• Published 28th May 2018
  • 431 Views, 18 Comments

MLP: The Hime-Rangers - lolnewsPegasus

When the forces of evil have amassed a threat to the world, five teenagers wearing colorful lycra and themed helmets will save the day.

  • ...

Powers Awaken

Three days had passed since Princess Celestia caught up with Princess Luna, with the latter explaining the situation with the Harmony Orbs.

“They started glowing brightly once I neared the town…” Princess Luna said, adjusting her glasses and taking a sip of hot chocolate.

Princess Celestia grew weak, having depleted her magic in the trap she had set against the Shadow Horde and the Changeling Hive, as well as setting up foundations of a protective shield around Pony Grove. The rest of the shield was completed by Princess Luna and Shining Armor, both insisting that Princess Celestia rest.

Princess Luna had built a recovery chamber for her elder sister, to restore her magic from the critically low state she was in.
“Pony Grove, Pony Grove… why does that ring a bell?” Shining Armor asked. “That's it! My family lives here!” He said to Princess Luna. “And I thought I was going to worry about a place to stay…”

He then paused to realize that the Princesses don't. “Your Highnesses, what about--”

“Go, now.” Princess Luna said. “This place is a vacation manor that our family actually owns. I can fix it up so that it wouldn't be like some lab, I can take care of this. Besides,” she said, bringing the chest containing the five golf-ball sized orbs to the young Guardsman. “You can find who the Orbs choose, they will merge with the person of worth. There was a sixth, but… it flew off right after the sky split in two.”

“Got it, the orbs choose their bearers. Oh, and ladies?” Shining replied after receiving the orbs. “Take care.”

Princess Luna nodded. “Be back the day after tomorrow, the orbs have plenty of time until then to choose their bearers.”

Shining had reached the house where his parents, Night Light and Twilight Velvet, live with his younger sister, Twilight Sparkle.

He rang the doorbell, only to be met with the warm hugs of a near-middle-aged couple.

“Son! What a surprise, Velvet, our son is back from Canterlot!” Night Light said.

“I hope the Princesses took care of you and your fellow Guards,” Twilight Velvet added, wiping his son’s face clean with a steamed face towel.

“Mom, Dad, please,” Shining sighed. “It's the other way around, we take care of the Princesses.”

“So, did they send you home?” his mother asked.

“Sort of,” he replied, “there was an invasion--”

“An invasion?” his dad gasped. “Don't tell me it's those Shadow goons again!”

“Worse, they had an agreement with the Changelings--”

“Oh no, not the Changelings!” Velvet exclaimed. “Are the Princesses safe?”

“They're fine, safe and sound.” Shining said, reassuring his parents. “They told most of the Guards that came with them to lay off the Guard duty, here in Pony Grove. Lucky me, that my family lives here,” he said as he looked around. “Where's Twily?”

“She's staying with her friend Sunset Shimmer, they're studying together.” Night Light said, turning to his wife. “Although, I bet our daughter may be more than friends with Sunset--”

“Night Light, don't jump to conclusions!” Velvet scoffed. “Even if she looks at Sunset like you look at me…”

“Twily’s got herself an other?” Shining asked. “Me and Cadance could use a double date someday.”

“Now now,” Velvet said, “Twily might not be comfortable telling us yet. After all, she only came out three months ago.”

“Please don't tell me she turned my room into a library…” Shining said with a gulp.

“Of course not,” Night Light said, chuckling. His expression changed to a deadpan, saying, “She did that to the basement.”
“By the way, Shiny, dinner is Chinese food.” Velvet said. “Your dad and I ate out, and we brought home additional orders just in case Twily might come home early.”

“She and Sunset sometimes go to the basement,” Night Light added.

“Explains why it became the library,” Shining said, chuckling.

“We'll be heading up now, son.” Velvet said. “It's been a day for us, and your surprise return got us old folk spent.”

“Mom, Dad, you're only in your forties.” Shining said.

The next day, Shining met up with his girlfriend, Cadance, in the park.

“Well look who's back from the force!” Cadance said, jumping on the Guardsman.

