• Published 16th Nov 2017
  • 3,553 Views, 90 Comments

Flash Sentry One-Shots - Banshee531

A housing for all my One-Shots involving Flash Sentry. Includes events from the EQG shorts and maybe some original ideas.

  • ...

Future Story: Skylanders

Author's Note:

Welcome to another one shot showing the first chapter of a possible future story. Please read and enjoy whilst telling me if you'd want to see more of this story.

Canterlot City, a place of wonder. In the last year, many magical events had occurred. From a demon girl taking of the inhabitants of a school, to a supermodel themed monster woman parading through a mall and so many other insanities between them. Things were never boring in Canterlot.

So when something weird happens that can't be explained by magic, many people grow confused.

That was how the citizens felt one night, when a bright flash of light filled the sky. Everyone, both awake and asleep, found themselves staring up at the sky in wonder. They were then filled with fear, when every single electrical system in the city started going haywire. Nothing exploded, but TVs flipped through a hundred channels a second, phones began ringing with no one on the other line and those who were using an electric shave had better have been using it on their face.

But as soon as it started, it all stopped. The light faded and the machines stopped going nuts, leaving many people scared and confused. But what none of them knew was that this was just the start of an all new adventure.

Three months later.

The park's amphitheatre, where the Rainbooms had defeated the Dazzlings, was priming with activity. The students of Canterlot High were all going to be performing a charity event in a few days, the lot of them wanting to get the place ready for then.

"Testing, testing," Flash Sentry spoke as he stood up on the stage speaking into the microphone. "One, two. One, two." He looked offstage, where Micro Chips was working on the sound system.

"Looks good," he told him. "No feedback."

"Great," Flash smirked as he began strumming his guitar. "Maybe I should play a few power ballads to see if everything's alright."

"Why not let the best band do that," Flash frowned as he slowly turned to see Rainbow Dash step out onto the stag with her guitar. The rest of the Rainbooms were behind her off stage, all adjusting their instruments. "I mean, we are the ones playing the concert off."

"You're just the last band to play," Derpy explained as she walked passed the stage carrying a bunch of chairs. "That doesn't mean you're the best band."

"Duh," Rainbow smirked, "you always save the best for last. The Rainbooms are gonna be what everyone comes to this concert to see. Of course we'd be last. Everyone would leave when we're done if we went first." The non-members of the Rainbooms rolled their eyes, Flash stepping up to her.

"You guys might be the last band, but everyone knows a concert needs a great opening act to get everyone riled up and pumped for the rest of the show. That's why the Flash Drives are the opening act. Because we can get the crowd pumped to enjoy the rest of the concert."

"Sure," Rainbow patted him on the shoulder, "keep telling yourself that." Flash frowned, hating how big Rainbow's ego had gotten in the last few weeks. With how many magical villains they had beaten, coupled with how popular the Rainbooms had gotten, her head had grown so big it was a miracle she could fit it into the theatre. It had gotten more and more annoying as time went on, making Flash want to knock her down a peg.

And he planned on it, preparing to challenge her to a jam off. But before he could-

"Help...me." Flash's head shot up and he looked around, Rainbow raising an eyebrow at this.

"What?" She asked, Flash frowning.

"Nothing," he took his guitar off and placed it back into its case. "Whatever, the stage is yours." He jumped down and headed off, leaving a very confused Rainbow behind. Micro and Derpy also frowned when he walked off, both expecting Flash to challenge the egotistical sports girl.

Flash moved over to an area of the park that was being set up to be a refreshment area. Several students who weren't helping set up, were practising their instruments. This included Lyra Heartstrings, who was gently strumming her handheld harp. But then she noticed Flash move up to a table an pick up a drink.

"It's never been that clear before," he told himself as he sipped on his water.

Lyra put her harp in its casing and moved over to him, "something wrong?" He turned to her, "you look like someone just told you they sent your guitar to mars."

"I'm fine," Flash assured her. "Just...having a bit of an off day." Lyra raised an eyebrow at this, as Derpy ran up to them.

"Flash," she called out, "what's wrong. Why'd you storm off like that." Now Lyra was giving him a suspicious look. "You looked like you were about to challenge Rainbow or something, but then you just walked off."

"What?" Flash asked, "I decided I didn't wanna get into it. This is supposed to be a charity event, not a battle of the bands like before." Both girls gave him a look, telling him he wasn't fooling either of them. Flash eventually sighed, "fine." He looked around, making sure nobody else was listening before leaning in close. "I've been...hearing things." The girl's reaction to that was pure confusion.

"Hearing things?" Derpy asked, "what things?"

"A voice," he explained. "It started a few months back. Every now and then I'd hear this voice calling out to me. At first it was super weak, so I couldn't make out what it was saying. But the more I hear it, the clearer and louder it gets."

