• Published 10th Jun 2018
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Bleach: Heart of a Hero - Blackdrag-rose

Sombra was defeated, but his soul survived and traveled to a new world. He joins Ichigo and his friends as they invade Soul Society in an attempt to save another... while trying to remember his long forgotten past and who he really is.

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Equus: Show of Power

Sombra used the hour that he and the others were given to the best of his ability, because while he would have liked to head over to where Yoruichi and the rest of his group were standing he knew that it was in his best interest to remain down here and survey the area. At the same time, while he was making sure he knew where the mountain and the other landmarks were located, he and Rainbow were joined by the other displaced ponies that had gathered on this planet, where he noticed that a few of them were eager to see what sort of power Sunset possessed, while one or two seemed a little worried. He had to guess that such a reaction was warranted, since there was no telling what sort of abilities their foe had as the God of Destruction, especially since her strength was supposedly even stronger than what he had faced when he was battling both Celestia and Luna a few minutes ago. After seeing the power that the Royal Sisters commanded, and being bested by their combined powers before he could force them to use all of their power, he wasn't sure that he believed that Sunset could be even stronger than them, but he guessed that he'd figure out the truth soon enough, since it was only a matter of time until they fought Sunset.

Despite those thoughts he found himself glancing over to the area that Sunset was sitting in, where it appeared that she was meditating before their battle started, and knew that she had to know a lot of their powers before hand, meaning that they were walking into a battle that was going to start out in her favor.

"What are you thinking about?" Rainbow asked, as she had heard stories, from both of the Princesses and sometimes even one of the ponies that called the Crystal Empire home, about Sombra and what he was able to do, though seeing his power firsthand like that had been interesting, because it meant that he was powerful and not to be underestimated in a battle, while also meaning that he could be of assistance in the battle to come.

"I'm studying Sunset Shimmer, to see if I can get a sense for how strong she truly is before the battle starts." Sombra replied, though while that was part of what he was doing he knew that he wasn't going to get any information from it, as it appeared that nothing was emitting from their soon to be foe's body, "Celestia said that Sunset's supposed to be stronger than her and Luna, something I've never actually heard them admit about anyone before, so I'm hoping to figure out some of her powers before she comes at us, especially since I haven't seen her do anything since I first met her."

"She doesn't have that many powers, not like you do," Rainbow said, though at the same time she sat on a white cloud that she had brought with her, where Sombra understood that her innate pegasus powers were helping her do that, since all pegasi were capable of manipulating clouds and the weather, "Honestly, the only thing that any of us should be worried about, in terms of Sunset and her abilities, are her three Aspect forms, since they represent the greatest powers that she was able to acquire during her own adventures."

"I've heard about those forms, but I've actually never seen any of them in action before." a voice said, where Sombra noticed that Rarity and the other displaced ponies were starting to gather near him and Rainbow, though they were all keeping themselves at the ready, since once the hour was up Sunset would get up and come after them.

"The three forms are strong and not to be underestimated," Applejack stated, as she, just like Rainbow, had seen the three forms in actions in the past, and they knew that all of them were strong from what they had seen, but at the same time she knew that they couldn't afford to take Sunset lightly, "The Aspect of the Dragon might be the weakest of the three, but the power that it grants her is incredibly powerful, since she gained all of those powers during her time on the planet Nirn, and it was that power that allowed her to form a grand army to deal with a threat on that planet. Then she has access to the Aspect of Darkness, a representation of her own inner darkness and evil nature, which even has a few shadow based abilities that she can make use of in a battle, but that's not the real problem that we could be facing. Her third Aspect form, the Aspect of Destruction, is the strongest of the trio and is not to be underestimated at all, because with that power she could easily tear the area around her apart and possibly even split the world in half if she wanted, so we must be cautious if she reaches that point."

Sombra had to admit that the Aspect of Darkness sounded like it could have some abilities that were identical to the powers that he possessed when he released Rey, but without actually seeing the Aspect forms in use it was hard to tell what sort of powers they had and how he could plan for them.

"So, Sombra, what's the plan?" Chrysalis asked, because there was one thing that she had figured out before the others had even considered it, that they would be fighting with the King of Darkness, a unicorn that history said was one of the smartest enemies that Celestia and Luna had faced, meaning that they had the advantage.

"Right now, without having seen any of her powers, it's hard to even think up a plan of attack," Sombra admitted, as it was easy for him to make a plan for a battle with the Royal Sisters, because he knew their powers and had fought them before, but right now this was an opponent that he knew nothing about, before he thought of something else and glanced at the people around him, "though there is a way around something like that. Since we've been given an hour to rest and make ourselves ready, why don't all of you quickly give me and idea as to what sort of powers and skills your unlocked during your own adventures, because we might be able to create a plan of attack that will surprise Sunset enough for us to win the upcoming battle."

It was a tactic that he had never really used before, since he always knew what sort of powers his enemies had and what abilities his allies possessed, but this time around he knew nothing about Sunset's skills or the abilities that the other displaced ponies had acquired. If they wanted him to be the leader, as it appeared that Chrysalis' suggestion had been the one they agreed on, because it appeared that Rainbow and Applejack had actually fought Sunset in the past and lost, but if that told Sombra anything it was the fact that their superior numbers might work out this time around. What he found out about his allies was that Gilda and Sonata could control the wind, Aria had the power to manipulate fire, Adagio could use the water around them to their advantage, Derpy and Rainbow had two different levels of control over lightning, Applejack could speak to the earth beneath their hooves and use it against her foes, Lyra had control over Light and Shadow, which Sombra assumed was different from his powers, while Trixie was a master of the arcane. That left Rarity as a user of four types of magic from the planet she had been sent to, those being soul, lightning, fire, and shadows, while Chrysalis didn't have a specific affinity, rather she possessed a powerful magical transformation that made her dangerous when it was in use, a fact that Sombra filed away for later... and Pinkie, well, her powers seemed strange and odd, since it seemed like she had access to six different styles and was waiting for the chance to use them again.

