• Published 21st Apr 2019
  • 3,548 Views, 13 Comments

Dear Diary - Wandering Pigeon

While flipping through Celestia's old diary, Twilight comes upon a few... interesting entries.

  • ...

The Princess Peed

Dear Diary,

I fear I will be in diapers for quite some time…

Celestia sat in her bed, biting her lip, and tried very, very hard to not cry.

She, an alicorn Princess of Equestria who wielded the power to raise the sun, woke up wearing a diaper. A soggy diaper. A diaper she’d no doubt been responsible for the sogginess of.

Her head fell in her hooves. “Nooooo…”

The cold, damp padding rested against her inner thighs with a sickening feel. Each time she touched them, she shivered. Each shiver forced a different part of her to touch the padding. It was a never ending cycle of shame.

Celestia actually sniffled. This couldn't be happening. Wetting the bed was one thing. Wetting a diaper?! She was one step away from foalhood now. What was next, a pacifier?

She couldn’t even say it had been a restful sleep. It’d taken forever to slumber with her poofy diaper constantly invading every nook and cranny it could find. And the crinkling. Starswirl's beard, the crinkling. It was muffled by squishes now, but last night it had been a veritable cacophony. The whole castle must have heard. All of Canterlot must have heard.

“Nooooo!” Her head sank even further into her hooves, stretching the skin of her face. She’d been awake for two whole minutes and this was already the worst day of her life.

Knock knock.

She bolted upright, heart lurching. Somepony was at the door! Somepony was at her door while she was wearing a wet diaper!

Celestia threw the covers over her damp padding before answering. “Y-Yes?” Her voice cracked.

“Tia? It’s me.” Luna’s voice. Celestia could actually breathe a slight sigh of relief at that. At least it was somepony who knew of her condition. “May I come in?”

Celestia’s voice caught in her throat. She couldn’t have Luna find about her wet diaper. She needed four straight nights of dryness to get out of them. The accident around her waist would condemn her to a fifth night in these infantilish garments, bare minimum!

She toyed with the idea of teleporting the thing away, so some dump out of town, or on the face of Discord’s statue in the garden, but what good would that do? Luna would be suspicious if she wasn’t wearing a diaper at all. And it wasn’t like the stale stench of urine surrounding her would go away.

No, she’d have to own up and admit to wetting her diaper.

Celestia blushed. Why, all of a sudden, did she feel like a little filly forced to shamefully admit her accident to her mother?

Shaking her head, Celestia chased all those thoughts from her mind. “Yes, sister,” she finally answered.

The door swung open faster than she would have liked. Luna strolled in, a confident smile on her face, diaper bag swinging by her side. Celestia noticeably paled, a feat for her.

“Y-You didn’t let anypony see that, did you?” She pointed to the bag, unsubtle poofy squares bulging out of its confines.

“Tia, honestly.” Luna kicked the door shut as she confidently strolled in. “You sound like a scared little filly.”

“I do not!” Celestia smacked her comforter.

“Relax, I was discreet.” Luna dropped her bag by the side of the bed.

Celestia scoffed. Luna’s idea of discretion was using the Royal Canterlot Voice where a whisper would do just fine. When it came to keeping the diapers a secret, Celestia didn’t have much hope on her sister’s end.

“So, now we ask the big question. How do you find yourself this morning, sister?”

Her fore legs curled up. No doubt Luna could already smell the pungent stench of urine. It lingered through the whole room, not just by the bed. She must’ve known the moment she walked in.

“Wet,” Celestia grumbled.

“I see.” Luna’s blue aura pinched the corner of the sheets. “May I?”

Celestia squeezed her lips together, but nodded. Her bedsheets peeled back, revealing the shameful display.

It was Celestia’s first time taking it all in. A blasphemous stain encompassed her diaper’s crotch. A yellow ocean, coloring the once crisp and poofy padding. This wasn’t wet, this was soggy. Celestia shuddered.

But Luna smiled. “Huzzah! Your linens remain unsullied.” She sounded a little too proud of herself.

“Luna!” Celestia tried to curl away and hide her shame, but only managed to squish the padding.

squish squish squish

She cringed.

“Sorry, sister.” Luna seemed like she was choking down a snicker. “I am sorry you were unable to avoid another accident. But I was right, was I not? No more wet bed sheets!”

