• Published 28th May 2018
  • 429 Views, 18 Comments

MLP: The Hime-Rangers - lolnewsPegasus

When the forces of evil have amassed a threat to the world, five teenagers wearing colorful lycra and themed helmets will save the day.

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Chrysalis' Hive: Attack of Honeycomb and Summoning the Zords

The five costumed heroines were briefly questioned by the few officers as soon as they managed to settle down the civilians who were attacked. Fluttershy and Rarity consoled the people who were attacked by the Snail Monster, while Pinkie did the thing she does best; occupying the attention of the children. The five girls agreed that it is safer referring to each other based on their Ranger colors while in Ranger form.

“Looky here! Let’s play duck-duck-goose!” she exclaimed excitedly.

The children were happily occupied with the girl in blue, cheering and laughing.

Meanwhile, Twilight was nervously talking to the officers.

“Not that we weren’t grateful for your help--” one officer said.

“But isnt your arrival really convenient?” the second, an older uniformed one, asked.

“Not really, since we were in--”

Applejack, having a more calm demeanor than Twilight, interrupted. “Please, kind officers, she’s still tired from the fight.” She turned to Twilight and whispered, “Call Black.” Twilight nodded and used her Morpher to call Rarity. “Psst, Yellow needs your help, I think it’s--”

“She’s a terrible liar?” Rarity answered. “I know, I know, now accompany Pink so she doesn’t start clamming up.” Rarity then stood up and headed to where Applejack was, while Twilight went to accompany Fluttershy.

“Dear officers, we were not here by coincidence,” Rarity began. “We have been searching for monsters like them, what was coincidental was the sightings of this recent snail-looking monster in Pony Grove.”

“I was gonna suggest we offer our assistance,” Applejack added. “So that y’all can directly focus your efforts on protecting the civilians. I think that’s the most important thing these days.”

“Sir, are we gonna let vigilantes roam free?” the younger one asked.

“They took down a beast whose shell deflected our ammunition like it was nothing.” the older one answered. “And any run-of-the-mill vigilante will be asking for payment like some ol’ west cowboy. These girls stayed to help the people.” He turned to the yellow-clad Applejack and offered his hand for a handshake. “Now I can’t speak for the Department, but you at least got my vote, kiddo.” he said. “Also, the ambulance carrying the first aid force is arriving, I recommend you get on going before you find out it’s Redheart leading this group.”

Applejack and Rarity nodded. Rarity went to fetch Fluttershy and Twilight, while Applejack headed for Pinkie Pie. The five color-coded girls then bid the people farewell, summoned their Steed Speeders, and headed off.
They returned to the Princesses’ mansion, entering the basement lair. Cadance waved at the five color-coded girls as they hopped off their Steed Speeders. “Hey, I’ve made some refreshments for you! Granted, I got lost and spent a lot of time wandering the first floor just to get to the kitchen, so they’re just sandwiches and lemo--”

Cadance gasped in surprise as the girls took the snacks, with Twilight, Rarity, and Fluttershy saying thanks in the process and the other two girls conveying thanks with their tears of joy.

"Worked up an appetite after the fight?" She asked.

"Yepperoni!" Pinkie answered, forgetting to remove her helmet before eating.

"Um, Pinkie," Fluttershy whispered. "You can't eat with the helmet on, blocking your mouth."

"What… Are… those…" Sombra asked, his hand gripping the throne's armrest, cracking and chipping it.

"Looks like the Snail has been salted." Chrysalis quipped. "Luckily, we have good news from the Hell Generals, who are--"

"I can't wait for them to arrive!" Sombra boomed. "Time is of the essence, the Princesses got away! Every second wasted is
them being able to lick their wounds and regain their power! You should have sent the--"

Suddenly, three beings teleported into the throne room, in front of the fuming dark lord.

"Apologies for interrupting, King Sombra." said a voice. "The Hell Generals… Behemoth, Ziz, and myself, are here."
The one who spoke, resembling a sea monster, with fins covering her mouth, bowed her head, her hair-like tentacles still floating as if gravity was a non-issue.

"Let me at them five color bozos, Leviathan!" Said the largest of the three, resembling a cross between a bear, lion, and minotaur. His eyes are clawed out, with a bloody blindfold covering the area. "I'll grind them into paste!"

"..." The third one, silently, blocked the large one with a sword resembling an eagle wing. Her appearance resembles a multi-winged avian gryphon with lion legs and claws resembling those of dinosaur raptors. Where her ears are supposed to be, claw-like earmuffs are embedded in place.

"Ziz, you insolent--"

"SILENCE!" Chrysalis shouted. "You three have one purpose in this summons. And that is to tell King Sombra of your plan." She stood up from her throne, and summoned her changelings. "Now, bring her in."

A group of changelings entered, pushing and pulling at a cage with a monster resembling a giant humanoid bee, with hexagonal holes covering its back. "The Growth Serum has been implemented amongst all future Beast-captains. This one is capable of returning to life after defeat, but those five fighters will have a BIG surprise should they be able to defeat her…"

The following day, Twilight arrived late to the Princesses' manor, looking sullen.

"You look dreadful, dear," Rarity said, offering Twilight some apple juice that Applejack brought.

"Sunset Shimmer, my best friend, just sent me a message saying she's had to take her whole band to a workshop, so she wouldn't be here for a week or two…" Twilight said with a sigh.

"I just don’t know what to do without Sunny, and at the same time I can’t stop worrying about her…” Rarity listened intently to what Twilight said. “You really care about her, I take it?” Twilight nodded.

“I gotta say, she’s really come through a lot ever since the whole thing she did, and the Dazzlings too,” Applejack chimed in. “You connected with her in another way due to having been in the same boat, I guess?”

“Mhm,” Twilight nodded. “I would have done much crazier stuff had they not gotten real with me.” She gave out a sigh as she looked at her phone’s wallpaper, which had her and Sunset while at one of the Dazzlings’ concerts. Rarity nodded to Applejack and left the red-clad girl, saying “I’ll ask Cadance if she can give you some water, Twilight. Will be right back.” The fashionista wearing black headed to the kitchen, where Cadance and Shining were. She was trying to teach Shining how to handle large kitchen knives.

“Come on, Shiny! These are easy to use!” Cadance said in confusion. Shining was very hesitant to approach the counter where the knives were.

“Both Twily and I have a bad history with kitchen knives,” Shining Armor said, his voice quivering in slight fear.

“Hey if I can get Twilight to use paring knives and steak knives and cut her food herself, you’re going to as well.” Cadance said, one half of sternness and one half of encouragement can be detected in her voice. “You’re going to be fine, Shiny.”
Rarity cleared her throat, and spoke up. “Hello, I would like to ask,” she said as she filled some glasses with water. “Does Twilight have feelings for Sunset Shimmer?”

Shining almost collapsed. “My little sis Twily?”

Cadance nodded. “That obvious, huh?”

“Not quite that,” Rarity answered. “But when she spoke of Sunset, I recognized it as very similar to Fluttershy when she spoke about her longtime friend… As of now, that friend, she’s with the Wonderbolts.”

“Wonderbolts, huh?” Shining wondered. “Possibly one of the new ones, according to Spitfire, they had an exemplary upstart among them.”

“Oh dear,” Rarity gasped. “I must get these glasses for the others. Thank you for entertaining my question!” She said with a mild curtsy and left the kitchen, leaving the older couple to their knife debacle.

Rarity then handed the glasses to the other girls, with Applejack standing to help. Just as Applejack was approaching Rarity to help with the tray, alarms started blaring.

“Uh oh,” Pinkie said, looking at the video feed. “We got another visitor! It’s headed towards the--Applejack!”

Applejack, running towards Pinkie, looked at the screen, and shouted, “Helmet On! Steed Speeder, ready!” She then ran towards her Steed Speeder as her helmet materialized around her head. Rarity, upon hearing the commotion, sighed. “Oh dear. Girls, we need to follow Applejack, at once!”

Fluttershy and Twilight nodded, having already materialized their helmets. “The monster is headed towards Apple Orchard land,” the girl in black said, “and knowing how protective the Apple Family are of their livelihood, it’s a certainty that Applejack’s family might get hurt.”

“They’ll be fine!” Pinkie Pie said. “Big Macintosh will be there--”

“And so will Apple Bloom and Granny Smith!” Fluttershy said. “A grade-schooler and an old woman!”

