• Published 10th Jun 2018
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Bleach: Heart of a Hero - Blackdrag-rose

Sombra was defeated, but his soul survived and traveled to a new world. He joins Ichigo and his friends as they invade Soul Society in an attempt to save another... while trying to remember his long forgotten past and who he really is.

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Fake Karakura: Fierce Conclusion

"I'm surprised, Sombra." Aizen said, taking a moment to collect himself before flashing into the air near Sombra, while at the same time noticing that Gin was now preoccupied with two opponents, meaning that his ally was going to be busy for some time, but at the same time that meant he and Sombra wouldn't be interrupted, "I was not expecting your base strength to be that strong, certainly not on the level that you displayed, but you failed to kill me in that instant. That was the only opening you will get from me."

"Aizen, if I wanted to kill you in an instant, and end this war at the same time, I would have done so." Sombra replied, as it would have been easy for him to bypass Aizen's defenses if he returned to wielding the full power of the Dios Hueco, and that included cutting him down in the process, but at the same time he wanted to see what sort of power his foe had unlocked before he actually ended their fight, "Think of it this way; you get a chance to fight for your life and show me why so many Shinigami seem frightened when they consider the notion of even fighting you, despite the fact that they gathered here to do just that. Once I've seen enough of your power, or you reach the point where you are no longer able to fight back, then I will bring an end to our battle and stop this pointless war that you're waging on Soul Society, the Shinigami, and the Soul King."

"Such overconfidence will be your downfall," Aizen stated, though at the same time he held himself at the ready while drawing his Zanpakuto from it's scabbard, as he knew that his foe could cross the gap between them in moments, just like he could do to the Shinigami around them, "Let me ask you something, Sombra. Why do you want to fight me? Is it because you have a grudge against me, for ordering Ulquiorra to kidnap Orihime and Sora? No, it couldn't be that, seeing how you managed to save them and ensure their safety, and judging by what I can see it appears that none of your other friends have died in your invasion of Hueco Mundo, so you can't hate me from the bottom of your heart..."

"Oh Aizen, I don't hate you, not like some Shinigami do." Sombra said, as he could tell that Hitsuguya, at the very least, hated the traitorous Captain from the bottom of his heart, while the rest of the Shinigami seemed to have a variety of emotions on their faces, though that was followed by him turning his attention to his foe, "If I hated you, as you apparently think I might, you'd be dead in an instant and we'd never be having this conversation, but there's a very good answer to your question. The Soul King, from what I've read, is the linchpin and his existence keeps the balance between Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, the World of the Living, and potentially even Hell itself in check, so your plan to make the Oken and invade his palace is a horrible one. What do you think will happen if you succeed in killing the Soul King? The balance between the four realms will be thrown into chaos and everything will be destroyed, so instead of doing whatever you think will happen you'll simply destroy the world... that, in itself, is enough reason to fight you."

"So, it's a sense of responsibility." Aizen replied, though even as he said that he understood that Sombra was much more knowledgeable than he originally believed him to be, making him wonder where he had gained his knowledge from, before deciding that it wasn't worth the time to figure out, "You won't be able to reach me with that. The will to fight without hatred is like an eagle without wings. You can't protect anything with a sense of responsibility. Your powerless friends only serve as weights to crush your legs..."

While Aizen was talking, and claiming that he couldn't protect anything or anyone with his blades, Sombra flashed through the air and appeared behind his foe, where he brought the back side of his left leg down on Aizen's shoulder, knocking him out of the sky and sending him crashing into the ground, creating a small crater in the process. At the moment Sombra was sticking to the Hakuda, or hand-to-hand combat, techniques that Yoruichi had taught him so long ago, as a way to experiment with his new power as the Dios Hueco, despite being in his base state, and right now he was impressed that his power was able to knock around Aizen like he was nothing, confirming that they were on entirely different levels. Still, despite their current differences in power, he sensed that there was something odd about Aizen's reiatsu, like he had done something to himself before coming to the World of the Living, and it wasn't the same power that he had given Tosen, meaning that he had to be careful from that point forward, since there was no telling what sort of power his foe had given himself or when he would use it. He wasn't sure if Aizen even noticed the differences in their powers, since he had said that he was being 'overconfident' and that it would spell his downfall, but before he could complete that thought he noticed that Aizen was getting back up and knew that the battle would be resuming soon.

As the traitorous Captain turned and looked up at him, so he could focus on where he was standing, Sombra flashed behind him once more and felt the air shift as Aizen turned his body, where he flipped over his opponent as he dodged the tip of his Zanpakuto, allowing him to land behind his foe before he completed his swing. Not even a moment later Sombra lifted his right hand and pressed the tips of both his index finger and his middle finger against Aizen's exposed shoulder, where he used Tsukiyubi, or Thrust Fingers, to send Aizen flying through the air and caused him to crash into another structure that was near them, collapsing the entire building in the process. Before his foe had a chance to recover from what he had done, and retaliate, Sombra rushed through the air and neared Aizen's position, where he jumped into the air as Aizen swung his Zanpakuto at him, allowing his hooves to touch the edge of the blade for just a second, before he kicked out and forced the tip into the ground, surprising Aizen by his power again. As Sombra landed he readied another Hakuda technique, as he raised his right fist and punched Aizen in his stomach, using the Ikkotsu, or Single Bone, technique to force him to cough up some blood before he went flying into the side of a nearby building... before flashing forward and using Sokotsu, or Double Bone, against his foe, where he raised both of his fists and hit Aizen in two places at the same time, causing massive internal damage as his foe coughed up more blood, and the building collapsed on top of him once more.

Sombra flashed a few steps backwards and stared at the rubble, though at the same time noticing that the sheer power of his first attack had forced Aizen to let go of his Zanpakuto, as it was still stuck in the ground where he had left it, but he ignored it as the rubble moved and his foe pulled himself out so he could stand straight once more.

As Aizen flashed forward and grabbed onto his Zanpakuto, freeing it from it's prison moments later, Sombra stood near it and raised his arm to block the incoming attack, showing Aizen that his Hierro was much stronger than he thought it had been, before pushing his arm back and opening another hole in his foe's defenses. In the following instant Sombra decided to kick things up a notch, as he pulled both Shokyo and Rey from their scabbards and swung them at Aizen's exposed chest, cutting two faint diagonal lines into his robes while also drawing blood, causing the former Captain to jump backwards in surprise. Despite Aizen doing that, and trying to put some distance between them before deciding what attack he should use next, Sombra rushed towards him and parried the incoming attack that Aizen swung at him, but since he had two blades all he really needed to do was block the attack with one Zanpakuto and use the second one to cut into Aizen's chest. While all of this was going on, and he started to knock Aizen around like he was a rag doll, Sombra noticed that the wounds he had dealt to Aizen's body weren't bleeding, as the moment the wounds were made they did bleed a little, but after that it appeared that the bleeding stopped entirely. To confirm or deny his suspicions on what was going on Sombra opened Aizen's defenses again and promptly switched his hold on both of his Zanpakuto's handles, to which he flashed behind his foe as six lines appeared on his body, cutting the front of his robe to shreds... and, to see if he was right, he flashed back to where Aizen was looking so he could get a good view of what was going on.

