• Published 3rd Dec 2017
  • 4,870 Views, 142 Comments

Heart of the Force - fluttershyfan17

In the midst of Order 66, Jedi Knight Kaleb Taymar is transported to Equestria. Starting a new life, he becomes friends with the Main 6. However, the Force has awakened in Equestra, and their lives will never be the same.

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Chapter 18: The Battle of Canterlot

As the morning sun creaked through the windows, the castle was bustling with movement. The cooks were preparing their meals, various dishes made from the freshest fruit and vegetables, with local grains harvested from around the region. Servants were making sure that everything was set, from cleaning the castle to the last-minute setting of decorations. Guests from around Equestria came to see this wedding, having traveled far and wide. They were all friends of the bride and groom of course. Everyone came to see this wedding. But there will be only one in this hall, at the start of a ceremony, that will know a battle will begin.

Kaleb sat meditating in the sunlight of the window, the warmth surrounding his chest as he wore only his pants and boots. In the back of his mind, the words of Master Kenobi echoed, but he knew that would be dealt with later. He breathed in and out, sensing animals all in the gardens leaving, from the squirrels sneaking out through the gates to the birds flying out into the city.

Even the animals can sense the danger. Moving over to his bed, he began to put on the Jedi robes. The undertunic came first, followed by the overtunic. After putting on the tabard, he tied the sash tightly around his waist. Clipping the belt in place, he glanced at the lightsaber on the nightstand. The pouch will only slow me down with the robes. He clipped the hilt to his belt. He went over to the hook on the wall and took the outer robe, coving the beige tunic in navy blue.

Kaleb went over to the mirror, looking at himself and thinking. Hopefully my cover story of wearing these for ceremonial reasons will hold true. The lightsaber may be visible if the robes are set a certain way, but I can use the story for that as well. Everything feels different after last night, but I’ll have to get used to officially being a Jedi Knight.

He looked at the time. The wedding starts in an hour. Most of the guests will arrive in the hall with forty-five minutes until the ceremony starts. I should blend in with them, to avoid suspicion. The key to this plan is secrecy. Kaleb double-checked the communicator in the small snapped pocket of his tunic. There was still no response. Putting it back, he went out of the room, closing it on the way as he entered the hallway.

Kaleb moved quietly, but quickly as he put the hood of the robe up. For the most part, he avoided the busier hallways, except for one where he had to cross. Walking past the hall where the ceremony would take place, he moved up a small set of stairs to another set of guest rooms. After turning a corner, he found himself in front of a door, knocking. I need to try to make things right.

Rainbow Dash popped her head out of the door, lowering her voice. “Kaleb, what are you doing here?”

“Is Fluttershy in? I need to talk to her,” Kaleb asked, silently hoping she was.

“Yeah, I’ll give you two the room.” She slipped out past him in her dress and flew down the hallway.

Surprised about the cooperation, he entered the room, closing the door behind him silently. The curtains were partially open by a few inches, letting in a small amount of light. Fluttershy at a desk near the window, looking over what appeared to be music for the songbirds. She faced the opposite direction, so she did not see him enter. Her pink mane was slightly disheveled, and it was hard to see the rest of her dress in the limited light. “Fluttershy.”

She looked up slightly, realizing where the voice was coming from. But she ignored it and went back to her work. Kaleb glanced around the room. I guess I expected that reaction. Still, I need to try.

He lowered the hood, sighing softly before speaking. “I know you are angry at me. Your feelings are valid. Things haven’t been right since that night, or even longer ago. And, I’m sorry, for everything that has happened.”

Kaleb almost told her about his conversation with Thunder, but stopped himself. Maybe it’s time that I stop talking, and listen. Or at least show it. “There was a story, once I heard from someone. It was about a pony who found comfort in the animals around her, after falling from the sky. She showed them kindness in return, and she was given her cutie mark. From that day forward, she helped all of the animals and creatures around her, showing them the kindness given to her. She lived in a small town, near the forest.”

The thoughts he said had been reflected on for a long time. “These animals mean much more to you than it appears to others around you. They are a family that took care of you when you hurt, and showed you kindness, as you did in return. Every creature in the forest was impacted by your actions, and have tried to show kindness in their own lives. You showed courage in being stern, but still kind in your intent to those in conflict in others, from timberwolves to a dragon on a mountain.” He closed his eyes, pausing before opening them. “Even to a raging manticore, you showed kindness, that I didn’t even recognize in my panic. Your own philosophy is to protect the animals and creatures around you, to show them empathy, for even a little bit can change the world.”

He saw her head look up, still staring at the window as he spoke. “It must have hurt, experiencing the death of a creature under your care. It may even have been the first time. I don’t know how you feel, your experience and emotions are your own. But know that I sympathize, for nobody should have to go through this alone. Grief takes time, and we heal in our own ways.” Kaleb paused, but he heard no response. “I’m sorry for disturbing you, I should go.” He turned around and moved towards the door.

Hoofsteps indicated Fluttershy’s movement. “Wait.” Kaleb turned around, as they faced each other for the first time. She wore a dark pink dress, decorated with embroidered flowers containing two shades of periwinkle. The dress met at her neck with a large butterfly broach, with a small crown of periwinkle flowers in her mane. She stared at him, examining his face with a neutral expression before finally speaking after a minute. “You’ve… changed. There’s something different about you.”

“I figured out who I am, or who I was. Though, it took a great deal of time.” He looked at her. “I’m going to fall silent now, and listen to what you have to say.” Kaleb took a seat on one of the chairs, with her doing the same.

Fluttershy took two minutes, glancing at the floor before looking up at him. “Right now, there’s a lot going through my head. It’s been this way the past few weeks. On top of this wedding and everything with that, there’s the first time that an animal has ever died under my watch. I don’t even know which stage of grief I’m on.” She let out choked, grim laugh, holding back tears. “Part of me is denying that it ever happened, while the other part is bargaining with the forest. The two other parts of me are depressed, wanting to give up on caring for them if they’re going to die anyway. And the last part is angry at the world right now, but it always is directed at the both of us.”

She closed her eyes for a moment, as if trying to clear her head. “Part of me is blames you for its death, but I feel like I am still responsible. There’s this voice inside my head that keeps shifting the blame. I wish I knew what truly happened.”

“Everything dies in the end. It’s how we remember them, and how we continue on their legacy. “He sighed, remembering his conversation with Thunder. “That voice doesn’t go away. It takes time, even years. I caused harm to the manticore, and to you. It’s the truth, and it will be in my mind for a very long time.” He looked at her with compassion. “I am deeply sorry for causing harm, and I will give everything I have for the rest of my life to repent for my actions.”

Fluttershy nodded, taking a few seconds to think. “I know that I need professional help to get through this. It’s impacted both of us, even if we don’t realize it.” She looked out at the window, before looking back at him and shaking her mane to clear her thoughts. “You know, I haven’t seen you in those clothes since the day we first met.”

“I still remember the sound of the hummingbirds.” Kaleb said. Remembering the manticore, his mind was uneasy even as he breathed deeply.

She saw this, giving him a look of compassion for the first time in a while. “Thank you for making me realize I’m not alone in this.” She glanced at the desk. “I don’t think I’ll get the new music done in time…not after what happened last night.”

Kaleb’s mind went into a slight alarm. “Fluttershy, what happened?”

“Princess Cadence…she threw the music I had arranged in the fire and said to rewrite everything. Otherwise I would no longer be her bridesmare.” Fluttershy hesitated. “She yelled at me. Twilight was right about her manipulation. I wish she was here so I can apologize. Part of me wants to go to the ceremony, but the other part is afraid.”

He used shock to hide his anger at the false princess. “I’ll be by your side the entire time, if you go. You’re not alone.” Kaleb silently prayed that she wouldn’t go, thinking of the battle about to happen.

He hid his emotions when she chose to go. “Just let me readjust my mane, and I’ll go.” She fixed her mane, as he frantically thought of any reason she can stay. But it was to no avail. Everything has to seem normal…

She got up, and the two of them started to walk towards the door, but Kaleb stopped. We both have a chance of dying today. “Wait.” Fluttershy looked back at him. “I want you to know that meeting you changed my life, for the better. Thank you.”

“Kaleb, what are you saying?” she asked, with slight fear and suspicion. “Something tells me you’re not telling me everything.”

I can’t let her know, not this close to the wedding. But she deserves more than that explanation. “It’s something I’ve been pondering on for a while. In case something happens in the future, I want you to know that.”

She nodded uneasily. “I’m deeply worried for the CMC and Spike. I know that things have been tense between Sweetie Belle and Rarity, but I didn’t imagine it would go this far.”

“They’re okay, right now. Though, they won’t be at the ceremony.” He replied. Fluttershy gave him small glance of suspicion. “But I’m going to assume you’re not satisfied with that answer.”

She lowered her voice. “Twilight is gone, and the rest of my friends aren’t themselves. I know that something is happening, and I think you know as well.”

Kaleb didn’t try to deny it. He glanced out at the door. Part of being a Jedi is making the difficult choices. If I tell her everything, it would be a violation of my code and the mission Luna entrusted to me. This time, I can’t let my emotions cloud my judgement. But I won’t forget my emotional attachments: I’m doing this to protect my friends, to protect Equestria, and to protect the pony I love.