"What kind of voice?" Lyra asked, sounding shocked and a little relieved. "Was it a gargly voice, like somebody trying to say something under water."

"What?" Flash shook his head, "no. It's just a normal, though kind of worried, voice." Lyra frowned at this, making Flash slowly put the pieces together. "Have you been hearing it too?"

"Not the one you described. Like I said, mine was more garbled. And I haven't been hearing it as long as you. Just over the last two weeks or so." Both frowned, wondering what the heck they were hearing. Derpy looked at them in worry, clearly fearing something bad might be happening to them.

"Maybe you should talk to Sunset and the others," Derpy suggested. "If this is a magic thing, they'll want to know." The teens knew she might be right, but Flash wasn't so happy about letting the Rainbooms butt in on something he was involved in. But he also didn't want to get in over his head and turn into a magical monster. Maybe telling them was the right-

"Help." Flash and Lyra both went wide-eyed and looked around, making Derpy's worries spike.

"You hear that?" Flash asked, Lyra nodding. They waited for another call out, but nothing appeared to be happening again.

"I don't know where I am." Flash gasped and turned towards the voice's source and ran towards it, Lyra and Derpy following him.

"It's this way."

"You sure?" Lyra asked, "I didn't-" She stopped and gasped, "just now." Flash didn't hear anything, but kept focus on trying to find the voice.

"Where are you?" He asked before hearing a snapping sound, the three spinning around and seeing Micro Chips walking towards them. "Micro. What are you doing here?" Micro frowned, a worried look appearing on his face. One Derpy recognised.

"You've been hearing a voice, haven't you?" Micro surprised by this, but nodded.

"Yeah. How's you know?" Flash and Lyra were surprised by this and told him about their voice hearings, Micro's surprise escalating. "I started hearing mine just a few days ago. But it's never been this clear before."

"What's your sound like?" Derpy asked.

"Well sometimes they're asking for help. But other times, all I hear is a chuckle." Now they were confused, but that confusion stopped when Flash heard it.

"Help me. Somebody, help." Flash looked around, the voice clearer then ever.

"I'm here!" He called out, "can you hear me?"

"Hello?" Flash followed his voice, as Lyra and Micro seemed to hear something.

"Keep talking," Flash told it. "Let me hear you." The other two said the same thing, with the voices they were all hearing getting louder and louder. They followed it for a few more moments before something finally appeared in front of them. "Wow!" Flash cried as he leapt back, the cause being a glowing ball of light. "What the?"

"What is this thing?" Micro asked, taking a step back as Lyra stood still. Derpy, meanwhile, just looked confused.

"What thing?" She asked, clearly no seeing the light ball. That ball began to expand, zigzagging to look like a crack in the very universe itself.

"Please help," the voice told Flash. "I can feel you. You're so close. But...I can't go any further." Flash stared at the crack, an idea appearing in his head that his brain told him was crazy.

"What are you doing?" Micro asked as Flash rolled up his sleeve. "You're not thinking of putting your hand in that thing, are you?"

"Someone's in there," Flash stepped up to the crack. "They're trapped and I can't just leave them." Lyra and Micro were gonna tell him he was crazy, but then they heard the voices again. Hearing their pleas, they sighed and stepped up too. Micro rolled his sleeve up as well and each of them shared one final look before taking a deep breath and reaching into the light crack.

Derpy's eyes went wide when the three's arms disappeared, as Flash spoke up. "Can you hear me? If you see my hand, grab it." The others did the same, but they didn't feel anything. So they reached in deeper and when they reached their shoulders, they felt a presence besides their hands. Carefully, they closed their fists around the presence and felt something. It was a pulsing, like a heartbeat. They didn't let go however, the three quickly pulling their arms out.

Derpy watched as their arms reappeared with a strange glow breaking out from between their fingers. When they opened their hands, they found a white light flowing out of them. And one by one, they each took shape before the light faded to reveal a strange small creature.

Flash was holding a hamster-sized purple lizard, with a pair of wings, orange horns and a spear tipped tail. Lyra was holding the fusion of a fish and a man, carrying a strange device on its back. And Micro was holding a tiny orange gremlin with big ears, sharp fangs and an extra long tongue.

"What are those things?" Derpy asked as the creatures began to open their eyes and look around.

"Wha...where am I?" The lizard asked, surprising Flash when he realised-

"You're the voice I heard." The lizard looked up at him, surprised by his size.

"You're the voice I heard," he replied. He looked around and spotted the other two creatures. "Gill, Trig!" They turned to him and gasped with a smile, as the lizard...dragon, turned to Flash "Who are you. And where are we?"

"Canterlot," Flash replied as the others creatures looked up at them. "But what the heck are you. Are you from Equestria?" They looked confused by this.