As he suspected the wounds only bled once, when he cut them into Aizen's body, which told Sombra that something was going on, because his Kaiten Kenbu technique had dropped some powerful foes before this moment and no one walked away from it without serious injuries... but even as he thought about that Aizen started to chuckle as he pulled himself back into a standing position, as if he found something about this entire fight to be humorous.

"What's so funny?" Sombra inquired, because right now he was more interested in figuring out why Aizen's wounds weren't more serious, though if it turned out that his foe had Instant Regeneration or something he was going to be slightly annoyed.

"Despite my earlier statement, you still failed to kill me, Sombra." Aizen said, though secretly he was impressed by the sheer power that his foe was bringing to bare against him, as he never would have expected that the base power of the Dios Hueco would have been this strong, but at the same time he knew that victory would be his in the end, "Despite your best efforts, all you could do was injure me... not that these injuries mean anything."

In that moment Sombra watched as cracks, possessing the coloration of the Hogyoku, branched out from an area of Aizen's chest and moved to cover all the area that he had cut into, where the wounds that he had delivered glowed for a moment and disappeared almost immediately, confirming his suspicions.

"Don't worry, it's nothing like the Instant Regeneration that certain Arrancar possess," Aizen continued, where he noticed that Sombra was staring at him with some interest in his eyes, a sign that he was curious about what an opponent was doing before the next attack came his way, "meaning that I didn't undergo a Hollowfication to gain this power. This is, just it's compulsion to protect it's master. Here, allow me to show you what I mean."

As Aizen said that he raised his right hand, still holding his Zanpakuto towards the ground, and pulled back the side of his jacket, where Sombra stared at Aizen's chest and found that the Hogyoku was embedded inside his chest, with four small lines pointed in the four main directions surrounding it.

"So that's where the Hogyoku went... you embedded it inside your chest." Sombra commented, though at the same time that made Aizen's 'Instant Regeneration' more like a 'Protective Regeneration', since it appeared that the Hogyoku was assisting him at the moment, making him wonder if he could rip the object from his foe's chest and take that ability away before it became a problem.

"Very good, you recognize it." Aizen said, to which he lifted his left hand and touched where one of the remaining cuts was located, one that was fading away as he moved his hand, and Sombra noticed that Aizen touched some silver colored reiatsu that disappeared a few seconds after he touched it, "You're stronger than I had originally planned on you being, when you came back to defend Karakura Town... even if you weren't part of my original plan, to test the growth rate of Ichigo Kurosaki by sending him against Soul Society and some of my Arrancar, it is wonderful to see well you have grown in such a short amount of time."

"It's not every day that I get a compliment like that," Sombra stated, and that was true, as the only one that had actually bothered telling him that, before he came to this world, was the strange being that taught him is dark powers, and when he did come here, to this world, it was Urahara and Yoruichi who filled that void, "but don't think that flattery will get you anywhere with me. Despite the fact that the Hogyoku is in your chest, granting you whatever powers and abilities it might be giving you, I'll find a way to bypass those powers and bring you down."

"Like I said, your overconfidence will be your undoing." Aizen replied, as that appeared to be something that was wrong with his foe, since his massive power boost he seemed to think that everyone was beneath him, meaning that he had no idea what was happening inside his opponent's body at the moment.

Before Aizen had time to react Sombra rushed forward and delivered another powerful uppercut that knocked him into the air, giving him just a few seconds to see that both of Sombra's Zanpakuto were floating in the air near the building, before Sombra flashed into the air above him. As he realized that his foe was up to something Sombra brought his leg down and sent Aizen flying into the crater that had been made minutes ago, before Sombra flew down towards him and unleashed a series of ultra-high-speed punches with both of his fists, causing the entire city block around them to break under the pressure of the attack that he was using this time around. It was the greatest of the Hakuda techniques that he had learned from Yoruichi, one called Raioken, or Thunder King's Fist, and it was basically just a series of punches that were quite powerful, especially since only a master in the art of Hakuda could actually perform this technique to it's full potential. When the last punch was thrown Sombra noticed that Aizen didn't seem to be moving, despite the fact that he could still feel his reiatsu, so he jumped out of the enlarged crater and called his Zanpakuto over to him, where he grabbed them and waited for Aizen to get up, as he was eager to continue the battle they were having, even if it seemed incredibly one sided at the moment.

It took a few moments for Aizen to pick himself up and come at him again, though this time around Sombra noticed something that alarmed him, his opponent had gotten slower since the last bout they had and his attacks didn't seem to have that much power behind them, as opposed to their earlier strength, and he quickly knocked Aizen back into the ground, to which he landed nearby and frowned at his foe.

"Based on what I'm seeing, it appears that you've gotten much slower and have lost quite a good deal of your power thanks to my Raioken." Sombra commented, and he was sure that Aizen had noticed the drop in his power, something that had to be related to the Hogyoku, the one object that he still didn't know the exact location of, "You haven't reached your limits, have you?"

"You're right. It appears that I've reached my limits... my limits as a Shinigami, anyway." Aizen replied, though at the same time he lifted his head and faced Sombra, and as he did that Sombra noticed that the lines on Aizen's chest got bigger and the Hogyoku was starting to pulse, "My soul is going to be restructured. The Hogyoku's will is finally beginning to understand my thoughts. You can tell, can't you? That the Hogyoku has a will of it's own?"

"Yeah, and I'm honestly not very surprised by that at this point," Sombra said, as there were some magical artifacts from his home world that acted like the Hogyoku did, sometimes with the power boost and sometimes without the power boost, though he was telling the truth when he said that he wasn't surprised, "And, based upon what you just said, it appears that the Hogyoku is finally starting to understand you and your desires, even if they aren't what's best for this world, seeing how you're trying to kill the Soul King and everything."

"Something that I was unaware of until it became it's master." Aizen added, to which he wondered if Sombra had been telling the truth or if he was lying to distract him, but for now it was too late for him to do anything to stop what was going to happen in the very near future, "Let me ask you this; do you know what sort of power the Hogyoku has? Is it the power to dominate two opposing forces, like the boundaries between Shinigami and Hollows? No. The true power of the Hogyoku is the ability to manifest the powers of those around it. What I'm saying is that the miracles that happened around Ichigo Kurosaki, Rukia Kuchiki, and Urahara Kisuke were all manifested by the Hogyoku's will. The reason why Urahara Kisuke mistakenly believed that the Hogyoku's power was to bend the boundary between Shinigami and Hollow was, because he was it's creator, that was what he desired at the time, saving the Visored from becoming Hollows. Rukia Kuchiki passed all of her spiritual powers onto Ichigo Kurosaki and lost her Shinigami powers because she was still suffering from killing Kaien Shiba. It is my believed that, by being near Ichigo and Rukia, that both Sado Yasutora and Orihime Inoue were able to gain the incredible powers that they used to defend themselves and save those around them, when your Quincy friend had his duel with Ichigo.

