• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen May 6th


A random dude writing. Is it any good? Fuck if I know.

Comments ( 80 )

Seems to be a good start, I shall watch your progress.

Interesting story, will watch

subject seems to have the capability to accumulate viral later by converting pre-existing biological material into what is termed as "biomass", further
Research into this story is required. End log#0001

PHEW! good thanks man you let some heavy weight off my shoulders

well, she does eat a lot of cake....

don't say that in front of her she'll send yo ass to the sun!


very true and thank you for a chapter idea

perfect opertunity to work on my tan. :3

ok i read this and i liked the start and the creepy mask salesmen line. i saw it :3

edit: also as it turns out this this is now the second story by you that i'm tracking. prototype and starcraft. two of my fave possible crossovers.

Awesome chapter, you are doing an amazing job, I can't wait to read the next one.:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

I like it

The Monk
"Knowledge is power and power corrupts, so study and be evil." - Reykan

gracias por la historia. lo mejor es que el protagonista realmente actúa como un humano. moral flexible

Is he gonna try to break out SCP stlye with the hole facility desending into anarcy ? I think this would be fun :pinkiecrazy:

Ps dont answer my question I dont want to get spoilered :twilightsheepish:

Looking forward to seeing a corporation being torn apart.

Well, the group ARE effectively terrorists and they WERE using torture.

yeah, i'm liking this.

you have the legions support



You know what on second thought I think I’ll just slip into a nice recovery coma for a couple hours.

Wakes up three months later.

This is going pretty good,keep up the work.

Book is good, more.

Subject has evolved the ability to assimilate the genetics and memories from his victims, to which he is able to shift into their form. More data is required. End log#0002

Very interesting concept. I like the idea of ponies going mad scientist on humans.:pinkiecrazy: I am looking foward to see wha g comes next.

Good start, but the blacklight virus is definitely more overpowered than depicted in the games. If Alex Mercer wanted, he could've literally become a tendril that is underground and uses vibrations to find where people are. He could've literally spread himself across New York, and slowly eaten everyone on the island, gaining biomass rapidly.

Try to keep in mind that when you have blacklight, it is always a good idea to think outside the box. There are several other good stories like this, Oskar Osaker, Monster is as Monster Does, and a few others that escape my mind at the moment.

Remember: Blacklight is whatever it wants to be. There is no monster, no man, in a blacklight virus. There is only hunger, genes, and lots and lots of neurons. The whole body of a blacklight virus is basically a brain, so do with that what you will.

Please continue

Isn't the cover art a Gauna?

I’m not sure why Murphy decided to fuck me in the ass.

When this is the first thing I see when i open a fic, I know I found a good one. Continue on my friend.

dos capítulos y ya tienes 100 likes, claramente lo haces bien.
espero que se divierta con la capacidad de cambiar de cuerpo.:pinkiecrazy:

Intentaré no decepcionar.

Huh, my fellow skull enthusiast got featured. I see about reading this latter.

Its only a matter of time before the Equestrian Royalty (Celestia and Luna) or Twilight discovers the reason why Noah was taking down his tormentors and the corrupt company. This is only the beginning and pandora's box has yet to be TRULY opened... :pinkiecrazy:

Haven't read any of this yet, but i am excited to read it. You got my hopes up man!

The bio reminds me if another story where a human wakes up in a pony laboratory with powers and tries to escape, thats pretty good too but it's sad that i don't remember the name of it.

You need to learn where commas are needed in more complex sentences. Other than that this story is excellent. Keep up the good work!

Now this is something I can enjoy.

Another Prototype story. They will either be crap or turn into a a many story lesbian romance series centered on twilight( you know the one I'm talking about). Do Alex Mercer justice please.

Well now, this has become quite good. I shall continue to wait for your next chapter.
So far everything makes sense and flows well Thumbs Up to you!

One thing I don't get is why authors of prototype insisted on it being called a virus. It perfectly matched concept of sentient nano-swarm (nanite swarm), already existing in genre for decade-two. Viruses don't have any functions on their own, they are informational bombs, they only alter functions of living cells.

You are amazing. I didn’t know the second fit in your comment existed. You have managed to supply me with 400k words to gorge my literary apetite on. You have my thanks.

I think it's due to people comparing nano/nanite-swarms to AI or robotics and don not consider that there could be an organic varient of said occurrence.
I THINK in organics it is called the Grey Goo ....NOPE NEVER MIND
It is called Grey Goo only in terms of machine nanites

What WOULD a organic living varient be called?

When is next chapter coming out I need moar:flutterrage:

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