• Published 10th Jun 2018
  • 3,917 Views, 581 Comments

Bleach: Heart of a Hero - Blackdrag-rose

Sombra was defeated, but his soul survived and traveled to a new world. He joins Ichigo and his friends as they invade Soul Society in an attempt to save another... while trying to remember his long forgotten past and who he really is.

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Interlude: Important Decision

For a time Ichigo thought he was dead, because the suddenness of Byakuya's attack, the two stab wounds that he had suffered in the process, and the fact that Rukia had kicked his hand away from her brother's leg, to make sure he didn't die and tried to live once more, were the last things he remembered before falling into the darkness. Now he seemed to be floating in a black void where his body didn't hurt, making him wonder if he had bled out in the middle of the road, which, in turn, made him wonder if he was going to manifest as a spirit and haunt that area until the next Shinigami came to purify him, or if he was simply dying. The only thing he could actually think about was how cold his body was getting, which might explain why he couldn't feel the pain of his wounds anymore, and yet, despite those thoughts, he somehow felt a flicker of heat that was gracing his body, one that cut through the cold that he was feeling and beckoned him back to the World of the Living, or at least that was what he hoped he was doing. A few seconds later he slowly opened his eyes, to which he found a man with glasses hovering over his body, or, upon an immediate double take, the man was pressing his body against his own, explaining the warmth he felt instantly.

Ichigo, despite how sore his body felt, did the only thing that he deemed appropriate in this situation, he screamed for a moment as he fully awoke, discovering that the man was pressing his face closer to him as he studied him, which only served to freak him out all the more.

"Oh, an instant reaction." the man said, sounding like he was very pleased with what he was seeing, though at the same time it only freaked Ichigo out, as all the other times he had recovered from his wounds he hadn't had something like this happen and really hoped that his mind was playing tricks on him, "Very good."

"Too close!" Ichigo declared, to which he raised his hands and shoved against the man that was inside the bed that was resting against the floor, but at the moment he was more focused on forcing the stranger off of him so he could figure out what was going on.

"Owner!" the strange man said, turning to look at one of the doors that were in front of where Ichigo was resting, only for a look of confusion to appear on Ichigo's face, as he wasn't sure what was going on at the moment and was beginning to wonder if he had slipped into a strange limbo of sorts, "Kurosaki-dono has awakened. Owner!"

"Hey, wait a minute. I've seen you before." Ichigo said, his mind thinking back to the last time he had seen the man, which was very recent when he thought about the Hollow invasion that Uryu caused, as well as the time when Kon ran around in his body and nearly destroyed his reputation with his antics, "You're one of Mr. Hat-and-Clogs' people! Why the hell are you in my bed?! GET OUT!"

It was in that moment that Ichigo moved his feet and rested them against the man's chest, where he used his limited strength to move the man away from him, shifting him into the air for a moment, before he moved himself until the point where he was sitting up, while at the same time the man rolled away from where he was resting. A few seconds later Ichigo staggered for a moment and gripped his left shoulder for a moment, though the pain he felt in his shoulder confirmed that he was, somehow, alive and that he had survived the night, which only made his look of shock stay on his face for a few more seconds. When he got over the fact that he wasn't dead, which he was thankful for, he looked around the room that he was in and found that it wasn't his bedroom, like he originally, thought, which meant that he was somewhere else entirely and needed to figure out what was going on, while also noticing the strange man resting near one of the doors that led into the room that they were in. For a moment he thought about the owner, who was the guy with the straw hat and sandals that he had seen a few times in the past, but as he did that one of the doors opened and he turned towards it.

Sure enough, as if he was summoned by his thoughts, Ichigo found himself staring at the man that he had been thinking about for the last few seconds, though that only made him wonder what was going on and wonder what had happened after his Zanpakuto had been broken.

"Come now, that's not good for you, Kurosaki-san." Kisuke commented, though as he walked into the room that they had put Ichigo in last night, after his near death encounter with those Shinigami, Tessai sat up and bowed his head for a moment, before turning and observing him as he approached the wounded man, "Your wounds still haven't closed yet. If you move too much, you'll die."

