• Published 22nd Jul 2012
  • 1,969 Views, 44 Comments

The Twilight Years - Kendrick

The musings of a former Princess.

  • ...

A Rare Thing

Twilight followed Rarity into town with her head low. She didn’t mind the company, but despite the light tone of Rarity’s chatter so far, Twilight knew she was going to work her way around to asking what she had been talking to Rainbow Dash about. Considering the touchiness of the subject, and the fact that she was going to have to tell Rarity sooner or later, she didn’t want to lie about it. For better or worse it looked like she would be taking care of talking to Rarity about this today as well. As long as she could take a day or two to get a grip on herself before she had to figure out how to break things to Fluttershy, it should be okay.

Looking up she gave a little start. She had been so lost in her own thoughts that she hadn’t been listening to Rarity and realized her friend had asked her a question. Not only that, but they were already approaching the café. Twilight resolved to do better about letting her mind wander. It was a bad habit she had fallen into lately, which was strange, since she had never had that problem before.

“What?” she finally asked Rarity, unable to piece together what the question had been.

“I said isn’t it just darling?” Rarity repeated.

“Rarity, this is the same café we always eat at.”

“Oh I know, but you must look at it with new eyes. The décor has completely changed and they’ve updated the menu. It’s like a whole new place!” Rarity beamed.

“If you say so,” Twilight replied. Casting a skeptical eye across the diner it looked the same to her at first. As she looked, however, subtle differences sprang to her attention. The tablecloths were brighter and some of the worn decorations had been replaced with more artistic pieces. The change was far from sweeping but it was enough to take the place from a small town hole-in-the-wall feel to a cozy cosmopolitan establishment. Seeing the pride on Rarity’s face, Twilight was sure she had something to do with the redecoration.

As they sat down the owner, a gentle pony whose name Twilight had never caught, brought them menus. Looking over them Twilight saw some perfectly balanced small changes there as well. The old favorites everypony in Ponyville liked were still there, but some dishes she hadn’t seen since leaving Canterlot were also offered. Picking one she hadn’t had in a while she placed her order and continued her reverie while Rarity continued to talk about the show she was preparing for.

Twilight had a realization she had somehow missed before. Since Rarity had pulled off her big jobs for Hoity Toidy and Sapphire Shores, not to mention her reputation boost following the wedding, she had attracted a small following among the urban minded ponies in town. Twilight knew that the café had been struggling for some time, but had never thought about the timing between that and Rarity’s new found zeal for eating here. Since then, it did seem as though the café had a bit more business than it used to. She realized that Rarity, using what status she had managed to gain, was more than likely single hoofedly responsible for keeping the place afloat. It gave her a new respect for her friend.

“So what was so important that you had to chase Rainbow Dash down all the way out there?” Rarity asked suddenly, cutting through Twilights train of thought like a knife.

“Well, um, it’s kinda something I need to talk to you about too,” Twilight mumbled.

“Oh do tell!” Rarity said breathlessly, leaning forward. Her excitement at a new bit of news was clearly visible.

“It’s sort of a big deal though. I don’t know if we should talk here.”

“If you’re that concerned, of course we can talk at the boutique. I’ll just have them wrap our meals to go.”

Twilight sighed as Rarity pranced to the counter and had the changes made, paying while she was there. In moments the packages were sitting before them on the table. It didn’t look like there was any way she was going to avoid doing this today.

The walk to the boutique was mercifully short, keeping them from bumping into anypony else. Twilight tried to think of how to handle it and gave up. She was too emotionally exhausted to worry about it anymore. So far she had managed to avoid disaster and would just have to hope that the trend continued. There wasn’t anything she could do about how anypony took the news, so it wasn’t doing her any good to worry so much.

“But you should really see this new fabric. I still think you should let me update your wardrobe, Twilight. While what you have may be perfectly lovely, you need something with more pop to it. Something that really shines.”

“I’ll think about it,” Twilight answered reflexively. At least this was a conversation she had already had with Rarity a number of times so she wasn’t worried about having missed something. “You know my taste isn’t that flashy.”

“Oh I know, dear, but everypony needs something striking to step out in from time to time.”

The conversation continued as they ate and Rarity tried to convince Twilight to accept a new dress. She had to admit that the material Rarity brought out was stunning, a shimmering blue that turned lavender as it moved. The effect brought back a few old memories for Twilight as she watched the color shift. Deciding it was time, she took a deep breath and forged ahead.

“Rarity, I need to tell you something. It’s an important secret that can’t ever get out.”

“Well you know you can trust me,” Rarity reassured her. While she was putting on a calm face, Twilight could see the gleam in her eye revealing her secret love of gossip.

“I know I can,” Twilight admitted, “But this isn’t just about me so I’m going to have to use a spell to bind you to keep the secret. Is that okay?”

Rarity took on a much more somber air and thought for a moment. Twilight was afraid she would decline, considering the look on her face. Only moments passed, but it was an eternity for Twilight.

“How could I consider myself a true lady if I didn’t do whatever was needed for one of my friends,” she finally declared, much to Twilight’s relief.

By now the binding spell was a simple matter for Twilight to put together. Once she had the weave of the spell in place she said the activation phrase and waited breathlessly as Rarity touched the orb with a dramatic flair. Even though she was practiced at it the strain of casting it so many times in such a short period of time was beginning to tax Twilight’s reserves.

“So, Twilight, what is this great secret?” Rarity asked expectantly.

“I used to be Princess Celestia and traded places with the original Twilight. I’m not the same pony you met two years ago,” Twilight said tiredly. She felt like she should be worried about Rarity’s reaction, but she just didn’t have it in her to worry any more.

“Oh. I’m sorry if I’m interrupting. I can come back later,” Fluttershy’s timid voice sent ice through Twilight’s veins. Her previous thoughts of being too tired to worry anymore were instantly shattered.

“Fluttershy! How long have you been there?” Twilight gasped in horror.

“I’m sorry,” she muttered, wilting in on herself slightly, “I just came to pick up Opal for her grooming. I heard you say something about somepony not being the same pony as before and came back here. I’ll just go and come back later.” She began to sidle towards the door before Rarity interjected.

“Don’t be silly, Fluttershy. Come in and have a seat; I’ll get you some tea,” Rarity cooed as she ushered the timid pegasus to the table and went about making them all fresh cups of tea. “Twilight here was just telling me how with everything we’ve gone through since she’s come to Ponyville that she just isn’t the same pony she used to be. Isn’t that right, Twilight?”

“Yeah, I know I’ve certainly changed a lot,” she answered, grateful for Rarity’s deflection. Rarity set a cup and saucer before her, placing her hoof over Twilight's. Twilight looked up to see a warm look from Rarity.

“Everything is fine,” she whispered before returning to her seat. Twilight wanted to say something but knew she couldn't, not just because of the situation, but the lump in her throat too. She hoped Fluttershy didn't notice her misty eyes.

“I guess I have too,” Fluttershy added, apparently happy with the subject. “I used to be so skittish. I’m glad I’m not like that anymore,” she concluded.

The other two ponies managed straight faces as they nodded.