"Equestria?" The fish-man asked, "no way. We're from the Skylands."

"Skylands?" Lyra asked, as the gremlin began to laugh.

"Yeah, where else would Skylanders live?" Micro adjust his glasses at this, as the gremlin looked up at him. "So, are you the one that pulled me out of that nowhere place." Micro wasn't sure, but nodded anyway. "Thanks for that. That place sucked."

"Yes," the lizard nodded, "you have our thanks. My name is Spyro. I'm the leader of the Skylanders." He gestured to the others, "the blue one is called Gill Grunt."

"You can call me Gill," he told Lyra as the girl slowly nodded whilst grimacing at the feel of his weird fishy body on her hand.

"And the orange one calls himself Trigger Happy."

"Or Trig," the gremlin smirked. "Nice to meet yah!"

"Likewise," Micro held out a finger for him to shake. But Trig opened his mouth and extended his tongue to use that to shake, freaking Micro out.

"I'm Flash," the rocker told the dragon. "This is Micro and Lyra." They gave their hellos as he turned to the last member of the group, "and this is our friend, Derpy."

Derpy smiled as he stepped up to them, "it's very nice to meet you." She reached forward and patted Spyro on the head, the dragon not appearing to like that. "So...what were you doing in that light...whatever it was."

"I don't know," Spyro told her. "One minute, we were battling in Skylands and the next thing, we got blasted."

"I remember flying through space," Gill told them. "And...I started shrinking."

"Yeah," Trig nodded. "And then I spotted something in front of me. A large blue and green planet. And right before I landed, everything went white and I was nowhere. I couldn't see anything. I was just floating around, completely alone." He then looked up at Micro, "but then I heard your voice. And now you've saved me."

Micro hummed as he pushed his glasses up, "sounds to me like you were trapped inside a dimensional void." The others had no idea what he was talking about, "there are some theories the each world has a section of empty space between them, which act like a washer on a bolt. If this Skylands place you come from is a world close to ours, it's possible you were thrown into the void between them."

"Well I'm just glad to be out of there," Gill stated.

"Yeah," Spyro nodded, "but we need to get back to Skylands. Who knows how bad things have gotten since we left." He turned to Flash, "where's your nearest portal?" The humans were surprised by this question.

"Well...there's one over at the school, but that'll take you to a world populated by magical ponies." The Skylanders frowned at this. "Sorry, but this world isn't like yours. I'm guessing it's got a lot of magic." They nodded, "well ours doesn't. There wasn't any magic here until last year, and even now it's only in this one city. I don't think there's a way for us to get you home."

"So we're trapped here," Spyro and the others looked down. "I can't believe we failed. Who knows what Kaos is doing now." None of the humans knew who Kaos was, but they had a feeling there weren't a good guy. "Master Eon, I'm sorry." But in that moment, something happened. The wind began to blow and as it did, Spyro heard something whisper in his ear.


"Huh?" His eyes shot open and he looked around. "Master Eon?" The others looked confused as he continued to listen.

"Follow my voice. And bring your young friends."

"This way!" Spyro cried as he leapt into the air, flying forward. Gill leapt off Lyra's hand as the device on his back suddenly began firing water out the bottom, which propelled him into the air. Trig couldn't fly, so grabbed Micro's finger and pointed forwards.

The humans shared a look and decided they had come this far, so all followed after Spyro and Gill. The little dragon flew as fast as he could, but at his size was wasn't getting very far. "Where we going?" Flash asked as he let the dragon land on his hands but kept going. Spyro pointed in the direction, as the voice kept speaking up.

They made their way through the park, going deeper and deeper into it. They eventually arrived at an area full of trees, making it difficult to see what was ahead or behind them. "Does anyone else think things are getting weird?" Lyra asked as her foot got caught on a spiky bush.

"We're following a dragon we just pulled out of a crack in the universe," Micro explained. "Things got weird a long time ago."

"There!" They turned to see Spyro pointing at a giant rock in the of a small clearing in the trees. It was the size of a car, sticking out of the ground and pointing at the sky. As they got closer, they noticed something was carved into the rock. It was a series of ten symbols that were arranged in a circle. At the top there was an eight pointed star, along with an image of fire, water, wind, a mountain, leaves, a gear, a skull, a sun and a crescent moon.

"What are those symbols?" Micro asked, as the Skylanders looked closer.

"They're the elemental symbols that make up all life in Skylanders," Trig explained. Micro gave him a curious look as Gill explained.

"All living things in Skylands, falls under one of these elements." He pointed at them, "Magic, Fire, Water, Air, Earth, Life, Tech, Undead, Light and Dark."

"But what are they doing here?" Flash asked, the Skylanders shrugging. Flash stared at the rock for several moments, then slowly stepped forward. He held out a hand and carefully, pushed it onto the rock. And what happened shocked everyone.