He looked at her. “I’m going to ask one thing of you today, even though it might be difficult. I need you to trust me, even if you have reasons not to. If you don’t trust me, then put your trust in the Force.”

Fluttershy examined his words and expression, looking for any signs of deception. After a tense minute, she responded. “Even though I’m hesitant, I’m putting my trust in you. But with both eyes and ears open.”

Kaleb understood her meaning as he nodded. “We should go find our seats.” Opening the door for Fluttershy, he closed it and they walked together, ever more cautiously than normal. After winding their way through the staircases, they found the main hall. Fluttershy stopped him, as she pulled him aside to a staircase.

“Kaleb…there’s something I need to tell you. Darn, I should have told you in the room.”

He paused, looking at her. “I can tell if we are being listened to. You have nothing to fear.”

She took a deep breath before speaking quietly. “Our waiter, during dinner at Café Hay, looked nearly identical to Alpine. He even had the same scar and everything. It sounds insane, but I think he was in Ponyville that night.”

Kaleb hid his reaction. If Drogo was there, he must have poisoned the manticore. The poison might still be on him. “You may be right. Whatever you do, stay close to me.”

“Fluttershy, you can go ahead. Kaleb, a word?” Alpine walked towards them, and indicated towards a small hallway. She instantly moved away, and Kaleb put himself between them.

“Wait for me by the entrance. This will only take a second.” He smiled, trying to keep her calm. She nodded and went on ahead. As the two went into the hallway, it only took two seconds for Kaleb to reveal the hilt, pressing it against his armor. “Move and this blade will ignite between your ribs.”

He only smiled. “But you wouldn’t do that, not right before the wedding. The funny thing is, when a group moves at night, my guards will take notice. And do their jobs well.”

“And when a group calls for help, a knight answers.” Kaleb replied. “Cut the crap. You ordered the attack against them. On top of kidnapping, attempted assassination, and animal cruelty. What are you planning?”

Alpine’s calmness only disturbed Kaleb even further. “It’s not my plan, so it’s not my place to say. I meant only to kill those children as a message to the Element Bearers, but then you came and complicated things.” He sighed. “I don’t think I’ll try again, at least until their sisters are watching.”

“This is your only warning.” Kaleb said with an undertone. “Attack anyone, and I won’t hesitate to take you down.”

“Well, I don’t be the one attacking. Not yet at least.” He let out a small chuckle. “I want to know my opponent before their demise. That’s why I talked to you. It won’t be a long battle. It will end within a few moments, in that very room.” He walked away quickly, and was gone before Kaleb could say anything.

In the silence of that corner, Kaleb pocketed the blue vial of poison. Got it. At least I know for sure. He walked back to Fluttershy. “It was nothing, just double checking something. Let’s go.”

They walked together towards the main hall, noticing the two guards on each side. The wedding had changed the room, for there were large pews that stood on both sides of the room.

The two of them sat down in a middle pew, closest to the opening, and looked around the room. The other guests got into their seats. Fluttershy looked at his robes. “I didn’t know you brought those. Why are you wearing them?”

“For ceremonial reasons, mainly.” Kaleb replied. He was looking around the room with his eyes, not moving his neck as he took notice of every exit and guard. Three exits in this room. Two smaller ones on each side of the walls and the main large one in back. Out of the twenty guards here, six are guarding the entrances. Three ventilation shafts on the ceiling with one on each wall. They’re too small for evacuations exits, only a child or a small pony could fit in there. The only possible exits are the three doors and the windows. Those should be a last resort, given our altitude. Guards are armed with staffs and swords. Probably a few with hidden daggers.

As he went through his observations, he noticed a few of the guests starting to sit down. He glanced at the clock on one of the walls, noticing it was only five minutes towards the ceremony. A small giggle caught his ear, as he noticed a group of eight, fillies and colts, sitting right in their row. He looked around and counted at least six more children on the other side. They’re right in the crossfire. Whatever shield spell the group casts should cause a large enough diversion. But I didn’t expect this many to be here. Damnit, I need to change plans and tell her, just enough to let her in.

He made a decision. He tapped Fluttershy on the shoulder. “What is it?”

“Remember that time when I balanced the birdseed cakes when I met you? Juggling but with the air.” Kaleb used the Force to reach out to her mind, more familiar than the last time with Discord. The Force has many abilities, including telepathy. Look forward, not at me, and try not to move.

She jumped slightly, turning her head at him before looking forward. This is how you spoke to me in Discord’s maze, isn’t it? Why are you doing this?

It is. He took a breath before. To answer a question, and perhaps more. I wear these robes because of ceremony, and because I swore an oath. As a guardian of peace and harmony, I will protect those around me from harm. There are fifty guests in this room, fourteen of which are children, and eight which are in our row. Meaning, if someone meant to do harm to send a message, this would be the place to strike.

Fluttershy tried to keep her voice even, though it was difficult. What do you mean?

Kaleb kept his eyes forward. Alpine is going to try and kill everyone here. He’s responsible for several attempted assassinations, along with kidnapping and torture. That’s all I can tell you.

He heard her gasp in her mind. Please, trust me. Do you believe me?

I do. She responded. We need to tell Celestia and Luna, before he strikes again.

We can’t. He’ll know. Like I said before, there are fourteen children, eight right near us. They’re going to be caught in the crossfire. Make sure if something happens, they duck behind the pews. It will happen, but we can save their lives.

She shuddered. Who would do such a horrible and cruel thing?

We won’t be alone. Backup is on the way. She glanced at him with confusion, before looking forward. They will cast a shield charm, and take over from there. We’re the first line of defense, in case they don’t get here in time. This will not be a repeat of Mandalore. We need to be present now, but I believe in you.

And I believe in you to protect them.

Kaleb nodded, and the ceremony started. The trumpets rang out, and everyone stood up. The doors opened, and Cadance and Shining Armor walked out. She wore a white wedding dress, while he walked slowly in his dress uniform. Everyone sat down as they reached the altar, and Kaleb sat down, his left hand open and to the ground. I should be able to track anyone moving.

As the minister spoke, Kaleb faced his head forward, but his eyes were darting around the room. The Force flowed through him, as the sixth sense could tell what was going on. As the minutes dragged on, and the ceremony came closer and closer to the final kiss, he wondered what was going on. No movement so far, and no attacks on the crowd. If they’re going to come, now would be the time. I just hope they get here…

Kaleb sensed them mere moments beforehand.

Just as the words were about to be spoken, the doors burst open as the real Cadance, Twilight, Flash, and Dr. Bluejay ran through. Everyone turned to the newcomers and gazed in shock, including the rest of the Mane Six. Fluttershy looked to the real Cadance, then to Kaleb in shock before the turning to the children telling them to duck, which they did immediately, as if sensing the danger.

Twilight and Cadance’s horns begin to light, as if to cast the shield spell. The false Cadance was faster, her eyes turning green and threw a magic bolt of green at them. It blinded the hall, but not the Force.

Twilight breathed heavily as she saw the magic bolt stretched out, frozen in front of the two of them. Kaleb ‘s arm was outstretched, as he had stopped it right in his tracks using the Force. It took nearly all of his strength to keep it frozen in place, and more to bend it slightly His breathing was ragged, sweat dripping onto his face. Finally, he released it and the bolt hit the wall with a large bang.

The bride on the other side narrowed her eyes at Kaleb and the newcomers. “Kill them.”

The guards nearest Kaleb first fired at Fluttershy. She felt herself being pushed back as Kaleb moved in front of her. He ignited his lightsaber, blocking it mere milliseconds before it would hit its target. The other guards began to unleash of volley of bolts against the others.

Kaleb flipped to the side six feet into the air, as he felt the Force take over him. It was as if everything had been slowed down, to the point where he could see the energy coming at him. He deflected every bolt, aiming right over the heads of the guards. As he landed, time became normal again, as everyone looked at him in disbelief. The magical bolts had been redirected right over the heads of every changeling. He breathed heavily. I went into meditation during combat, almost by instinct.

It was enough time that he felt a shield take effect in front of him. Flash yelled out to the crowd to get out of the hall now. The crowd leapt over the makeshift pews to get to the exit, as the enemy fired at the shield to no avail. Fluttershy ordered the children to follow the crowd, and they did. As the crowd moved into the hallway, the orange guard pony pulled a guard over to the side, muttering a series of directions to him. The guard saluted and followed Dr. Bluejay to the front of the group. Flash ran over to Kaleb. “We established an evacuation plan through the tunnels. That guard is going to activate a sealing spell, so no changelings can get into the tunnels. They’ll be safe there…”

A large bang was heard as the he saw the Mane Six gasp, who had ducked under the cover of the shield. The false princess had changed her form in a flash of green light, revealing Queen Chrysalis. She looked similar to the other changelings, standing taller among them. With a quick and complex spell, she threw a bolt of lightning right in front of Celestia and Luna, knocking them unconscious.

She narrowed their eyes at them. “With those two unconscious, I now control the magical wards set upon this room.” Throwing another bolt of lightning, she shattered the shield, throwing them into the pews. Kaleb threw himself onto the ground, avoiding the blast. A shield surrounded Chrysalis and the twenty changelings emerged from their disguises. “I am Queen Chrysalis of the changelings, and it is our time to rule now. Some things have changed since my first invasion, but much have remained the same.”

Kaleb reached out to Cadance through the Force. What do we do now?

Cadance responded. It’s going to take time to get around those wards. Give me time, and we’ll try to stall her.

He acknowledged her, as she began to speak. “You abduct and imprison my friends and I beneath this castle, and you take control of my fiancé. I will not let you get away with this.”

Chrysalis laughed, as she turned to Shining Armor, still under her control. “Your love is strong, but mine is stronger. I feed off of it, we all do. With the power of the throne, I will be unstoppable, and all the love in the world will be ours. Your Captain is a useful pawn, he has been all this time. He loves me more than he loves you.”

Cadance seemed to be unsure what to say at first, but turned to Shining Armor. “I know that the stallion I love is in there, trying hard to break free with all of his might. Shining, I know you are listening. Keep fighting, you can do this.”

“He won’t listen to you anymore,” Chrysalis hissed. “He is mine. You have no control over him anymore, his heart and soul belong to me now, willing to do my bidding.”

“That’s not love, Chrysalis,” Kaleb interrupted, standing up. “That’s manipulation.” He remembered Rogue, Master Johanna, Ahsoka, Sweetie Belle, and Fluttershy as he spoke, his volume increasing with every word. “Love is knowing someone will see the light in you, and admitting when you’re wrong. Love is caring for others, and telling them the truth even if it hurts.” He glanced back at the Mane Six, Flash, and Cadance. “Love is knowing your friends will protect you, and you will protect them. Even if it means putting their lives on the line, to sacrifice themselves to save another.”

Although he stared back at everyone in the pews, his eyes seemed to linger on Fluttershy. Although he couldn’t tell, he thought that he saw her eyes water with emotion. He turned back to Chrysalis. “You manipulated everyone here to get to where you are. Including me. I was a threat to you, and you needed me distracted. Is that why you attacked Fluttershy and I on Hearts and Hooves Day?”

He heard the yellow pegasus gasp as the queen confirmed his accusation. “So then, you figured that out?” Chrysalis said. “I took over the mind of that manticore, controlling its every move.”

“I’m just sad you had to kill to get to me. But you did not do this alone.” Kaleb added. He reached into his robes, and took out a small blue bottle. “Looking for this?” Drogo shot him a deadly glare, as if trying to stare into his soul. “This poison infected the body of the manticore through the water supply. Drogo poured it into a local pond, and was following us the entire night, up until the attack. The side effect is it can stay in the body for weeks. I’m sure if you conducted a toxicology report, you will find this in its system.”

Fluttershy got up from the pews, shifting her gaze from Kaleb to the changelings on the other side. “You…did this? How could you?”

“It deserved to die,” Drogo hissed at her. “Be lucky our queen let you live.”

“I would rather have died than let an innocent animal come to harm.” Her voice was brave, and Kaleb felt a warmth of pride as she never faltered. “I have my friends, and we will not fail.”

Kaleb spoke as he walked twelve feet in front of the barrier. “I’ll tell you what is going to happen now. All of you are going to surrender peacefully, and lay down your weapons. This doesn’t have to end in violence.”

Drogo addressed the guards. “Nobody move a muscle. If you even lay down your guard for one second, I will kill you myself.”

Kaleb boiled with frustration. “I don’t think you understand what the stakes are. No blood has to be shed. Nobody has to die.”

Chrysalis began to chuckle at first, and then went into a full laugh that reverberated around the room. It unsettled everyone, even Kaleb, who began to wonder what was going on. “Oh, you have no idea. You truly are a hypocrite, a false knight who stands before us. You say nobody has to die, when you played your part in a war which killed billions.”

She hit her hooves on the ground, and the doors burst open. A squad of six clone Troopers burst in, their white armor shining in the bask of the shield with blue, red, and gold around it. They moved slowly, but with brute force, every footstep shaking the ground. Kaleb began to hyperventilate and back away in fear, tripping over himself and falling backwards to the ground right at the steps of the alter. They stopped only fifteen feet away from him. “Do they look familiar, Kaleb?”

Fluttershy began yelling something to him, but was silenced by the wards. The others looked in confusion as Twilight gazed at him. “Kaleb…what does she mean?”

“You haven’t told your friends, have you, Kaleb? What kind of friend does that, who lies to them about something this big? Let me show them.”

Her horn glowed purple, and created a dome that surrounded all of them, eliminating every ounce of light. The dome went black only for a few moments until a thunderous sound erupted. All of a sudden, they were not in the castle, but on the battlefield of Geonosis, as the Clone Wars began. The scenes would change with every crack of thunder, showing scene after scene of carnage. Objects would fall from the sky, as if to transition to the next scene and throw in the danger.

It was Kaleb’s worst nightmare come to life, as all of them relived the war, and the truth was revealed to his friends. Twilight and her friends, including Cadance and Flash, were huddled together, as they jumped and sceamed at nearly every image and sound. It jumped from battlefield from battlefield, from small communities to city streets. Everywhere, there was chaos, and carnage. As the image the two children on Mandalore began to fade. It snapped back to Geonosis, as an image of Kaleb pleading with Rogue to live on that day appeared right in front of them. It transitioned to Kaleb being knocked out by gunfire, crashing his speeder. The room darkened, and saw only mere moments of the young Jedi’s torture in the rooms of the prison. Lightning ripped through the sky, as they saw the flashback of Kaleb watching his master die, the killer obscured in shadow as they saw the lightsabers rip through her body. He ran to her as the killer leaved, and sobbed only a few feet from them. It seemed that their sense of space was distorted.

Finally, all of them gasped in shock and horror as they saw the floors of the Jedi Temple, as smoke whipped around and the sounds of sirens and blaster fire. The bodies of the men, women, and younglings lined the floor, all in a river of blood. They turned and looked around, only to see the real Kaleb on his knees, his eyes closed and fits clenched as the tears flowed.

In an instant, the Temple was gone, and the spell had been lifted. Everypony on Kaleb’s side of the shield looked shocked, with waves of sadness, denial, and guilt all on their faces. Fluttershy was on the ground, looking up with the realization she saw it through his eyes.

Kaleb opened his eyes, wiping the tears away from his face, only to see one of the clones step forward and take off his helmet. Rogue stared right back at him, speaking directly to him. “You killed me that night, when you could have saved me. Who does that to someone who considers them family?”

Kaleb couldn’t tell in that moment what was real, as he got up. “You were dying! I didn’t know what to do. There was no backup, nobody was coming for us that night. Should I have left you to die a slow, torturous death?”

Fluttershy broke Chrysalis’s wards only for a moment, as she yelled with everything she had. “Don’t listen to him, he’s not real! THEY’RE NOT REAL KALEB!”

She was silenced as the queen redid the spell for a moment. Kaleb didn’t seemed to have heard her at first as he walked towards Rogue. But he stopped, gazing at him. “But you’re not real. The Rogue I knew died a long time ago.”

He turned his back on them and walked back towards Chrysalis. “So, this was your plan? Use the memories from my past to torture me, and to kill me in the same manner as my friends and mentors.”

“But witnessing your war, and the genocide of the Jedi, it must hurt,” she taunted. “Witnessing your friends finding out the truth, as you relive those moments that nearly drove you to suicide. Throwing yourself into the gorge in the Everfree Forest, that was your plan right?” The Mane Six gasped in shock, on their faces ranged from sorrow to guilt, as they gazed at him. “Imagine what they think of you now.”

Kaleb looked back at them, ignoring the clones right in front of him. He lingered on them for a while., before speaking quietly and directly to them. “I was fifteen, when it began. I lost everyone who I considered family.”

He turned back to Chrysalis. “It hurts every single day. I think of a million different scenarios that could have saved their lives. I will live with that for the rest of my life. But I will not let my past define my actions today. These ponies you hurt; they took me in and cared for me. They are my family. I will fight for them, until my very last breath. Surrender, or this conflict will not end well for you.”

He heard Cadance messaging him that she had nearly broken through the wards. Before he could react, he felt his body being pulled to the altar as the shield shifted its movement, creating an opening in the center. He was frozen in the middle of the alter, unable to move. Cadance once again spoke to him. Hold on, I almost have it.

Chrysalis moved out of the shield, walking down the steps as the changeling clone Troopers moved forward. “Once I dispose of you, you can go into death knowing that the Jedi will die out, and be no more.”

Kaleb gazed at her, his voice shaking but still confident. “The Jedi will not die with me. They will live on in the hearts, minds, and souls of everyone who knew them.”

All of a sudden, the Mane Six launched themselves in front of the steps leading to the altar. “If you are going to kill Kaleb, then you are going to go through us!” Twilight yelled. Cadance and Chrysalis started to duel, flashes of colored light and bolts of pure energy emanating from the room. Twilight closed her eyes, and began cast a complex spell. “Hang on Kaleb, I almost have it…”

Chrysalis found her hold once again, and threw the ponies to the side. She turned to the clones and yelled. “EXECUTE ORDER 66.”

Everything happened in slow motion, or so it seemed to Kaleb. Those words made it nearly impossible to think, as he did everything, he could from going into a flashback. It was difficult, but he barely managed to hang on. The plasma from the blasters fired with a loud bang, as they moved towards him, still frozen. I am going to die. He tried to take comfort in those words, knowing that he would be reunited with Master Johanna again.

Before he could move, Fluttershy launched herself at him, faster than he had ever seen her. She passed right in front of him, as the blasts hit her. He barely had time to scream. She barreled into his front, as the force of the blasts lifted the spell, and propelled them backwards into the main stained-glass window. It shattered, and the two fell.

The howling wind forced and gravity foced Kaleb out of his stuper. He grabbed Fluttershy, and used his other hand to find the grappling hook on his belt. Reaching out to the Force, he propelled the hook onto a balcony, and they swung below, breaking the glass as they fell to the floor.

Kaleb got up within a second, rushing over to Fluttershy. No…NO! Their was bleeding where the blasters had hit their mark, as she spasmed on the floor surrounded by broken glass. “Stay with me, Stay with me. You’re not going to die, Rogue…Fluttershy, I won’t let you die. Not again.”

He ripped a strand a fabric from his tunic, and tried to wrap it around. Just as he was about to, he heard a bang as the door burst open. Two changelings burst in, baring their fangs as they pulled out daggers. Before Kaleb could react, Dr. Bluejay stormed in, disarming their daggers and stabbing them. The two fell to the ground, dead instantly.

He ran over to Kaleb and Fluttershy. “You’re doing good, Kaleb. Just keep the pressure on the wounds, for only a few seconds longer.” He pulled out a small vial from his saddlebag, and poured the contents over the wounds. She moaned a little. Taking a roll of gauze, he quickly bandaged the wounds, which centered around her wings. Kaleb kept the pressure on the wound to her chest, as he tried to keep the bleeding at bay.

“The bleeding on her chest isn’t too bad. This should do it.” After pulling out a large bandage, he poured the solution onto the wound, and with a seamless transition, applied the bandage tightly to her chest. . He listened to her breathing, putting his head near her chest as he applied a small amount of pressure between her side and one of her wings. He looked up at Kaleb. “Her pulse and breathing are elevated, but she’ll live. She’s lucky the blasts didn’t hit any major arteries.”

Kaleb nodded, impressed with his knowledge. He shook his head as Dr. Bluejay approached him. “Save your strength. I’m fine, just a little shaken.”

“I’ll ask the same of you.” He responded. “The two of you just fell three stories. Try and sit up, it will bring the blood flow to your legs faster. Don’t stand.”

Kaleb sat up, leaning against the wall as he surveyed the damaged. Thundering blasts shook the room, muffled by the two floors on top of them. He coughed, as he spoke quietly, trying not to strain his lunges. “Some of the changelings transformed into clone troopers, and she threw herself in front of the blaster fire. I understand that they drew from my memories, but how did they get the blasters?”

“They must have evolved from the last time…” Dr. Bluejay muttered, turning to Kaleb as he went to Fluttershy’s side. “These wounds look like the effect magical blasts have. Those aren’t real blasters, but they are channeling their own magic through the disguise. It’s also possible that they can only do a complete transformation when in range of Chrysalis. Try leaning against the wall. If you feel overly dizzy, sit back down.”

Kaleb sat up, the world spinning slightly as he gripped the wall. “Right, we need a plan…”

“The plan right now is to survive, and to get in contact with the others.” The blue pegasus checked Fluttershy’s breathing once again. “Her breathing is stabilized. I know you want to move quickly, but we’re going to get ourselves killed if we’re not cautious. You can stand guard.”

Kaleb nodded, his arguments fading. He took out the lightsaber, keeping his eye on the door. “I’ll be able to sense if anyone else is coming.” He glanced out at the window. The thundering blasts continued, and Kaleb quickly tried to think. I need to keep my distance from Chrysalis, hopefully the others are holding up…

He heard a cough, and he turned around. Fluttershy was waking up, but Dr. Bluejay looked at him and indicated to be quiet. Kaleb followed his instructions.

“What happened? Who are you…” Fluttershy tried to get up, but set her head back down when it became too dizzy.

“I’m Dr. Bluejay, and you’re going to be okay,” She nodded meekly. “Your wounds aren’t too bad, but as long as you don’t strain yourself, you’ll live.”

Fluttershy sat up, looking around as she heard a noise. Kaleb was retrieving his grappling hook, setting it back onto his belt. He knelt down to her. She started to form words, but coughed into her leg. He looked at her, with compassion. “Save your energy. There’s still a long way to go in this fight.”

Fluttershy indicated for him to come closer, and she put her forehead to his. Her voice was between a quiet tone and whisper. “Please, come back safe. I can’t lose you…”

He responded in a quieter tone. “I’ll try. All I ask is the same.” Getting up, he surveyed the sky, his eyes widening as he saw the changelings invading from the sky. “You two need to go now. They’re going to be invading this floor in the next minute. I’ll hold them off.”

Dr. Bluejay nodded. “We need to get in contact with the others. Someone will find you.”

As Fluttershy stood up, she swayed, and leaned on Dr. Bluejay for support. The two of them slowly made their way out of the room. She looked back at him, for one moment. They both knew words would need to be said, but later. Everything that could have been said in that moment was exchanged in a single glance. She turned her head, and the two left the room, going up the small stairway just barely visible.

Kaleb leaned against the wall, and breathed deeply. Need to strategize on the fly. If I can take those on this floor out, then maybe I can work my way up. He heard the invading changelings smash through windows on all floors, and moved to a nearby corner in the hallway. He turned his head to find what seemed to be twenty changelings on his floor alone. Shit…didn’t realize there would be this many, but I have to give the others time.

One of the changelings barked at the others. “We have our orders: secure the castle and the grounds. Track down the Jedi, and bring him in alive, but just barely.”

“Well I guess today is your lucky day.” Every changeling withdrew various swords and daggers, as Kaleb walked out, removing his robe. “I’m giving you one chance to surrender now. I don’t want to kill you, but I will if I have to.”

One of the changelings laughed, her voice ringing out as she walked up to him. “I’m going to take you out right here…right now. My queen will reward me.” She went in, spinning her dagger, aiming right under his legs.

Kaleb dodged the attack easily, with a simple use of footwork to weave behind his attacker’s viewpoint. Using the Force, he rotated the hilt slightly putting it right at the top of her ribs and igniting the blade. It went through her body, and she fell, gazing up at him in shock.

“First lesson of combat: Always know the position of your opponent.” He glanced up at the rest, knowing precisely what to say. “Does anyone else want a go?”

The changelings charged, and Kaleb braced himself. Use the space around you, make the surroundings work for you. Using the Force, he pushed back ten or so of the changelings before sprinting forward. He parried the attacks, noticing that their blades were enchanted with magic. He jumped back, landing on his feet. Their magic is holding up against the lightsaber, but only for a short period of time. All I need is to batter down their defenses.

Kaleb sprinted and jumped up, moving to the side as his feet hit the wall. He began running on the wall, remembering the training from his youth. Noticing the large bookcase on the other side, he used the Force to pull down the bookcase. It made a large crash, bringing up dust as the changelings moved back. Kaleb jumped from the wall to the floor, spinning his blade around, and taking out a number of changelings. The dust made it difficult for them to see, and Kaleb took advantage of the space.

Only five remained. The two jumped, throwing their daggers at him. Kaleb turned to the incoming direction, directing the daggers right back at them with the Force. It hit both of them in the chest and they went down. Moving upon the others, it took only a minute of wrestling, but he was able to batten down their defenses and take them out. He turned off the lightsaber and took a deep breath.

A large crash was heard, as the sound of tumbling rock crashed on the staircase. Dust collected in the hallway, as Kaleb moved to the side. Clutching his sleeve to his mouth, he looked for the source, and moved forward. The entire stairway going up was gone, underneath a collective of masonry and stone that caved him in.

Well, there goes that plan. Kaleb thought. There has to be another way to get up, though it might be risky. Kaleb moved back to the end of the hallway, igniting his lightsaber. Taking note of the structure of the small window, which provided no space for him., he inserted the blade into the stone, pushing hard. It was difficult work, as it reminded him of a metal blast shield. Slowly but with precision, he cut a large arc around the window, the heat melting the glass even through the small area of stone. Eventually, he cut it fully, going down to the floor. The wall was weak around this area, as he predicted, and it only took a simple push of the Force to throw the stone out to the ground.

“I thought I saw it while I was fighting,” Kaleb said to himself, as he saw his way back up. There was a large stone bridge between one side of the caste and the other. It was narrow, but it was his only chance. “All I need to do is figure out how to get to it.”

He spotted a rope on the side of the bridge, tied to one of the bannisters on the side. It was hanging over the edge, floating only about seven feet below the bottom. The knot appeared to be tight, and the rope looked like it could support his weight. Kaleb smiled, remembering his training. I used to do this all the time with her. The training rooms in the Temple were versatile. Let’s just hope I remember how I practiced.

Kaleb felt the wind coming in, blowing strong in his direction. It’s not in my favor, that headwind is strong. I’ll need to be careful with my approach. Positioning himself slightly at an angle to the wind, he stretched his arm out, his hand out of the castle dangling probably more than a few stories in the air. The Force went through him, as he pulled back his arm suddenly. The rope swung in his direction, the wind carrying it. Kaleb caught it in his right hand, pulling it in to find it was the right length. He pulled on it, making sure it supported his weight.

