• Published 29th May 2018
  • 2,937 Views, 95 Comments

My Little White Lie - ForestTrails482

A wise mare once said, "Treat others as you would like to be treated." But what if that pony (or in Applejack and Apple Bloom's case, changeling) tried to do you harm?

  • ...

Chapter 9: Fruit Blender

It was getting close to dawn when Big Mac, Apple Bloom, and 4-8-2 finally made their way out of the Everfree Forest. As they walked threw the apple orchard, Big Mac thought it would be a good idea to create a plan on how they were going to present 4-8-2 without causing another panic. He was mostly concerned with how he was going to explain things to Granny and Applejack.

"Now listen, if we want to do this right, I think it would be best if ya let Apple Bloom and I explain everything to Granny before ya show yourself."

"Fair enough."

After seeing Zecora's reaction, how could 4-8-2 argue with that statement. Sure, the zebra shaman accepted him in the end, but this was a better plan. In his experience, elder ponies scare easier than younger ponies. Probably because they know that they can't run as fast.

"Ya think Applejack will be back by the time we return?"

Big Mac took a moment to think about Apple Bloom's question. If his hunch was correct, those beautiful lights coming from the North were a sign that Applejack and her friends succeeded in saving the Crystal Empire.


Feelings of dread quickly entered 4-8-2's mind when Big Mac said that. He had almost forgotten about Apple Bloom's sister.

Applejack. The one pony in all of Equestria that probably hates me the most. (sigh) Can't say that I blame her. I tried to suck the love from her, and I was a jerk after she saved me.

Seeing 4-8-2's expression, Apple Bloom figured that he must have been worried about how her sister would react when he showed himself to her. Patting him on the shoulder she said:

"Don't worry about Applejack. If she was willing to save ya from drowning, I'm sure that she'll be willing to forgive ya if you apologize."

"You think so?"


That made 4-8-2 feel better, knowing that both Apple Bloom and Big Mac thought that it would work out. Still, he felt really bad for what he did to Applejack. If he was going to apologize, he was going to have to make it good. But how?

"What if I ripped off one of my legs, as a punishment for my crimes?"


Big Mac didn't care if changelings could grow their limbs back within two months time, the last thing he wanted to see was a changeling ripping it's leg off. He figured Applejack would feel the same way.

"Yeah... I think a simple sorry will do" Apple Bloom said, smiling as best as she could. She could tell that 4-8-2 was just trying to make things right between him and Applejack; but that was taking it way too far.

Huh. I guess inflicting pain on one's self isn't respected amongst ponies. Works in the hive.

Just as Big Mac and the others suspected, the farm animals were still in a panicked state when they returned. It looked like none of them were able to get back to sleep after last nights incident. At least they weren't running around screaming. Right now they were just stiff as statues, staring at 4-8-2.

As Big Mac and Apple Bloom left the shade of the trees, 4-8-2 remained where he was, just like they planned. If he didn't come any closer, the farm animals might see that he meant them no harm.

When Big Mac and Apple Bloom put some distance between themselves and 4-8-2, the silence was broken by Winona. She came running at them barking excitedly. Apple Bloom soon found herself lying on the ground with Winona on top of her, licking her face repeatedly.

"Ha ha ha! Stop Winona! Stop! That tickles! Ha ha ha!"

Lucky for Apple Bloom, Big Mac giving Winona a good scratch on the back was enough to get her to stop. 4-8-2 shook his head with amusement as he enjoyed the show from afar. Winona was definitely an affectionate creature. Maybe a little too affectionate.

When Winona saw that 4-8-2 was hiding within the trees, she barked happily and started running in his direction. At the speed she was going, 4-8-2 slowly began to realize that she was intending to tackle him like she did Apple Bloom. Raising his hoof up, he tried to make it clear to her that he didn't want any of that.





In hindsight, he should have flew out of reach. But no, too late. He was now the one being smothered to death. Apple Bloom and Big Mac laughed as they watched 4-8-2 struggle to try and get Winona off of him. They turned around and noticed that even the farm animals found this amusing.

