• Published 3rd Dec 2017
  • 4,853 Views, 142 Comments

Heart of the Force - fluttershyfan17

In the midst of Order 66, Jedi Knight Kaleb Taymar is transported to Equestria. Starting a new life, he becomes friends with the Main 6. However, the Force has awakened in Equestra, and their lives will never be the same.

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Chapter 17: Darkest Before the Dawn

Twilight made her way through the gardens, sneaking around the trees and bushes. Every movement she made had an effect on the environment around her. Bushes and grasses would rustle and rattle, letting off a small hiss as if a cobra lived there. The wind also added to the noise, it’s howls agitating the trees around her. Branches quivered in the wind, illuminated by moonlight.

She checked her pocket watch, thinking. 12:56. I still have four minutes to get to my library. Hopefully, I should still be able to unlock it. She moved silently for two minutes before setting sights on the library. Looking around to make sure she wasn’t being watched, Twilight approached a side door, taking out a key. That’s strange, there’s markings on the lock, almost as if someone tried to blast it off with magic. The locks on the side doors at least were made by Princess Luna, so they’re impervious to magic.

She unlocked the door, cracking it open before slipping inside. She closed it silently, and turned around. All of a sudden, she jumped when a lamp was lit, and turned around to find Kaleb sitting at the table seven feet from the entrance. “What the hay, Kaleb! You nearly scared me half to death.”

“Sorry, it was out of precaution,” he explained with a small smile. “I couldn’t have the lamp on all the time.”

Twilight nodded as she moved to the table and sat down. “I’ll tell you what I know, but you had better tell me everything.”

“I swear, as much as our first interviews…” Kaleb’s voice trailed off. He motioned to Twilight to the side door near the table, and crept around to it. Using the Force, he pulled it open and Twilight dragged the pony on the other side of it inside with her magic and threw him against a bookshelf. The impact made a large thud.

Kaleb realized who the pony was by the moonlight. “Flash, what the hell. I thought I told you to keep hidden.”

“I was, I’m on guard duty for the section all night,” he responded, getting up. “I happened to see you and your friend through the gardens from the sky, and decided to investigate.” He turned to Twilight. “That was a great throw by the way.”

Twilight blushed slightly. “Um…thanks. Sorry about that. I’m Twilight Sparkle.”

“Flash Sentry, it’s nice to meet you.” The two shook hooves, and sat down. “Kaleb, you really should have worn something like a cloak. Your movements are easier to detect from the sky.”

He’s right, Kaleb thought. “We can trust him, for reasons I’ll explain later. Now that we are all here, let’s begin. Twilight, tell me everything you know. I’ll be listening, but also sensing anyone who might be.” He lowered his right hand to the ground.

Twilight took a deep breath. “I had overheard that Cadance had wanted to keep me busy over the next few days. I didn’t know why, all that I knew was she didn’t want me around. I knew that something had to be up. I trailed her over the next few days, casting an illusion with Spike to make it seem like I was around. Early this morning, I saw her walking with Commander Alpine, they were talking about something big, that needed many the guards inside the castle. I followed her, and she approached the tower where the Elements of Harmony were being kept, but it was locked with Princess Celestia’s magic. She vowed to get the Elements and take over Equestria.” She closed her eyes. “I went to confront her right before the setup for the rehearsal dinner.”

Kaleb took all of this in for a few seconds. “Were there any other eyewitnesses other than you?

She shook her head. “No, the tower was defenseless. I think she wanted to get rid of the guards, but couldn’t get in due to the defenses. Princess Celestia was not alerted because the spells weren’t broken.”

Flash looked at her. “Those guards should not have abandoned their posts so easily, and Shining Armor would have been furious if he knew. Or, should have been.”

“I don’t understand why he doesn’t see this,” Twilight wondered aloud. “It’s as if he’s not himself anymore.”

Kaleb turned to them both. “I will tell you what I know, including about Shining Armor, but you must trust me, even with your lives.”

Twilight and Flash nodded nervously. Kaleb began to speak quietly. “Do both of you know Dr. Bluejay?”

“Yes, he was a legendary field medic in the Equestrian Guard before receiving an honorable discharge to become the Princess’s physician,” Flash spoke excitedly, becoming quieter with a glance from Twilight. “He still does medical training with recruits when they come by Canterlot, including with me.”

Twilight’s eyes lit up with recognition. “I do, he helped me out with research here more than a few times. He’s really nice and knowledgeable.”

Kaleb set a file down on the table, as the two ponies looked at him with concern. He opened it, and took out the pictures, setting them in the light. “These were taken today from his apartment. He was reported missing nine weeks ago by my friend, and we went to investigate. However, it was what was found in this missing pony report that disturbed me the most.” He took out the report, setting it on top of the photos. “Twilight, explain to me why this kidnapping investigation was shut down on the orders of your brother and Alpine.”

She looked in shock. “I don’t know…that doesn’t sound like the brother that I knew. Why would he shut this down?”

“With the Force, I could sense that something was off with them. I could see it in their eyes, something I haven’t seen in a very long time.” He listed off the ponies with his fingers. “Shining Armor, the landlords, the police. Their minds were being controlled.”

Twilight’s eyes widened. “That would take a serious amount of magic and skill to pull off. But it is possible. Kaleb, why do I get the sense you’re not telling me everything?”

Kaleb sighed. “I felt a large disturbance in the Force the moment I set foot here. Something felt off, from the animals around the gardens to the citizens of Canterlot keeping off of the streets. I was sworn to secrecy by Princess Luna and ordered to investigate the break-in into this library that happened a few weeks prior. Flash was the only witness who saw what happened.”

Twilight turned to Flash, looking determined. “I’m angry nobody told me, but that’s not important right now. What do you know?”

“I was on patrol when it happened, I watched from afar.” Flash recalled. “It was Alpine and a few of the other guards. They took something in a satchel and ran off away from the Castle. I couldn’t stop them.”

“We need to know what they took from here,” Kaleb added. “Twilight, is there any way you can help?”

She nodded, taking out a list from her saddlebag. “This is a list of every book in this library. If enchanted with a certain spell, it will tell which ones are missing. Every book was returned before I left Canterlot, so that shouldn’t be an issue, and it updates if any are added. It will take a few minutes though.” She stood up, taking a few steps away from the table.