"Mr. Hat-and-Clogs... so this is your house." Ichigo said, taking another moment to look around the room that he was in, because now that he knew whose residence they were in he was wondering what secrets it might hold, especially since the two children that were with him had weapons that had to come from somewhere.

"Exactly!" Kisuke replied, to which he moved his right hand for a moment and snapped shut the fan that he used to cover his mouth, while in his left hand he carried his cane, because there might be a time when he needed it and preferred to have it on hand, regardless of the location that he was in.

"You're the one that saved me?" Ichigo inquired, though at the same time he raised his right hand and touched his left shoulder for a few more seconds, as he was curious as to what the man wanted, especially since one of his employees had invaded his personal space a few minutes ago.

"Oh? That's not the reaction that I was expecting." Kisuke said, to which he frowned for a moment, as he was actually expecting gratitude, though he guessed that he was thinking that way because of the times that he and the others helped Sombra, who thanked them every time they came to save him, regardless of the situation, "It almost sounds like you didn't want to be saved."

Ichigo, shocked by his words for a moment, lowered his gaze and stared off into the distance for a few moments, as he was remembering the last bits of the night that he could possibly remember, though when he got to the part where Rukia was leaving with her brother, and the Shinigami called Renji, he recalled something, to which he raised his gaze and stared at the man in front of him.

"Oh yeah, Uryu was laying nearby as well." Ichigo stated, as from what he could recall the Quincy was wounded and left in a small pool of his own blood, but, as soon as he said that, his eyes widened as he remembered that they weren't the only ones there before the two Shinigami left the area, "And what about Sombra? They were also wounded by those Shinigami last night. Are they around here as well?"

"No, Uryu went home after we helped him." Kisuke replied, remembering what the young Quincy had said after he had tended to him, as he had to agree with what he said as he thought about the power that was within Ichigo at the moment, power that he wasn't aware of, "While he did lose a fair amount of blood, his wounds weren't serious. Even if we had left him there, on the sidewalk, he would have survived for another two days until blood loss got to him, but someone would have come along and helped him in the end. I was able to treat most of his wounds on the spot, but when he was able to walk, however, he was worried about both you and Sombra. You know, I did ask him to rest here, until I was sure that all of his injuries had been taken care of, but he said 'if we have any chance to beat them, it's not me. Only they can save Kuchiki-san'."

"Only Sombra and I can defeat them?" Ichigo asked, though that was when he chuckled for a moment, as he couldn't believe what he was hearing, before he looked up at the man that was staring at him, "What can I do? I was being beaten by one Shinigami until I got a lucky break, and then his superior interrupted our fight and wrecked my Zanpakuto in a movement that I couldn't even see. Now Sombra, I can see him beating those guys once he's recovered, though he'll need some training before he reaches that point... despite the fact that he was able to wound the Captain that was there. Besides, there's no way I can go after Rukia, not in my current state."

"You really think there's no way for you to go after her?" Kisuke inquired, as it was time for him to tell the young man what he knew, while at the same time knowing that it would keep his mind off of Sombra for the moment, "You think there's no way for you to go to Soul Society?"

"Wait, you mean there's a way to go there?" Ichigo replied in kind, to which he stood up for a moment, as this was good news, because he knew that the Shinimagi were going to hurt Rukia, if what the crimson haired Shinigami said was true, "What do I do? How do I go there? Tell me, please!"

"Of course, I'll tell you how to get there." Kisuke said, though as he said that he slipped the van he was holding into his coat and raised a finger for a moment, surprising Ichigo for a moment, "But I do have on condition; for ten days, starting from now, study fighting with me, just like Sombra did in the month before meeting you."

"What the hell? You're telling me to train?" Ichigo asked, as he couldn't believe what he was hearing, because with how the Shinigami had acted he knew that Rukia's fate was going to be decided in a matter of hours, "We don't have time to waste on training! We don't know when Rukia will be killed over there!"

"You just don't get it." Kisuke said, where he raised his empty hand and adjusted his hat for a moment, as he was focusing his mind on something else at the moment, before he followed that up with pressing the bottom of his cane against Ichigo's forehead and forced him to the floor, where he knelt in front of his head and kept the cane some inches away from his head, where he stared into Ichigo's terrified eyes, "I'm trying to tell you that the way you are now, you'll die over there. Can you win a fight with them the way you are now? This time around I went ahead and let you fight them. That's because I thought it would be faster than telling you that at your current level of power, you wouldn't be able to do anything in Soul Society. I'm sorry to say this, but you're weak. When a weakling enters enemy territory, they call that 'suicide'. You want to save Kuchiki-san? Then you need to grow up and stop using other people as an excuse to get yourself killed."