Based on all the information he was able to gain from his allies, his team as it were, Sombra had a good idea of their strengths and weaknesses, something that he was sure Sunset was familiar with, but at the same time it also gave him the chance to create a few plans of attack already, preparing them for the battle ahead. They were going to have to use their full power against Sunset, that much he could tell them right off the back, and so far it seemed like all of them agreed to that idea, even if they were going to warm up for a moment or two when the battle started, to get a sense of Sunset's powers before the actual battle started. His plan was simple, they just had to beat Sunset before she had a chance to reach her full power, something that he was confident that all of them would be able to do if they worked like a team, which just so happened to be part of their exercise, if they chose to believe why they had been brought here. Sombra was sure that no lies had been told, he was just cautious since most of them had no idea what sort of powers their foe had and those that had seen her powers were warning the others of what movements to look out for, since some of Sunset's attacks would be easily recognizable once she started making the movements for them. Any information that he could gain on their foe was good for all of them, as it allowed them to understand why Sunset's attacks were dangerous and why they would either want to avoid them or attempt to use them against their foe, even if he had the feeling that they would be sticking to the techniques that they had gained during their own adventures.

Eventually they came to a stop as the hourglass that was keeping track of how long they had been standing around lost the last grains of sand, to which Celestia waved a hand and banished it back to where she had gotten it from, though as she moved out of the area Sunset stopped her meditating, opened her eyes, and stood up, allowing her to walk over to where the group was standing so they could get the show on the road.

"I take it the thirteen of you have been sharing information with each other, about the various powers you all possess and how you're going to beat me?" Sunset inquired, seeing that some of the group definitely seemed ready for their fight to begin, though at the same time she shifted her stance so she could guard against incoming attacks while also dealing out her own when the time was right, before staring at her opponents, where Rarity nodded her head, answering her question so they could move forward with their battle, "That's good to hear, since teamwork is one of the reasons that this battle is happening in the first place. Now then, come and show me just what you guys have been planning for the last hour and I'll respond appropriately."

The first thing Sombra and the others did was spread out, forming a circle around Sunset, who simply turned her head and looked at all of them, clearly trying to determine which of them would be coming at her first so she could plan her first attack accordingly, even though there were a number of possibilities they could use at the moment. Instead of going at Sunset alone or in groups of two, since it appeared that those had failed in the past, all of them charged at her, coming from different angles and at different times, though the first one to reach her was Rainbow, as Sombra expected considering that it seemed that Rainbow was incredibly eager for battle. In fact she had activated a technique she called 'Thunder God's War Cry', a move that basically enhanced her speed to an incredible level, since it appeared that Rainbow still liked being the fastest around, but it seemed to be working quite well, as she was able to push Sunset backwards, right into the waiting arms of the others that were eager to show Sunset how strong they had gotten. It was Pinkie, Rarity, and Chrysalis that assisted Rainbow, their fists joining the series of attacks that their friend was using against Sunset, who could only parry so many attacks at her current level of power, since a few managed to get through and hit her a little in the process, leaving very small marks behind as they moved into the air.

One thing that Sombra found interesting was the fact that Sunset's dodges almost looked like she wasn't even paying attention to the enemies around her, rather it looked like her body might be moving on it's own, but if that was the case than she couldn't handle the sheer number of enemies and attacks that were coming her way. A moment later Sunset jumped backward and escaped from the group that was attacking her, though as she did that she ran right into Lyra, who attacked her like she was wielding a pair of weapons in both of her hands, forcing her to parry the attacks with her own fists as she her eyes open for the others, since she was sure that someone else was coming towards her. Sure enough she was right, as she had to raise her right arm for a moment so she could catch the punch that Applejack was sending her way, though that was before Applejack forced her arm back and dropped into a series of punches and kicks that targeted a number of spots on Sunset's body, stunning her and keeping her in place for a few moments. When the series of attacks was over Applejack kicked the center of Sunset's chest with both of her hooves, sending her flying through the air for a moment, though before she could even hit the ground Sunset corrected herself and got ready for another attack, only for Pinkie to drop down from above and bring the backside of her right leg down on her shoulder, knocking her out of the air and forcing her to the ground for real.

Despite only seeing it for the first time Sombra knew that Applejack's Harvester's Barrage, the attack she had locked Sunset in for a few moments, was definitely powerful and was glad to have known about it ahead of time, though it seemed that even if Sunset knew their powers or skills it was next to impossible for her to determine when they were going to use them and how they would be used, turning the tide of battle in their favor instantly.

Sunset had just enough time to pick herself out of the crater that had been formed around her, reminding herself that Pinkie's strength came from six Eco powers that were inside her body, which she could access at any time she wanted, and the faint red aura around Pinkie confirmed that the Red aspect was in use, hence why her raw strength had exceeded her own for a moment, before she found herself under attack once more. This time around it was Trixie that had come after her, another odd choice considering that she liked to cast spells and stand back, but the fact that she was half dragon all the time meant that she could tangle with people that used their fists to fight, since the scales on her arms, hands, legs, and feet were incredibly tough. She lashed out at Trixie and frowned for a moment as she punched a hole in what she soon discovered was an illusion, something that her current foe still prided herself on since she was great with illusions, before the real Trixie appeared to her right and knocked her back into the air, sending her right into the waiting arms of Sombra, who took up dodging her attacks and dealt his own in response. Sombra knew that she was strong, that much he had seen so far, but the fact that he was interested in was that Sunset actually couldn't keep up with all of them at the moment, even if most of them were using seventy-five perfect and some were even below that, but this was either her way to study how they worked as a team or her power was far less than what he had been told... and since he never labeled either of the Royal Sisters as liars, as they were always truthful towards him, he had the feeling that Sunset was just bidding her time until she released her power.

As Sombra knocked Sunset away, however, he noticed that Rarity hurled a dark screaming sphere into a small portal near her position, one that sent the sphere directly into Sunset's side and blasted her backwards, though since he didn't recognize the attack he had to assume it was one from the world she had been sent to. Gilda and Derpy were waiting for her after that, though while they seemed to be the weakest of the bunch, based on the power they were generating, they still dodged Sunset's attacks and delivered their own to her, seriously making Sombra wonder if someone had actually lied to him about her strength. Of course, as he thought about that fact, Sunset actually got serious and knocked the two away from her, giving her a chance to regain her footing for a moment as she thought about what had happened, though that was when Chrysalis jumped in and resumed attacking her with Pinkie by her side, but this time around there was a change as Sunset started blocking the attacks more and stopped taking so many of them, even if they didn't hurt her all that much to begin with. Fortunately the two of them had a plan, as they knocked Sunset higher into the air and made sure that she was focused on the foes in front of her, which would have meant that she ignored the existence of Trixie even higher up in the air, who was using a blue pair of dragon wings she had unfurled from her back to get up there... and, when Sunset was in position, she leveled her arms with the god and used a beam of arcane energy to send her flying back towards the ground, showing that they were the ones dominating the fight at the moment.