After taking deep breath, Kaleb jumped. Swinging through the air, the wind whistled through his hair as it bounced around. The rope went under the bridge, casting a shadow over his face before sunlight reemerged. He prepared to depart as the rope swung as high as it could go. With the grace of an acrobat, Kaleb let go, launching into the air and going towards the bridge. Kaleb landed, and rolled, just barely stopping himself before tumbling over the other edge.

That was close, he thought. Kaleb pushed himself into the middle of the bridge and surveyed the battlefield. It was difficult to tell, but smoke plagued the normally clear gardens, making it difficult to see. Around him, he could hear the clash of armor on armor, and blades on blades. If the Royal Guard is still fighting, then that’s a good thing, but I can’t sense many. There are so few, probably due to being overtaken by changelings. I don’t know how many are actually Guards at this point, but most likely few. I need to keep moving.

He coughed into his sleeve as the smoke from one of the lower windows plunged the bridge into a haze. Moving forward, he took a few steps, walking for a few seconds before detecting a projectile coming from behind. Kaleb jumped, flipping backwards and turning to face the opposite direction. As the smoke cleared, he saw a changeling, heavily armored and armed with a giant shuriken on a chain. This opponent was different, he could feel it. The opponent let loose a disturbing grin, her eyes sharp and focused.

Kaleb ignited his lightsaber. “You can’t stop me that easily.” She spun around the chain, and the blades came hurtling towards Kaleb leapt onto the edge of the bridge to avoid it, leaping from one side of the stone barriers to another to avoid the onslaught of the blades. If spinning blades weren’t enough, she threw multiple chains to wrap around him. Kaleb kept to his current strategy, trying to make his way forward, only to be pushed back. Realizing how much time was being taken, he decided to make a move. He leapt from side to side as if the barriers were balance beams, and moved forward, just as he was about to do so, he felt an explosion push throw him back.

It had barely been more than twenty seconds before Kaleb had charged forward, and the charge was as if it had came out of thin air. Kaleb turned around to find a second opponent staring at him, having similar chains to the first, with magically charged ends around each. The chains were smaller than the first, and could barely be seen with how fast and light they were carried.

“Great, now there’s two of them.” Kaleb mumbled, looking around to each side to find himself surrounded on both sides of the bridge. I can’t just charge at them, they won’t allow me to get close. They work together with similar fighting styles, so maybe I can avoid and wait for the right opportunity. Deciding on a plan of action, he de-ignited his lightsaber, opting to observe instead.

Kaleb heard the whistling of the shuriken moments before he avoided it, ducking low this time, observing the blades spinning before going back to their target. Surely the explosions would blind me. Why isn’t he doing anything? He moved up and jumped to avoid her chains, jumping with the strength of a deer. He tried to reach out and grab one, and for a moment, nearly did. Just as he was about to grab it, he felt a red-hot energy around it. His hand recoiled, and landed on the ground, taking a look at the hand. Just barely singed pulled it up just in time. Those chains are red-hot, but the metal might be vulnerable to something hotter. All I need is the right moment…

Explosions rocked the bottom of the bridge, and Kaleb got his answer just in time. With the supports gone, the sides of the bridge collapsed, leaving only a ten-foot section of bridge in the middle, with the changelings on both sides of the remaining parts, only five feet. The shock waves were felt through Kaleb’s section, and forced him to the ground as he lost his balance. As he tried to regain his senses, he got up and saw what had become of it.

“So…that’s why he was holding off.” Kaleb remarked with astonishment, almost to himself. Damnit, no time to think…need to act quickly. He heard the swirling of the blades along with whistling of chains from both sides.

Kaleb jumped, feeling the Force guiding him into the correct timing. He jumped, but instead of flipping vertically, he leaned to the side and spun horizontially. He felt the shurikien and chains go under and above him, just missing their target. Kaleb smiled, as he spun with ferociety, his hair whipping through the air. Now!

With the grace and timing of a Soresu fighter, he ignited the lightsaber, the blade making contact with the chains. They seemed to spark as they made contact, and broke instantly. The shuriken went flying off in another direction, as did the explosive charges. Within five seconds of jumping, Kaleb crossed his arms, the Force grabbing onto the chains and, which the changelings were still holding onto. His hands became fists as he pulled his arms in towards his chest.

The changelings went flying, pulled over the edge from Kaleb’s counterattack. Their armor and fighting style restricted their movements, so he knew they wouldn’t be able to fly so easily. As they fell, Kaleb knew something wasn’t right, as explosions rocked his section of the bridge, harsher than the previous explosions. The bridge began to fall.

Kaleb ran as the bridge lurked to the side, sliding from the weakened stone pillars into the air. He jumped, reaching out using the Force. His jump was extended, but just barely enough. He hit the edge of the other side right on the chest, the impact knocking his head into the ground. Barely feeling the roar of pain, he pushed dragged himself onto the small section, leaning against the wall by the doorframe.

He felt his head, as pain radiated through his chest. Head seems to be fine; chest must have taken all the impact. He clutched the sternum, as he felt the bruises on his upper chest. Doesn’t seem to be broken, which is good. Still, I can’t let any opponents get the impact there.

Slowly, he got back up and went through the unlocked door. There were a long series of hallways, seeming to stretch for miles. Kaleb went down them, slowly at first due to the pain, eventually gaining speed. He saw a clock, and swore. “That fight took longer than I thought. I need to find the others, and soon.”

The hallways became a maze, with Kaleb as the right having to navigate through them. With every second that passed, lives were on the line, even the fate of this battle. After what seemed to be twenty minutes, he found a giant atrium below, with a railing showing the boundary.

Without thinking Kaleb ran desperately towards it, and jumped over the railing. This was his mistake. A changeling flew fast from the side and barreled into him, his armor hitting Kaleb’s sides.

Kaleb was thrown in that direction, and hit the wall hard. A sharp, piercing pain went into his ribs as he slid down the slanted wall, hitting the ground. His vision blurred, as he realized he was surrounded by four changelings. But the lightsaber was on the other side of the room, thrown from his belt due to the impact. Ribs are either severely bruised like the sternum or cracked. As long as I stall, I might able to recover. I need to get that lightsaber.

“You liked our little distraction out there, huh?” The head changeling piped up, his voice sharp as a knife. “Those two sure fit well for each other. I’m surprised you managed to get all the way here.”

Kaleb spat, blood hitting the floor. He had to in order to speak, but it could have meant as a sign of disrespect. “Their style was their undoing. As will be yours. Give this up, and I won’t have to hurt you.”

The other changelings laughed. “Yeah, that won’t be happening. Considering we just disarmed you, that is. Let’s have some fun.” Their staffs changed their form in a flash.

Kaleb’s eyes widened. Before him were changelings with electrostaffs. The two ends charged with energy, crackling purple. “So, you recognize them? The spells on these staffs is permanent, so don’t count on the magic wearing out.” He turned to the other guards. “Contact Chrysalis, and tell her to get here soon.” They waited a few minutes, before the other guard nodded to the head guard. “She’s on her way. Can I have the first hit?” The head guard nodded.

The staff flew through the air, and hit Kaleb in the side of the legs. Letting out a gasp of pain ,he tried not to yell, just barely cracking. As the guard aimed for the other legs, he saw of flash of the same weapon in a different time, in a prison cell rather than a castle. That time, he let out a scream of pain.

The guards laughed. Kaleb grounded himself quickly. I’m not back there, I’m in Canterlot Castle in Equestria. Looks like I’m going to have to fight without my lightsaber for now. Just need to wait for the right moment, no matter how painful it will be.

Fortunately for Kaleb, that moment came early, as this blow came towards his neck. He pushed his hand, hidden on the ground up to this point. The staff froze, and Kaleb launched upward, using his free hand to push the other guards back. He grabbed the staff, and hit the guard right in the center of the armor, where there was a weak spot. The shock shook the guard, and Kaleb pushed him hard using the Force. The guard hit the wall, collapsing down.

Kaleb turned to the other three and brandished the staff with his right hand, holding it horizontally just to the side of his front. “You’re not the only one who’s trained on a staff.” He moved it into a defensive position, horizontal and in front of the right side, just as he had seen Maul do. He beckoned with his left hand.

Roaring, one of the changelings charged, while the others went to secure the entrance. Kaleb met the guard’s staff, doing simple strikes and blocks while trying to keep the pain away. I can’t get too fancy here, otherwise the pain in my ribs will come back. I need to disarm him quickly. Noticing a pattern in the changeling’s hoofsteps, he followed it, tripping her and disarmed the staff, using the Force to knock her out.

The other two noticed his strategy, and countered it by using Flash’s staff technique, flying through the air. Even for an experienced Jedi, taking on two electrostaffs was a challenge. It was even more difficult with injuries to the upper body. Kaleb did his best to ward off attacks, but the changelings kept switching their position. Two minutes had passed, and it soon became three. They’re trying to wear me down. I can’t end this quickly, the pain is starting to come back…

One of the changelings hit Kaleb in the lower back with the electrostaff, and the shock made his vision flicker and knees go weak as he collapsed with his head against the wall by the broken window. It was right in the center of the scars, where past shocks had tortured his body. The other did a series of hits on his ribs, and a hard hit right in the center chest. Kaleb coughed with pain, as he felt a big flash of pain in his ribs, spluttering for air from the impact on his sternum.