“Indeed,” Celestia grumbled. “Because wet diapers are so much better.”

“Well, hopefully you won’t require them for much longer.” Luna’s magic withdrew a pack of foal wipes from her diaper bag. “Now let’s get you cleaned up.”

Celestia’s cheeks burned. “I am perfectly capable of cleaning myself!” she squeaked.

Luna just sighed. “There’s no need to be embarrassed, sister.”

“No nee—” She was in a wet diaper for crying out loud! Now seemed like a perfectly reasonable time to feel embarrassed. “I don’t think you understand how serious this is Luna!”

“I don’t think you understand how good this is, Celestia,” Luna fired back.


Luna nodded. “But of course. We’ve found a reliable method to treat your symptoms, have we not? And that’s all we can do as long as you refuse to address the root cause of the issue.”

Her ears flicked. “Luna, trust me. I would love to figure out the cause for… this!” she gestured to her yellow crotch. “You think I want to be in diapers?”

Luna cocked her head. “So you’ll see the Royal Physician then?”

Celestia straightened. The thought of somepony else finding out… of everypony else finding out… “No!”

A sigh. “Then will you try to lessen your stress? Perhaps not work so hard today?”

“Luna there’s so much to do,” Celestia protested.

Her sister threw her hooves up in defeat. “Then I’m afraid you leave yourself no choice but diapers.”

Celestia winced. “Not so loud!” She put a hoof out to silence her sister, but leaning in only squished her diaper more. Her wince became a cringe.

Luna stifled a giggle. Her magic pulled the comforter all the way back, removing any chance Celestia had of hiding the shameful yellow stain again. “Come now, allow me to help you.”

Celestia crossed her forelegs. Luna’s “help” was the reason she was wearing a wet diaper in the first place. But she had to eventually agree that she’d like to get out of it. At Luna’s behest, she found herself lying all the way down on her bed.

Cramming her eyes shut, she heard the tapes of the diaper rip off. The soggy padding peeled back, exposing her undercarriage to the air. Magic lifted her hind legs, but before the diaper was slipped out, a wet, cold wipe pressed against her.

“L-Luna!” Celestia’s eyes shot open, her blush shooting all the way to her ears.

“Be still,” Luna reprimanded the squirming alicorn. “We must get you clean.”

Ignoring that, Celestia squirmed. A foal wipe slipped along every nook and cranny of her inner thighs. To make matters worse, Luna seemed content to use her hoof for this part. The contact made Celestia’s stomach churn. It didn’t feel good to have her sister cleaning up her crotch like this.

But finally, it finished. Luna slid the diaper out from under her and balled it up. Celestia was able to drop her hooves back down and feel the freedom of nudity. With a poof, the evidence of her accident vanished, and Luna began packing up her supplies.

Celestia sat back up, unable to make eye contact with her sister. She just let her face burn while she picked at the edge of her bed sheets. Luna snapped the diaper bag closed and draped it back over her shoulder.

“Ohh,” she cooed at her big sister. She leaned in and gave Celestia a hug, the act only making the bedwetter stiffen. “There, there, Tia.”

“I do not need to be consoled like a little filly!” Celetia’s voice cracked at that last word, but the message should have gotten across. Luna did at least pull back.

“Of course not, sister.” Luna gave a coy smile. “Let us hope you won’t need consoling tomorrow morning either.”

How about the next four days. Celestia’s bitterness was palpable, even in her thoughts. She couldn’t believe she still had that long, bare minimum, to put up with Luna’s foalish idea.

“Now, up you go.” Luna pulled her up and off the bed, as if she needed help or something. “You have a sun to raise, Celestia.”

“O-Of course, yes.” Celestia shook her head. Hopefully the warmth on her cheeks would fade soon. At least the awkwardness of the morning had passed. She didn’t want to be reminded of it anymore!

“I’ll see you tonight.” Luna assured her. To Celestia, it seemed more a threat than a promise.

“Til tonight,” she whispered as her sister trotted away, oh so satisfied her idea had worked. Celestia could just sigh. Eyeing her diary, she knew there was one bizarre entry awaiting it…

Twilight was having difficulty catching her breath. Red-face, taut expression, she could hardly believe herself. The imagery flashing across her mind… the Princess of the Sun having her nighttime accident cleaned up by her little sister… why did it all look so adorable!?”

Now it was her turn to shake away the blush.

This was so wrong. Guilt welled up within her. Twilight had already been conflicted about reading something so embarrassing from Celestia’s past… but to find herself actually kind of enjoying the Princess’s suffering? She sounded so ashamed and upset in the pages and yet… Twilight was liking it.

“T-Twilight, can we go?” Spike called from across the room.

Jolting, she looked up from the book. Spike was now completely surrounded by Star Spiders, his inability to swat them proving to be his undoing. He looked terrified… it probably was time to help him out. And just how late was it actually?

But even so, Twilight really didn’t want to break from the flow of this diary. It was just too good. She had to know what happened next, even if it killed her! ...Even if Celestia killed her.

She looked to Rarity for assistance. The seamstress was only halfway through all her curtains, surely she didn’t want to call it quits yet. Luckily, her friend picked up on the look with a wry smile.

“Oh, Spikey, why don’t you come over here and help me for a bit?” Her magic levitated the besieged Spike away from the spiders. Having lost the object of their torment, they quickly dispersed.

“U-Uh, well… okay, yeah!” And just like that, he was hooked.

Twilight breathed again. Flipped to the next page, she prepared herself to dive deeper into the depths of Celestia’s humiliation. For… For knowledge, of course.

She wasn’t sure she was prepared for what she would find.

Dear Diary,

Three nights in a row! I can’t believe it. What did I do to deserve such a fate? And worse yet… I think Luna is starting to enjoy this...

Celestia had pulled back the covers to inspect the damage. Her formerly white diaper stared back at her. Nary a corner of it was clean. Yellow, soggy, smelly. It pained her to see so many layers of padding so thoroughly soaked.

And the make matters worse, everything was just getting worse!

After yesterday’s second wetting, she decided to forgo her nightly tea in the hopes that would help. And it hadn’t. Celestia was quite certain she’d never peed so much before!

And to think it all went into a diaper…

A knock at the door startled her. “L-Luna?” she probed, magic slipping the covers back over her shame.

“It’s me, sister.” The door knob turned, and Luna revealed herself in the doorway. Familiar diaper bag in tow. Celestia whined in the back of her throat. “Alright, let me see the damage.”

Lip quivering, Celestia kicked the comforter off in a huff.

“Aww, now there's no need to throw a temper tantrum,” Luna chuckled. Then she saw the diaper. “Oh my…”

Crossed forelegs, red-faced, Celestia bit her lip. It was the only thing she could do to keep tears from welling up in her eyes. What kind of princess was she? What kind of big sister was she? Every day since the accidents had started, her shame had only compounded. And today was no different.

Sensing this, Luna slipped off her diaper bag and took a seat on the bed beside her. “Tia…”

“Don’t say anything!” Celestia whimpered. “Just… just get it off me!”

Luna tilted Celestia’s head so she could look at her. “Goodness, Tia. You look exhausted.”

It was true. Bags were starting to form under the young princess’s eyes. At the rate she was going, she’d age a millenium in a century.

“Are you sleeping alright?” Luna asked. The earnest question was a little disarming. Celestia had been getting used to playful jabs and innocent teases come morning. Concern was concerning.

“I-I’m fine!” she lied. But the jolt of surprise from it all forced a yawn out of her. “Fine!” she insisted before it even finished.

“Tia…” Luna began stroking her mane. It was a trigger they both had developed early on. Their mother always did this when she knew they were hiding something from her.

Childhood habits compelled her to answer. “I have not been sleeping well, no.”

“Is it your diaper? Is it keeping you up?”

Celestia chewed the inside of her cheek. That was part of it. In many respects it was difficult to sleep with a glorified pillow pushing her gait apart.

But another part of it was that she’d deliberately been fighting the Sand Mare. The reasoning was silly, but it should be effective. She couldn’t wet herself in her sleep if she never went to sleep. And just because she hadn’t been able to stay awake so far didn’t mean she couldn’t make this strategy work eventually. If she could just get one dry night in she was sure the experience would snowball her through the rest of Luna’s conditions.

“Tia, you have to have your rest,” Luna insisted, taking silence for a yes. “If stress really is the cause of your accidents, then this will surely not help.”

