• Published 16th Nov 2017
  • 3,553 Views, 90 Comments

Flash Sentry One-Shots - Banshee531

A housing for all my One-Shots involving Flash Sentry. Includes events from the EQG shorts and maybe some original ideas.

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Romantic Chemistry

Author's Note:

Okay guys. Despite this being chapter two, it's the first chapter of my one shot series.

The idea for this chapter came from the short Queen of Clubs.

This takes place between Friendship Games and Legend of Everfree. Enjoy.

Science had always been Twilight's favourite subject, ask anyone and they would tell you Twilight Sparkle enjoyed spending her spare time wearing a lab coat and goggles.

When she first transferred to Canterlot High School, the first thing she did was sign herself up for every science based club the school had. Back at Crystal Prep, they had a club for every type of science that existed. Unfortunately, as much as she loved Canterlot High, the school only had two science based clubs.

Robotics Club and Chemistry Club.

Though disappointed at first, she decide to simply take what she was given and signed herself up for both clubs.

Now she was standing outside the chemistry lab, about to enter it though feeling a little nervous. That was how it always was whenever Twilight was doing something for the first time, even if it was something she absolutely loved.

There were bound to be lodes of students in there, working on their own little projects. What if she entered and there wasn't anyone she knew or who liked her, the whole Midnight Sparkle thing was still something she worried people would judge her for. What if everyone already had a partner and she was forced to work alone, something she wanted to avoid since she had been trying to learn about friendship.

She was so focused worrying about all those things, that she did not notice someone walking up to her until they placed their hand on her shoulder. She cried out in surprise, before turning to see Rarity.

"Hello darling," she said with a smile on her face. "Have you come to join our little club."

"Um...yes," she said in an unsure voice. "But I'm a little nervous."

"Nervous?" Rarity asked with a raised eyebrow. "Why on earth would you be nervous?"

"Well," Twilight said, "I'm not very good when it comes to entering new, uncharted, territory."

"Oh pish posh," Rarity told her as she started pushing the glasses wearing teen towards the door. "You have nothing to worry about darling. I'm sure our members will love having you around."

"How can you be sure?" Twilight asked.

Rarity didn't reply and instead opened the door and pushed her inside.

Twilight looked around the room and saw it completely deserted, well almost. One girl, a blonde who she remembered from the first round of the Friendship Games, was sitting at the desk. She looked up and when she saw Twilight, she smiled and waved at her.

Twilight was amazed, for two reasons. The first is that this girl was actually allowed in a chemistry lab, despite the fact she had somehow caused a noncombustible liquid to explode. The second was that there were so few members in this club, at least she didn't have to worry about all those people judging her.

"What's the matter darling?" Rarity asked as she walked up to the blonde haired girl.

"Is everyone else running late?" Twilight asked nervously, causing Rarity to look around.

"Well yes, but I'm sure he'll be here soon."

"You mean there's only one person left to come?"

"That's right," the blonde haired girl said with a smile.

"So with me joining, this club only has four members?"

"I told you it was little," Rarity explained with a chuckled

"Yes but still."

"Chemistry isn't a very popular subject here at CHS," the blonde explained.

"I see," Twilight said as she walked over to their desk and placed her beg down, before opening it and pulling her science gear out.

"Oh I love your lab coat," Rarity said as she looked it over, seeing the purple pockets which had purple rubber gloves in them.

"Thanks," Twilight replied as she put it on. "It was a birthday present from my brother."

Rarity nodded, before turning to the blonde. "Derpy dear, could you get our lab coats please?"

"Sure," the girl now known as Derpy said as she moved over to a nearby locket. She then reached into her pocket and pulled out a key, which she used to open it and reveal three lab coats. One was white while the other two were light blue. Derpy took out the white and smaller blue one, which she handed to Rarity before putting on the white one.

"So," Twilight asked as she put her own lab coat on and strapped on her gloves, "what are we working on?"

"Well Derpy and I are going to be finishing up our lab experiment," Rarity replied.

"Oh," Twilight said, the feeling of being left out once again welling up inside.

"But our other member just finished his last project and will be moving onto something new," Rarity continued. "I'm sure he'll be happy to have your help."

Before Twilight could wonder who this final club member was, she heard the sound of the door opened and someone walking in.

"Hey guys," a male voice called out, causing her to turn and see a teenage boy with blue hair step inside.

Twilight remembered him from her first day at Canterlot High, where she had literally run into him and he had help her up and placed her glasses back over her eyes. He seemed to know her, obviously she now knew he had mistaken her for her pony counterpart like everyone else.

However, since then she had noticed him staring at her on occasion.

The boy moved across the room over to the locket, where he pulled out the remaining lab coat and placed it on himself, before turning towards the girls and when his eyes landed on Twilight they went wide.