It was like the rock wasn't even there. Flash's hand passed right through it, everyone gasping at this. Flash could feel a space behind the rock and kept pushing, with his whole arm soon moving into the rock followed by the rest of his body.

"Flash!" They all cried as he and Spyro disappeared into the stone. They panicked, until Flash's head stuck back out of it.

"Guys! You've gotta see this!" He retreated into the rock and his friends all looked worried, but each took a deep breath and stepped forward. Derpy was the first to step through the rock, followed by Lyra and Micro. Each of them found themselves walking down a stone staircase, which took them about ten feet deep. And when they reached the bottom, they were amazed by what they saw.

It was a large room, filled with many odd looking crystals. Something about those crystals that they noticed was that they seemed to come in pairs, with one sticking out of the ground and another sticking out of the ceiling that pointed to each other with a five foot gap between the points.

In the back of the chamber, they spotted what looked like a giant computer. It had a large crescent moon keyboard that was suspended five feet of the ground, with a swivel chair located under it. To the computer's right were a trio of strange looking devices. They were large glass tubes that looked big enough to fit a person within, and besides each one was a strange looking pedestal with something glowing on top of it.

"What is this place?" Micro whispered as the Skylanders looked around.

"I'm...I'm not sure," Spyro told them. "Never seen anything like it. But," he focused on the strange devices, "over there!" He leapt off Flash's shoulder and flew over to it, landing on the pedestal and looking at the strange looking table that was glowing a myriad of colours. "A portal."

"A portal?" Flash asked, setting up next to him. "What are you talking about?"

"In Skylands, these portals are how we get around. Portal Masters can use them to transport Skylanders into battle."

"But what's one doing here?" Gill asked as Trig leapt off Micro's shoulder and landed on the portal.

"Back to Skylands!" He cried, but nothing happened. "Did somebody unplug it?"

"It won't work without a portal master," Spyro told him before letting out a sigh. "If only Master Eon was here."

"Did somebody say my name?" The lot of them jumped at the voice, turning towards it only to scream again when they saw what it was. A giant head, which was floating between two of the crystals with a smile on its face. The head was that of an old man, with a long white beard and a strange viking helmet on his head.

"Master Eon!" The Skylanders cried, whilst the humans kept looking at the head. "Is it really you?" Spyro asked, looking like someone who hadn't seen their parents in a long time.

"Yes Spyro," the man named Eon smiled. "It's good to see you are alright. I had hoped someone on this planet would be able to free you all. Is it just you three?"

"Yes master," Spyro nodded before flying over to Flash. "These three were able to pull us out of the void." The head turned to the still shocked humans and smiled.

"Greetings, young portal masters. I have been waiting for you."

"For us?" Lyra asked, "but why us?"

"You were able to find these Skylanders," Eon explained. "Hearing their voice from within the void must mean you three share a link with them."

"Share a link?" Micro asked, "what are you talking about?"

"I think it'll make more sense if I explain everything to you," the head replied before disappearing. They were about to ask where he went, but a light made them look over and see the head was now between two crystals located besides the computer. They moved over to it as the computer came alive, showing ten unusual symbols that were moving around the screen and bouncing off the edges. They then vanished when the screen changed to show a new image.

"This...is Skylands." The screen showed an open sky that the monitor was flying through, making them wonder what was going on until they saw something come into view. An island, which was floating in the sky. Another one then came into view, then another and another and so on until the screen was full of them. Some of the islands have buildings atop them, whilst more had trees, animals and even rivers that flew off the edge and fell into the void below. "It is an ancient world of wonder and mystery."

"So Micro was right about it being in another universe?" Flash asked, with Eon nodding.

"Guess that explains why islands can just float in the sky," Micro frowned. "Different laws of physics."

"Exactly," Eon nodded. "For generations, the Portal Masters and the Skylanders kept peace and balance in this world so that all creatures could thrive. Magic flows through everything here. Every rock, every tree, every beast. And that includes the Skylanders that protect it. That magic in unique for every being, taking shape and forming in such a way that no two auras are exactly alike. But if the two being's aura are formed in such a way that they can unify, it creates a link between them."

"I don't get it," Derpy told Flash. The teen had a basic understand and was trying to think of how to explain it.

He then snapped his fingers, "it's like a jigsaw puzzles." The others gave him a confused look, "you can have one piece that's got a particular shape. If you try to fit it into another piece with a different shape, it won't work. You need just the right two pieces, which as shaped just right to be compatible." Now they understood, whilst Eon chuckled.

"Not a bad explanation. Yes, it's something similar to that. And long ago, the Portal Masters discovered that their magic was fluid and could take on any shape. This meant they could create a link with any creature, allowing them to share their powers and grant the Skylanders they bonded with increased strength. And that is where you three come in."

