• Published 29th May 2018
  • 2,937 Views, 95 Comments

My Little White Lie - ForestTrails482

A wise mare once said, "Treat others as you would like to be treated." But what if that pony (or in Applejack and Apple Bloom's case, changeling) tried to do you harm?

  • ...

Chapter 7: Looks like the changeling’s out of the barn

Author's Note:

Sorry that this chapter took so long. I was having a hard time deciding how I wanted this chapter to go. And the fact that I decided to include art into my fanfic, just like Goldfur. So for past readers, check out my chapters again to see the art.

Apple Bloom slowly peeked her head out of the barn. She looked around to make sure that none of the farm animals were awake. Seeing that the coast was clear, she signaled 4-8-2 to follow.

Following Apple Bloom's lead, 4-8-2 tip-toed out of the barn. The filly and changeling slowly moved towards the apple orchard. According to Apple Bloom, the Everfree Forest was not all that far from the edge of their farmlands. She just hoped they could make it to the orchard without waking up any of the animals.

They were about half-way to the orchard when, all of a sudden, the night sky became a little brighter. Apple Bloom and 4-8-2 stopped in their tracks. They looked up and beheld a night sky full of rivers of dancing light.

Apple Bloom could not believe her eyes. If she had words to describe it, she felt that those words would not do it justice. It was perhaps the most beautiful thing she had ever seen in her life. But she was not the only one taken back by the beauty of the night sky.

4-8-2 had been to a few lands before Equestria. Each one had something unique and special about it, but he had never seen anything quite like this before.

They would have probably stood there for hours watching the colorful lights, had it not been for the cow.

Bella to be exact. She was always an early riser here at Sweet Apple Acres, and because of the bright lights in the sky, her brain was telling her that the sun was rising. She opened her eyes, not only to find that it was still night, but to find a-


She didn't know what to call it. But it had long fangs and piercing red eyes, so she did what any cow would have done.


Bella's screaming woke up the pigs, the chickens, and the sheep. And within seconds, ever animal on the farm was screaming and shouting; even the rooster, who had never been woken up by the other animals before.

"RUN!" shouted Apple Bloom.

Both she and 4-8-2 ran as fast as they could, hoping that they could get away before anypony saw them.

Stupid Pretty Lights! 4-8-2 thought as he ran.

(Not too long before the ruckus.)

"Twilight, these last two months with you have been the best two months of my life" Big Mac said as he slept.

In dreamland, he was sitting on a hill with Twilight Sparkle, watching the sun set.


"Yes Big Mac?"

"I have an important question to ask ya. And I just want ya to know that I'll respect yer decision, no matter what it is."

"Big Mac, is everything alright?"

Dream Twilight turned to her right to face Big Mac, and found herself speechless as he knelt down on one knee and presented to her a diamond ring.

"Twilight Sparkle, will... will you marry me?"

With a smile on her face and tears in her eyes, Dream Twilight said:


"Wait, what?"

Dream Twilight was now screaming like a whole chorus of farm animals, causing Big Mac to wake up with a start.

"What in tarnation is going on?!"

Big Mac threw off his covers, jumped out of bed and ran to his window. Looking out, he could see the white changeling that was tied up in their barn; only it wasn't tied up anymore.

It's loose?! How?!

Big Mac gasped in horror. His little sister was running into the apple orchard with the changeling hot on her tracks.

Oh no ya don't! Ya ain't gonna hurt my sister!

After two minutes of running nonstop, 4-8-2 shouted:

"How much farther?!"

"We're about a fourth of the way there!"


This is taking forever! If only you were a pegasus, like Scootaloo, then we could fly there.

4-8-2's right ear twitched when he heard something coming from behind.

What the-?

He turned his head around to see that it was Apple Bloom's brother, Big Mac. The big red stallion was gaining on them, moving faster than any earth pony 4-8-2 had seen before; and 4-8-2 did not like the look on his face.

Yep, time to fly!

Buzzing his wings, 4-8-2 took off. His first instinct was to fly past the branches and make as much distance as he could away from the ground. But then he remembered that he needed Apple Bloom for directions.

Swooping down like an eagle, 4-8-2 snatched the young filly up from the ground, causing her to shriek in surprise. She looked down in horror as she saw the apple trees shrink below her.

