• Published 22nd Jul 2012
  • 1,969 Views, 44 Comments

The Twilight Years - Kendrick

The musings of a former Princess.

  • ...

A Lunar Shift

Twilight tried to get some work done while she was waiting for sunset, but it wasn’t proving easy. Too many thoughts raced through her mind as she sat in the library. Several tomes on magic or on memory covered the table in front of her. The parchment she had been taking notes on was covered with a hoof-full of scribbled references that now, mere minutes after writing them, made no sense to her. With a growl of frustration she slammed her head onto the tabletop.

“Ow,” she muttered into the book beneath her. Letting out another sigh she sat like that trying to push all of her other worries out of her mind.

“Hey there, Little Sis. Sleeping in the library now?” asked a familiar voice from behind her.

“Shining Armor!” she squeaked, bolting upright. “What are you doing here?”

“Well, the last time I checked, I work here. What brings you to Canterlot? And without letting your big brother know you were in town too, I might add.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” she sighed, ears drooping. “I’m working on a project for Princess Celestia. I don’t know if I’m going to be able to do it,” she admitted.

“You’ll do fine Twily. Once you set your mind to something you always find a way to make it work.” He paused, reaching out to pat her mane gently, “Is everything OK?”

“Yeah. Everything’s fine. Why?” Fear crept up in her as she imagined him seeing through her deception.

“It’s just that you haven’t seemed as excited about things in your letters these days. And you don’t visit as much anymore. Mom and Dad miss you, too.”

Twilight wilted at his words. This was a big part of why she couldn’t live in Canterlot in the first place. She knew she should go see their parents, but the fear of making a mistake kept her from it.

“I know. Things are just so different now. I don’t always know where I fit in everything anymore.” It felt good to talk honestly about what had been bothering her with somepony, even if he couldn’t know exactly what she was talking about. Shining Armor stepped in and hugged her tightly.

“That’s part of growing up, Sis. You’ll get your hooves under you soon enough, trust me. If there’s anything my Twily is good at, it’s figuring things out!” He gave her a reassuring smile. Looking up she couldn’t help but smile back.

“Thanks, Big Brother.”

“That’s what I’m here for. I better get going, you have fun studying.”

“I will,” she laughed, “Tell Cadance I said hi!”

After Shining Armor left, Twilight felt as though a weight had been lifted from her. She looked at how long she had trained her protégé. The original Twilight had been under her guidance for most of her life, learning and being prepared for what was to come. Even with that preparation the process was proving to be hard; far harder than she had expected it to be. Family ties, and even her sense of place in this world, had been turned upside down by the changes she was going through. That was all clear to her now.

To think somepony could just have some knowledge poured into them magically and be ready to take that step was almost laughable. Looking at the jumble of books in front of her, Twilight smiled for a moment and finally laughed out loud, earning her a stern “Shhhh!” from a passing librarian. Carefully she gathered the books and scrolls together before depositing them in a nearby cart. Her mood suddenly lightened, she decided to take a walk in the garden.

Afternoon shadows stretched before her as she walked the empty paths. As much as she tried to simply enjoy the moment her mind kept drifting back to her evening meeting. She knew that Celestia wouldn’t be pleased at the realization she had made, but there was no way around it. Even if she did find some way to magically give somepony all of the knowledge they would need it wouldn’t be fair to them.

For a time she pondered the implications of Celestia and Luna changing places. She knew it would be a better fit for both of them. But there wasn’t any record in the archives of anything like it having been done before. Of course there hadn’t been any record of someone serving over a thousand years on the Solar Throne before she had come along either. How much of the old ways were still relevant?

“I don’t know if I am ever going to figure all of this out,” she sighed to herself.

“I don’t know what ‘all of this’ is, but I can’t imagine anypony more likely to succeed.”

Twilight jumped at the sound of Luna’s voice. “How is everypony sneaking up on me today?” she exclaimed before regaining her composure. Shaking herself she made a quick bow to the Princess. “That is to say, good evening, Your Highness. I didn’t see you there.” Embarrassment flushed her cheeks slightly as fell in beside her.

“Well, Twilight,” Luna began, halting for just the briefest moment over Twilight’s name, “I would imagine that you are letting yourself get wrapped up in your own thoughts instead of worrying about everypony else these days.”

“I guess you’re right,” Twilight chuckled. “That’s just not something I’m accustomed to doing.”

“Well, if you plan on doing a lot of thinking, get used to being startled all the time,” Luna teased. “Do you have time to walk with me?”

“Of course, Your Highness. I’ve just been waiting until a meeting with Princess Celestia this evening.”

“Ah, yes. I guess I will see you there too. But before we get to that I wanted to ask you about that little project you were looking into for me,” Luna prompted. She tried to hide it, but a hint of eagerness still made its way into her voice.

“I have some good news!” Twilight gushed. “Considering his abilities,” She stopped talking to allow some ponies approaching from the other way to pass. Suddenly more aware of their surroundings she looked around before continuing. Stepping closer to Luna, she pitched her voice low, “You could teach him the spell and he could cast it himself. He would just have to pass the key to release it to you when he casts it.”

“That’s Wonder…ahem, I mean, that is excellent news, Twilight,” Luna came back, starting in a near squeal before she caught herself and shifted to a more dignified tone.

Twilight had to chuckle at Luna’s slip. She was trying so hard to be the proper princess, but it was clear that the exuberant, sometimes silly, filly she had come to know so well was still in there straining to get out. Now she had to broach the more delicate part of the conversation. The more Twilight had thought about the matter, the more she decided that the rest of her friends should be let in on the secret. As wielders of the Elements of Harmony, too much of Equestria’s security was dependant on their relationship for her to continue with the deception. This was just one more thing that there was no precedent for in the archives.

“Luna,” Twilight began nervously, “There’s one more thing.”

“What is it Twilight?” she asked, concern clear in her voice.

“I was hoping that you and Celestia would let me use it as well. I think our friends need to know the truth.”

“You, of everypony, know how risky that would be! And how could that even work? You certainly won’t be able to teach anypony but maybe Rarity how to do the spell.”

Twilight accepted the rebuff calmly, she hadn’t expected anything else. Raising herself up, she looked Luna in the eye.

“I can cast the spell, but it won’t trigger unless I’m touching somepony. As long as they touch me the choice to accept the spell is theirs.”

“Are you sure you’re not getting a bit reckless since you retired?” Luna asked dryly.

Twilight sighed. “I still care for everypony. I’ll never stop caring about Equestria, you have to know that. It’s just that
now, surrounded by ponies that genuinely care for me. Care for you really…” Her head down she couldn’t finish saying what she was thinking out loud.

“They care for you, they always did. But I understand. Love isn’t the same as adoration. It means so much more. Besides, I’m the one who asked you to look into this in the first place. It wouldn’t be fare for me to be too hard on you would it.” Luna looked at the sky and gasped. “Oh no! I’m late. I will see you soon, Twilight Sparkle!” Luna yelled and disappeared in a flash of indigo light.

“Thank you,” Twilight whispered to the air where Luna had been standing moment before.

Slowly she made her way to Celestia’s private sitting room. As she knocked on the door it swung open on its own. Celestia sat inside looking over some scrolls.

“Ah, good, you’re here. Come on inside. Luna should be with us shortly,” Celestia said as she closed her scrolls. “So what was so important that you thought you needed to go to the Elements of Harmony?”

“There was something I needed to check,” Twilight replied.

“But to break into that chamber, Twilight? That would have been a terrible security breach if it had been anypony else. You should have said something. No one would have questioned me allowing the bearer of the Element of Magic into the chamber.” Celestia’s tone blended chastising and concern in a perfect mix Twilight knew very well.

“That’s why I was there. I’m not the Element of Magic. It wouldn’t respond to me,” Twilight moaned.

“What?” Luna cried from the doorway. “When we switched I thought that would go to you as well?”

“And I had hoped as much, but it would appear as though we were wrong.”

Luna disappeared with a loud pop leaving Twilight and Celestia startled at her disappearance. Moments later she reappeared, a sheepish look on her face.

“I can’t open the chamber,” she admitted quietly.

“Since when can you teleport to where you can’t see?” Twilight asked somewhat indignantly.

“Ever since we traded places, I think.”

“Back at the subject at hoof,” Celestia interrupted, “Let’s go look into this. You were right, Twilight, this is a matter of
great urgency.”

The three soon found themselves in the Element’s chamber. As soon as the door was closed Luna strode forward and donned the tiara as Twilight had earlier in the day. Her face tight with concentration, it was clear she was putting forth a great deal of effort.

“It doesn’t work,” she finally sighed, levitating the Element back to the pedestal.

Celestia reached out experimentally with her magic as well and was met with the same block her companions had met. She turned to Twilight and fixed her with a withering stare.

“I have a pretty good idea why it won’t respond to you,” she said acidly

“I know,” Twilight whispered.

Luna looked on in confusion. There was clearly something more at work here than she understood. For several long moments they stood there in ominous silence. Twilight sat heavily on the floor, sorrow clear in her every move.

“What the hay is going on?” Luna finally blurted. An unusually meek Twilight answered without lifting her head.

“I didn’t lose the use of the Elements because my heart broke while fighting my sister,” she admitted hesitantly. “I tried to use them to make her stay when she went to run away. They were lost after that.”

“Until somepony seeking to use them out of love came along,” Celestia concluded.

“So does that mean that they are lost? How will we get them to work again if we need them?” Luna demanded with a hint of panic in her voice.

“Oh, I think that somepony can find a way, but I doubt it will be easy for her,” Celestia answered, gazing at Twilight.

“I think it’s time we told her,” Luna suggested to Twilight.


“Yes, now,” Luna replied. She turned to an expectant Celestia with her head held high, “We have found an oath binding spell by Stonehoof the Wise. Twilight has found a way we can use it without taking away anypony’s free will. We need to let the other Element bearers know what has happened.”

Celestia didn’t respond at first. She walked the length of the chamber and back. As she turned she eyed Twilight for a moment. Her hooves rapping on the stone floor echoed as the other two waited silently for her to say something.

“I’m inclined to say no since I had to carry my secret in silence for a thousand years.” She paused as her companions gasped at her statement, “But, I also agree that this is too important for my personal feelings to hold sway. I will agree to this on two conditions.”

“What are your conditions, Princess?” Twilight asked.

“Foremost, you have to guarantee that there is no way this spell will harm anypony,” Twilight and Luna both nodded their ascent. “Secondly, I wish to return to being Luna.”

“What!” Twilight and Luna shouted in unison.

“Don’t be so surprised. You both know that I am not well suited for this,” she turned to face Luna, “You would be so much better at this than I am.”

Twilight rose and looked at a stunned Luna. “This has to be your decision, my faithful student.” Luna took a deep breath and shook herself.

“Do you think I can do it?” she pleaded.

“If I didn’t I wouldn’t have selected you as my protégé. If Celestia didn’t agree she wouldn’t be offering it to you now. The question is, do you think you can do it?”

“I do,” she answered confidently.

“Then I suggest we take care of that tonight,” Celestia stated, relief clear in her voice. She turned to Twilight and smiled, “I guess all that leaves is to wonder who you will tell first.”

Twilight smiled back and laughed. “Oh I have somepony picked already.”