I, alone, knew about the Hogyoku's true power... though it's more accurate to say that I knew it's power wasn't the ability to bend the boundary between Shinigami and Hollows, like Urahara Kisuke believed it to be, because if that were the case Shinji Hirako and the other Visored would never have reached the forms they currently possess. The experiment I did on them both confirmed the Hollowfication process and even confirmed the powers of the Hogyoku, when Urahara went to use it on them, allowing me to make my hypothesis on the Hogyoku's true power and eventually I set my plan in motion so I could take it away from Urahara. Naturally, however, there are limits to the power that the Hogyoku has, as I'm sure that, before you found your Arrancar Zanpakuto, you're deepest desire was to recover your missing weapon and the memories that were trapped inside it, something that not even a sleeping Hogyoku could manifest."

"So you're saying that it can only manifest the desires of those it's near, so long as they have the power to allow such a thing to happen?" Sombra inquired, to which he noticed Aizen raise an eyebrow for a moment, before lowered it and chuckled for a few seconds, indicating that he remembered that he was much smarter than many of people that Aizen could be fighting at the moment, before Sombra noticed that the blue lines had disappeared and white strands of reiatsu were starting to pour out from where the Hogyoku was resting, "It appears that your conversation is bearing some fruit, as you've managed to survive long enough to reach the next stage of your 'evolution'."

"Indeed, and it appears that the Hogyoku is so aptly named." Aizen said, as the white strands started to form a new white robe over what he was already wearing, something that he seemed to have been waiting for and was enjoying as he stared at Sombra, "It had the power to destroy the wall that separates those that are gods from those that aren't!"

Just as the new robe solidified over Aizen's body, however, a red beam pierced his right shoulder and Sombra looked in the direction that it came from, where he found Urahara standing on top of a roof, even if it was attached to a fallen building, and he had to wonder why Urahara had come out of hiding, because he could handle this fight on his own.

"So, you've actually come out of hiding," Aizen commented, to which he turned his head and looked in the direction that the attack had come from, where he found the one person he really disliked standing nearby, with his cane pointed at him with some smoke coming from the bottom part of it, "Urahara Kisuke."

"It's been a while, Aizen." Urahara said, though at the same time he thought back to the time period that he was referring to, when he had to save Shinji and the others from becoming Hollows, an event that ended with him, Yoruichi, Tessai, and the others being forced to flee to the World of the Living.

"Yes, around a hundred years." Aizen confirmed, almost as if he had been counting the number of years since the last time he had actually seen Urahara, though his tone revealed that he would have been much happier to not see Urahara at all, since he wanted to focus on beating Sombra into the ground, "And please, don't look at me like that. Everything that is in the process of evolving looks ugly..."

"Who said anything about 'looking ugly'?" Urahara inquired, though at the same time he glanced at Aizen's chest and spotted the Hogyoku rather easily, while the hole his attack had created filled in and disappeared, "It seems I was right, that it was only a matter of time until you merged yourself with the Hogyoku."

"I rather you use the word 'subjugated', not 'merged' or 'fused'... but yes, I have subjugated the Hogyoku that you could not control." Aizen stated, though at the same time he readied his blade, as he was going to put an end to his 'rivalry' with Urahara once and for all, and then he could return to fighting Sombra, "You have lost the chance to control the Hogyoku, now that I have subjugated it."

In the following moment Aizen, his speed having returned to him, flashed through the air and appeared in front of Urahara, though before he could thrust his Zanpakuto into Urahara's chest Sombra used his own speed to get Urahara out of the way, by placing him a few steps backwards from where he had been standing, and then used his own Hierro to stop the Zanpakuto from puncturing his chest, much to Aizen's surprise.

"Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six!" Sombra said, though at the same time he used his speed to move through the air and move both himself and Urahara some distance away from Aizen, even though he neared him for the incantation that he was speaking, while also pointing his right hand towards where his foe was currently standing, "Bakudo Number 61: Rikujokoro."

Not a few seconds later six beams of light, empowered by his incantation, surged through the air and struck Aizen's chest, pinning him to the area that he was currently standing in, though even as that happened Sombra knew that his foe had enough power to shatter them if he so desired.

"So, what do you plan on doing to me, after tying me up with such a weak Bakudo?" Aizen inquired, though his tone revealed exactly what Sombra was thinking, that it was low enough that someone of his power could shatter it, but at the same time he also sounded like he was interested in seeing what else he had in store for him.

"He calls a Bakudo with the full incantation 'weak'. Well, that was just the beginning," Sombra replied, though even as he said that his reiatsu gathered and he focused on his target, as he was going to have to do this in rapid succession if he wanted to get the job done, which was why his empty right hand was facing Aizen, while he called Rey over to his left hand, in case he needed it, "Bakudo Number 63: Sajo Sabaku."

In response to what he was doing yellow energy sparked into existence, forming a think golden yellow colored rope that circled the area that Aizen was standing in, though when Sombra closed his hand into a fist the rope wrapped around Aizen's chest and bound his arms to his sides, preventing him from moving for the moment.

"Bakudo Number 79:" Sombra continued, taking note of Aizen's confusion for a moment as he brought his right hand back towards him and had the palm face Aizen, indicating that he was switching to another spell that he had learned before the incursion into Soul Society, "Kuyo Shibari."

Nine black colored holes appeared in the sky in front of Aizen, eight of them forming a perfect circle around his stunned body while the ninth one rested directly above his chest, adding another layer of immobilization to what he was doing, as he needed Aizen to be perfectly still for what was coming next.

"Limit of the thousands hands," Sombra recited, though at the same time he switched his hold on Rey's handle and pointed the bottom end of it towards Aizen, while at the same time the sky around him darkened as ten pink colored energy points formed around him, "respectful hands, unable to touch the darkness. Shooting hands unable to reflect the blue sky. The road that basks in light, the wind that ignited the embers, time that gathers when both are together, there is no need to be hesitant, obey my orders. Light bullets, eight bodies, nine items, book of heaven, diseased treasure, great wheel, grey fortress tower. Aim far away, scatter brightly and cleanly when fired."

"Do you think that I'd let you use such a Kido?!" Aizen asked, as he recognized what Sombra was attempting to do and immediately started to abandon the plan of sitting through his foe's spells, because this was one spell that might actually do some damage, considering who was firing it at him.

"Too late, Aizen!" Sombra declared, to which the ten energy points glowed even brighter than before, because with the incantation complete their power was at the highest point they could contain, which he figured would be enough to help him get through whatever was happening to his foe's body, "Hado Number 91: Senju Koten Taiho!"

The moment the technique's name was uttered the ten energy points raced through the air and collided with Aizen's stunned body, generating an immense destructive explosion that rocked the air all around him and would have blown apart any buildings that were still nearby, had Sombra not demolished all of them at this point thanks to the earlier stages of their fight. Sombra stood there for a few moments, feeling the reiatsu that was in the air around them as he waved a hand and collected Shokyo so he could sheath one of his blades, which he did moments later, though he was only keeping Rey out, as there was no telling how much damage Aizen could have taken or if he had emerged unharmed. A few seconds later, when all the smoke was gone and the sky was back to normal, Sombra sighed and turned around, where he swung his Arrancar Zanpakuto through the air and parried the incoming attack that Aizen was sending his way, the force knocking them both backwards a little bit. That gave Sombra the chance to see that the right part of Aizen's head was covered by a hood that was made out of the same material that his new robe was made out of, suggesting that the Hogyoku was still preparing him for the next stage of his 'evolution'.