“Take the time you need.” He saw her horn glow along with the parchment. Kaleb put his hand to the ground, sensing the area around them, while looking at Flash seriously. “You shouldn’t have come here; you were supposed to keep hidden.”

Flash shook his head. “There was no way I was going to leave you and your friend defenseless. I could have stayed outside keeping watch, but this I think you have that covered.”

“This isn’t a game,” Kaleb said, allowing his emotions to get the better of him. “You know what Alpine is capable of. I’m not going to let him get to you, I won’t another person get hurt because of my recklessness.”

Flash took a few seconds to take all this in. Glancing at Twilight, he turned back to him and spoke quietly. “Who did you lose?”

Kaleb closed his eyes. “His name was Rogue. He was a brother to me. I couldn’t protect him when he needed me the most.”

“You won’t lose me, I’m not Rogue,” Flash promised. “I’m Flash Sentry, the most protective pegasus in the Royal Guard. Besides, you need someone…”

“I know what they took.” Twilight exclaimed, moving over to them and catching their attention. “After Discord, Princess Celestia sent powerful spell books to this library in an unmarked box. This was to protect them in the last place anyone would think to look. Alpine and the guards took a book in specialized puppetry spells, meaning that they could control large creatures…”

“Like a manticore…” Kaleb’s eyes widened with realization as he looked at Twilight. “Twilight, the night of Hearts and Hooves Day, Fluttershy and I were attacked by a manticore. There was something up with its eyes. It chased us through the forest and retreated the moment I went unconscious.”

Twilight nodded. “We need to find that spell book. Flash, do you have any idea where they could have taken it?”

“They were heading towards the direction of the Library of Magic,” He responded. “There’s no way they would use any of the castle entrances, so that’s where we need to go.” Flash moved towards the side door. “If that’s where we’re going, I need to do quick air recon. I can keep hidden, and see if there are any guards around the area.”

“Okay, do that.” Twilight said. Flash quickly opened and closed the side door, and was gone in an instant. She waited for a few seconds before addressing Kaleb. “That’s why you two separated.”

He nodded. “Fluttershy thought that it was sick and needed treatment. I pulled her away. In her backyard, she pushed me out of the way and I got knocked unconscious. She blamed me for letting it die and not understanding why she needed to protect the animals around her and I.”

“That’s rough,” She acknowleged. “When she walked past me today, she seemed angry at you. She was muttering about you taking my side, but I think that is Cadence’s influence. Kaleb, the puppetry spells are banned magic, due to the danger for whoever is being controlled.”

“What do you mean?”

Twilight took a deep breath. “They would be used in assassinations of wealthy officials. The officials would be poisoned, which would weaken their mind’s defenses. This would allow the spell to easily take over, which would slow down the poison enough for them to hand over bits or deeds to lands. Once the spell was withdrawn, the poison would take over quickly and painfully, killing whoever took it. I think that manticore was poisoned.”

“I see, but I still don’t understand,” Kaleb replied. “If the puppetry spells were used that way, why go through the trouble of using poison on a large creature.”

“It makes the spell easier to cast over a large distance,” Twilight stated simply. “Someone would need to have administered the poison to it a few hours earlier.”

Kaleb looked at her in shock, and took a few moments to reflect. I still don’t understand why the spellcaster attacked me, and retreated after triggering the flashback. I’ll need to think of anything suspicious I saw that day. “Whoever played a part in the manticore’s death will pay. I will be sure of that.”

Flash entered back into the library. “We’re all clear. The library doors are locked and require a key, but I think we can pick it.”

“Flash, even if they went into the Library of Magic, there’s no guarantee we can find that book,” Twilight pointed out. “This list only works inside my library.”

“I think I know where Dr. Bluejay is, but I need to be inside the library.” Kaleb said. “We need to move, now.”

Flash nodded. “Follow behind me. Keep in the shadows. Kaleb sense anything on the ground while I keep an eye out on the sky.”

They all stood up. Following Flash, they moved out of the side door, and crept into the shadows. Kaleb had his hand to the ground as Twilight was between the two of them. The moon barely illuminated their path as they moved into the shadows, heading towards the Library of Magic quickly and quietly. Crickets chirped, covering their steps. Flash kept his ears pricked up at the sky, sensing any movements of wings while Kaleb felt the Force around him.

Within ten minutes, they made their way to a side entrance of the Library of Magic. Kaleb stepped forward. “Allow me.” He put his hand above the padlock, sensing the various mechanisms inside. Using the Force, he moved the inner workings in the right combination to unlock it, setting the padlock down on the grass.

“Show off,” Twilight muttered slightly, to which he let out a small smile. Opening the door, they entered, closing it slightly. Twilight cast a spell, and a small ball of light appeared in front of them, glowing softly. “Where do we go from here?”

Kaleb thought back to the voice we heard. Look beneath the path in front of you, that could mean somewhere underground. But where? Thinking for a few more seconds, he realized exactly what it meant. “The underground tunnels that extend all around Canterlot, that’s where he is. Flash, where’s the nearest entrance?”

He looked surprised that Kaleb knew that. “It’s downstairs, in the archives room. Follow me.” Twilight moved in front of Kaleb and reduced the brightness of the light, following Flash as Kaleb held his hand to the ground. Every step echoed slightly, showing the vastness of the library. Flash opened a side door, leading down a long set of stairs. They went down, showing the archaic carvings on the walls. Finally, they reached another set of doors, going to a small room with a wardrobe. “The wardrobe is the entrance. It’s small but unmarked.”

He opened the wardrobe, and pressed a panel inside. The back walls opened, revealing another set of stone stairs with lanterns lighting the way. They went in, closing the back walls behind them. Their steps echoed even more as they went down, with Kaleb making sure his lightsaber was with him. Continuing for more than fifteen minutes, the three finally reached the bottom, where two paths diverted in separate directions.

Twilight looked at Flash. “Where do we go from here?”