"4-8-2! Put me down!"

"Your brother is gaining! I've got to put some distance between us!"

After putting a good thirty feet between himself and the trees, 4-8-2 shouted:

"Where to?!"

No response.

"I said, where to?!"

Looking down, he saw that Apple Bloom was covering her eyes with her hooves.

"Apple Bloom! Open your eyes!"

"Not until we're back on the ground!"

Sighing in frustration, 4-8-2 decided that he was going to have to just guess. Maybe the Everfree was on the other side of that hill to his right.

"Yes!" 4-8-2 shouted when he saw the borderline, where the rows of organized apple trees ended and the Everfree forest began.

"Apple Bloom! I see it!"

That did not seem to brighten the filly's spirit, who was still oblivious to her surroundings, due to the fact that she was still covering her eyes.

Okay, time to put you down.

With all of the distance that he covered by wing, and knowing that Big Mac would be slowed down by the hill, 4-8-2 flew down gently to the edge of the Everfree. Hovering a few inches off the ground, 4-8-2 said:

"It's okay Apple Bloom, you can open your eyes now."

Peeking with one eye, Apple Bloom looked to see if 4-8-2 was telling her the truth. Seeing that he was, she let out a sigh of relief as she let her hooves fall limply down from her face.

"Please, don't ever do that again."

4-8-2 chuckled to himself as he set the filly down.

Brave enough to take on a changeling, but too scared to look when she's thirty feet in the air? Now that's ironic.

"Well, I guess this is where we part."

"Just until my friends and I come to visit ya. Be careful 4-8-2. The Everfree can be a dangerous place at night."

"Ha! I'm a changeling. The ultimate predator. Top of all food chains. What do I have to fear?"

To his surprise, 4-8-2 heard hooves running towards them, coming from the hill. He turned his head to the right to see that it was-

Big Mac?! What?! How?!

Doubting that the stallion would tell him before pummeling him, 4-8-2 decided that it was time to fly now, solve mystery later.

As 4-8-2 flew into the forest, Apple Bloom ran forward, putting herself in front of Big Mac's path and shouted:


Big Mac did falter for a second, but regained his determination, increased his speed, and leaped over his sister. Sticking the landing, he continued his chase of 4-8-2 into the Everfree Forest.

No matter how many times he tried, 4-8-2 could not shake off Big Mac. He had tried serpentine, up and over the bushes, he even tried the old grab the branch and let it swing back to hit them move, only to see it snap like a twig as it hit the red stallion.

Come on! I don't have your sister anymore! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!!

4-8-2 couldn't fly over the trees like he did before. There were too many branches and the forest was so thick. He had to give up flying a while ago just to avoid the branches. He was starting to get tired, and it didn't look like Big Mac was going to give up anytime soon.

Panting as he ran, 4-8-2 licked his lips to keep them moist. Once he did, he remembered something that he should have tried a long time ago.

I'm such a Bone-head!

4-8-2 flipped himself around and skidded to a stop. With Big Mac in his sights, he hacked up as much slime as he could.


4-8-2 spat out the sticky projectile at Big Mac. Seeing it coming, Big Mac jumped out of the way just in time to miss the slime ball.

Apple Bloom, who had been chasing Big Mac, was not so lucky. The slime ball hit her front legs, sending her falling head over heels and landing on her rump hard. When she tried to rub her sore flanks she found that her front hooves were stuck to the ground right in front of her. She got up on her hind legs and tried to pull herself free, but she couldn't. This stuff was stronger than the tree sap that she and her friends fell into that one time.

Seeing that he hit Apple Bloom, 4-8-2 smacked himself in the face.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm a Bone-head.

Just as he remembered the fact that he missed Big Mac, it was too late. Big Mac tackled 4-8-2, knocking him off his hooves and slamming him into the ground, knocking the air out of the changeling in the process. As 4-8-2 gasped desperately for air, Apple Bloom shouted:

"Don't hurt him!"

Big Mac looked over at his sister with a surprised look on his face. Furrowing his brows, he turned back toward 4-8-2. He grabbed the changeling by the shoulders and slammed his back against a nearby tree. Looking him directly in the eyes he shouted:

"Undo yer hex, now!"

(Grunt) "Hex? What are you talking about?"

Big Mac pulled him forward and slammed him back against the tree.