Spyro turned to Flash, "you're inner aura isn't fluid. But it could link with mine enough to let you find me. Same with the others."

"And it can do more," Eon explained before a serious expression appeared on his face. "Young Portal Masters, I require your assistance. Skylands is in grave peril." As he said that, the skies on the screen started turning dark. "The darkness is spreading. Skylands needs your help. A great adventure awaits you all, if you are willing to help."

"How can we help?" Lyra asked.

"By sending us back to Skylands," Gill Grunt explained. "We've got portals and you portal masters. We can return home and save it."

"I'm afraid it's not that easy," Eon told them. "The portals I was able to construct do not work like they do in Skylands. Being able to transport you to different areas of the same dimension is easy, but transporting you into an entirely different world is another."

Spyro frowned. "So then, what do we do master?" Eon's reply was to turn to Flash and the others, the three teens sharing a worried look.

"Us?" Micro pointed at himself.

"You can help the Skylanders," Eon explained. "The devices I constructed with the last of my power will allow you and your Skylander partners to transport yourselves into Skylands. Through astral projection."

"Astral projection?" Derpy raised an eyebrow.

"By stepping inside the tubes and onto the portal, the two's consciousnesses will be sent to Skylands. In the process, it'll use the link you share to construct a new body based on the Skylanders, with all their powers and abilities. You Portal Masters will be the ones in control, with your partners helping by giving advice."

"Wait, wait, wait!" Micro called out, "so you want us to step into an unknown machine and let it zap our minds into another world. And in this world, we'll end up turning into a dragon, a fish man and a gremlin."

"Exactly," Eon smiled as the teen all turned to one another.

"I'm out," Micro turned towards the exit. "I'm done. I am out of here." Flash quickly ran up to him.

"Wait a minute. We should hear him out."

"I was okay with magic being a thing," Micro pushed his glasses. "That still has some scientific bases. But now you expect me to believe that I'm supposed to travel to another world in the body of a gremlin?"

"I'm with Micro," Lyra told him. "It sounds kind of...dangerous."

"You won't be in any danger," Eon told her. "Any damage dealt to you will be dealt to the avatar you and your Skylander create. If the avatar takes to much damage, you'll be ejected from Skylands and sent back here. The worst you could suffer is a mild headache."

"It sounds like these guys could really use your help," Derpy told them. "I mean, you were able to find the Skylanders."

"Yeah," Trig stated. "Come on guys. This is your destiny."

"I don't believe in destiny," Micro told him. "I believe the universe is what we chose to make of it. And I didn't sign up to become a world saving hero."

Flash frowned, thinking about what Eon had said. He turned towards the computer as it showed more images of Skylands, focusing in on a small village that had been built atop a bunch of close together rocks. There were a bunch of creatures moving around on the rocks, the lot of them being strange looking mammal creatures dressed in different types of clothing.

"Those are the mabu," Eon told him. "They are some of the most wide spread inhabitants of Skylands. They are a peaceful race, just trying to live their lives. But if the darkness grows, they will never know peace." Flash wanted to help, but did he have what it took to be a hero.

Suddenly, an alarm filled the room that surprised the four. "What's that?" Flash asked, as Eon frowned.

"The system is picking something up. There must be an incoming threat to this area of the Skylands." They watched the monitor and soon enough, something appeared a ways off from the village. "Ahh," Eon sighed, "I can't get a closer view. I may have created this machine, but operating it isn't my greatest talent."

"Let me try," Derpy moved over to the chair and got in it. As she did, it was suddenly raised off the ground and floated up so she was level with the keyboard.

"Do you know what you're doing?" Micro asked, thinking maybe he should have done it. But then Derpy managed to get the image to zoom in on the spot in question. "Oh, never mind." They focused on the monitor, trying to see what might be causing the alert. Then they noticed a nearby cloud suddenly get pulled into something, the cloud beginning to spiral around until it was ripped apart.

"Did you see that?" Flash asked, Eon frowning.

"Only one thing can cause that kind of reaction." And sure enough, more clouds were sucked up and spiralled out of existence. And slowly, the wind in that area began to grow faster and faster. "A tornado." The air vortex formed and quickly grew larger and larger, as it began to move towards the village.

"It's gonna rip the place apart!" Spyro cried, as the mabu saw the tornado and began to panic.

"They can escape, right?" Lyra asked Eon, as Derpy zoomed in on an area of the town that had a bunch of hot air balloons. Many mabu quickly climbed on and started to fly away, but others appeared to be having trouble. "What's happening?"

Derpy zoomed in on another area and when she did, she found that a bunch of mabu were being attacked by something. Whatever it was, it was small, green, had massive teeth and numbered in the dozens. "Chompies," Gill Grunt looked mad.

