• Published 3rd Dec 2017
  • 4,869 Views, 142 Comments

Heart of the Force - fluttershyfan17

In the midst of Order 66, Jedi Knight Kaleb Taymar is transported to Equestria. Starting a new life, he becomes friends with the Main 6. However, the Force has awakened in Equestra, and their lives will never be the same.

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Chapter 14: Hearts and Hooves Day

The sun in Ponyville shone as the heat from spring emerged in the early afternoon. All around the town, vendors were set up selling flowers, chocolate, a variety of drinks, and crafts and cards, all centered around Hearts and Hooves Day. Ponies from all around Equestria were gathered around the various booths, many of the couples or single ponies looking to get something for their beloved. The rush to get the special item before somepony else was addicting, and although there was tension there were plenty for everyone.

Kaleb and Spike sat down on the bench overlooking the market. Wearing blue pants with a white Henley along with his boots, he observed the chaos. “So, I have a list in my head of what to get Fluttershy. I just hope that she likes the gifts I’m getting.”

Spike punched Kaleb in the arm gently. “Cheer up, Kaleb. I’m sure that she will love your gifts. Besides, watching this is the most exciting part.” He indicated down to the market. “The rush to find the perfect gift is a great event. So many jewels and flowers and jewels…”

They stood up and walked down to the market, taking a look at all of the vendors. Spotting an Earth pony with a raspberry mane with light puple streaks in her hair, he walked over to her as she was organizing her flowers. “Rose! It’s good to see you.”

Roseluck smiled. “Hey, Kaleb. Looking to get something for Fluttershy?” She shifted her inventory around as she looked anxiously at the crowds.

He nodded. “Yeah, I was thinking of an assortment of wildflowers.” He noticed her anxiety. “This is my first time here for Hearts and Hooves Day. I never imagined it would get so hectic.”

“Well, it’s part of the yearly tradition. I’m going to have to run back soon to stock up for the afternoon.” Roseluck replied, pulling out a basket full of wildflowers. “What did you have in mind?”

Kaleb thought for a moment before answering. “I’ll take the sweet pea wildflowers. I like the colors, especially since the pastels are fitting for this time of year.”

She smiled as she gathered them into a bouquet. “Excellent choice. These were a special order that came all the way from a botanical garden in Seaward Shoals. Beautiful coastal town, with a great nature reserve. That will be twenty bits.”

Pulling out the necessary bits, he exchanged them for the bouquet. “How fascinating. Thank you, she will love these.” Waving to her, he walked away and turned to Spike. “That wasn’t so bad.”

Spike nodded. “I told you she should love them. Now then, what’s next?”

“Well, the chocolates that I ordered from Pinkie should be at Sugarcube Corner ready for pickup, so I just need to get a drink for tonight.”

They walked up to booth, and were greeted by Berryshine, who was pulling a small cart full of wine bottles. “Hey Kaleb, just give me a sec…”

Kaleb sensed it a split second before it happened. A gray mail pegasus crashed into Berryshine, knocking her to the ground and sending the wine bottles into the air. Concentrating, Kaleb used the Force to stop the bottles in mid-air. Twenty bottles floated for a few second before being placed back in the cart as gently as possible.

Berryshine got back up in astonishment, looking at Derpy. “It’s okay, just try to be more careful next time.” The pegasus nodded and flew off in the opposite direction. She turned to Kaleb. “Thank you for that, you saved a good amount of my inventory. How about a free bottle for helping me out.”

He shook his head. “It’s nothing. I prefer my wine shaken, not stirred anyway.” He gazed at the bottles. “I’m looking for something that goes well with fruit, particularly with chocolate covered strawberries.”

Berry smiled. “Well, I have just the thing.” She dug around in her cart before taking out a bottle. “This is a rose’ that should pair well with it. The key is not matching the strawberries since the chocolate is the primary flavor. That will be 40 bits.”

“Brilliant.” Kaleb replied before digging out the bits and handing them to her. “Thank you for the recommendation, and I’m sure she’ll love it.”

She hoofed the bottle and waved. “She will, trust me. Thanks for saving my stock, Kaleb.”

He waved back as he walked with flowers and wine in hand. “Now then, the chocolate covered strawberries should be at Sugarcube Corner.” Spike looked at him. “What’s up?”

He smiled meekly, before sighing. “You know, I never get tired of seeing you save stuff like that. It’s just that I feel like I never get the chance to save the day, to be the hero. Especially after my…incident.”

Kaleb looked with sympathy as they both sat down on a bench. The street was deserted, so no one could hear. “Spike, you are a hero. Just look with how you help Twilight, how you help all of your friends. I bet they couldn’t do half of the things that they’ve accomplished without your support. In Discord’s maze, I couldn’t have gotten through to Fluttershy without you.”

Spike nodded. “Thanks. I know that, but sometimes it doesn’t feel like they show it. I don’t know what happened out there, but I felt like some sort of…monster.”

He fell silent for a minute as he thought of the right words. “We all make mistakes, even though we don’t mean to. Your path has always been complicated, Spike.”

