• Published 29th May 2018
  • 2,937 Views, 95 Comments

My Little White Lie - ForestTrails482

A wise mare once said, "Treat others as you would like to be treated." But what if that pony (or in Applejack and Apple Bloom's case, changeling) tried to do you harm?

  • ...

Chapter 15: Cliff hanger

As Applejack and her friends thought of the best way to let Ponyville know about Fruit Blender without causing a panic, Princess Luna had finished telling her sister about the white changeling and how he desired to live among them in peace. Celestia had been silent through most of Luna's tale. Even now she was silent as she thought of what they should do.


"This isn't going to be easy, Luna."

"What do you mean?"

Celestia gave a sad sigh.

"Many ponies here in Canterlot want justice for what the changelings have done. I cannot give this changeling a full pardon without upsetting most of our citizens."

"But, Sister, he saved two of our own!"

"After they saved his life, Luna. He owed them a life debt. Everypony will believe that's all it was. But now that they are even, there is nothing to stop him from doing that which is bad."

Furrowing her brows in anger, Luna said:

"Nothing but the Magic of Friendship."

Celestia gave her sister a surprised look, then hardened her expression and said:

"It's not that I don't have faith in the Magic of Friendship, Luna. But answer me this; would you have believed that a changeling wanted to be friends with a pony if you had not seen the things that you have seen?"

Luna wanted to give a good comeback, but slowly looked away in shame knowing full well that such an idea was unbelievable.

"Besides the Apples, nopony has seen anything to convince them that changelings are capable of friendship and love. All they would have to rely upon is our word, and even we can be wrong. (sigh) I should know."

Celestia still blamed herself for what happened on the day of Cadance's wedding. She knew her niece better than anypony, and yet the changeling queen fooled her and her kingdom. Twilight saw past that creature's lies, but Celestia put her faith in it over her most faithful student. What kind of leader does that?

The bad kind.

Luna noticed the regret in her sister's eyes. She knew that look all too well.

"Tia, it's not your fault that the changelings almost won. We were not prepared to face a foe like that."

"I was too trusting, Luna. I refuse to make that mistake again."

Taking a moment to think, Luna smiled and said:

"Then don't."

Celestia raised an eyebrow as she looked at her sister skeptically.

"What are you saying?"

"We don't need to lock him in a dungeon to keep everypony safe. He is just one changeling, and right now he is under the watchful eye of Applejack; one of the element bearers. They defeated a hundred changelings all on their own during the invasion. Who better to safeguard a changeling than them?"


"Please, Sister. Give him a chance like you gave me."

Against his better judgement, Fruit Blender went along with the plan that Twilight suggested. Apparently, they were going to present him to the mayor of Ponyville, who would then assemble a town meeting to present him to the whole town.

Currently, he was sitting patiently under Applejack's hat in the form of a little chick. All he could do was listen to the noises around him, since Applejack's hat wasn't the most transparent. When Applejack came to a halt, Fruit Blender assumed that this was their first stop.

"Big Mac."


"I need ya ta come with us."

"What? Where?"

"Ta Town Hall."

"Fer what?"

"We need you as physical evidence to support Fruit Blender's case." said Twilight.


"Yer timber wolf bite. Mayor needs ta see that, so we can show her that Fruit Blender is on our side." said Applejack, to help clear things up.

"But don't we need Fruit Blender for that ta work?"

"Which is why we brought him." said Pinkie Pie.

Taking off her friend's hat, Pinkie Pie revealed that said changeling for Big Mac to see. Taking a closer look, Big Mac said:

"Whoa, Nelly! I didn't think a changeling could change into something that small."

Normally changelings don't. Changing into something small ran the risk of making yourself easy prey. Fruit Blender's brother, 7-2-2, learned that lesson the hard way.

Poor 7-2-2. Every changeling told him that changing into a mouse was stupid.

That was the reason why Fruit Blender didn't want to go along with Twilight's plan at first, but Fluttershy assured him that he had no need to fear. Apparently the predators in Ponyville were reasonable to work with, being domesticated and all. Fruit Blender still wondered if Fluttershy having a pet grizzly was true or just a bluff to make him feel better.

"Isn't he so adorable?!" said Pinkie Pie, who then proceeded to tickle Fruit Blender with her hoof, wanting to get some cute little chirping noises out of him. All she got in return was a weak slap from a small wing and some mad chirping noises that made Fluttershy gasp in horror.

"Fruit Blender! Such language!"

Sheesh. Its not like I said *buy some apples!*

Putting her hat back over the changeling, Applejack said:

"No worries, Fluttershy. I'll have a talk with Fruit Blender about his language. But right now, lets get him over to Town Hall and explain things to Mayor Mare first. Rarity? Could you watch the apple cart while we're gone?"

"Of course, Darling."

With that, Applejack and the others made their way to Town Hall.

Meanwhile, two unicorn stallions from Celestia's army were completing an enchantment spell on the front doors of Town Hall.

"There. No changeling is going to get through these doors without revealing their true selves."

"What a relief. Thank you gentlecolts for all of the hard work you've done." said Mayor Mare.

"Your welcome. Though, most of the credit belongs to your local hero, Twilight Sparkle. It's thanks to her enchantment spell that all of this is even possible."

"Alright." said a repair mare, who was now exiting the building. "I've got your emergency button installed. If you've got changelings invading, just push the button and you'll have both the Royal Guard and the Wonderbolts here in two shakes of a leg-bone."

"Perfect! Thank you so much."

"Now..." said the Royal Guard. "... do you have the list that we asked for?"

"Yes, right here." said Mayor Mare, presenting a scroll to the two stallions. It was a list of all the ponies who wanted the same enchantment cast on their doors. "I apologize that it is not yet complete. Some of the ponies haven't responded to my letters yet."

"That's okay. We'll start casting spells on the houses that have given us permission to do so. Just send us word once the others have responded."

"Very well. Good luck to you."

After she gave a wave to the stallions and mare, Mayor Mare went back into Town Hall, ready to get started on today's paperwork.

"Raven?! What is next on our list today?"

"Well let's see... " said Raven Inkwell. "... we still need to review what will be discussed in tomorrow's town meeting."

"Ah, yes. Well... we will be discussing the buddy system, and what to do if any pony suspects that their friends have been replaced by a changeling. Have there been any reports of suspicion since the wedding?"

"Not as of today, Madam Mayor. In fact, my sister tells me that there hasn't been any reports in Canterlot either."

"Speaking of which, how is your sister doing?"

"Much better. She tells me that she hasn't had a nightmare since Princess Luna's dream intervention last week."

"It's funny to think that Princess Luna used to be the same pony that tried to bring about the eternal night. I'm just happy that she is on our side now."

"Me too, Mayor Mare. Me too."

"Okay, there is also-"

"Mayor Mare?" said Twilight as she entered Town Hall. "We need to talk."

"Ah! Twilight Sparkle. Just the pony I wanted to see. How can I help you?"

"Well, you see-"

"Uh, Twilight?!"

Turning around, Twilight could see that Applejack's hat was glowing green and that it was shaking vigorously.

"Oh no."

"Fruit Blender! It's too soon! Don't change!" shouted Big Mac, trying to force down his sister's hat and keep the changeling at bay. But it was no use. Something was compelling Fruit Blender to return to his true form and he couldn't stop it.

"Pinkie! The doors!" shouted Twilight.

Pinkie Pie quickly slammed the the doors shut and Twilight used her magic to close the window blinds. And not a moment too soon; just as they had closed the doors and shut the blinds, Fruit Blender burst back into his true form, fell onto the ground, and hissed angrily as he held his aching head with his forehooves.

"Cha-ch-ch-cha-cha-CHANGELING!!!" shouted Mayor Mare and Raven in fright.

"Mayor Mare! Wait! We can explain!" shouted Twilight as she took a few steps forward.

"Stay where you are!" shouted the mayor, putting herself next to the emergency button. "I touch this button, and all of Equestria will know that you are here!"

Twilight took a couple steps back and said, "Okay, calm down. Let's talk this through."

"What's there to talk about?! I know why you changelings are here! I will not let you make a meal out of everypony here!"

"Mayor Mare! It's me! Twilight! I'm not a changeling! The only changeling in this room is Fruit Blender, and he's not gonna hurt you!"

"Lies! You're not going to fool me!"

"Wait! Ask me something only I would know!"

There was a short pause before the mayor spoke.

"Okay... what was I wearing on that night when Nightmare Moon tried to cancel Nightmare Night?"

"You were wearing a clown costume. And it wasn't Nightmare Moon that tried to cancel Nightmare Night, it was Princess Luna. The elements of harmony had already changed her back to good."

"Which Winter Wrap Up team are you a part of?"

"All three of them. You gave me the position as the All-Team Organizer on my first Winter Wrap Up here in Ponyville."