When the smoke cleared they found a new crater near the old one, where it appeared Sunset was resting inside it for some reason, though at the same time Sombra and the others gathered near it, because he sensed that something was off and it appeared that he wasn't the only one that was worried.

"Even though we were preventing her from doing much, we can't have beaten her already." Chrysalis commented, to which she got some nods from the transformed Equestrians that were standing near her, confirming that they all knew that something was wrong with this situation and that they were keeping their guards up.

"Especially since none of us are using our full power against her," Sombra added, which was strange since Sunset was supposed to be even stronger than this, from what he had heard anyway, though that only told him that something didn't add up and he was trying to figure out what that something was, hopefully before Sunset activated one of those Aspect forms of hers and took control of the fight.

"Wait, do you hear that?" Pinkie asked, as she heard something that sounded like an ancient language or something, but instead of it being a conversation it sounded like chanting that happened to have a beat to it, akin to the war drums and chanting that Trixie heard when she had to deal with the Horde, "It sounds like chanting..."

Sombra honestly wasn't surprised to see that Pinkie was the only one that seemed to notice anything odd about the sound, since he and the others didn't detect anything like that, though it could have been because his focus was on the crater in front of them, where Sunset's power increased to a point that was beyond what they had been fighting so far. A few moments later, when the surge he had felt died down, he and the others stared at the crater as Sunset floated out of it with a faint blue aura around her, though as she came to a stop Sombra also noticed that she had some scales on her arms and her chest, making him wonder what had happened to her.

"It's been a while since I've used this Aspect, so I might be a little rusty," Sunset commented, though at the same time she seemed to be thinking about something that was tied to this form, which Sombra realized had to be the Aspect of the Dragon, but if scales were the only thing that came with this power boost, from what they could see anyway, it made him wonder why it had been included with the other two, "Now then, who wants to go first?"

In the instant following Sunset's question Trixie, who had remained in the air and seemed to have been forgotten about until now, flew down towards the unsuspecting god and readied some arcane energy against her claws, as her plan was to swing her arm and loose an energy claw attack, but before she could reach her target something strange happened, and that was the fact that Sunset moved behind where Trixie was floating.

"I think it's time we ground you for a moment," Sunset said, to which she turned her head and stared at Trixie for a few seconds, leaving Sombra and the others to wonder what she had planned for their companion at the moment, before her aura flared for a moment, "Joor Zah Frul!"

To Sombra and the others it was like Sunset had just spoken the strange words, though they left her mouth in such a way that made him wonder if she had Shouted at Trixie, like she was projecting the words themselves at her target, and not even a moment later Trixie found herself unable to fly straight, forcing her to land as if some vast weight had been eased onto her body, preventing her from doing anything with her wings at the moment.

"What... did you do?" Trixie asked, because even during her time in Azeroth, learning all about the various types of magic that existed in that part of their universe, she had never seen a spell that could instantly knock a dragon out of the sky, especially since she was the new Spell-Weaver.

"The first planet I went to, Nirn, was home to a number of interesting and fascinating races," Sunset explained, though at the same time she could tell that the others weren't all that keen on hearing what she had to say, hence the reason that she was going to be brief and then get back to the fight, "one of them, the Nords, had a number of tales about a legendary warrior called the Dragonborn, who could defeat dragons and take their souls. Truth be told, thanks to a certain centaur that I had to hunt down, I only took one of their souls and allied myself with the rest, even managing the erase the Nords' burning hatred for their former tormentors, but that's a tale for another time, for when we're not trying to have a battle with each other. The dragons of Nirn spoke with Words of Power, either debating with each other or even fighting with Shouts, which is what I just did to you, Trixie, though this was a Shout that was created by the Nords of Skyrim to defeat the dragons that had enslaved them, but it's only real use is for knocking them out of the sky for a limited amount of time, so it's not permanent."

"I have the feeling that there's more to this than what she's telling us." Chrysalis commented, as while this wasn't the first time she had heard about this, since the people that Sunset had been traveling with during her second adventure, Ratchet and Clank she recalled, had told her about this adventure and their meeting with Ysmir, she knew that there had to be more to this than what they had been told.

"Indeed there is, but like I said, we can talk about it some other time." Sunset said, showing that she was listening to those that were below her, before she took a breath and seemed to be readying herself for something else, causing the group to get ready as well, "Yol... Toor Shul!"

What erupted from Sunset's mouth was a torrent of fire, one that was different from all the other types of fire that Sombra had seen before this point in time, to which he and the others got out of the way, even taking Trixie with them, just as the fire touched where they had been standing and littered the area in small dancing flames. Sombra knew that there were more types of powers in the world, since he had learned more from the place he had been sent to and had figured out that all the others had various powers as well, but this was something he wasn't expecting, that words actually had power and that it could command the elements. While the others separated from each other, to put some distance between them and Sunset, Sombra decided to rush her and see if he could force her to either abandon this power or move forward to the next Aspect that she had access to, where he pulled Shokyo from her scabbard and prepared to use her against Sunset, only for the Shout 'Zun Haal Viik' to escape her lips. Not even a moment later Sombra found out something interesting, whatever power Sunset had used on him forced his Zanpakuto from his hand, where it went flying down towards the ground and embedded itself in the ground, where he decided not to pull out Rey, in cause she could use it again, and instead used his fists this time around.