"I suspected that you might parry my attack, and I was right." Aizen commented, though at the same time he actually smiled for a moment, because despite the situation that he was in he had to admit that his foe was rather impressive, as there weren't many that could use that many spells in a row and not be tired out, "I'm impressed, Sombra, that you managed to use four different spells, from two different classes, in rapid succession without losing your stride... it seems that Urahara has taught you well."

"I was always a quick study," Sombra replied, referring to both his ability to learn things from books and those that he was training against, as well as being able to quickly figure out what someone was saying and finish their statement before they had a chance to do the same thing, "It appears that whatever damage my attack did to you is already gone, but I'm not disappointed by that at all. It just means that the next couple of attacks that I use will have to be that much more powerful and even more devastating."

"By all means, come and try." Aizen said, as if he was giving Sombra an open invitation to come and attack him, and he was, because the more power he experienced the stronger the Hogyoku was going to make him, until he surpassed the height of Sombra's power and destroyed him, "There's no reason for me to even bother dodging any of your attacks, much less a Kido that's in the nineties, so do come and attempt to destroy me."

Sombra responded immediately, as he rushed towards where Aizen was standing and switched Rey into his right hand, as there was another power that Urahara had taught him when he was still in the basics of his training, back when he was explaining how Shinigami operated and what potential weaknesses they might have. He never had a reason to use this technique, since he was already strong enough to beat every Captain when he unlocked his Bankai, but now seemed like the perfect time to try it out, since the method was pretty straight forward and he was sure that Aizen wouldn't be able to see if coming until it was too late. Not a second later he rushed through the air and swung at his foe, prompting Aizen to block his attack, but that was exactly what Sombra wanted as he quickly flashed out of the area, though it was as he made that movement that he lightly rested his open hand over the wrist of the hand that Aizen used to defend himself. To be sure that his foe didn't figure out what he was doing, before he was finished, Sombra attacked him again, using the same tactic as the last time, and had to stop himself from grinning as he lightly touched the other wrist as well, allowing him to jump a little further back and stand straight.

Fortunately, as Sombra had been told, the moment two wrists were sealed the effects would take place seconds later, as yellow cuffs made of energy formed in the area around Aizen's wrists, causing a look of shock to appear in the former Captain's eyes as he recognized what was going on this time.

"That's right, Aizen, I've sealed the reiatsu vents that every Shinigami have in their wrists." Sombra said, though even as he said that the air shook as purple strands of energy formed in the air around Aizen, indicating that Sombra's newest plan was having quite the effect on him, "You will be incinerated from the inside out by your own reiatsu."

The moment he finished talking Aizen was enveloped in a column of light, one that had to be generated from the sheer power that the former Captain possessed, and Sombra moved away from the pillar so he could observe what was going to happen next... and that included him looking off to the side, where Urahara was standing, causing him to realize something about the time he had been training with the former Shinigami.

"You were preparing me to fight Aizen from the very beginning, weren't you?" Sombra asked, though he was not accusing Urahara of doing anything, merely making an observation based on what was going on at the moment, and merely looking his friend's face told him what he wanted to know.

"Yes, though part of me wanted to help you as well." Urahara replied, as he was used to Sombra figuring things out like this, but at the same time he honestly expected the Arrancar to be upset with him, which was something that he was happy to see he was wrong about, "It seems that, by helping you, we have a champion that can actually force Aizen into submission and end this war, before someone gets killed."

"Well, the battle's not over yet, and I think that finally pushed him to complete the first stage of his evolution." Sombra said, as he turned his head back towards the column of light as a figure emerged from it, before the entire column broke down and disappeared.

Aizen, like Sombra had predicted, had undergone a bit of a change, as he was now a phantom-like figure of some kind and his new attire was covering his entire body, where his face was covered by a white canvas while his attire, which was that of a cloak now, was split into four sections as the Hogyoku moved up to where his heart would be. Sombra could tell, just from staring at him, that Aizen's power had gone up, indicating that he was correct in his thoughts that he had gone through the first evolution at long last, but at the same time his power still wasn't enough to make Sombra worry all that much, not if he stuck to his previous strategies. Aizen looked at his wrists for a moment, where two golden yellow bands remained, and he reached into his own skin and plucked the seals out, or maybe it was like his entire body was a separate dimension and he was removing a foreign object, before he discarded the seals and flashed down to where Sombra was standing, with Sombra still being able to keep up with his speed.

"I was right, Urahara should be proud that you learned everything you could from him." Aizen stated, though he had to take a moment to wonder what sort of scenario they would be in if he was the one that found Sombra and not Urahara, would he have been a loyal pawn or another obstacle, before he returned to the matter at hand, "You tried both Kido and Bakudo spells, which failed, and now your attempt to incinerate me has failed. What's your next move?"

Sombra smiled for a moment as he brought the remainder of his base power to the surface, as he had been fighting at fifty percent of his base power the entire time and, since it appeared that the Hogyoku was only going to make Aizen stronger and more durable over time, he knew that he needed to boost the power that he was wielding, but even then he wasn't convinced that he needed any of his real power just yet. The air around him vibrated for a few moments, causing those that were watching from afar to stand their ground in shock, even if they couldn't feel his reiatsu, and those that were close to him had to back away to a safe distance, all while he put Rey in his left hand and drew Shokyo in his right hand once more. The instant he was ready he charged forward and started swinging at Aizen, who used both his Zanpakuto and his feet to block the attacks, but despite that he could hear some small grunts every now and then, telling him that his foe wasn't expecting him to be this strong. Fortunately the good thing about this situation was that Aizen was entirely focused on what his arms and hands were doing, like he was making sure he couldn't use his Kido spells, but he failed to account for Sombra's horn, which glowed every now and then when he pulled out one of the more arcane spells that he he recalled when his memories had returned, something that he hadn't shown off until now.

Bolts of violet colored energy, the color of the arcane powers that some ponies could command, burst into the area around them and targeted Aizen, who noticed that he was being targeted and let Sombra jump backwards as he started hacking at them, using his new strength to destroy them like they were nothing. He would have been right with that thought, because Sombra had created a storm of insignificant bolts that would stall Aizen and prevent him from finding the real dangerous attacks, and a moment came when a hole appeared in Aizen's defenses, one that Sombra decided to take advantage of immediately. He pulled more of his magical power into one of his blades and swung it at Aizen while he was distracted, releasing a large violet colored crescent wave of energy that resembled a Getsuga Tensho, but where Ichigo's attack would have done nothing at this point Sombra's attack struck Aizen in either the side, his chest, or even his back and knocked him around, leaving cracks that the Hogyoku had to heal. That, of course, was just the tip of the iceberg in terms of powers that Aizen had never seen before, as there was a whole library of magical attacks locked away inside Sombra's mind and he was going to use whichever spells he needed so he could smash through the shell that was currently surrounding his foe's body.

