• Published 22nd Jul 2012
  • 1,969 Views, 44 Comments

The Twilight Years - Kendrick

The musings of a former Princess.

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A Letter to Begin it All

As I set this quill to the paper I have to wonder if anypony will ever read these words. I am sure that this will get stored somewhere deep in the Canterlot archives, buried in a sea of scrolls. And I know that is the way that it must be. I look around me at this quaint little library snuggled within this tree, at the simple things surrounding me, and I couldn't be happier. Spike is asleep upstairs, and even Owlowiscious is nodding on his perch.

Sometimes a pony must write something down, not for others to read but to exorcise the dark things she can't tell anypony else. Such is the nature of what I write here. No too long ago, a mere blink of the eye really, I ruled over this land from Canterlot. The crown is a heavy burden to bear, but not nearly as heavy as the immortality that goes with it. Words can't describe how hard it is to pass ages watching everypony you know and love blossom, wither, and fade before your eyes. To have the power to raise the sun from the darkness and scatter the stars across the blanket of the night sky, but be powerless before the relentless march of time. One can only bear that for so long before their heart breaks.

Perhaps I should back up a little bit. As everypony knows, Princess Celestia rules over Equestria with, what I hope has been considered a fair hoof. And everypony also knows Celestia is eternal. But few ponies know the truth of the matter, or how the circle of life magically turns. As it stands, only three of us, and a small dragon, know what has happened here in the last year. How Princess Celestia's defeat at the hands of the changeling Queen wasn't due to her empowerment through Shining Armor's love for Cadence, or Celestia's power failing as so many have guessed. No, it was because she was new, and unsteady in her power. You see, Princess Celestia's ties to her little ponies run much deeper than anypony knows.

I was Celestia longer than anypony ever had been before me. I pray that it is longer than anypony ever has to do it again. For, like so many other things nopony knows, Luna wasn't banished to the moon, but fled and went into hiding. It was her time to step up and she was unprepared, unwilling to take the mantle, and she ran. Oh the story is much longer and complicated than that, but that is not what this is about. If I feel the need sometime in the future, I may put that story to paper as well.

You see, there have been dozens of Celestias over the centuries. As well as dozens of Princess Luna. At some point the heartache reaches a point where nopony could bear it any longer. When that time comes a search ensues. A particularly gifted unicorn must be found. Powerful in her magic, studious, earnest, and sincere. A very special pony indeed is needed for this job. Twilight was just such a pony. Her heart ran pure and strong as did her magical talent. I felt it before I had ever laid eyes on her. Such a thing is hard to miss, especially when you are hunting for it as hard as I was. So I took her under my wing (figuratively as well as literally) and taught her everything I could. She was an eager and devoted student. It still brings tears to my eyes thinking about how hard she worked.

When the time came we had developed a plan. She had to master the Elements of Harmony as the last test before ascending and taking my place. Always before, a protege would assume the mantle of Luna first, but our Luna was gone, so I would take the form of Luna. Twilight, and her new-found friends would battle Nightmare Moon. While they would defeat her, Twilight would “die” and Luna would be free. In reality Twilight would disappear so she could take the mantle of Celestia. I would reprise the role of Luna to guide her until she was ready to go it alone. Fortunately my Luna returned.

She was tired of hiding, and heartsick, knowing that she was bound by her immortality until she passed it on to another. So Nightmare Moon was vanquished while we reworked out plan. In the meantime Twilight continued sending me her reports, keeping me apprised of everything happening in Ponyville. The large and the small. Every intimate detail of her life was passed on to me, preparing me to take her role at the end of all of this. At the same time I worked hard to bring Luna up to speed in Canterlot. Normally there are decades to allow the two Princesses time to know each others' lives inside and out, but I admit I was impatient. It had been so long, and I was so tired.

Once everything was ready we had to have an excuse for the changeover, some story to fill the gaps that were sure to develop. I must say Luna's visit to Ponyville was a masterful stroke. The panic surrounding the return of Nightmare Moon, coupled with the prevalence of costumes, was so strong that Twilight's assumption of the role wasn't even noticed. Nopony even seemed to notice the differences in appearance Twilight brought to Luna. Of course Luna and I had already switched places before that. So now after a thousand years of waiting, I am free at last of that crushing burden. The Luna of my time is now Celestia, Twilight has assumed the mantle of Luna and I, I am simply Twilight Sparkle. A plain unicorn living Ponyville, far from my family I might add.

I send my reports to the Princess dutifully. Only little does anyone know they are to help her learn how to actually be Celestia now. At least until a new protege is found. She is eager to hand Celestia's crown to Twilight/Luna. But I have wonderful friends who care for me, and I for them. I will grow old here, and someday die here. But I won't do it alone. And THAT is the magic of friendship.

Princess Cel
-ahem- Twilight Sparkle