• Member Since 22nd Mar, 2017
  • offline last seen May 8th

Lucky Rose

I am the daughter of princess Luna.

Comments ( 58 )
Comment posted by moviemaster8510 deleted Nov 22nd, 2017
Comment posted by Lucky Rose deleted Nov 22nd, 2017

But we don't know your life.

Comment posted by moviemaster8510 deleted Nov 22nd, 2017

Also, deleting comments just screams to the world that you’re incapable of taking criticism.

I deleted the intro since I cant write a good backstory. also I didn't like how the intro turned out

Don't mind me while I watch these comments.

8567172 Still doesn’t fix the horrifically rushed pacing, lack of any real character, and the awful dialogue-style.

It seems like the author took someone's list of bad fanfic cliches and thought those were guidelines. Starting with a weather report, sad backstory, "people hate me, why the world didn't end" kinda human gets transported to Equestria and changed into a pony who just happens to be named like the author, coloured text, changing the pov by announcing "X's POV"... oh, and deleting comments. Hoo boy...

I remember when I tried colored text, waaaay back in the "two years ago" time of 2015-2016...

Didn't turn out well.

The only book that pulled it off was The Neverending Story, I think.

I have no idea. I tried colored text I think in my third ever fic as a bit of experimenting with different writing styles, but it just got confusing even for me when re-reading, so I dropped it pretty quickly.

uhhhhhhhhhh what was that cringe fest?!?!?!
it hurts to look!

I'm checking off a lot of cliche boxes. Might want to change direction or try again.

We've always been at war with Eurasia.

This is obviously a trollfic and you goyim just got worked.

Still better than the Twilight saga...

I mean, it's bad, but there are worse things out there. Just work on your writing for a bit, maybe find someone to teach you, and this could work eventually.

Until then... the internet isn't a polite place, dear child. I'd also recommend keeping the "Mature" tag far away until you get older.

Thanks for the advice. But I think I did pretty good on my first story Daughter of the night. I kinda rushed this one a little to much. I’ll try to do better in the future

Apologies, but checking THIS may help immensely (especially regarding coloured text, which is an eye-sore in the earnest, and similar things).

awesome story looking forward to more

I gotta admit it. The story isn’t all bad. It feels a little rushed but the story line is well made. It has potential. Good luck! Also, don’t let those critics get to you. I’ve been heavily criticized for my stories but it’s never gotten me down! Just know that there are still people that like this story. Fair well and again, good luck.

Thanks my friend. I admit I did rush the first chapter a little too much. But I will try to slow down on the next.

a portal opened up

two thoguths pop into my head with that

1 first is luck bastered
2 i watched to much hentai to know where this is going

lol. Sorry to say you have no idea where this story is going.

well as long as rose luck isnt a mary sue idc


I started writing chapter 2. I hope to have it up in a few days

thats good to hear


Chapter 2 is now out. Enjoy. I. Wrote this on my phone. I hope it turns out right

two things

Ok Rose, lead the way.”[/color,]

you left a little something extra in the story

2 i think lucky rose could want to have a foal but that's just what i would like to see

Thanks. I’ll fix that. I hate doing this on my phone. Also Lucky Rose will have a foal later on in the story

I fixed the error. Thanks again

alright and your welcome

”Thany you Morning Rose, I’d like that a lot.”

should be thank you not thany you

”I know what you mean. Than you for everything Rose, I really do appreciate everything you’re doing for me.”

again it should be thank you. you forgot the k

That night while I was dreaming, I was having a very bad nightmare about my life back on earth. Then a pony I knew from the tv show appeared and ended the nightmare. She told me her name was Princess Luna, and that she watches over the dreams of everypony. Once she ended the bightmare she changed my dream to something very pleasant. Then I slept peacefully for the rest of the night.

should be nightmare not bightmare

awesome chapter there is one thing i would go to add and that is describe Rose's dress you described Lucky's it's only fair you describe Rose's

Thanks. I missed those mistakes. I hate using my phone for this. I always miss something

I’ll fix those when I get a chance. I don’t have good internet signal right now and my aunt unplugged my internet.

i understand just wanted to let you know you also dont deserve so many hooves down

All those dislikes came from when I first posted it. Back when I had the intro.

still you didn't deserve it its a really good story

your very welcome you should see the comment this dude said on my story RBS in my newest chapter


I saw it. I don’t know why people have to leave such negative comments like that.