Kisuke stared into Ichigo's eyes for a moment, knowing full well that Tessai was observing them, before he got up and walked to the side of the room, as there was one more thing that he needed to explain before he let Ichigo make up his mind on whether or not he wanted to head to Soul Society to save Rukia.

"Soul Society customarily takes a one month grace period before executing death row prisoners." Kisuke continued, though at the same time he glanced at the open door that he had come through for a moment, as this was usually when Yoruichi, in her cat form, would sit by the door and observe what was going on, but he knew what she was doing at the moment, "That should be the same for Kuchiki-san. Starting from now, that gives me ten days to bully you, seven days to open the gate to Soul Society, then you'll have thirteen days from the moment you reach Soul Society. That's more than enough time."

"In those ten days..." Ichigo said, taking a moment to look down at himself, remembering the battles he had been through when the Shinigami had revealed themselves and turned on them, "In those ten days, can I get stronger than I was when I first fought Renji and his Captain?"

"Of course," Kisuke replied, to which he turned around and looked at the opposite side of the room, though at the same time that gave him the ability to glance at Ichigo as he revealed what he was going to say, "if you desire to save Rukia from the bottom of your heart. Besides, they say that the power of love is stronger than steel. You need to leave your doubts and hesitation in the gutter. For ten days, can you survive a life or death situation with me?"

What happened next was sort of what he expected to hear, as Ichigo seemed ready to take the training, though at the same time Kisuke insisted that he head back home and go to school for a day, to relax and unwind, much to his annoyance, but he managed to convince him that it was for him to make preparations for their training session. As Ichigo headed out of the shop a few minutes later, however, Kisuke still thought it was weird that Ichigo had asked about Uryu, but then, when he mentioned Uryu's last words, Ichigo changed the conversation and never got back to Sombra. Just as he thought about it he sighed and Tessai opened the path down to the underground training area, to which he descended into the area that Sombra was resting in, as there was a specific reason Yoruichi hadn't come upstairs yet and he wanted to be sure nothing was wrong. He knew, just from training him, that Sombra was powerful in his own right and would eventually have the skills to tackle some of the strongest Captains that Soul Society had to offer, but, even when he allowed Ichigo to run off and join him, he never anticipated that a Captain would release the Gentei Kaijo that was was placed on them... nor did he realize how much damage it would have done to the Arrancar's body, despite the fact that he was incredibly hard to hurt at times.

It didn't take him long to reach the underground training area and head off towards the hot springs that were off in the distance, though after a few minutes he came to a stop as he reached his destination, where he found the still body of Sombra half submerged in the water... and Yoruichi, in her true form, was resting nearby, without anything on he mentally added after a few seconds. Kisuke sighed as he pulled out a second robe and draped it over Yoruichi, still surprised that she had, upon seeing Sombra's wounded body, jumped off his shoulder, as she had been in her cat form at the time, and transformed into her true form while she was in midair, something she had never done before that time, and flashed out of the area carrying Sombra. He guessed he was right, that there might be something between them, but the Arrancar still didn't know anything about love and had no idea how to repeat the gestures that Yoruichi was going through, which he guessed he'd have to learn at some point in time. As he stood there for a moment, thinking about all of this, he heard the sound of the water stirring and watched as Sombra, as if awoken by his thoughts, finally opened his eyes and stood up with a look of confusion in his eyes... though, at the same time, Kisuke smiled and tossed him a towel, which he used to dry himself and cover his body.

"Wh... What happened?" Sombra asked, as the last thing he remembered was fighting Captain Byakuya, where he seemed to rapidly increase his power in a single instant, before he fell to the ground and watched as Rukia was taken to Soul Society... though, as he spoke, he noticed Yoruichi resting nearby, where she stirred and smiled when she laid eyes on him for a moment.

Kisuke, along with making sure that Sombra was fully dressed in his gray Shinigami attire while Yoruichi changed back into her cat form, explained what had happened the previous night and what he had told Ichigo earlier, though at the same time he knew exactly what the Arrancar was going to say before he finished speaking. While he talked Sombra, who had his usual cup of tea to calm himself down, seemed to be lost in thought at the moment, no doubt thinking about the Shinigami that he had fought and how badly he had been beaten, especially when he got an idea as to how powerful his enemies were. At the same time he seemed to be going over the previous night's events, trying to understand how his opponent had beaten him, before Kisuke noticed that he came to a decision of some kind, one that was likely the answer to the question that he was preparing to ask him. While all this happened Tessai looked over Sombra's body, being sure that it was healed to perfection, like every other time he used the hot springs, and nodded his head several times before finally backing away.

Once he finished explaining the situation to the Arrancar, who was silent for a moment, Kisuke actually wondered if his thoughts had been wrong and that Sombra wouldn't go to Soul Society with Ichigo, but after a few seconds Sombra sighed and a look of determination appeared in his eyes.

"Regardless of what Ichigo decides, I'll go to Soul Society and save Rukia," Sombra said, finally speaking for the first time since he had asked what was going on, while at the same time noticing that Kisuke seemed happy to hear that piece of information, "So, besides Ichigo and myself, is there anyone else coming?"

"Yes, I'll be coming along to act as a guide." Yoruichi spoke up, to which both Kisuke and Sombra turned towards her, because while one of them had been aware that she was going to be coming along the other was a little shocked, but Sombra accepted the information without any complaints, "We were also thinking of seeing if both Orihime and Chad wanted to come along as well, though, if they want to come to Soul Society as well, I'll be taking some time to help them manifest their powers so they won't be killed while we're there."

"Sombra, there are a few things you'll need to do before the way to Soul Society is opened," Kisuke said, causing the Arrancar to look in his direction once more, though this time he was clearly interested in what he needed to do to get his power to a level that would allow him to battle someone that was as powerful as a Captain, "Tessai is going to lend you some of his textbooks on Kido, as it's time to see whether or not you have the power to use a Shinigami skill, even if you're only able to stay in the lower levels. In addition to that I'm going to start fighting both you and Ichigo at the same time, once we manage to help Ichigo get his powers back, thus giving you more experience in fighting an opponent that's like a Shinigami, as they'll be fighting to kill you the moment you arrive at your destination. There's also one thing that you'll be spending the first few days on, as it'll take some time for you to see if I'm right or not... and that's finding the spirit of the Zankaputo that you've been carrying for the last couple of months."

"But I'm an Arrancar," Sombra replied, not understanding what Kisuke was getting at, because, based on what he knew about his type of Hollow species, their true power was sealed away in a Zanpakuto like weapon that likely allowed them to release their true power when they desired, "and my true power resides in my Arrancar blade. Wouldn't that imply that I can't create a Zanpakuto that's like the ones that Renji and Captain Byakuya used against us last night?"

"Truth be told, no one knows for certain," Kisuke stated, as this was something that no one in Soul Society had even attempted in the past, because, for the most part, the Captains of Soul Society killed every other Arrancar that appeared over the last thousand years, which was why they stuck to Hueco Mundo when they were created, "You're the first Arrancar, in all of Soul Society history, that has had access to an Asauchi, the nameless Zanpakuto that you've been carrying since April, so there's no telling whether or not you can develop a Zanpakuto spirit. The only way to know for certain is to perform Jinzen, or Sword Meditation as it's more commonly called, and try to enter your inner world, where you may or may not find the spirit of your Zanpakuto, where you'll have to try and figure out it's name, if there is one there at all. Regardless of whether or not you actually have a Zanpakuto spirit won't affect our training, as I intend to train both you and Ichigo for a couple of days, that way you'll be ready for your venture into Soul Society... though, if you want my personal opinion, your power would be greater if you had access to a Zanpakuto spirit."

