• Published 21st Apr 2019
  • 3,536 Views, 13 Comments

Dear Diary - Wandering Pigeon

While flipping through Celestia's old diary, Twilight comes upon a few... interesting entries.

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The Princess and the Pee

At some point, it struck Twilight that she was reading Princess Celestia’s diary. Her diary. A journal one dumped all of their darkest secrets, unfiltered thoughts, and deepest wants. It was an inherently personal venture to write one, and likewise, it was an inherently violating venture to read one. Especially without permission.

And at this point, right now, Twilight realized that she was violating the privacy of Princess ‘Throw You To The Moon If I’m Mad Enough’ Celestia.

Dear Diary,

I wet the bed today.

Just reading those two lines made Twilight’s blood run cold.

Her head jerked up and she took in the room around her. Rarity was concentrating on sewing. Sweat ran down her brow as she fussed over the finer points of some curtain’s needlework.

Fluttershy was feeding Angel carrot slices, cuddling the tiny rabbit against her chest as she did so. Angel had an unamused glare on his face, even as he nibbled away. To be fair, mere moments ago Fluttershy had thought he’d been crushed by a pillar. He really couldn’t blame her for coddling him a little bit.

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were rattling off increasingly stupid dares, hoping to come up with the ultimate tie breaker for their competition. Pinkie sat between them, shaking her head at anything that didn’t satisfy her imagination. Those three would be at it for a while at that rate.

Lastly, Spike was swatting a book at Star Spiders with increasingly high pitched shrieks. The spiders, for their part, had seemed to realize Spike didn’t actually have the guts to splatter them all over the floor, and so had stopped flinching with each fake out swing, thus perpetuating a cycle.

None of her friends knew what she had just read. They couldn’t, of course, but that irrational fear had briefly overtaken Twilight anyway. She couldn’t shake the feeling that she had just done something wrong. That she had just learned something she shouldn’t have.

She really, really shouldn’t be reading another pony’s diary like this.

Was it too late now? Now that Twilight had read that sentence, she couldn’t unread it. Now the knowledge would forever be with her that Princess Celestia had wet the bed in her… Twilight was assuming twenties. The diary seemed to be just after both of the Royal Sisters had ascended and took the throne as co-rulers. That was way past the acceptable age of being a bedwetter. In fact, it was downright humiliating at that point.

And Twilight knew this downright humiliating fact about her mentor now. Forever.

Should… should she even allow herself to keep reading now?

Maybe… maybe context will make it better, Twilight decided. Context was key, of course! There was no way there wasn’t more to this story. Surely she would feel less guilty if she understood why Celestia had wet the bed, and not merely that she’d done so. It would also improve the way Twilight saw Celestia. As it stood, she wouldn’t be able to look at the Princess the same way ever again. She had to know more, for her sake.

Yes, she was doing this for Princess Celestia and certainly not her own morbid curiosity… right?

Twilight dove back into the book, refusing to dignify that question with an answer.

Dear Diary,

I wet the bed today.

I just… woke up, and my sheets were damp. It’s quite embarrassing to admit, actually. I don’t believe I’ve ever wet the bed as a filly and now here I am, a grown mare waking up in a puddle of her own urine. Briefly I thought my dreams might have been the cause, but I couldn’t even remember them, let alone if they had been scary enough to cause... this.

I brought this up to Luna (stealthily, mind you. It wouldn’t do for her to learn what her big sister had done, after all) and she said she couldn’t remember a time where either of us had as well.

Perhaps it was just a freak occurrence.

Twilight brought her head up from the diary, as though coming up for air. That was… incredibly unsatisfying.

Just a freak occurrence? That was the only justification for Princess Celestia wetting the bed? She hadn’t been doing paperwork late into the night and passed out before she’d had a chance to use the restroom or something?

It was just… an accident?

Twilight fought back a frown, tightening her lips instead. Perhaps she’d just overreacted to the whole revelation. In the end, accidents did happen. Surely this had to be one of those.

She prepared to close the diary, ready to leave it behind. It had been a mistake to ever start reading it in the first place. Now that she’d had her one scare, it was time to stop.

Except… her eyes glazed over the next entry on the page.

Dear Diary,

It happened again.