“Woah, I miss you too, babe.” Shining replied, turning it into a hug.

Cadance littered Shining’s face with little kisses, almost toppling them over.

“So, what brings you back?” she asked. “No wait, let me guess, the Princesses retreated from an invasion, and they told you to relax while they handle things?”

“Well, that and Princess Luna gave me these,” Shining said, taking out the five Harmony Orbs.
“Wait, they weren't glowing this bright before…” Shining wondered.

“What's that supposed to mean?” Cadance asked, in awe at the five orbs.

“Princess Luna said the orbs were to choose their bearers…” Shining explained. “But what does that--”

Suddenly, the black and pink orbs flew up to the sky, and started speeding up towards two girls buying coffee and biscuits.
“These spa days are a wonder, Rarity,” one of the girls said. She was a meek, shy girl, with long pink hair that hides half her face, despite her being quite a looker, and cerulean eyes that dart away from any pair of eyes she makes visual contact with. She wore a canary sweater and jeans, which, despite her animal caring hobby, remain clean. “Angel has been really grumpy since the girl rabbit I set him up with didn't like him back.”

“Fluttershy, that poor thing, in terms of social cues from his own kind, is under a rock,” the other girl said. She was a beauty like no other, and she knew how to make use of it. Her curled purple hair, her stunning Pacific blue eyes, and her figure that her clothes, a white top, a black designer jacket, and a pleated purple skirt, only accentuate. “Have you seen a sheltered child hold up small talk with someone?”

The first girl, Fluttershy, shook her head.

Rarity, the second girl, sighed. “Now, enough about Angel, you mentioned the previous day, that you received an email from Rainbow Dash!”

Fluttershy felt her insides flutter at the mention of Rainbow Dash. “I'm so surprised she's heading here after her Wonderbolt training, I'd expect her to go on traveling with Gilda or stay full time at the Wonderbolts, or--”

“I bet she's coming here mostly for you,” Rarity added with a teasing wink, which made Fluttershy’s cheeks turn pink like her hair. “You're the only one she's that close to. If there was another, I'd bet it would be that loud farm girl.”

Their chat kept them from noticing the orbs heading straight for them. The black orb aimed itself at Rarity while the pink at Fluttershy. The orbs hit them square in their chests, sending them walking a few steps back. The girls were only carrying a coffee cup and pastry for each of them, so the impact didn't spill or ruin any of their meals, not to mention their clothes.
They were approached by Shining Armor and Cadance, who were checking if they were okay.

“Did those things, hurt you?” Cadance asked.

“Not at all, in fact, we felt energized by those orbs or whatever they were.” Rarity replied.

“It's like they entered our bodies,” Fluttershy added.

“Entered? Like, merged?” Shining asked.

Both girls nodded.

Cadance shared a look with Shining. “Here,” he said, giving the two girls an address and directions to where Princess Luna is staying in. “Someone lives there and she has the answers to what those orbs are.”

Rarity blinked. “Say, aren't you that bookish girl's brother?”

“Bookish girl?” Shining asked. “Purple hair? Red shirt from her math camp?”

“Yes, she's our classmate.” Fluttershy answered.

After a conversation awkwardly brought up due to Twilight Sparkle being his sister, Shining and Cadance went to the marketplace.

“I'm really sorry I got you roped into this,” Shining said.

“Pretty exciting for a reunion date,” Cadance smiled, holding on to Shining's arm.

“Let's get some pie, it's about lunch time.” Shining beamed, noticing a stall run by a large man, and two girls, one young girl and one as old as the two who fused with the black and pink orbs. All three of them look like they're from a farm, with the third one talking to a very energetic girl with pink poofy hair. She was wearing a blue jacket over her pink shirt, and her joggers are colored like her jacket.

“Oh no, Pinkie, I ain't letting you put those into my pies.” the farm girl said.

“But Applejackieee, it's going to taste crazy amazing!” The energetic girl said back, trying to convince them.
“Nope.” The large man said, as he counted the crates he brought in.