Okay, one more question. Mayor Mare knew that it had to be something that nopony else would know except Twilight.

"How many books are at Golden Oaks Library?"


Leaning over to Raven Inkwell, Mayor Mare whispered:

"Is that correct?"

"I don't know. I'd have to check the records."

"Quick then! Go check. I'll keep them here while you search."

Raven quickly made her way down to Town Hall's records room. As they waited, Mayor Mare kept her eyes locked on the potential threat. Twilight stayed where she was, not wanting to provoke the mayor in any possible way. Everypony else turned their attention to Fruit Blender; who was up, but still rubbing his head.

"Are you alright?" asked Applejack.

"Better than your hat. Sorry I destroyed it."

"Its alright. I'm just glad ya didn't singe my mane."

The door to the stairs soon swung open, and Raven came in with the file she was looking for.

"Okay Raven, how many books are at the Golden Oaks Library?"

After looking quickly through the papers, Raven smiled and said:


"So how did y'all sneak back, without anypony seeing ya without yer disguise?" asked Apple Bloom as she sat with Fruit Blender in the living room.

"Applejack's friend, Fluttershy, went out and brought one of her bird friends for me to use as a template. Before I changed, Big Mac and the others acted as a pony shield so I could exit the building without anypony seeing me."

"Did them doors hurt ya when ya left the building?"

"No. I'm guessing it only does that when I'm in disguise."

"Which is good." said Applejack as she entered. "I'd hate for ya ta get a migraine every time ya pass through a doorway."

"Heh. Me too." said Fruit Blender.

"Come on ya two, dinner's on."

Apple Bloom and Fruit Blender got off the couch and made their way into the kitchen. As they made themselves comfortable, Applejack started dishing out the flapjacks onto everyone's plate. Most ponies would have been against having a breakfast food for dinner, but not the Apples.

As they ate their food (or in Fruit Blender's case, absorbed the love) Applejack said, "Just so ya know, Fruit Blender, I was able ta change Big Mac's bed into a bunk bed while you were working out in the orchard, so ya won't have ta sleep on the couch anymore."

Fruit Blender's eyes shot wide open with surprise.

"What?! Won't that be awkward for Smarty Pants?!"

"Say what?"

"You know, the mare that Big Mac sleeps with every night."

Everypony stared at Fruit Blender with confused looks, but after a moment they started laughing their heads off; all except Big Mac, who was covering his face with his forehooves, wishing he was dead.

"Why is everychang- I mean pony laughing?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Fr-Fruit Blend-er! Ha ha! Smarty Pants isn't a mare!" Apple Bloom said, finding it hard not to laugh as she spoke. "Ha ha ha! Smarty Pants is a doll! Ha ha ha!"

Raising an eyebrow before putting on a smirk, Fruit Blender said, "Wait. Big Mac sleeps with a doll?!"

Within a few seconds, he was laughing his head off just like the others.

And I thought Sweetie Belle's armor was funny.

Giving Fruit Blender the angry-eyes, Big Mac said, "Laugh it up, Bucktooth. Just wait until I learn your embarrassing secrets."

"Pfft. I don't have any embarrassing secrets."


Fruit Blender didn't like the way that Big Mac was looking at him, or the others for that matter. He made a mental note to himself to be careful what he did and said around them in the future.

Apple Bloom was teaching Fruit Blender how to properly wash and put away dishes, when there was a knock on the back door.

(Knock! Knock!)

"Quick!" said Applejack as she entered the kitchen. "Make yerself scarce!"

Taking a quick sniff of the air, Fruit Blender smiled and said, "No need. It's a friend."

Raising an eyebrow, Applejack went over to the kitchen door to see who it was. As she was doing this, Big Mac and Granny Smith came into the kitchen. Once she saw who it was, Applejack opened the door and bowed before the alicorn in front of her.

"Your Highness."

"I'm surprised, Applejack." said Princess Luna, before she entered. "I was expecting a test to see if it was me."

"No need, Princess. Fruit Blender here caught yer scent."

"Really? I didn't realize that changelings were kind of like bloodhounds."

"More like bloodhounds are kind of like us." said Fruit Blender with a confident smirk. Apple Bloom giggled, finding Fruit Blender's pride amusing.

"So, I take it that yer sister knows about Fruit Blender now?" asked Granny Smith.

"Yes." said Luna with a nod.

"What did she say? Can Fruit Blender stay?" asked Apple Bloom, who was very anxious to know.

