• Published 1st May 2018
  • 2,308 Views, 121 Comments

Assassin's Creed: Dawns Rising - Arceaion

My name is Orion direct decedent of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad but I better known as The Immortal Assassin, last of Assassins Brotherhood.

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Chapter 2 - Days of preparation and Nights on the Town

Edited on 9/1/2018

I sighed as I leaned back into my seat. I was in the Iron well, a hole in the wall tavern that I had been told was frequented by many promising assassins by one of my new contacts. I had spent the first week walking around Canterlot, exploring and familiarizing myself with the area. However what I found was more disturbing than I originally thought. The first three days I decided to investigate the nobles and found that most nobles were involved in either illegal business or one of the many criminal syndicates in the city, sometimes both at the same time. On the fourth and fifth day I established contact with the few thieves guilds around the city and by the end of the sixth all the Guilds had united under the banner of the Brotherhood and were under my control. By the end of the first week I had done more work than I had expected and gotten a foundation for the restored Brotherhood to work with on information gathering and a way too keep tabs on the syndicates and gangs in Canterlot.

Through the Animus I had learned to rebuild the Brotherhood and how to teach teach my new assassins what they would need to survive but it was exhausting work both physically and emotionally. I was depressed and more than a little emotionally drained and so I had asked one of the men in charge of a guild for a good tavern or bar to find worthy members. Surprisingly I learned that there were many Hole in the Wall taverns that sold some actual alcohol and that these were the location frequented by many who could have the potential I sought and so here I was sitting in an isolated corner of a little tavern with about thirty or so patrons and seeing many potentials.

Suddenly the door burst open and almost everyone turned and drew a blade preparing for a battalion of royal guard to enter, instead it was only a group of ten. They wore full sets of shining white armor had sneers that immediately told me that they were nobles. "Well, well, well looks like the rabble have grown a backbone. You little shits think you can raise your blades to me!?" The one at the head screamed. Yep there nobles and by the looks of it there here to cause trouble. "Normally I would just kill you all but I just so happen to be looking for someone so if you could tell me where the stallion known as Bloodmoon is then I'll let you pieces of shit live."

"What's yer business with me?" Asked a drunk Unicorn with a blood red mane and pitch black fur from the bar.

Almost instantly the group of patrons parted and made room for the drunk Unicorn, I silently rose and jumped to the rafters using the support beams to get above the room for a better view with out being seen. The Unicorn was odd to the room and I had been keeping an eye on him the entire night. From what I had gathered Bloodmoon was a Unicorn born into a militant family with the status of a Minor Noble. He was well known for both his skill and unique technique that allowed him to channel Earth Pony magic. However after the death of his brother and father who were in the same unit as him, he 'left' the military. In my opinion a forced discharge isn't a 'left by choice' decision.

"Oh nothing, I just decided to kill an insect. You've been a vary bad boy digging up all kinds of dirty little secrets about your betters and selling them off to the highest bidder. A mutual acquaintance of ours has seen fit to request me to solve the problem." The noble sneered. "Rip him to pieces!"

The guards charged forward and the fight started. Bloodmoon simply stood there waiting for them to approach, when they had cleared a little over half of the distance Bloodmoon charged and slammed his fist into the lead guards helmet shattering it, he then grabbed the next guard and spun him around slamming him in to the guards on his left. A Unicorn charged their horn and fired of a spell knocking him back when he landed his head hit the bar. The ones the he had knocked down quickly got to there feet and began to beat the downed stallion as there leader approached.

"Filthy animal, you are a thorn in my mothers side and so I shall end you." He said as he drew his sword and swung down intent to plunge the blade into Bloodmoons chest. Only for a loud crack to sound across the tavern and the sword to shatter as if it were ice being hit with a sledge hammer. A black robed figure jumped from the rafters as he landed on two of the guards there cries were cut short as their throats were ripped out by two concealed blades strapped to his wrists. The figure turned to the leader the hood of his robes concealing his face.

"Call of your men and leave this place this is your only warning." The man said as he looked into Flares eyes the light revealing his, they were the eyes of a wolf, Arctic blue and in them was nothing. It was as if the man had no emotion at all.