As Flash was trying to explain, Kaleb felt the Force call to him, stronger than any time he was in Canterlot. It showed him a path in his mind. It’s trying to tell me something, I need to investigate. But alone, not with them. “I have an idea.” Both ponies looked at him. “You two take the path going to the right, while I’ll take the path going to the left. Splitting up will allow us to cover more ground.” He reached into his bag and pulled out a holoprojector, handing it to Twilight who took it with her magic. “Contact me the moment you find anything.”

She nodded. “Best of luck to you.” Flash waved, and they started down the path going to the right, eventually being obscured by the darkness.

Kaleb sighed and took out his holoprojector, hooking it to his belt. He started down the other path, moving his hand to the ground. The Force guided him, giving him direction and allowing him to sense all of the animals dwelling in these caves. Whatever I face in these caves, I must be ready.

He continued onward for what seemed to be a half-hour, though it was difficult to keep track of time. As he slowed down, he found the lanterns on the tunnel walls flickering. Putting a hand to his eyes, he moved forward to find himself in a large cavern, with crystals glowing brightly. They were found along the edges of the walls, going upwards, and on all the additional rocks. Kaleb stopped walking, looking at the crystals with curiosity. This must be where the Force was guiding me. It’s strongest here, but why?

Kneeling down, he put his hand over the crystals, nearly touching them. Their bright glow hummed with energy. They seem almost…alive. The Force called out to him, and he realized that it was coming directly from these crystals. Why did they call me?

Kaleb felt the cavern get cold, as he could see the mist of his breath. The glowing light began to fade, and the presence of the Dark Side announced itself. Kaleb heard the presence of footsteps behind him, and rolled to the side, facing whatever was behind him.

A figure his size stood before him, in a large cloak of black. Silent, but imposing. A lightsaber seemed to form out of thin air, two hilts igniting blades of red. As if on a hinge, one of the hilts moved in a semi-circle, creating a double-blade. Beginning to spin the lightsaber at a high speed, it threw it right at Kaleb, the two blades rotating fast.

Kaleb only had time to dodge as the red blades passed right by his own head. What the hell…no time to think. He quickly ignited his own lightsaber, and stood up, facing the figure. “I don’t know who you are, but I will not let you win, not again.” The figure spun the blades around once again, and ran towards Kaleb, who sensed the Force around him, meeting the blades with his own.

He looked as much as he could under the cloak, trying to see the figure’s face. Only darkness met him, and he heard a scream come out from the figure. It was his own. And he knew precisely when it was from. The scream that had been silenced by Master Johanna as she fell by the hand of her own blade.

Kaleb felt himself being pushed by the Force, hitting the ground hard. Struggling to get himself up, he glared at the creature with rage. “How dare you. You use her own death against me. You are not me, and you will never be me. I swear on my own grave, I will kill you.”

The energy had changed as Kaleb felt the darkness of years of anger, hatred, and fear rise up in his soul. He ran towards the creature, feeling it’s own darkness feed him. He struck with malice at every blow, as he felt the creature weaken, as if all the energy was being passed to him. With a final blow, Kaleb spun his lightsaber around, beheading the creature.

Its body fell, and the head rolled, as Kaleb realized in horror what the creature was. The veil fell, and revealed his own head staring back at him. All of a sudden, creatures formed around him, all encased in red, under robes of black and pure white. They all let out his own voice, and ignited lightsabers of red and blue. They all attacked him at once, surrounding him as Kaleb could only find the time to dodge.

He felt his attacks turning more into defenses, as nothing could stop or harm the creatures of red. He felt exhausted with every turn, feeling pinpricks of heat scorch his body. Finally, he felt the odd sensation of coldness surround himself, entering into his own body. Looking down, he saw that he had been stabbed by both the red and blue blades, and lost consciousness.

As he woke up, the creatures attacked again. He tried to defend himself, but it was to no avail. He felt the chill entering his body, and lost consciousness once again.

He had been stuck in this loop, every time resulting in the same outcome, his own death by the stabbing of blades of red and blue. He had died one hundred times, each time feeling his own anger rise as he tried everything he could to stop the creatures with no avail. He couldn’t even try his holoprojector to contact Twilight, for it would not work. Nothing would.

Finally, after dying another twenty times, he realized what the red was. Their own bodes, are covered with blood. He put his lightsaber down on the ground and put his hands up. “STOP!” The creatures froze, listening to his words. “There is darkness, there is light. Blades of red and blue. But all of you are made of blood. All of you speak using my voice, using my own memories. I don’t understand, why are you doing this?

The forms began to dissolve, leaving only two. Their colors changed to one in darkness and one in light, their robes reflecting that change. The blades turned to black and pure white, and they continued to duel each other, caught in an endless loop. Kaleb fell to his hands and knees, exhausted. “I don’t understand.”

“There is much you don’t know, for you were never taught.”

Kaleb stood right up as he saw the figure in front of him. The man was in a Jedi tunic of beige and a robe of brown, surrounded by a blue haze. His long brown hair and beard seemed to flow as he walked, and his blue eyes reflected a sense of calm. “I know you. Though, I don’t know how.”

The figure chuckled. “My apprentice spoke highly of you. Both my apprentices.”

He thought back, and gazed up at the Force ghost in amazement. “You’re Qui-Gon Jinn. Master to Johanna and Obi-Wan. They told me stories about you.”

“Many of which are true, some are exaggerated slightly.” Qui-Gon’s face turned to seriousness. “I once saw the same vision you did, and traveled to a place with powerful light and darkness. Tell me, who are those two dueling in the center?”

Kaleb reflected, and thought for a long time before answering. “They represent the two sides of the Force. Light and darkness, caught in an endless battle.”

“A battle that has raged since the Force was there,” Qui-Gon added with ease. “Everyone who uses the Force is caught in its battle, one that is indicative to its nature. Even you.”

“I feel like I’ve struggled with it for so long,” he admitted. “The battle between my own darkness and the light which I’ve embraced since childhood. My own emotions have been caught up in this, as have my actions.”

The Jedi Master cast a hand, indicating the two fighters. “I have learned that even though it is a battle, they co-exist together. Without one, the other would fall. The tree that won’t bend will snap in the wind. What does this tell you?”

“That I should acknowledge both sides of the Force, and all emotions and actions associated with them.” Kaleb realized, the truth coming to him. “But I don’t want to rely on darkness.”

Qui-Jon turned Kaleb to face him. “I will tell you something that I once told an old friend of mine. It matters.” He took a deep breath. “It matters which side we choose. Even if there will never be more light than darkness. Even if there can be no more joy in the galaxy than there is pain. For every action we undertake, for every word we speak, for every life we touch-it matters. I don’t turn toward the light because it means someday I’ll ‘win’ some sort of cosmic game. I turn toward it because it is the light.”

Kaleb took in those words, and realized something that had been bothering him. “The blood, no matter where it touched, it was always on both sides of light and darkness. Bloodshed for the sake of a perceived balance.”

He nodded, sadness filling his eyes. “Violence for the sake of balance will only lead to darkness. Using darkness for the sake of balance will only lead to darkness. The Jedi were in danger of this, and did not realize it until it was too late.”

“The Clone Wars,” Kaleb acknowledged. “We were on the front lines as generals and soldiers. We ignored our own roles as guardians of peace and harmony, endangering the lives and emotions of those around us.”

“We were not just soldiers, or generals on a battlefield. We were teachers, healers, guardians with a code that made protecting all life the focus.” He paused before continuing. “There will be times where you will be faced with an opponent who will endanger those you care about. They will kill you and those around you, embracing their own darkness.”

Kaleb nodded. “I will always try to compromise and seek peace with my enemies, even if it won’t succeed. If I have to kill, I do so knowing that it will save the lives of those around me who I care for and bring peace. However, I will not revel in bloodshed, for that will lead down a path to darkness.”

A small smile formed on the Jedi Master’s face. “Walk over between the two figures and kneel. Begin to speak the mantra that was taught to you.” Qui-Gon vanished, leaving only the light of the crystals and the two figures.

Kaleb walked over slowly and acknowleged the light and darkness, who held their blades in front of their faces. He kneeled, closing his eyes and reciting the mantra. “I am one with the Force, the Force is one with me. I am one with the Force, the Force is one with me. “

It was the voice he heard, not the words spoken, that brought tears to his eyes. He felt the heat of the blade close to his shoulders. “By the right of the Council, by the will of the Force. Kaleb Taymar, you may rise.”

He rose to find the ghost of Master Johanna, beaming at him. “In my eyes, you did not pass your Trials after my death. But now, I am proud to say, you have passed, and become a Jedi Knight.”

Kaleb wiped the tears from his eyes, and stood before her. “I will make a difference in this world. I will do as you have taught me, as my friends have taught me. Even the smallest amount of kindness, charity, and love can change lives.”

“Your journey in this life has only just begun. The only thing I ask is to pass on what you have learned.” Johanna chuckled slightly. “Sweetie Belle is very much like you. She will make a great apprentice.” With a smile and a hug, she disappeared, along with the two figures.

Kaleb smiled, tears streaming down his face. I know what my path is now.

His expression changed as soon as he heard the beep of the holoprojector. He pressed a button, and a hologram of Twilight appeared. “We found the book, but still no sign of Dr. Bluejay. We’ve been trying to reach you for a while, are you all right?”

“Yeah,” Kaleb said, rubbing the back of his head with embarrassment. “Better than I’ve been for a long time.” At that moment, he heard two voices call, amplified through the Force. “Twilight, I’m going to set the tracker on my holoprojector so that you can find me. Follow my signal.” Without a second notice, he ended the transmission.

The connection to the Force was stronger than before, Kaleb noticed. Not only that, but there was an overwealming amount of power. My Trials must have strengthened my power with the Force, along with my abilities. But that’s not important now. He recognized the voices calling out to him, and started to sprint towards them.

The labyrinth of the tunnels could be overwhelming for someone not familiar, but Kaleb knew precisely where to go. He held his hand to the ground, twisting and turning through various corners and jumping over stairs. Five minutes later, he crouched beneath a half-wall as he heard a sickening voice.

“You know what? My queen has given us orders tonight. We are to kill you, so that the wedding cannot be interrupted.” The voice that spoke had a hissing quality to it, almost like a snake. “It will be a long time coming, not even your pathetic Captain of the Guard can stop us.”

A chill was sent down his spine as he realized the weakened voice was Dr. Bluejay. “I fought you once before, and I will again.” Another voice spoke, but was drowned out by hissing. Kaleb sensed the movement of the two opponents as they began to charge.

Leaping over the half wall, he landed ten feet down with a large thud. “Oh, I don’t think so.”

The two creatures facing him were the size of a pony, black in color with curved horns, and a glowing set of blue eyes and horns. He moved fast, in front of those he was defending, igniting his lightsaber in the process. The two creatures shot green bolts of magic at him. Kaleb moved his blade and met them, surprised that they deflected just like blasters. Knowing he had to end this quickly, he used the Force to push both of them against the wall, knocking them unconscious.

He dodged another bolt that came from behind him, and turned around. Princess Cadance was right behind him, but there was something different. Her coat and mane were disheveled, and the colors faded. There was a threatening look in her eyes, but he realized it was out of defense, not of malice. “Don’t try anything.”

Kaleb turned off the lightsaber and raised his hands into the air. “Princess Cadance?” His mind thought quickly, only to hear a slight moan. “Dr. Bluejay!” He ran over to find the pegasus hunched over against the wall. Checking the pulse, he was relieved to find he was alive. “Thank Faust you’re alive.”

“I’m okay, just give me a few minutes.” Kaleb nodded and turned to Cadance, speaking calmly. “My name is Kaleb Taymar, Jedi Knight. I am here to rescue both you.”

Her eyes flashed in recognition. “Wait a second, he told me about you. Did you come here alone, or…” Her question was answered in that moment as Twilight and Flash sprinted down the stairs towards them.

“We got your signal, we heard magic and…” Twilight looked in shock to find another version of Cadence, but walked towards her, almost with hesitance. “Sunshine, sunshine, ladybugs awake…”

“Clap your hooves and do a little shake…” Cadence finished. She moved her hoof slightly, to find that Twilight flinched. Moving more slowly, she said something in a quiet voice that only Twilight could hear, and the two embraced, hugging tightly. After a few moments, they separated. “You’ve grown, sooner or later you’ll be taller than me.”

Flash moved over to check on Dr. Bluejay, while Twilight quickly filled her in. Kaleb chuckled, making the two of them glance at him. Cadance blushed slightly. “Sorry about that, I didn’t mean to shoot at you back there.”

“It’s okay. Granted, it was the right decision given the circumstance,” Kaleb said. “I don’t mean to interrupt this reunion, but can you tell me what those things are, and how long you have been down here?”

“They’re changelings,” she answered. “They can take the form of any pony, changing their appearance. They feed off of love and other strong emotions. I was imprisoned here back in January by Queen Chrysalis of the changelings.”

They all heard a slight cough, and Dr. Bluejay walked up to them, assisted slightly by Flash. “I was kidnapped from my apartment in March by them, including one named Drogo. I fought him before, a long time ago. He has a scar over one of his eyes.”

Flash’s eyes opened wide. “He’s disguising himself as Alpine. But why would he steal the spell book?”

Cadance responded. “Dr. Bluejay, is Drogo skilled with magic?” He shook his head. “Twilight told me about the spell. The only one who is capable of using magic over that long of a distance would be Chrysalis.”

Kaleb nodded. It makes sense, given the circumstances. But who poisoned the manticore, and why did they attack me? “Right now, we need to figure out what to do now. Shining Armor is currently under a powerful mind control spell from Chrysalis, along with the police. If the changelings infiltrated Canterlot, they would have done so through these tunnels, disguising themselves of the Royal Guard.”

Cadance looked around. “We need to stop her before the wedding ceremony is over. I assume that many of the guards will be guarding the ceremony room, and not the castle itself. Our best chance would be to sneak into the castle as the ceremony is happening, and interrupt it from there. Dr. Bluejay, do you have any suggestions?”

“There will be a lot of innocent ponies in the crossfire.” he added. “We need to figure out a way to allow them time to evacuate, casting a large shield to prevent any attack should do the trick.”

The four discussed amongst themselves their plan, as Kaleb walked over to where the changelings lay on the ground. He felt a wave a sadness shudder through him as he felt their pulses. I only meant to knock them unconscious, not snap their necks. I’ve got to be more careful with these heightened powers, otherwise I could kill someone who I’m trying to protect. He walked back over to the four. “Work together to make a definitive plan. If Chrysalis discovers I’m gone, that would arouse suspicion. I need to get back to the castle. I’ll be at the ceremony, ready for anything that could happen.”

Twilight agreed. “She’ll think I’m gone, and Flash will still be guarding the section. Be careful.” She pulled a paper out of the book and gave it to him. “We found details on the particular poison that could have been used with that spell. It’s made from the leaves of the spinbock flower, far from here. It’s extremely concentrated, and to the point where a few tablespoons can poison a large water source. Luckily, it’s sensitive to light, so it has to be kept in a darkly-colored bottle until its in the source.”

Kaleb took in the information. “There were a few other animals who were found dead around the same time as the manticore. They must have drunk from the same source. Thank you, this is something I will keep an eye out for.”

He started to move, but Dr. Bluejay stopped him for a second. “Kaleb, I appreciate the rescue, but as your doctor, I don’t think being here is the best idea.”

“No,” Kaleb said firmly. “I’m not going to leave my friends to fight alone.” He softened his voice slightly. “Even if I were to try to leave, I would be caught, risking your mission in the process. I know that the PTSD still has an effect, and I figured out ways to counter that. It won’t be easy, but I will not go back into a flashback.”

The pegasus sighed. “Still, I don’t like it, but it looks like there’s no other way. Kaleb, they will not hesitate to kill you or your friends. If you seize up even for a moment, it could cost you your life.”

“I know,” he said. “All that I’m asking is for you to trust me. I’m not fighting this alone, and I won’t take unnecessary risks. I’ve been trained by my master, so I know how to defend myself.”

He nodded. “Just be careful. Afterwards, I think you and I are going to have a lot to talk about.” He moved back to the group.

Kaleb nodded, and moved quickly down one of the tunnels. All of a sudden, he heard a voice cry out through the Force, one that sent his mind into a panic. Oh no… He began sprinting towards the young voice, the Force guiding him.

Sweetie Belle walked with her friends through the gardens, taking a look at the fireflies starting glow in the summer night. Behind her, Apple Bloom, Spike, and Scootaloo stepped quietly, yawning slightly. It was nearly three in the morning, but they had a quiet enthusiasm. Apple Bloom spoke, rubbing her eyes. “Sweetie Belle, I know we said that going to see the baby owls was a good idea, but I’m just so tired. Plus, don’t we have the wedding later today?”

The young unicorn shrugged. “We got some sleep already. Consider this an early wake up call.” Sweetie Belle tried to repress her emotions, to not think about what happened with her sister. I can’t rely on Rarity, or barely even my friends anymore. I care for all of them dearly, but I don’t know after today. Maybe this can bring us closer together. “Besides, I thought you loved seeing baby owls at Sweet Apple Acres.”

“I do, they are adorable. I’ve just never gone out this late at night before,” she replied, with Scootaloo agreeing. “I don’t think Spike has ever seen any.”

He shook his head. “No, I haven’t. The closest I’ve gotten is seeing Owlowiscious. He may be full-grown, but sometimes the way he acts is strange.”

Scootaloo chuckled. “Well, don’t we all, sometimes? Including you and Sweetie Belle.”

The others laughed as Spike objected slightly. “That was different. The Power Ponies board game requires acting to make it real.”

Sweetie Belle came to his defense. “It was true, you needed to be there. Spike was absolutely incredible.” Her own voice was interrupted as she heard rustling and hoof steps. “Quick, hide in here!”

She and her friends moved underneath a nearby bush, peeping through the small leaves. The small clearing appeared empty, aside from the wind whipping through the trees. Apple Bloom spoke quietly. “Maybe it was just the wind playing tricks on us. I’m sure the owls are here somewhere.”

All of a sudden, three Royal guards entered into the clearing, one of them carrying a lantern. Their demeanor suggested one of seriousness, as they stopped in the center. One of the guards looked around with frustration. “It’s the night before the wedding, why do we have to be out here now?”