I fixed the errors and added a little more to this chapter. I added what Morning Roses dress looked like

I’m going to start writing chapter 3. But I won’t be able to post it for a while. I’m writing it on my laptop but since I don’t have internet I’ll have to rewrite it on my phone to be able to post it. So it will take a while for the next chapter. Thanks to my family for unplugging my internet

Comment posted by Lucky Rose deleted Dec 8th, 2017


Chapter 3 should be up with in a week

So, you just wanted a comment.

As I started talking to myself I said, "Why doesn't anyone love me? Why didn't I end it all back in 2009 like I wanted to? I guess I'm meant to suffer on this god forsaken planet. I would love to start my life over on a new world where I don't have to worry about anything anymore. So I can finally find peace and be the person I was meant to be. Somepony please take me from this world"

This level of angst is absurd. Like, it's a huge red flag to walk into a story and immediately the character is melodramatically whining about how sad their life has been. Already, I don't like this character, because all I've seen them doing is whining with no context or reason for me to sympathize or care. If you want me to feel sorry for them, you need to give me someone to feel for and something to feel sorry over.

Then there's the matter of how Twilight goes about bringing him to Equestria. I'm glad you at least had Twilight stop and think, but really, why did you bother with all the stuff if nothing was going to be explored?

The English in this story is decent, but it doesn't really have much else going for it. So far, the concept is incredibly unoriginal and probably not worth going at if you don't have a fresh new take on it, and your execution falls incredibly flat.



It was a cold and rainy day when I ran out of my uncles house . We were fighting as usual, so I ran out the door and headed for the woods. I ran for about an hour and I ended up lost, so I just sat down and started crying. My thoughts got the best of me as I started thinking about my whole life.

Delete the space between house.

As I started talking to myself I said, "Why doesn't anyone love me? Why didn't I end it all back in 2009 like I wanted to? I guess I'm meant to suffer on this god forsaken planet. I would love to start my life over on a new world where I don't have to worry about anything anymore. So I can finally find peace and be the person I was meant to be. Somepony please take me from this world"


And full stop after Somepony please take me from this world.

"Hello, I'm Twilight Sparkle. Who are you?

You forgot speech mark.

"Wow, I don't know what to say to that one John. But I might be able to help you. I could bring you to my world. Its very peaceful and everypony lives in harmony. Its called Equestria. But I would have to talk to the other princesses to see if I can bring you there to live.

You forgot speech mark.

"I hope so Twilight. Cause I promise I wont cause any problems there. I just want to live a peaceful life and be the woman I want to be."


"I never liked being a man. I always wished I could be a woman and live my life the way I wanted to. I'm a transgender twilight, I'm just never happy in my body. I act more like a woman than I do as a man."



"Good, that will make it easier for me to find you when I return. I promise I will return John. I'm just hoping the other princesses will let you live in Equestria."


"Cya soon, Twilight."

Put a comma here.

"ok Twi, shoot."


"Dear Princess Celestia, I need to speak with you and Princess Luna as soon as possible. I have a friend that needs help, and I told him I would speak with you both before he can come here.”

Look at the red that’s what needs changing.

Your faithful friend Twilight Sparkle


And a full stop after Twilight Sparkle.

"Its on it way Twi. Who is this friend that needs help?"


Moments later a scroll appeared and it said, "Dear Twilight Sparkle, I have freed up the day for Luna and I and we are looking forward to helping your friend. I have sent a chariot to you, and it should arrive 15 minuets after you received this letter.

Forgot speech mark.

Your friend Celestia


And a full stop after Celestia.

"Sure thing Twi,"

"Thanks Spike,"

Change these into full stops instead of commas.

Then a knock came at the door and the 2 guards said, "Greetings princess Twilight, we are here to escort you to Canterlot."


Put a s in Greeting.

Put a full stop after Canterlot.

Once I arrived at the castle I made my way to the throne room. As I made my way there I was thinking about my new friend, and hoping the princess will let him live here.



"Good afternoon, Princess Celestia."

Put a comma there.

"Ok Celestia, I have a friend I just met when I went through the portal to another world. He would like to leave his old life behind and start fresh here.

Forgot speech mark.