Celestia’s pupils shrank. Was that why her wetting was so much worse today? “What am I supposed to do?” She asked, almost accusingly. She pushed Luna’s hoof from her mane. “I can’t force myself to go to sleep!”

“Hmm…” Luna seemed to ponder this for a moment. She even scratched her chin, something she never did. “I’m sure I can find something that will help you slumber. Perhaps the Royal Physician can provide you with a sleep aid?”

“No!” Celestia shook. “I don’t want him asking any questions.” If that was the thing that led to her diapers being discovered… “Please find something else for me?”

“Okay, okay,” Luna was biting back a smile. “Goodness, you’ve been acting more and more like a foal lately.”

Celestia’s face exploded. Red. Red everywhere. “Don’t say such things, sister!” Her wings flared, her ears folded down. Luna chuckled, and the whole thing got worse.

“I’m sorry, sister. I truly meant no harm by it.” Luna stood from the bed, opening her diaper bag. “Here, allow me to clean you up, okay? I promise I’ll find an alternative to your sleep troubles.”

Still rigid from humiliation, Celestia needed a few shaky breaths to calm down. “O-Okay… thank you, sister.”

“Of course, Tia.”

Twilight was covering up a smile. How cruel of her to side with Luna, but she had to agree. Celestia was acting more and more foalish with each entry. Her childish temper tantrums were a side of her Twilight had never known existed before. As violating as this whole act proved to be, she felt she was getting to know her mentor a little better.

She didn’t even need to flip the page for more, there was another entry just below this one, with the same date no less.

Dear Diary,

Luna has gone too far this time!

“I am not using that!” Celestia brought her hind legs together, crinkling her fresh diaper and launching a cloud of foal powder into the air. It stung her nose with the taunt of how foalish it was, but it was still nothing compared to her sister’s proposal.

In Luna’s hoof, a pale pink pacifier. She was actually suggesting this.

“Tia, please hear me out,” Luna insisted.

“NO!” She tempered her voice. No using blazoning her sister’s idea to the whole castle. “Luna, I refuse to use a pacifier. I’m not a foal!”

“If you would just listen—” Luna huffed. “And I’m not suggesting you are!”

Oh please. First diapers, now this? What else was Celestia supposed to take away from her sister’s ideas?

“Tia, many pacifiers today are specially enchanted. They aid children’s slumber to ensure they get a full night’s rest. This is just a logical solution if you don’t want medication.” Luna held it out closer to her.

Celestia’s snout scrunched in annoyance. “But why’d you have to get me a pacifier? Could you just cast the enchantment on a… a sleep blindfold or something?”

“I don’t know the enchantment,” Luna clarified. “And I figured a certain somepony wouldn’t appreciate the questions that would come from a princess asking to learn an enchantment meant to help foals.”

“So you admit it’s foalish!” Celestia claimed. She was just dodging Luna’s logic, however.

“I merely acquired a pacifier and enlarged it for you.” Luna insisted. “It is meant to aid your slumber, nothing more. If we find the enchantment doesn’t work, you can throw it away.”

“I would rather never sleep again!” Celestia crossed her hooves, turning her snout up at the device.

“Tia, I would love for you to be up during my night,” Luna admitted. “But your sleep is too important.”

“I’m not even tired,” Celestia yawned.

Luna huffed. Celestia huffed. An impasse. At least, she thought so.

Luna’s hoof was like lightning. She slapped the pacifier between Celestia’s lips with unnatural speed. Or maybe Celestia was just too tired to stop her. But either way, a large rubber bulb pushed her tongue down and her jaw open. The cutesy guard hit her lips.

And Celestia started suckling.

The motion was so sudden, yet natural, that she almost didn’t notice at first. But when she did her cheeks were scorched with her humiliation.

“Ah! Wha— Wuna!” A blue hoof pressed the pacifier into Celestia’s lips. “Nuu!”

“This will help,” Luna insisted. “Please don’t be so stubborn, sister.”

The almost instinctual suckling continued. A part of the pacifier’s magic? It had to be. Celestia would never do this if she could help it.

She slammed her hooves on the bed, whining into the pacifier as her diaper crinkled noisily. She kicked her hind legs in whatever direction her padding splayed them. This was not happening to her!

