• Published 17th Mar 2018
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Unexpected Love Life of Dusk Shine: It is not easy with a sister changeling - Yuum

In this new life on Ponyville Dusk shine going discover the friendship,love and animal can be dangerous and with a metamorph sister is life going became unexplected.

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Ember Jealous

“Hi Twilight Sparkle, haven't you seen Spike? ”She asks the young changeling.

“It's Eclipse Sparkle! And he's with Gabby. ” She corrects Ember on her name.

His cheerful expression changes to terrifying anger which frightens the ponies around who run away in fear.

“Who is this Gabby? ”She said with a threatening voice.

"A friend to Spike."

"A friend ... Ok, Twilight Sparkle tell me, where they're going."

“It's Eclipse Sparkle! And they are at the Sugarcube Corner. ”She corrects her again about her name.

“Ok, take me to the Sugarcube Corner.” She orders the purple filly.

No choice, Eclipse brings the strap girl to the town bakery.

There, the two see Spike and Gabby having a funny conversation, they laugh.

Ember cannot hide his jealousy which manifests as an aura and only Eclipse could see.

Angry, she breaks the wall of the bakery with her fist. This frightens two ponies who want to enter but are afraid.

“Ember calm down, you scare the ponies. ”

"Sorry Twilight Sparkle, I kinda lost control."

“It's Eclipse Sparkle! Ember won't you fall in love with Spike, by any chance? ” She said even though she had already guessed.

"What!? Me in love with this little dragon… ”The blue dragon girl blushed.

"I can help you."

"Will you really do this for me, Twilight Sparkle?"

“Of course, first step, let's go see Rarity. And by the way, it's Eclipse Sparkle !! ” Moony wants to help him.

The two go to Rarity's dress shop. At the same time, Spike and Gabby exit the Sugarcube Corner.

At the Rarity store. Eclipse and Ember ask the white mare for a favor.

“Rarity we need a dress.”

"Do you have a date with Night Star, Eclipse?"

“No it's for Ember.” The white unicorn laughs until the dragon girl gives a menacing roar that frightens the seamstress.

"It's for me, do you have a problem?" She shows her fist to Rarity.

"No problem, I put it in." She begins to sew a dress for Ember.

Elsewhere, Spike and Gabby continue to do their business.

“The play was awesome!” The griffin girl to love it.

"Yes. The story, the characters and Ember!?! ”

“Ember? She was not in the spectral. ”

“No, Ember is here!” He points to Ember with his cute new blue Saphir dress.

“Hi Spike.” She blushed. "I was passing by and Twilight Sparkle told me you were there."

Moony voice: It's Eclipse Sparkle !!

“Ember, we have a top ticket for the attraction, would you like to come with us?” Spike asks the dragon girl.

"It will please me."

"Awesome. Three will be funnier. ”

“Yes, three…” She said with a little sarcasm.

The three go to the town's fun fair.

"Where do we start?" The bear mascot approaches them.

(Ember the Ferris wheel.) Eclipse disguised as a mascot whispers.

"The great wheel?" Ember proposes as if it was his idea.

“Yes, the big wheel.” The three go to merry-go-round.

"Welcome to the Wheel of Love. The catwalks have room for two people."

“Two people… like a couple. ”Ember blushed. While she was imagining things.

Lost in thought, the dragon girl did not see that Spike and Gabby were shown in the catwalk.

"Madam your friends are up."


"Can you go with him?" He points the geeky stallion with glasses.

Angry, she grabs the geek has glasses and throws him in the trash can there closer.

“Why, when I talk to a girl, do I end up in a trash can?”

Back to the fun fair. The young purple dragon and the griffin girl descend from the catwalk.

“It was awesome.” Spike amused.

“Yes, Ember you'll have to try.” Gabby says.

“I will be a next time.” She tries to contain her rage.

The three go to the bumper car. Each entering a vehicle.

Spike and Gabby collide with their car. Ember doesn't like to be left behind.

Her anger makes her lose her senses and rushes forward but she finishes her race out of the zone.

“Ember are you okay?” Gabby asks.

“Yes, I'm fine…” She said with a slightly angry voice.

(Eclipse you have to watch her, if she continues to hold her anger it might end badly.) Red tells Eclipse.

"Understood." Moony transforms into a mare that looks like Rarity with the colors flipped over and follows them.

Each of the rides they go. It's always Spike and Gabby who are together. It increased the dragon girl's rage.

And she ends up exploding her anger. Moony's earring resonates with Ember's anger.

“Grrrraaaarr !!!!” It chars everything in its path.

The ponies run away to escape this madwoman. Except Spike, Gabby and Moony.


“Groooarrrr !!!” She attacks the griffin girl.


“Ember.” Eclipse in disguise said in his real voice.

"Eclipse? What are you doing here?" It is surprising to see the young changeling here.

"Hi Spike… I'll explain the case later for now we need to deal with Ember." Moony refers to Ember who has lost control of his emotions.

Half of the fun fair is on fire. And she continues to unleash all her anger on Gabby.

“Eclipse by chance, you won't have a clue how to stop it.”

“The best solution would be for her to confess her emotions but…” she said looking at Spike.

"What, do I have something on my face?"


Moony knocks out the young purple dragon and takes on his appearance so he can talk to Ember.

“Ember listen to me. I'm sorry I ignored you all day. I thought I'd have fun with Gabby… To sum up, I would like to spend a day with you. ”

"Do you really think so?" He nods.

Ember will calm down. After this incident. Gabby got a bit of Ember. The dragon girl decides to be more attentive to her emotions and not to let her jealousy take control ...

The next morning.

Ding! Dong! Ding!

Moony opened the door to reveal that it was Ember who dressed up for her date.

“Hi Twilight Sparkle, is Spike ready?”

“It's Eclipse Sparkle!”

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