“Now girls,” Rarity said with a clap. All four girls shouted in unison, “Steed Speeder, ready!” All the girls get on their Steed Speeders, with Rarity saying “Helmet On! Pinkie, you too!”

“Helmet On! Let's go!” Pinkie cheered.

The four girls drove their Steed Speeders headed for Sweet Apple Acres, in order to catch up to Applejack. By the time they got there, Applejack was already fighting off the monster.

“Buzz! Buzz!” the monster buzzed. “You have a nice orchard in bloom… I must feed!”

“No thanks,” Applejack growled. “Not after what you did to eight of our trees!” She said, pointing at an injured Big Macintosh, looking sad at the stumps of what used to be eight apple trees, along with an equally sorrowful Apple Bloom trying to pour some water at their bases.
The monster saw this as an opportunity to throw Applejack off-balance, tripping her. She then hovered towards where she started her plant gorging.

“Blue!” Rarity chimed. “We gotta get Yellow on her feet! Red and Pink, chase that bug down!”

“On it!” Twilight and Fluttershy nodded. Fluttershy called her Burning Staff, and exclaimed, “Smoke Screen!” She pointed the staff at where Big Mac and Apple Bloom are, covering them and the trees in smoke. The creature accidentally inhaled some of the smoke, sending it into a disoriented daze. “Red, now!” Fluttershy said, hurrying to assist Applejack’s siblings.

Twilight aimed her Star Blaster at the monster, and prepared to fire. “Piercing Power Prioritized, Fire!” She took the shot, damaging the monster significantly. “Black!” She called through her Morpher. “Has Yellow come to? Need some assistance here! This Queen Bee thing ain’t going down anytime soon.”

“I’m already…” Applejack said, charging with her axe. “Done!” And with a cleave, the apid monster was vanquished. She then turned to Fluttershy and Twilight and knocked them to the ground. “Get down!”

The monster’s remains let out a large explosion, but the color of the cloud was redder than before. The cloud then spun itself into a small tornado, scurrying away into the distance. Just then, a red lightning bolt struck where it headed, letting out a bright flash, and a rumbling sound. A larger version of the monster grew out of the site where the bolt struck.

“Honeycomb has returned! Tremble in fear, Pony Grove!”

The five girls’ Morphers chimed in with a ring. Twilight pressed on hers, the Ursa head making a chomping sound. It was Luna. “Call the Zords, they’re the only ones who can size up to that! I’m sending you the command, read and understand it!”
Twilight then scanned what the Princess sent her, reading through it quickly. She then nodded and turned to the other girls. “Alright! Come on girls!” Twilight said, waving her hand. “Ok, once I count down, say Zords Descend! then press and hold for two seconds, and they’ll enter the battle!”

The other four girls nodded. “Three, two, one!”

The five shouted in unison. “Zords Descend!

A portal opened high in the sky, accompanied by lightning cracks and rumbling, and out came the five Zords, Ursa taking the lead in a charge towards Honeycomb. Following closely behind were Timber Wolf and Diamond Dog, with Windicorn at the back, and Phoenix soaring above. The Zord arrival took Honeycomb by total surprise, as Timber Wolf and Diamond Dog managed to subdue two of its limbs with bites, leaving an opening for Phoenix and Windicorn to blast at it.

Honeycomb broke free after managing to heave Timber Wolf in the way of Windicorn’s gust bullets.

“Oh, poppy.” Windicorn said through Pinkie’s Morpher. “Terribly sorry, Timber!”

“This monster’s stronger than I thought!” Timber said through Applejack’s Morpher. “Ursa, how about we show it, that?”

“Twilight!” Ursa spoke. “You know what to do!”

“Ok! Girls! On three!” Twilight exclaimed, as she counted with fingers. All five Rangers, while in a circle facing each other, held their right arms out. “Zords Combine!”

“Hold it right--” Phoenix protested.

“This is not--” Diamond Dog added.

“The command has been sent!” Ursa shouted.

Suddenly, the five girls found themselves enveloped in blinding white light. In an instant, the light faded, and they found themselves inside a room with five glowing circles on the floor, supposedly corresponding to their colors, but Rarity took notice. “Has anyone noticed I’m the Black Ranger? It’s not exactly an indicator of light, more like the absence of it.”
“Try the one matching your gorgeous hair,” Applejack said. “That purple zone, I guess?”