“My sister's said no, Pinkie, and it means no,” the younger girl said, as she tried(and failed) to stuff the pie she had.
Shining and Cadance approached the stall. The girl named Applejack, who was wearing a stetson, turned to the couple.
“Howdy Cadance, and welcome back Shining Armor!” she said.

“How did you--”

“Remember the time you sent me a picture of you in uniform?” Cadance asked.

“She went all mushy about it!” The younger girl added.

“Apple Bloom! Go on, you rascal!” Applejack said, shooing Apple Bloom off. She turned back to the couple and asked, “Now what can I get y'all on this fine day?”

“How about an apple pie?” Shining asked.

“A big ole apple pie? Done!” Applejack said. “Careful, still hot!”

“I still don't get why they can fuse to a person of their choosing,” Cadance wondered, holding up the blue and yellow orbs, which were glowing more intensely than the previous two before they fused with their bearers.

Applejack whistled. “What are those purty things?”

“They're orbs that the Princesses gave to me, tasked me to delivering them to someone.” Shining answered, taking a bite of some pie.

“They're solid, though.” Pinkie Pie added, curiously tapping one of them.

Applejack examined the blue orb, while Pinkie took hold of the yellow orb. “They're as big as oranges, well, the ones my Aunt and Uncle have produced in them orchards they own.”

The yellow orb slipped through Pinkie's grip and flew into Applejack, at the same time, the blue orb flew its way into Pinkie Pie.

“Whoa Nellie!” Applejack wondered. “I feel like I could do thrice my work in one day!”

“I feel like I could run from here to Canterlot and all the way to Cloudsdale!” Pinkie added, being even more energetic than ever. A sight that Applejack dreaded to see.

“We actually don't know what happened, trust us,” Cadance explained.

“But Princess Luna knows, she's in this address.” Shining added.

“She didn't tell you nothing about this?” Applejack asked.

“No, she was pretty cryptic,” Shining answered. “But better her than her sister, she's cryptic-squared. Anyway, head to that address, we'll be there too, there's nothing I understand about all this…”

Evening arrived, and Cadance finished talking to her guardians on her phone.

“They're good, I can have dinner with you,” she smiled.

“I hope mom and dad don't bring Chinese food,” Shining sighed. “The milk tea was just… ugh…”

“You never liked milk tea.” Cadance added. “Then again, who would, if it upsets your stomach?”

Shining knocked on the door, which was answered by his little sister.

“Cadance! You're here too!” She said, bringing both Shining and Cadance into a hug.

“You're happy, did something happen in Sunset’ house?” Shining asked, smirking.

“Brother,” Twilight whined. “I don't, like Sunset, like that way. The way you and Cadance look at each other, I mean..”

“She's cute, though,” Cadance said, which turned Twilight red.

“Dinner’s ready!” Velvet called out from the kitchen. “Your father made turkey, I don’t know why!”

“Same goes with your mother, she made macaroni!” Night Light added.

They both rubbed their noses together and then said in unison, “You surprise me every time,” earning eye rolls from both Twilight and Shining. Cadance stifled a giggle as she saw both brother and sister feeling all the embarrassment in the world.
“So mom, dad,” Twilight said. “Sunset and I were talking about the winter camp we're considering, she's found something unusual located nearby. I was going to be her record keeper and assistant for this time, to repay her for last time when she helped me make those improvements to the station wagon, so can I go with her? Please?”

Night Light gave his daughter an okay sign, with Velvet smiling at her.

“Wait, what?” Shining asked. “Dad, what's she talking about the station wagon?”

“I uh, changed the fuel system from fossil fuels to biodiesel…” Twilight said sheepishly, “It runs on food grease, basically.”
“Where do you get grease? The fast food restaurants?” Shining asked. His eyes widened. “No… You're joking…”

“No, Pinkie Pie's used cooking oil.” Twilight answered. “She makes her Fry-Day Foodsies every Friday, and replaces her cooking oil every month. The things that girl eats, BBBFF…” she said as she ate the last of her food and drank her water. “May I be excused? I have homework to do.”

“Sweetie, you just finished your homework over at Sunset's,” Velvet retorted.