"Flash darling," Rarity spoke as she placed her hands on Twilight's shoulder. "Twilight here will be joining us from now on."

"Oh," Flash said in amazement, "that's cool. Welcome to the club."

"Thanks," Twilight said nervously. "Pleased to meet you again...Flash was it?"

"Yeah," Flash replied.

Rarity could see the awkwardness between the two, so she decided to step in. "Flash, would it be okay if Twilight here partnered with you. She doesn't want to have to work on her own."

Twilight could tell Flash obviously did not feel comfortable with this idea, but then he nodded. "Sure, I don't mind. Derpy, wanna help with the equipment?"

"Sure," Derpy said as she got up and followed him over to another locket.

Once they were out of earshot, Twilight turned to Rarity. "Did I do something to upset him?" She was really hoping she did not, especially with the whole Midnight Sparkle thing.

"Oh you didn't do anything darling," Rarity explained. "I think Flash is just feeling awkward because you look so much like Princess Twilight."


"Well," Rarity's face became unsure as she tried to figure out what to say. "You see darling, Flash and Princess Twilight have an...attraction to each other."

"Their dating?"

"Oh no," Rarity said. "The thing is, they've only really been on one date and that was cut short because of Sunset and the fact she had to return to her world. Since then, the two of them haven't really gotten the chance to be around each other much."

"Oh," Twilight said.

"It doesn't help that the last time they saw each other, Flash was under the influence of some Equestrian magic which caused him to say somethings he didn't mean to her."

"I see," Twilight said, feeling sorry for the guy.

"I think the fact that you look so much like the girl he likes, but aren't, is making Flash unsure how to act around you."

"So what do you think I should do?"

"Well...I think just being friends with him will change that. Show him you'd like to be friends and get to know him, then maybe he'll open up around you."

Twilight thought about what Rarity had said and nodded. "Yeah, I can do that. Thanks."

"Any time darling," Rarity said.

In that moment, Flash and Derpy returned to them with the equipment. They placed both trays on the table and began distributing stuff on them onto the table. Once that was done, Flash put the remaining equipment on his tray and took it over to the table he and Twilight were gonna work on.

Rarity gave Twilight a thumbs up, before the glasses wearing teen walked over to where Flash was standing.

"So," she asked nervously, "what are we working on?"

Flash pulled a chemistry book out of his bag and opened it up to a page showing a a formula. "I was thinking we could try making this. What do you think?"

Twilight looked over the formula and saw it was a compound she had never tried creating before, and it looked fun. She smiled and looked up at him. "Let's do it."

Flash smirked, obviously liking her enthusiasm, and held out a pair of goggles for her. "Let's get to it then."

Twilight took the goggles and strapped them around her eyes, as Flash did the same, before they sat down and started working on the mixture.

Despite the excitement of working on this formula, the two of them quickly found themselves in a uncomfortable silence. Twilight knew she had to say something to break the ice, or the two of them could never be able to work together comfortably.

Stealing her nerve, she took a deep breath and spoke. "Flash?"


"Just so you know, Rarity told me about you and Princess Twilight."

Flash froze. He then slowly turned his gaze on Rarity who, upon noticing and realising why, hid her face behind her chemistry book. He then looked back at her. "Don't worry about it, I'm trying to get over it. My friend Micro Chips suggested I think of the two of you as identical siblings who names their parents liked so much, they gave it to both kids."

Twilight could not help it, she giggled. This caused Flash in turn to smile. "I guess I can accept that," she said as she started mixing different chemicals.

"Thanks," Flash replied.

"So," Twilight said, wanting to keep the conversation up. "You enjoy chemistry?"

"Yeah," Flash replied, "my mom suggested I join the club because it'd look good on a collage application."

"You want to take chemistry in college?"

"Forensic science," Flash replied.

"That's what my brother took in college," Twilight told him. "Are you planning to join the force after college?"

"Hoping to," Flash replied. "I'm hoping to become a detective or CSI one day."

"That'll be hard," Twilight told him.

"That's why it's worth doing," Flash said with a smile.

Twilight giggled once again, as she watched Flash put the Sodium Chloride into the beaker.

"What about you?" He asked her.

Twilight frowned at this question. "I'm not really sure. To be honest, after everything that happened at the Friendship Games, I think I still have a lot to learn before I can decide what I should do with my life." Twilight saw Flash's face become on of concern. She knew if someone she barely knew transformed into a winged demon, she would be a little concerned about it. She looked back at their experiment, until she heard Flash say something.

"You shouldn't worry about that."

Twilight looked back around at him, seeing he had a smile on his face.

"So you messed up a little. It happens to everybody."

Twilight frowned. "Not everybody turns into a monster when they mess up."

"True," Flash said, "but that doesn't mean anything. Besides, it's not like you're the first one to have it happen to them. Sunset tell you what happened the first time Princess Twilight came here?"