“Stop complaining, Beved” said the pony, who appeared to be in charge. “We need to make sure that everything is set for tomorrow. What I’m more worried about is those younger changelings who Queen Chrysalis ordered to kill Cadence and Dr. Bluejay. They haven’t reported back in.”

Sweetie Belle and all of her friends looked at each other in shock. They all knew they had to get away from the guards, but couldn’t figure out how.

“They’re probably being lazy, Rock,” the other guard chimed in. “They’re young, it happens. It just cannot happen before the invasion.”

Beved interrupted the both of them. “Will you two keep quiet? You never know who might be listening, even in the shadows.”

Scootaloo tried to sneak away in that moment, moving backwards slowly, but stepped on a twig. The snap crackled through the air, as all three of the guards looked directly towards them, Bevel moving towards the bush. “Whoever is there, come out. There’s no use in hiding.”

He blasted a beam from his horn right at the bush, setting it ablaze and dissolving it in a flash of fire. The group of four jumped out of the bush and into the clearing. They started at the guard ponies with fear slightly. Beved smiled slightly. “I told you we should have been quieter.”

Rock pounced on the four, using his glance to intimidate them. “Why are all of you out here so late? And how much did you hear?”

Scootaloo started to speak. “I swear, we were only trying to search for baby owls. We didn’t hear anything.”

“Exactly,” Apple Bloom added. “We never heard a thing. Some of us wanted to see the owls and wildlife around the gardens.”

The three guards looked at each other, and then all of a sudden moved in a cohesive fashion. The one tackled Apple Bloom and Scootaloo to the ground, putting blindfolds on them. He lassoed their limbs and dragged them to the tree, using another piece of rope to tie them to it, using magic to seal their mouths.

Spike ran in front of Sweetie Belle, breathing green fire at Beved to no avail. The guard dodged the attack easily and pulled out an iron muzzle, fastening it on him. He choked and coughed as he tried to let out fire, but couldn’t. The guard took a large staff and hit Spike right in the head, knocking the dragon unconscious.

Sweetie Belle watched in horror, as this happened so fast that none of them could anticipate it. As Rock was running towards her, she reached out to the Force in panic, using it to push him back slightly. “No, I won’t let you hurt them.”

“I’m afraid we just did,” Rock said with menace. “Hail took out your two pals with his ropework, and Beved knocked out your friend. Even if he was conscious, that iron muzzle would keep his mutt trap shut.”

“Don’t you dare talk about Spike like that!” she shouted, hoping that someone would hear. “You attacked my friends, I won’t let you get away with this.”

“Your name is Sweetie Belle, right?” Beved added, causing her to look at him. “We heard about your little exploit in the rehearsal hall. You disrespected our queen, and for that you must pay.”

Hail jumped on this. “Your own sister doesn’t even believe you, what makes you think that she would ever want you now?Don’t think she’s going to come and save you.”

Sweetie Belle began to shake, blinking back tears. “You don’t know a thing about me. You hurt my friends, you insult my sister. I…won’t let you get away with this.”

“What are you going to do, kill us?” Rock said with a quiet smile. “You’re surrounded three to one. I think it’s about time you joined your other friends.”

As Beved and Hail charged at her, Sweetie Belle tapped into the Force, her conflicted emotions of fear and anger getting the better of her. She let out a cry of anger, and waved her own hoof. The two ponies got thrown into the air, almost by an invisible wind, and hit a tree trunk hard. They landed on the ground, taking only a minute to get back up.

Tremors wracked her body as she realized the power of what she had done. There was a coldness inside of her, a darkness that she hated with every bone in her body. What is this power... I don’t like it. Before she knew it, Rock had tackled her to the ground, putting a leg to her neck and dragging her up.

“You think that you are powerful, but you are nothing. You will always be nothing,” he hissed, as tears streamed down her face. “I’m going to drag you to your friends, tied up to that tree and remove their blindfolds. I think they should see me snap your pretty little neck. Nobody will even know who you are. You are alone.”

“You’re wrong.”

Rock loosened her grip on her as she gasped. Kaleb stood right in front of them, approximately twelve feet away. He used the Force to pull the lightsaber out, holding it in one hand at the ready unignited. “A Jedi is never alone.”

“So then, the savior has come at last?” Rock said mockingly. “After standing by and doing nothing yesterday. You care for no one.”

“Let her go,” Kaleb stated with a reserved anger. He lingered on every word. “These children are innocent. Don’t lecture me about caring for anyone. You harmed them in your quest for war, which is blinded by hatred.”

“Let go of the weapon, or she dies,” he said. “How about a fair trade? Your life for hers.”

He slowly set his weapon on the ground, knowing he had to end this quickly. He reached out to Sweetie Belle to the Force, feeling her mind wrapped with fear. He spoke to her in as calm of a voice as he could. Close your eyes. Don’t open them until I tell you.

She couldn’t nod but closed her eyes. He knew what he was about to do was risky, but he had only one shot. Kaleb uttered a quick thought. Ahsoka, give me strength.

It happened in an instant. He pulled the hilt up with the Force, rotating it in a semi-circle so the blade faced away from his opponents. He ignited the lightsaber the moment the hilt touched his hand. Using the power of the Force and his arm, he threw the blade, controlling the speed of the spinning blade and the path. He launched himself at Rock, as the blade made contact with the other guard’s chest before hitting Rock’s.

Sweetie Belle felt a rush of energy for only a few seconds, before feeling Kaleb catch her in his arms. The humming blade disappeared, and the hilt returned to Kaleb’s hand. She opened her eyes and tears came streaming out, followed by tremors. He spoke softly to her, feeling every emotion magnified. “I got you, I got you, You’re safe. You and your friends are safe.”

They were like this for a few minutes, before she regained composure, still having some tremors. She moved away from him slightly, and tried to look but Kaleb blocked her vision. “Just keep your eyes on me. We’ll move together.” He lifted her up, and carried her over to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo. They were gasping for air, as their voices were weak from the magic. Undoing their bonds and blindfolds, he looked at them with concern. “Stay right here, I’m only going back into the clearing to get Spike. Don’t look back.”

