• Published 6th Feb 2019
  • 634 Views, 16 Comments

Creating A Hive - Authora97

The Stardust family is back in Ponyville. Morgan and Thorax have one Plan: make their new life work.

  • ...

All Ya Gotta Do Is Say It

Luna slipped into the dream. “Morgan?” She called out.

Thunder struck in the distance.

Luna flinched back in surprise. She couldn’t see any lightning or something to that effect. The only thing around was a large decrepit looking mansion. Mansion, yes, for this was no castle.

She looked down at herself. She was wearing a tan blazer with a white button up blouse. Around her neck were two pearl necklaces, dangling off her chest with the angle of them. She could feel more than see the earrings- pearl also if Luna had to guess. She quite liked the outfit. It was much better than many of the other outfits she had worn over the years in Morgan’s dreams. Even her mane was relatively left alone- just back in a bun behind her head.

Though she could’ve done without the slit carved into her neck. Lucky the neckline of the blouse covered it up.

“Morgan?” She called out again.

Again, thunder struck. This time sounded much closer.

Now Luna had suspicions. She went off towards the mansion. The mansion was surrounded by thunder clouds, with lightning in the clouds. Clearly the elements of nature had their fun with the place. If Luna really thought about it, she’d say it looked like Castle of the Two Sisters if it had been made of wood rather than stone. All in all, not a great looking place.

“Where are you, Morgan?” Luna called out. She flew to the house. The doors opened for her, slamming against the walls. “Morgan!”

Luna was getting annoyed by the thunder at this point.

“Morgan will you shut this-”

One more loud crack of thunder. This one boomed louder than the other’s- harsher than it would have should a pegasus had kicked it. This was clearly the work of magic.

Luna was not startled. Nope, nu-uh. That scream had come from somewhere else in the dream. Yes, that’s the only explanation.

“Was that you screaming just then?” Morgan’s voice asked, snickering.

Luna turned to it. Sure enough, in the next room she spotted a figure. She walked inside. On a long gray couch Luna saw her- funny enough, the cleanest thing in this place, without any sign of decay or the elements. Morgan was dressed in a black pinstripe pantsuit. Under the jacket, was a white shirt with thick black horizontal stripes. Her black hair was in a curled mess behind her head. She had tried to contain it under a top hat covered in neon green fur.

Yet, Morgan herself was relatively unchanged. Her human skin was tan. Her eyes were golden amber. “Zup.”

“Where have you been? I was calling for you.” Luna requested. She walked towards a chair that had been conjured for her.

“You had to say my name three times.” Morgan replied easily.

“I said it five!” Luna countered.

“Yeah, but you broke the line. You’ve gotta say it three times in a row- unbroken.” Morgan explained. She spoke in a bored tone, as if she’d been explaining this concept before and it was actually annoying her to repeat it. “Geez maybe I need to integrate all of you to pop culture. This is actually sad.”

Luna narrowed her eyes.

“So. How was your week, Luna the Caseworker?” Morgan inquired.


For hours, Luna spoke to Morgan how her week had gone. There had been nightmares for ponies near the north. A few troubled souls that needed guiding towards their true paths. Morgan enjoyed hearing the dreams themselves, the paths of truth seen through. She was smart enough not to ask for the names of the ponies in trouble.

They spoke of Morgan’s children. Things were much more relaxed than the last time they had spoken. According to Morgan, Dynamite was finally being allowed back inside Twilight’s library (the filly had nearly set off a homemade firework from her saddlebag two weeks ago). There was an added stipulation that Dynamite be checked for explosives at the door. Twilight was used to fire-users and safety features. Cookie was enjoying her time with the Crusaders, finding new ways to ‘gain Cutiemarks’. Dark Justice was...well he was still causing strife. He hadn’t warmed up to anypony in the house, he’d only stopped glaring at them. He glared at everypony else though.

When Luna asked of Lilac, Morgan’s expression went tight. The dressed up human spoke in a cold voice, sounding more general than Luna’s friend. All she confirmed about that dragon was that Lilac was well.

Things became tense when Luna brought up Thorax.