But even as the bout of fussiness erupted, she could feel it being suppressed. Her limbs felt weighed down. Her breathing slowed. The tension in her body started to relax. Though her blush did not dissipate.

“There, see?” Luna asked. “In mere moments, you’ll be ready to sleep.”

Celestia narrowed her eyes at her sister. But her suckling deepened. It was so rhythmic, she actually closed her eyes for a moment to enjoy it. Luna even removed her hoof, and Celestia didn’t spit it out right away.

But she shook her head. This wasn’t right! “Wuna…”

“Please give it a try, Celestia. One night.” Luna held up a hoof. “Whether you sleep or not, if you truly hate it, I won’t ask you to do it again.”

Celestia furrowed her brow, suckled, and unfurrowed it. “O’tay…” She winced. Between the diaper and the foalish speak her pacifier forced upon her, it was hard to to feel childish. She was a little filly, making deals with her mommy to avoid vegetables for dinner or her afternoon nap. It was peak foalishness! There was no way this could get worse.

Her shoulders slumped in defeat. Luna’s face told here there was no getting out of this one. But she was going to hold her sister to it. Tomorrow morning, the pacifier was gone.

For tonight… Celestia yawned again.

Luna smiled. “I’ll leave you to it, sister. Come morning I hope to see that pacifier still in your mouth!”

“Uh-huh,” she mumbled as her sister collected her things. She almost felt like blowing a raspberry at her when she turned for the door.

Still suckling after Luna closed the door behind her, Celestia didn’t know what to do. She was angry… but so tired. Her eyes blinked slowly. Even her wavy mane was crawling.

But still, her mind was abuzz. Even with the feeling of encroaching fog upon it, she had to find someway to process what had just happened. So she reached for her diary, and wrote until sleep over took her not five minutes later.

Twilight watched as the passage trailed off until Celestia must have inevitably fallen asleep. She almost let out a “D’aww”, but held it back. Didn’t need her friends asking questions.

She flipped the page, only to frown with actual disappointment.

Dear Diary,

When Luna woke me up, I learned the most joyous of news! I’m dry! I’m dry for the first time in a week! I’ve never been happier to feel the padding against my coat than I was today.

She should’ve been happy for her teacher, but Twilight only found herself frowning. Sure a gleeful, padded Celestia was a cute image in it’s own right, but that wasn’t what she’d been hoping for.

She turned the page, frown deepening.

Dear Diary,

I don’t know if it’s the pacifier, or what, but I’m dry again! Luna could hardly believe it herself! This is truly wonderful!

Another page.

Dear Diary,

Three nights in a row! I don’t know what to say. If I make it to tomorrow morning, I never have to wear these stupid things ever again!

Now Twilight was worried. Was this it? She’d broken into the sanctum of her mentor’s darkest secrets. Was this all there was? Sure, it had been scandalous, but Twilight was putting her relationship with the Princess on the line for this! There had to be more to it.

She looked to the next page.

Dear Diary,


A dream startled Princess Celestia awake. What it was about, she already couldn’t say.

She yawned into her pacifier, surprised it hadn’t fallen out. As long as she’d used it, she’d yet to wake up at all come nighttime. But it’s effects were still working it’s magic on the startled Princess. She was feeling relaxed again already.

Blearly, she felt her body catch up with wakefulness. The sensation of the padding around her waist. The fact that her hind legs were forced into a semi-split. Her aching bladder…

“Hmm…” Celestia lowered her eyelids. Without even really thinking about it, she decided to let that one discomfort go.

Hiss… Celestia sighed as warm pee rushed out of her diaper. The strain in her hips faded somewhat and it was nice. The way it just gushed out of her, her diaper soaking it all up instantly, just felt right in that moment. Warm padding became damp, and heavy. Sagging only slightly, but feeling far more bulky.

“Hmmmm~” She moaned. “Go potty~”

In her haze of sleep, she didn’t notice until it was too late. Her bladder wasn’t the only thing giving her pressure. And when her hazy mind gave her body the okay to go, her bowels obeyed.


Celestia’s eyes burst open. Suddenly, everything she was doing clicked into focus. She was peeing herself! She was about to—


Celestia pooped herself. Too late to stop it, to relaxed to have managed to even if she tried. One gross log of mush slipped out of her rear, only to be smushed by the weight of her plot on it. Another mudslide wriggled it’s way out of her, ballooning her padding and fighting for dominance in the limited space.