He moved over to Spike, who was laying on the ground unconscious. Feeling his pulse, Kaleb breathed a sigh of relief. He put his hand over the muzzle, unlocking it, and scooping the dragon into his arms. They were killed the moment the blade hit them. I tried to reason with them, but her life could have been ended at any moment. I didn’t resort to darkness, I only killed to protect those I care about.

Telling himself that made Kaleb feel better slightly, but was still disturbed. He knelt down to all three ponies, who were trembling, and moved in, almost for a hug. “It’s not safe here. Follow me, and I will take you to somewhere safe and secure.” He stood up, the three ponies reaching up to his knees. He moved quickly, but quietly.

The three stayed close to him as he led them away from the clearing, out of the gardens. They huddled to him, almost for warmth, but also security. It took fifteen minutes for them to reach the bunker, and Kaleb took out the key. One hand to the ground, he felt nobody following them, or watching. He used the other hand to unlock the door, as the trio sprinted inside.

The moment Kaleb closed the door, he locked it. He turned on a small light, illuminating the living room a warm glow, and set Spike down on the small couch. He knelt down, and the CMC launched themselves into his arms, hugging him tightly. Every small tremor and tear was felt by all four, and they shared emotions not expressed by words. Finally, they let go of him, wiping their tears. “Kaleb…are we safe…” Apple Bloom began.

“All of you are safe here.” He held up a key. “This bunker was enchanted by Princess Luna herself, and this is the only key that can open it. Nobody can get in here but me.”

“What’s happening?” Scootaloo asked. “Please, all we want is the truth.”

Kaleb nodded, choosing his words carefully. “Right now, Canterlot is in grave danger. Those guards were not who they really are. I know I seem vague, but there’s no time to explain. Tomorrow, this castle will become a warzone, and this is the only safe place for all of you.” He added another thought with guilt. “I’m sorry. I ran as fast as I could the moment I heard your voices. If only I had been a little quicker, you wouldn’t have been attacked.”

Sweetie Belle shook her head. “You saved us, that’s all that matters.” She spoke with a strength that surprised even Kaleb. “We’re all together and safe, that’s what matters.”

Their conversation was interrupted by a cough, as Spike awoke, spluttering smoke. Kaleb moved quickly over to him, as Spike tried to get up and fight. “It’s Kaleb. Don’t get up, you’re badly hurt. You’re safe here.” He turned to the three. “There’s an ice pack and a first-aid kit in the kitchen. I need your help.”

All three moved to the kitchen, turning on the light. Spike looked around. “What…happened? And why does my head hurt so much?”

“You were knocked unconscious. Also, your breath might be weak due to the muzzle.” Kaleb moved his hand onto Spike’s head. “It’s swelling, but it should go down. The staff must have been heavy, but hit at a slow speed.”

Sweetie Belle ran there first with the bandages, as Scootaloo and Apple Bloom brought the ice pack and first aid kit. Kaleb applied the bandages lightly around his head before handing him an ice pack. “Keep this on your head, it will reduce the swelling. You should try and get some rest now.”

Spike was too exhausted to respond, as he lay back down with the ice pack his head and closed his eyes. Kaleb turned to the three ponies. “That goes for all of you as well. I’ll be right in the kitchen for a few hours before having to leave.”

The three nodded, slowly heading to the other couch, and throwing the blanket on themselves before he turned out the light.

Sweetie Belle could barely sleep, as her mind was filled with the thoughts and experiences that had happened within the past few hours. She gazed on her friends asleep, before carefully getting off the couch. She snuck around, seeing that Spike’s ice pack had fallen from his head. I just need someone to talk to. She picked up the ice pack, and gazed at Spike, remembering how he jumped in front of her only a few hours ago as he breathed gently in his sleep. She kissed him gently on the forehead before setting the ice pack back.

Kaleb was surprised to see her enter the kitchen and take a seat at the table. “Couldn’t sleep?”

“Afraid not,” she replied, speaking with hesitance. “A lot has happened, and part of me doesn’t know how to feel. First the vision, the rehearsal hall, and now this. I just hope that Spike is going to be okay, that all my friends are.”

He nodded. “Spike probably has a minor concussion, but he will be fine physically. We often try to bury our emotion, but we shouldn’t.” His mind caught up to him. “Sweetie Belle…”

“Who is Ahsoka?” She asked, explaining the rest with a simple confusion. “There was a vision through the Force, she was comforting some children and she said that she knew you. Please, I need to know.”

Kaleb tried not to give away that he was uncomfortable, but she noticed from the expression of guilt on his face. “She was a friend of mine, another apprentice. We went on missions together…” He looked for a way out. “There’s something that I…think you would be interested in. It’s in the garage.”

He stood up, and she followed. Opening the door gently, he turned on the light and closed it. Sweetie Belle gasped as she gazed upon the ship, even bigger to her than Kaleb could see. The blue-and white color scheme stood out among the grayness of the garage. “Is this…yours?”

Kaleb nodded, breathing a sigh of relief as he avoided the question. “The same type, at least. Princess Luna saved it from major damage. I was working on this all through December. It took quite the effort.”

Sweetie Belle jumped up onto a stool, looking at the stuff on the work bench. It was the electronics that drew her to it. “What’s all of this? It’s probably important.”

As he explained the communication equipment, she took a look closer. She was drawn to it, but she didn’t know why. There was something interesting about it, almost alive. All of a sudden, she jumped as a light bounced one of the lenses, creating a perfect image of someone a few years older than Kaleb. She smiled in excitement, as she saw the figure in Jedi robes and a tunic. But as she heard the message, that smile slowly faded into confusion, denial, and even sadness.

This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and our Republic have fallen, with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and reminder for any surviving Jedi; trust in the Force. Do not return to the Temple. That time is passed, and our future is uncertain. Avoid Coruscant. Avoid detection. Be secret…but be strong. We will each be challenged; our trust, our faith, our friendships. But we must persevere and, in time, I believe a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you always.

Kaleb looked in shock at the message as it ended. Master Kenobi… He noticed that Sweetie Belle was swaying slightly, and he picked her up and put her a chair, as he sat down on the other.

