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dirty little secret

I tried so far… and got so hard… but in the end, it didn't even matter at all. (Direct Support)

Comments ( 135 )

If Trixie must obey to Tender's order completly. I don't think she can bring Twilight Sparkle with her at all. Because that princess is no longer mare. But a futa...😑

Futas count as mares. :twilightsmile: Just with a little extra.

Majin Syeekoh

she must do anything that anypony directly tells her to

Dude you need someone else to go over your stories and tell you if consent is involved because removing Trixie’s ability to refuse kind of sounds like the definition of non-con to me.

Uhm, you mean definitely probably counts as *non*-consent? Because the inability to say "no" is kind of the definition of not being able to provide consent.

Read the story -- she admits to wanting it to happen.

Majin Syeekoh

That’s exactly what I thought happened in the story.

It doesn’t matter if she wanted it to happen, she literally cannot refuse, which removes her ability to consent.

It would reflect poorly on you to not make use of tags that were designed specifically for cases like this.

Ugh, fine. If you’re going to insist on that even though I made it as consensual as possible, given the premise.

Majin Syeekoh

Thanks. I appreciate your cooperation in this matter.:twilightsmile:

I am curious about one part.

even though I made it as consensual as possible, given the premise.

If you're making a story specifically about her inability to say no thanks to some crazy magic punishment, why even bother trying to make it seem more consensual after the fact?

Because my Patreon supporters have been choosing a lot of non-consensual stories lately, and I wanted a break from it. :twilightsmile:


How is someone making you do something you want them to make you do non-consent? In a literal definition I can definitely understand where that'd be the case and fully agree, but the 'common usage' definition of 'non-consensual' is essentially just 'rape', and evokes all kinds of horrendous imagery, all of which are based in being forced to do something the character doesn't want happening and violent sexual assault. People see 'non-con' on a story and you see the hateful comments or silent downvotes start to roll in, in my experience.

Do we choose dictionary definition over what 'the generic user is probably going to understand' for these sorts of things? I've never been sure of the rubric involved, so asking now seems like a decent idea. Shine ye some enlightenment upon me, great Majin (please).

Uh oh... It looks like the comments are going to be a shitshow again...


Hopefully not! Just asking a question. Is that alright or would you prefer that I PM Syeekoh directly? I don't want to clutter up your comments if you feel that's not on-topic.

I've never known what our system for deciding warnings and such is based on. So, really, just a bit of curiosity.

You just love skirting the line of the dark tag, don't you?

Majin Syeekoh

The definition I’m using is the inability to refuse, because it doesn’t matter if she wants it because her ability to consent is removed from her.

I’d make the same request of the author if it started out as rape but eventually became consensual, because they weren’t initially given the option of consent.

I understand that it may seem a little strict, but the way I understand it, the warning tags are for the benefit of the readers who don’t appreciate that sort of content in any form, not just the commonly understood definition.


Thanks for explaining that to me Syeekoh. :heart: Seemed as good a time as any to scratch that curiosity itch there. Knowing the basis, I can certainly agree. With any luck, the author will get people by who know what they're in for and hopefully won't reflexively crap on the story due to the tags. One understands that in your position it's impossible to account for every little factor, so thanks for your work and reply. Happy holidays!


You've written a fun story for the people who enjoy the subjects at play, DLS. Hopefully no one gives you any trouble, and enjoy the remaining holidays!

Majin Syeekoh

Glad to be of service.

Happy Holidays to you as well.:heart:

DLS isn't known to tag some things without a fight.

Have you seen the rest of homeperson's stories? It's their bread and butter :rainbowlaugh:

Trixie and Tender Taps clop? Woah.

So, according to Story Ideas Sheet, the sequel will have some TwilightXTender, which would be interesting to read, since this ship (yes, it exists) has quite some pics. :rainbowwild:

Are you site staff now or something? That's what the blue bar on your posts mean, right?

Why is Trixie even being punished? She was corrupted by dark magic from the alicorn amulet and started going crazy.

Maybe I'm just thick-skinned, but I don't understand the controversy in the comments. It's not like someone tied the reader to a chair and forced this story down their throats. Even if I'm late to the party and DLS modified the description, there was plenty of forshadowing that gave the reader opportunities to bail. It's part of your rights of existing to be offended by something, I agree. But, just fucking grow up sometime. A fanfic argument is not that important...

Then how about a story in which one of the ponies actually wants to be violated by their captors, who have no real interest in doing that? They would be a bit freaked out by it but eventually they would cave in. I mean there are so many set ups in the show alone. The diamond dogs, changelings, dragons and etc. Heck I can picture a sentient tentacle creature passing through Ponyville, minding it's own business when mares start freaking out and 'sacrificing themselves' to it so that others can get away.

Or you could write a story in which characters are revealed at the end to be roleplaying.

It's a kinky thing between Twilight and Trixie, obviously.

Majin Syeekoh

Yes. Yes it does.

Ok, fair enough.

Somebody's been reading Ella Enchanted, or seen the movie.

Considering the context, your gore example doesn't work. Admittedly, she cannot say no but she is shown to be willing despite not being consenting. A better example would be the "sad" tag over a story about a breakup, only the breakup was due to non-relationship issues (maybe the Royal Guard cannot have relationships or something) and they still remain close friends. Sure, there was a breakup, it might have even been the entire premise of the story, but was it sad?

This story was excellent, save for the 'futa Twilight' ending. I do really like the 'must obey direct commands' enchantment; I wish something like that was in more stories, because it can lead to an interesting con/non-con dynamic, where the mare has her free will suppressed. Also, for the ironically-named 'Progressives', PC, third-wave feminists and other bigoted groups out there, there's a difference between reading non-con (or foalcon) and doing non-con or foalcon; reading it ISN'T doing anyone any harm, while doing it IS. Disclaimer over.

I'm not a big fan of futa, though; I'd rather see penises stay on colts and stallions, because that's natural.

...Which is also the reason why I can't stand nail polish/paint; it's unnatural and never looks good.


She can say no though. She can't resist the spell but its not like she hypnotized. She's lucid throughout the entire thing and only gets stopped when commanded

Huh, my comment about this being rape got removed?

I mean it's tagged as "non-con" or non consensual, so they already know its rape. lmao

Shouldn't Snails saying “Sign mine first!” count as an order? Yet it doesn't seem to have worked (until Tender Taps intervened anyway).

So harmony is worthless here

One of your best works I must say, keep up the great work.

He was more requesting than commanding.

That's not how consent works.

She can refuse. She isn't hypnotized.

She just can't disobey a command.

It's like no one read the story properly. It's basically Ella Enchanted but Trixie actually enjoys her curse.

I really liked this story. The story description might be too vague, actually. That combined with 2nd and 3rd rate characters made me pass on it initially. Anyway, glad I ended up reading. Stand out scene was the strip tease and rubbing on him scene. I'm not particularly fond of tease scenes but it worked really well. Cum clean up scene was also good, but a bit brief. Interesting that you didn't touch anal, as I would think that would be heavily preferred by a guy "trying new things" given the premise.

Interestingly, I think you could have avoided the whole consent thing by making it a ruse from the beginning. I actually thought that was going to be the twist for a while. There are a few minor places where you'd have to change some wording... and cumming on command isn't exactly easy. It could have been that Trixie is just straight up a degradation slut. The enchantment story is just an ice breaker to find another pony depraved enough to take advantage of her. Clues like the double deep throat made me think this was the case.

Then again, "twist" stories can be groan inducing. To be clear, I think the story is better as it is. (I actually wish she wasn't so compliant. shh! don't tell the dark tag brigade) Maybe non-con stories are just more interesting fantasies, and inventing BS after the fact to skirt technicalities is a stupid idea from the beginning.

Majin Syeekoh

Sounds like non-con to me.:twilightsmile:

Not really...
More like my Patreon supporters want dark(ish) stories, and I try to make them un-dark. :twilightsheepish:

1) Phrasing!
2) :facehoof: Ugh, not Jontron again.

I dunno... Her ability to speak was never taken away, and if she vocally said she didn’t want to do this, I think Tender Taps would have relented and let her stop... Does that change anything?

Yeah, but because they did make a shiny new tag (possibly partly because of the controversy around my own stories), and they did call it [non-con] rather than [rape]... I’ll give them this one.
Still no [dark] tag, though, and I’d be more likely to fight it if the tag did say [rape]. I’m glad they worded it as they did, making it more flexible.

Most of my stories are consensual and not dark at all! :raritydespair:
I may have had a bit of a streak going lately but...

Yep, this is definitely one for the ‘uncommon shipping pairs’ group.
And nope ... I haven’t done any, um... research into Twi-taps shipping yet. That’ll be interesting.

Eh, maybe for seeking out dark magic in the first place. Or maybe like someone else said ... Twilight just has some kinks and used it as a handy excuse.

Eh, some people get upset. That’s okay.

But I’m not looking for more pseudo-non-con stories! :raritycry: I’ve already got more than enough!

The best explanation! ^.^

That somebody isn’t me, though... I have no idea what you’re talking about.
A Frozen reference of some kind, maybe? Wasn’t there an Ella in there?

Hopefully the ending isn’t enough to ruin it, though. The rest of the story doesn’t really involve that at all.

This actually made me realize a crazy loophole in her enchantment.
She has to do anything that *anypony* orders her to. She herself is included in ‘anypony’, right? So (unless someone orders her not to speak) she could give herself commands and then follow them!

Hm? Comments are being removed?
I’d just like to make note, then, that I’m not the one removing them. That’s not my style.

For a few minutes at the beginning, it lacked that tag...

Um... :derpytongue2:
Yeah, I derped that one. That’s kind of a plot hole.
I think I’ll fix that.

Huh? What harmony?

Thanks! ^.^ What’s your favorite part?

I still fixed it, though. Now he just says ‘Mine first!’ which is less of an explicit order.

Heh, no anal because I’m not a big fan of anal, and I generally avoid writing it when I don’t really have to. ^.^

Wish you had done a Queen Chrysalis x Spike clopfic.

Majin Syeekoh

My advice is to just keep it non con because that’s essentially what happens in the story.

And don’t worry about it. There’s a sizable market for non-con which you’ve already attracted. If anything, you’re just playing to your base.:twilightsmile:



She can refuse. She isn't hypnotized.

She can't disobey a command

Non-consensual, by definition means, "not by choice." If she physically can't act as she normally would then it's not by her choice. Similarly, if a girl is passed out drunk, and not cognitively able to comprehend consent, much less give it, then whoever has sex with her can be charged with sexual assault, rape, or sodomy. I'm literally reading definitions.

Comment posted by DumbDog deleted Jan 1st, 2018

Yeah, the majority of the time I love non-con, as long as it doesn't go too far of course. Like blood and stuff.

Home person? That dirty little secret but different account?

you rape what you sow

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