Twilight froze, knowing full well she wouldn’t be able to just leave it alone after seeing that. She didn’t even start up a new internal debate in her head. Scanning the room, she confirmed her friends were all still wrapped up in their own business, none even looked in her direction.

She flipped back to that page.

Dear Diary,

It happened again.

I couldn’t even make it two nights before I had another… accident. And again, I don’t even remember doing it! I just woke up in the middle of a dream to find my bed was soaked. I came up with an excuse for the maid, but this is the second time in three days she’s had to wash my sheets. I fear she’s beginning to suspect something.

It’s got me so worried that I can’t even concentrate on work. Luna asked me what was wrong earlier. I lied, of course. How could I tell her the truth?

I’m really hoping this is the last I’ll have to mention all this. I’m going to forgo my nightly tea this evening. Surely that will help.

As Twilight read the last, hopeful line of the entry, she was stumped. How could there be no reason for the Princess of Equestria to suddenly wet the bed? And twice, for that matter?

“...Just a few more…” Twilight mumbled to herself. Surely there were clues she could decipher from reading the diary further. Maybe she could catch a pattern Celestia herself had missed. Yes… that was a good enough to keep going.

She flipped the page.

Dear Diary,

Two nights in a row! This is simply scandalous, I can’t believe my bedwetting has become so bad.

What am I going to do? I can’t let the maid see my sheets again or she’ll find out. And as soon as she does, the whole castle will to, I’m sure of it!

I’ve stashed my sheets in my closet for now. I’ll just sleep on the mattress tonight while I think of something to do. But if it happens again…

Twilight swallowed, her throat dry. This was insane! Princess Celestia almost seemed… afraid. The hastily scrawled words on the page before her only added to that notion. Twilight could already picture a much younger Celestia, curled up in the corner of her room so nopony could look over her shoulder as she shameful detailed her bedwetting to her diary.

A small, small part of her knew it was wrong to keep going at this point, but another, much larger part of her knew she had to keep going. If she didn’t see how this all played out, it would eat away at her. She was sure of that much.

After all, was Princess Celestia still wetting her bed to this day? If Twilight didn’t keep reading, she would never know.

Her eyes drifted to the next page.

Dear Diary,


This can’t be happening, not to me! I can raise the sun, but I can’t stop myself from peeing when I go to sleep? It’s ridiculous!

Now my mattress is all wet, and I don’t know what to do. I think I need help. But I can’t talk to anypony about this. Nopony can know that the Princess is a bedwetter...

Twilight squinted, trying to read that last line again. The words were all smeared, as though they’d been disturbed back when the ink had first been laid. The parchment around them was all stiff and wavy in some spots, as though at some point it had gotten wet…

Then it hit Twilight. Tears. Celestia must’ve been crying as she wrote, probably with her stained and smelly mattress close by to serve as a constant reminder. It was all so… vivid to her. As if she could actually see it happening.

She had to know more.

Her eyes dropped down the page again, surprised to see a new entry with the same date as the one above it.

Dear Diary,

A lot’s happened this morning. I guess I should write everything down, maybe it will help me process it all a little better.

I was pacing around my room trying to think of something I could do…

Celestia was pacing around her room, trying to think of something she could do. But no matter how long or hard she racked her brain, it remained devoid of ideas.

Her pace increased, as though that would help her at all. If anything, it only made her dizzy as she continued to trace a circle in the floor of her room.

Coming back around, her eyes unfortunately met her bed again. The bare mattress had seen it’s comforter and all of it’s sheet vacated just the previous day, leaving nothing but a few pillows resting on its head now.

And, of course, a massive yellow stain in the center.

The stale stench of urine still hung in the air, making Celestia’s eyes water in more ways than one. It was still hard for her to believe this was happening. In just five short days she’d managed to wet the bed four whole times!

This latest one catching her in the middle of the night, too. She’d awoken right in the middle of a dream, and found herself halfway through soaking her mattress. With wakefulness not even fully upon her, she’d simply allowed herself to finish, not realizing the ramifications of what she’d done until she’d rubbed the sleepiness from her eyes.

To make matters worse, her bed wasn’t the only thing that was wet. Pee had clung to her coat, dampening her undercarriage and inner thighs with its smelly presence. She desperately wanted to clean herself up, but Celestia was too nervous to leave her room now to take a bath. All it would take was one random passerby to walk by her room and notice what she’d done.

It didn’t even matter that it was still nighttime, guards had begun rotating shifts to work at all hours at Luna’s request. No time of the day was safe for her to leave this mess alone.

Celestia whipped her head away from her bed, unable to look at it. Her flowing mane buffeted her face, it’s presence wiping away a few of the tears that had made a beeline down her cheek.

As she turned again, continuing to pace frantically, Celestia now came face to face with her vanity on the opposite wall. It’s mirror let her catch sight of herself. Disheveled mane, red, puffy eyes with dark circles forming beneath them, a barely contained frown…

She was a mess, through and through. How could she not be after all that’s been happening?

Unable to bear the sight of herself any longer, she sped up once again. Halfway through her circle, Celestia caught sight of her closet. The tightly shut door was yet another reminder of her shame. No matter how much she didn’t want to think about it, she knew her bedsheets were back there, wedged into the very back to try and hide the shame of the no-doubt permanent stain that had formed on them.

What in Equestria was she going to do?

Her pacing picked up again, but this time Celestia pointed her head to the floor. She couldn’t bare to look anywhere in her room as she cycled around again.

She knew she didn’t have unlimited time. At some point today, she’d have to venture outside of her room, or else somepony would come looking for her. In fact, what time was it right now? Wouldn’t she need to--

Knock knock knock.

Celestia froze, hearing the blood-chilling sounds of somepony at her door.

No… No no no! She clenched her jaw, body shaking. She was too late; her useless pacing hadn’t done anything to solve her problem!

Maybe she could still do something. What if she set a fire? That could cover up her little… accident, right? Surely whoever was at the door would get scared and run off if that happened. Or maybe--

“Celestia?” Came a familiar voice, even when muffled by the door. “Are you in there?”

Luna. It was Luna who would be the first to find her like this. Celestia’s heart sank. Could today get any worse?

“Y-Yes?” She stammered. So much for even keeping up the facade that things were okay.

“What have you been doing?” Luna asked, an accusatory tone punctuating the turn of the door knob.

Celestia’s pupils shrank. “Wait!”

She dove for the door, her panic so great she forgot her magic would’ve done a better job than her body. It might’ve even spared her the humiliation, because she failed to stop her younger sister.

“You were supposed to raise the sun five minutes--” Luna froze, taking in Celestia’s unkempt appearance and the sight of her damp mattress all at once. “--ago…”

Celestia closed her mouth, lips twitching. She could actually feel tears welling up in her eyes.

For a moment, dead silence hung in the smelly air. Neither spoke, Celestia from shame, and Luna from pure speechlessness.

Celestia sniffled. It was all over now. Luna knew, and soon the whole castle would, and then the entire country might as well. So early into her tenure as a Princess and her name would be dragged through the mud, all because of something she couldn’t even control. She sniffled again.

“Sister…” Luna finally spoke. “Did you…” The question remained unspoken, but the message was clear. Celestia just nodded blinking back tears.

Luna took a step further into the room. Celestia moved to the side, knowing it would be pointless to deny her sister access now. She could only watch as Luna moved as close as she dared to the bed, and inspected the drying stain.

“Uhm… where are your sheets?” She asked, innocently enough.

“I-I…” Her voice caught in the back of her throat. Giving up, she merely pointed to her closet.

Luna moved to it, propping it open with a flick of magic. The door creaked as Luna brushed it to the side, a fitting noise for the reveal to come.

Keeping her horn alight, Luna levitated out the bunched up silk. Her magical aura moved from the entire ball to just the top corners, letting the sheets unfurl in front of her revealing the darkly colored spot of shame. It made Celestia lower her head to the floor, cheeks flushing.

Luna let the sheet drop unceremoniously to the floor, and turned to look at her older sister. “Has this… been going on for a while?”

She swallowed, and opened her mouth to speak. The words came out choked, forcing her to give up and just nod. She wished she could clarify further; now Luna may suspect this had been going on longer than a mere week.

“I see.” Her eyes swiveled from the bed to the sheets, and back again. Luna’s face tightened, as though she was trying not to laugh. Celestia appreciated that much, but she doubted her little sister would be able to hold back for long.

“L-Luna, I--”

“Perhaps you should see the Royal Physician,” Luna suggested suddenly.