"Those things are gonna devour any mabu they come across," Spyro explained. "We have to do something." Flash thought the same thing. Those mabu needed someone to help them. They needed a Skylander.

"Flash?" Micro asked as the teen rushed over to one of the devices.

"This thing can send me to Skylands?" He asked as Eon appeared behind him, "and it'll turn me into Spyro?"

"That's right," Eon nodded. "All you have to do is step inside, whilst Spyro steps onto the portal. When they're activated, you'll be merged and transported into Skylands." Flash stared at the machine for a few more seconds before opening the tube.

"I'm going!"

"Flash!" Micro and Lyra rushed to stop him, "this is nuts. You step into that thing and you might turn inside out. This is magic and people who aren't the Rainbooms have a bad habit of making things bad when they mess with it."

"Has this thing even been tested?" Lyra asked Eon, who chose this moment to become very interested in a speck on the ceiling.

"I can't just leave them," Flash exclaimed. "Those mabu need help and we're the only ones that can do it." Spyro flew onto his shoulder and smiled at him, "I'm going." Lyra and Micro frowned, but then glanced over at their Skylanders who looked at them hopefully.

Lyra sighed, "alright." She opened another tube, "let's do this." Micro frowned as Gill flew over on his water jet-pack, as Trigger Happy continued to silently plead.

"Ahhh, peer pressure. Alright, I'm in." He got into the final tube as the Skylanders jumped onto the portal. As they did, Derpy sighed.

"Wish I could help."

"Oh," Eon appeared besides her, "but you can. Someone needs to activate the device. They also need to find a safe place for them to warp into. You seem quite skilled at this console, so I don't think you being here was an accident." Derpy smiled at this and turned back to the monitor, Eon explaining how to select and area for transport.

Once she picked one that was a safe distance away from the tornado's area of destruction, a section of the console opened up to reveal a large red button.

Eon moved over to the teens in the portals. "Portal Masters, Skylanders. I wish you luck. Spyro, you and the others must help your partners understand their new powers. It won't be easy for them at first, so please be patient."

Spyro, Trig and Gill nodded, "we won't let you down master."

Eon nodded, "then it is time. Skylanders...UNITE!" As soon as he said that, Derpy slammed down on the button and the machines powered up. Light filled the tubes as the Skylanders closed their eyes, the three teens being blinded for a moment.

When they opened their eyes, they were each alone in a strange void that appeared to be full of dark blue clouds. Suddenly, a strange symbol appeared in front of them. Flash saw an eight pointed star, Lyra saw a water droplet and Micro a gear. The symbols then exploded and the light surged towards them, wrapping them up in light.

The cocoons shook for several seconds before exploding. Flash's exploded with a burst of purple light, which filled the void as he flew around. The young teen now looked exactly like Spyro, the dragon soaring through the void. "All fired up!" He yelled for some reason.

Lyra's cocoon exploded with a bunch of bubbles flying out, which filled the void as she stood there in the body of Gill Grunt. "Fear the fish!" She cried, holding out her harpoon cannon.

Micro's cocoon exploded with orange light, which filled the void and created images of gears all around him. "No gold, no glory!" He cried in the body of Trigger Happy, taking out a pair of golden pistols that he spun around.

Transformations complete, the three new Skylanders suddenly shot up into the air. They saw a bright light above them and for some reason, they were compelled to move towards it.

In the currently getting destroyed village, many mabu were screaming as they tried to get to the nearest balloon as the giant twister sucked up more and more of the town.

One of those mabu was one wearing large round glasses, a thick green coat and a large green rucksack on his back. "Not good, not good, oh not good at all!" He yelled as he hobbled through the destroyed town in an attempt to get away. He then arrived at an area of the town that had something blocking the only route he had to go further. "Not a monster gate!"

Said monster gate was a bunch of tall wooden posts sticking out of the ground between two large rocks that blocked the rest of the path forward. On the other side of the posts, connecting them all, was a large bronze shield with two crossed sword in front of it and a pair of bat wings sticking out the side.

"No, no, no!" He cried, trying to shake the gate open. But it remained where it was and as he shook it, the creatures the gates belonged to suddenly appeared. "AHHHH!" He cried as a chompy leapt at the gate and tried to bite his fingers off, the mabu staggering back and looking at the fifteen or so chompies that he could see. He then looked back at the twister, which was getting closer and closer to him. "Ahhh, stuck between a tornado and a horde of ravenous monsters. If I go back, I'm dead. If I manage to make it over the gate, I'm dead. If I just stay here, I'M DEAD!" He fell to his knees, "CAN'T SOMEBODY SAVE ME!" At that moment, the sky suddenly flashed. "Huh?"

From out of nowhere, three beams of light shot down towards the village. They crashed onto the ground and with a burst of light, exploded to reveal three figures.