"Yer mind control spell! Undo it!"

"Are you crazy?! Only the Queen knows that kind of magic! I don't even know how-"

He was brought forward and slammed back into the tree again.

"Yer lying!"

"I'm not! I swear!"

Again 4-8-2 was slammed against the tree. At this rate, he figured that he would have a major concussion in the next five minutes.

"I'll ask one more time changeling. Undo yer spell on my sister."

4-8-2 brought his head up, struggling to stay conscious, and was about to respond when he caught a whiff of something awful in the air. He turned his head to the left, in the direction of the smell, and saw something lurking in the shadows; making it's way towards Apple Bloom.

"Big Mac! (Grunt) Save Apple Bloom!"


Turning around, Big Mac saw the creature. It had green glowing eyes, and there was a foul stench coming from it. Thanks to Granny Smith's stories, he knew what it was in an instant.

Timber Wolf!

Big Mac dropped 4-8-2 and ran as fast as he could, to intercept the beast before it could get to his sister.

Seeing the horror in her brother's face, Apple Bloom turned to her right and saw the wooden beast closing the gap between them. Even with the new motivation, Apple Bloom couldn't pull her hooves out of the slime trap. She screamed in horror as the timber wolf leapt at her. But before it got to her, Big Mac bucked the beast, launching it into a nearby tree. The timber wolf shattered into dozens of pieces, scattering all over the ground.

Turning to his sister, Big Mac gave her a reassuring smile. Apple Bloom returned the smile, but her expression changed when she saw another pair of glowing eyes, charging at Big Mac from behind.

"Look out!"

Had Big Mac turned around any later, the timber wolf would have had a clear shot for his neck. Instead, he caught the timber wolf as it tackled him. They rolled a couple of times before the timber wolf pinned him to the ground. Big Mac held back the timber wolf as it snapped it's jaws inches away from his face. Bringing back one hoof, he slugged it in the eye. The timber wolf whimpered in pain as it stumbled to the side.

Bringing himself back up, Big Mac crouched down into an attack position, keeping the timber wolf right in front of him. The wolf growled angrily, glaring at him with it's one good eye. Apple Bloom cheered loudly for her brother.

"You got this Bro! Smash 'em to pieces!"

Because she was cheering, Apple Bloom didn't hear the timber wolf that Big Mac had shattered putting itself back together. The post-shattered timber wolf got back onto its feet and locked its eyes on the pony that kicked him, growling angrily as it prepared to attack.

The one-eyed timber wolf lunged forward at Big Mac, receiving a strong uppercut to the jaw. One-eye stumbled backwards on his hind legs until he finally fell on his back.

"Yeehaw!!!" shouted Apple Bloom.

Apple Bloom felt the rush of wind in her mane as Post-shatter leaped over her. Before she could even respond, Post-shatter clamped his jaws onto Big Mac's hind leg.


Big Mac screamed in pain as he felt the splintery teeth sink into his flesh. Post-shatter swung around and threw Big Mac towards Apple Bloom. The red stallion skidded to a stop in front of his sister. One-eye, having recovered from Big Mac's punch, joined Post-shatter as they advanced towards the two disabled ponies.

Just when Big Mac and Apple Bloom thought it was the end, 4-8-2 jumped in front of the timber wolves, blocking the path of these wooden beasts. 4-8-2 hissed angrily, giving them a fair warning to go away.

One-eye and Post-shatter did hesitate for a moment but resumed their advancement. It was two against one, and this strange creature wasn't as big as the pony that Post-shatter took out. There was a flash of green fire. 4-8-2 was gone, and in his stead was a white timber wolf with glowing red eyes.

In timber wolfish, One-eye said to Post-shatter:

"It can turn into one of us?!"

Speaking in their language, 4-8-2 said:

"Yes, I can! And I can turn into a lot of creatures worse than you! Like a manticore!"

The two wolves took a step back, 4-8-2 stepped forward as he continued to speak.

"Or a hydra!"

Both wolves shook in fear as they took another step back.

"Or a dragon!"

Gulping nervously, teeth chattering, they took two more steps back.

"I can even turn into...

A whole!



Fruit Blender gave a dramatic pause, grinning as he heard them whimper in fear.


