• Published 17th Mar 2018
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Unexpected Love Life of Dusk Shine: It is not easy with a sister changeling - Yuum

In this new life on Ponyville Dusk shine going discover the friendship,love and animal can be dangerous and with a metamorph sister is life going became unexplected.

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Invasion Of Snatcher Pony Part 2


Dusk and his friends were urgently called to Canterlot to resolve a problem. When they came back and they act strange.

Starlight want to know why, spy and find out that they have been replaced by changeling. Queen Arachnera had launched a new invasion.

To stop it, our heroes must enter the hive, end his plan and deliver their friends ...

In the hive, our heroes follow SĂ©bastien because he knows every corner.

“We have to stay together, because the hive, just like us, it also changes appearance” The butler warns them.

"Uh ... SĂ©bastien, Trixie got lost."

"What!? How did she get lost in three seconds? ”

(Three second stack! I was right.) Pandora had bet.

“Should we be looking there?” Starlight asks.

"Don't think so, if the queen considers it harmless and the most important thing is to arrest the queen before it is too late."

They continue on their way. In another corridor, the Azure colored mare tries to find the others.

“How did I get lost? However, I followed their others ”

She remakes the path that leads her further.

“Ok, I'm lost. If my Dusk was there. ” Suddenly she hears a voice.

“Trixie… help…”

"My future husband, where are you?"

“Over here…” The mare followed Dusk's voice to a bedroom.

“Trixie…” Dusk is in the middle of the room, collapsed and weakened. "I die…"

"You die!?"

"… of hunger!" Her eyes shine a green light.

Trixie understands that she was fooled by a changeling and is captured.

On the side of the other group. Eclipse, Starlight and Discord follow SĂ©bastien to the throne room.

"Eclipse, how do you know it was an impostor who took your brother's place?"


Flashback of a few seconds after their return…

"So Twilight Sparkle, did you want to talk to me?"

“Yes, what you did to my big brother and his friends!”

"What are you talking about Twilight Sparkle, I'm your big brother."

“You just made your second mistake.”

“My second mistake?”

“The first: since your return, the white jaguar hasn't even attacked you once and Angel hasn't played a nasty joke. Secondly, Dusk is never wrong on my name and he calls me Moony, it's the nickname that my adoptive family gave me. ”

"You're smart for a filly but that won't stop the invasion!" He goes on the offensive ...

And a great bam is heard outside the palace.

End of flashback…

She explains. The group following SĂ©bastien up to two intersections.

“Now where are we going?”

"Let me think."

While thinking which way is going, Eclipse heard a voice asking for help.

"Did you hear that?"

“Hear what?”

“Someone needed help and it was coming over here!” Without hesitation, she takes the right path.

“Princess Amaryllis, wait! This path leads… ”

The butler and Starlight running after the young changeling but arrived at the half, it is closed to open another.

“Damn, princess! Princess! Starlight we must find her before the queen.! ”


He turns to see that Discord was gone.

"I'm sure he will be able to fend for himself, I hope ... Princess Amaryllis, wait for me!"

They enter the tunnel in front of them.

For his part, Discord was not making too much effort to find them.

“Not under this stone. Why do I have to look for the others too? I would have preferred to be captured than sought by the others. ”

??? : I can make your wish come true.

"Damn ..." He gets caught.

In the beehive prison, Eclipse followed the voice she had heard and arrived at the dungeon where a green unicorn olive mare was imprisoned.

"You are…"

"Don't worry, I'll get you out of there." Two keepers try to prevent the filly from escaping the prisoner.

Moony knocks out the changeling with his karate and collects the key to open the cell.

"Thank you so much."

"You're welcome, now I have to find my way to the throne."

“Are you looking for the queen's room? I can help you, follow me. ”

The mysterious mare leads Eclipse to the main room.

“Eclipse, above you!” Frost says.

The two raise their heads to realize that all their friends were there and locked in a green cocoon on the ceiling.

"Big Brother,! My friends, I will deliver you. ” The filly runs towards them but she was stopped by the sovereign.

A large black female changeling resembling Chrysalis appears.

(She looks like Chrysalis ... That means she is my grandmother.)

“Amaryllis, my dear and united granddaughter. Did you come to help me rule Equestria? ”

"To reign?"

"Yes, all the most powerful ponies are captured, a small group to enter the hive and got caught now no one can stand in my way!"

(Starlight and Sébastien got caught too…)

“I would stop you!” It opposes the plan of Arachnera.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

“I said, I'm going to stop.”

“My granddaughter, how dare to oppose my plan to feed our species? Amaryllis, I must remember you are a changeling and inherited from the throne. ”

“Ponies are not food. They are like us, they have their way of life and we have ours. Grandmother I'm sure speak with Celestia, we can find a way to hear. ”

“You speak like your idiot father, with his ideals that the two people can live together and that ended up influencing my daughter and the hive. ”

“The Ideas of Iron Wasn't Silly!” The mare advances, it changes its appearance to that of Chrysalis.

"Chrissy, if you're here, does that mean you've changed your mind?"

“No mother, I continue to believe in my husband's ideal.”

"Is that you last words?"

The two nodding. Arachnera sigh.

"In this case, I will rule alone but before you will give me all your love!" She says.

The aged changeling tackled the two to the wall and immobilized them to drain them of their vital essence.

The aspiration of their energy makes them suffer. The two feel weak as Ara grows stronger.

"At least living alongside the ponies gives you so much love and that will make me stronger!"

(Moony give your love!) Celeste announces.

"What!? If I give everything, I risk… ”

(Trust me.) She had a plan.

Moony does as Celeste suggests. She will give all the love she had and he had way too much for a single changeling. Chrysalis saw that her mother could not absorb everything, she did the same.

All the love of the two was too overloaded.

"There is too much!"

The excess energy invades the throne room, the royal chair begins to crack and explodes. Releasing all the prisoners and changing the appearance of the impostors except Arachnera.

"Mum?" Chrysalis has become an emerald green mare, with snow white hair.

"Amaryllis?" Eclipse now looked more like a pony than changeling. She had become a daughter version of Dusk with insect wings

“You will pay for this!” She said with a threatening voice but saw that she was below the number.

“Grandma, you can change too.”

“…” Ara sigh. “Amaryllis for me it's already too late for me to be reformed…”

She fled away with wing blows. Chrysalis would have liked her mother to be reformed. The previous queen was stopped and everyone could be found.

Chrysalis looked for her petrified husband to find that the spell had been canceled.

“Chri ... ssy?”

“Iron !!!!” She wept for joy.

"Why is my mother cuddling this stallion?"

"Eclipse Sparkle, the pony you see, this is your biology father." Tia reveals.

Mane 5, Dusk, Iris, Flare, Starlight, Trixie and Luna: Her father !?

"My father?!"

Discord makes a plastic goblet of water appear, drinks and spits it out to make a comic effect.

"His father!?"

"Dad!!!!!" Moony weeps for joy.

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