Looks like they had Winona to thank for assuring the farm animals that 4-8-2 was a friend.

Lifting Winona up away from his face, 4-8-2 gave Winona a frustrated look. Winona didn't seem to notice as she barked happily back at him. Seeing this, 4-8-2's frown slowly dissolved and was replaced with a smile.

"You're lucky that you're cute."

Entering Granny Smith's bedroom, Apple Bloom and Big Mac were surprised to find her still sleeping soundly.

"Ya think she didn't hear the ruckus last night?"


Gently tapping her shoulder, Apple Bloom whispered:

"Granny. Granny."

(SNORT!) "Yeah-what?! Is it morning already?"

"Eeyup" said Big Mac.

(Yawn) "Well, I guess I better get breakfast up and running for ya Whipper-Snappers."

"Wait, Granny. We need to tell you something."

"Tell me what?"

"Well, ya see Granny, we-"

"Sweet Celestia! Big Mac! What happened to yer leg!"


"The timber wolves did it." said Apple Bloom.

"Timber wolves?! But timber wolves don't leave the Everfree Forest!"

Hearing herself say that, Granny Smith realized what was up. Looking at them angrily, she asked:

"What the hay were you two doing in the Everfree Forest so late at night?! Don't y'all know how dangerous it is?!"

"We know Granny! That's what we needed to talk to you about!"

Folding her arms and sitting back down on her bed, Granny Smith said:

"I'm listening."

4-8-2 waited nervously outside for Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Granny Smith. He couldn't remember the last time he felt this nervous. Sure Apple Bloom said that he could live with them on the farm, but she was not the head of the household. If Granny Smith said no, then it wouldn't have mattered that Apple Bloom said yes.

His fate was in this old mare's hooves.

He felt better, having Winona to keep him company. Hopefully Winona's trust of him would help persuade Granny Smith that he was a good changeling. Still, he couldn't be sure.

His ears perked up as he heard the back door open. Looking up, he watched as Apple Bloom and Big Mac stepped out of the house. Moving slowly to the right, they made way for Granny Smith, who was wearing a stoic face as she looked at him.

Even though she was easy prey, as they would call old ponies in the hive, he felt as nervous as a drone standing before Mom after failing a mission. Changelings didn't believe in death executions, but only because they knew that there were fates worse than death.

Winona got up from where she was sitting and walked over to Granny Smith, who took a moment to smile as she scratched Winona's head.

As Granny Smith returned her gaze to 4-8-2, her smile disappeared and she was now looking at him with the most skeptical eyes he had ever seen. He gulped as he struggled to remember what he was supposed to do. Was he to wait for her to speak first? Or was he supposed to start the conversation? Luckily, Apple Bloom made it easier for him.

"Go on, say hello."

Come on 4-8-2! Just say hello!

"He... he... hello."

Yeah, that was real smooth. Way to go, Bonehead.

"My grand-kids tell me that yer not a bad changeling anymore. Is that true?"


"And that you wish to live here because you've got nowhere else to go?"


"Can you give me a good reason why I should allow you to live with us?"

4-8-2 struggled as he tried to think of a good answer to give. He tried and he tried, but he couldn't think of a good answer. In all honesty, he didn't think that he deserved this.

Yes, he wanted it, but he feared that that wasn't enough. He did save Granny Smith's grand-kids, but maybe that wouldn't count since they saved him first.

Closing his eyes and sighing in defeat, he gave Granny Smith the only answer that he could think of.

"No. I can't give you a good reason why I should be allowed to stay. I want to, but... I attacked your grand-daughters, nearly sucking the love out of one of them. And my family and I tried to conquer your homeland.

"Yes, I did save your grand-kids from those timber wolves, but since Applejack saved me, I guess that makes us even. You don't owe me anything, and I don't owe you anything. Except perhaps this; I'm... sorry. I'm sorry for all of the wrongs that I have brought upon you, your family, and the ponies of Equestria. I'm sorry, and... I understand if you don't want to forgive me.

"Whatever you decide, I will respect your decision."