“Everything’s changing, Kaleb. When I first moved here with Twilight, I thought that everything would be the same. Not even the dragons I met want anything to do with me. They said that I’m not a true dragon.” Spike looked at Kaleb. “Rarity doesn’t like me in that way, does she?”

Kaleb sighed. “No, only as a mutual friend.” He paused for a moment. “You’ll find someone else, eventually.”

Spike looked up at the sky, snorting a puff of smoke. “Maybe you’re right, but I don’t deserve that. If there’s anyone who deserves an apology, it’s Sweetie Belle. I was close to killing her sister, Kaleb. I’m sorry, but this is a problem you can’t solve just from words. I’m going back to the library.”

He got up and walked fast back towards his home. Kaleb got up and followed behind him, keeping his distance. This must have been building for a long time. Not even Twilight noticed.

Only a few minutes later, they arrived at the library. Kaleb set his gifts down on a side table where they wouldn’t be disturbed, before witnessing what was happening. Twilight got up from her desk. “Hey, Spike! How was the market?” Her voice trailed off when she saw his expression. “Are you…okay?”

He paused before the stairs, clenching his claw into a fist. There was a mix of anger and hopelessness in his voice. “No, Twilight. I’m not okay. Or have you not noticed.” He turned to her, his eyes glaring like daggers. “Of course not. I’m the dragon who was so close to killing your friend, and traumatizing her sister FOR LIFE!!” A large burst of fire came out of his mouth, it’s red color turning blue after a few seconds. “I’m not the pony that you raised me to be. You’re not my sister, and I wish that I was never hatched.” He ran up the stairs, slamming the door to the study.

Twilght was speechless, her whole body shaking. Tears struggled to form, as she wanted to but couldn’t. Kaleb put a hand on her shoulder. “There’s a kettle in the kitchen that is still hot. I think we both need a cup of tea. Okay?”

She looked back at Kaleb and nodded, still shaking. They made their way to the kitchen, as Twilight sat down at the table. Using the Force, he retrieved two mugs from the cabinets, choosing a calming favorite of his. He poured the water, and set the bags in, waiting for a few minutes at the counter. I felt his emotions, clear as day, but there was something else. A whisper of darkness. Kaleb closed his eyes. He may not be as powerful as Sweetie Belle, but the Force was there. He’s gone through a lot these past few months, that darkness wasn’t normal to him. I will keep an eye on him, and make sure that it does not take hold of him. I will not let that happen, whatever may be.

A cough interrupted his thoughts, and he realized Twilight was still waiting at the table. Quickly throwing the bags into the sink, he set the mugs onto the table and sat down. “This tea is one of my favorites, and I don’t believe you have tried it yet. It’s supposed to bring calm, and help clear the mind. Please, try it.”

She took a sip of the tea and breathed slowly, the tremors in her body slowing down. The drank in silence, before Twilight was able to speak. “I had no idea… I didn’t know he was feeling this way.”

“Neither did I,” Kaleb responded, looking equally as concerned. “I have a feeling this has been building for a while, since that incident and the older dragons.” He leaned forward. “Twilight, do you know what happened to Spike’s parents?”

She shook her head. “Princess Celestia told me that she found the egg far from the Dragon Lands, where it was close to dying. No other dragons were around, she looked. She saved it, and kept it safe. But it wouldn’t hatch, no matter the care that was give. She gave it to me for the entrance exam, and the rest was history. I don’t know much about the Dragon Lands. They keep their borders closed off and not much is known about them.”

Kaleb nodded. “That separation must have been difficult for him, even though you two are close. Does Spike have any friends that he hangs out with, that are around his age?”

“He mostly hangs out with my friends, sometimes helping Rarity with her business. I’ve seen him and Sweetie Belle talking when Rarity is too busy. Otherwise, he enjoys being by himself.” Twilight sighed. “He’s not the baby dragon he once was anymore.”

“He’s grown a lot, but is still young. Around Sweetie Belle’s age, maybe a year older.” Kaleb said, remembering that she was ten years old. “He told me that he feels guilt for her because he nearly caused Rarity’s death. That she deserves an apology.”

They sat in silence for a few minutes before Twilight spoke. “I don’t know what to do now. He’s right, I’m not his real family. And no matter what I say, I can’t take away his pain.”

“Be there for him,” he replied. “He may not realize it now, but he needs you just as you need him. You may not be his parents, but you are his family. Family are those who care for each other, even in the darkest of times. He is afraid of losing them,” Memories started to come back. “I have friends and mentors who I considered family at the Jedi Order. Many who raised and taught me. I know what’s it is like to lose them…”

Kaleb’s voice trailed off as he realized he had said too much, as Twilight look confused. “Never mind. The important thing is that Spike should not have to go through this alone.”

A new determination was present in her eyes. “You’re right. I should give him space, but tell him that I’m here. Some of his favorite comics are in storage down in the basement. I’ll bring them up.” She looked at him she stood up. “What about Rarity and Sweetie Belle? Is it our place to intervene there?”