The interesting thing to Sombra was that his spells were definitely having some impact on Aizen, as his body cracked whenever he was struck, despite the Hogyoku healing those cracks moments later, and he noticed that the larger ones took longer to heal, meaning that while he was powerful he was still having a hard time defending against something that he knew nothing about. That was good news for Sombra, considering that he was forming a sphere of magical energy above their heads, or more accurately above the clouds that he had pulled into the area to hide the real attack, and all of the spells that Sombra was using against Aizen were preventing his foe from figuring out what was going on. The most interesting part was when Sombra used an arcane spell that punctured the stomach area he found that there was a purple void of some kind filling Aizen's body, like his insides were completely different than they were before, and none of it seemed to leak out of the hole that the Hogyoku refused to heal, which was just fine since it appeared that Aizen hadn't figured out what was going on yet. When his attack was ready the clouds burst open and the violet colored ball descended upon where Aizen was standing, engulfing the former Captain the moment it came into contact with him and generated another massive explosion that rocked the area that they were in, though Sombra flashed to the roof of a building so he could see what was going on with his foe.

When the smoke cleared he found that Aizen's robe had returned to normal, the holes he had made earlier having disappeared entirely, but even as that happened he watched as the head piece of Aizen's current form started to crumble before his eyes, revealing that the purple void became the inside color of Aizen's new robe, while at the same time he retained his former appearance, with some longer hair, flowing down to the stomach area, and his eyes were now grey colored with violet colored sclera, almost looking like a Hollow's eyes despite the different colors.

"Thank you, Sombra, for you have allowed me to finish the Chrysalis Stage of my evolution from a mortal to a god at an incredible pace." Aizen stated, as if he believed that Sombra was actually helping him ascend to a new level of power, much like Sombra had done in Hueco Mundo, but even as he thought about that he knew that the battle was far from over, especially since gave Aizen another power boost.

"Your welcome, I guess." Sombra replied, as he honestly didn't care about Aizen's evolutions at all, because despite the power boosts that he was getting from the Hogyoku he knew that he was still stronger, but at the same time the gap between the height of his base power and Aizen's growing power was growing smaller with each form his foe gained as this battle progressed, meaning soon he'd need to use either his Bankai or his Resurreccion to enlarge the gap again.

"Your Kido failed, your Hakuda failed, and your odd powers failed," Aizen commented, indicating that he was keeping track of the various abilities and powers that Sombra was using against him, and the number of strategies that were used to bring him down, "What's next? Your Bankai, or maybe your Resurreccion?"

"I see, so you think you can handle one of my other forms." Sombra said, to which he shifted his stance and sheathed Shokyo for the moment, where he noticed that Aizen was staring at him with some interest, like he had curious to see what he did next, where he held Rey out and readied himself, "Make them tremble, Rey de la Oscuridad."

Sombra waited for a few seconds as the dark reiatsu gathered around him, transforming his Shinigami attire into the dark armor he wore several times before this point in time, and when the change was over, and his former power had been brought back to the surface, the pillar broke apart and he stared at Aizen as he assumed his Resurreccion.

"Your Resurreccion is truly magnificent." Aizen stated, though while he had studied this form a little, while Sombra was battling the unfortunate Szayelaporro earlier, he knew that there had to be more abilities stored away in this form than what he knew about, especially since that seemed to be what his Bankai did, to which he readied himself for when the battle between them continued, "I look forward to breaking it and showing you who is stronger."

"Now you're the one that's being overconfident." Sombra said, though at the same time he let Shokyo float in the air nearby, as there was no reason for him to use it or one of the other dark weapons that he had access to in this form, not where they wasn't a reason to use them yet, and he noticed his action had confused Aizen, which he hadn't been going for but would gladly take advantage of.

The shadows started to gather around Sombra for a moment, causing Aizen to ready himself for the incoming attack that he was going to unleash, but the reality was far different than what he was expecting it to be, as Sombra shaped the shadows into his Bala Oscura, his Dark Bullets, and loosed a surge of them at his target. Aizen barely had time to move as the entirety of his attack slammed into his chest, causing surprise to cross his face once more, like he wasn't expecting Sombra's speed and power to be this strong, and forced him to cough up some blood in the process, no doubt shocking him even more, especially since he was likely thinking he was a god or something. While that attack distracted him, and kept him stunned in one place, Sombra took the opportunity to form a dark sphere above his hand and flashed over to the area above Aizen's head, letting go of that sphere, before returning to where he had been standing moments ago, and when the first attack was over he activated his Prensa Oscura, his Dark Press, and forced Aizen into the ground as gravity turned against him. He hadn't used either of these attacks since Rey had taken over and dominated Grimmjow, something that had caused the Espada to turn against those that weren't listening to him and join his growing forces, but he was happy to see that they worked exactly like what he remembered.

After a few moments Aizen grew tired of that attack and with a swing of his Zanpakuto he shattered the sphere into a thousand pieces, but Sombra had been anticipating that and had planned accordingly, as the instant his attack fell apart he flashed forward and appeared behind Aizen... who fell to one knee as his hand went towards his chest, where one of the observers would notice that something was missing, and they would be right since Sombra was holding the Hogyoku in his right hand.

"I was curious if the Hogyoku could be removed from your chest, or if it was permanently affixed there," Sombra commented, though as he said that he let the small sphere float in the air near him, so he could keep an eye on it, and watched as Aizen collapsed on the ground where he had been standing, as if the removal of the Hogyoku had actually killed him, and he would have stayed with that thought had he not noticed his foe's reiatsu.

Not even a minute later the air shook as Aizen was able to push himself back into a kneeling state, though as he let out a scream his already powerful reiryoku surged towards the sky and enveloped him, creating a bright violet colored pillar that drew everyone's attention to it. While that happened Sombra felt Aizen's power grow once more, to which he sighed and silently activated Shokyo as well, pushing him back into his Dios Hueco state without alerting anyone to what was going on, as he used the shadows to hide what he was doing and kept the coloration of both his armor and his hair in his Resurreccion state. When the pillar faded he noticed that his foe had taken on a new form, yet again he mentally added, and noticed that there was now a hole in the center of Aizen's chest, exactly where the Hogyoku had been moments ago, with a cross in the middle of it. The form-fitting white robe that his foe had been wearing, since his first transformation, had lengthened and flared out at the ends, though what really interested Sombra was that Aizen's irises had vanish, and that included both of his eyebrows and the hair curl which usually hangs over his face. The more aspects of this new form were the diamond-shaped object that was embedded in his foe's forehead, what purpose it served he had no idea, and Aizen gained three sets of butterfly-like wings that were growing out of his back, which was strange when he thought about it, but he knew that Aizen would be coming for him soon enough.

The moment he thought about that Aizen glowed brightly and disappeared for a moment, only to appear in the area near the Hogyoku, informing Sombra that it was some sort of teleportation technique he had used, and he watched as the small orb was pulled into the cross that was in the middle of his foe's chest.

"Now do you see, Sombra, it is pointless to try and defeat me." Aizen said, as if he felt that he was the one that was winning this battle and that he was merely taking his time until he tired Sombra out, though at the same time Sombra didn't care because he had noticed that the Hogyoku's light was getting weaker as time passed, "You tried Kido, Hakuda, your own powers, and even resorted to taking the Hogyoku straight out of my chest, and all of them failed. You can't kill me, no matter how many times you try to do so. It's unfortunate, it really is, but at least your efforts to kill me have allowed me to ascend to a level that puts me far beyond what I originally possessed, and for that you have my gratitude and a promise for a quick death."

Sombra sighed for a moment as he flashed forward and grabbed onto Aizen's head, shocking him for a second as he burst into the air and headed towards the sky above them, though when he reached a certain point he turned around and hurled Aizen towards the ground, creating a brand new crater some distance from where they had been fighting, but when it was all said and done Sombra noticed that Aizen was holding his face as he considered what had just happened to him, and, as he landed nearby, he noticed that his foe's Zanpakuto happened to be merged with his right hand.

"Stand and ready yourself, Aizen," Sombra said, though at the same time he held his hand out and a crystalline broadsword, sharing the same form of Shokyo's Shikai state, appeared in his right hand, but he kept his true power hidden for now, as he wanted to test Aizen's current power before bringing the rest of his power to the surface, "It's about time we brought an end to this fight."

"Bring this fight... to an end?" Aizen replied, his tone revealing that he was thinking about something that must have been plaguing his mind, something that he was only able to reach a conclusion on thanks to the amount of time that he had spent fighting Sombra, before a smirk appeared on his face, "I understand now, why I can no longer feel your reiatsu. I was right, you did discard it since you knew that battling me in a battle of reiatsu would never work in your favor, and instead used all that power to drastically increase your physical strength, even though I'm not entirely sure how you were able to discard your reiatsu in the first place. But please, do despair, because I'm about to teach you that the power you were counting on to beat me no longer matters, not when it's put against my incomparable power."

As Aizen said that the Hogyoku glowed for a moment and the three sets of wings behind him opened, the tips actually becoming pointed in the process, and when the deed was done he stood straight and readied himself, where Sombra watched as his foe broke apart and used his teleportation power once more. Sombra didn't bother to glance around, as he determined that Aizen was coming from the left side and swung his fist at the incoming attack, allowing the force of his own motion to parry his foe's attack for a moment before forcing Aizen back a little, while the force of his punch shattered the majority of the building that was near them. As Aizen backed off for a moment, an odd decision in Sombra's mind, he took a moment to glance over at the ruined area that had been affected by his punch, as part of the ground had been broken as well and it almost looked like a diagonal slash had gone through the area, based on what was left of the building that had taken the blow. It reminded him of when he fought Yammy, how his punches had been able to shatter the giant's bones and cause and immense amount of pain in the process, so he was curious to see just how strong he was when he used half of his full power against Aizen.

"You parried that well," Aizen commented, as he had also taken a moment to stare at the wreckage that had been brought by the collision of their attacks, even if Sombra had been able to parry his attack with his fist, before he turned his head and stared at his foe, as he deserved his full attention, "How shocked you must be though. The landscape changes with a single swing of my sword... that is how powerful I am now. To be honest, I had no idea that I had improved my abilities to this extent. I'm happy, Sombra, because thanks to you I will be able to test the power that transcends that of Shinigami and Hollows to my heart's content."

In that instant Aizen flew forward and swung his blade at Sombra, who raised his the broadsword and parried the attack before it could even hit him, but what was interesting was that Aizen continued his assault, where Sombra sighed and parried the series of swings that Aizen send his way. The interesting thing that Sombra noticed was that the only areas that were torn apart were the ones that were in the direction that his fist or his blade were swung in, indicating that his power was much greater than what his foe was using, and it appeared that Aizen still had no idea what was going on. The two of them continued like that for a moment, exchanging blows as Sombra went on the offensive as well, where the destruction of his attacks was much stronger than when he blocked his foe's attacks, but despite that happening the area around them was flattened to the point where it looked like they were fighting on a flat area of some kind. After about a minute of doing that Sombra decided to change it up by actually dodging the next attack and moving to the roof of one of the nearest buildings, noticing that Aizen's attack didn't change the area around him, and he even noticed Aizen coming at him from the sky, all while his foe claimed that he could follow 'such slow movements', before Sombra jumped out of the way and let Aizen crash into the building, flattening it and the area around him.

When Sombra landed on the ground, in the larger flattened area that they had created, he spun around and used the crystalline blade to block Aizen's next attack, though this time they stood there as the wind was pushed back from where they were standing, indicating that they were going to be standing there for a moment.

"What an odd coincidence, my evolution has my Zanpakuto merged with my right hand and your forms prevent you from doing just that," Aizen said, indicating that there was more that he was staring at and trying to analyze while this battle was taking place, while at the same time Sombra wished that he'd just shut up and fight, "perhaps this is the true form of a Zanpakuto? If so, then how unfortunate for you. This just confirms that our forms are on entirely different levels. If I so wish I could shatter your Zanpakuto in a single swing!"

The instant Aizen said that he pulled his right arm back and then swung it at Sombra, though this time around Sombra raised his left hand and caught the swing before it could reach him, stopping it in it's tracks and caused the ground behind him to shatter and break as a large crescent hole was carved into the earth behind him. He could see the confusion in Aizen's eyes as he stared at his stalled blade, something that he clearly wasn't expecting to happen, to which he decided that he might as well ask Aizen what he was thinking about, just to see if they could get this battle moving on.

"What's wrong, Aizen?" Sombra asked, causing Aizen to look away from his stalled blade and focus on him once more, which was good because if he so desired he could swing his sword now and end this battle, "Why are you so surprised? Is it really so impossible that I caught your Zanpakuto, before it could reach your target? Tell me, does seeing something like this, something that you cannot understand, scare you?"

"Interesting. Something that I cannot understand?" Aizen asked, to which he jumped backwards and put some distance between them, though this time Sombra simply lowered his arm and stared at his foe, because he was curious as to what Aizen had to say, "Don't talk as though you've won. That was just a case of your physical strength momentarily exceeding mine. Miracles like that happen from time to time, but I am a being that surpasses even that. In that case, I will see to it that miracles like that never happen again by crushing you to pieces with Kido!"

The instant Aizen mentioned that he was going to use one of the Kido spells he raised his left hand into the air and pointed his index finger towards the sky, while at the same time a dark aura appeared around him, indicating that it had to be a powerful Kido spell that he was planning on using.

"Seeping crest of turbidity." Aizen recited, allowing Sombra to understand exactly which Kido he was planning on using, as he recognized the first statement of the incantation, but at the same time he stood still and let his foe do what he was going to do, "Arrogant vessel of lunacy! Boil forth and deny! Grow numb and flicker! Disrupt sleep! Crawling queen of iron! Eternally self-destructing doll of mud! Unite! Repulse! Fill with soil and know your own powerlessness! Hado Number 90: Kurohitsugi!"

Sombra watched as the sky darkened as Aizen completed the incantation and uttered the name of the spell, which was when multiple boxes of black energy appeared in the area around him, each of them topped off with cross-shaped spears, before they multiplied and closed in around him. As that happened Aizen stated that, since he was a being that transcended both Shinigami and Hollow and that this was a Kurohitsugi with the full incantation, the spell unleashed enough energy to warp both space and time, and that it wasn't something that someone like him could even begin to understand, despite what he had learned so far. Sombra stood there as the large box finally sealed around him, trapping him inside a different dimension for the moment and he was sure that Aizen had a smug look on his face, before he sighed and pushed his reiatsu outwards, causing the entire box to shatter into a thousand pieces and noticed that Aizen was shocked by this turn of events, if the sweat rolling down the side of his face was any indication.

