• Published 1st May 2018
  • 2,308 Views, 121 Comments

Assassin's Creed: Dawns Rising - Arceaion

My name is Orion direct decedent of Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad but I better known as The Immortal Assassin, last of Assassins Brotherhood.

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Chapter 5 - The Mentors Notes - The Minotaur Mercenary

Edited on 10/05/2018

Entry 1 - 05 - 13 - 2745

Lady Velvet was nice enough to get me this journal so that I might keep track of there progress. I intend to write up a report each month or when something important occurs.

Entry 2 - 05 - 31 - 2745

So it's the last day of the month, hard to believe that it's been only a month. Anyway as promised I will place a record of the months events.

Once I passed out there robes and they changed into them I took them outside and began to teach them how to climb jump and showed them basic fighting maneuvers. They showed some skill and capability but from what I could tell none of them were naturals. By the end the first weeks I had noticed that Velvet and Fleur had a natural grace, but perhaps the most interesting was Nightlight. While at first he seemed to be a bit slow I quickly realized that he perhaps had the most potential out of all my trainees, his movements were careful and each move was well planed he has the skills of a killer and coupled with his brilliance in strategy I believe he could be perhaps a challenge for most assassins even in this stage of his training. Anyway over the next few weeks they've shown a fair amount of improvement but it was nothing to worth celebrating, then again the training I'm putting them through is extremely difficult.

Entry 3 06 - 19 - 2745

I think I should write only when important events occur or I am away from the Creed as a form of journal. But that little note isn't why I wrote today something has happened. In all honesty I was starting to grow suspicious as to why something had not yet. Call me paranoid or call me weary, it is what I have come to expect from the life of an Assassin and with over eight centuries of knowledge dating all the way back to Altaïr I have plenty of experience to call upon. Apparently shortly after I killed Flare Ruby his mother began to move against me.

Several week ago

A Minotaur stormed down the streets toward the noble district. He had a black coat with a scar over his left eye and his left horn is missing. He wore a set of heavy iron plate armor and strapped to he back was a large two handed battle ax made of dragon bone. Walking beside him was a thestral Royal Guard. "You know I don't work for nobles Bastion so why bring me here?" The Minotaur asked anger clear in his voice.

"Because if I didn't then I would pay the 'Price' for disobeying the Duchess. And she is someone I'd rather not piss off. Word of warning Iron Shield just do as she says and keep her happy." Silent Bastion said in a disgruntled manor.

"You make it sound as if she's a demon from Tartarus not some Canterlot pony." Iron Shield said slowly.

"No she's not a demon from Tartarus, she's worse. She is a true monster."

"Ha, were it not coming from one of your kind I'd find that hard to believe." Iron said as they reached the gates of a manor.

"This way, Iron Shield. I fear that you've kept the Duchess waiting longer than we want." One of the guards said as they approached the gate.

Bastion turned to Iron Shield "Well this is good bye my friend. If you survive come and see me later." He said as he turned and walked away.

Iron Shield took a breath before turning to the guard. "Lead the way." He said. The guard turned and walked through the gate with Iron following behind. They walked through the manor till they reached a large garden.

As Iron Shield walked through the garden he found it the most terrifying place he had ever been. Instead of flowers and trees with small ponds and hedges the garden was filled with poisonous plants. The flowers were Poison Joke, the hedges Poison ivy. There were brambles and thorns everywhere and the trees were choked with vines and dead. At the center of the garden surrounded by statues of ponies, griffons other creatures frozen in screams of pain was a table and two chairs. One of the chairs was available while in the other sat a Pegasus with a red coat, orange mane and tail and blue eyes with a quill and a ruby as a cutie-mark.
"Ah, welcome to my garden, Iron Shield." Duchess Shining Ruby said with what could only be described a a madmare's smile. "I hope you enjoy it. There is just something so wonderful about this place. Oh, but where are my manors please have a seat." she said gesturing to the chair.

Iron Shield froze as he saw the chair. It was made from the bones of a Minotaur. "No thank you I'd prefer to stand." He said in a calm voice.