He thought for a moment. “Telling Rarity is not a good idea. The last thing that Spike wants or needs is to deal with her. Sweetie Belle is his main source of guilt. She has sensitivity for emotions. I will tell her, and leave her to make that decision. I will give her advice, but this is her choice to make. Whatever happens, just give them space. This is their journey to go on, not ours.”

She nodded. “That’s probably a good idea. I’ll leave them be.” She hurried out of the kitchen, while Kaleb finished the rest of his tea.

Kaleb fidgeted slightly, to the exhasperation of Rarity. “Please don’t move, Kaleb. I’m trying to get this neck adjustment right.” She held a sewing needle and thread to the dress shirt, moving the collar slightly with her magic. “And…there. You’re good.”

“Thanks Rarity, I know this is last minute.” He said, stretching his shoulders through the fabric. The outfit for this evening was the same as the Gala, except with a few last minute suggestions from Rarity. The white dress shirt and blue suit pants remained the same, but she had insisted on a red bow tie, and was currently working on his suit jacket.

He sat down on one of the couches, leaning into it slightly. He smiled slightly to himself. This is certainly going to be an interesting night, I’m sure of that. He glanced around, finding that the flowers, chocolates, and wine were not on the table where he left them. Where could they be? I know that I set them down here somewhere…

“They’re over here, Rarity had to move them,” Sweetie Belle said, answering his question as she approached Kaleb, sitting down in the chair opposite of him. They were on the other table. “So, are you ready for tonight?”

Kaleb nodded. “As ready as I’ll ever be. The reservations have been made, and the stage is set for stargazing, particularly with the meteor show.” He sensed that there was something else. “But I’m assuming that talking about tonight wasn’t the only reason you’re here.”

She shook her head. “Three weeks after our lesson, I was finishing homework here and I felt something. There was pain, and I could feel it. Someone else’s pain and suffering, and it hurt for a brief moment before disappearing.”

“I felt that same feeling, the night after our lesson.” Kaleb looked at her with a serious expression. “The phrase that’s used to describe it is a disturbance in the Force. You can sense something that is happening far away, but it’s pain, suffering, grief, anguish, and the power causes a tremor.” He gazed at her with sympathy. “I’m sorry, it must have been scary for you.”

Sweetie Belle nodded. “It was, and confusing as well. I know that these emotions are common, but if that is the case, then why am I not feeling the disturbance all of the time?”

He answered after thinking for a second. “The pain and distress has to go beyond what is normal, and usually it somehow ties to those who feel it. Because of how strong your connection to the Force is, your sensitivity is heightened as well.”

Sweetie Belle hesitated at first. “Have there been other times when you’ve heard it?”

He nodded, thinking back to Discord and even farther. “Yes. It can be difficult to feel that pain, but there are always those who will help others, even if we can’t. There are always good creatures in the world.” Pausing for a moment, he knew that the time had to be now. “There’s something that I must tell you, but you have to promise not to tell your sister. It’s a sensitive matter, with a lot of emotion.”

She looked at him. “I won’t, I promise. What is it?”

“It’s about Spike.” Kaleb chose his words carefully. “You two are friends, right?”

“We are, though we haven’t been able to hang out that often. I guess we’re both really busy.” A concerned look sprang up on her face. “Is he okay?”

Taking a deep breath and making sure that Rarity wasn’t around, he began to speak. “Spike has had feelings of guilt, depression, and anger since February, that he’s been holding onto. It’s been building up for a while, until he couldn’t hold back and lashed out at Twilight. He feels guilt for nearly killing Rarity and traumatizing you.”

Her eyes widened in shock and horror. “Oh Faust, that’s horrible. I swear, I didn’t know…”

“None of us did until today.” Kaleb said. “He’s in a bad place right now, emotionally. I’m worried that it’s going to get worse. Twilight’s keeping an eye on him, but he’s not himself. There were some other incidents that I won’t go into.” He paused. “I’m so sorry that you had to find out this way.”

Sweetie Belle went silent, thinking for a few minutes. “If there’s a chance that I can help him, I will. I’m his friend, I need to be there for him, even if others can’t. I won’t abandon him.” Her determination impressed him, even though it faltered a little. “Though, I don’t know how.”

Kaleb knelt down to her level. “I would recommend going to the library after I leave, and talking to him, if that is what you want to do. He needs someone his own age to talk to, to understand. It will not be easy, for you or him.”

“I know, but I will always try.” She said strongly. “Thank you for telling me, Kaleb.”

“Of course. Just be careful. He’s been through a lot.” Kaleb sensed the hoofsteps before they even touched the ground.

Rarity ran down the stairs with the jacket in hand. “Just barely finished it in time,” she said, breathing heavily as she hoofed the coat to Kaleb.

Putting on the coat, he noticed that she redid the lining on the inside to match the red of the bow tie. “Thank you, Rarity, you did an excellent job. It matches perfectly…” He heard a knocking at the door and checked his pocket watch. “And not a moment too late as well. Can you two move the gifts back to the main table?”