Turning her attention to Apple Bloom, Princess Luna gave a small smile and said, "Fruit Blender has permission to stay."

"Yee-haw! Thank you, Princess Luna! Thank you!"

"Ha ha ha. Your welcome, Apple Bloom."

After Princess Luna had left, Granny Smith gave the order for everyone to go to bed. They all had a big day tomorrow and they needed to be well rested for tomorrow's town meeting. They weren't sure what to expect, but hopefully the rest of the town would be willing to give Fruit Blender a chance.

Before they made their way upstairs; Applejack, Big Mac, and Apple Bloom gave Granny Smith a hug and a kiss goodnight. Fruit Blender didn't wait up for them, figuring that all of that affection was for family members only.

It didn't take Fruit Blender long to find Big Mac's room. There was only one bedroom with a bed on top of the other. On closer inspection, he noticed a raggedy pony doll on top of the bottom bunk. This had to be Smarty Pants. Looking at it now, he finally got the joke of why it was called Smarty Pants.

Why ponies even wear clothes, I'll never know.

Fruit Blender took a closer look at the doll, trying to figure out why Big Mac found this doll so appealing. It wasn't exactly an eye pleaser, so there had to be another reason why. Poking at it, he got it to squeak. He then picked it up and gave it the sniff test. Once he did, he grinned as he came to the conclusion why Big Mac liked this doll so much.

Hearing hoof steps, Fruit Blender quickly put the doll back and buzzed up to the top bunk, pretending that he was getting ready to sleep. As he was doing this, Apple Bloom walked in and said, "Fruit Blender. You forgot something. Come down here."

Fruit Blender found that statement odd but complied. Once he made contact with the ground, Apple Bloom wrapped her front legs around his neck and hugged him tight.

"Goodnight, Fruit Blender."

He was surprised at first, but after he got over the initial shock, he returned the hug and said, "Goodnight, Apple Bloom."

While they were hugging each other, Fruit Blender noticed that Big Mac and Applejack were standing at the doorway, smirking as they watched. He quickly gave a straight face and looked away, trying not to blush.

After releasing Fruit Blender, Apple Bloom gave Big Mac a hug goodnight and made her way to her room. As both of his sisters left, Big Mac took off his yoke and hung it next to the door. As he got into bed, Fruit Blender followed suit. Once he was comfortable, Big Mac blew out his candle and went to sleep; or at least he tried before his new roommate disturbed the peace.

"Psst. Big Mac!"

(yawn) "What?"

Giving a mischievous laugh, Fruit Blender whispered, "How long have you had a crush on Twilight?"

Ugh, why me?!

Author's Note:

Will Fruit Blender do well living amongst ponies? Will Ponyville even give him a chance? You'll have to read the next story to find out. :ajsmug:

Comments ( 27 )


Oh well, I'm a Pinkie fan. Who's your favorite?

Are you speaking for Big Mac or are you answering another question?

big mac, thought it would be funny

Twilight Sparkle. And Tempest Shadow.

Strange isn't it Big Mac is one of the few ponies we ever seen interested in more than one possible partner. He crushed on Twilight, had a past with Cheerilee, was interested in Marble Pie and eventualy married Sugar Bell. He's had the most realistic romantic life in the show, every other relationship we saw was instant soulmates or a settled couple.

Comment posted by ForestTrails482 deleted Feb 2nd, 2022
Comment posted by SilverDiamond deleted Dec 4th, 2019
Comment posted by ForestTrails482 deleted Dec 4th, 2019
Comment posted by SilverDiamond deleted Dec 4th, 2019
Comment posted by ForestTrails482 deleted Dec 4th, 2019
Comment posted by SilverDiamond deleted Dec 4th, 2019
Comment posted by ForestTrails482 deleted Dec 4th, 2019
Comment posted by SilverDiamond deleted Dec 4th, 2019
Comment posted by ForestTrails482 deleted Dec 4th, 2019
Comment posted by SilverDiamond deleted Dec 4th, 2019
Comment posted by ForestTrails482 deleted Dec 4th, 2019

I’m loving this story so far! Can’t wait for more!

Did Apple Bloom ever get ungrounded?

She was only grounded for that one night. The stereotypical "stay in your room with no supper" kind of grounded.

is there plans for a sequel to this story ?

There is. It’s just that I’ve been really busy and dealing with writer’s block. :twilightblush: Hoping to make progress this year.

Writers block?

More perfectionism than writer’s block, if I’m being honest.

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