“Oh dear, Yellow…” Rarity teasingly said with a light swoon. “Keep it up and you might take my heart too!”

“Yellow and Black, sitting in a tree!” Pinkie sang.

“Hey, hey!” Twilight said. “Let’s just get to the positions alright?”

They all nodded to the suggestion, and went to stand on the circles of light.

Diamond Dog and Timber Wolf screeched to a halt, and then their bodies began to change into what seemed to be robotic legs. This was followed by Windicorn propping his body upright and putting his rear area down, transforming into what passes as a right arm. Phoenix then followed suit, but did it in reverse, with her head and wings detaching to form a shield, and the rest of her transforming into a left arm. In the center, Ursa’s body shifted, with the front part attaching to the legs and arms that are the other Zords and becoming a torso, and his back part latching onto the back of the forming robot. Once the combination was concluded, the head of the new robot arose from within.

From five Zords, form one giant robot.

The Harmony Megazord is formed.

“What have you done?” Luna chimed in. “You aren’t supposed to combine all five Zords!”

“What?” Twilight asked. “How come? I was given the instructions and--”

“This combination won’t last long, I’ll explain later!” Luna said. “I’m overriding controls, shield yourselves!”

As the princess spoke to the five girls, the Megazord bolted towards the giant Honeycomb and grabbed hold of it.

“Rangers, eject!” Luna commanded the Morphers, which force-ejected the five girls out to safety. Applejack looked on to the battle, the giant robot made out of Zords holding the monster in a tight hold, as it flashed and blinked, faster and faster. In just a few more seconds, both the robot and the monster exploded, with the shockwave almost sending the Rangers flying. Rarity and Fluttershy were knocked over, Twilight and Applejack managed to keep their footing, while Pinkie out of sheer luck jumped around the shockwave’s path.

As they were coming to, the Steed Speeders screeched to a halt nearby, taking them by surprise. “Get on, you’re going back to base!” Luna shouted through the Morphers.

The girls did as they’re told and sped back towards the manor.

“Okay…” Luna sighed. “You girls are lucky I managed to take over, or else that would have been ugly. I don’t want to go on a lengthy sermon, so I’ll cut to the chase. With forming the Megazord, you can’t use all five Zords. I should know, because I made the same mistake… I was out for a week, and my sister was worried sick. And now I…” Luna sighed again. “Take a rest, girls, don’t forget what I just said.”

The girls nodded, and powered down their Morphers. Fluttershy whispered while raising her hand.

“Princess?” Twilight asked. “Fluttershy has a question.”

“Ah,” Luna wondered. “What’s on your mind, Fluttershy?”

“Will the Zords be okay?” Fluttershy asked.

“They will need to rest,” Luna said. “For the meantime you girls should too, luckily for us, that experiment that the enemy did ended up with their giant monsters having an effect on their troops, destroying a giant monster will put down any attempted advances for a while.” She then took off her hair ties with a yawn. “Go home now, let’s call it a day while we’re at it--”

Just then the front doors swung open, and a white haired girl collapsed on the doorway. “Uh oh,” Applejack said, rushing to carry the unconscious visitor to the lounge, with Fluttershy preparing a hot towel and Pinkie preparing some water to nurse the girl back to her senses.

Author's Note:

New chapter's here!

Also added some beginnings of what I would consider fuel for SunLight and FlutterDash (Dashie's not gonna enter the fray yet, and Sunset's still keeping an eye on the Dazzlings, so at most we get stuff from Flutters and Twily's end), hence why I have now added the story to the according groups(I didn't feel like it was sufficient adding it before the addition of this chapter, but with this chapter now I can sigh in relief)

Also the door's open for anyone who wants to help out with any suggestions about improvements, I haven't written in a while, and I think there is at least some rust showing. I also would be open for suggestions to changing the title of the fic itself(which is just how the Super Sentai series names its teams), I haven't inserted what the team is specifically called other than "the Rangers", so far I'm sitting on either "Himerangers" or "Ponyrangers" (first one is the whole "their powers were something the Princesses used", second one is cuz of the town they're defending), any other suggestions are welcome