• Published 2nd Jan 2018
  • 5,534 Views, 21 Comments

Having Fun With Someone's Dismay - TheEvilCookie

Rarity has fun with Twilight much to Twilights dismay

  • ...

Being Tickled Out Of Her Mind

Twilight Sparkle was sitting outside by her castle as she was hanging out with Spike as they worked together on updating a few maps for Equestria. Twilight was wearing leggings and a shirt with sneakers. As they worked on the maps, Twilight looked up to see Rarity walking up to her. Twilight found that quite odd as Rarity had said that she was traveling to Manehattan that day.

"Um hi Rarity....what are you doing here? You said you were going to be out of town for the day? What are you doing here?" Twilight asked, Rarity looked over at Spike and Spike urged her on to say something. Rarity finally responded.

"Can I talk to you for a few minutes inside your castle? There's something I need to say." Rarity said as she hoped that she could reason with Twilight to do what she needed her to do and not struggle to force her to do it.

"Sure. Is everything okay Rarity?" Twilight asked. Rarity didn't respond as they walked into Twilight's castle. Rarity grabbed a glass and poured water into it as Twilight walked up to her with confusion.

"Want some water Twilight?" Rarity asked her, Twilight nodded with caution as she wondered what Rarity was up to. Rarity gave her the glass of water to Twilight as she hoped that Twilight would drink it.

"So is everything okay?" Twilight asked, Rarity made sure to answer as relaxed as possible as she kept her composure.

"Everything is going great Twilight. Business is good and Sweetie Belle is doing fine in school. It's all good." Rarity said as she looked at Twilight intensely. Twilight nodded as she took a sip from her water. Rarity smirked.

"That's excellent I'm glad. I'm always happy when my friends are doing great...I'm doing....okay....to...." Twilight said as she felt a bit faint. Twilight felt the room spin as she fell down backwards. Rarity looked down at her and looked up.

"Alright Spike come here!" Rarity called out, a twenty one year old Spike walked up to Rarity and looked at Twilight knocked out.

"Well...that didn't take as long as I expected it to take, I honestly thought that she would stall but she didn't even question it when you gave her the glass of water." Spike said as he was astonished.

"She's as careless as she is clueless. Come on and help me restrain her." Rarity said as she tried to pick her up. Spike went around Twilight's other side and helped Rarity carry her to the side of the living room. They tied her up to the rack and Rarity tilted it back so that Twilight's head was touching the floor and her feet were sticking up in the air as they were tied to the wall of the rack.

"Alright Spike that's all I needed. You can stay here if you want Spike I don't mind. Besides I'm looking forward to her finding out that you helped me." Rarity said. Spike shrugged.

"Alright I'll stay here, I'll be in my room if you need anything. Have fun with her." Spike said as he grinned. Rarity smirked mischievously as she looked at her captive friend.

"Oh I definitely will!" Rarity exclaimed. Spike chuckled and went to Twilight's room. An hour later Twilight started to wake up. She felt a bit groggy as she adjusted her eyes to her surroundings, she saw that she was tied up on a rack with her feet bound by leather cuffs while they bound up in the air against the wall of the rack. She saw that Rarity was standing over her.

"Rise and shine my little princess." Rarity stated, Twilight looked at the reason why she was tied down and she started to panic. She struggled against her bondage as she wiggled her legs.

"Dammit Rarity! What's this about!? Why did you tie me up like this!?" Twilight exclaimed, Rarity said nothing and unlaced Twilight's shoes and took them off. Twilight started to hyperventilate.

"What the hell Rarity!? Let me go!" Twilight yelled at her. Rarity set down Twilight's shoes and removed Twilight's socks. Twilight got extremely nervous as she knew what was going to happen. She struggled against her restraints.

"No please don't do this! Put my socks back on! Please don't tickle my feet!" Twilight begged. Rarity shook her head as she tossed Twilights socks onto the floor. Twilight's feet were bare and vulnerable. Twilight struggled franticly.

Rarity then took her nails and raked them against Twilight's bare feet. To say that Twilight giggled would be an understatement. She squealed in laughter as her best friend began to tickle her. She shook her head. Her panic induced face looked at her feet while she laughed hysterically.

Rarity smirked as she had gotten Twilight right where she wanted her and she loved it, she could do anything to Twilight and Twilight wouldn't be able to have a say in the matter. Rarity continued to rake her nails against Twilight's luscious soles as Twilights feet were trapped and couldn't go anywhere.

Twilight screamed with laughter as she emitted helpless giggles from her snout. She couldn't believe she had gotten herself into this predicament. The more Twilight giggled the more helpless she became. She knew that the tickling would break her. It was only a matter of time for that to happen.

Rarity went to town on Twilight's trapped tootsies as she wiggled her nails against Twilight's helpless bare feet. Twilight was yelling with laughter as she shook in her bondage which didn't allow for much movement. Her feet were going to be tickled beyond belief and she didn't look forward to it.

Rarity didn't say a word as she didn't have to since Twilight already knew what she was going to say. It was pointless to talk to Twilight. She just wanted to torment Twilight now that she had Twilight in her grasp.

"Rarity! Stahahahahap!" No not there! Nohohohohohoho! Why are you doing this to me!? Hahahahahahaha!" Twilight yelled as she laughed. Rarity shook her head as she tickled Twilights soles. Twilight screamed out with laughter as Rarity wiggled her nails against Twilight's vulnerable ticklish bare feet.

"You can stay there and get tickled for hours! I really don't care anymore! You can't do anything about it! Look at you! Your tied up and you have no power to stop it!" Rarity stated as she tickled Twilight's feet without stopping which caused Twilight to produce begging and explosive laughter

Twilight shook her head and let out the loudest screams Rarity had ever heard her do, Rarity scribbled her nails all over the surface of her friends feet.

Twilight had her eyes shut tight as she struggled to get free but she knew that struggling was hopeless as she was stuck tight and being tickled out of her mind. Rarity planned to keep Twilight there for quite a while and there wouldn't be anything that Twilight could do to stop it.

Rarity tickled Twilight's feet for a bit more as she knew she would have to give Twilight a break so that she didn't pass out as Rarity wasn't that cruel. She didn't want to hurt her friend. She finally tickled her for a few more minutes and then stopped.

Twilight caught her breath as she felt that the tickling had stopped. Twilight started to beg hysterically as she didn't want to be tickled anymore. Rarity just laughed at Twilight's pathetic attempts to tell her to let her go as Twilight's begging had no affect on her.

"Well someone is getting desperate. No your not going free and I will see to that. I don't care if I tickle you so much that you pee your pants. I'm going to see to it that I have some fun at your expense." Rarity said.

"Let me go right now! This doesn't need to happen!" Twilight begged, Rarity shook her head as Twilight wasn't going to go free. She saw Spike.

"Please you have to help me get out of here Spike!" Twilight said. Spike grinned.

"Heh...about that Twilight.....you see...I kind of helped her by telling her where you were and I helped her set up the date of when she could come over and do this. I also helped her restrain you." Spike said as he prepared himself to be screamed at. Twilight felt rage go through her. She felt betrayed by her own number one assistant.

"You bastard!! I trusted you! When I get out of here I'm going to teach you a lesson!" Twilight yelled at him. Spike gave her a mischievous smile as he looked at her predicament.

"I don't think your going to be doing that tonight as you look a bit.....tied up but maybe you can after but you probably won't." Spike teased her. Twilight snarled at him.

"You bastard!!" Twilight spat at him. Spike snickered.

"Have fun getting tickled out of your mind Twilight." Spike teased her as he went to sit down. Twilight became furious with him.

"Come back here you-Hahahahahahahahaha! No Rarity!" Twilight screamed out as she laughed as Rarity started to lick Twilight's bare soles. Twilight cried with laughter as Rarity trailed her tongue up and down Twilight's tootsies.

Twilight couldn't believe that this was happening, there was nothing she could do to stop Rarity as Rarity just tickled Twilight. The tickling felt like torture for Twilight and she was correct as Rarity was definitely going to torture her for a while and Twilight won't be able to have any say in it.

Rarity giggled at Twilight trying to act tough when she was speaking to Spike as Twilight was trying to deny Rarity the satisfaction of watching her break which she will break. She knew that whenever Twilight tried to act defiant tonight she could just tickle her and that would break her right down.

Twilight's hair started to get disheveled as she was shaking her head all around, she tried to thrust her feet upwards off the rack but couldn't as the ankle cuffs held her ankles firmly and the seatbelt around her stomach held her onto the rack.

Rarity licked Twilights bare soles as Twilight was crying while she laughed, Spike came over and gave Rarity a towel while Rarity licked her feet. Twilight just couldn't believe her own assistant was helping Rarity.

Twilight cried with laughter as Rarity flicked her tongue all over Twilight's bound soles, she screamed as she laughed hysterically

Rarity was enjoying Twilight's reactions as she licked Twilight's bare soles. This turned out better for Rarity than how she thought it would turn out before, she could do everything that she wanted to Twilight's feet. Oh Twilight was definitely in for a rough time.

Twilight started to sweat a bit as she was squirming a whole lot on the place she was restrained on. Her tears streaked down her face as the tickling was torturous for her. She wanted it to stop. Twilight continued to scream with non stop laughter.

Rarity absolutely enjoyed Twilight's screams of laughter. It was music to her ears as she tortured her poor friends soles. She didn't know that it was so easy to make Twilight into a laughing mess in only a matter of seconds.

Twilight pleaded for Rarity to stop but those pleas fell on deaf ears as Rarity licked Twilights soft soles. Rarity had so many things she could do to Twilight's feet, it excited Rarity just by thinking about what was happening.

Rarity decided to give Twilight another break again as Twilight probably needed it so she licked her soles a few more times and then stopped as she let Twilight get a few breaths of air as she tried to compose herself and get back her energy.

"Well someone is tired! I swear Twilight I've tickled people before but you have the most ticklish tootsies out of all the people I've tickled!" Rarity teased her. Twilight shook her head as tears had dampened her face. Rarity dried Twilight's face off with the towel and then she dried Twilight's bare feet.

"No! Stop doing this to me! ! Stop tickling my bare feet! Let me go!" Twilight begged. Rarity shook her head in frustration as Twilight still didn't understand that she was not going to stop.

"You just don't get it Twilight. Your tootsies aren't going anywhere. You can stay there and get tickled out of your mind by me now. Get used to it!" Rarity told her. Twilight shook her head in protest as she struggled to get out.

Rarity motioned Spike to come over. Rarity told him what she wanted from her bag and he left to go get what she wanted. Spike looked through Rarity's bag and pulled out an electric toothbrush and handed it to Rarity. Twilight just couldn't believe her own assistant was helping Rarity. Twilight started to thrash around as she didn't want the tickling to get worse.

"No! Not that! Anything but that! Please stop doing this to me!" Twilight begged her friend. Rarity smirked and turned it on. Twilight shook her head and she pleaded with Rarity to stop but Rarity just smirked evilly as she tickled Twilights soles with the toothbrush.

Twilight yelped loudly as the toothbrush made contact with her bare soles. Twilight laughed hysterically as Rarity dragged the toothbrush up and down Twilight's soles as she switched back and forth between them so that they both got equal tickling.

Twilight was starting to be reduced to a laughing ridiculous ticklish mess that was tied up to be tickled for Rarity, Twilight let her tears flow freely as she let loose explosive and loud laughter that could possibly be heard a few miles away.

"Not so tough now are you? You don't like that? To bad for you then! Your getting tickled whether you like it or not. Don't expect me to show you any mercy." Rarity remarked as she tickled Twilight's bound soles.

Rarity was empowered by tickling Twilight's soles. She just loved hearing Twilight's explosive helpless laughter overcome her. Rarity knew that Twilight's willpower was breaking down. Rarity was going to tickle and tease Twilight for as long as she wanted.

Twilight's laughter grew in volume. Rarity had never knew that Twilight could laugh that loudly. It was very funny sounding as well as Twilight's laughter made Rarity snicker.

Rarity continued to drag the electric toothbrush against Twilight's bound bare soles so she could make Twilight scream at her for mercy which she won't show Twilight for quite some time. Twilight won't get any mercy no matter how much she screams.

"Awwww! These tootsies are so helpless!" Rarity teased Twilight. Twilight screamed out tormented laughter as her voice was getting tired out from laughing so much her face muscles hurt due to how much she was laughing.

"You bitch!!! Hahahahahahahahahaha! Get away from my feet!" Twilight protested as she laughed. Rarity didn't answer her as she just continued to drag the electric toothbrush against Twilight's tired soles.

Twilight's hair was matted with sweat as she was being tickled to insanity by her friend. It was way to intense for her.

Rarity giggled as she dragged the toothbrush all over Twilight's soles in a pattern. Twilight wanted the torture to stop. But she knew that it wouldn't for a while. Rarity then tickled her for a few more minutes with the toothbrush but then she stopped and turned off the toothbrush and then she set the toothbrush down.

Rarity let Twilight catch her breath again as she stared at Twilight's sweaty bound feet, Twilight just wanted to insult Rarity for all the time Rarity had her tied up, she glared at Rarity through her tears.

"I hate you!" Twilight yelled with venom in her voice, Rarity drew back at how furious Twilight was as Twilight had gotten angry in only under an hour. Rarity smirked as she thought of a response.

"It won't be the first time somebody hated me." Rarity teased.

Rarity picked up two hair brushes and Twilight begged her not to tickle her but Rarity refused to stop and applied the two hair brushes to the bottoms of the bound feet of her friend in front of her and went to town as she scrubbed them up and down Twilight's bare soles like no tomorrow.

Twilight let out the loudest scream yet as Rarity repeatedly scrubbed Twilight's soles as she wasn't going to hold back on giving Twilight a good tickle torture, Twilight whipped her hair side to side as she shook her head while she cried and laughed profusely.

Twilight's laughter reached new heights as she laughed like never before, she had been tickled numerous times by her friends but she has never been tickled like the way Rarity was tickling her right now.

"Dammit! Hahahahahaha! You f-hahahahahahaha! Stop it! Please stop!" Twilight screamed as she kept getting interrupted with her own laughter, she tried to speak again but only laughter came out of her mouth. Twilight begged repeatedly as she was tickled.

Rarity hummed to herself as she tickled the bare soles before her.

Before Twilight had realized it she had peed her pants due to being tickled so much, she didn't have time to acknowledge that though as her soles of her feet were scrubbed mercilessly by those damn awful hair brushes.

Twilight's voice was getting sore again from laughing so much as she was laughing harder than any other time that she had laughed. Twilight tried to protest the tickling but couldn't.

Twilight was getting more and more agitated. She was so pissed off with Rarity it wasn't even funny, she felt violated. Rarity knew that Twilight would grow even angrier as the tickling continued She wondered if Twilight would be screaming at her after she was done.

Rarity kept on scrubbing away at Twilight's tied soles. Twilight had turned into a screaming laughing mess. Rarity decided to give Twilight's feet a few more scrubs with the hair brushes and then set them down.

Twilight tried to catch her breath as she began to squirm and try to get out of the rack. Twilights sweaty bare feet twisted in the restraints as she knew that another torture technique was coming. Rarity dried Twilight's feet and picked up a paint brush and dipped it into some non toxic blue paint. Twilight panicked but she tried to remain in her defensive attitude.

"Don't you even dare! If you put that paint on my feet I swear I'll-Hahhahahahahahah! No stop!" Twilight screamed out in laughter as Rarity applied the brush to Twilight's bare feet as she painted them. Rarity smirked.

Rarity hummed a little tune to herself as she coated Twilight's helpless soles in paint. Twilight thought that this method was the worst method yet. She screamed with hysterics as Rarity added color to her tickle tortured soles.

"Hahahahahahahahaha! Oh no! Whahahahahahahahaha! Whahahahahahahahaha! Why are you doing this to me!? Why hahaha!" Twilight asked as she screamed with laughter.

Twilight laughed loudly as the woman that she knew and was friends with kept on tickling her without stopping as Twilight didn't need a break yet.

"Please stop torturing me! Im begging you! Hahahahahaha! Don't do this no more! This isn't fair! Hahahahaha!" Twilight laughed as she caved into hysterics while her voice grew louder. Rarity shook her head as Twilight didn't understand that she wasn't going to stop. Rarity continued to tickle her friend. Twilight was so tired out and Rarity realized that.

Rarity admired Twilight's feet as they were painted by her, they looked so cute. Twilight's face was completely red now as this was the worst tickling Twilight had ever felt.

Twilight kept on laughing as Rarity tortured her feet. Rarity finally stopped so she could give Twilight a breather. Twilight's face was soaked with sweat as her painted soles were colored with blue paint.

Twilight got in several uninterrupted breaths for a few minutes as Rarity set down the paint brush. Rarity told Spike to get a bucket and scrub brush fill the bucket with soap and mix it with water and he went to grab a bucket and scrub brush. Spike filled the bucket with water and added soap to it and brought them both to Rarity who looked at Twilight.

Rarity gave Twilight a much needed break and then she took the scrub brush and dunked it into the soapy water and started to scrub it furiously against her bound foot.

Rarity focused on getting all of the paint off of Twilight's bare feet, she scrubbed furiously at the first foot, she tried to make it tickle as much as she could. Twilight was screaming and crying with laughter.

Rarity made sure to not miss any paint that remained on Twilight's bare foot , the paint was scrubbed away bit by bit as she put her full wait into the soapy scrub brush.

She then scrubbed Twilights other foot while Twilight laughed hysterically, Rarity just didn't stop as she wanted to finish the tickling decently

Rarity looked over at Twilight who was screaming and laughing her head off. Rarity continued to scrub Twilights other foot, Spike went to get a towel as well and went back to Rarity and handed it to her. Twilight laughed hysterically as she was tickled to exhaustion, she was pretty tired and Rarity could see that she was pretty worn out, she hoped that she didn't go to far and break her friendship with Twilight.

Twilight's laughter grew even quieter and then she just couldn't laugh anymore as she was so exhausted her laughter lowered to the moment where she just shook as she had her eyes shut tight. Rarity noticed this and decided to end it so she slowed the tickling down as she didn't want to stop abruptly. She had a feeling that Twilight had received a good tickling.

Suddenly Rarity stopped tickling Twilight and she dried Twilight's feet off. She also wiped Twilight's face off as well and just waited for Twilight to catch her breath. Rarity gently touched Twilight's face lovingly as Twilight tried to breath. Twilight calmed down and spoke.

"Don't worry Twilight You don't have to be tickled any more and I'm sorry if I took it to far. I just wanted to have some fun." Rarity said.

"It's okay I'm not mad at you Rarity. Don't worry about that. I was just speaking like that because I was just nervous, i don't hate you either. I love you. I just said that I hate you because it was just so torturous. I never meant it though. I didn't hate being tickled either as I actually enjoyed it." Twilight said.

Rarity untied Twilight and put everything away and they walked her to the couch and then she laid down on the couch in exhaustion as she went to sleep. Rarity made sure not to disturb Twilight. Twilight soon got up and rubbed her eyes.

When Rarity saw that she was awake, they both pushed what happened aside and they spoke to eachother about what they were going to do that week. Spike talked to them as well and soon Rarity and Twilight promised they would see eachother tomorrow and Rarity left. Spike spoke to Twilight again.

"Twilight I'm sorry for helping Rarity. I just thought it would be funny to help her." Spike said. Twilight shrugged as she wasn't angry anymore.

"Eh I was never mad at you really and I don't hate you either. I just said that in the heat of the moment and besides it was kind of fun." Twilight began to say.

"Good I was worried you would be but I know that your not like that." Spike said. Spike made it up for her by cooking her dinner and Rarity hung out with Twilight tas they did a few fun things.

Twilight and Rarity relaxed for the rest of the day as she admitted to herself that although it was kind of intense it was also kind of fun.

Comments ( 21 )

And a happy new year to you too, predominantly red bar!

8643742 Yep. It's my first story of 2018

dude, why so much cursing?

8643795 I wanted to add some drama to it. I'm sorry if you didn't like it :/

Um, was the language really necessary? There was far too much of it.

8643805 I wanted to add some drama but if I got to carried away then I'm sorry

Do you want me to help next time again? I've been doing pretty good recently with more serious stories.

8643890 I'll think about it.

maybe if you can just take out some of the extreme bad cursing and make it teen rated.

8643985 I will think about doing that

The Living Cancer has returned

I never really understood the desire to write something as bad as possible. I mean, I understand that you think it's funny, but that's just in the academic sense. I guess I just don't understand WHY you find it funny.

8644903 I don't find it funny. I don't have that desire. I don't like it that I write badly

Finally, another story from my favorite author! I was starting to get worried.

8645133 I'm glad you liked it! :) Don't worry I was going to make more stories I just needed to finish my recent multi chapter story before I could write another one

I wish there was a sort in the search that let you organize by down-to-upvote ratio.

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