"Vary well, How about you guard? Have a seat for a moment." The Duchess said with a smile. The guard hesitated before slowly approaching the chair. "Well go on we don't have all day!" The Duchess snapped. and the guard quickly sat down only to immediately began to scream in agony as his body began to turn to gray and he tried to stand. Iron shield watched in horror as the guard screamed and begged as his body turned to stone. Once the process finished the statue began to crumble and turn to dust. "Worms should learn there place in this world. I am the one true mistress of this world all in it are my property, to do with and be done with as I see fit."

Iron Shield drew his ax and pointed it at her. "What do you want witch?" He said cautiously.

"I've heard of your reputation mercenary. You works for the highest bidder but if it's a noble then he just takes the money and leaves. However you came recommended so either you will work for me or become my newest statue." The Duchess said as she turned to him fully. "A man has killed my son Flare Ruby, I want this man found and his blood soaked head in my hands."

Iron snorted in anger. "I find it hard to believe that a women of your reputation would care about your child." He retorted.

"I wanted to kill that upstart my self!" The Duchess screamed as she rose and walked over to a statue. "I wanted to make him suffer, to feel his blood upon my flesh and to drink of it as it was still warm." She turned to him with a sadistic smile. "I wanted him to beg and plead for mercy and watch as he fell into despair as I gave him none. His death was my right and mine alone! And to have some filth kill him... This is something I can not allow!"The Duchess took a deep breath and then slowly let it out. "I want you to find him and once you do kill the man who would dare to defies my will." The duchess walked slowly to her seat and sat down. "You know I find it ironic in many ways that I hire you of all mercenaries. Years ago I sent my son to a Minotaur village and ordered to kill you worthless savages. Now the sole survivor of that attack and the defender of that village stands before me."

Iron Shield gripped his ax tighter. "50,000 up front and another 120,000 after the job is done." He said between clenched teeth.

"Agreed," The duchess said "now I'm sure you can show yourself the way out."

Iron Shield turned and walked away. "One day soon I will gut you for what you did to my home and avenge my family." He said under his breath once he left the garden.

As he approached the gate a servant approached him with a bag of bits. "Duchess Ruby asked me to give this to you give you this message, "I give you these in good faith,though I doubt you will live through this mission. This is the only reason I agree to your price, because I know you will die."

Iron Shield snorted. "Well see." He said as he took the bag of bits and walked out the gate.

Meanwhile at the Sparkle Manor

I slowly walked around the border of the training field, my trainees were sparring against one another in a three V two. In the center stood Fleur de Lis and Nightlight while surrounding them was Velvet, Fancy Pants and Blueblood. "Remember, when you fight always remain moving, to those defending when in battle you must always expect there to be mere than one opponent never focus on only one opponent. As for those of you attacking remember to work together with your allies. Now, begin."

Velvet made the first move and ran at Fleur unsheathing her blade and attempting to stab her in the chest. Fleur grabbed Velvet's arm and redirected it as she angled her body and doges the strike coming from behind her thrown by Blueblood. Fancy Pants slowly approached Nightlight and the two unsheathe there blades as they circled each other. Velvet and Blueblood were side by side keeping Fleur from assisting Nightlight. Suddenly Fleur charged Blueblood, Blueblood swung but Fleur simply grabbed his arm and used her momentum to leap over him before charging Fancy Pants from behind. However the moment she was within striking distance she leaped leaving her self wide open. Fancy ducked under her and she crashed into Nightlight. As they fell to the floor Velvet used her Shadowmancy to appear before them and place her blade to Fleur and Nightlights neck.

"Match." I called out and approached. "You all are improving. Its been a little over five weeks and you all have nearly mastered the basics, your physical stat has improved and you have become skilled fighters. Now it's time I start customizing your training to your each individual skills. For example Blueblood, while you would be able to use a hidden blade at a nobles party, if there was an alternative to your blade what would it be?"