Morgan’s face didn’t have the light delight of talking about her children.

It didn’t have the old exhaustion when talking about Darcy.

It was just...Luna had not often seen this look on her friend. Her eyes were soft, looking off in the storming distance. She sagged deeper against the couch. While the world had existed in muted colors, Luna could sense that those colors went even more muted.

Morgan looked lost.

“Morgan?” Luna asked.

The human moved the green furry hat. It rested over her face now. “I told you to be careful with the name thing.” She corrected in a flat monotone. As though all the delight in this disguise had fled her.

“Three times to summon you, three to send you away.” Luna repeated.

The rules of dreams were subjective- dependent completely on the whims of the dreamer’s subconscious. Morgan had fiercer control of that part of herself when she slept. A woman who had so many rules for herself and others in the waking world, it was no surprise that she had the same control.

Always a control freak...even in sleep.

“Tell me what is troubling you.” Luna requested.

“Nothing. I’m fine.” Morgan dismissed. Her voice in the same deflated state.

“The storm brewing in the distance says otherwise.” Luna countered.

As if her own brain worked against her, thunder struck in the distance.

Morgan curled up on the couch. She continued to hide under the hat.

Luna considered various things that could be causing this. She knew Morgan gave to stress very easily. It could be anything, from work to family to the safety of others. Morgan tend to be set off by the smallest things not going to plan, yet when giant things went wrong she took it in stride.

“If I wanted a therapy session, I would get a therapist.” Morgan mumbled.

Luna tilted her head. “You don’t have one already? Weren’t you appointed-”

Morgan waved her hand.

Ah. She had dismissed the therapist already. Not surprising. “Why? You of all ponies should know the importance of-”

She huffed. She turned away from Luna again. Literally the entire couch flipped away from Luna’s sight.

“The therapist just wanted to talk about my kids. About how I got together with Thorax. Everything Mr and Mrs S already complain about.” Morgan admitted. Still in a dispassionate voice. If anything, this explanation only made it more pronounced. “If I wanted to hear the complaints, I would’ve gone home. And that was years ago. I’ve let it go.”

‘Clearly.’ Luna kept that thought to herself. “How is Thorax?” Luna repeated.

The world darkened further. It was as if Morgan had a dial about how dark her world could become. On a 1-10 scale, Luna marked this as changing from a ‘5’ to a ‘6’.

“You need not tell me.” Luna offered. “I can see it’s a troubling topic.”

The world brightened back to a ‘5’.

“You haven’t spoken with Thorax about whatever is troubling you.” Luna noted. “If it were about your work in protecting the future of Equestria, no doubt you would have spoken to Twilight on this. You have already spoken of your children so it’s not them either.”

The world held it’s condition at a ‘5’.

“You must tell Thorax this.” Luna told her.

“Why should I?” Morgan questioned flatly.

“Because, you want him here.” Luna countered.

Morgan scoffed in disagreement.

“If you didn’t, then would I not be somepony else?” Luna gestured to her outfit. “This costume is much too tame compared to your own, or to the land around us.”

She said nothing.

“He is this persona’s costar, I take it?” Luna pressed on.

Luna heard him arrive before she saw him. The sound came as glittering sparkles, the way snow landed in the cartoons Morgan had made them watch. Turning back, she could finally see Thorax. Or at least Morgan’s Dream-Thorax.

He was in his natural form. The neon green coat and neon orange horns should by all logic clash with the cherry red dress. Thorax walked up to Luna’s side, looking towards Morgan on the couch.

“Morgan.” Dream-Thorax spoke.


“Morgan. Morgan.” Dream-Thorax repeated.

More thunder, so much it shook the house. Luna blasted a plank of wood falling towards her head.

There was a puff of smoke from the couch. Morgan was sitting on it. The couch was once again facing Luna and now Dream-Thorax. Morgan stared at Thorax. She said nothing about the garment he wore. Luna had the errant thought that Morgan had seen him in stranger clothes.

“You see him, Morgan?” Luna asked.

Morgan said nothing.

“Is he the type of pony that would cast you aside by this issue?”