Post-shatter and One-eye immediately turned tail and ran off, screaming like little fillies. Flashing back into his natural form, 4-8-2 chuckled to himself.


4-8-2 slowly turned around to face Apple Bloom and Big Mac. He stood there quietly, not sure if Big Mac still wanted to pummel him or not.

"You...you saved us. Why?" Big Mac asked.

4-8-2 took a moment to think of the best way to answer that question. When he saw Apple Bloom smiling at him, he knew exactly what to say.

"Because Apple Bloom is my friend."

4-8-2 gave his best smile, hoping to show Big Mac that he meant what he said. Big Mac stared at him for a moment, but then Big Mac remembered that afternoon when Applejack dragged 4-8-2 to their farm; after he had just attacked her and Apple Bloom.

"Your friend? Is that what you call the ponies that you plan to suck the love from?!"

4-8-2 took a step back, surprised to see the conversation take a turn for the worst.

"Big Mac, I-"

"You tried to suck the love from my sister, Applejack! You tried to hurt Apple Bloom! And now you think you can call her your friend?!"

"I... I-"

"Get out of here! Get out of here you love-sucking, two-faced cockroach!!!"

4-8-2's ears fell back and his eyes began to tear up. Big Mac was right. How could he call himself Apple Bloom's friend after trying to hurt her? He tried to hurt her and tried to suck the love from her sister. He didn't deserve her friendship, or her love.

Why didn't you just let me drown in that lake Applejack? It would have been better for everyone.

"STOP IT!!!"

Both Big Mac and 4-8-2 turned their attention to the filly who shouted.

"I swear, if you call him that one more time, I'm gonna kick ya so hard, it's gonna hurt worse than that timber wolf bite!"

Big Mac couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Apple Bloom!"

"He just saved yer life! He just saved my life! And this is how ya repay 'em?! You should be ashamed of yourself!"

"But, he's the reason why we were even out here!"

"No, he's not! I'm the reason why we're out here!"

"What are ya talking about?"

"I let 'em loose!"

"What?! But why would ya even do that?"

"Because he is my friend! Not because of some mind-control hex, if that's what yer thinking."

"Prove it!"

Apple Bloom gave her brother a deadpan look as she said:

"Ya still sleep with Smarty Pants every night. No mind-controlled zombie would know that."

Raising an eyebrow, 4-8-2 asked:

"Smarty Who?"

"THAT IS NOT FOR YER CONCERN!!!" Big Mac shouted defensively.

"Remember the stallion I met, Fruit Blender?"

"What does that have to do with-"

"4-8-2 is Fruit Blender."

With a confused look, Big Mac looked back at 4-8-2, who shrugged his shoulders in response. He didn't know what Apple Bloom was talking about. Out of all the nick names he had been given, Fruit Blender was not one of them.

"My friends and I secretly met with him while you were selling apples in town."

"But the lock!"

"Scootaloo knows how to pick locks, but that's not important right now. The point is, I released him because I didn't want you and Applejack to turn him over to Celestia. He's not a monster like you think he is. He was just doing what he was taught to do. He's nice once ya get to know him."

Big Mac gave her a skeptical look.

"If ya want to be mad at somepony, be mad at me. Don't take it out on 4-8-2, he's been through enough already."

At the corner of Big Mac's eyes, he noticed that 4-8-2 was smiling again. He had tears rolling down his cheeks and he was sniffling. 4-8-2 never thought that he would ever make a friend growing up in the swarm. But now he had somepony standing up for him, like his feelings actually mattered. What more could any creature want?

When he noticed Big Mac starring at him, he quickly turned away and wiped away his tears.

Come on 4-8-2! Don't let the stallion see you cry.

Seeing 4-8-2's reaction, and seeing the sincerity in his sister's eyes, Big Mac figured that there were only two possible explanations. Either changelings were better liars than he thought, or this thing was actually friends with his sister.

Having made up his mind, he turned towards 4-8-2, and said:

"I'm sorry."


"I said that I'm sorry."

The changeling stared blankly at the stallion, finding it hard to believe what his ears had heard.

Okay, am I dreaming? This can't actually be happening.

"I'm sorry for calling you a love-sucking, two-faced cockroach. I'm sorry for beating you against that tree. And... thank you, for saving my sister and me."

"... "

Maybe it's head trauma.