• Published 17th Mar 2018
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Unexpected Love Life of Dusk Shine: It is not easy with a sister changeling - Yuum

In this new life on Ponyville Dusk shine going discover the friendship,love and animal can be dangerous and with a metamorph sister is life going became unexplected.

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Today Eclipse goes to class with her boyfriend, three friends and two bodyguards changeling.

Arriving in front of the class, they see foals running in the opposite direction.

"What, they run like that?"

"Dinky, what is it? Why, the others run like this? "Scootaloo asks a dinky.

"Rumble perfume smells really bad, Cheerilee had to close the school because of the strong odor." she said before she left.

"A smell that does that, impossible." Sweetie Belle says.

By far the four see the Pegasus Colt walked towards them. Krawler and Scorpion felt a familiar scent coming from the perfume.

"Princess does not sniff that smell!"

"Eh?" but the changeling accidentally sniffs and her eyes change color, they become pink


"Rumble, what is this smell, its smells bad " the guitarist says he's got his nose clogged.

"That, my mother bought it yesterday and she wanted me to put it today."

"I think it was a bad idea. "

"Night star, I agree. "

"I think the opposite smell is charming." Moony loves the smell.

"What!? "The two boys are surprised.

"Rumble, I want to spend more time with you."

"If you want... " it is surprise because this is the first time a girl wants to be with him.

Both leave scoot, AB, sweetie and star behind them. "Can someone explain to me what happened? "

"Looks like your girlfriend prefers to be with him." Sweetie said.

"Butā€¦ Eclipse loves me. "

"It's not that Moony's fault, it's because of the perfume."


"Yes, it's the changeling, the drones that can be influenced by the sectarian smell the Queen, but the one that the Princess has sniffed is that of love. "

(Although I thought that the Princess who is a hybrid could not be influenced by this.)

"And because of that Eclipse Sparkle fell in love with Rumble."

"There is a solution to undo the effect of the odor? "

"Yes, we erase it with a stronger perfumery."

"A stronger perfume? I think Rarity we have a collection that could help us.

"Crusader go with Scorpio for the collection of rarity, me and Krawler we will follow them. "

- OKay.

They separate into two groups. Star and the changeling drone spy on Eclipse and Rumble at the arcade in Ponyville.

"Rumble you're good."

"Thanks... " his playing time is over and he has to insert another room. "Eclipse, I came back with more coins. "

The grey Colt Announces but barely have to make two steps Eclipse already been next to him.

"But... How? "

"Rumble Darling, I don't like being alone." she sticks to Rumble, the boy begins to have a fear.

The guitarist is jealous. "..."

"Night star, don't forget that it's because of the fragrance that wears."

"I know but I don't like it sees my girlfriend with another guy, I hope the Crusader have managed to do a cure. "

The two continue to spy on them behind the Bush. In rarity's shop.

Sweetie Belle mixes her big sister's fragrances to create a unique aroma.

"Sweetie, your sisters will not be angry? "

"Of courseā€¦ rarity is in Canterlot to see a client, for her new creation." the white Unicorn says after mixing the last two flakes of fragments.

"Scorpio it can work? "

"Hum... " it sniffs the aroma. "Yes, let's deliver the Princess. They run outward from the shop to join the others.

On the side of Moony and her new lover. The girl's love became an obsession and the young boy was more and more frightened.

"Hum... Eclipse, I'm going to get two drinks. "he said as a pretext to get away from her but Eclipse appeared next to him.

"Rumble my darling, I'd rather stay close to you."

"... " She's more creepy.

"Crusader, made fast." the guitarist hopes that they are coming. Luckily the three filliches come with a new fragrance.

"Here's the Super perfume!" Apple Bloom says.

Before sprinked the boy, the changeling sniffed the smell and recognized a familiar meaning.

"Oh no! The Crusader does not spray it! "he tries to warn him but too late. The Pegasus boy is already spraying.

"What is this?" he feels differently. The two smells blend together and create a new one.

The purple filly sniffs, her pink eyes become Ruby red.


"Eclipse? "

"Moony? "

She watches Rumble and pushes a threatening Growl on the colt. A green flame surrounds it and Eclipse resumes its original appearance.

"Hisss!!!!!! "She shoots magical rays on the boy, who runs to escape the rays of energy."


"Krawler happened? "

"The two smells had to be merged to form one and that's the one the Queen used to reinforce our combative spirits. "

"And you have no other solution?" Scootaloo asks.

The two drones reflected but not long because the Princess changeling destroys everything in her passage in order to eliminate the young foal.

"First, let's put Rumble in the shelter."

In town citizens run everywhere because of furious Moony that destroys all buildings.

"This is the end!" a pony screams.

"Hurry, run for your life!" the ponies take refuge to the anti Monster shelter.

The citizens run to safety lab except a blue-coloured Unicorn Mare with pink mane observes the mini creature.

(Amaryllis, why is she here? My brother didn't warn me who was coming) Mercury thinks.

The polymorphic pony continues the destruction of Ponyville by launching more green energy beam more power.

"Rumble, where are you?" with a threatening tone. She's looking for him everywhere.

Elsewhere, the Crusader, the two drones and the guitarist put Rumble temporarily in safety in the House of dusk.

In the building the purple Stallion heard explosion noises outside and the cries of terrors of the ponies.

"You can explain to me?"

They're talking at the same time. Apple bloom finally takes the right to speak to describe the events that have happened to Eclipse.

"Pheromones? And so to save it we must at all costs make it sens bad? "

"Yes. " the foals respond.

"Let's go to Applejack's, she must have stinker manure." he said before going out but Dusk Shine saw her outside his door Applejack, Rainbow and Fluttershy.

"Dusk, why does your sister destroy everything?" Dash said.

"She destroyed the barn of the farm!" AJ said.

"She frightened my animals." Flutter said.

"Girls it's not the fault Moony, it's the cause of Rumble's perfume." he repeats to the four mares the words of the Crusader and explains his plan.

"If this boy starts to stink, will your sister be able to become like before?"

"Exact, for this we will need an extremely strong stench that can erase its fragrance."

"You have no other option to make me stink? " Rumble doesn't like the idea of stinking.

The gray boy does not want to smell bad.

"I have an idea... at home, there is a Skunk family that has settled near my house and there are many of them, I am sure that their stench combine will be able to help us. "

Fluttershy shares his idea with them. Will have no other plan, they will carried out the plan of Fluttershy.

"And how do you do it for your sister?"

"Hum... " Dusk thoughtful, he looks at both drones and finds a solution.

Outside, Eclipse continues to destroy it from Ponyville. "Rumble!!! Show yourself! "

The gray boy comes out of the library. The Princess changeling sees it and attacks Rumble.

"Red, Kirin mode!" the energy of his anger disdoubles the power of the Red spirit, it becomes a chimera Dragon pony creature and flamed into purple flame.

I'm dead!) Krawler disguised thinks. He runs to escape the beast of fire.

And the others take advantage to go to the House of the yellow Pegasus in order to heal the problem of the foal. After a long race they arrive at their destination.

The wolves bite the purple Stallion and Fluttershy approaches the Terrier of the Skunk family. "Hello my friends, the Skunk, will you be kind enough to help me? "

The black beasts had white line was too afraid to go out because of Moony who frightened them.

ā€œSo they're going to help us?"

"Uh... not because Eclipse scares them, they avoid going out. "

"But without them how we will do to erase the smell of Rumble? "

"... " Fluttershy do not know.

Back to the villageā€¦

Krawler does his best to occupy the young Shapeshifter so she doesn't discover the plan.

"Must eliminate Rumble! Must eliminate it! "she concentrates her magic in her Horn in order to attack her.

(What to do? If Chrysalis learns that I hurt his daughter, she will kill me but if I stay disguised as Rumble it is the Princess who will kill me!)

He trembles with fear and his disguise disappears "Krawler!? But where went rumble... Wild Fang! "

Eclipse call the Timberwolve spirit. The branch Wolf uses its smell and finds the smell of the boy. "Its smell leads to the House of Fluttershy."

Doubly furious Eclipse flies like a rocket to the home of Fluttershy. The shy girl tries to agreed the Skunk of Asperger rumble.

But they're still too scared of dusk's sister. "I hope Krawler managed to save us more time. "

He thought but a voice is telling the opposite.

Eclipse: must eliminate Rumble! I have to eliminate it!!!!

"She's coming!"

The voice approaches them dangerously. " Rumble!!!! "

A quarter of the Everfree forest is burning. They see a fireball approaching them. And the animals that live there, flee from the flames.

"She's coming!" Scootaloo scream in panic.

"Please stinking family spray the boy, if not she will slaughter him!"

The Skunk are still afraid of Dusk Shine's little sister. They hesitate a little and Eclipse form Nirik is approaching dangerous in their direction.

"Fluttershy tries again to convince them, me and AJ we're going to make diversion." The blue pegasus said.

"Be careful, Eclipse is strong with his karate." Dusk warns them.

"OK. " the two mares will face the Dragon pony ignite.

"Please stinking family, it is really in danger and we are also!! "

The stink beasts understands that the yellow Pegasus is really scared and they don't want to see it hurt. Of which they accept, the Skunk raise their tail and wet the grey foal with a liquid that senses bad.

"Woah! I smell bad! "

On the side of Dashie and AJ, both are doing their best to delay the filly changeling.

"Moony, calm down! You are not in your normal state. "

"Grrrr!!! Frost lowers the temperature! "his earring made appears a spirit of the cold.

"Frost, will you not dare to freeze me?" Dashie hope.

"..." Without hesitation the Wendigo transforms the blue Pegasus into a block of ice.

And Moony knocks the farmer with a karate movement. She loses consciousness and Eclipse continues her journey.

"She's coming!" Sweetie Belle sees her.

Without trying to stop it, they leave Eclipse Advanced to Rumble and Eclipse charge its magic in its horn but it sniffs a new odor.

"buerk! What's that smell? And why are we in Everfree? "she wonders.

Night star explains it all that happened. After it is adventure, dusk understood the effect of pheromones on her sister, she will apologize to all the ponies she hurt.

Sweetie and his friends try to hide the perfume of rarity but his big sister came back. "Rarity you're not supposed to come back in three days?"

"Normally Yes but I ended rather and my client offered me a new perfume that was put on sale today: furious red Wasp. "

She is springy with the new product.

"Furious with the Red Wasp? Oh no... "

Eclipse has sniff and goes back to furious mode. "Red, Kirin! "

Rarity: Eclipse why your eyes are red and you charge your magic?

Eclipse: Ahhhh!!!

Energy rays make holes in rarity's shop. Dusk and the others try to calm the young changeling...

Elsewhere Mercure was looking for an object in her home. "Where could I put these objects?"

She finds four yellow scarabs and places them on the kitchen table. The objects will illuminate to create a bright green screen.

Chrysalis appears on the screen. "Greeting Majesty."

[Mercury, how many times have I told you not to be formal with me? I'm your sister-in-law, and you can talk to me normally.]

"Sorry habit..."

[OK tell me what is the reason for your call?]

"It's about my little brother, he's still petrifying?"

[HĆ©la Yes, but I will soon find the solution to release it.]

"OK and your daughter, you found her?"

[Yes, amaryllis is well, she was raised by a Unicorn family.]

"Amaryllis mastery of transformation spells? And what does her disguise look like?ā€

[A purple-coloured Unicorn filly and Mane is mauve. And why all his questions?]

"Just in case I cross my niece... "

[Okay, if you see her saying that her mother loves her.] She says before she hangs up.

Thanks to his information Mercury now knew that her niece lived in Ponyville now she has to find a way to talk with her.

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