Morgan’s face twitched into a grimace for the smallest of seconds.

Thorax beamed.

“Then you know what you must do.” Luna told her.

The dream ended. Luna found herself coasting between dreams, searching for another lost pony to help.

She hoped Morgan would be alright.


The sun was beginning to rise.

Thorax woke up. He glanced over in the bed. Morgan was on her side in her human body, curled under the blanket still. He sat up to kiss her head before crawling out of bed. The usual morning routine already playing itself out-

Why was the door locked?

Thorax tried again to open the door.

Again, the door stayed shut.

He tried using his magic.

A wall of golden magic blocked him from the door.

Thorax looked to their bed. Sure enough there was a golden glow coming off Morgan’s hand. So she was awake then?

“Babe. Why can’t I open the door?” Thorax asked.

Morgan mumbled something.


“I said ‘could you get back over here’.” Morgan grumbled, louder than before.

Thorax was not so stupid as to ask again. He went back to the bed. He crawled onto his side, nestling closer to Morgan. The glow on her hand faded. “So...did Luna say anything?”

It was Wednesday. Thorax knew Morgan would’ve spoken with Luna. His best guess was that something happened. She’d been acting distant the past few days. Thorax was feeling nervous himself, about the whole thing. He knew Morgan worked out her problems inside so he didn’t push- she’d could to him when she was ready to say a solution.

Apparently Luna had different ideas.

“Where’s your head at, babe?” Thorax asked.

Morgan was quiet.

Thorax waited.

She turned in the bed, facing him. She had her lip in her teeth, worrying the skin to the point Thorax was surprised it hadn’t broke. She had her arms clutched to her chest, holding herself.

Thorax didn’t even want to ask, knowing the answer he’d hear would be the same as always. He would ask a question. She would say nothing was wrong. He would double-check. She would say it was fine. Then she’d kiss his head and send him on his way.

“I am feeling...sad.” Morgan admitted.

To Thorax, it was like hearing Spock express emotions. His eyes widened in surprise. Delighted surprise, but still.

Morgan let out a huff. She braced herself. “I...messed up.”

“How?” Thorax asked. He was sure that whatever she’d done, it could be easily fixed. Especially if they went at it together- oh Queen was it one of the kids? Had something happened Thorax hadn’t noticed? What if-

“With you. And...and Pharynx.”

Thorax couldn’t help but sneer.

Morgan pressed her face into the pillow. “See?!” She grumbled. “I screwed up.”

“Starry no.” Thorax moved his wing so it went over her. Morgan took deep breaths against the pillow. “Pharynx and me...we’ve never gotten along. It wasn’t-”

“I pushed you to talk to him! You would’ve been fine if I hadn’t said anything!” Morgan grumbled to herself.

Beating herself up about something she had no control over, yeah that sounded par for the course.

“No. I think it just would’ve made the fight public.” Thorax countered.

Morgan sniffled.

Thorax reached out with his senses. Sure enough he felt...grief. Just a lot of grief coming off Morgan in waves. So much so that she’d decided to cry into their pillow.

“Why are you beating yourself up over this?” Thorax asked. He held her tight with his wing, pulling her close to him. She only started silently leaking tears onto his coat. “It’s not-”

“I took one sibling from you, and now I took away another.” She whimpered.

Thorax said nothing.

“L-Logan wouldn’t have taken away Cicada if-if I wasn’t- if I hadn’t- if you-” She sniffled. She pressed herself onto Thorax’s side. Thorax let the tears soak his chitin. “Now I pushed you away from Pharynx.”

Thorax’s mind was spinning. He had known Morgan felt guilt about what happened with Cicada. When he revealed his connection to her, what Logan had done to his sister. He hadn’t thought she had made this link between himself and Pharynx.

“He’s not my brother.” Thorax told Morgan.

“But he wants to.” Morgan sniffled. “And- and I don’t-”

“I told Pharynx, if he wants to be my brother he knows what he has to do.” Thorax countered. He brushed his wing on Morgan’s back, trying to soothe her. “And he hasn’t done it. So neither will I.”