Spyro, Gill Grunt and Trigger Happy stood there, looking as powerful as they had always been within Skylands. But as soon as they were aware they had landed, they started looking themselves over. "Wow!" Spyro, who as actually Flash, cried. "Look at us!"

"I'm looking," Lyra's voice came out of Gill's mouth and appeared disgusted. "This is weird."

"Very weird," Micro's voice stated as it came out of Trig's voice. "So what do we do now?"

"Now you've gotta save the mabu!" Flash looked around in shock, having heard Spyro's voice but not being able to see him. "I'm in here," Spyro explained. "I can see and hear everything you can see and hear, but I can't move anything. That'll be on you." He glanced over at the others and had a feeling they were getting the same lecture. "Alright, time to get to work."

"Got it!" Flash opened his wings and took to the air, though flying proved harder then her thought and his flight wasn't exactly smooth.

"Spyro!" He heard, making him look down to see a mabu staring up at him with amazing. "You've returned."

"It's Hue!"


"No...Hue. Hugo. He's Master Eon's assistant. And it looks like he's trapped. We gotta help him and the others evacuate!"

"Right!" Flash nodded as he dived down, "how do we do that. Maybe I can blast that gate down."

"Won't work. That's a monster gate. It's indestructible. Won't open until all the monsters that infused their magic into it are destroyed." Flash nodded as he landed on the other side of the gate, causing the chompies to turn and growl at him before they started charging. "Fire blast!"

"How?" Flash asked, jumping to the side to avoid one chompy. He then spun around, using his tail to smack another into a rock wall. This caused it to explode into a trio of light orbs.

"Grab those orbs. They'll make you stronger!" Flash didn't argue and ran over, using his horns to ram through three more chompies as he did. They too created orbs and as Spyro grabbed the first lot, they followed him and were absorbed into his body.

Back on earth, Derpy spotted three things that had appeared on the monitor. Images of Spyro, Gill and Trig's heads, which each had a number one to their left and two bars to their right. The top one was full of a green colouring whilst the bottom ones were empty, at least until Spyro grabbed the orbs and caused it to gain a few inches of yellow.

"What are these?"

"Their health and power," Eon explained. "This will let us know when the Skylander avatars are about to reach their limits."

"This is just like a video game," Derpy smiled as Gill and Trig arrived on the scene. Gill was the first to jump into the action, launching harpoons from his gun that struck a chompy and exploded. A moment later, a new harpoon appeared out of the gun and she fired that too.

Micro seemed to be a little scared, but when a chompy charged at him he quickly fired his gun. From it, a large golden coin shot out and bonked the chompy into exploding. Micro seemed amazed by this and as more chompies charged, he kept firing.

"That's it guys," she smiled as the Skylanders fought their way through the monsters and collected the orbs to increase the blue bars. "You can do this." Eon smiled and nodded, agreeing wholeheartedly.

Micro fired several more coins whilst Lyra had figured out how to use were water jet-pack and flew over several, landing behind them as the harpoon retracted into the gun before it launched a barrage of water that knocked several chompies back.

"This is kind of fun!" Flash cheered as he rammed into another chompy, only to then feel something bite down on his tail. "Ow!" He looked around and saw a chompy, the dragon swinging his tail around and smashing it against a rock. "I thought we couldn't get hurt."

"Your human body can't be hurt," Spyro told him. "You're still connected to your avatar, so you feel whatever it feels." Flash frowned at this and headbutted another chompy.

Micro jumped over two chompies and hit the ground rolling, the teen hearing Trig laugh in the back of his head. "Now do a charge blast."

"Charge blast?" Trig explained how and as the chompies charged, Micro brought this two pistols together and they unleashed an energy that formed a ball between them. When the beasts got close enough, he let it rip and the energy launched a giant coin at the two that destroyed them.

"Just three more left," Lyra cried as the three chompies charged, with Flash landing in front of her.

"Let me try something." He dug deep and felt his chest heat up, and as the chompies got closer he let rip a fireball that struck the ground and exploded. All three chompies were destroyed by the flames, Flash smirking as he flew over to collect the orbs. As he did, the shield keeping the monster gate in place suddenly exploded and the gates fell apart.

"Yes!" Hugo cheered as he rushed over to them, "Spyro, it's so good to see you again."

"Err..." Spyro scratched the back of his head, "I'm not Spyro. But he is here." Hugo looked confused, "it's a long story."

"One we'll have to save for later," Lyra cried. "We need to help the rest of the mabu escape." They all nodded and rushed towards the area that still remained behind Hugo, though it wouldn't last long since the twister was getting closer and closer.

Flash flew ahead and grabbed any mabu on an area of rock that the twister had destroyed the bridges too, flying them over to the main area. Lyra and Micro used their weapons to destroy pieces of rubble and broken wood that had fallen and blocked the path for the other mabu. Hugo remained with them, against his better judgement, telling the mabu where to go.