He tried to reach with the Force for his lightsaber, but the head changeling noticed. “I don’t think so.” Kaleb let out a muffled scream through his sleeve as he the changeling hit his wrist with the staff. “We had our fun with you, now Chrysalis will arrive any second. Any last words.”

Even through his pain, Kaleb maintained a sense of focus and wit, as he sensed two individuals battering down the door. He wickedly grinned. “Send my regards to the Royal Guard.”

The door slammed open, as a young stallion let out a yell. Flash burst through the door, Shining Armor following. Picking up an electrostaff, Flash followed engaged the guard on combat, the ends of the staffs creating sparks as they met. They seemed to be at the same level at first, not gaining any traction. Flash used a weaving maneuver to confuse the changeling, before hitting him in the head with the end of the staff. The changeling spluttered and then fell.

At the same time, Shining Armor threw a series of offensive spells at the remaining changeling, overwhelming her, before stabbing her with his sword. The shock waves of the spells moved Kaleb, nearly falling out the window. Shining saw this and used a spell to catch him, moving him back to his original position.

Kaleb raised his hand in a slight salute. “Captain.”

“At ease, Kaleb.” Shining said, in a authoritative yet warm voice, becoming a little more relaxed. “Sorry about everything earlier, that was the mind control. Are you hurt?”

“My wrist, but I think it’s just shock.” Kaleb said coughing. “Main areas are my ribs and sternum. The pain is pretty bad, and it’s coming in flashes.”

“I’m going to cast a quick medical spell that will identify the source of pain.” Shining explained, as a shudder went through Kaleb as the spell was cast. After a few seconds, he looked at Kaleb. “Bad injuries to the sternum and ribcage. You’re pretty lucky to still be breathing without difficulty.”

“Eh, I take what I can get,” Kaleb said wincing slightly with pain. “Are there any spells to heal it?”

Flash arrived beside Shining as he shook his head slightly. “There are spells I can cast to protect it, so you will can move around easier. Potions should be able to help heal it about three weeks, but there isn’t time. We need to rendezvous with Dr. Bluejay and Cadance. There’s a bunker right by one of the clearings where we’re going to meet.”

Kaleb’s eyes widened. “I have four children hidden there who Drogo attempted to assassinate. I have the key. We can’t draw attention to them.”

Flash looked at Shining. “Captain, if we teleport a slightly further away from the bunker, Kaleb can sense any changelings nearby.”

Shining thought about it for a second. “That could work. Flash, help Kaleb stand up. It will take me a few seconds to muster up the energy.”

Flash helped Kaleb get up onto his feet. “Keep your weight on this side. There you go. Don’t worry, the spell’s powerful so it numbs the pain. Still, I wouldn’t let your guard down. Couldn’t you have taken them out like you did at the ceremony?”

“I don’t have full control of that power. It’s by instinct, I can’t do that on command.” Kaleb said. “I’ve never teleported before by magic.”

“It’s going to get dark for a moment, and it feels like you’re being squeezed. Not a great feeling, but it’s what it is. Can you use the Force the moment you hit the ground?”

Kaleb nodded, letting down his hand and taking a few seconds. “I’m ready.”

Shining cast the spell, and the group was engulphed into sphere of darkness. The space constricted for what seemed to be a few seconds, and Kaleb felt different pressures pressing down on him. The darkness blocked out all sound and light, and Kaleb started to feel slightly ill. After a sudden flash of light, they hit the ground, emerging in the wooded area of the grounds.

Kaleb’s knees rebuckled as he reached out to the Force, his hand close to the ground. After a few seconds, he shook his head. “No changelings nearby.”

“Good, let’s go meet the others.” Shining lead the way, with Kaleb and Flash following.

Kaleb took deep breaths, going slow as Flash supported him, trying to cheer him up. “You did better than others. Most vomit the first time.”

“Good to know.” Kaleb responded. Exactly like crashing down in an escape pod with the different pressures.

They reached the bunker after a few minutes where Dr. Bluejay and Cadance were already waiting. “Thank Faust, we thought they got you.” Cadance greeted them.

“They have to try harder to get to us.” Flash responded, with Shining sighing and shaking his head at the young pegasus’s confidence. “Kaleb can get us in.”

Kaleb took out the key, and walked up to the door, unlocking it slowly. Quickly, they all piled into the bunker and Kaleb closed it. They were greeted by the CMC and Spike running out from the kitchen, armed with iron pans.

“Stand down, it’s just us.” Kaleb responded meekly, before collapsing on the couch.

Dr. Bluejay moved to Kaleb. “I’m going to need this tunic off to examine you.” Kaleb nodded, and struggled to take off the tunic. Flash helped him and it was off within a minute. The older pegasus took a look at Kaleb after consulting with Shining quickly. “Ribs are cracked in the upper and lower quadrants, and that sternum is badly bruised. I would suggest healing the sternum the best you so he can breathe with ease, and put protections on the ribs.”

Flash handed Kaleb a wooden dowel covered with leather, advising him to bite down. He did, just in time for a white-hot flash to hit his chest and ribs. He let out a muffled shout, his eyes flickering for a few seconds before going back to normal. The heat turned to a pleasant warmness after a few seconds, and Kaleb took out the dowel, and turned to the pan-armed children. “How have things been?”

“Well, it turns out pans can make pretty good weapons. We haven’t tested them out yet,” Apple Bloom responded. “Is my sister okay? Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo are worried about Rarity and Rainbow Dash.”

“We don’t know, but I’m sure they’re fine," Cadance responded, trying to be optimistic. She shot a look at Kaleb. “Is this the safest place for them now?”

“No, it isn’t. Not now.” Kaleb wrote down an address and handed it to Cadance. “Can you teleport them, and get back here okay?”

“Yes. Her wards only control the castle, so out here I should be okay. I can put a magical marker on the space where I stand so the spell sends me back.”

Kaleb nodded, and turned to Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Apple Bloom, and Spike. “There’s a family here with two colts younger than you. I know them from my time here. They need to be protected and supported. Tell them Kaleb Taymar sent you.”

The group huddled around Cadance. Sweetie Belle glanced at him with concern. “I was worried about you.”

“Thank you, I appreciate that.” He added another thing in an undertone. “This is one of the things I did as a Jedi: providing aid to those who need it.”

She gave him a determined look, and nodded. Cadance cast the spell, and they vanished. It was a tense thirty seconds, but she returned. “They’re safe, and my magic doesn’t detect any changelings. Thunder says she’ll protect them as if they’re her own.” She sighed. “The Mane Six have been captured by Drogo.”

Gasps and swears of shock echoed the room, with Dr. Bluejay quieting everyone down. “This complicates things, but this battle is not over yet. Chrysalis won’t kill them, I know that for sure from intelligence.”

“It’s going to make it more difficult though,” Flash pointed out. “We now have two battlefields that we need to fight. Do we know where they are?”

“They’re heading to the train station, where they are to remain until the battle is over.” Dr. Bluejay replied, thinking for a minute before responding. Cadance and Shining armor spoke quietly and intently to each other. “Kaleb, what do you think we should do?”

Kaleb thought for a few seconds. “There are two objectives, both far apart from each other. I think the best strategy is to split up and move to both at once, so the changelings can’t send support to the other.”

Cadance smiled. “Good thinking, Kaleb. It could work. Shining and I can use our magic to gain control of the wards from Chrysalis, and kick the changelings out.”

“The only problem is there are a large number of changelings still in the castle with her. Too many to take on alone,” Shining added. “We need some type of diversion.”

Kaleb went through the plan in his mind. They’re going to go after me, and bring me to her or vice versa. Either way, they won’t kill me directly. Kaleb smiled to himself. “I think there’s a way I can cause the distraction.”

“How?” Flash interjected. “It’s not like you can sprout wings and force probably a hundred changelings to chase after you. You have no way to fly.”

“Well…that’s not exactly true.” Kaleb said, looking directly at Dr. Bluejay, who was clearly conflicted about this idea.



Dr. Bluejay thought of a few points. “Kaleb, we don’t know if it can actually fly. The engines work, but there’s no guarantee they won’t fail mid-air. You could fall to your death.”

“I can guide it down to a crash landing if it does,” Kaleb brought up. “This is the only way to get to Drogo quickly while providing a distraction. In my current state, this is safer since I’ll be strapped in and I can take on Drogo if I need to. I don’t know how the healing spells are holding up, though.”

“Your sternum is healed, and the protection spells are on the ribs. They don’t last long, so you’ll have to be quick.” Shining updated. “You’ll be fine as long as you don’t do anything stupid.”

Dr. Bluejay looked at him with concern. “Still, you won’t be able to do all of those jumps and flips. Your fighting style is going to be limited.”

Kaleb nodded. That is a disadvantage. “That is true, but there’s more to my fighting style than that. Basics can save your life, and in the case of the main style I was taught, a true master can use them to win any battle.” Obi-Wan and Master Johanna were masters of Soresu, and taught me how to retain its mastery. I’m going to have to rely on their teachings, and minimize my movements and focus on precision.

Shining Armor glanced at him. “There’s still the matter of the objective. Even if you rescue them, you still have to face Drogo. He’s wanted on multiple charges. As Captain of the Royal Guard, I would like him captured alive. But I also grant you authority to kill him if you have to.”

“That’s my plan,” Kaleb responded. “I won’t kill him unless it’s a last resort. My objective is to rescue the Mane Six and bring him in alive.”

Dr. Bluejay thought for a few seconds, and nodded. “If you think this could work, I’m willing to give it a shot. But the communications systems are offline, and you’re going to need someone nearby.”

“I’ll take care of that, and I’m sure Flash is willing to go with me.” Flash nodded. Kaleb reached into the bag he left here last night, and handed the holoprojector to Shining Armor. “Press the button on the top, and you’ll be able to communicate with me. I’ve set these on audio-only so holograms won’t give away positions. I’ll set up two headsets so Flash and I can communicate mid-air.”

Cadance looked at all of them. “We have a plan. Let’s go.”

Kaleb put his tunic back on, making sure his lightsaber was attached to his belt. Standing up, he walked into the kitchen with Flash following. “When you see my distraction, run like hell.” They opened the door, and disappeared.

Flash gazed up at the ship with amazement. “Holy shit! When you said ‘fly’, I didn’t realize you meant…this.”

“Don’t praise it yet. It has yet to actually fly.” Kaleb replied, hooking up the headsets to the holoprojector wirelessly. He handed the one to Flash. “Put this on, and adjust it. Remember you’re going to be flying with it.”

Flash adjusted it, still gazing wildly around as Kaleb put his headset on. “If we get through this alive and in one piece, you owe me a drink. Solar’s special mix from the Cloud Café.”

“Put it on my tab.” Kaleb witted. He and Flash looked at each other for a moment before hugging the best they could with injuries. “You’re a great guard and it’s a honor to fight by your side.”

“And I can say the same for fighting alongside a Jedi.” Flash added. “Let’s finish this.”

Kaleb climbed up the ladder to the cockpit, securing it shut before turning on the headset. “Open the garage doors on my signal. Follow behind me the best you can. We’ll be in contact, so tell me your position." He added one last thing. "And do try to keep up.”

“Copy that. Ready and in position.” Flash gave him a salute.

Kaleb flipped a through switches, and started up the engines. The whole ship shuddered, but kept itself together. The seal is holding up, fuel looks good. Thrusters are in place. He flipped a few switches, preparing the ship for takeoff, while undoing the safety on the cannons. “Kaleb Taymar, standing by. On my mark, open the garage doors.”

He gazed at Flash for a moment, and then turned his head and took a deep breath. Let the Force guide me and hope I don’t die. “Now!”

Flash pulled a lever, and the garage door sprang open. Kaleb slowly moved the ship forward, taking care not to bump the ceiling. Sunlight hit the glass of the cockpit as the ship went into the clearing, right in front of a few changelings. They hissed, chasing the ship as it gained altitude through the sky.

Kaleb heard Flash through the audio channel. “I’ll take care of them, focus on the distraction.”

“Got it.” Kaleb let out a wicked smile. “This is where the fun begins.” He hit the thrusters, and the ship whipped forward in an instant of speed. The cockpit shuddered, vibrations going through the seat and controls. Kaleb eased the ship through the air, weaving around the towers of Canterlot Castle. He lurched with the sharp turns, trying to concentrate on the task ahead of him. I can only go around these towers for so long. He reached out to the Force, finding his target. Found you.

Chrysalis was on the top of a tower, gazing out from a large balcony. Kaleb flew the ship straight towards her, firing upon the balcony. With a large bang, the balcony was destroyed, tumbling to the ground. She flew back and Kaleb whipped the ship upward, barely grazing where she stood. “After him!”

Swarms of changelings ascended on his position. They were all wearing various levels of armor, some faster than others. Kaleb flew away from the castle, heading towards the edge of the grounds. “Flash, do you copy?”

“I’m here.” Flash’s voice was difficult to hear over the wind, but was still clear. “It looks like you have at least seventy-five on your tail. What’s your plan? I can take some of them, but it’s going to be hard.”

“Get them away from the castle, and pick them off one by one.” Kaleb responded. “I’m staying at least fifty feet above buildings. We don’t want to cause any collateral damage. I’ll cause the distraction, and you sneak in and take those who get out of the way.”

“Sounds good.” Kaleb moved the ship into a brief dive before looping in the opposite direction and spinning to face them off. Fire!

He unleashed a volley of blasts against the changelings. The formation broke, with many swerving to get out of the way. It was difficult to tell with the blasts but in a few moments, he saw changelings begin to fall from the sky. “I saw at least ten fall.”

“Make that fifteen.” Flash responded. “We can’t keep them here forever. They’re coming back.”

“I’m going to lead them on a wild goose chase.” Kaleb said, turning the ship around. “Keep steady and take out any you can.”

He felt the ship shudder with the wind. It’s holding, but it doesn’t like it. Probably should have tightened a few screws and bolts. Kaleb noticed the changelings were reforming behind him, struggling to catch up. He noticed a few good fliers were still on his tail. I’ll let Flash take care of the stragglers…

He felt the shields take a hit, as lasers started firing from behind. “Well, at least this ship isn’t too old, it should be able to take the hits... what the hell.” That remark was in reply to seeing a piece of the undercarriage whiz in front of the cockpit before falling to ground.

Flash chimed in through the comm, a little late. “Kaleb…they have blasters now.”

“I can see that.” Kaleb retorted. “The shields are working when they want to. Get a blaster and take as many out as you can.” He was pressing buttons and flipping various switches in an attempt to turn them on. There has to be a way to get the shields activated, but not through this.

He was dodging the blasts the best that he could, using the Force to guide him. But keeping the ship level wasn’t in his favor. He could tell Flash was struggling, and he tried to double back and fire with the cannons. But with the shields in this condition, attacking in the midst of blaster fire with an old ship literally falling apart was the last idea to use. I’m going to get myself killed at this rate. I have an idea, but I don’t like it.

“The shields are dying, and I can’t help you while flying smoothly. I’m going to get them to follow me, but it won’t be an easy ride.”

“Do it.” Flash yelled through the blaster fire. “I can’t hold off for much longer.”

Kaleb recalled the flying lessons he had during his training. Damn you Skywalker. With that one thought, he brought the ship down into a dive.

The forces of gravity put the ship to the test, as the vibrating tremors felt like flying through a storm. Kaleb’s back was forced away from the seat, as he kept his eyes on the ground. Focus on a point, no matter what happens, keep your focus. Let the Force guide you. He breathed steadily, and just before he hit the buildings, he pulled up hard.

The ship roared with life as Kaleb pulled out of the dive just ten feet above the buildings of Canterlot. He whipped around at the altitude, seeing that his plan had worked as the changelings all crashed hard into the ground. At least now, I have the advantage. He fired on the remaining changelings, who whizzed past, firing on him as well.

“Flash, how many are there left?” Kaleb asked through the headset, adjusting the engines to the lower altitude.

“About twenty,” Flash shouted, as Kaleb spotted him through the cockpit. He was using the blaster he stole and his sword to stop the remaining fifteen. “We have to move closer to the station.”

“Got it.” Kaleb turned the ship around, blasting through the sky, gaining altitude. “There are five commanders on my tail. You take care of the rest, and get to the station. This might take a while.”

Flash responded, slightly out of breath. “Got it. Try spinning, I’ve heard that’s a good trick.”

Kaleb rolled his eyes slightly, but that was soon interrupted by the five on his tail. They were good shots, managing to keep up with the ship, and moving into a formation. Whatever it is, this isn’t good…

All of a sudden, Kaleb saw one of the changeling commanders at level with his cockpit about fifteen feet away from his wing. She aimed her blaster, forcing Kaleb to spin underneath her. The other commander shot forward, aiming to dive down with electrostaff in hoof. He paused the thrusters, as the ship dipped upward, and he fired. They both fell out of the sky. “Two down three to go.”

He could sense the chains being thrown before he saw them. Dipping the ship to the side, he swerved it back and forth, as they failed to get a grapple on the wings. I need to make my way to the train station, I should start heading in that direction.

Using the same trick as before, he took out the other two, reversing the thrusters completely before firing. He sped to the station, and got his bearing as he heard Flash chime in, sounding winded. “I took out the rest, on my way to the station.”

“Good, get an idea of the guards and take them out if you can. I’ll be on my way shortly.”

Just as Kaleb ended the transmission, he heard a crack from the side. The last changeling commander had grappled himself to the wings of the ship, and was aiming right at the cockpit. Kaleb spun the ship, diving as he did to shake the changeling off, but it was no use. He was hanging on, and thrusting forward fast. Damnit, I can’t lose him. Need to get that grappling hook off…

It was too late. The changeling was climbing the grappling rope right to the wings. had thrown another chain, whipping it right at the cockpit. Whatever magic enhanced it was no use for the cockpit, the glass cracking as the chain attached itself. The spell activated through the glass, and the cockpit shattered into dust.

The wind howled, and the changeling was ten feet away from Kaleb, climbing up the wings. The Jedi drew the ship into a dive, The changeling aimed the blaster directly at Kaleb, screaming at him. “You son of a bitch…”

The changeling fell within moments of a loud blast. Kaleb had used the opportunity to draw a hidden blaster from the cockpit, one which had been installed during the war. “Sorry, I didn’t catch that…” He yelled through the wind.

The ship shuddered, and Kaleb knew the ship had taken damage. “Flash, I’m going to have to guide this down to a crash landing. Distract the guards and get innocents out of there.”

Using the Force as a guide, he aimed right for the clearing on the opposite sides of the tracks. Training guides said that a gradual landing should be done unless it’s absolutely necessary. Even as the wind whipped into his face, nearly blowing the controls away, he kept the ship on a steady descent.

Looking around, he found his guide points: the train tracks. He was about two-hundred feet above, descending fast. There were three changelings right on the tracks, as if waiting for more instructions. “Guiding it down to fifty feet, going north by northwest.”

From the ground, one of the changelings looked up. “What is that, some kind of crop duster or something?”

Her friend, glanced at her. “Wait, that’s not a crop duster…” As the cannons fired, they were hit and killed on the spot.

Kaleb changed direction slightly to the right, bringing down the landing gear. “I need to slow down…” The ship hit the ground hard, skidding nearly twenty-five feet as the landing gear broke. The cockpit shook with such intensity, that Kaleb nearly jumped out. It slowed down, and with one final shudder and heave, it stopped.

Kaleb undid the safety fastenings quickly, and jumped out of the ship without thinking. It was leaning on the wing, so the impact wasn’t as bad. But it still hurt. He felt the impact on his ribs, and his knees were shaking badly.

Leaning up against the ship, he looked at the damage, as smoke was gathering slightly. It’s not going to explode, but the damage is bad. He heard Flash’s signal, and chimed it through. “That was one hell of a crash. Are you hurt?”

Kaleb coughed, moving off of the ship and towards the station. “I’ll live. But I think the protections on the ribs are fading. We have to end this fast.”

Flash chimed in through the headset. “The Mane Six are okay, and the guards have been taken out. Fluttershy is hurt badly, Drogo broke her wing.”

Kaleb’s blood boiled as he tried to keep his cool. “I’m on my way. Is there any way to get her to the hospital?”

“Twilight and Rarity don’t have the strength to teleport her, and I’m trying to get in contact with Dr. Bluejay. I can use my medical training to help her in the meantime. We’re going to the station offices where they’ll have first-aid supplies.”

“On my way. In the meantime, keep away from Drogo. He’s going to be looking for me.”

He set the headset down by the ship, and slowly made his way through the small field and across the tracks to a set of stairs. Kaleb climbed them, and made his way through the large platforms.

Bits of shadow reflected on the ground, as the roof to the station was open. He kept his eyes peeled, his hand outstretched as he sensed the lack of changeling soldiers. Hopefully, I gave Cadance enough of a distraction…

“Looking for me?” He turned around to find Drogo, wearing his changeling armor as he emerged from behind a pillar. “Impressive show up there. But it won’t matter here. ”

Flash and the Mane Six moved in the scene of confrontation. Kaleb turned around, seeing Fluttershy barely conscious being supported by Flash and Twilight. He looked at both at them, before turning back towards Drogo. “Go. This is my fight.”

They nodded, and moved away from the two of them. He stood, with a sense of calm and focus. “This battle is over, Drogo. Surrender, for it will only end badly if you don’t.”

“It doesn’t matter, you’re going to die by my hoof, whether my queen likes it or not.” He retorted. “I will kill everyone who gets in my path just to see you suffer.”

The two began to circle each other, as Kaleb’s words reflected wisdom beyond his years. “If you continue to define yourself by your power to take life, the desire to dominate or possess, then you have nothing.”

“And who are you to lecture me, boy.” Drogo stated in anger, before shouting. “I HAVE POWER BEYOND YOU, THAT YOU CAN ONLY DREAM OF.” He hit the ground in anger with his hoof, as sparks came up. “But perhaps you need a lesson of what true power is.”

He took out a hilt, one which Kaleb recognized immediately. As he pressed a button, the blade of black emerged, humming with power. The Darksaber of Mandalore. It’s just an imitation, but it’s convincing.

The darksaber held it’s form, as Drogo pointed it. “I saw this in your memories. How fitting this is the very weapon that I use to kill you.” He slashed the pillar near him, slicing it in half and letting it fall to the ground in a rumble.

Kaleb’s initial shock nearly turned to fear, as he remembered what that weapon represented. But he tried to keep calm. “You saw my memories of it, but that does not mean you know what it represents. The Darksaber of Mandalore is more than a weapon, but a symbol for darkness and light. Whoever wields it must understand the history and weight behind it."

He lunged at Kaleb, as Kaleb ducked out of the way, and with creative use of footwork, avoided the blow. He’s angry, but that makes him unfocused. Just have to keep calm for a little while longer.

Drogo scoffed to the side. “You don’t get to decide that. This battle won’t be long. You’re injured, I can tell…”

“Check,” Kaleb interrupted. “You made your first mistake. Underestimating your opponent. I am a Jedi Knight, like my master and her master before me. We are guardians of peace and harmony, knights guarding their kingdom and setting the example.”

“That’s bullshit, and you know it,” Drogo retorted back. “Tell me, how do generals raging a war embody peace?”

“We made an unfortunate error,” Kaleb acknowleged. “But the values I represent are my own, passed down from my master and hers. The values of peace, harmony, and balance. I don’t kill unless there is no other option, which you gave me no choice today.”

"Tell me, how would you punish me for my actions?” Drogo taunted. "If you are so wise."

“Some would say you deserve to die by your own poison, extending your suffering to make it just as long as the manticore’s,” Kaleb answered. “You would die the same way. But my objective is to bring you in alive, and kill you as a last resort.”

Drogo spat on the ground. “Trying to get me to regret my actions? It won’t work.”

“Assassinations, torture, kidnapping, and hurting my friends,” Kaleb listed. “Every action you took was blinded in the interest of war and hatred. Don’t you want to them back?”

“No.” The chill in the voice disturbed Kaleb as Drogo moved closer to him. “I would do it all over again, and kill more along the way. Chrysalis will reward me today, when I kill the master.” He paused, as his voice dropped into a disturbing growl. “And the powerful apprentice you are hiding."

Kaleb stopped what he was doing, as Drogo confirmed his suspicions. "Her actions gave it away. Nobody else knows, not even my queen. Her powers will be mine to control. Or silenced when I slit her throat.”

He knows. Kaleb ignited his lightsaber, holding it in front with both hands before switching it to his right, twirling the blade. He held the blade at Drogo above his head, his left hand pointed at him as well. Drogo twirled the darksaber, and held it at the ready, as the two stood facing each other.

A minute passed. Kaleb held the lightsaber with both hands, just to the side, while Drogo held the darksaber with his right wing. I am one with the Force, the Force is one with me. The mantra brought him into a meditative state. Finally, Drogo roared and jumped at Kaleb, the blade spinning as the lightsaber came to meet it.

Three moves. The battle was over in five seconds, as Kaleb blocked both attacks and broke the hilt of the darksaber. Milliseconds after, he slashed Drogo in the chest. There was no fancy jumps, flips, or kicks, but simple movements done with coordination and precision.

Drogo coughed, falling to the ground, the anger still in his voice. “I don’t understand…how?”

Kaleb caught his head before it hit the ground. “Your anger and hatred blinds you, as it has for much of your life. Perhaps in death, you will find peace.”

An explosion rocked the sky, as Kaleb, Drogo, and the ponies surrounding them looked up. A magical wave ripped through Canterlot, as the remaining changelings were kicked out, their forms moving beyond the city, and perhaps even out of Equestria.

The changeling commander used the distraction to his advantage. “I’ll see you in hell.” Drogo said, using the last of his strength to pull out a hidden dagger. Striking at Kaleb’s injured side, he stabbed him in the ribs, before shuddering one last time and laying still.

Kaleb didn’t notice the dagger at first, as he got up and walked towards the offices. Multiple battle meditations with no guidance drained him, making it difficult to sense the counterattack. A few moments later, he felt a dull stabbing pain getting stronger. He looked down to his side, and saw the vial of poison hidden inside the blade. “Karrrabast.”

Twilight and Flash rushed over to him, catching him before he hit the ground. Kaleb started to tremble on the ground as if it was a seizure. “Poison! Flash, contact the others and get medical aid here immediately.”

“Twilight.” Kaleb said, shuddering in pain, as he used the last of his last of his energy to talk. “Use a spell to knock me out. This pain is going to get worse.”

Twilight nodded, and cast a sleeping spell on him.

“Tell Fluttershy, I…” It was all Kaleb could say, as the image of her turquoise eyes was the last thing he saw in his mind before darkness took over.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! This chapter took me 7 months to write (since November), due to the amount of time dedicated to planning out every detail, down to the fighting itself. This is also the longest chapter I've written, clocking in at over 15,000 words. It's ambitious, and at times overwhelming but I'm proud of myself for sticking to it and working hard to get this chapter where it is today.

Influences for this chapter come from various places from Star Wars media, including Clone Wars, Rebels, and Jedi Fallen Order. I also drew a great deal from the 1954 film Seven Samurai, directed by Akira Kurosawa. George Lucas considered him an inspiration when making Star Wars, to the point where George wanted Toshiro Mifune for Obi-Wan. There were many other places I drew from that I don't have the room to list.

I hope all of you liked this chapter, and that it brought some enjoyment in these difficult times. Please stay safe and healthy, everyone. And as always, May the Force Be With You.

Edited by Mine Menace