Morgan shook her head. “No. No you-”

“If he wants to be my family, he has to accept all the family I have now.” Thorax stressed. “The girls, Dark Justice, you.”

He moved down on the bed so that he was looking Morgan in the eye. She had broken the skin on her lip by now. He reached up with his hoof to gently pry the lip away. The lip was already starting to swell red at the spot.

“I can’t bring him in if all he’ll do is hurt you.”

“That’s for us to decide.” Morgan sniffled. She uncurled her arms, moving them to her face. She wiped at her own frustrated tears. “If he insults us, then let us be the ones to kick him in the head!”

Thorax had to admit the image was awesome. Morgan kicking Pharynx in the face.

“Last time you did that to a changeling, he married you.” Thorax countered. He held tighter to Morgan then. He could sense the feelings of embarrassment coming off her. “No way I’m letting him try.”

“Then- then I’ll smack him with a plate. He makes fun of the kids, he gets it!” Morgan warned.

Thorax actually laughed at that one. He was sorely tempted to try it now- to let Pharynx in just to see Morgan kick him out. It would be a sweet sort of vindication. Pharynx had never accepted the last girl Thorax had brought into the family because he thought she was ‘making him weaker’, so seeing the love of his life beat Pharynx to a pulp was the happiest idea Thorax had ever had.

But Morgan wanted him to have a sibling. She wanted that so badly. She was breaking herself apart because she thought she had driven this wedge. Something that was complete bullshit. Did that ever stop Morgan? Nope.

“Unless he changes, I can’t bring him here.” Thorax stated. “His decisions aren’t on you.”

Morgan’s eyes watered again. “I know that.”

“Do you?” Thorax countered.

She wrapped her arms around him. She held Thorax close, moving her head to his neck to press a quick kiss.

Thorax could feel himself giving in. “He won’t change.”

“Thought that about Darcy too.” Morgan countered.

Thorax felt it coming closer. “He hates ponies- no, he hates everything not changeling.”

Morgan seemed to feel it too. Thorax sensed a relieved glee from her.

“Pharynx is a bastard.”

More glee. Thorax couldn’t take it.

“A real one. Who hates you. And the kids.”

“Our first foster home, Darcy tried killing everyone inside.”

“Yeah and your sister is insane.” Thorax dismissed. “Completely different to my brother, who has sense but doesn’t use it.”

“He’s gonna change.”

“No he won’t. Don’t you make some changeling pun or I swear-”

Morgan moved up. She kissed his cheek, chin, then his nose. “He’ll change.”

“How are you so sure?” Thorax asked, toying with the idea of relenting to her.

“I changed.” Morgan kissed his lips. “So I could keep you. Thorax is a rare collectors item, you see.”

Thorax huffed. “Oh am I now?”

“Mmhmm.” Morgan kissed him again. “Why do you think he keeps chasing you down? He’ll see that he can’t fight change, not if he really wants a connection with you.”

“...promise you’ll beat him with a plate if he goes back to his usual bastard self?”

“It’ll be tectonic.” Morgan promised.

Thorax groaned in defeat.

Morgan giggled.

“So we’re good now?” Thorax asked. “No more funk?”

Morgan shook her head. He sensed more delight in her- relief and joy and peace.

“Can I go make breakfast now?” Thorax requested.

Morgan hummed. “Oh.” She unwrapped herself from his side. “Sure. Big day tomorrow. Dash’s gotta earn the loyalty key!”

Thorax moved out of the bed. “No idea what that means but I’m gonna go with it.” He kissed her head. “You know I love you, yeah?”

Morgan brushed her hand down his neck. She lightly scratched in assurances. Thorax gave a small shudder in delight. “As much as you know I provide great sustenance in the likely event of a crash landing.”

That got Thorax to laugh.

Okay. They would be okay. Sure he had to confront his bastard of a brother to see if he’d really change his ways, to make their family really a family. Thorax supposed he had the right to say ‘I told you so’ when Pharynx proved himself.

Even if, way down deep, Thorax wouldn’t never admit that he hoped she was right.