The sisters nodded and quickly moved the gifts to the table near the center of the room. Kaleb approached the door. He looked back, and saw that the main table was set. Taking a deep breath, he opened the door.

Fluttershy stepped in as Kaleb moved out of the way, staring at her and smiling. She wore a simple light blue dress with small polka dots made to look like flowers, each with a white center and petals made from the pastel colors of yellow, purple, and green. They both looked at each other, blushing as they saw each other. “Kaleb, you look so handsome.” She said with excitement, walking up to him and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

That broke him out of his frozen state, as he tried not to rub his hair. “You look just as beautiful. I love the colors of your dress, they match so well with your eyes.” Blushing, she gave him a look that made him wish that they were alone The two kissed, Fluttershy moaning softly and putting her hooves on Kaleb’s chest.

“I’m sorry for interrupting, but may I remind you there is a filly present?” Rarity interjected, as Sweetie Belle yelled out in protest.

Fluttershy and Kaleb separated with a jump, blushing hard and apologizing. Fluttershy spoke up. “Sorry about that. We’ll be out of your mane soon enough.”

Kaleb indicated towards the table. “Happy Hearts and Hooves Day, Fluttershy.” She gasped as she saw the gifts that Kaleb had got her.

“They’re wonderful, thank you.” She replied, sniffing the flowers and looking over at the chocolates and wine. “We should probably save these for later tonight. We’re not allowed to bring in outside alcohol.”

“That’s a good idea,” Kaleb replied, looking back at Rarity. “Could you take these back to Fluttershy’s cottage when you have the chance tonight? It could really help us out.”

Rarity nodded. “Of course. Speaking of which, Sweetie Belle?”

Kaleb smiled slightly, as they had rehearsed this only a few hours ago. Sweetie Belle returned from one of the other rooms, holding a crown made from the sweet pea wildflowers, handing it to Kaleb. “May I?” Fluttershy nodded, allowing Kaleb to put the crown on her head, resting it in her mane.

Sweetie Belle gazed in astonishment. “Now you are truly a princess.”

Fluttershy smiled to her, glancing at Kaleb’s watch. “Thank you. We should be going if we’re going to make our reservation.”

They began to walk out the door, Kaleb holding it open for them. “Thank you two for helping tonight. You have no idea what it means.” He turned to Sweetie Belle. “Good luck, and be careful and cautious.”

The young unicorn walked up to the door of the library, deep in thought as she chose her words. She would think of one phrase, one sentence after another, eventually shaking her head and realizing it was not good. I’m getting stuck in circles. Maybe the words will come to me in the moment. She knocked.

It opened a moment later, and Twilight appeared. Her eyes were dry and there were tear stains on her cheek. “Sweetie Belle! Please, come in.”

She entered the library and Twilight closed the door. The moment the door was closed, Sweetie Belle spoke. “Where’s Spike?”

“Upstairs, in the study. He insisted on sleeping in there the past few weeks. He even brought his small bed from my room.” She sighed. “Please, help him. I’m his family, but even then I can only do so much.”

“I will try. You are the best sister he could ever have, Twilight.” Sweetie Belle replied before moving up the stairs. She saw a stack of comic books by the door to the study and approached the door. Knocking gently, she waited forty-five seconds before knocking again.

“For the last time, Twilight, leave me…” The door opened and Spike appeared. His expression of annoyance turned into surprise. “Sweetie Belle…what…did Twilight put you up to this?”

Sweetie Belle chose her words carefully. “No, Spike. I came here on my own. Because my friend has been through a lot, and I need to be here for him.” She spoke softly. “May I come in?”

Spike thought for a second, and opened the door. She entered and sat down on the floor next to the bed. Spike closed the door, and sat on the bed. “You’re the last pony I expected to be here, to be honest. It’s just been difficult…”

She nodded. “Spike, we’ve been friends for a long time, ever since Twilight arrived in Ponyville. I’m here, right now, and I’m not going anywhere.” Pausing, she took a breath. “Why didn’t you tell me, or anypony else?”

“Dragons…are not supposed to have feelings of generosity, or kindness, or any kind of friendship. They’re supposed to have the lonesome life, one of migration, greed, and fighting. It’s either kill or be killed. I met a group of dragons a few months back, and I wasn’t them. I was soft, I was weak. I was everything a dragon wasn’t supposed or will ever be. And they bullied me for it, Sweetie Belle.” Spike looked up at the ceiling, speaking faster and faster. “I knew that I couldn’t let that happen, ever again. So, I decided to be the dragon I hadn’t been before. And look where that lead me. Terrorizing a whole town, bringing your sister close to death, and nearly leaving you with no close family.” He looked at her. “I’m not a pony, or a dragon. I’m a freak of nature.”

“You’re wrong.” The words came out of her mouth before she could even think. “That’s what makes you special, Spike. You’re brave, and willing to step into danger at the slightest moment, like a dragon, but sensitive to other’s feelings, like a pony. You’re unique, and nobody can take that away from you. You inspire everyone you come across, to be more like you, including me”

Spike had small tears in his eyes, that he wiped away. He hesitated, but she nodded, and they hugged briefly before separating. “How can you forgive me so easily? I did something horrible, and I can’t take that back.”

