• Published 28th May 2018
  • 429 Views, 18 Comments

MLP: The Hime-Rangers - lolnewsPegasus

When the forces of evil have amassed a threat to the world, five teenagers wearing colorful lycra and themed helmets will save the day.

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Ziz Uncovered! Missing Orb Found?

“No…” Applejack said, looking at the unconscious girl lying at the foot of the incapacitated Gryphon Zord.

“It can’t be her!” Rarity said in shock. “Ziz, is Ra--”

“RAINBOW DASH!” Fluttershy shouted, pushing past her fellow Rangers, surprising them, as she ran towards the unconscious girl.

She was wearing a dark version of the Wonderbolt uniform, complete with aerial gear and goggles, with the only missing thing being an aerial mask. The most noticeable thing Rarity would have mentioned, had it not been for Fluttershy who is now crying and embracing the unconscious Rainbow Dash, is the supposed unkempt prismatic hair, now significantly longer, to the point it is comparable to Fluttershy’s very long hair.

“Dangnabbit,” Applejack said, quietly cursing herself as a tear or two rolled out of her eyes. “I should’ve spoken up, if I knew this was what she’d end up as for enlistin’, I-”

“None of us could have known,” Rarity added, interrupting Applejack’s attempt to beat herself up. “Not to mention the odds of Dash becoming a Hell General…”

Fluttershy, however, tightened her embrace on the girl who used to be the Hell General of the Sky, as her tears continued to flow. “Dashie… I… Why…” she said between gasps of breath as she sobbed her heart out.

“Oh… No…” Twilight said in shock, as she approached the group. “Would like to say I sent the Zords back but…”

“Yeah, sugarcube,” Applejack sighed. “I dunno whether this is a win or… Just felt like it ain’t a loss, but sure as heck ain’t a win.”

“Rainbow…” Twilight whispered. “She’s…”

“We definitely need to bring her back…” Rarity said. “But what about the Dark Zords?”

“I’ve sent word to Zecora, she’ll handle it.” It was Luna, chiming in through the Morphers. “Bring Rainbow Dash to the manor, I want to get to the bottom of this Hell General business…”

The three girls still with Ranger powers summoned their Steed Speeders. Applejack secured the passed out Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy got on Rarity’s Speeder. “We gotta go slowly,” Applejack said, “unless we want Rainbow here to--” she then stopped upon seeing Fluttershy shooting her a glare.

“No exceptions, we are taking it slow,” Rarity said, in order to reassure the usually timid girl.

The three girls then headed to Luna’s manor, taking it slower than supposed. After making it back, Luna and Fluttershy prepared a room to serve as a sickbay for Rainbow.

Minutes later, Luna left the room, motioning for the other four girls to come with her. “Shining, you too.”

She let out a deep sigh. “Gilda’s info was correct. The Hell Generals do indeed have people as their cores, with Rainbow Dash being living proof.”

“And since Rainbow’s been part of the missing Shadowbolts,” Shining added, “it couldn’t be far of a guess to say the other two Hell Generals might be Shadowbolts too.”

“Just what did Chrysalis do to make the Hell Generals…” Luna asked in the open. “Doesn’t help that we’re short in hands right now, only three of you have your Harmony Orbs.”

“If Rainbow was awake,” Twilight said, “she’d have given Pinkie and Fluttershy their Orbs back, but even then their Zords would need to rest, since we just defeated the Dark Gryphon Megazord.” She turned to Applejack, who cut her off. “No need to say it, sugarcube, Rainbow and those Zords need rest.” The farmgirl turned to Pinkie and gave her a pat on the shoulder. “Pinks, even without your powers, you’re still the best shot of defense for this manor, especially when we got a friend KO’d, and Flutters’ whole attention on said friend.”

The confectioner nodded with determination in her eyes. “Once Rainbow wakes, I’m gonna give her the biggest party ever!”
“Also, about Gilda…” Fluttershy asked. “Is she… gone?”

“Hell no!” Gilda said through Twilight’s Morpher. “I’m just taking a rest.”

“Gilda?” the shy girl blurted out, trying to look for the white-haired girl.

"I'm at the Zord Lands, with Zecora!" Gilda exclaimed. "I gotta say it's good to be back."

"Wait, you're the--"

"Correct, I'm the Gryphon Zord." Gilda said. "I got separated from my Zord body when the Thunderstorm Orb bonded with the person who was Ziz's core, the evil energies taking over the Zord."

"The Thunderstorm Orb chose Rainbow?" Luna mused. "And here I thought the Orb was lost… it's not like I could start a search force to retrieve it--"

"It's fine, Princess," Gilda said reassuringly. "Plus your sister had already sent the Shadowbolts to locate it, explaining why it had chosen Rainbow Dash."

"She still hasn't awakened…" Luna said, tears in her eyes.

"We Zords have faith she will wake up," Gilda replied.

The Princess sighed. "Thank you…"

“Girls,” Fluttershy said, leaving the sickbay housing Rainbow. “Can I ask something? I want to stay here for the meantime, until Dashie recovers.”

“Hmm…” Rarity thought. “I could tell your parents, but--”

“I’ll help you,” the princess interjected. “Fluttershy’s parents will understand if I would vouch for her safety.”

“I want to be there to talk to them too,” Fluttershy added.

“Very well,” Luna nodded. “We’ll proceed to your home, then.”

The two girls then followed the princess and headed for Fluttershy’s house. Luna had to come up with a story of how Rainbow ended up in the manor, leaving out anything about Fluttershy being a Ranger or Rainbow being turned into a Hell General. Fortunately, her parents, being very familiar with Fluttershy’s strong bond with Rainbow, accepted their daughter’s request.

Fluttershy then brought some clothes with her to the Princess’ manor, as well as her own bath supplies, she did not want to further impose on the princess.

The next day, as it was a Monday, the five girls had to go to school, leaving Luna mostly by herself, as Shining Armor and Cadance wouldn’t arrive until lunch time.

The alarm went off, signaling Luna to command Twilight, Rarity, and Applejack to set out.

“Oh no,” Luna grimaced. “It’s a two-pronged attack… Changelings are headed for the school!” She dialed in Pinkie’s and Fluttershy’s phone numbers and sent them a call.

“Pinkie, Fluttershy, this is the Princess!” Luna shouted in urgency. “Changelings are headed for the school, get them to evacuate!” She gulped, showing signs of nerve. “Damn… They still don’t have their powers!” she thought.

She then heard a noise in the sickbay room made for Rainbow. It was a sound of items falling on the floor, as if someone tried to gain their footing.

She then rushed to open the door, finding the now-awake and moving Rainbow Dash, trying to place back the lamp and clock she knocked off the end table.

The former Shadowbolt saw the Princess enter the room, and quickly bowed to her, ignoring the pain in her body.
“Your Majesty…” said the prismatic-haired girl. “I want to ask for your help.”

Author's Note:

And the final of the set for now... Still working on the next chapter, which would have more Rainbow

I hope the whole Ziz set came out good, I've mulled over this for how long, I gotta check when I posted the chapter previous to the first of the Ziz set.

I've also decided for now to just shorten this fic's name to "MLP: The Hime-Rangers", again, not fully proud of it, but better than the unwieldy Super Sentai-like naming convention

Once again, enjoy!