"No, what happened?"

"She pretty much did the same thing you did, only instead of opening tears in the space time continuem she put everybody at school under hypnosis."

"Whoa," Twilight said. She suddenly remembered what Sunset had said to her before transforming. Had that been what she was talking about.

"After that happened, everyone in school was a little hostel towards her."

"Including you?"

"Yeah," Flash's face showed shame on it. He still felt bad about the things he had said to her during the siren incident. "But then she showed us how much she'd changed, so since then everyone at school agreed we shouldn't let what others do under magic influence effect how we feel about them."

Twilight smiled hearing this, hoping the other students at school were in the same boat.

"Besides," Flash went on, "out of all the magical threats this school's had, you were definitely the least threatening."

"Least threatening?" Twilight asked with a raised eyebrow. "I almost ripped our world to shreds."

"Maybe," Flash said, "but at least you didn't have to be stopped by a rainbow blast. Plus you were just in over your head. The other two wanted to pretty much take over the world."

Twilight thought about what he had said and had to admit he was right.

"And if anyone gives you any trouble because of what happened, just come to me."

Twilight's smile increased after that. "Rainbow already offered that, but I get the feeling asking you will result in less pain for the other party."

Flash laughed at this, which became infectious and caused Twilight to laugh as well. Once they had calmed down, Flash spoke once again.

"Let's talk about something else now. Like what other clubs you joined."

"Well," Twilight said. "I wanted to join as many science clubs has possible, but when I found out their were only two I was a little disappointed."

"Only two?" Flash asked with a raised eyebrow. "There's lodes of science clubs as CHS."

"Really?" Twilight asked.

"If you think about it, almost anything is science. Like the other club I'm in."

"Which is?"

"Molecular Gastronomy."

Twilight's eyebrow raised up, as she tried to remember if she had seen that clubs name of the signup sheet.

"That's not it's real name, but that's its scientific name," Flash explained with a smirk on his face. "It's really called the baking club."

The second Twilight heard this, she almost dropped the beaker in her hand because she started laughing again.

"Did you come up with that on the spot or have you been saving it for a special occasion?"

Flash just smirked and crossed his arms. "I'll have you know, I'm the king of coming up with jokes on the spot."

Twilight jokingly rolled her eyes. "Alright your majesty. I'll be sure to come to you whenever I need a good quip."

"Be sure that you do peasant," Flash joked, causing the two to once again laugh out loud.

After that the two continued to converse as they worked, until they heard the sound of the bell. Chemistry Club was coming to a close and they had to pack up.

As Flash and Derpy went to put the equipment away, Rarity moved over to Twilight.

"So, how'd it go?"

"It was...fun. He's really nice and sweet and funny."

Rarity clapped in delight. "Oh, I think someone's got a crush."

"What," Twilight said as her face turned bright red. "No I don't."

"Oh don't be embarrassed darling. It makes sense considering your counterpart also likes him."

"Exactly. I can't do that. It'd be like stealing someone's boyfriend."

"Except he's not her boyfriend. Besides, the two of them are from completely different worlds...literally. It's perfectly understandable that Flash would want to move on."

"But what about Princess Twilight?"

"I'm sure there's a Flash Sentry there that she would like just as much as the one here. Don't worry about it."

"I don't know," Twilight said.

"You don't know what?"

Twilight spun around to see Flash and Derpy had returned and Flash was looking at her expecting an answer.

"I don't know...how I'm gonna get home. The bus back won't be for another hour."

"Oh that's no worry," Rarity said with a devilish smile. "Flash can drive you home. He lives close to you I believe."

"I do?" Flash said with a raised eyebrow.

"Yes," Rarity agreed, "on Hoof Road. That's not far from her house at all."

Hoof Road, that was actually only a few blocks away from her house. The drive there would be less then a minutes detour.

"Sure," Flash said as he turned to her. "I don't mind. Come on." He turned towards the door and headed out with Derpy, leaving Twilight to frown at Rarity.

"Seriously?" She asked.

"What?" Rarity replied slyly.

"You know what," Twilight said.

"Just keep doing what you were doing with him earlier and see where it goes."

Twilight sighed, but she could not refuse Flash's offer now. With a sigh she headed towards the door, though once she was out of Rarity's vision she could not help but smile.

She spotted Flash by the door with a guitar case in his hand.

"Ready to go?" He asked.

"Sure am," Twilight said.

Flash smiled and opened the door, letting her walk passed and out before he directed her towards the car park.

Despite her nerves earlier, Twilight was happy she joined the chemistry club. Because she had, she had gotten to get to know Flash and make a new friend. She also felt a little better about what had happened at the Friendship Game, which she could thank Flash for.

Now she felt a little better about the future and she had her love of science to thank for it.