Sunset was game for what he had planned, as she raised her hands and parried the attacks that were coming her way, though at the same time Sombra knew that the others were keeping themselves at the ready and were preparing some attacks that would allow them to topple Sunset's new power, so they could finish the battle quickly. As Sunset parried the incoming attack that was coming her way, however, Sombra noticed that she didn't seem to have anything else to use against him, like she had already used up all of her tricks so far, though at the same time he didn't believe that fact and threw a few punches at her while keeping his guard up, since he was sure she had more Shouts in her. Regardless of whether or not she was going to use any of the other Shouts against them, and turn the tide against them, Sombra made sure that Sunset's attention was on him and no one else, though all that changed when he noticed that a number of his companions were ready to get going. Rainbow and Applejack, being the first ones to react, flashed up to where they were fighting and loosed a beam of blue energy at Sunset, where the majority of the others followed their lead and their beams flew through the air, colliding with where their foe was standing and covered her with smoke for a moment as each of the attacks exploded when they came into contact with her.

Sombra, who had moved backwards when the attacks were heading towards Sunset, watched as the smoke cleared, but when they were able to see their foe again he noticed that her form seemed to be like a wraith, though at the same time it appeared that she had taken no damage from their attacks, before whatever form she was in faded away and returned her to normal.

"Fiem Zii Gron... otherwise known as 'Become Ethereal'," Sunset stated, showing that she definitely had a trick up her sleeve, since it had saved her from taking damage from their attacks, before she stared at Sombra, who seemed to be the only one interested in facing her up in the air, even though Rainbow and Applejack floated down to where he was floating and faced her, "basically it let's me take on a spectral form that makes me invulnerable for a short period of time, while also preventing me from actually attacking you guys in return."

"Now I can see why she was so feared in the first world she was sent to." Applejack commented, showing that she had heard the tales of what Sunset did in Nirn, before the planet was obliterated by someone else, but at the same time she kept her guard up, since there had to be more than this to what Sunset was able to do.

"Actually, I wasn't the one that was feared in Skyrim... that honor belongs to Tirek." Sunset replied, to which Sombra raised an eyebrow for a moment, as this was the first time he had heard anything about the evil centaur, especially since this was the first time Sunset had mentioned his name and Sombra could tell that she didn't like the creature at all, before she focused on them once more, "But let's focus on something else, like the fact that the three of you shouldn't have gotten so close to me, since you don't know all the Shouts I'm capable of using, like this one: Fus... Ro DAH!"

Sombra, Rainbow, and Applejack felt a powerful wind-like burst escape from where Sunset was standing, the force of which knocked the three of them backwards like they were mere dolls, but fortunately that opened up Sunset's defenses, as Pinkie spun around and kicked a number of small dark purple spheres through the air, where they collided with her target's body and stunned her in the process. Lyra and Trixie appeared above her, combining the golden energy wave that had a ebony aura around it, coming from Lyra, with the silvery energy claw attack that Trixie had been preparing, to which the two attacks barreled into Sunset and knocked her down towards the ground. Sombra discovered that while Sunset was indeed powerful, if her first Aspect form was anything to go by, she couldn't keep track of what all thirteen of them were doing at any given moment, meaning that they could get some attacks through her defenses and keep the tide of battle in their favor. That thought was confirmed when Gilda, Derpy, and the Sirens joined forces for their next attack, as they combined their energies into a single powerful beam of energy that slammed into Sunset's back, sending her into the ground as another crater formed around her body, which was when they dropped down to where Sombra was floating and stared at the new area their foe had been knocked into.

While they waited for Sunset to show herself once more, however, Sombra flashed over to where Shokyo happened to be embedded in the ground and freed her, allowing him to return her to her scabbard as he flashed back to where his companions were floating, since he had the feeling that he'd need to awaken his true power at some point.

"It seems like our combined power is pushing her back," Derpy commented, though at the same time she had a hard time believing something like that, since Sunset was supposed to be one of the strongest beings in their universe, but she had the feeling that it was because of Sombra, Rainbow, and Applejack that they were winning this fight, "but remember to keep up your guards... she still has two more Aspect forms that we haven't seen yet and there's no telling when she'll decide to bring them, and more of her power, out for us to face."

Sombra opened his mouth to say something when a mass of shadows burst out of the crater that Sunset was currently resting in, though it took him a second to determine that it was actually a mass of darkness that was identical to what he was able to do, meaning that something must have happened to give her control over this power. A few moments later Sunset emerged from the crater that she had been thrown into, though as she did that Sombra noticed that the scales had disappeared from her skin, only to be replaced by the fact that her coloration had darkened to a dull gray coloration that was nearly identical to his own coloration. As she floated out of the crater he also watched as the Dark Magic mist emerged from her eyes, complete with her actual eyes taking on the scarlet red coloration with the eerie green sclera that completed the look, but that was also followed by Sunset's hair turning into a mass of darkness that moved with the wind. For the most part it seemed like most of them were surprised by her sudden transformation, meaning that they hadn't seen this form before, but at the same time Sombra readied himself for what was to come, since this would be the first time he had fought someone that had command over Dark Magic, even if he was the master of this type.

Not even a moment later a large black crystal surged towards where they were standing, diagonally from where their foe was standing, causing the group to spread apart a little to avoid being hit by it's spiked tip, though as Sombra came to the conclusion that, yes, this was the same power that he had access to he noticed that Sunset standing on the edge of the crystal and that she was ready for battle. As Rainbow charged at her, intending to knock her off the crystal and send her back towards the ground, Sunset turned around and parried the punch that was headed her way, though this time around the force of her own attack knocked her opponent backwards, showing Sombra that she had to be using around seventy-five percent of her power. While she was doing that, and the others were keeping her distracted, Sombra pulled Rey out and released his Resurreccion, allowing him to take on his darkened king armor and his powers over Dark Magic, as well as take on the form that many associated with the King of Darkness, before he held his hand out and his scythe materialized in his hand, which was followed by him charging at Sunset and swinging his weapon at her.

In the following moment Sombra noticed something interesting, as Sunset turned towards him and raised her left hand for a moment, using her own control over the darkness to parry his attack with her bare hand, where he found that he couldn't even cut her a little with the edge of his scythe, but that didn't stop him from attacking her. Sunset, after knocking his attack backwards, held her hand out and tried to knock him backwards with the force of her power, but since Sombra was more experience in the art of using Dark Magic he didn't go flying at all, rather he stood his ground and prevented Sunset's power from sending him anywhere. While he was doing that the Sirens attempted to strike her while she was distracted by fighting him, but that was when the shadows around them vibrated and formed three shadow Sunsets that stood in front of the three Sirens, each one blocking their attacks like they were the real Sunset, before they were knocked backwards and were forced to separate from each other. Before anyone could do anything more shadowy clones of Sunset walked out of the shadows and made sure that there was one for everyone around her, though Sombra knew that this technique was called 'Shadow Replication', one that allowed the user to create clones of themselves, so they could deal with multiple enemies at the same time. The only reason Sombra had never used this form was because his Resurreccion was more than enough for him, as he didn't feel the need to send out two or three clones of himself, since part of this technique meant that each clone had the same level of power as their master did when the technique was first activated.