“Mom, I'm talking about next week's homework.” The girl said as she slipped off into the basement.

“Homework for next week?” Night Light wondered.

“I know what she's doing, darling,” Velvet said, giggling. “I bet she and Sunset are sharing video calls together.”

“So, Miss Velvet--” Cadance began.

“Cadance, dear, call--” Velvet interjected.

“Mom, no,” Shining interrupted.

“So Cadance, any plans for the future?” Night Light asked.

“Well, um, I am considering education, I'm planning to put up a small school, maybe Miss Cheerilee can help--”

“Ahem, dear, I meant…” Night Light interrupted, his eyes looking back and forth between Shining and Cadance.

Cadance realized what her boyfriend's father meant, and blushed madly.
Twilight turned on her computer and video camera, started a video chat app, and clicked on the icon of a red sun, connecting her to a girl with red hair coupled with many streaks of orange and yellow mixed in, making her hair look like the perfect sky for, according to Pinkie Pie, for Applejack to walk away to, who was also wearing motorbike shades and a leather jacket.

“Hey, just got home,” she said to Twilight. “You?”

“Oh, uh, I just came from dinner,” Twilight replied. She then noticed that Sunset, the girl she was talking to, was taking off her clothes. “Umm...”

“We’ve seen each other in our undies, Twiles.” Sunset said, “Unless you suddenly want to pin me down and kiss me...” she naughtily added as her cheeks turned pink.

“Sunny!” Twilight said, covering her cheeks. “So, what do your folks say? We good to go this winter?”

“We are good to go, indeed.” Twilight beamed. “You and I are gonna have a snow hunt, yes!”

“Hey, get your stuff ready,” Sunset said. “I don’t want you hugging me or nothing...”

“Umm, Sunny, look what I found.” Twilight said, hoping to change the subject before she accidentally blurts out that she likes her.

“Go on, shoot.” Sunset said, having finished putting on her night clothes, consisting of a t-shirt with a metal band logo on it and a pair of shorts.

Twilight presented a red orb along with a card with an address with landmarks on it. “I found it in the stuff that my brother and Cadance left in the living room. I also noticed a checklist with the words Blue, Yellow, Black, and Pink checked off, along with question marks around the word Thunder? which was encircled. The word Red however, is untouched.”

“Safe to say that whatever you’re holding is what Red is,” Sunset said, tapping her cheek. “And that the other colors aren’t there, so it means that your brother is hiding these… orbs.”

“Hmm...” Twilight said, thinking of a plan. “Aha! I’ll give this back to my brother. And then, we follow him tomorrow!”
Sunset, happily listening, realized that Twilight meant both of them. “Wait, tomorrow?” she asked. “Twiles, I have band practice tomorrow! The Dazzlings have no one to watch over them, have you any idea what they tend to do with their own equipment without supervision?”

“Hare-brained plots involving them making some crazy device?” Twilight asked.

“Yes and if they do that again to their instruments...” Sunset said, frantic. “The music shop will ban the whole band! Sure, I’d understand why Arctic would ban them, but me? Sure I had an edgy brooding phase where I almost started a sacrificial cult, almost is the key word here, got it? But still, it was a phase, that I got over!”

Twilight gulped. “I… Sounds like this is the first time we’re not doing this together, I’m getting nervous...” she said as she started breathing heavily.

“Breathe, girl,” Sunset said, exaggerating her breathing so that Twilight can sync up with her. She managed to get the nervous bookworm to calm down with their breath syncing.

Suddenly, Twilight heard a voice from the stairs.

“Twily?” It was Shining Armor. “Did you see a red orb with some other stuff laying around?”

“They’re over here!” Twilight answered. “What is it though?”

“Something the Princess told me to take care of,” Shining said, going down the stairs. Twilight gave the orb and the paper sheets to her brother, who took them with a sigh of relief. “If I lose these, she’ll kill me!”

“Not if she kills me for failing to get the red orb to its bearer first.” he thought. He patted his sister on the head, saying “Thanks, I can’t imagine what Princess Luna would do to my hide if I lost this...”