Blueblood thought for a moment before responding. "While I would still keep my blade on me as a backup, I would probably use a poison to kill him and mix another to weaken. That way if the poison doesn't kill I can still be able to engage him and have the odds in my favor."

I nodded. "Correct, some of you hold a unique opportunity to be skilled not only in conventional assassination techniques but also in your own fields as well ranging from Bleublood's skill in poison to Velvet's skills in Shadowmancy to even Fleur's skill in fencing combat. Remember each Assassin has there own skills and style as well as those they have learned from the Creed."

"Mentor, where is Octavia and Bloodmoon?" Fleur asked. "they've never missed a lesson before."

"Bloodmoon is already trained in combat and masters the basics weeks ago. I allowed him to skip this lesson since he is already aware of the next stage. As for Octavia I'm not exactly sure." I reply.

"I'm here, I apologize Mentor for my late arrival. Unfortunately, we have a problem." Octavia said as she entered the training ground. behind her followed a mare with a white coat, electric blue main and tail and a cutie-mark of a music note. "This is Vinyl Scratch, she is my room mate and works as a DJ. She was snooping around in my stuff and found my blade and robes. Since I didn't know what to do with her and I prefer not to see her dead I brought her to you to decide."

"Figured this would happen." I muttered. "So your name is Vinyl Scratch? What do you know about us?"

"Not much." Vinyl said slowly. "Hey wait a minute, I heard about you!" She exclaimed "You were at the Iron Well a few weeks back and beat the snot out of that noble prick, what's his name... something Ruby? Anyway from what I hear your looking to recruit any pony with the balls to stand up to the nobles."

"Yes I'm looking for people willing to aid me protect the innocent ponies from the nobles." I said slowly. "How well known are these rumors?"

Vinyl shrugged. "They're not big but they're are spreading pretty fast."

I sighed and thanked the mare before turned to Octavia. "Octavia , you know her better than any of us. The choice is yours, do we allow her to join or do we... deal with her? If necessary we can wipe her memory."

Octavia didn't say anything. On the outside she was as stoic as ever but I could tell that this choice was eating at her. "Can she be trained?" She asked me.

I nodded "Yes she can, there have been more difficult trainees in the past than her and they often become some of the best Assassins in the Brotherhood."

"Then we train her." Octavia said calmly.

"So be it." I say. "Go and fill her in on who we are." Octavia nods and walks to the manor, Vinyl running after her.

Meanwhile at the Irion Well

Iron Shield walked into the hole in the wall taverns known as the Iron Well. He had tracked the rumors of a hooded man who killed the Duchesses son here. As he entered he went straight to the bartender. "I need information on the man who murdered Duchess Rubies son."

"Sorry, I can't help you." The bartender said not even looking up.

"Look I don't want to do this but I'm sure we all know what happens if I fail." Shields said as he sat down and placed a stack of bits on the . "Give me a shot, whiskey."

"Make that a double." A stallion said as he approached the bar and sat down next to Iron Shield. "So your looking for the Assassins?"

"So he's an Assassin?" Iron asked as the bar tender pored him a drink.

"Rumors are telling of a Brotherhood of Assassins who plan to challenge the Nobility and any who would challenge the freedom and rights of us common folk." The Stallion said as he took a sip. "Word is that the thieves guilds are already allied with him and several important members of the nobility are allied with him."

"Anything substantial to these rumors and hearsay?" Iron asked.

The man shook his head. "Most information brokers can't get a single thing and the ones that do are not speaking on it. If you want any information then you'll have to get it from the rumors."

Iron sighed and downed his drink before passing a few bits to the stallion. "Thanks." As he left the tavern a unicorn with a blood red mane and pitch black fur dressed in white robes rose from a table in a corner and pull his hood up before followed him.

Iron Shield sighed and rubbed his forehead as he walked down the allies. "This is stupid!" He groaned. "The thieves guild wont speak about this man, the brokers wont talk and now I find out he is an assassin and that there is a new Brotherhood as well. This job is just one big headache and on top of all this it's giving me a headache as well!"