The downfall of this attack was that if the user was taken out the clones would fall apart, something that was easier said then done when one took the user's power into consideration, though the greatest weakness of this technique was the fact that it failed in the face of a master of Dark Magic... as not a few moments after the power was activated Sombra waved his hands and the clones broke apart, turning into mere shadows again before disappearing completely.

"Remember, I am the King of Darkness," Sombra stated, though at the same time the others found that their foes had fallen apart and were getting close to where Sunset was floating, where he focused on their foe and kept his eyes open for any tricks she might attempt to use against him, with the shadows anyway, "You might be using the same power that took me some time to master, but it is because of that mastery that I can break apart certain techniques you're clearly thinking about using and even turn them against you, so don't think that using this Aspect against us means that victory will be yours or that you can take us down that easily."

"I'll keep that in mind while I'm in my Aspect of Darkness form," Sunset replied, as she honestly hadn't been expecting Sombra to do that, since it wasn't one of the recorded powers that Celestia and Luna had told her about, but then again it made sense, considering that Sombra had been the only one that had access to Dark Magic a thousand years ago, to which she readied herself for everyone to come at her.

Sombra charged through the air and went on the offensive with his scythe, allowing the shadows to aid him as he lashed out at Sunset, who used her own shadows to counter what was coming at her, but even as that happened Sombra knew that the others would come when her guard was open. The air shuddered a little as their powers collided with each other, showing him that Sunset, despite not being a master of Dark Magic like he was, could hold her own while battling the darkness that he commanded, and she was able to guard against his scythe quite well, which was interesting to see since none of his other opponents had been able to do this. What surprised him was that Rarity came up and joined him, where she lashed out at their foe with her fists, though while that happened Sombra felt a familiar darkness around her as well, but for now he was going to focus on Sunset and not get into a discussion with someone else, where he lashed out with the scythe and cut down some of the shadows that were coming at them. That, in turn, allowed Rarity to channel her power into her own attacks and knocked their foe backwards, where Sombra continued with the attack and swung his right arm at her, using the tip of the scythe to gather the shadows in the area around them and sent a wave of darkness at Sunset, who raised her hands and stalled the attack as it came towards her.

Fortunately that kept her busy for a few moments, giving the others time to get themselves into position before they fired beams of energy through the air, colliding with Sunset from every side and caused the wave of energy Sombra had sent at her to explode with the rest of the attacks, where not even a few moments later he saw her fall from the sky and collide with the ground below them.

"Ah yeah! She can't handle our power!" Rainbow said, because when she and Applejack had fought her in the past they had lost, as she was able to focus on the two of them to a level that was beyond what they were expecting, but now Sunset was failing in face of what they were bringing to bare.

"True, but we can't be overconfident in our abilities," Applejack relied, though at the same time she and the others dropped down to where Sombra was standing, but they were all staring at the crater that Sunset had fallen into, because all of them knew that there was one more thing for them to defeat before the battle was over, "remember, she still has the Aspect of Destruction, the strongest one in her arsenal, so we have to be prepared to go all out when she calls that form into our battle."

"Indeed, we should be cautious." Sombra agreed, because right now he suspected that they were being lead to a point where they would be overconfident, as there had to be a reason behind why they were tearing Sunset apart like this and he had no idea what that reason could be, which was why he stood at the ready and the others followed suit, "Something about this situation seems wrong, like we're walking into a trap, so keep your guards up and we'll see what happened to Sunset after our last combined attack."

Just as he said that the area around Sunset detonated, like something had exploded, though as they watched what was going on a pillar of sinister cyan energy erupted from where their foe had been laying, but when Sombra looked at Rainbow and Applejack's faces he knew what was happening. This is what they had been waiting for, the awakening of the final Aspect, the Aspect of Destruction, meaning that Sunset was bringing her full power to bare against them, which was when he and the others separated from each other and did what their foe was doing, they activated their full power as well. It didn't take Sombra long to awaken the power of the Dios Hueco again, allowing him to step into battle in his silver king armor, though as he did that he noticed that Gilda had some wind dancing around her arms and legs, which Derpy was mimicking with the lightning that she commanded, though Rarity, on the other hand, had the Dark Magic mist coming from her eyes at the moment, but he decided that he'd focus on that later. Trixie didn't have much change about her body, rather all that happened was that she had a blue version of the Dark Magic mist coming out of her eyes, while Lyra grew two demonic wings from her back, one golden and one shrouded in shadows, all while allowing her to pull two bladed weapons out of her horns, her Netherlight Warglaives, that she'd use in the battle to come.

Pinkie was still wearing the armor that she had been wearing the entire time, where one half of it was light blue colored and the other half was dark purple colored, but over it she wore a gray robe that was open so people could still see her armor, and she carried an ebony staff that was likely made of metal, though she also had six different colored spheres floating in the air behind her, confirming that this was her powered up state, the Sage of Six Ecos form that she had told him about earlier. Adagio, Sonata, and Aria were next, as they generated brilliant blue colored pillars for a moment, though when they emerged Sombra discovered that their tails had been transformed into fish-like tails, or more like a representation of their old Siren forms, which came complete with them growing transparent wings from their backs, which looked like the fins of a fish, and their sclera were blue colored now, with strands of blue energy coming from their eyes. Chrysalis, interesting enough, had a drastic change as the coloration of her skin turned nearly bone white, like the masks of the Hollows and Arrancar that Sombra was ruling over, while both her hair and her tail took on a crimson red color, but her eyes had an interesting change as well, as her sclera had turned black and her irises had taken on a golden yellow color, making her look more intimidating than before.