He then left the basement, going up the stairs.

“Guess you’ll be going, planning your pursuit,” Sunset said, winking at Twilight, making the latter giggle.

“You owe me a hot chocolate date,” Twilight said back, pouting, “‘cause you couldn’t make it.”

The next day, Shining, finishing his call with Cadance, headed on, towards the direction where Luna’s lab is.
Little did he know that his little sister, wearing a thick red hoodie to hide herself, followed pursuit.
The guardsman had reached the entrance, where he encountered Princess Luna.

“Princess, about the red orb, I can explain--”

Suddenly, the orb started glowing.

“Well,” Luna exclaimed. “My guess was correct.”

“What guess?” Shining frantically asked.

“The orbs are varying in terms of pickiness.”


“Yes, pickiness,” she said. “This one’s the pickiest of them all.”

The orb flew out of Shining’s hands, and collided with the hooded Twilight, who didn’t see it coming thanks to her hood.
She was knocked down by the impact, disoriented.

Twilight took off her hood, rubbing her head. Shining was surprised.

“No, no, no, absolutely not! Of all the people to choose, not my sister!” Shining said, looking frantic. “If anything happens to you, I’m dead!”

“You mean like how the orb knocked me over and that I possibly scraped my--” Twilight said, as she suddenly looked for a wound or scratch. “I hate it when I can’t support my lies.”

“Shining Armor,” Princess Luna began. “The orbs choose their bearers. The decision cannot be swayed, and it also proves that your sister also has the spirit that you have shown when bringing my sister to safety.”

She then walked to Twilight, offering her hands to help her up. “Like I said, the red power is the most indecisive, tied closely with the lost sixth orb. All the orbs have powers unfathomable, but the red orb and its missing sixth sibling have more of their power unlocked, because my sister and I harnessed the energies to build up the shield around Canterlot, several centuries ago.”

“Ughhh...” Twilight said. “What’s going on--”

Her eyes widened at the sight of Princess Luna.

She then let out a squeal, and hugged the Princess. “Oh my goodness it’s you!”

Princess Luna chuckled softly. “I’d want to take the time to meet you, all of you, but time is not on our side. Follow me.”
Twilight and Shining followed Luna into the large manor base. “Good thing you instructed the others to come, Captain.” she began. “King Sombra sent one of his Shadow Warriors, en route from Canterlot Castle. We need the five of you to find your powers.”

“Find our powers?” Twilight asked. “What did those orb things do, firstly?”

“The Harmony Orbs had chosen their bearers, they who would harness their powers,” Princess Luna began, leading Twilight into a large room with four girls in, waiting for explanations. “However, you can only access them once you connect with your Zords.”

Twilight looked at the four other girls present, recognizing them from school. “Zords?”

“Yes, Zords.” Princess Luna replied. “Imagine mechas. Imagine giant mechas. Imagine living giant mechas. Living giant mechas with spirits of good, waiting for worthy ones to awaken them.”

Applejack spoke up. “Hang on.” she asked. “We’re gonna speak to giant robots?”

“You’re going to connect to them,” Princess Luna explained. “Bond with them, win them over. Only their powers can unlock yours, and stand up to the forces of Queen Chrysalis and King Sombra.”

Princess Luna motioned the five girls to put their palms out together. Twilight took the lead, and put her palm out.

“Ah, heck. If it gives me what the hell is really going on...” Applejack said, putting her palm right beside Twilight’s.

“I agree. It might be something that can help keep our place safe from Sombra’s army.” Rarity added, putting hers out, beside Applejack’s.

“Weee!” Pinkie bounced, putting her palm beside Twilight’s, along with a silent peep from Fluttershy who gently put her palm beside the bouncy girl.

The five Harmony Orbs materialized onto their palms, and started glowing.

“They are now locating your respective Zords,” Princess Luna said, looking determined, and a little bit hopeful. “Gain their favor, and unlock your powers.”

The five girls found themselves engulfed in a growing ray of light, losing sight of Shining Armor, Princess Luna, and her lab.