"It seems that you really don't understand the situation that you're in." Sombra said, to which he focused his attention on Aizen once more and stared at him, as it was good to see that his foe might be realizing that he wasn't going to win this battle, not at the rate that it was going, "My power is still much greater than what you possess. You remember the first time we crossed blades, after your newest transformation? That destruction was caused by my attack, not yours. Now it's my turn to attack."

Aizen barely had a chance to move as Sombra rushed through the air and swung his broadsword at him, cutting a diagonal gash into his chest that went from his left hip to his right shoulder, and as the blood flew through the air Aizen broke apart, reforming on one of the buildings so he could have a moment to touch his wound.

"And now you're retreating from me. How odd." Sombra continued, as he was starting to wonder if his foe could actually feel his reiatsu or if he was starting to understand that he wasn't going to win this battle, "What's wrong, Aizen? Why are you running away all of a sudden?"

"I see. Are you pleased that you stopped my Zanpakuto?" Aizen inquired, though his tone revealed how annoyed he actually was, meaning that he was growing annoyed with the fact that he was the one being hurt and that Sombra hadn't taken any damage at all, "Are you pleased that you destroyed my Kido? Are you pleased that you managed to cut my body? Don't be so full of yourself, you inferior HOLLOW!"

The moment he said that the diamond on his forehead shattered and he seemed to still, causing Sombra to raise his eyebrow for a moment as he watched as blood dripped from the area in question and an eye of sorts seemed to be looking at the area around it, before lines appeared on Aizen's face and his eyes focused on him once more. Sombra then stood his ground as another violet colored pillar enveloped Aizen, this time generating enough force to push whatever debris was around him away from the area they were in, and he could hear Aizen's screams as his body was changed once more, before the pillar shattered and blood seemed to pour out from the area his foe had been in. This time around it appeared that Aizen had taken on a distinctively Hollow-like form, because the diamond-shaped point oh his forehead had opened and now revealed a vertical black third eye, while at the same time the skin on his face split open down the middle and pulled back around the sides of his head to reveal a blackened, demon-like skull. Aizen gained three holes running vertically down his chest, with the Hōgyoku floating in the center of the top hole, which had lost the cross it bore earlier, while his feet become single claws and both his hands and feet become black colored. The butterfly-like wings had also changed as well, as they had become a set of six sheet-like wings, with eyes set upon the center, adorned with Hollow-like skulls, and trailing into tendrils, and, to top all of that off, it appeared that his robe had merged to his skin completely, meaning that he was no longer wearing any clothing at this point in time.

As all this happened, however, Sombra also felt the sudden increase in Aizen's power, just like the previous times he had forced Aizen to transform, and the light of the Hogyoku was growing dimmer, meaning that it might be realizing that Aizen wasn't the strongest person in the area.

"Yes. This is inexcusable, isn't it, Hogyoku?" Aizen said, drawing himself up to his full height once more as he stared down at Sombra, who was focusing on him the entire time, while his tone revealed that he was talking to the orb that was giving him these transformations, "That I let a Hollow get the better of me."

The moment he said that one of the Hollow skulls on his wings moved and charged what could pass for a Cero, one that was thrown at where Sombra was standing, though instead of getting out of the way Sombra merely extended his hand and let the attack hit his palm. A few seconds later the area around him exploded, as Aizen's attack had detonated it's charge and consumed the area around him in a powerful explosion that carved a good sized circular crater into the ground beneath their feet, all while forcing Aizen to back off so he could observe the damage himself. It wasn't long before some of the flames parted and revealed that the attack had done nothing to Sombra, as mere seconds before it detonated he had slipped into his Shadow Form to avoid taking any sort of damage, even though he believed that he could have emerged unharmed in the first place, and as the opening revealed itself he shifted back to his solid state again.

"I see, so my attack did nothing to you." Aizen commented, though that was when he flew through the air and reached out with his left hand, grabbing onto Sombra's neck before extending the six wings, which had their eyes open as he came to a stop and their Ceros combined into a solid ring with three larger rings resting in the air above them, all while the creation of the rings got rid of the flames and smoke from his earlier attack, "Can you hear me, Sombra? Indeed, for a time, you became a being that seemed to surpass the limits of both Shinigami and Hollow, but now it appears that you have somehow lost that power since you ventured into Hueco Mundo. You're not even worth trying to understand as you currently are. I, am true transcendent being, will kill you, and by doing that I shall break free from both Shinigami and Hollow alike. It's over, Sombra!"

"Over, you say?" Sombra replied, shocking Aizen for a moment as he looked into his eyes, showing him that he had purposely lowered his guard for a moment to see what he would do next, and now that he was close he had decided to bring an end to this fight, "I couldn't agree more."

The moment he said that Sombra swung his right arm and used the edge of the blade to knock Aizen backwards, which also tore apart the rings that were above them as he remained where he was standing, but soon his foe regained himself and stared at him.

"We've dragged this fight out long enough, Aizen, and it's about time we ended it." Sombra said, to which his reiatsu gathered in the air around him, as it was time that he revealed his true power to his foe and stopped holding back, even though his full power would likely end this in a matter of seconds if he so desired, "I hope your paying attention, because I'm about to show you the full power of the Dios Hueco."

The instant Sombra finished talking the silver color of his reiatsu came back and replaced the darkness that he had been using, though at the same time the coloration of his armor changed to reveal the true gleaming silver king armor that he was wearing, while his hair and eyes returned to having a silver color to them as well, despite the fact that the energy strands were still two different colors to reflect his two powers that went into making this form. As the change ran it's course he held his right hand out and let the broadsword he had been holding break apart, disappearing as fast as it had appeared, before he focused his attention on Aizen, who seemed shocked by what was going on at the moment. Sombra knew that he wasn't the only one, as he was confident that a number of the Shinigami that were watching them were stunned or shocked by his transformation, even if they couldn't feel the sheer power that he was generating, something that the Arrancar couldn't feel either, as they only knew that he was the Dios Hueco and that was it.

"What... is that form?" Aizen asked, as while it wasn't that much different from Sombra's Resurreccion he knew that there was something different about it, something that he couldn't place his finger on, and it didn't help that he couldn't feel his foe's reiatsu or power at all.

"I told you, this is the power of the Dios Hueco." Sombra replied, though at the same time he shifted his stance and readied himself, as he was going to give Aizen a taste of the power that he had been granted, before bringing an end to this fight, "Here I come, Aizen."

Aizen didn't even have a chance to see Sombra move as he flashed through the air, as one second there had been a gap between them and the next his foe was right in front of his face, meaning that he didn't have time to raise his right arm or move out of the way as Sombra gripped his shoulders and gently lifted him further into the air. From there Sombra flashed up to where he was now floating and punched him in the chest, the force of the blow knocking the wind out of him while causing the air to vibrate and forcing him to cough up some blood, but that was just the start as Sombra knocked him around the area they were in, following a triangular pattern while kicking or punching him like he was one of those training dummies he heard that Humans practiced on. Aizen could feel his bones breaking from each impact, the Hogyoku barely having a chance to mend the first break that had happened before the second and third one were made, and he was stunned by the sheer power that were being each of the blows, though he could tell that Sombra had to be telling the truth, that this was the power of the Dios Hueco. By the time a minute passed Sombra sent him flying back towards the crater he had formed, where his foe flashed down to the air below him and punched his back, right where the upper hole was located, though the force of the attack knocked the Hogyoku loose, sending a jolt through his body as he decided to go on the offensive.

When Aizen flashed to the side and regained his footing, so he could stand straight, he rushed froward and swung his blade at Sombra, but this time around Sombra swung his fist at the blade and Aizen watched as the impact of his fist on the metal shattered his Zanpakuto into two halves, the smaller fragment attached to his handle while the larger fragment fell to the ground near them. He remained stunned for a few seconds, giving Sombra enough time to unleash a series of devastating blows on his body, which suffered further damage as some of his bones shattered, though the more interesting part was when Sombra swung his arm at his left wings, as Aizen felt his wings being severed from his body and screamed in agony for a moment, as it was something else that the Hogyoku was having trouble healing. As the left wings were destroyed, however, that was when things really got bad for him, as Sombra had another attack ready and grabbed onto the side of his head, sending him flying through the air so he could collide with one of the nearby buildings, and before the attack was over Sombra raised his right hand and charged a silver colored Cero that caused the air around him to shake for a few seconds. Once the attack was ready Sombra fired it and let the blast zero in on where Aizen was standing, consuming the entire area around him in an explosion that mimicked the one that Aizen had used against him when he ascended to his newest form... and sometime after his attack detonated he noticed a fragment of a body land near his position, which appeared to be Aizen's body without the wings or the black parts that had been on him since he emerged from the previous pillar of energy.

Sombra flashed to an area that was near the fallen Aizen and noticed that he was now back into a more normal form, as his white skin had reverted back into a white robe, the Hogyoku had returned to where it had been before his first evolution, and while his left eye possessed the grey and purple coloration his right eye was pure grey... and, based on what he was feeling, Sombra had to guess that the Hogyoku had enough of Aizen, as his power was back to what it had been before the very first evolution.

"What will you do now, Aizen? You cannot fight me anymore." Sombra asked, because at this point using his full power against Aizen would likely result in the former Captain being utterly destroyed and erased from existence, though at the same time his eyes were focused on the Hogyoku.

"The Hogyoku has determined that I shall continue to grow until I break you!" Aizen replied, though at the same time he forced himself to stand once more, showing Sombra that he still possessed the long hair from earlier as well, before he pointed what little remained of his Zanpakuto at his foe, "You can't kill me, no matt..."

"Oh Aizen, you should be smarter than this." Sombra stated, cutting Aizen off in the middle of his sentence, surprising him for a moment, before he sighed and stared at the foe that he had set out to defeat, while at the same time raising his right hand towards Aizen's chest, "The Hogyoku has stripped you of the powers that it previously gave you, meaning that all the power you have gained during our battle is gone, and your Zanpakuto lies broken and unable to be used against me anymore. The Hogyoku is rejecting you as it's master... and I think it's ready to leave you as well."

Just as he said that the Hogyoku glowed for a moment before the hole around opened, allowing it to slip out of the area of Aizen's chest that it had been stuck in, leaving a confused Aizen behind as he stared at the orb he had worked so hard to get his hands on, where Sombra let it be encased in a crystalline orb that would keep it safe, and not put it back to sleep, while he determined what to do with it, even though he let it float near where he was standing.

"S... So what if you take the Hogyoku from me?" Aizen asked, though at the same time he coughed for a moment, as he wasn't expecting something like that to happen at all, and he stared at his foe as the hole in his chest sealed up, leaving a small indent where the orb had been resting, "I've still absorbed a good deal of it's power! You can't kill me!"

"Maybe you're right, maybe you're wrong." Sombra said, to which he accessed the shadows that were around them and a new elegant mirror, this one five times bigger than one he would have made for someone of Aizen's size, appeared nearby, causing his foe to stare at it with a worried look in his eyes, indicating that he had to know what this was and was now terrified of what he might do to him, "Here's the thing, Aizen, killing you would be too easy for all the pain and suffering that you have inflicted on both Soul Society and the World of the Living, while letting you rot in a prison would only give you the chance to master these 'powers' that you've absorbed and make your escape when an opportunity presented itself. No, for someone like you the only acceptable punishment is to be tormented by your own fears and nightmares, for the rest of whatever life you have left, in the deepest reaches of the Shadowlands, where the greatest offenders are taken to be tortured."

Not even a moment later the surface of the mirror glimmered for a moment, which was followed by a storm of dark chains bursting out form the Shadowlands and wrapped around Aizen's body, because instead of going for just his arms and legs they wrapped around his entire body and prevented him from moving at all. Aizen seemed to know what was going on this time and struggled against the chains, which only tightened their grip on his body as they lifted him into the air, causing the former Captain to stare at the mirror that they were all connected to, where Sombra could tell that his mind was already imagining what sort of horrors awaited him. Sombra stood there and watched as the chains dragged Aizen towards the mirror, something that he fought in vain with what remained of his strength, before Aizen screamed as he was pulled into the Shadowlands, where Sombra observed as the keepers of that plane of existence started hauling him off to the deepest reaches, a place that very few had ever returned from. Once Aizen was gone from the surface, and the shadows had pulled back into the mirror, he waved his hand and the mirror turned back into the shadows that it had been formed from, severing the connection to the Shadowlands until he needed it again, before he sighed and turned away from where Aizen had been standing moments ago.

Despite the fact that Aizen was defeated he knew that it would take Soul Society some time to fix up all the damage that had happened before he and his forces had emerged from Hueco Mundo, so they could return the real Karakura Town to it's rightful resting place. Gin, who appeared to be wounded from his fight with Zangetsu, and that was easy to figure out thanks to the cuts on his arms and legs, had noticed that Aizen had been stopped and promptly surrendered, though at the same time he had something that he wanted to share with the Captain-Commander before his fate was determined and he was sentenced to whatever punishment he was given. Personally he felt that the Shadowlands were perfect for a traitor like Gin, but right now he was going to be nice and let Soul Society handle his punishment, as he had his own subjects to return to now that both of the previous rulers of Hueco Mundo had been taken care of and he was sure that the other Arrancar were interested in seeing what he had to say next. His friends, on the other hand, were likely more interested in making sure that the war with Aizen was over and that their lives could return to normal, and he knew that they would be happy to hear that their thoughts were correct, especially since they had witnessed the end of Aizen and his plans to kill the Soul King.

As he walked towards those that were gathering near the edge of the area that he had fought Aizen in he knew that, at some point in the future, he would have to figure out a way to get back to Equus, to the continent of Equestria, and speak to those that he had left behind, to clear somethings up before he moved on with his life... but for right now he was going to celebrate his victory over Aizen and his plans, with his friends and allies, and then worry about the future once that was over.

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