Sombra said nothing to that statement, as he wasn't sure about what Kisuke was saying, but at the same time he glanced down at the Zanpakuto he was carrying and wondered if he was telling the truth, that there was the possibility that he, an Arrancar, could become more equal to a Shinigami by possessing a Zanpakuto that was his, with a spirit that would help him grow. When it became clear that Kisuke had nothing more to say on the subject, as he had told him everything that he needed to know for the days he was going to spend training, Sombra excused himself and headed outside, telling Kisuke that he was going to see if Ichigo was alright, since he hadn't seen him since they fought Renji and Byakuya the previous night. He was sure that his friend was fine, physically anyway, and he was also sure that his friend didn't like the thought of having to attend the last day of his semester, which was today if he had the calendar correct in his head, which meant that he would find Ichigo at the high school, and maybe Uryu as well, since he was there last night as well. As he walked outside the shop, however, Yoruichi walked outside as well, since she was planning on talking to both Orihime and Chad later that day, though while neither she or Kisuke had mentioned two specific people Sombra was sure that they were planning on asking Uryu and Sora if they were going to join the group... though he guessed that he was going to have to wait and see what happened.

From that point forward Sombra headed to the high school, finding that it was already early morning and that Ichigo was no doubt already on his way to the building in question, though when he arrived at his destination, despite taking it slow to be sure that he had recovered like Tessai said, he found Ichigo sitting in his chair. Since class was already in session Sombra decided that it wasn't worth him opening a door and freaking the students out, though luck was on his side as he found that one of the doors were open, where he also noticed that Ichigo looked in his direction for a brief second as he entered the room and said nothing as he turned his attention back to his teacher. As Sombra stood at the back of the class he noticed that Uryu was gone, which was unusual for the young Quincy when he remembered that he had been present the entire semester, and that none of the other students seemed to remember Rukia at all, as if she had never been there to begin with and their memories of her had faded. His best guess was that, upon returning to Soul Society, the memory of her had been removed from the minds of those that she had known while she was visiting Karakura Town, save for some very specific people since both he and Ichigo remembered her, and he was willing to bet that Orihime, Chad, and Uryu remembered her as well.

Fortunately it appeared that the day was able to pass with some ease, as the teacher was going over some pieces of information that the class needed to know before the day was over, though when she dismissed the class that afternoon, earlier than when she normally did since it was a little after lunchtime, the students started to gather in small groups and discuss their 'summer' plans. Keigo, on the other hand, decided to try and blindfold Ichigo and told him to hit the watermelon, though while the blindfold successfully went on Ichigo used the provided piece of wood to whack Keigo in the forehead, causing some pain to him in the process. That was followed by him declaring that the entire group that was around him would be having fun at the beach for the next ten days, only for Ichigo to tell him that he had things he needed to do and was passing, Orhime informed him that she didn't much like the ocean, Tatsuki had nationals that she had to attend, a girl that Sombra didn't know the name of declined as well, and even Chad said he wouldn't be able to go this time as well... even Mizuiro, the last person in the group, had plans to go to Hawaii, wherever that was, with his girlfriend and nine of her friends, much to Keigo's dismay.

Once that was over and done with, and everyone left Keigo to his sorrow of not having anyone to hang out with, Ichigo and the others seemed to go their separate ways, though as Sombra followed after Ichigo he could tell that Orihime was following them, which meant that Sora was nearby... and, if he was feeling the reiatsu right, so was Chad, only he was further away since he was an easy person to find if one was looking for him.

"Sombra, what was that last night?" Ichigo asked, surprising Sombra for a moment, as while he knew that the Human could see him he assumed that Ichigo would have been thinking about Rukia and nothing else, but this only told him that sometimes his thoughts on a matter could be wrong.

"What was what?" Sombra inquired in return, to which he caught up with Ichigo and walked beside him, as he was curious as to what his friend was talking about, because so much had happened last night that he as having a hard time trying to figure out which part he was referring to.

"After that Captain guy beat me, you seemed to blow a fuse." Ichigo said, though it was at that point that he stopped and turned towards the Arrancar, who paused in his steps and turned towards him in return, "You said something about him treating us like we didn't matter, while your reiatsu seemed to go wild all of a sudden, and then you managed to cut a light gash into his chest. I'm just worried about you, that's all."

"Oh, that." Sombra replied, as he did know the moment that Ichigo was referring to, though at the same time he didn't have any explanation as to why he suddenly felt a strong dislike towards noble people, a dislike that he hesitated to call an intense hatred, and it seemed to have boosted his powers for a short time, since Byakuya released his full power and struck him down seconds later, "I... I guess the way he was talking, the noble speech pattern that both he and Rukia picked up from their teachings, just struck a nerve and pissed me off. That's the best guess I have at the moment."

"Well, you're not the only one that's upset with the Captain," Ichigo stated, to which he turned towards the sun for a moment and stared at it, while at the same time Sombra noticed that Orihime was approaching them, meaning that this conversation was going to change in a matter of seconds, "I mean, what sort of brother goes out of his way to hunt his sister all the way to the World of the Living, personally captures her with who I'm guessing used to be a childhood friend of hers, and then hauls Rukia, in a manner of speaking, all the way back to Soul Soc..."

"Kurosaki-kun," Orihime said, cutting off Ichigo while he was talking and caused him to turn towards her, as he had no idea that she was even following them at the moment, but the look in her eyes told him that she was concerned about something, hence why she came to him, "Where did Kuchiki-san go? And why did everyone suddenly forget about her? I... I thought that you might know, since you spent a lot of time with her recently."

Ichigo sighed and walked over to the staircase that was nearby, where he and Orihime sat down as he started to explain the situation to her, letting her know that the reason their classmates, and everyone else that came into contact with Rukia, were losing those memories was because she had returned to the place she had originally come from. While this happened Sombra stood nearby and observed the area around them, listening to Ichigo explain what they knew to Orihime, while at the same time glancing up at the top of the stairs and noticed Chad doing a bad attempt to hide himself, especially since he was terrible at controlling his own reiatsu, before spotting a familiar black cat sitting on a sign as she observed the group as well. Sora Inoue, on the other hand, stood near his sister and made sure that she was safe, not that Sombra could blame him after the Hollow that had attacked her and her friends earlier, though when Ichigo finished explaining the situation Orihime revealed that she was able to partly see spiritual things after what happened the night her brother became an Arrancar.

What didn't surprise Sombra was that, when Ichigo revealed that Rukia was going to be killed in Soul Society, that Orihime declared that he must have already made up his mind and that he was going to save her no matter what, which only caused Ichigo to thank her before taking off... though as Orihime watched him head off towards his house, so he could change clothes, Sombra noticed that Chad revealed himself and stood beside Orihime, while Yoruichi smiled down at them for a moment. He was sure that Yoruichi had her own approach to talking with the pair and revealing what she wanted to do with them, to which he nodded his head in her direction, knowing that both Orihime and Chad wouldn't notice the movement since they were preoccupied with Ichigo running down the street, before flashing into the air and following him towards his destination. After reaching the clinic Sombra discovered that Ichigo wasn't heading out that night, as he stayed in his room and pretended that he was busy doing something, though when it was early in the morning, maybe around four if Sombra was right about the time, Ichigo walked outside the house and beckoned to him for a moment, before he flashed into the air and started to make his way to the shop with Ichigo holding onto him.

It didn't take them long to reach the Urahara Shop, where Sombra touched the ground and let Ichigo drop to the ground as well, though as the two of them approached the front door it opened, where Sombra smiled as he found Kisuke standing in front of them with a smile on his face.

"Ichigo Kurosaki, are you ready to start the hardest training session of your life?" Kisuke asked, as he knew, from what he was told earlier, that Sombra was more than willing to continue his training, which was what he expected from the Arrancar, and he was only curious as to what answer Ichigo would give him.

"Of course I am," Ichigo replied, to which he stepped forward and glared at the man for a moment, as he was eager to get his powers back and gain the power he needed to save Rukia from her fate, "I came all the way here so I could learn what I needed to learn, so I can save Rukia from the Shinigami that are going to execute her."

"That's good to hear." Kisuke said, to which he turned around and started to walk back into the shop, while at the same time beckoning for the two of them to follow him, which caused a smile to appear on his face as he heard both Sombra and Ichigo take a step forward, "Now then, let's get started with your training."

Both Sombra and Ichigo nodded their heads as they followed Kisuke into the shop, one of them knowing just how deadly Kisuke's training could actually be while the other was about to discover that the hard way... and yet Sombra knew that, once these ten days of training were up, they would be ready to tackle whatever Soul Society had to offer them and save Rukia from her undeserved fate.

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