Celestia flinched. “N-No!” Have another pony learn of her predicament? Absolutely not! She was already going to have her hooves full just trying to convince Luna not to tell other ponies.

“Tia, please,” Luna said, the use of her childhood nickname slipping out. “I can understand if you’re embarrassed, but--”

“I am,” Celestia suddenly cut her off. As ashamed as she was, she was finding it a little easier to talk now. “Luna, you have no idea, okay? This… I can’t tell ponies about this. What if it gets out that I… that I’m a…”

“Bedwetter?” Luna offered, though hesitantly.

Celestia swallowed. “T-That, yes. Please, I can’t have rumors spread about this. We only just became Princesses. What if citizens started to doubt me over this? It could… could…”

“Okay, okay.” Luna held up her hoof. “I can sympathize with that, I suppose. But surely you don’t want this to keep happening.”

Of course not, Celestia bitterly thought. But what could she say to convince Luna she’d be alright? She didn’t even know why she was wetting the bed. But there had to be a reason. What would sound plausible?

“I… I’m just stressed,” she said, unconvincingly.

“Stressed?” Luna tilted her head, brow raised.

“Yes!” Celestia winced. That sounded just a bit too eager. “I… There’s been a lot of work piling up lately, and I must not be handling it well, that’s all. I’m sure once things slow down a bit I’ll be able to put this whole thing behind me.”

“Well…” Luna scratched her chin, as though considering. “I suppose if that’s all there is to this, then there’s no reason to get a doctor involved.”

“Yes!” Celestia cried in agreement. “Thank you.”

“But you’re going to keep ruining your linens at this rate,” Luna pointed out.

Celestia’s ears drooped. There was always a catch. And unfortunately, she hadn’t figured out her way around this one yet. Her eyes darted between her bed and her sheets. “Well…”

She had nothing, not even a plausible fib that would get Luna off her back. Was there really nothing she could do to keep the issue at bay?

“If I may,” Luna suddenly said, snapping Celestia from her thoughts. “I might have an idea that could keep your sheets dry tonight.”

“Really?” Celestia’s demeanor brightened considerably. “What is it?”

“First.” Luna pointed to her drawn curtains, opening them to reveal a dark night sky that held no moon. “You need to raise the sun. And I’m guessing you should take a bath too.”

Celestia instinctively locked her hind legs, feeling her dry, but sticky coat back there. “I… suppose.”

“And we have a busy day too,” Luna considered. “So I’ll visit you tonight, then. By then I should have aquired everything I need anyway.”

Celestia’s ears pricked up at that curious statement. Maybe it was just her imagination, but she felt like Luna was dodging the question.

Though, she couldn’t deny that her sister raised some valid points. The morning had gone without the sun long enough.

“Okay,” she relented. Her eyes looked to her doorway, but then back to her bed. A prick of worry tightened her chest. If she left to go raise the sun, who would take care of… her accident?

“Leave it to me,” Luna said, as if she had read her mind. Though, to be far just reading the look on her face would’ve been enough.

“Are you sure?” Celestia asked.

Luna nodded. “I know a spell or two that might do the trick. And if not, I can just burn them, right?”

Celestia actually giggled. Of course Luna thought of the same thing she had. “Well, alright.” She started to leave, making it halfway through the doorway before catching herself. She whirled around. “Luna… you won’t tell anypony, right?”

Her sister smiled. “Of course not, Tia.”

Returning the smile, Celestia breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank you, Luna.”

She left, with only fleeting thoughts of what awaited her tonight to accompany her.

“Whatcha reading?” Pinkie smushed the side of her face into Twilight’s, knocking her out of the zone she’d been entranced in.

“AH!” Twilight flinched, just barely managing to slam the book shut before Pinkie had a chance to read a single line.

All of a sudden, she became aware that there were ponies--and a dragon--around her. And her outburst drew their attention up to her.

“Uh…” Twilight looked back to Pinkie, who still awaited her answer. “N-Nothing.”

“Really? You looked really into it for it to be a whole lotta nothing,” Pinkie pointed out.

Twilight gulped, bring the diary close to her chest. She couldn’t let anypony else know what she’d been reading, that much was obvious. “It’s just more about the secret passages and stuff,” she muttered.

“Okie dokie lokie.” Pinkie smiled, that answer appeasing her finally. “Hey, do you have an idea for a most-daring-pony dare?”

“Uh…” Twilight looked out to her friends. Rarity had already gone back to her sewing, Fluttershy to Angel, and Spike to his escape from the Star Spiders. Rainbow and Applejack, unfortunately, kept their eyes glued to her. No doubt on the edge of their seats for a potential tiebreaker challenge.

Twilight scoured her brain for ideas, but the image of Celestia in wet bed sheets kept popping up to the forefront of her mind. She couldn’t escape it.

“Sorry, I don’t know,” she admitted finally.

“Aww!” Pinkie flopped onto her back, defeated. “Then I guess it’s back to the drawing board.”

Groans erupted from Applejack and Rainbow Dash’s corner of the room.

“Sorry to bug you Twi,” Pinkie said as she hopped up back up to her hooves. She bounced off, leaving Twilight alone on her end of the room again.

“No worries,” she muttered. When noponies eyes were on her once again, she threw the diary back open, flipping back to her lost page. There was a second entry logged with the same date as the last one, so she picked up reading from there.

Dear Diary,

I can’t believe this is what Luna had in mind! When she showed up at my room tonight, I had no idea what she planned to do to me…

The day was finally over. A mountain of paperwork had been, well, not finished, but rather just turned into a slightly smaller mountain. Court had been held, and even saw a few disputes settled amidst the hours of bickering. And now, the sun had been lowered.

Celestia closed the curtains to her room, satisfied now that the moon had reached its peak. That meant Luna would be here soon and she could finally learn what her sister’s plan was to stop her from wetting the bed.

She had to admit, she was getting her hopes up. After the better part of the week spent waking up to damp shame, she was finally going to have her problem solved. Maybe it was a little early to be celebrating, but Celestia couldn’t help it; she grinned wildly.

Luna had already made good on one promise. Celestia had returned to her room recently to find her bed had been made. Nary a stain or a damp spot could be found on them either. She’d even flipped the mattress just to be sure Luna hadn’t done a poor job of trying to hide it, only to be pleasantly surprised.

I’ll have to ask her what she did, Celestia thought. It must’ve been a spell of some sort, but what magic could be so efficient for such an… undertaking?

Well, it wouldn’t really matter if she learned it or not. It’s not like she would need it anyway so long as Luna’s plan worked.

As if on cue, there was a knock at the door.

Celestia smiled, her anticipation growing. With her magic, she opened the door, revealing Luna on the other side.

Her sister still had her regalia on. It was no big surprise; she had just been working after all. Celestia had already shed hers, leaving her tiara and necklace on her nightstand atop her diary and her golden shoes were lined up neatly on the floor beside it.

Luna’s attire wasn’t the only thing she’d come with, however. A thick, pale blue strap wrapped around her chest, and looped down to her side where it held a matching bag.

Curious. Celestia could only assume these were Luna’s preparations she had mentioned earlier.

Luna gave her a somewhat eager smile. “Greetings sister. I trust your day was… busy.”

She gave a playful sigh. “Ugh, you would not believe me even if I told you.” The two shared a laugh at their own expense. They, more than anypony, knew just how demanding their jobs were. “I am looking forward to a restful, and dry sleep,” Celestia said as their chuckles died down.

“I hope you can get it,” Luna said, levitating the bag off of her her body. “But if not, that’s what this is for. Can you lie down on your bed for me?”

Celestia paused, her smile faltered into a more neutral face. Though hesitant, she followed Luna’s instructions, first sitting down on her mattress before lying back on her spine. Her body sank into her comforter ever so slightly.

“So… you said you had a wait to keep me from… uhm, wetting the bed,” Celestia prodded, hoping she’d heard wrong.

“Did I?” Celestia though she saw the corners of Luna’s mouth poke upwards before dropping back down again. She unzipped the bag. “I’m sorry, I only know of a way to keep your sheets dry. When it comes to stopping your nighttime… uh, accidents, I’m afraid I don’t have anything like that.”

“I see.” Celestia’s heart sank a little. So they were treating the symptoms, not the problem itself. To be fair, that was easier when even she didn’t know what the problem was. “So what is your idea then?”

“This.” With a flourish, Luna withdrew something large, poofy and white from the bag. Cutesy little crinkle sounds came from it as it moved, betraying it’s plastic nature. It didn’t take long for her to realize what it was.

