• Published 16th Nov 2017
  • 3,553 Views, 90 Comments

Flash Sentry One-Shots - Banshee531

A housing for all my One-Shots involving Flash Sentry. Includes events from the EQG shorts and maybe some original ideas.

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After the Games

Author's Note:

Hey guys. I know you were expecting a Defender of the Peace update, but my editors having some time constraints. So instead enjoy another little one shot which takes place right after Friendship Games and will hopefully lead to more chapters later.

Also quick question. How would you feel if I did one shots involving the pony Flash as well.

Out of all the things that had happened to her over the last twenty four hours, discovering that there was another universe filled with magic, accidently stealing that magic and opening portals to that world, turning into a raging she-demon who wished to rip this world apart so she could travel to that other world, the thing that seemed to freak Twilight Sparkle out the most was that she was now sitting opposite a girl that look exactly like her.

When 'Princess' Twilight Sparkle came out of the portal to Equestria and saw her, Twilight had been shocked to see a girl who looked almost exactly like her. Princess Twilight was also shocked at seeing her, but quickly got over it and was soon talking to her like she was just another person.

Sunset had suggested the two of them talk on their own, so she and the others had headed out and left the two on their own.

Now the two of them were sitting infront of the portal, simply staring at each other nervously. It seems Twilight previous enthusiasm about talking to her, had all but disappeared now that they were on their own.

"So," Princess Twilight said as she scratched the back of her head, "tell me about yourself."

"Their's not much to tell," Twilight said.

"Oh I'm sure there is," Princess Twilight said. "What do you like doing in your down time?"

"Well," Twilight said, "I like reading."

"Me too," Princess Twilight replied. "I guess no matter what world we're in, Twilight Sparkle is a bookworm." They both laughed at this, feeling the ice breaking between them.

"So what about you?" Twilight asked her. "Is it true you're really a pony princess?"

"Yes," Princess Twilight said, "I am. But I wasn't born a princess. I had to earn that title."

"Wow," Twilight said. "Is that how it works in your world? Royalty isn't a birthright?"

"Well you can be born into royalty," Princess Twilight replied, her mind flashing back to Prince Blueblood. "But they don't get to lead unless they prove themselves like I did."

"What did you do?" Twilight asked her. "Becoming a princess, you must have done something incredible to earn that."

"I guess," Princess Twilight said as she blushed. "I earned it after learning and doing a number of things. I helped save my world a number of times, along with my friends and family. I finally earned my princesshood. after completing a spell that the greatest wizard in the history of Equestria couldn't complete."

"Wow," Twilight said, before frowning. "You've done so much. Kinda makes me feel inferior."

Princess Twilight frowned at this, before moving closer to her and looking her dead in the eyes. "Don't say that. I'm sure you'll do something great too."

"Yeah right," Twilight told her. "You heard what I did when I unleashed all that magic I stole. I almost destroyed my own world, just because I wanted to learn more about magic."

Twilight was not sure how to respond to that, but her super computer mind quickly started thinking until it came up with an answer. "No one's perfect," she told her counterpart. "I may be a princess now, but I had to mess up a few times before I was ready to become one."

"Yeah right," Twilight said as she curled herself up and hid most of her face in her knees. "What could you possibly have done that so bad if you were chosen to lead an entire country?" She looked up at her doppelganger and when she did, her eyes went wide seeing she had a large smile on her face.

"Let me tell you a story," Princess Twilight told her.

<One Hour Later>

Flash Sentry felt exhausted after the day he had had. Not that he was complaining, if the girls who had actually saved the world were not complaining then he would not either.

There was only one thing he was mentally complaining about, Twilight. He felt like an idiot for not seeing that she was not his Twilight, but now that he did he could not help but compare the two. His Twilight always had this naive look to her, while the new Twilight seemed focused and inquisitive. Flash knew that was because his Twilight was in a completely new environment and was not sure what to make of it, while the new Twilight was on her own turf. No doubt if the roles were reversed, so would their reactions.

Flash continued to think about all that as he made his way through the halls and out of the front door, and as he did he was suddenly seeing double.

There, near where the Wondercolt statue had once stood, sat not one but two Twilights. One was the Twilight he had met earlier that day, while the other...was his Twilight.

The two were so preoccupied with whatever they were talking about, they had not noticed him. Flash wanted nothing more then to rush over to her and talk, but had a feeling he would be interrupting something private.