He knew that he didn't present himself in a way that would make him look good, but he didn't want to lie to Apple Bloom's grandma just so that he could stay. Not after everything Apple Bloom had done for him.

"I accept yer apology."

4-8-2's eyes shot wide open with glee.

"You mean...?"

"Eeyup. You can stay here on our farm."

Jumping forward and hugging Granny Smith tight, 4-8-2 shouted:


Quickly realizing that he was hugging her, he jumped back, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment for that whole display.

"Heh heh. Sorry."

Apple Bloom and Big Mac laughed to themselves quietly.

"I have two conditions though."

Standing up tall and strong, 4-8-2 said:

"Name them!"

"If yer gonna stay with us, you've got to help us with the chores around the farm."

"Of course! I wouldn't have it any other way!"

"Second, I ain't gonna call ya 4-8-2. That there is a number. I think ya ought to have a proper name if yer gonna live with us."

"Uh... okay. Just as long as it's not something like Red Eyes or Marshmallow!"

"Ha ha. No, I was thinking something more along the lines like Fruit Blender."

"Fruit Blender?"

"Eeyup, it was the name that Apple Bloom gave ya when she told me who she was baking that apple pie for yesterday."

4-8-2 smiled as he remembered the love that he absorbed from that apple pie. It was by far, his favorite love source yet. Thinking about that and knowing that Apple Bloom came up with that name, 4-8-2 said:

"Fruit Blender it is!"

It was now close to dinner time, and Fruit Blender had already gathered lots of apples from the orchard.

Big Mac was in town selling the apples that they already had. When ponies asked him about his leg, he told them that he just hurt himself.

The Apples decided that they needed to take things slowly with letting Ponyville know that they had a changeling on their farm. This was still a delicate situation since ponies were terrified of changelings. Hopefully they could come up with a good plan once Applejack returned.

Apple Bloom was in her room, sharing with her friends what all happened last night. Granny Smith was in the kitchen, getting supper ready for when Big Mac got back. And Fruit Blender was in the living room, taking a look around and admiring the decor.

He had never seen the inside of a pony's house before it was trashed by his brothers, so this was a neat experience for him. He paused to take a close look at an old family photo that was hanging on the wall. He recognized two of the four ponies in this picture. Applejack and Big Mac.

He still found it crazy that that little red colt would grow up to be Big Mac.

Wonder what they called him back then. Little Mac?

Looking at Applejack, he was surprised to see that she wasn't wearing a hat like she did now. She wasn't even wearing a bow like her sister.

Looking at the other two ponies, Fruit Blender noticed that one was a tall stallion, wearing a nice cowpony hat. Fruit Blender guessed that this was Apple Bloom, Big Mac, and Applejack's dad. It had to be! He had the same fur color as Apple Bloom. Which means that the mare standing next to him was their mom.

He had to admit, he could see why their dad went for this mare. She was beautiful. She had the same mane color as Applejack, same eye color as Apple Bloom, and had a red coat similar to Big Mac's. They all looked so happy together.

Where are their parents anyway?

Looking to his left he noticed the same cowpony hat, that the stallion was wearing in the photo hanging on the wall. That hat sure made the stallion look cool. Curious, Fruit Blender decided that he wanted to try it on, to see how cool it would make him look. Putting it on, he smiled and thought:

Wait until Apple Bloom sees this.

Suddenly, he heard the front door open with a loud thud.

"I'm home everypon-!!!"

Applejack lost her words when she saw the changeling she had captured. Free of it's bindings. Standing in her living room. And wearing her daddy's hat!

Author's Note:

I know! I know! These aren't Applejack, Big Mac, and Apple Bloom's canon parents from the show. But I choose this photo because I love the youtube video, "Applejack They Miss You Too." It's a sad video, but a good one none the less. You'll notice that the hat is different from the one in the video. I changed the hat because I thought it would be funny to create an awkward moment for Fruit Blender(a.k.a. 4-8-2), to have him trying on their father's hat, not knowing that he is deceased, with Applejack walking in.

As you can probably guess, Fruit Blender is about to feel Hell's Wrath. :twilightoops: