

The nobles heard a sickening crunch as the Windigo was squeezed and shattered, sending pieces of his icy body all over the floor.

The Queen turned to her nobles and said, "Anypony else wish to question me on my motivations? No? Good."

With that, the rest of the nobility walked out of the palace, leaving Queen Dimanda alone.

Or so she thought, when she heard a gusty voice from behind a pillar.

"You know that keeping everypony terrified of you is not going to win you this pony's heart, right?"

Dimanda watched as a steel blue windigo emerged from the darkness.

It was Dimanda's top assassin, Icicle Storm.

Icicle Storm was about as large as Big Macintosh, in his pony form his body was steel blue and had ghost white stripes which ran parallel to the sides of his body. His mane and tail was made up of light blue icicles. His eyes were bright sea green, rather rare amongst Windigos, and under them were two large white scars.

Queen Dimanda stood back in shock, "Icicle Storm, didn't I tell you to not eavesdrop on my meetings with the nobility."

The dark blue windigo walked forwards and said, "Sorry, my queen. I didn't hear anything I didn't know already. I came here to tell you some information concerning my brother, Frost Soul."

The Queen sat on her throne and responded, "Yes go on, what rash action has your brother taken this time?"

The assassin said in a worried tone, "It appears as if he overheard your conversation with the nobility over this mystery pony that is coming here, should I go drag him back myself, my queen." Icicle Storm generated a hook made of ice and a rope was attached to it.

Queen Dimanda shook her head and shrugged, "Don't bother, our visitor can defend himself rather well... it is Frost Soul you should worry for."

Icicle Storm raised an eyebrow, "Why would you say that, my queen? Frost Soul is a master of magical and non magical combat, he is also a windigo."

Queen Dimanda simply smirked, "That won't matter once this pony starts heating up... then Frost Soul is doomed..."

Icicle Storm rolled his eyes, "Are you telling me that this pony can use fire based magic? Even if that is the case, Frost Soul has faced far greater threats than a little fire, my queen."

Dimanda chuckled, "I'm not talking about any normal fire here, I'm talking about a raging ball of flames that could incinerate anypony."

Icicle Storm smiled, "Hah! With all due respect, my queen, nopony has ever achieved that level of heat. You would need to channel the heat of a star in order to beat Frost Soul."

Dimanda smiled and thought to herself,

"Well this is going to be fun to watch... one of my champions against Burning Star. The Fires of Friendship and Ice of Hatred colliding. How cliched, but still fun to see..."