“I…don’t understand,” she said quietly, still trying to regain her thoughts. “What was that…”

Kaleb realized that he could no shield her from the truth. “I never told you…why I came here, or anything about those three years. It looks like I can no longer hide that…”

She looked at him, with a neutral expression, almost as if judging his words as he began. “I was fifteen, only a few years older than you are now. There was a battle on another planet, and before long a war began. It lasted for three years, the longest in my life. It started out simple, but got more complicated and dangerous as it went on. I saw others die, some who I tried to save, others where I could do nothing but watch. I was ordered to kill, without fully knowing the toll it would take. I was captured and tortured for months.”

The words just came pouring out, though he did it as slowly as he could. “I watched my own Master die, only a few months before I arrived here.”

Her expression was a quiet shock muddled by sadness as he recounted it. “Master Kenobi spoke about something that happened, that seemed to end the war. Our own troops turned against us. I saw the Temple in flames, to find the aftermath. All of the Jedi were killed by them, not even the children were spared.” He coughed slightly. “I grabbed the nearest Jedi Starfighter and flew away from Coruscant. I went through a portal while escaping the troops that fired on me. Before I knew it, I went unconscious and woke up in Canterlot.”

Sweetie Belle moved her chair closer to his, on the verge of tears as she asked the question. “Did…Ahsoka… survive…?”

“I don’t know…” Sweetie Belle launched him into a hug tightly, as she began to cry quietly. Kaleb shared in her pain, remembering everyone who he had lost. “The two of you are so alike, I know she would be proud of you. Part of me believes that she did survive, that she fought with everything she had to live.”

“In my vision, she mentioned that you were right about something. What was it?” Sweetie Belle asked, calming herself down.

“That the children of the galaxy would be affected by this war, in more ways than anyone can imagine.” Kaleb remembered, closing his eyes. “It was a conversation we had early on. I didn’t know that I would be predicting my own fate. Or all of yours.”

He opened his eyes, standing up before sitting back down. “That’s why I made sure none of you saw what became of those who attacked you. The next few months are going to be hard on all of you. Emotional scars are more painful than the physical ones, they last longer. I will make sure that all of you get the help you need.”

She nodded hesitantly. “Thank you, but there’s something else. I felt something terrible when I tried to defend my friends. It was this darkness that took hold of my emotions, and wouldn’t let go. It was part of the Force, but I didn’t like it.” Her ears drooped. “It’s my fault.”

Kale responded immediately. “No, this isn’t your fault. It’s mine. When I first saw the Force had awakened in you, I was scared. Terrified, even. I didn’t want you to experience the same things I did while in the war. I was going through treatment for my own trauma at the time. I did my best to keep you satisfied, but I knew it would only be a matter of time before something happened because of my own mistake.”

Sweetie Belle thought for a few moments before responding. “I understand why you did, though. After going through all of that, I can’t blame you for trying to protect me. But I guess that danger always finds us, no matter where we go.” They sat together in silence for a few moments. She got off of the chair and sat on the floor, with Kaleb doing the same. “You said in the clearing that a Jedi is never alone. What did you mean?”

He closed his eyes for a moment, choosing his words before opening them. “The Force connects us all, no matter who we are. You are connected to me, and I to you through its power. Not only that, but you are connected to the generations before you.” Sweetie Belle’s expression turned wonderous at his next phrase. “You’re a lot like Ahsoka, and me for that matter. I have a special connection to the animals around me, just like you.”

She realized something, speaking it quietly as if to herself. “We both need each other. I need you for guidance with the Force, and you need me for emotional reassurance that these ways will not die out, but live on. That relationship, it’s almost…”

“Like a Master and apprentice,” Kaleb finished, adding another part with hesitance. “If that is what you still want. I wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t, after all of this.” Her eyes widened as he continued to speak. “The stories I told you, in those afternoons, were before the war. I was trained and prepared for them, and almost always under supervision. Even if there was danger, Master Johanna was there to help, to protect and guide me as I learned.”

She thought for more than a few moments, taking his words in carefully. Looking at the garage door, as if at her friends, her mind buzzed with thoughts. I need to protect my friends, my family. Even in all the darkness in the world, Kaleb is still trying to fight it. She made her decision. “I want to be your apprentice, even though I’m still scared. The dark feelings that I felt, it was as if my fear and anger were amplified and I couldn’t do anything to stop them. I want to use the Force to change the world, but not through that.”

“And you won’t have to,” Kaleb finished. “I can teach you a better path. Denying that power is there will make it stronger, but never act on it. Your safety and well-being will always be my top priority.” He looked at the clock, standing up. “I need to start getting back to the castle. Just before it’s light out.”

“You’re a better guardian to me than Rarity ever was,” she replied. “Take me with you. I’ll do everything you say.”

Sighing, he turned around. “Rarity’s mind is being twisted by the same one whose guards attacked you.” She looked at him in shock, almost regretting her words. “You have a right to be frustrated, but try to understand that she isn’t herself. She loves you, she always has. It hurts just as much to see Fluttershy that way.”

She mumbled an apology. “I know she does, and we were on a good path yesterday. Her words in the rehearsal hall just stung more than any.”

“She’ll know that, and understand. Besides, I’ll need to talk to her after all of this. About many things.” Kaleb knelt down, hushing his voice. “We both know that I can’t take you with me. But I need you to look after your friends, here. I can’t be everywhere at once or protect everyone. They need someone to trust and rely on.”

They both left the garage and moved back into the main living room. Kaleb made sure that he still had the key, and knelt down. She gave him a hug, as he said those words quietly. “May the Force be with you, always.”

She mouthed the words back, trying not to disturb her friends. Kaleb slipped through the door, and heard Sweetie Belle lock it as he went into the dark before the dawn.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone, and a Happy Holidays! This is my gift to all my readers. This chapter was challenging but enjoyable to write. Qui-Gon's potrayal and some of his dialogue is taken directly from Star Wars: Master and Apprentice by Claudia Gray. It is one of my favorite Star Wars books so far, and is well written with him and Obi-Wan, taking place before The Phantom Menace. Please check it out of you get the chance.

My favorite scenes include Kaleb's Trial and his conversation with Sweetie Belle. She's going to make an excellent apprentice. As well, I love writing the small moments of interaction between Sweetie Belle and Spike. As always, May the Force Be With You!

Edited by Mine Menace