“Everyone makes mistakes, Spike, even me,” Sweetie Belle responded easily. “We can learn from those mistakes, and be better for the future. I’m so sorry that you had to go through that, with the dragons. Do you know who your real parents are?”

He shook his head. “No, I don’t even know where my egg came from before Twilight hatched me. I’m not even sure if I want to know now, I don’t think I’m ready.” He looked towards the door. “I said some horrible things to her earlier. She and Shining Armor were the best siblings I could have ever had, and I should let her know that.”

“I think she would really like that.” She paused. “If you ever need to talk about anything, pony or dragon stuff, don’t hesitate to ask. I’ll be there.”

“Thanks, Sweetie Belle. You’re a great friend,” Spike replied, pausing for a few seconds to think. “Honestly, I don’t understand the big deal with Hearts and Hooves Day. I mean, it helps the local economy and all, but all of this for a holiday about love?”

“Honestly, I don’t understand it either, no matter how much Rarity talks about it.” she responded, shaking her head. “Though you should have seen Kaleb and Fluttershy before their date. There’s something there that I can’t describe, in terms of their chemistry.”

“Honestly, there is.” Spike agreed. “Kaleb has a way of getting under your scales, but in a good way. He’s like an older person with all this wisdom trapped in a younger body.”

“Interesting point. He just might be.” They both laughed. A pile of comics caught her eye. “No way. Are those Power Pony comics? Rarity never lets me get those.”

Spike grinned, blushing slightly. “They are. I almost have the entire original run, but I’m missing a few. Do you want to go downstairs and grab a snack? We can talk about it at the tables in the library?”

“Sounds fun, let’s go.” They stood up, and Sweetie Belle opened the door. She walked fast towards the light of the downstairs while Spike went slowly through the darkness.

Fluttershy walked back to the cottage with Kaleb, huddling against him slightly for warmth. It had gotten a little bit cold. He had offered her his jacket, but she declined politely. They gazed up at the stars as they walked down the path. Sensing something, Kaleb stopped. “What’s wrong?”

Kaleb gazed at the road behind them, reaching out to the Force. “Keep walking, whatever you do, don’t stop.” His voice was steady, but there was alarm. “Something’s following us.”

Fluttershy hastened her pace, looking worriedly at Kaleb. “Did you take your medication last today?”

He nodded. “I did, so it’s not that. It’s the Force…” Reaching his hand out to the ground, he called out. “Whatever it is, it’s approaching fast…Drop!”

A force of wind blew them off the road into the bushes as they coughed from the action. A loud thud thundered into the ground, shaking everything around it. Fluttershy and Kaleb peeked from behind the bushes. A manticore had entered onto the path, it’s eyes large and full of anger and purpose. “I don’t think it spot us, but we need to get out of here fast. “

“Something’s wrong with its eyes…I think it needs help.” Fluttershy said, and to Kaleb’s protests, she walked out slowly towards it, moving to its line of vision. “Hey there, it’s going to be okay.”

She moved closer to the manticore, and Kaleb crept behind her slowly. For a second it appeared that the red eyes conveyed a sense of calm, that Fluttershy’s technique had worked. Then, the eyes turned green and it roared, swiping at her with a paw. Kaleb used the Force to pull her back. “I don’t think it’s friendly. Run!”

They sprinted through the woods as the manticore pursued them, roaring. From what Twilight has told me, Manticores are found deep in the Everfree Forest, it shouldn’t be out here. Kaleb thought, making sure that Fluttershy was keeping up with him.

Navigating the Everfree was a challenge all on its own. Darkness enveloped them, and the manticore was not the only enemy. Trees stood like large walls, making it difficult to navigate in-between. Slippery vines could be found all over the branches and forest floor, making the labyrinth more treacherous. Despite all of this, Fluttershy’s sense of direction knew exactly where to go. “I know the way back to the cottage. It shouldn’t be able to follow us there.” she added, panting slightly.

“Good, keep going, these woods should make it easier not to follow.” Kaleb replied. He reached out to the Force, making sure that the creature was not following them. They sprinted for what seemed like an hour, making their way through the dense forest. He followed Fluttershy, whipping back branches behind him so that the manticore couldn’t follow. Finally, they made it to the clearing near the cottage. As they made it to the backyard, a roar was released and the creature came running towards them.

“Kaleb, look out!” Fluttershy yelled, pushing him roughly out of the way of the tail. The manticore’s tail hit her, knocking out her breath and sending her hurteling into the ground. Kaleb hit the back of the chicken coop right on his back and fell unconscious.

Kaleb stirred as he awoke in a dark room, with shades of orange-red and blue greeting him. He tried to move around but found that he couldn’t. The small area he was in circular in nature but had sharp corners. The floor and ceiling were metal grates, each holding a red-orange color. It could have been magma, but he wasn’t sure. Three magnetic locks kept him from moving, one for his legs and two for his arms.