Sombra was caught off guard for a moment as both Rainbow and Applejack were consumed by two spheres of energy, where Applejack was surrounded by a light green colored sphere that almost felt like the type of energy that was currently coming from Twilight, while Rainbow was covered by a sinister purple colored sphere. It wasn't long before the two of them emerged from their transformations, though what he found was that Applejack was now wearing the attire of a Kaioshin, mimicking exactly what Twilight was wearing right now, and she even had an aura that made him think he was standing next to a god that had been hiding her true power from them. Rainbow, on the other hand, emerged wearing a set of Egyptian attire that matched what Sunset was wearing, the attire of a God of Destruction, and came complete with an aura that made her feel like a god as well, further confirming that she and Applejack were dangerous individuals and were good allies to have in a fight. Originally he had been thinking that their Avatar forms were just a transformation that boosted their power and made them better fighters, but now he knew better and understood that they were gods in training, like replacements for Sunset and Twilight, though that only made him wonder why there were two beings capable of using the potent destruction energy, when there should only be one, according to what he had been told.

Before he could properly question anything that he was seeing the pillar of sinister cyan energy surged into the sky above their heads, instantly darkening the entire area that they were in, making it look like they were going to be fighting in the middle of a storm or something, but Sombra suspected that this was the least of their concerns, as not even a second later the pillar started to unravel before his eyes. Floating in the middle of the air, perfectly between the ground and the sky, was none other that Sunset, though this time around her skin had taken on a crimson coloration, one that made her look more dangerous than before, and while she still possessed her cyan colored eyes her sclera had turned black, adding to the new look that she was going for. The only thing that was different about this form was the pair of demonic wings that grew out of her back, though they were mostly black colored with the leathery parts between each set of bones was red colored, something that completed the dangerous look that Sunset had been going for, and this time around Sombra could truly feel the sheer power that she commanded.

"Here it is, the height of my power... the Aspect of Destruction." Sunset said, though at the same time she looked down at the assembled group of foes, as this would be the first, and possibly only, time she would ever have the chance to see how well she could fight enemies while using all of her power, before she shifted her stance a little, "Now then, it's time we brought an end to this fight."

As Sombra and the others started to react Rainbow burst into the air and charged at Sunset, their fists connecting not even a moment later, causing the air to vibrate as two beings that wielded the power of destruction fought each other, all while everyone else followed after Rainbow and prepared themselves. What was interesting was when one of them joined the fight, as when Rarity joined, and split Sunset's attention between her and Rainbow, Sombra watched as Rarity's body seemed to move on it's own a few times, dodging attacks that would have hit her and dealing low powered punches of her own, but he recognized the technique instantly. The ability to use Dark Magic often came with great benefits for the one that was using it, as he knew thanks to all the skills he had acquired due to his training, though the ability to dodge attacks without actually thinking about it, like Rarity was doing, was one of the more rare abilities, one that he hadn't gained during his own training, but he guessed that his acquisition of the other skills he had made the need for such a power redundant, hence why he never got it in the first place. Still, it was a good power for them to have on their side, as it prevented Rarity from taking any damage while she and Rainbow attacked Sunset, though before long both he and Applejack joined the fun and really put the pressure on their foe, since it seemed like she was having trouble dealing with all four of them at the moment.

Of course what he wasn't expecting was for Sunset to actually get a hit, as she struck Rarity in the chest, somehow getting around the defensive aspect of Dark Magic, and knocked her out of the air with an incredibly powerful punch, to which Sombra made sure that the shadows grabbed her and safely deposited her on the ground. Fortunately the rest of the group charged up into the air and forced their foe to divide her attention between twelve opponents, each of them lashing out at her from a different direction, making her choose which attacks she could afford to take and which one she needed to block before the others reached her. Even teleporting out of the area wasn't the best move, as he and the others zeroed in on where she was flying and continued their battle like nothing had happened, all while the air shook and the ground seemed to break when they got near it, just showing that the sheer power they were fighting was enough to break the world around them. This was what he was expecting the entire time, that Sunset's power would have such an effect on the area that they would be fighting in, and the fact that it was only showing up now meant that she must have been holding back, no doubt to test their skills without decimating them in battle, but that didn't stop them from lashed out at her with the elements that they had access to, prompting her to respond in kind to defend herself. It was rather interesting to watch as Sunset called fire into existence and had it take the shape of four serpent dragons, all of which were made of fire, where Aria actually seized control over one of them and used against one of the remaining three, leaving Adagio to pull some moisture out of the air and form her own ice dragon, one that froze the flaming dragon she targeted, though while Sonata couldn't use the wind, without empowering the remaining dragon, Rainbow was more than happy to punch it in the side of the head and destroy it, while Aria detonated hers as well.

Despite all that happening there was the other power that Sunset possessed, the power of Destruction, because when Chrysalis sought to hit her in the back with an attack Sunset merely held her hand out towards it and it disappeared from existence, like it had never existed in the first place, leaving them to use punches and whatever else they could get away with as she started knocking them to the ground. It didn't take much for Sunset to actually knock them out of the air, since all she had to do was gather her power and thrust the air into their chests, almost like she was using that Shout from earlier, but even as they fell Sombra wasn't about to let her have the last laugh, not when he reached out with the shadows and wrapped a chain around his target. Sunset barely had time to understand what he was doing before he yanked her out of the air as well, so when he and the others hit the ground, and landed on their feet, he made sure that she joined them and crashed on the ground between them, but even then it didn't appear that knocking her out of the air was going to help them win this battle. As such he came up with a desperate idea, one that would combine the abilities and powers of all the other displaced ponies into a single series of attacks, and he had given them the idea shortly before the battle started, in case they reached this point, but now that they had come to this moment it was time to see if they could even do anything to Sunset while she was in this state.

As everyone split up, and put some distance between them and Sunset, Sombra charged at their foe with the shadows chasing after him, because he was going to have a single shot at this and hoped that he could get away with what he had planned, which was why he threw a fist at Sunset when he got close, only to be punched in the gut in return. The reality of the situation was that he had wanted her to do just that, since his horn had glowed for a moment just before he reached her, allowing him to swap with his shadows and appear behind her, covering her in a shadowy mass that morphed into a number of crystals that grew out of her arms and legs, stripping her of her power for a few moments, giving him the change to lightly touch her shoulder for a second.

"Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!" Sombra recited, deciding that now was the time that he and the others showed Sunset just how strong they were when they worked like a team, the entire reason behind this battle in the first place, and he focused his reiatsu on what he was preparing to do, since it would let the others know the time had come to put his plan into action, "Bakudo Number 61: Rikujokoro."

Not even a few seconds after he recited the chant for the spell six beams of light surged through the air and struck Sunset in the chest, forcing her to stand where she had been standing for the last few moments, though once that had happened he jumped backwards and got out of the way, since he had something else he needed to do before they got underway, even if it forced Sunset to hold still.

"I should have known that you'd use your crystals against me at some point," Sunset commented, though at the same time she sighed, as this was the first time that she had been powerless to do anything except struggle, and the beams of light that were forcing her to stand still prevented her from doing even that, "so I guess that means that I'll just have to sit here and wait for you to release me... or I could just try to break out of this and continue the fight anyway."

"That Bakudo is only the first step in what we have planned for this battle," Sombra replied, though as he said that he extended his hand towards Sunset, while at the same time his reiatsu flared once more, as this was going to be identical to the combo he used against Aizen, with some alterations to the plan, "Bakudo Number 63: Sajo Sabaku."

The moment after he said that a mass of yellow energy sparked into existence behind his back, where it raced forward and formed a think golden yellow colored rope that circled the area that Sunset was standing in, though when Sombra closed his hand into a fist the rope wrapped around his foe's chest and bound her arms to her sides, while at the same time including her wings, preventing her from doing anything for some time. Before he could move onto the next Kido spell that he needed to use, before the others attacked, a number of elemental chains, made of fire, water, earth, wind, light, darkness, and the powers that Pinkie and Trixie commanded, burst out of the ground and added themselves to what he was doing, showing him that the others wanted to make sure that Sunset was unable to move against them.

"Bakudo Number 79:" Sombra continued, taking note of the fact that Sunset was surprised by what they had been able to plan in such a short amount of time, before he brought his right hand back towards him and had the palm face the imprisoned god, indicating that he was switching to another spell that he had learned, "Kuyo Shibari."

In the following moment nine black colored holes appeared in the sky in front of Sunset's body, eight of them forming a perfect circle around her stunned body while the ninth one rested directly above her chest, allowing him to add another layer of immobilization to what they were doing, because for this to work as he had planned they needed Sunset to remain in a single spot, and he was sure that she wouldn't be moving for some time, hence why he jumped backwards as the ninth hole made it's appearance. Not a few moments later Applejack flashed into the area and rapidly carved four symbols into the ground near Sunset, though as she jumped away from the area Sombra watched as something happened in the four directions that the symbols had been carved in, as the symbols lifted into the air a few seconds later and surged off into the directions. A moment later four serpent dragons, each one far larger and more menacing than the ones that Sunset and Adagio had used earlier, formed before their very eyes, where one formed from the earth around them, the second from the flames that ignited where the symbol rested, a third from the wind itself, and the fourth forming from the moisture in the air. These were the Primordial Dragons, powerful manifestations of the elements that both gave life to a planet and took that same life away, which was Applejack's strongest attack in her arsenal, one that was capable of doing massive damage to whoever she was fighting. While that happened the storm above their heads finally opened, though as that happened Rainbow appeared in the air above them and grinned as she held her hand towards the sky, which was when energy surged up towards a central point of the sky, like lightning dancing at her command... though that was before something roared and a fifth serpent dragon, the same size as the other ones and made out of lightning, burst out of the storm and stared down at Sunset.

Sombra knew that it was the second ultimate attack that Rainbow had created, the Wrath of the Thunder God, which was just as powerful as the dragons that Applejack commanded, but at the same time he noticed that she had a clone standing off to the side, apparently gathering power for the first attack she had made, showing that she was readying herself for the end of the battle.

The air vibrated as the rest of the displaced ponies pulled their power together for what was their ultimate attack, so that all of them could contribute to defeating Sunset, though while some, such as Gilda and Derpy, could only channel their power into a single beam, others had attacks that really interested him. For instance Rarity summoned twelve orbs into existence around her, though since she had command of four elements from the world she was sent to she had four sets of three, allowing her to combine each set into what she called a Nova category attack, before fusing all four of them into the powerful sphere that she called her Forbidden Reorigination. Lyra was in the middle of creating what she called a Netherlight Blast, by fusing the two elements that she had access to into a single attack, while Trixie also formed a sphere attack that was called an Arcane Bomb, meaning pure power in the shape of a sphere. Pinkie held her staff towards Sunset, where the six spheres around her seemed to be glowing as their energies pooled together at the tip of her staff, indicating that her attack was more of the beam variety, hence the reason it was called Prism Beam, while the Sirens were in the middle of pooling their power into a single beam attack from the three of them, showing that they worked better as a team, especially when they didn't fight each other. Chrysalis had her right hand facing their opponent, pooling her energy together in the same manner that Ulquiorra did when he was charging his Cero, to which he raised his hand and stabbed his thumb for a moment, where he leveled his hand with Sunset as well and started to prepare a Gran Rey Cero, to be sure that they had enough firepower for what they had in mind.

The signal to attack came a few moments later, as one of the chains that had been placed before Kuyo Shibari just happened to snap under the strain of keeping Sunset in a single spot, but fortunately that was as far as she got, because the moment it happened was the exact moment that Rainbow and Applejack loosed their attacks. The five dragons zeroed in on where Sunset was imprisoned, colliding with her body and detonated with enough force to blow away anyone that was standing near their foe, hence why Sombra had them stay some distance away from Sunset once he started sealing her in place. Before the smoke even had a chance to clear Rarity and the others that had formed sphere attacks hurled their techniques at the crater, where they exploded one after another as they came into contact with their foe, making the crater even deeper than it had been before, while at the same time preventing their foe from moving. Once that was done he and the displaced ponies that made beams added their attacks to the equation, their beams flying right into the middle of the crater, where they also detonated when they came into contact with something and only made the crater go even deeper into the ground, showing just how strong they were. After that one would assume that they were finished, that everyone had used every powerful attack they had, but the truth was that there happened to be one more, as the clone that Rainbow had made of herself jumped into the air and handed over the small sphere she had been making, where the real pony girl grinned as she focused on it and pulled her hands apart, forming a lance of energy that caused the area her to shake for a moment.