The squashed and shifted. Slimy mush coated her undercarriage. Now her diaper was truly sagging.

Celestia shot up, biting down on her pacifier. Tears of realization stung her yes. “No no no, pwease!”

But the deed was done. She’d messed herself.

Sniffling, suckling, Celestia let tears run down her cheek. How could this happen? How could she do this to herself? She was almost free and then… then she just proved she needed diapers more than ever!

Head in her hooves, Celestia just whimpered as the steaming mess settled. “Noooo! No no no!”

Even her pacifier couldn’t calm her down. She was wide awake now, even if she suckled non-stop, she wouldn’t be asleep again for several minutes. And she wasn’t sure she wanted to go back to sleep as she was right now. It was disgusting! She had to change.

Except… she didn’t have any diapers. And she had no idea where Luna kept hers. But if she just took this one off and cleaned herself up, Luna would know come morning something was wrong. She needed a change she just… she couldn’t do it herself.

Sniffling, her course of action was obvious. Humiliating, but obvious. And in the aftermath of having willingly pooped her diaper, Celestia just wanted the sensations to go away.

She got up, throwing off her covers. Each squishy shift of her diaper made her cringe, but she put up with it anyway. The only thing on her mind was getting into a clean diaper right now.

She teleported.

And burst into Luna’s room.

Her sister was asleep in bed, a rather odd sight to see. Luna preferred to be nocturnal most of the time. But Celestia couldn’t exactly notice the oddity before her. The way her sagging diaper flopped against her inner thighs overpowered any other thought.

Whimpering, she shuffled over to her sister. Her waddle of shame was accompanied by squishy crinkles and a violent smell. Even asleep, her sister’s snout twitched in agony.

“W-Wuna…” Celestia mumbled through her pacifier. Don’t cry, don’t cry, please don’t cry! “Wuna… pwease… hewp me..” She nudged her sister’s sleeping form. Slowly, her eyes opened.

“Celestia?’ Then she gagged. “Oh goodness, what is that stench?”

A sniffle. A suckle. “I… I…”

Luna sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Her magic flicked on a lap, illuminating the source of Celestia’s shame. “What are you… oh…”

Celestia whined. “I pooped!”

“Oh, Tia…” Knowing just what to do, Luna reached up and hugged her sister’s neck. “There there.” she patted her back.

“I didn’ mean too!” Celestia cried, softly. She buried her face in Luna’s mane. “I didn’ wanna use my diapee!”

“It’s okay, it’s okay,” Luna cooed. “I’m here for you, Tia.” She let her sister cry for as long as she needed, though soon the odor became unbearable. Stale urine, rotten mush. It was an unholy concoction Celestia had dumped in her diaper, and it had to be addressed.

Still suckling on her pacifier for comfort, Celestia found herself lying on the ground. Luna had rounded up her supplies with a single spell, and now stood over her sister with a loving smile. “I’ll make it all better, okay?”

“I was awmost dere!” Celestia bemoaned. Four nights had been within her grasp and she ruined it. Consciously ruined it!

"I know, I know,” Luna cooed. She pulled the tapes open. The full assault of her sister’s mess hit both their nostrils. Two clothespins later, and Luna felt ready to tackle it.

Celestia just whimpered, the occasional sob wracking her body. For the most part she just suckled. As the minutes passed, she did start to feel calmer.

Wipe after wipe went to war with the mess on her bum. At times it felt like Luna wasn’t making any progress, even as a little pile formed. But eventually she pulled the last foal wipe away, and balled up the biggest accident of Celestia’s life.

“There we go, see?” Luna said to her sniveling sister. “Let’s get you a new diaper, okay?”

“But…” Celestia didn’t have any ground to stand on and she knew it. She’d failed again to keep her padding clean. And if she pressed the issue, Luna might find out it was done on purpose too.

So she complied like a good little filly would for her diaper change. Luna hoisted her legs back up, sliding a fresh diaper underneath. She got a heaping helping of foal powder for her troubles, and even a little rash cream. “As a precaution,” Luna said before sealing her up.

And just like that, she had the feeling of a fresh diaper once again. After the mess she’d made, it was oddly comforting. Celestia’s sniffles were a lot more manageable now.

“Well,” Luna said. “At least we know it isn’t a lack of sleep causing this.”

“Yeah…” Celestia blushed, looking away.

“I really do think it’s stress doing this to you. Won’t you give me a few of your responsibilities from now on?”

“N-No…” Celestia shook her head. “I can do it. I da pwincess!”

Luna frowned. She almost looked like she was stifling her anger. “Tia, you know I can do more. Why must you push me into your shadow?” She gestured to the diaper. “And at your own detriment too!”

“I can do it!” Celestia suckled. She had to still prove she was an adult in some capacity. Her eyelids fluttered, the pacifier doing it’s work.

Luna groaned, realizing her sister was about to fade. “Fine. I hope you don’t regret this, Tia. Now come on, let’s get you back to your room.”

Celestia couldn’t even reply. She was already asleep. But come morning, when her senses fully returned to her, she’d have one heck of a diary entry to write.

Twilight was on the third floor. Her jaw was on the first floor.

Sweet Celestia!

She couldn’t believe what she’d just read. But the words were from the Princess herself. They had to be believed! Not only had Celestia soiled her diapers, but she’d begged for a change on top of that.

Twilight really regretted reading now. Though her curiosity was satiated, her view of the Princess was surely tainted now. There was no going back after what she’d just read.

And yet, there was no regret in Twilight’s mind. It was so cruel to take delight out of Celestia’s suffering, but the mental image of Luna coddling her big baby sister was too precious. Worth it? Possibly.

Twilight flipped over the page now on the last paragraph written for this diary.

Dear Diary,

Given the… sensitive nature of my last several entries, I’m quite concerned about the possibility some pony might actually read you one day. So I’ve woven a special curse into your pages, one that only I can undo. Now we’ll see who gets the last laugh if someone other than me opens you up!

Twilight’s pupils shrank. A… A curse? She dropped the book suddenly, it’s cover flopping closed.

A burst of powerful magic enveloped her. The girls and Spike all yelped in surprise, though none louder than Twilight. When the light faded, they were all looking her way now.

“T-Twilight?” Rainbow Dash was snickering.

Coming to her senses, Twilight saw what had been done to her. A massive, poofy diaper encased her hips. A yellow onesie locked it in place, a familiar sun emblem emblazoned on its chest. And a matching pacifier filled her mouth. One test from her lips told her it was not coming out any time soon.

Lastly a bonnet swallowed her head, her mane rearranged into little twin tails that spilled down by her neck.

“Darling, what are you wearing?”

“Aww, cute!”

“Um.. that’s… oh my…”

“Sugarcube, what happened?”

“Holy crap, Twilight!”

She wanted to shrink away into nothingness, then and there. But she couldn’t do anything, not even fly away, her wings trapped under the onesie.

She stumbled back, tripping due to her wide gait. Her fall showed off her poofy rear end a little too well, and none of the girls could hold back confused giggles.

Twilight whined into the pacifier. If the diary was to be believed, there was only one pony who could get her out of this getup. And she was not going to be happy with her, at all.

If Twilight ever wrote her own diary, this was not going to be an entry.

Author's Note:

Long story about how this came to be. Maybe I'll tell it soon. For now, I hope you enjoyed!

Comments ( 7 )

So will there be a sequel? I would like to have seen more entries in this particular diary.

I never say no to the idea of sequels, but given how long just the making of this fic was, I wouldn't hold my breath. But I'm glad you liked it! :twilightsmile:

Oh boy, that ending was perfect! :twilightblush:

Twilight may disagree with you there :rainbowlaugh:

Well, it's not like she's having a say in it, is she? :trollestia:

Really, given how much you seem to like to put her into some padded predicaments in your stories (from Unforeseen Consequences of Haycartes' Method to Not Quite Right, by way of Pranks For That and FOAL 9000), I can only wonder what you'll have in store for her next... :raritywink:

Lol, I just can't seem to give her a break, can I?

Nice use of dialogue at the end there. Cute story, but the ending was a little out of left field for me. I can't help but wonder about Celestia's decision to use such an overt curse as a consequence for reading something like that, considering it would call so much attention to it. I would have expected something more gradual and easier to hide, like, well, maybe bedwetting.

That being said, it's probably best for me as a reader to not think too much about these things. It was a fun read, which is most important. Glad you revisited this one.

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