Suddenly a A white robed figure jumped from the roof, a concealed blade unsheathe as he dropped on Iron Shield who barely dodged the stallion, as the figure turned Iron saw that hood of his robes concealed his face. "Who are you!?" He asked the stallion. "Are you an assassin?" The figure didn't reply. "Are you here because of who I was hired to kill?" The figure once again didn't respond instead he sheathe his wrist blade and drew a sword. Iron reached for his ax before realizing that he would not be able to wield it in such a tight space. The assassin charged and Iron swung his fist at them, however the Assassin jumped over the swing and slammed the flat of his blade in to his neck hitting a pressure point and causing Iron to begin to pass out. "Clever Bastard." Iron said as he fell and passed out.

The assassin looked at the Minotaur before lifting him and throwing him over his shoulder. "This will be interesting." Bloodmoon said as he maid his way toward the manor.

two hours later

Iron Shield groaned as he awoke and tried to shield his eyes from the fright light. Unfortunately he couldn't move his arms. "Uh... what happened..." He groaned before the memories the assassin returned.

"Greetings Mr. Shield, I hope you don't mind but I took the liberty of having your memories looked at." A voice said calmly.

"Na, it's fine. Don't have anything to hide anyway." Iron said slowly. "Hey you mined turning that light off? Kinda annoying."

The speaker chuckled before the silhouette of the man Iron assumed to be the speaker steeped froward into the light. "Unfortunately I will have to refuse you on that request. Tell me who hired you."

Iron growled. "Oh screw you, you already know!" He yelled back.

"I do but I want to hear it from you." The man said calmly.

"I was hired by that bitch of a Duchess named Shining Ruby. Normally I don't tell who my clients are, bad for business and all that. But this bitch is special. One of my friends said she's worse than a demon from Tartarus, a true monster. At first I scoffed but after meeting her I say that his description is spot on."

"Why were you hired?" The man asked.

"Some guy offed her son and she wants to revenge skull fuck him. Said the guy had no right to do it as she wanted to do it her self... well she said a lot of things but that's the general gist of it. Anyway From what I learned the killing happened at this little hole in the wall taverns known as the Iron Well. Once there I spoke with the bartender and an information broker. The broker told me that there were rumors of a new group called the Brotherhood of Assassins and that supposedly this guy was a member. After that I thanked him and left, once I left an assassin in white robes jumped me. Gotta admit the guy was skilled and he choose the perfect place to jump me. I couldn't use my weapon without risking doing more damage to the surrounding area."

"Thank you Mr. Shield." The man said

"Look if your going to kill me just get it over with." Iron sad calmly as he looked at where the mans face would be. "I got no wife or kids though looking back that's probably my only regret. However if you could do me one favor, I'd appreciate it."

"What would that be Mr. Shield?" The man asked.

"Don't let that bitch get away with what she's done. If you can kill Duchess Shining Ruby then do it. That's all I ask." Iron Shield said calmly. "I didn't want this job and I've been prepared to die for a long time so with my last request stated, get it over with."

The silhouette of the man nodded and raised his hand. though instead of death, the light behind him shut off. Iron blinked a few times before turning and looking at a black robed figure who's hood concealing his face.

Slowly the man pulled back his hood revealing his face. "My name is Orion Hawk. I am the Mentor of an organization with the sole purpose of protected the rights and free will of innocent people, we are known as the Brotherhood of Assassins. I am also the man you seek."

The Minotaur stared for a moment before bursting out laughing. "Names Iron Ore Shield. I'm a Mercenary." He said as the ropes around him came undone and he rose and put out his hand.

Orion smiled and reached for the hand and shook it. "Iron Shield, I'd like to hire you to be the a close quarters combat instructor."
End Log
With Iron Shield around I will have more free time and from what I've seen so fare He is a skilled combatant. It also seems that the Duchess Shining Ruby is a greater threat than we originally thought. Nothing further to report at this time.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the weirdness of this chapter but I think it will be the best way to do the training.