He could have easily mistaken the lance Rainbow was holding, the Lightning Lance as she called it, for Ulquiorra's own technique, the Lanza del Relampago, but the differences between the two were that Rainbow's lance was incredibly fast and was extremely powerful, as she hurled it into the crater to be sure they knocked Sunset out... resulting in powerful hurricane level winds that caused them all to stand their ground before everything was said and done, leaving a massive crater in the area all their attacks had hit.

"I honestly can't believe that worked as well as it did." Rarity commented, though at the same time she and the others gathered at the edge of the crater, where they looked down into the depths and didn't see a sign of Sunset anywhere, who had to be incredibly hurt due to all the chains and techniques that were used on her, "You don't think we went overboard against her, do you?"

"She was using her full power, so it stands to reason that we should have done the same." Sombra replied, as while he knew that Rarity and some of the others would be shocked by what they had just done as a team, as they beat their God of Destruction with all their might and had put her in a massive crater, he knew that some had been hoping for a win and was happy to deliver that to them, "Though it might be some time before she decides to come out and face us, since we showed her the height of our powers and the fact that she can't stand against all of us at the same time... though I hope she isn't angry with us for beating her in a battle th..."

Before he could finish that thought a pillar of pure fire shot out of the crater and struck the sky where the cyan pillar from earlier had hit, setting the sky on fire in the process, causing Sombra to wonder if they had actually pissed off Sunset and she was taking it out on the planet they were fighting on, before he felt a presence inside the pillar and turned towards it as the others followed his lead.

"I'm not mad, Sombra," a voice said, though at the same time Sombra paused for a moment, as it was coming from directly behind them, meaning that something had definitely happened to their opponent, he just needed to determine what that something was, "rather, I'm pleased by how well you and the others work as a team. You've won this battle, I won't deny you that victory, but I am curious if you'll indulge me for a few more minutes."

As Sombra and the others turned around they found that Sunset was indeed standing behind them, back in her amber coloration and that there weren't any additional colors in her eyes, but where one would expect to find that she had reverted to her base form, before the Aspects, they would actually find that her demonic wings had undergone one final transformation, as they had taken on the appearance of phoenix wings, complete with the tips being on fire and being sized to fit her body, and both her hair and tail had caught on fire as well. The other alarming fact was that it seemed like her power had gone up as well, beyond what she had used against them in her Aspect of Destruction form, meaning that they must have pushed her to the breaking point and forced her to evolve to a new level, granting her an even stronger Aspect form in the process, as strange as that sounded. Rainbow, annoyed that Sunset wasn't laying on the ground like they had planned, was the first one to strike and raced towards where the god was standing, only for Sunset to appear behind Rainbow, who staggered for a moment, like she had been punched in the stomach, and fell to the ground like a rock. Applejack and the others charged at her from different angles, allowing Sombra to observe for a moment, but what he found was quite shocking, as this time around it was neigh impossible for them to even touch Sunset, while at the same time she knocked them down one at a time, dropping them like flies with her new power.

In not time at all it was just her and Sombra, who noticed that, despite the power of her new Aspect of the Phoenix form, Sunset hadn't crippled any of his companions, rather she did enough to force them to their knees and bow out, to which he sighed and sealed his power, choosing to admit defeat in the face of such power.

"Wouldn't you say that you won now?" Sombra asked, though at the same time he noticed that Sunset didn't advance on him after he sealed his powers, knowing that he had admitted defeat and that he wasn't in the mood to be knocked around by a new power that their foe had only just gained, to which he checked on the others as well.

"No, you still win since I wasn't expecting this to happen." Sunset replied, as she was going to remain true to her word, because the fight was between their full power and her full power at the time they started, so she wasn't about to break it just because they had pushed her to the point where she got a new Aspect out of it, one that might just help her out when she found Tirek in the future.

Sombra nodded his head in understanding, as it would have seemed unfair for her to claim victory had she counted the use of such a power, especially since it hadn't been there at the start of their battle, but he was happy to see that their God of Destruction was one that remained true to their word. The others, however, weren't as happy as he was, since they weren't expecting such a form to come out of nowhere, but Sombra did remind them that they must have experienced the sudden acquisition of a new power in their own adventures, one that turned the tide of battle in their favor, to which they thought about it and decided not to pursue it any further. It did please Rainbow to hear that they had bested Sunset in a battle at long last, even if she and Applejack needed the other displaced ponies to do so, and soon enough each of them were powering down, returning to their base states, despite the fact that Sunset was studying her new Aspect in great detail for the future. Once everyone knew that they had won the battle, showing that they were all strong in their various ways, they had to cut the celebration short, as the ground near them cracked for a moment and separated into two halves, like there was an earthquake or something, prompting Celestia and the others to come get them, as it appeared that the planet might be breaking beneath their hooves.

When they started to move Chrysalis had them stop, as she explained that the reason the spaceship was near the moon was because she and her new friends had taken a break when the call for this battle came in, hence she was planning on leaving once the battle was over, but instead of leaving immediately she had the docking bay open for them so Celestia could fly them to safety. That was perfect in Sombra's mind, as it allowed Celestia to carry the displaced ponies and his group to safety, leaving Sunset behind since she could fend for herself, though at the same time Celestia told them that once all the displaced ponies had returned Sunset was planning on detonating this planet anyway, since it's only use had been as a battlefield where no one would have gotten hurt. It didn't take them long to reach the ship in question, where all of them moved towards the windows as the ship started to fly away from the planet, but as they did so the surface of the planet shook as it started to fall apart, revealing the molten rock under the surface as the atmosphere started to dissolve before their eyes. When they turned in such a way that prevented them from seeing the planet the group turned towards the screens in the middle of the room that Chrysalis had brought them to, where they watched as a link to what was happening behind them appeared on the screens, only Sunset seemed to be walking away from the planet that they were leaving behind.

It took a few moments for the planet to reach the state that Sunset was waiting for, but eventually it reached the last second of it's life and finally detonated in a fiery explosion, ending the life of the place that she and the others had fought on in the past, but now they could look towards the bright future that was ahead of them as they headed back to Equus.

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