He tried to think, but couldn’t, as if some type of drug was preventing him from it. Eyes darting around the room, he found there was no visible escape route, except through the door. He began to nod off, and went unconscious.

It was a few hours later, though it was difficult to tell. Completely cut off from the outside galaxy, there was no way to tell the difference between day and night, morning and evening. He had awakened, now fully able to think as he tried to yell for help, only to realize that he was alone in the chamber.

“How did I get here?” Kaleb wondered aloud, thinking back and having flashes of what he remembered before. He had been tracking his way to a Sepratist base with a speeder bike that he had taken, but nothing else at the moment. “Who…”

A panel in front of him opened, revealing it to be a door. A Phindian with gray-green skin walked with his hands behind his back, along with two battle droids. His voice is calm but menacing as he spoke. “Kaleb Taymar, welcome to the Citadel. I am Osi Sobeck, the warden. Are you familiar with this place?”

Kaleb’s eyes widened. “How did I get here! Let me go!” He struggled against the restraints, only to realize all he had to do was use the Force. Trying to reach out with his mind, he felt no connection. “You will pay for what you did to Rogue.”

“Wondering why you can’t use the Force?” He smirked. “Your mind has been sedated so there’s no use in trying. This facility is surrounded by physical obstacles that make it impossible to break in, even for any living creature.”

“Wait a second, I’ve heard of this place,” he wondered. “This used to be in the hands of the Republic.”

The warden nodded. “This structure was meant specifically to hold Jedi Knights who had gone rogue. The Separatists took the base, and it has been very useful throughout this war.” He began to circle around Kaleb, as the droids stayed put, watching silently. “Your secret missions have cost us a great deal of lives and energy. But here you are as my prisoner. Capturing you was easier than I thought, all it took was the death of your informant.” He shook his head. “You’ll never going to see him or the outside world ever again.”

Kaleb fully remembered, and his voice broke with fear. “Please, you don’t have to do this. I’m only seventeen. Don’t do this.” His breathing increased along with his heart rate.

Osi shook his head. “No. This is the cost of war, Kaleb. And you’ll feel it’s pain.” He took an electrostaff and put it to the blue streams. The electricity crackled through as Kaleb yelled with pain. His vision began to blur, and he tasted blood in his mouth as a small amount began to leak out. Handing the staff back to the droid, he looked at him. “I’m not going to kill you. But you’ll make me wish I will.”

The warden walked out of the chamber and the door closed. From the outside, it was only a few seconds until a muffled scream was heard.

The manticore had retreated while Kaleb experienced the flashback, lurking in the forest, but still watching. The green that had taken over its eyes glowed even brighter, going away just as it ended. It heaved, coughing as it felt itself being suffocated, as pain and panic took over. Crashing into several trees, it tried everything but could not escape it. After several crashes, it collapsed, seizing up with tremors before it lay still, the life gone from the eyes, now red.

Jolting awake, Kaleb found Fluttershy rushing over to him, trying to help him. “Get away from me!” He yelled, curling up into a ball and crying, tears forming in his face. The pain from his back radiated, making it difficult to move as the memory roared inside his head.

Fluttershy was in absolute shock and terror, her eyes wide and red from crying. She couldn’t find the voice to speak, and could only stare at him, helpless with what to do. No amount of time with Kaleb could have prepared her for this.

Using his breathing to try and calm him down, he looked at Fluttershy, his voice raw. “Get Lyra.” It was a simple statement but made her sprint to Ponyville, even in her weakened state.

Lyra arrived at the cottage a half hour later, instructing Fluttershy to keep away from the backyard and to stay in the living room. She went outside to where Kaleb was. A half hour later, she moved with Fluttershy waiting anxiously. “He’s seemed to have calmed down, but is still has pain radiating from his back. He won’t tell me anything until that pain is gone, and there was a sense of paranoia. Fluttershy, what happened?”

She shook her head, looking confused. “I don’t know. He was fine when in that one moment before.…I’m sorry I don’t know…”

Lyra put her hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “You did the right thing. You brought me here. I put Kaleb under a sedation spell that will put him in a dreamless sleep to keep him from feeling any physical pain. Dr. Bluejay’s notes for Kaleb never mentioned the scars on his back, I don’t know why that was overlooked. My recommendation is that I have a spare room in my office in case I have to be there overnight for Kaleb to rest in. I’ll have Nurse Redheart stay with him.”

Fluttershy nodded, trying to take everything in. “I thought you would have to take Kaleb to the hospital for the pain.”

“Dr. Bluejay had a plan in case anything like this would happen. Ponyville General is a hectic place this time of year, and that could trigger the PTSD with all of the noises. Also, I know you two wanted to keep this secret from your friends. Nurse Redheart is an old friend and I trust her with that information.” Lyra explained. “If you come with me, I can teleport you two to my office. She’ll meet us there.” Fluttershy followed Lyra outside.

Opening his eyes, Kaleb breathed and stared up at the ceiling. It was early afternoon as far as he could tell, since the small amount of sunlight poured through the window. He sat up on the pillows, looking around. The jarring pain in his back seemed to be gone, replaced by achiness. A confused expression turned to grimness when the fog lifted, and the memory was clear as day.

Six months, Kaleb thought to himself, looking back at it. Six months in that prison. At least, now I fully remember where the scars came from. Every time a new memory appears, it’s always complicated. Why is it always that? I swear, it’s so confusing, overwealming almost. His thoughts were interrupted by a small snore.

Fluttershy was sleeping in an armchair, with pillow and blanket. A small smile formed on his face when he saw her, resting so peaceful.

A door opened, and Nurse Redheart came in, a look of relief on her face. “Thank goodness! At least you’re awake…” She stopped as Kaleb put a finger to his lips and pointed to Fluttershy. She lowered her voice. “Sorry, I didn’t realize. I need to take your vitals.”

She took a stethoscope and checked his breathing and heart rate. It was a silent few minutes, with him doing as she said, especially with the blood pressure monitor. Checking his pulse, she nodded and wrote it down on a notepad. “Everything seems normal with vitals. How are you feeling?”

Kaleb rubbed his head. “Okay, it’s just my back is sore. I’m not dizzy, so walking is a possibility. I need to talk to Lyra and Fluttershy as soon as possible.”

“Lyra had to step out for a few minutes, but she’ll be back soon,” She explained. “If you need anything, I’ll be right outside the hall.” Moving quickly, she exited the room.

Fluttershy began to stir, opening her eyes slowly and stretching. Kaleb watched her for a second before coughing slightly. “Kaleb…” She said quietly.

He began to move towards her, but she retreated slightly. “Wait, I’m keeping my distance.” Thinking carefully of what to say, he took a few seconds before speaking. He remembered the words he said after the flashback, and felt guilt. “I’ll be able to explain everything when Lyra is here, but I never meant to raise my voice and I’m sorry if I hurt you in any way.”

She nodded. “That was a flashback, wasn’t it?”

“Yeah a big one,” Kaleb explained, hesitating slightly. “Fluttershy, before I woke up from the flashback, what happened? I know that I hit my back on the chicken coop, but that’s all I can remember.”

Fluttershy took a deep breath to calm herself. “You…were screaming, all the pain was radiating from your back, causing spasms. You were screaming for Master Johanna and Rogue, it lasted about three minutes and then you woke up.” She blinked back tears. “I couldn’t do anything, I felt so small and helpless…do you know how hard it is to watch that?”

They stared at each other, both taking in what had been said. “You stayed with me through it, and brought Lyra to the cottage. That’s all that matters now.”

She nodded. “I remember what you said, that night in the garden. I know that there would be challenges…but I never expected this.”

“Neither did I, but we’ll get through this together…” Before he could say anything else, Lyra entered and closed the door.

“Kaleb, thank Faust you’re awake.” She exclaimed quietly. “Nurse Redheart told me your vitals were good. Fluttershy, I’m glad you were able to get some rest.”

She nodded in response, and Kaleb began. “I need to tell both of you what happened. I know it was a flashback, but it was a big one.”

Lyra brought out her notepad. “It’s important for us to hear, but I need to ask you two a few questions. Kaleb, did you take your medication, and were both of you drinking last night?”

Fluttershy answered. “We each had a glass of wine at the restaurant.”

“I took my medication the night before like normal.” He replied.

She took down the answers. “Were you two able to have control of your thoughts and actions?” They nodded. “Guide me through what happened before the flashback began.”

Kaleb took a deep breath before speaking. “Well, we were walking back from stargazing, and a manticore attacked us. Fluttershy tried to calm it down, she said it looked like it was in pain. It began to chase us, so we went into the Everfree Forest. We were running for about an hour before making it to the cottage. I got hit in the back, and I fell unconscious."

“Fluttershy told me what she saw and heard. Kaleb, I know this may be difficult for you, but I need you to tell me what the flashback was?”

Kaleb closed his eyes, trying to steady his breathing. Fluttershy hesitated to reach out to his hand. Opening his eyes, he began. “It was only a few days after Rogue died. I was angry that there was nothing being done, I felt like I had to do something. Master Johanna was away, being called by the Council, so I took a speeder bike and went to find whoever the squadron that had bombed us. I was reckless, and captured. The next thing I knew I was in a small room. It was the Citadel, a Separatist prison built to hold Jedi. I was held there for six months and…"

Fluttershy tried not to gasp too loudly when he said the word. “...tortured. That’s how I got the scars on my back. Maybe that warden wanted information, or revenge for my role in the war. I don’t know. Master Johanna rescued me, and the warden was killed in the struggle. That’s when I started having difficulty with my memory and the anxiety. Only three months later, she was killed on Lothal, and then Order 66…” She looked at him in shock.

Lyra appeared just as shaken, even through her hidden expression. Thinking for a few minutes, she let them have their time before speaking up again. “I think I know why Kaleb felt that pain.”

The two looked at her curiously. Lyra sighed before continuing. “There are some flashbacks associated with PTSD where it’s not just remembering or being in the moment. There’s a physical pain, brought back because of the weight of the events. It’s caused by elevated vitals and physical contact."

Fluttershy’s eyes widened in horror. “I pushed you into the wall. I hurt you…”

Lyra took Fluttershy’s hoof. “Follow my breathing.” She did so for two minutes before calming down. The therapist looked at both of them. “Neither of you could have known about this.”

Kaleb nodded. “Am I okay to go back? I think that Dr. Bluejay should be informed about this.”

She sighed before answering. “You should be okay as long as you’re not alone. As for Dr. Bluejay, I haven’t heard from him since Febuary. I went to his office and they said that he’s on vacation. As soon as I hear back from him, I’ll let him know. I’ll work in the bedroom and give you two some space. Keep the appointment for this week.” Lyra left the room, closing the door.

Fluttershy sat in thought for a few minutes. She had a conflicted look in her eye as she looked at the ground. She spoke quietly, almost to herself. “I pushed you…”

“Away from a manticore, which would have killed us both,” Kaleb pointed out. “None of this is your fault. You didn’t do anything wrong, and you shouldn’t blame yourself. I know how it feels, to hurt when you don’t mean to. In the war…”

Fluttershy gave him a long look, not in anger but in weariness. “But you don’t. You don’t know what my life has been like.” The anger in her voice was palpable. “After all this time, I thought that you would have listened instead of comparing it to yours.”

Kaleb was at a loss for words, as she continued. “You have no idea what I went through these past few hours. These creatures gave my life meaning and purpose, and I have always protected them. There were animals cowering in fear last night, their homes being threatened and some being trampled. That manticore is dead, suffering probably for hours, and there was nothing I could do. I could have saved it if you hadn’t pulled me back. I couldn’t protect it. Do you have any idea how that makes me feel? And don’t you dare compare it to yours. This is my life, my story.”

She sighed, as Kaleb couldn’t figure out how to respond. She spoke slower, with a tinge of honesty in her voice. “If you can’t understand my life, why I need to protect you and everything else, then why are we together? I need time and space, to figure this out.” Moving to the door, she looked back at him. “Maybe in time, you’ll understand. Goodbye, Kaleb.” She walked out, closing the door behind him.

He stared at the door. “I’m sorry…” His voice trailed off, in confusion.

The towers of Canterlot Castle stood gleaming in the night, a beacon of hope and peace. The stonework reflected well in the moonlight, as only a single spec of light can be seen. It was from the highest room in the towers, where it glowed of green.

The princess breathed heavily, as she looked down over a book that had been acquired a little over a week ago. A knock was at the door. “You may enter.”

The door opened to reveal a guard pony, a blue-grayish mane covering his head, obscuring a small scar over his right eye. He closed the door and bowed his head. “My queen, we have secured the passageways…”

“My princess.” She interrupted him, glaring at him as she turned around. “You will call me princess, Drogo. Or do you want our covers to be blown?” She indicated to the room around her. “You are lucky that I employed a protection spell from eavesdroppers. Continue.”

He nodded. “Yes, my princess. We have secured the passageways beneath Canterlot, leading out of the city beneath the mountains. The spell on certain individuals will be maintained until the wedding is complete, including the Canterlot Police and the Doctor’s landlords.”

The princess responded. “Good. The book was very helpful, even if it meant breaking into Twilight Sparkle’s library. This spell was draining, even for my power. I was still at a distance.”

Drogo looked confused. “Why focus on this one individual, when we have the entire city under our control?”

“Because, Kaleb Taymar is no ordinary creature,” she explained. “Our powers have grown since the last time we attacked Canterlot, we have evolved. It would be pitiful to waste this new power on somepony who is weak and powerless. Only the strongest will be worthy to fight us.” She stared out at the sky. “When I possessed the Manticore and forced him into that state, I glimpsed into his mind and saw a past full of opportunity. One of war, of weapons that we can use to our advantage. Only my power is strong enough to use it.”

Walking around the room, she continued. “There’s nothing more I hate than a knight in shining armor. I will break him using his own past, his own trauma, and end him as an example. With my power spread to the rest of us, we will be unstoppable.” She turned to him. “You may go. Instruct the other guards that they are not to kill except on my orders. If we are to continue in secret, we must be careful.”

Drogo bowed and closed the door behind him. Her eyes turned green as she looked back at the sky. Everything is falling into place. I must tell Celestia to send a letter to Twilight soon.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone. This chapter was challenging to write, but here it is. My favorite scenes were the ones involving Spike, especially with Sweetie Belle. Personally, I view Spike as one of the underrated characters in MLP, so I really wanted to give him more of a role. Getting the chance to expand on these interesting characters was great, and gave me a lot of ideas for future stories, perhaps in a sequel.

The prison scene for Kaleb takes inspiration from Star Wars: The Clone Wars. The Citadel episodes were some of my favorites of that season, so I wanted to include it for that reason and to show how much Kaleb really went through. Anyway, I'm really excited for the next few chapters, some of which gives me goosebumps just thinking about it. As always, May the Force be with You!

Edited by Mine Menace