“A DIAPER?!” Celestia cried, pushing herself back up.

“Sister please!” Luna reached over and pushed a hoof onto Celestia’s mouth to silence her. “You wouldn’t want a patrolling guard to here you, would you?”

Blood burned under Celestia’s cheeks, and she realized just how loud she had been. She brushed Luna’s hoof away. “Surely you can’t be serious, sister.”

“I know, I know,” Luna insisted. “It’s embarrassing, right?”


“Well so is wetting the bed,” she retorted.

Celestia snapped her mouth shut, blush growing ever brighter. She couldn’t dispute that. “But… but…”

“It’s not ideal, trust me, I know,” Luna assured her. “But at the same time, what else can you do? If you refuse to see a doctor, then we must provide something to protect your linens.”

“But a diaper?” Celestia protested, inching away from it. “I’d rather ruin my sheets again. After all, you can fix them, right?”

“Not really.” Luna admitted with something of a wince. “I ended up burning the old ones and just got you a replacement set.”

“O-oh…” Truthfully, Celestia had been joking when she agreed to that.

Luna set the diaper down on the bed, and began to unfold it. “Look, it really isn’t that bad. You’ll just have to wear them at night until your problem goes away. I made sure to get the nighttime diapers, so they’re thick enough to handle whatever you can throw at them. Not to mention,” Luna winked at her. “They’re far cheaper than just buying a new bed every day.”

Celestia furrowed her brow, in no mood for jokes. “But I’m not a foal!”

“That’s why I bought you adult diapers.”

“Luna!” Celestia cried indignantly.

Her sister fought down a smile and cleared her throat. “Kidding aside, this is the best solution I could come up with. Unless you have a better one, that is.”

Celestia bit her lip. She hated herself for not being able to come up with a good enough reason she shouldn’t wear a diaper. “But I don’t want to!”

What am I, a filly? Celestia frowned at the idea that she was resorting to such foalish tactics.

Luna sighed. “Okay… how about this. If you can keep your diaper dry for a week, then you’ve probably gotten the whole thing under control. Does that sound good?”

Celestia’s frown deepened. Diapers for a bare minimum of seven nights? Absolutely not.

“One night,” she countered. “If I wake up tomorrow dry, no more diapers. Ever.”

“And if it’s a fluke?” Luna asked.

Celestia’s thoughts leapt back to the day after she’d first wet the bed. She’d woken up dry that morning, come to think of it…

“Fine, two nights.”

“Four,” Luna returned, rotating the unfolded diaper to face her. “If you stay dry for the better part of a week, that should be good enough.”

Celestia cringed. She realized that Luna had all but tricked her into agreeing to wear one now. But still, four nights was better than seven, and she doubted she could convince Luna to drop it further. “...Okay.”

Luna patted the bed, encouraging her to lie back down. With a sigh, Celestia did so, angling her body in preparation for the diaper. She flopped her head back, and stared at the ceiling.

How has my life come to this?

“Legs up please,” Luna said.

Groaning, Celestia obliged. She squeezed her eyes shut as she felt the diaper slide underneath. There was a tug as Luna pulled her tail through a hole in the diaper’s behind.

“Okay, you can set them down now.”

Her legs dropped an inch, just enough for the top of Celestia’s plot to make contact with the diaper’s poofy interior. She froze, shivering.

Luna’s head moved out from behind Celestia’s legs. “All the way down, Tia.”

Celestia took a long, deep breath. This time, she brought her legs all the way down. Her muzzle scrunched as her plot sank into the poofy padding of the diaper. By the time her hooves came to rest on the bed, Celestia’s entire face was a deep shade of red.

“Come now,” Luna said as she reached into the bad. She withdrew a small canister that made Celestia’s brows tick up. “It’s not so bad.”

“What is that?” Celestia pointed.

Luna held the canister above her sister’s pelvis. “Foal powder.” She turned it over, and sprayed Celestia’s crotch with the contents.

“Foal powder?!” Celestia’s voice squeaked.

Luna set the canister off to the side, it’s job done. “But of course. You wouldn’t want to get a diaper rash, would you?”


Using her telekinesis, Luna wrapped the diaper up and around, allowing it to swallow Celestia’s waist. As the padded prison closed around her, Celestia could only bury her hooves in her face in shame.

She was The Princess of the Sun, reduced to wearing a foal’s garment to keep her bed dry. Surely, there was no greater humiliation.

Luna pressed the diaper’s tapes down with her hooves, packing up her bag with her magic. “And there... we... go!”

Celestia didn’t move. She didn’t want to hear the crinkling sounds of her diaper as she did. She didn’t want to feel its presence spread her thighs apart, or let it’s soft insides rub up against her. If she stayed perfectly still, maybe she wouldn’t have to.

Luna rolled her eyes as she stood up. “Come on.” Grabbing Celestia by the hoof, she forced her sister to sit up.

The crinkles from her diaper were thunderous. Celestia winced, pretty certain the entire castle had just heard.

“Don’t worry about it, sister,” Luna told her. She giggled. “Actually, it makes you look kinda cute.”

“Luna!” Celestia cried, her face boiling.

Luna just giggled again, relishing her sister’s embarrassment. Standing, she grabbed her bag as she left the bed. “That should cover your for tonight. I’ll come check on you in the morning, okay?”

“Okay…” Celestia mumbled. She shifted her legs, trying to find a comfortable way to sit in her new diaper. All she accomplished was squishing the padding up against her privates, sending a shiver down her spine.

“Good night, Tia,” Luna said as she left, waving to her.

“Good night,” she mumbled back.

When Luna finally shut the door, everything was quiet. Celestia then dove into her pillows, burying her face in shame and disturbing the silence with a new round of crinkles.

The last few nights of waking up in wet sheets almost didn’t compare to the humiliation she felt now.

Rolling over, Celestia settled down in her bed. Her horn lit up, and she levitated her diary out from under her regalia, bringing it close. She needed someway to process everything, and writing down her thoughts was usually a big help. She just wasn’t sure that would be enough to help her come to terms with this.

At least this will all be over with soon enough, Celestia consoled herself. She shifted, grimacing as her diaper rubbed up against her thighs. I just need to wear this stupid thing for four nights and then I can put this whole episode behind me. That’s not so bad; I’m sure whatever’s been going on these past few nights won’t even be an issue anymore.

Twilight needed to pick her jaw up from the floor.

Princess Celestia—The Princess Celestia—had been reduced to wearing a nighttime diaper.

If it wasn't written by the monarch herself, Twilight never would’ve believed it. And even then, she was still having a hard time comprehending what she was seeing. But the words on the page were plain as day, so clear Twilight could practically see it all happening, right down to a diaper snuggly wrapped around her white plot.

The corners of her mouth poked upward at the cute image her head was forming.

Wait… cute? Twilight blinked, slipping back to a neutral face. What an odd thought to cross her mind. Could some part of her actually be… enjoying this?

She shook her head. That was startling to think about.

But perhaps the most startling thing was that Twilight didn’t want to stop reading.

Even after all she learned, she still didn’t have answers. She could feel a tick in her brain, writhing in the agony of curiosity. If she stopped now, she’d never learn the truth. It may cause her to never look at Princess Celestia the same way again, but even so, Twilight had to know.

She turned the page, heart pounding with equal parts insatiable guilt and insatiable thirst for answers. Her eyes settled on the next entry. It was simultaneously what she dreaded and hoped it would be.

Dear Diary,

I fear I will be in diapers for quite some time...

Author's Note:

This fic has been burning a hole in my gdocs for quite some time. Shortly after finishing the first chapter, hodge and I collaborated on Having Your Cake, which ended up using a few ideas that I'd planned to put in the second chapter of this fic, or just in general ended up very similar (and if you were paying attention while reading, you can probably guess where I was going with this one).

So I've been stuck on what I've wanted to do with this for quite sometime. Write out part 2 as intended and just let the fics be similar? Go in a totally different direction? Make it clop? Cut out Twilight or leave her in?

Considering how long I've been wrestling with this, you can imagine my frustration. Ultimately, I'm still undecided. This kind of works on its own as is, but you can also clearly tell a continuation was planned. So, I'm putting it out with an "On Hiatus" status in place. Maybe a second chapter will eventually come out, maybe this will be all there is. And if someone else has a burning drive to make a sequel, then by all means go for it. I'd love to see a bunch of people's takes on where this should go.