"Is that everyone?" Spyro asked as he dropped another mabu, right as the twister ripped a large building off the edge of an island. Suddenly, a ball of light appeared above them with Derpy's face appearing within it.

"Guys, that was the town's royal palace. I'm detecting three life signs in that area."

"That must be the royal family," a mabu named Blobber cried before running off. "You must save them!" The Skylanders frowned but quickly rushed towards the area being destroyed by the twister, Hugo choosing to stay where he was. They rushed up a stone walkway towards an area that was likely supposed to be a courtyard when the palace was up. They then noticed a large gate that had a lock on it, with three mabu behind it.

"Help us!" A mabu wearing a crown yelled, trying to force open the gate. "Our key to the front gate was blown away."

"Hold on!" Flash cried as he flew in front of the gate. But before he could shoot a fireball, a familiar cry caught his attention. They looked up and saw several chompies on the walls either side of them, who all leapt down in an attempt to feast on dragon chow. Luckily, Lyra and Micro were there to help.

They both fired at the chompies, destroying them before they could get close to Flash. This allowed him the launch the flames at the lock, which didn't melt like he had hoped.

"What?" He asked, firing again with the same effect. "Come on!" He fired, the lock getting red hot but not breaking.

Lyra noticed this and quickly turned her cannon of the lock, firing a jet of water that quickly cooled it down. Flash turned to her in shock, but she was one step ahead of him. "Fire again!" Flash did so, heating the lock up before Lyra cooled it down, "Again!" Flash did so and heated up the lock, only for Lyra to spray it once again.

Flash was about to ask what she was thinking, but then heard a creaking noise and remembered what happened to metal that was rapidly heated and cooled. "Nice!" He saw Micro take down the last chompy, absorbing the orbs as he did so, and pointed at the lock. "Let this thing have it!" Micro nodded and charged up his pistols, as the twister got closer and closer.

"Hurry!" The king mabu cried, the three holding onto the gate as they felt the pull of the tornado. Then Micro fired, hitting the lock with a fully charged coin that shattered it. The gate flew open and the royal family cheered as they pulled themselves forward along the gate. But as the young prince let go, he suddenly found himself being pulled backwards.

"No!" His parents cried as he was pulled towards the tornado, the Skylanders gasping as well. Flash acted with thinking and shot after him, flying towards the tornado and grabbing the young prince before he could be pulled into to cyclone.

"Hold on!" He told him, pumping his wings with all his might. The others watched in worry, but Flash was able to pull away from the twister and fly back to them. "Let's go!" He yelled, the others not needing to be told twice.

They all ran as fast as they could, Hugo joining them as they headed for the balloon docks. But when they got there, they found there was only one balloon left. And it was only big enough for three. "What do we do?" Lyra asked.

"I can portal you guys back here," Derpy told them.

"But what about them?" Flash pointed at the mabu, with the royal family jumping into the balloon only to find there was no more room for Hugo. "I'll fly you to safety."

"There's no way you can carry him that long," Spyro told him.

"You won't be able to carry me for very long," Hugo stated.

"So what do we do?" Micro asked.

"Hey down there!" Another voice called out, making them look up and see another balloon approaching. Leaning out of the basket was a mabu that looked a lot taller then the others, wearing a bunch of aviator clothing. "Looks like I showed up just in time."

"Flynn!" Hugo cheered, as the balloon drifted down and landed next to the other one. This balloon was bigger then the other, meaning it could fit some extra passengers. "I've never been more happy to see you my friend." Hugo got into the balloon, Micro and Lyra doing the same. And as they did, the twister ripped more and more of the island apart.

"Let's go!" Micro cried as Flash pushed the balloons up into the air, allowing them to float away before they could be grabbed by the tornado.

"Flynn's the name," the mabu told the Skylanders. "Master pilot, at your service." The Skylanders gave their introductions as they flew further and further away, all the while looking back at the village as the tornado finished ripping through it.

"It's all gone," Lyra whispered.

"Maybe," Hugo turned to them, "but thanks to you the villagers all managed to evacuate just in time." The monster embodied humans turned to smile at one another, all of them glad they had chosen to come and help. "But this is only the beginning," Hugo continued. "There are reports of terrible disasters all throughout Skylands."

"And I'm guessing only the Skylanders can stop them," Flash guess with Hugo nodding. Lyra and Micro both frowned, still unsure if doing this again and again was something they wanted. "Maybe you should explain how this all started, help us get up to speed. We weren't exactly given all the details when we learned about this."

Hugo raised an eyebrow, but nodded and began his tail. The three new Portal Masters had no idea, that this was the start of a grand adventure for them. One that would change their lives forever.