"He's very nice and friendly but he is going through a lot right now. His whole life has been nothing but suffering. He told me about how he went through all kinds of abuse with his parents and everypony taking advantage of him. He promised he wouldn't cause any problems here, he just wants to live in peace and make new friends.

Forgot speech mark.

As I was waiting for my new friend to come back I heard yelling like someone was looking for me. I just sat there quietly while I waited for my friend. Next thing I know the portal opens up and twilight steps through.


"Twilight, I knew you would come back. What did the princess say about me moving there?"


”If you want you can live with me. I have my own house to myself. We could be roommates if you want to.”


”Nice to meet you, Lucky. If I may ask, since your new here do you have a place to stay?”

“Thanks, Twilight. Yes I’m planning on changing my name to Lucky Rose.”

”Sure, Twilight. What are we having?”

”It’s a surprise, Lucky.”

”Ok, Twilight.”

”Please call me, Rose.”

”Ok, Rose. Twilight do you mind if I go with Rose to check out her place?”

”Go ahead Lucky, I’ll be at the castle if you need me. Take care of her, Rose.”

”I promise I will, Twilight. If you’ll follow me, Lucky my place isn’t far away.”

”Your welcome, Lucky. I figured even though I didn’t know you we could be great friends. And since you didn’t have a place to sleep, I invited you into my home. I hope your hungry cause dinner is almost ready.”

”No problem, Lucky. I don’t know if you know this but estrus season is coming very soon. I know we just met, but if you need help during it I can help you. All you have to do is ask.”

”I’ll keep that in mind, Rose. I never went through heat before, considering I just became a mare today.”

”Your welcome, Lucky. It’s getting late, so I’m going to bed. If you need me, you know where my room is. Goodnight, Lucky.”

”Goodnight, Rose.”

”You called for me, Lucky?”

”Thank you so much, Rose.”

”Hey, Twilight.”

”If you need help learning magic, I’ll be glad to teach you. It’s up to you, Lucky.”

”Thanks, Rose.”

”Ok, Rose.”

”You look beautiful, Rose.”

”Thanks, Lucky. Let’s head out.”

”Thanks, Rose. I think I would like the help. But don’t you think we are moving too fast? We just started dating each other.”

”It might be a little fast, but I don’t mind. Besides I like you, Lucky. If you want to get started we can head to my room.”

”Lead the way, Rose.”

”Ok, Rose.”

”That was amazing, Rose. I love you.”

”You were not bad yourself, Lucky. That was pretty good for your first time. I love you too.”

All of this needs commas before the name has been said.

”Go ahead Lucky, I’ll be at the castle if you need me. Take care of her Rose.”


”Ok Rose, lead the way”.


”I’m from another world called earth. I was a male when Twilight found me. When she found me I was in the woods at my uncles house. I was in a very dark place at the time. I had a lot of problems there. One major problem was that I wanted to be a female, but my family wasn’t happy about it so I ran into the woods. About 20 minuets later, Twilight came trough the portal and calmed me down. I told her why I was crying and everything that happened to me. She comforted me and invited me to live here in Equestria.”



That night while I was dreaming, I was having a very bad nightmare about my life back on earth. Then a pony I knew from the tv show appeared and ended the nightmare. She told me her name was Princess Luna, and that she watches over the dreams of everypony. Once she ended the nightmare she changed my dream to something very pleasant. Then I slept peacefully for the rest of the night.


The next morning I woke up to the smell of breakfast, so I went to the bathroom to wash up. But I was having a very hard time since I’m not used to being a mare yet, so I called for Rose to see if she would help me. Then I heard a knock on the door so I said,come in.”

Forgot comma.


Once she was done helping me wash up,(space)we made our way to the kitchen for breakfast. After breakfast I headed to Twilights castle. When I got there she was already outside, so I walked over to her.

”(delete space)Ok Lucky, come by tomorrow afternoon and we will start your training.”

Once she handed me the dress that she bought for me, she helped me put it on. It was a very nice dress. It was White with all kinds of gemstones on it. I never looked more beautiful.


”I love it Rose, thank you. . I said as I pulled her into a hug.

Forgot speech mark.

”Lucky, would you like to go on a date with me? We can go for Lunch.”


”Sure Rose, I would love to.”


”Remember Lucky, I can help you get through it. If you want me to.”


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