Instead he decided to simply stay back and wait to see what was going on between them.

Twilight had been listening to Princess Twilight's stories about her major mess ups. She could hardly believe her counterpart had travelled through time, hypnotised an entire town into chasing a doll and almost go stir crazy due to stress on several occasions.

"Wow," Twilight said.

"I know," Princess Twilight agreed. "I'm not prefect, I make mistakes just like you did."

"Not as big a mistake as the one I made," Twilight said.

"That's only because you didn't understand the magic you were using," Princess Twilight explained. "Once you learn how to control it, you won't have to fear it controlling it."

"But it's gone isn't it?" Twilight asked her, her face becoming one of fear and worry. "Are you saying I might transform again?"

Princess Twilight frowned. "I'm afraid in this world, magic has a tendency to...infect those who use it. Your use of the magic and the connection you formed with Equestria, means you might be able to use magic on your own like the other girls. As for the transformation, I'm not sure."

When Princess Twilight saw her counterpart's eyes begin to grow more and more worried, she once again scooted closer to her.

"Listen Twilight," she said as she took off the girls glasses and wiped them. "The magic you used was the Magic of Friendship, which can only be used by those who accept friendship into their hearts. If you're anything like I used to be, then I'm guessing you don't have any friends."

"Just Spike," Twilight replied.

"Then you need to make friends," Princess Twilight told her. "The more of them you have, the more control you'll gain over the magic. Understand?"

Twilight nodded.

"Good," Princess Twilight replied as she placed her glasses back on her counterpart's face. "Now you've already made some friends in Sunset and the others, but I'd suggest you try and make some more at school. The more friends you have, the better."

Twilight's frown once again worsened. "I don't think they'll want to be my friends after what I did."

"You'd be surprised who forgiving others can be," Princess Twilight told her.

"But what if their scared of me?" Twilight asked

Before Princess Twilight could say anything, another voice spoke.

"They probably will be."

The two looked up to see a blue haired rocker they both recognised.

"Flash," Princess Twilight said happily, before raising an eyebrow. "Were you spying on us?"

"Just making sure everything was alright," Flash said as he slowly made his way closer to them. "I thought this might be a good time to step in, seeing as I was there and you weren't."

"I guess you have a point," Princess Twilight said.

Flash nodded and sat down across from the two. "Now, where were we?"

"You were saying how everyone will probably be scared of me," Twilight replied as she curled up again, causing Princess Twilight to glare at Flash.

"Well I wouldn't say scared of you," Flash told her. "They'll be...wary of you for a little while, but they'll get over it."

"How can you be so sure?" Twilight asked him.

"Because you're not the first person to turn into a raging she-demon," Flash explained. "Sunset did the same thing and turned us all into zombie mind slaves."

Twilight's eyes went wide at that. Obviously she had not known about that.

"After Princess Twilight and the others stopped her, everyone was unwilling to forgive her...including me."

Twilight saw a look of shame appear on Flash's face, but quickly vanished. "It took her saving us from a trio of singing diva's for us to forgive her. After that, everyone in school agreed that we wouldn't judge someone on how magic effects them. So yeah, they're gonna be a little distant at first but I promise you they'll open up if you just show them who you really are." He gave her an assuring smile. "Trust me."

Both Twilights gave him a smile back. "Thank you," Twilight said.

"No problem," Flash said, before turning to Princess Twilight. "So I'm guessing you're not gonna be sticking around long either?"

"Sorry," Princess Twilight said.

"That's fine," Flash said. "I know you've got responsibilities in your world."

"But I also have a responsibility to make sure magic in this world doesn't get out of hand," Princess Twilight replied.

"I don't know," Flash joked. "Sunset and the rest of our friends seem to have it handled. Sure we almost had two worlds colliding, but aside from that they're doing a heck of a job."

That made both Twilight laugh at that, before watching Flash get up.

"Since you making friends seems to be important, why don't I introduce you to some of my friends? You and Micro Chips will hit it off right away." He held out a hand to them both, which they both nodded at and took to be pulled up to their feet.

"Thanks Flash," Princess Twilight said as they started walking down the street.

"Don't mention it," Flash replied. "Always happy to help a Twilight, not matter which world they come from."

The two girls nodded as they all walked off, hoping the future would be brighter.