"Insolent piece of shit do you have any idea who I am!? I am Flare Ruby the son of Duchess Ruby! Learn your place filth!" The leader screamed as he drew another sword and swung it at the man only for the man to raise his arm and block the blade

"If I am filth then you must be garbage." The man said in a monotone.

"Garbage!? Who do you think your talking to? Have you lost your mind!?" Flare Ruby asked with a scoff.

"No your even less than garbage, you're just scum. And that costume you look like some sort of sad carnival reject." The man said as he took a step forward the sound echoing in the quiet room. "Just look at you traipsing around pretending to be a guard, have you know shame? I thought scum could at least feel shame."

"I think it's time for you to die." Flare said as he looked at the other guards.

The guards looked to each other and then laughed before charging at me. I sighed and drew my sword as well standing and waiting for them to come to me. The first guard swung hoping to strike my legs but I jumped over the swing and unsheathe the hidden blade on my left hand plunged the blade into his face killing him as I turned and parried the blade of the next guard who had tried to strike me down from behind. "That's four down." The next came at me screaming as I pulled my crossbow from my back and quickly placed a bolt in his and two others heads. "That's seven down the remaining two guards slowly circled me as Bloodmoon got back up.

"You idiots kill him already!" Flare screamed.

"Think you can take that guard?" I asked Bloodmoon.

"I d'know, they kinda caught me at a bad time but I'll give it one hell of a shot." He replied with a smile.

"Good then I'll take this one and the bastered." I said as I turned back to the guard and Flare.

"Let's do this!" Bloodmoon screamed and charged the guard as I charged the other. Bloodmoon grabbed the guards arm and threw him into to the air as he came down he slammed his fist into the guards back with and audible snap. As this happened I approached the guard swung and I parried it before striking the guard who barely dodged the two of us exchanged blows till I grew tired of this farce and decided to ended it, I ducked under the guards next strike and rose faster than the eye could see and slit his throat.

"Dam son of a bitch didn't stay around!" Blood exclaimed as he looked around for Flare Ruby.

The door suddenly burst open and Flare stumbled in before collapsing on the ground and a man from the thieves guild walked in nodding to me. I nodded back as he turned and shut the door. "Anyone got some rope to tie this bastered up with and a back room I cam borrow?"

"Ropes in the back room, I charge per hour of use." The bar tender said.

I nodded and looked to Bloodmoon. "you want to do the honors or should I?"

Bloodmoon smiled and grabbed the noble. "What you waiting for? Lets go." I smiled as I turned and walked toward the back room, Bloodmoon dragged the noble behind by the leg.

As we entered Bloodmoon threw the noble into a chair and quickly tied him up before turning to me. "Thanks for the save back there, Names Bloodmoon Van Hellsing." He said and raised his hand.

"Orion Hawk." I replied as I shook his hand. "And the pleasure is mine. I actually came here looking for men like you."

"What you looking to kill me or are you one of those crime bosses looking to hire me for a job or join your gang?" Bloodmoon asked.

"I'm here to recruit you to my organization but not to commit crime. I want you to help me protect the people from those who would seek to enslave them." I stated

"What, you mean to tell me your looking for people to stop the nobles?" Bloodmoon asked surprised.

"Not just the nobles, anyone who would dare to trod upon the freedom of others and seek to destroy the peace." I reply

"Brother if you ever need me then all you gotta do is ask." Bloodmoon smiled and placed his hand on my shoulder.

"If that's the case then go to Lord Nightlight and Lady Velvet, tell them that I sent you and to fill you in on whats going on and who I am."

"And what about you and this little piss?" He asked as he pointed to the still unconscious Flare.

"Oh don't worry, I'll deal with him." I said smiling. "But there is a lot to explain and it would be bad for you to get involved further as it sounds this Duchess Ruby will be a problem one I would prefer to get as much information on before challenging her."

Bloodmoon nodded before turning to the door. "Ya probably for the best. If she was to find out that I even touched her son I'd be dead in less than an hour, see ya back at the Sparkle residents." with that Bloodmoon turned and walked out the door.

I smiled and turn to the young stallion who was just starting to wake up. The moment he saw me he screamed like a little gi-filly. Damn it's gonna be hard to remember this stuff, oh well a problem for future me. Right now I have a job to do.

"Hello Mr. Ruby, you and I have much to discuss."

Author's Note: