• Published 6th Feb 2019
  • 633 Views, 16 Comments

Creating A Hive - Authora97

The Stardust family is back in Ponyville. Morgan and Thorax have one Plan: make their new life work.

  • ...

Equestrian Games: the Melodies

The time has come.

All these months of preparation and planning, just for this moment. Raspberry put considerable effort into this thing. Planning things to create the best possible timeline was her forte. If anyone- or anypony- could handle this task, it would be her.

So why in the names of all the gods, did Raspberry let Thorax convince her to outsource? She must’ve been sleep-deprived or something. That’s the only explanation.

She blinked. Yep. It still looked like that.

Drunk. Raspberry would have been drunk. That’s the only way she would’ve let them do this. Yeah, Thorax might’ve asked very nicely, but Raspberry would need to have been drunk to say yes to this.

She blinked again. It didn’t change anything.

“...I made a flag.” Raspberry stated. She stared at Thorax. The changeling’s smile wilted under her stare. “Where is my flag?”

“Gone.” Thorax answered.

“G-” Raspberry choked. “I spent months working on it. All that time and effort you spent making sure I didn’t overwork myself, and you threw that work away?!”

“Well I thought it would sound better than that, but...yes.” Thorax answered.

Raspberry’s eye twitched.

“But do you like it?!” Waffle asked. Her brother nodded from his end of the flag, keeping it raised for Raspberry’s benefit. “We worked really hard on it!”

“Yeah!” Poptart cheered.

“We picked out the color-”

“-then the other color!”

“-and the words too!”

Raspberry’s eye twitched.

Thorax realized this surprise did not go as he hoped.

The flag in question looked more like a banner than a flag. A large white flag shape, though the fabric was some kind of old towel or bedsheet. Words were written in bright green chalk. The words were clearly the brainchild of Waffle and Poptart.

‘Changelings rule four life!’

Raspberry would commit murder today. She reached to her face, rubbing her forehead with her hoof.

Thorax glanced at the changelings. “Um...you misspelled ‘for’.”

“No, that’s how you spell it!” Waffle corrected.

Poptart snorted. “Yeah, we’re not that dumb.”

“Queen Thorne called us special!” Waffle cheered.

“Wrong ‘for’.” Raspberry spoke through clenched teeth. “You spelled the number not the word.”

“Are those not the same thing?” Waffle asked.

Raspberry made a noise of pain.

“Oh! I can fix it!” Poptart reached behind him, pulling out a large black marker. He crossed out the entire flag. Now it had a great big X on it. “Fixed!”

“Good job, bro!” Waffle held out her hoof. Poptart bumped it.

Thorax leaned towards his wife. “Divorce?” He asked.

“Divorce.” She confirmed.


Raspberry glared at him. “Fix this.”

“Yes ma’am.”


The train brought them towards the Crystal Empire. Thorax and the changeling delegation stayed in their cart, training away from the other passengers. Raspberry walked into the other train cart. Her family sat nearby.

They picked up Lilac on the way up too. Lilac and Dynamite went to check in with their teams, the flag carriers for Ponyville. Raspberry could sit with her family since apparently someone else took her job of designing the flag.

Killjoy watched the rest of them. She sat on the bench, holding a drink with her wing. Justice by the alley, reading a Daring Do book. VC looked out the window, Cookie perched on her head. They both watched as the world blurred past them.

Raspberry sat beside her sister. Killjoy took a big swig of her drink.

“Hey, didn’t you have a thing with the bugs?” Killjoy asked.

Raspberry groaned. She facepalmed, groaning again into her hoof.

Killjoy nodded. “Ooh. That’s the groan of annoyance and frustration. Who do I get to murder?”

“Me.” Raspberry answered. She lifted her head, slumping in her seat. “I worked on a flag. I did color coordination. Thorax signed me up for it, and Thorax outsourced it.”

Killjoy winced, hissing. “Ouch. You married an idiot- this is on you.”

“I didn’t even marry him! We’re only changeling married!” Raspberry reminded her sister. Her hooves went to her mane, squeezing on the blue curls. “That doesn’t apply to humans! It’s not legal, why would it be legal-”

Killjoy elbowed her sister. She nodded to the kids.

Raspberry shut herself up. As much as she wanted, Raspberry worked hard to give her kids a normal upbringing. Bringing up that their parents were only ‘sorta kinda’ married might throw a wrench in their developments. They were already pretty messed up. Raspberry needed to work extra hard to make up for that.

“You did the paperwork. You turned it in. Tracy can’t bitch anymore about legalities.” Killjoy reminded her sister.

Raspberry rolled her eyes. “Yeah. Turned in paperwork for a fake identity. Yay me.”

Killjoy snorted, drinking again. “Like we never used fake IDs before.”

Raspberry sighed, exhaling through her nose.

“After whatever he did, you can take it back.” Killjoy replied. “Was it bad?”

“‘Changelings rule f-o-u-r life’.” Raspberry explained.

Killjoy laughed, alcohol going up her nose. “Oh-oh that hurt- oh but that was so funny- fucking shit-”

“It’s hilarious! But I’m so mad I can’t laugh!” Raspberry complained. “He threw out my flag!” Killjoy kept on laughing. “Shut up!”

“It’s a flag! A flag for a country you aren’t part of!” Killjoy reminded her sister. “Let them have a bad flag.”

“But everypony knows I made it!”

“Then be embarrassed. Humbled. Whatever.” Killjoy threw her hoof around her sister’s back. “Like come on. Have a bit of fun!” She lowered her voice to a whisper. “Because we don’t have long before shit hits the fan.”

Raspberry steeled herself. She sat upright, smoothing down her wings and straightening out her Bag. Right. Yeah. Things were only going to get worse very, very soon. A flag being awful wasn’t the worst thing to happen to Equestria.

Just...Raspberry liked how her flag looked.

The fight was only going to get worse from here. Raspberry shouldn’t waste the mental energy on the stupid flag. Raspberry needed to think about the big, catastrophic event coming up.

“Anything we need to talk about before we reach the Empire?” Killjoy asked.

Raspberry took a deep breath. She straightened herself out, holding her wings closer around herself. “Not yet. Once we get settled in our rooms, then we can talk.”

Killjoy nodded. She toasted her sister, drinking again.

“MAMA IT’S A BIRD!” Cookie screamed.

Raspberry put on her smile, joining her kids at the window. “Wow! Good eye!”


The train pulled in an hour later. Raspberry, Killjoy, and the kids climbed out from the train. Cookie excitedly dashed above their heads. Raspberry left her alone.

Killjoy pulled on some sunglasses. She groaned, lowering her head to the ground. Her chin just about touched the ground, her mane shrouded her face in a silver curtain. “I hate this place.”

“This place hates you.” Raspberry replied. She paused a moment, glancing around the train station. “Be grateful you were dead last time I had to come here.”

“You’ve been here before?” Justice asked. Raspberry nodded. “What did you do?”

“Nothing much.” Raspberry replied. She turned to her sister. Killjoy stayed hidden behind the shades and her mane. “This stallion tried taking them over, so I helped them kick him in the face.”

“Did you say Aunt Killjoy was dead?” VC asked.

“Only for a bit.” Raspberry answered.

“Is she still dead?” Justice asked.

“She’s totally not dead!” VC snapped. “She’s right there!”

Justice shrugged. “Aunt Killjoy could be a zombie.”

“I wish.” Killjoy rubbed at her forehead. “Being dead hurt less than this.”

Raspberry knocked her sister’s head. Killjoy whined, reaching up to rub the spot. “Shouldn’t have let Cookie hold a ball.”

Cookie giggled, still zipping about overhead.

“Shouldn’t have bought Cookie a ball.” Killjoy complained.

“Sorry making sure my child had a good day ruined your’s.”

“No you’re not.”

“No I’m not.” Raspberry grinned. She looked over her shoulder again. “Killjoy, watch the kids.”

“What why-” Killjoy asked.

The pegasus was cut off. Two Crystal guards rushed by, pulling a chariot. They scooped Raspberry inside of it, charting Raspberry away.


Raspberry totally knew they were going to do this. The guards of the Crystal Empire weren’t very good at being sneaky. They were living, breathing, Crystals in a kingdom with sunlight for Author’s sake. Killjoy probably also noticed, hence why she slapped on sunglasses.

The Crystal ponies were lucky that Raspberry noticed them. If not, they’d probably be dead. Killing ponies on entering the city never went well. In fact, that’s how the last guy got in so much trouble.

Still. Raspberry figured Killjoy could manage the kids for a few minutes. Or until Raspberry could send guards out.

Or not.

Raspberry should finish this quickly.

The Crystal guards dropped her at the Crystal Palace. Literally dropped her. Raspberry flew up to keep from face-planting. She lowered herself to her hooves gracefully. Spike wasn’t as lucky. He fell hard onto the crystal floor below.

Two princesses rushed up to meet Raspberry and Spike. Twilight Sparkle, and her sister-in-law. Mi Amore Cadenza. Or, Cadance.

“Spike! Are you all right?” Twilight gasped.

Four Crystal guards bowed to them, the chariots moving with them. Raspberry raised her eyebrow at them.

“A thousand pardons, O Great and Honorable Spike, the Brave and Glorious.” A guard from Spike’s chariot pleaded.

One from Raspberry’s chariot kept themselves knelt on the ground. “Please forgive us, O Merciful and Compassionate Raspberry Stardust, the Vibrant and Unbreakable.”

“Ex-fu...excuse me?” Raspberry stuttered. Spike being confused was expected. Raspberry wasn’t one to be confused. They weren’t reacting to her like she was a princess, like she expected.

“Huh? Who the what now?” Spike asked.

Cadance walked up to the kneeling guards. “Thanks for bringing Raspberry and Spike to us.” The guards backed away, taking the carts with them. “It’s okay, Spike. We’ll have our hoofponies go back for your bags. Raspberry, we’re sending many of our hoofponies to bring your family here.”

“Cool, great, yeah. That was what the plan was.” Raspberry replied, jaw clenching. She fought down the urge to growl. “Except for the part where I got dragged here first.”

“Uh, Raspberry?” Spike began. “Could you hang on a second to tell me what’s going on?”

“Isn’t it clear? You’re being given a spotlight.”

Raspberry turned. To her horror and shock, a pony walked up to them. A pony with a light brown coat, curly red/orange mane, and blue-gray eyes. Worse yet was the familiar blue diary as her cutie mark.

The thing Raspberry hated most about the Crystal Empire was that River Song lived up here.


Spike got a Crystal Pony, feeding him gemstones how the Roman kings were fed grapes.

A Crystal Pony tried to give Raspberry actual grapes. Raspberry turned them away. River Song accepted the grapes, snacking on them at Raspberry’s side.

“I can’t believe I never figured out you were a Reality Traveler like Morgan!” Cadance cheered.

“Could you not?” Raspberry asked, glancing to the Crystal Ponies in the room. “In public?”

Cadance smiled, apologetic. “Of course, my apologies.”

The rules of their powers were quite clear. The Traveler had complete access to their summoned reality, giving access to close friends if they so choose. No other Traveler could access that reality without their permission. The only real exception to this rule was the fact that families could join your world.

(Or they could lie and steal their way inside, using stolen blood they stole while torturing a Traveler.)

Raspberry often ignored the only other Traveler living in Equestria. It made comments about Raspberry and River’s past/future that Raspberry desperately wanted to ignore. Raspberry could count on her hooves the worlds she’d seen River Song in with her. 1) My Life As A Teenage Robot, where Raspberry called herself Oil and River went by SASHA. 2) Doctor Who- which as River’s home reality didn’t exactly count. 3) Marvel- with Raspberry as a classic superhero with River as a noble from Vanaheim. And finally, 4) My Little Pony. As a nurse, in the Crystal Empire, moving there with the newly wedded princess and prince consort.

The last time Raspberry came she visited the hospital there. She built a shield to protect the Crystal Empire until Cadance could do it herself. It was Raspberry’s first time using a love shield spell. Though it was definitely impressive, Raspberry passed out in the snow. Crystal Guards brought her to the medical wing. Raspberry woke up to a conversation with River Song.

The time Traveler herself seemed out of place in the magical, pastel colorful land of Equestria. Her blue-gray eyes could’ve been bright or cheerful, instead, they had a stern coldness. Raspberry could’ve pointed it out, only for ponies to reply that it made River Song a good nurse. Her name fit here too. Okay so maybe River Song fit in really well with Equestria. Yeah maybe the murders could exclude her, but Raspberry and Killjoy could do that too. River wasn’t the odd one out.

Raspberry just never liked admitting it. The time traveler could and should be ignored until Raspberry had no choice.

Like today.

River held up a grape. Raspberry glared at it. River- grinning- tossed the grape into her mouth.

“Mm! So the ponies here think we’re some kind of heroes, huh?” Spike asked. He glanced at the Crystal pony above him. “More of the green ones, please? I like the green ones.” The Crystal Pony became panicked while searching for green gemstones.

Raspberry reached into her Bag. She floated the gems over to the Crystal Pony, receiving a thankful smile.

“Last time you were here, Spike, you got the Crystal Heart to Princess Cadance in time, all while Raspberry held up a shield to save this entire empire from destruction!” Twilight explained.

Cadance nodded with a wide giddy smile. “You are known throughout my empire as ’Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious’ and ‘O Merciful and Compassionate Raspberry Stardust, the Vibrant and Unbreakable’.”

Raspberry wanted a rusty spoon. Not for any particular reason, she just wanted one.

River tossed another grape in her mouth.

Raspberry wanted a second rusty spoon.

“Isn’t that awesome? You’re a big shot here, Spike!” Twilight invented Spike and Raspberry to stand. Glaring at River, Raspberry did so. Twilight brought them out to the nearby balcony to show them the crystal statue below.

A statue shaped like Raspberry and Spike, holding up a blue crystal heart.

Raspberry’s eye twitched.

“See that? That’s the two of you!” Twilight cheered.

Spike smirked. “Hello, gawgeous!”

“It’s-” Raspberry backed away from the balcony. “-fine.” She almost bumped into a Crystal pony that rushed out to the balcony, holding up a leaf branch to block the sunlight from hitting Spike.

River held up a leaf of her own, keeping it over a fuming Raspberry.

“This is why we all hope Spike would do us the honor of lighting the torch at the opening ceremony. You’d be the very first dragon in the history of the Equestria Games to do so.” Princess Cadance cheered.

“Of course I’ll do it! And- bonus- I can do it with my fire breath!” Spike blew out said fire breath. It charred the palm leaf over his head, ash falling below. The Crystal pony watched in horror, palm leaf stem still in their muzzle. Spike laughed, awkward.

Cadance turned to Raspberry. “And if it’s not too much trouble, we were hoping you could sing the anthem for the Equestria Games?”

Raspberry blinked. The Equestria Games anthem? That was a thing? She officially hated today. Still, River’s smug grin made Raspberry want to give in. “It’s great. Given that I’ve never attended the games, could you get me the lyrics?”

“No problem!” Cadance replied, smiling warmly. “River, do you mind?”

“Not at all.” River replied. She turned to a nearby Crystal hoofpony. “Go find it.” The hoofpony nodded, rushing off.

If Raspberry weren’t annoyed, she would respect the play.

“We still have something to discuss.” River replied. She smiled her usual smile at Raspberry- a smile mixed with smugness and of being all-knowing. Raspberry wished she taught River how to do that, but it just came naturally to her. “And now all the ponies that could overhear are gone.”

Princess Cadance walked up to Raspberry’s side. “That’s right! You never told us another one of your people lived in Equestria. Much less the Crystal Empire.”

“Didn’t seem important.” Raspberry dismissed.

“Totally not offended.” River commented.

“Not important?” Twilight asked. “How is that not important?”

“She doesn’t do anything.” Raspberry argued. “Just sits up here eating grapes all day.”

“She’s actually our official historian over the Crystal Empire, along with being our head nurse.” Cadance explained.

Raspberry rolled her eyes. “You’re not helping me.”

“It’s what you love most about me.” River winked at Raspberry. The dark pink alicorn groaned, as if in physical pain.

“But wait.” Twilight began. “I thought other Travelers stayed in their worlds.”

River hummed. “Unless they’re connected.” River smiled at Raspberry. “Like family!”

“Family?!” Cadance, Twilight, and Spike yelped.

Raspberry rolled her eyes. River continued to smile smugly. “We’re not related.”

“Thank the Author.” River grumbled. Twilight gasped, which made River smirk. “While not related, we’re more like cousins.”

“We are not cousins!” Raspberry told the ponies and dragon. “She was genetically altered to be more like me!”

“Like cousins.” River added.

“Is that how you think cousins work?” Twilight asked, voice pitching.

River tilted her head.

Spike winched, flinching back to stand beside Twilight. “I can see the family resemblance.”

“I for one am happy to meet more of Raspberry’s family.” Cadance cheered. “You may return to your rooms, to catch up!”

“Yes I heard.” River hugged Raspberry’s side, before guiding her down a corridor. “You adopted more children, cousin.”

We’re not related and you definitely already knew about them!”


For the Stardust family, they got a rather large room. It was one of the largest within the Crystal Palace. Raspberry needed the space, what with three teenagers, a small child, and a sister. It came with three bedrooms, and a living room area with a couch. One bedroom had a large bed for adults, the next rooms had two smaller beds each for children (or slaves, Sombra hadn’t been really clear on that). Raspberry reasoned that meant Killjoy could share a room with Cookie,VC and Dynamite were together, and Justice could have the couch.

Lilac asked to bunk with her friends. Raspberry allowed it. Lilac wouldn’t be with them the next few months so it made sense for Lilac to have as much time with them as possible.

Raspberry was grateful. She hadn’t wanted River and Lilac to meet. The absence that plagued Raspberry for months now came as a relief. Let them stay apart just that little bit longer. Her only problem left-

“Hey, isn’t that the Doctor’s time travel bitch?”

-needed to die. Raspberry would be fine without her sister, again. Raspberry could replace Killjoy with other siblings. She wasn’t special. Who needs twins anyway?

River smiled at Killjoy. It wasn’t a smile that made Raspberry happy. No, the smile on River’s face never meant good things. “Now what do I call you? Killjoy, or Morgan’s murder slut?”

“Hey I’ve got kids here!” Raspberry reminded them.

Killjoy clicked her tongue. River just laughed. “Your children will have heard worse.”

“Our aunt is a zombie!” Cookie cheered.

Raspberry sighed. She could only blame herself for that one. “Okay. Everypony out!”

“But Mom-” VC whined.

“We wanna see the new pony!” Dynamite begged.

“What you will get is grounded if you don’t go into your rooms.” Raspberry warned. Justice opened his mouth. “Now.”

“My room’s the couch!”

“Then use Cookie’s.” Raspberry instructed.

The kids nodded. They all ran to the rooms, doors slamming shut behind them.

Killjoy glanced over, still wearing sunglasses. She leaned on the table with a pained groan. “Listening in?”

“Oh you know it.” Raspberry walked towards the kitchen. Somepony said the room came stocked with food for her childrens’ diets. Raspberry packed a lot just in case. She unpacked them from her Bag. “You. Sit.”

River happily took the seat beside Killjoy.

“Will we be ponies the whole time?” Killjoy complained. “I’d like to be human now please.”

“Oh yes. I heard you brought a magical device to change your shape.” River remarked. “It sounded like a disaster waiting to happen.”

“For sure.” Raspberry held up the bracelet. “I’m trying to wean it off. It’s very bad for the fabric of reality.”

Killjoy snorted. River did too, rolling her eyes.

“Okay so is she here to help?” Killjoy asked.

“River never helps. She just stands around flirting with the Doctor all the time.” Raspberry argued. The fridge did indeed have a lot of food here, but Raspberry knew her kids would eat it all in like, a day.

River hummed. “I would argue keeping the Doctor distracted is very helpful.”

“To my plan, yeah, not my sanity.” Raspberry corrected. She closed the freezer, making sure the meat fit. Then, onto the rest.

“Okay but why is she here?” Killjoy asked. “In Tremorton, she was there cause she didn’t know you would be there. In Marvel, future you threw her in to establish a timeline where you already saw her there. But why here?”

“You’re as smart as I remember.” River commented.

Killjoy preened. “Fuck you, I’m a genius.”

River laughed. Raspberry huffed. “I’m here because the last time Morgan came to the Crystal Empire, she performed a magical feat so incredible in drained every ounce of magic she had.” River held up her hoof. “She needed a transfusion, of sorts.”

“Hold up, she didn’t use Equestrian magic?” Killjoy asked, sounding much more concerned. “Everybody here said she did Equestrian magic to make a shield.”

“I did.” Raspberry snapped. She slammed boxes of cereal in a cupboard. “Mi Amore used the spell. I repeated it perfectly.”

“You did. Using your magic.” River countered. “I’ve seen you use this spell with Equestrian magic, but only after you became an alicorn. Back then, you were as plain and ordinary as Twilight.”

Killjoy snorted.

“Extraordinarily powerful compared to the rest, but still weak.” River replied. “From what I saw...you exhausted your Equestrian magic, and your magic automatically swapped over to the only other source of magic you had.”

Raspberry and Killjoy were silent. The only other magic Raspberry had, the only thing connecting Raspberry and River, what River would actually give as a transfusion...

Traveler magic

The ability to walk between worlds

And Raspberry almost used it up- keeping the Crystal Empire safe from a shadow demon.

“Who better to donate than your cousin?” River asked, a reading grin on her face.

“We’re not cousins!” Raspberry snapped. The tension previously in the room vanished, replaced by their usual bickering. “Quit telling ponies that!”

“What would you call me then?” River asked.

“Intruder!” Raspberry hissed.

“Hello Killjoy, I’m Cousin Intruder.” River bowed in greeting.

Killjoy snickered and giggled. Raspberry face-hoofed. “This is why she’s my favorite character.” Killjoy snickered. “Ow, it still hurts to laugh,”

River waved her hoof. “Stop it. We all know your favorite is Jack.”

Killjoy hummed. She grinned, like looking back on a fond memory with Jack. “That man can fit anything in his-”

“Unpacked!” Raspberry shouted. “I can and will throw something else at your head!”

Killjoy covered her head with her hooves.

River laughed. Giggles could even be heard coming from the bedrooms.

Raspberry calmed down. She walked to the table, taking a seat across from River. “So I sent you here to give my past self a…what do you even call that? A traveler transfusion?”

“You’re as awful at naming as he is.” River remarked. “But yes.”

Raspberry nodded.

Killjoy groaned. She lowered her head to the table. It felt cold. Killjoy loved it. “Time travel bitch.”

“Now tell me, Raspberry, where is your pretty boy?” River asked. She smiled again. “I thought you two were attached at the hip.”

Raspberry glowered. “Not here.”

“They’re fighting.”

“No we’re not!” Raspberry snapped.

“What did he do?” River asked Killjoy.

“No. Stop it!”

“Thorax asked her to do a job, then outsourced it to bugs that fucked up.” Killjoy explained.

“Can you shut up-”

“Oh, bless. Thorax was never the brightest.” River recalled, shaking her head. “Did he at least warn Morgan about the change?”

“Nope.” Killjoy popped. “Hit her with it this morning that a sixth month project meant nothing.”

“Am I being ignored? I have a thing about being ignored.”

“Is he dead now?” River asked.

“If you’ve met him, probably not.” Killjoy replied. “But it’s a near thing. You looking to help do the killin’? I’ve already called dibs.”

“I hate you both.”

River winked. “Teamwork makes the dream work.”

“You’re slowly becoming my favorite.” Killjoy held up her hoof.

Raspberry shook her head. “Why stay?”

River and Killjoy turned their heads towards her. “Sorry?” River asked.

“After the...traveler transfusion, why stay?” Raspberry clarified.

River paused.

Killjoy leaned back in her seat. “Why else? To bother you.”

“River never stays in one place long.” Raspberry reminded her sister. “Not unless there’s more to do. So River. Why stay?”

“Why did you?” River countered.

Raspberry hummed.


The Equestria Games were set to start soon. Raspberry read the lyrics for the opening song one more time, going over the song in her head. She hummed along with the lyrics.

Raspberry walked out from the hall into the arena. She came to check on the Royal box. If she were going to be in the opening procession, she wanted to work fast checking on specific ponies.

The royal box held important ponies from all corners of Equestria. Dignitaries from Saddle Arabia, Prince Blueblood, and other dignitaries. Raspberry could name them. She just saw little point in doing so in the privacy of her own head.

As she stood there, repeating lyrics in her head, Princess Luna walked up behind her. “Fret not, Princess Morgan. Your nightmare will not come to pass.”

Raspberry paused. A quick expression flashed on her face, settling into a thankful smile. “Thanks. I don’t think I can believe that, though.”

“I hope we can convince you.” Luna replied. She walked into the royal box, over to her throne.

River tapped on Raspberry’s shoulder. Raspberry wasn’t even surprised that River snuck up, or even that River went straight for Raspberry.

“You had a nightmare?” River asked.

“Luna thinks I did.” Raspberry replied.

River hummed in understanding. “So you’ve been sleeping well?”

“Yep.” Raspberry glared at her friend. River raised an eyebrow. “Shut up.”

River mimed zipping her lips.

“Will you be around?” Raspberry asked. River nodded. “I’m going to my spot. Keep an eye on things, will you?”

River hummed an affirmative. Raspberry rolled her eyes, then landing on a pony she should rally warn about the upcoming tragedy.

“Queen Thorne?” Raspberry asked. She walked down the steps to meet the red changeling Queen.

Thorne turned to her. “Yes?”

“Just so we’re clear- Waffle and Poptart made the flag, and Thorax asked them to do it.” Raspberry explained.

Thorne’s eyes widened. “What-?!”

“Blame others!” Raspberry ran back up to the tunnel.

Raspberry ran downstairs to her marker. The papers floated in front of her face. She mumbled the lyrics under breath.

The crowd’s cheering told her she was close. Her spot to stand was in a tunnel, waiting to meet Harshwhinny and Spike.

She landed right beside Harshwhinny. The mare turned up her nose at Raspberry- but then that was just her natural state of being.

“Are you ready for your performance?” Harshwhinny asked.

Raspberry held up the pages.

Harshwhinny gave a curt nod. “Good.”

Spike stood confidently, puffing his chest. Raspberry wanted to assure him or something, but she knew she would do an awful job.

“You need to go out before the processions begin.” Harshwhinny ordered. “So go.”

Raspberry nodded. She walked out from the tunnel into the arena. Someone gasped behind her- Spike, she reasoned- but Raspberry couldn’t mind it.

Raspberry searched the crowd. She’d left her kids with Killjoy- a disaster in it’s own right. River said she would be nearby as well, but Raspberry doubted the head nurse’s job would be to watch a bunch of Princess’ kids.

River never did like babysitting.

She took a deep breath.

The song was over before Raspberry could even be aware of what was happening. Raspberry walked off stage, trotting past a shell shocked Spike.

Horns went off behind her. Raspberry sighed, running down the hall. Her job out of the way, Raspberry could be more attentive on more important details. She needed to get back to her seat in the royal box. She needed to get back before too long.

As she arrived in her seat, multiple groups of ponies were already out. Raspberry could see Saddle Arabians, the Crystal Empire, Appleloosa, and many other flags for all over.

“Please welcome, the delegation from the Changeling Hive!” Shining Armor announced.

That Raspberry heard any applause said more about the ponies than of herself. She applauded for them too, encouraging Thorne to clap with her. Raspberry spotted the section of the arena meant for the changelings, seeing the bright neon colors flashing with their cheers. They even started a chant.

Down below, Thorax flew with his team. He waved at the arena, beaming brightly. He turned towards the royal seat box. He waved excitedly at Raspberry, his hoof nearly falling off with how hard he waved it. Raspberry gave a less enthusiastic greeting.

She loved him, but she still didn’t wanna stop being mad. Singing a little anthem didn’t make her feel any better. But she was royalty, that meant putting on a stiff upper lip.

Besides- the flag displayed hadn’t been her’s. Apparently, even after Raspberry’s correction, Waffle and Poptart hadn’t changed a thing. They left the giant black X in place.

Raspberry wished to die now. Could next week start right now, please?

“Now, please welcome the delegation from Ponyville!” Shining Armor announced.

Raspberry applauded this group as well. She brought out a camera, snapping a photo of Lilac’s part of the display. She even took pictures after, of Lilac’s proud grin.

Twilight, in the throne beside her, leaned over. “They did a really good job.”

“They’re smart kids.” Raspberry replied, taking another picture.

Ponyville was the last of the delegations. This meant it was time for Spike’s grand display. Raspberry fretted, being very careful not to even shift in her seat.

The stadium continued to cheer. Every Crystal pony shouted their joy. Raspberry got the same applause for her song, she recalled, but was too focused on the rest of the ceremony to give them notice.

She noticed now.

It filled her stomach with dread.

Spike walked out. He made slow steps towards the Equestria Games torch.

Raspberry winced.

“What’s wrong?” Cadance asked.

“Equestria, we have a problem.” Twilight mumbled.

“Somepony go down and help him!” Cadance cried out.

Twilight glanced at Raspberry. Raspberry moved her hoof over her face. She wouldn’t watch anymore of this train wreck.

Raspberry heard a spell being fired. When she lowered her hoof, she saw the lit torch. A grand display of orange fire.

She glanced beside her. Twilight slumped against her seat, relieved nopony noticed her.

“Let the games begin!” Shining Armor announced.

Raspberry wished they were already over.

(Actually no she didn’t. She wished the Games would last a hundred years. A thousand years. That way, next week wouldn’t happen.)


The opening ceremony finished with a lot of fanfare. None of it was the kind of fanfare of note, as far as Raspberry was concerned.

She and Twilight flew out from the stadium. They found the others, all cheering on the Cutiemark Crusaders.

“Oh! There are our little superstars! You were fabulous!” Rarity praised Sweetie Belle.

“Made me sit up proud like a cornstalk in August!” Applejack praised Apple Bloom.

“Ya done good, squirt!” Dash ruffled Scootaloo’s mane.

“Lilac!” Raspberry rushed down to the group, sweeping Lilac in for a hug. “You did so good! That trick with the fire? Blew my mind!”

Lilac blushed. “Mom!” She pushed at her mom’s face. Raspberry let the teen go. Lilac brushed herself off on the ground. “It’s nothing compared to your song.”

“Oh stop it.” Raspberry replied.

Thorax flew down beside them, beaming at her. “No, it was really good! Both you and Lilac were incredible!” Raspberry narrowed her eyes. “Why didn’t you tell me you were doing that?”

“We tell each other things now?” Raspberry asked, grumbling mostly to herself.

Thorax blinked, confused. He quickly understood, gawking at Raspberry.

“You all really were wonderful. But does anypony know what was going on with Spike?” Twilight asked.

“He sure seemed to be having a tough time of it out there.” Applejack recalled.

“He put things right in time, though.” Rarity reminded her friends. “And if there had been any trouble, Raspberry would have done something.”

“I didn’t have to.” Raspberry replied, completely ignoring Thorax’s offended stare. “Twilight did.”

Her friends turned their stares to Twilight. “I didn’t want him to be embarrassed, so I cast a secret spell to light it for him.” She admitted quickly, cheeks heating up.

“Oh, dear. Have you told him?” Rarity asked.

“No, but he might have figured it out on his own.” Twilight replied.

“You gotta tell him, just in case.” Applejack insisted. “I mean, I get why Raspberry hasn’t.”

“What does that mean?” Raspberry asked.

“Well, Twilight was the one to do it, so she should be the one to tell him.” Applejack reasoned.


“I know. I’m just afraid of how he’ll take it.” Twilight admitted. “I know what pride he takes in a job well done.”

“You better work out what you say fast.” Raspberry nodded her head back. “Cause he’s walking up now.”

Spike was indeed coming over. Though there was no pep in his step. He looked at the ground below him, stepping on his own shadow.

Dash nodded, slapping on sunglasses. “’Sup?”

Raspberry fought back a sigh.

“Spike! Is everything okay?” Twilight asked.

“I guess. I don’t know. The weirdest thing happened down there.” Spike admitted.

“Yeah, about that. I–”

“I mean, there I was, trying to light the torch, with all of Equestria watching, and feeling like the hugest failure ever, and then the thing just lit! It was amazing!” Spike explained.

“Oh, phew!” Twilight wiped her brow. “I was afraid you’d be upset.”

“Upset? Are you kidding? Why would I be upset to discover I can light fire... with my mind?” Spike replied.

Everyone sans Raspberry yelped. “What?!”

Raspberry nodded. “Yep.”

Two Crystal ponies walked up. One of them gasped. “Look, look, it’s the Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious and Compassionate Raspberry the Vibrant and Unbreakable!”

“Can we get your autographs?” The second pony asked. The two ponies held out two photos, both taken of Spike and Raspberry together.

“Sure!” Spike grabbed the first.

“Yeah.” The second picture got caught in magic. Raspberry floated it to her, pulling out a pen to sign it.

“How you saved our Empire last time you were here was really amazing!” The stallion cheered.

“I’m glad to have helped you ponies.” Raspberry smiled for them, scribbling her signature.

“Aw. You know what else is amazing?” Spike took the second picture. “Watch this!” He held it to his forehead, grunting and groaning as he tried to ‘focus’. Nothing else happened to the picture. “Don’t worry. Once it bursts into flames through brainpower, I’ll sign another one for ya. Promise.”

Spike found the paper yanked from his claws. Raspberry finished her signature, handing the papers over to the Crystal Ponies.

“Thank you so much.” Raspberry kept up a bright smile. To anypony that didn’t know her, they would think it sincere. “Please, enjoy the Games.”

The Crystal Ponies smiled, excitedly running off with their pictures. Both of the pictures held reverently.

Twilight bumped Spike’s arm. As the Crystal ponies walked away, Twilight guided Spike away. Raspberry’s smile dropped once the Crystal ponies were out of range.

“Raspberry?” Thorax began. Raspberry took a deep breath. “Are we okay?”

“Public.” Raspberry reminded him. “Also where are our kids?”

“With your sister, still.” Thorax began. “And that other pony- is she new? Do we like her?”

Raspberry huffed. “Later. Not now.”

“What? No. Why am I getting that reaction over nothing?” Thorax asked.

“Spike?” Twilight called out.

The dragon walked away. He kept his head down, low to the ground and full of regret.

Raspberry grabbed Thorax by the arm. She dragged him back. “We’re having a talk.”




“I know you’re still mad at me.”

“Your flag looks disgusting.” Raspberry replied.

Thorax sighed. “Poptart’s team didn’t qualify. He had no way of helping in the games. Waffle asked and-”

“And what? You thought you’d spring this on me? Out of nowhere?”


“Did that fucking helping you?” Raspberry asked, her voice full of barely contained rage.

“Well sorry for trying to help my friends instead of you!” Thorax argued.

“No no. Don’t turn it into that! That’s not what it is!”

“Yes it is! You’re mad I helped other people, and did nothing for you!” Thorax yelled. “That’s always what it is!”

“No it’s not!” Raspberry argued. “I’m mad you kept it a secret from me!”

Thorax huffed, angrily stomping his hoof. “Because I knew you would make them stop if I did!”

Raspberry shook her head. “No. No, that’s not what I would’ve done!”

“It has been before!”

No it hasn’t!”

“If it’s not in your plan, yeah it is!”

“You made it part of my plan!”

“Why is this an argument?! You never even cared about the flag!”

“No! But I cared when the flag looked like that!”

Meanwhile, Killjoy sat with the kids in their living room. Killjoy set up Morgan’s computer to play a movie. The foals were always in awe of tech from the human world. Tonight, it wasn’t as good as usual.

Killjoy knew the parents bedroom had a silencing spell around it. Killjoy originally made a joke about them having sex, but then she saw Raspberry and Thorax glaring at each other. This was gonna be an argument. Killjoy offered to watch the kids, instead of being told.

This was...Raspberry and Thorax’s kids were smart. They knew their parents were fighting. Even Cookie, who was always yelling or screaming or making noise. Now Cookie sat in Killjoy’s lap, watching the movie with a big frown.

Killjoy’s ears strained, trying to catch any sound. She knew that Equestria would explode before the spell broke. Still, Killjoy wanted to keep on guard in case. Killjoy grew up with every pair of foster parents fighting over something or other. Raspberry did too- or rather, the Spencer house had plenty of arguments.

Raspberry would hate seeing her kids like this. Hell Killjoy hated seeing them like this.

“Hey kids. Who wants to find Cousin River?” Killjoy asked.

All the kids raised their hooves.


Killjoy found River walking the halls. It took no time to convince River to help distract the kids. According to River, all the Crystal foals wanted to play with the children of Compassionate Raspberry, the Vibrant and Unbreakable.

The highly trained assassins dropped off the kids at a playground. Foals ran around playing, making friends from all over Equestria.

“Walk with me.” Killjoy stated.

River nodded.

The two walked towards a booth. To celebrate the Games, booths were set up on the streets for either food or games. All Killjoy needed to do was name drop her sister to get things for free.

With free food, Killjoy and River sat at a nearby bench.

“Are they still fighting?” River asked.

Killjoy hummed. She tossed a piece of popcorn in her mouth. “The spell was still up when we left.”

River grabbed some popcorn. “It’s quite bad then.”

“Yeah.” Killjoy swallowed another hoof full of popcorn. “Glad you stuck around for this?”

“Always.” River replied. Killjoy looked out towards the Crystal Palace. “They’ll be fine.”

“I know.” Killjoy dismissed.

“Couples fight all the time.” River assured.

“Not them. Not like this.” Killjoy replied. She leaned on her hoof, sighing. “She’s just stressed.”

“About the games?” River asked. “Yes, I imagine something is going to happen soon. The games are just the sort of event to get interrupted or turned into an apocalypse.”

“Yeah. But no.” Killjoy replied. “After this we’ve got a battle of bands against demons, and then we’ve got the Avengers.”

“Oh now that was a fun week.” River recalled, smiling as she ate more popcorn.

Killjoy glared. “I hate when you do that.” River shrugged. “But it’s like...They’re fighting about a flag. That’s insane.”

“Captain America and those Nazis fought over a flag.” River reminded her.

Killjoy rolled her eyes. “True. It’s just...the kids were worried.”

“Yes. The kids.”

“Thorax fucked up. I wouldn’t blame her for ditching.”

“Of course. We’re on her side, here.”

“I feel like you’re taking his side.”

“About a flag? No.” River lifted the popcorn closer to her. “Thorax definitely deserves hell for lying to Raspberry about the flag.”

Killjoy narrowed her eyes on the time traveler. She considered the words, tried to find a hidden double meaning. “What other reason would there be?”

“Well. You’ve known her longer.” River reminded Killjoy. “What would make her upset?”

Killjoy considered. “I already told her to deal with the embarrassment. Nopony cared anyway, not since she sang on stage.”

Besides Raspberry being embarrassed.”

“Would Thorax be embarrassed?”

“You’re being deliberately stupid now.”

“Hey!” Killjoy threw a hoof full of popcorn at River. The mare dodged it. “Maybe I can’t think of it.”

“Yes you can. You’re just choosing not to.” River replied.

“I want Jack here. Jack would be nice to me.”

“No he wouldn‘t.”

Killjoy pouted. “Okay...oh shit the Plan.”

River took another bite of her snack.

“If Thorax can change something as worthless as who designs the flag, then what will he do with a Plan?” Killjoy groaned. She facehoofed, dragging her hoof along her face. “You sure you remember him?”


“Like you’ve met him?”

River winked. “Oh I never forget a face like his.”

Killjoy scoffed. “He’s a face changer. You would have no chance.” Killjoy dismissed. “...fuck neither will she.”


The Games were not nearly over. Everypony got to enjoy a long night’s rest before returning for more of the games. Ponies and griffons and changelings awoke, excited to see a bright, perfect day for games.

Well most did.

Raspberry sat on her guest throne. She smiled out at the crowd. She waved at her kids, in the row just before the royal box. Her kids all waved back before turning to watch the Games.

Ponies tried talking to her. Raspberry was always quick to redirect them to something else. ‘Oh, the new game is starting.’ ‘Did you see that throw? Awesome!’ ‘What event are you looking forward to?’ ‘No, she’s not my cousin. Quick asking.’ The questions never lasted too long.

But now she was sitting beside Twilight.

Without her magic.

The security at the Equestria Games heard about Twilight’s little confession to Spike. All at once, they realized a huge implication. Any magic cast by unicorns could reach the events- not even the Princesses could be expected to stay impartial.

Raspberry had to wear a disabling spell on her horn. Latent magic still worked- such as her Bag or even any disguises already in place with any changeling. Her bracelet’s skill was dulled. Raspberry could hardly say a single word to Twilight right now.

“Are you ready for the next event?” Twilight asked, trying for the fifth? No, twelfth time? Either way it failed to start a conversation.

Raspberry stared out at the crowd, keeping up her smile.

“It’s Thorax’s aerial relay!” Twilight cheered. “Right?”

Raspberry leaned forward, catching sight of her kids. “Cookie’s behaving well. I can’t wait for her to try flying again, and I won’t be able to catch her.”

“I didn’t know they would-”

“BEGIN!” Shining Armor announced.

The flyers were off.

Raspberry straightened up in her seat. Waffle flew first, along with Buff Biceps. Raspberry glanced impatiently at Thorax’s mark beside Rainbow Dash, Spitfire, other teams, and a griffon. Raspberry worried he wouldn’t have a chance but...but she knew he put in a lot of training. He’d be able to do it.

She was mad, not heartless.

The baton got passed to Ziggy, and all the other second mark flyers.

Raspberry wished she had her hands right now. She wanted to squeeze her hands, or brush her fingers in her hair to calm herself down. All she could do was hold her Bag.

Author, I feel like the parents from the Incredibles.

Wanting him to win but not be first

But I really fucking want him to be first cause I know he could.

Fuck I want him too

It would be so fucking great

But he’s going against Spitfire and Rainbow Dash. He’s got no chance.

Raspberry needed a vacation.

The baton passed to the third group. They were off.

Raspberry kept from shifting in her seat.

Thorax flew- fast as he could. Dash and Spitfire were leagues ahead. But Thorax was neck and neck with a griffon.

In the episode, Griffonia came in 3rd.

Thorax can make it.

He’s been out racing a Griffon for months.

The griffon pulled ahead.

Spitfire and Dash made it through.

Raspberry inhaled sharply.

Then Thorax shot ahead.

Third place.

Raspberry sat in shock for a moment. She heard changelings cheering from their place in the stadium. Thorne cheered too- and Raspberry’s kids.

Then Raspberry caught Thorax’s eyes. She couldn’t see the purple of his eyes, or the curve of his smile on his cheeks, but she hoped he could see her smile and hear her cheers.


Raspberry left before Spike could try and fail to sing the Cloudsdale anthem. She slipped him a copy of their lyrics- getting them at the same time as the Games anthem. It would be Spike’s own fault for now using them.

Thorax walked in their borrowed room. “Hey I met that new pony. Is she really-”

Raspberry pulled Thorax in for a hug.


“I really wanted you to win.” Raspberry admitted. “Not cause of my plan or anything, but I wanted you to win.”

Thorax returned the hug. “Yeah?”

“You totally should have won.” Raspberry started to ramble. “You’re twice their size. They only beat you from super training. Next time, you’ve got it.”

“Next time?” Thorax pointed out. “But...won’t that be in decades, I guess, for us?”

“That means you’ll only get more time.” Raspberry replied, pressing her face into the green chitin of his neck. “If you want it, I mean. Or you can just...play again. For fun. It’s fine.”

Thorax held her tighter, resting his head on hers. “Nah. I’m beating the pegasi next time.”

Raspberry giggled into his neck.


The next few days were jam packed with events. Raspberry watched from her booth, while Thorax watched with the kids. Sitting beside River Song. Just...chatting. Raspberry could ignore that, because most of the time Thorax was just yelling support for his hive, and River went off to do medical work.

Really. Raspberry could ignore it.

At meals, the large family would go about the Crystal Empire meeting ponies. A lot of Crystal Ponies wanted to meet Compassionate Raspberry, the Vibrant and Unbreakable, and her family. The kids loved it. Lilac enjoyed being with her family- telling them all about her months in Manehattan.

What Raspberry couldn’t ignore was Spike’s reaction after his failed anthem. Apparently, he thought it would be a good idea to gain back confidence by doing exactly what Raspberry had done. Like, if Raspberry did it, then that means that’s what Spike was meant to do! She even gave him a music sheet! Raspberry couldn’t track his logic, especially when Spike didn’t even read the music sheet.

“But it was for Cloudsdale, not Ponyville!”

Raspberry hated every part of it.

Crystal Ponies kept asking her.

“Where is Spike, the Brave and Glorious?”

“Why isn’t Spike here?”

“Did you see his performance?”

“Where is Spike?”

“Where is Spike?”

“Hey Raspberry, what can we do about Spike?”

Raspberry wanted to grunt each time. Or scream. Instead she put on her best smile, and gave the same bland answer about looking forward to the next event.

But as the ice archers took their places, Raspberry turned to Twilight.

“Everything okay?” Twilight asked.

Luna’s ear perked up.

Raspberry shook her head. “I’m gonna be right back.”

Twilight sat up. “Wait why-”

“I’m fixing Spike.” Raspberry replied.

“But Raspberry, if Spike is feeling awful, it’s up to me to make this right!” Twilight insisted.

“I know. Out of the two of us, I think I’m the one that can help Spike right now.” Raspberry ran back up the tunnel.

Twilight down, nervously fretting.


The crowd cheered.

“And so the Games conclude as they always do, with the ice archery finals! Ice archers, take your places!” Shining Armor announced.

“Too bad Ponyville doesn’t have any ice archers competin’. We don’t have anyone to root for.” Applejack commented.

“We could root for the changeling down there!” Lilac reminded them. “Who is that, Dad?”

“Yeah!” Thorax cheered. He held Cookie, holding her on his shoulders. She giggled, trying to climb on his antlers. “That’s Kevin.”

“Kevin?” Killjoy asked. “Like-”

“They really liked it.” Thorax cheered. “If Kevin gets the medal, the Changeling Hive would have 13 medals!”

“That’s super!” Pinkie squealed, cheering and jumping mud air to applaud. “Ponyville has thirty-seven medals, and Cloudsdale thirty-six, so looks like we’ll be medal champs of the Games anyway! WOOHOO!”

“But Cloudsdale has two ice archery finalists down there now!” Dash reminded them. “If they both place, Cloudsale wins the medal count!”

Pinkie gasped. “So you’re saying that it all comes down to this one event?!”

“For Ponyville, yes.” Applejack replied.

Cookie patted Thorax’s head. “You did good, Dada!”

Thorax beamed. “Thank you, Cookie.”

Cookie grinned, showing off her teeth. Justice and VC flinched away from it. Cookie’s teeth were always weird. Not in the way that it was too sharp like a predator, freaking out ponies. Her siblings could just see huge pieces of fish scale stuck in Cookie’s teeth.


Over in the hotel, Spike packed up Rarity’s many belongings. Rarity liked having Spike help. And given his mood all week, she was happy to let him feel useful.

Raspberry was less happy.

She knocked on the door. She could hear Spike’s gasp on the other side.

“Hey Spike.” Raspberry spoke up, trying to make her voice through the door. “I know you’re in there. Future knowledge betrays you.”

“Uh, yeah! Then you know I’m super-busy!” Spike excused.

Raspberry pushed the door open. Spike sat across the room under a large pile of clothing.

“Look at all this packing left to do, heh. Crazy, right?” Spike’s joke fell flat.

Raspberry gave him a stare.

Spike nervously laughed.

Raspberry continued to stare.

Spike gulped. He tried once again to gesture to the piles of clothes, only to be met with an unrelenting face. That face carrying an emotion Spine refused to acknowledge.

“...yeah okay.” Spike sighed. He walked out after her. “Okay, fine. I’ll come. Can I at least wear these?”

“You’ll still be spotted as the only person standing upright, but sure.” Raspberry replied.

Spike sighed, drafted. Still, he slipped on an overcoat with a big fedora.


The event was half way done by the time Raspberry brought Spike by. They stood in another tunnel leading in- not the same for the torch, rather one for the athletes.

“I know why you’re being so hard on yourself.” Raspberry began. “The others don’t see it, but I do.”

“Yeah, everypony saw it. Everypony saw me make a fool of myself.” Spike replied. He tightened the overcoat around himself. “I let everypony down. Twice. You never let anypony down, so you don’t have any idea what that’s like.”

“Me?” Raspberry asked, tilting her head. “I don’t know what it’s like to let people down? I understand better than anybody in those stands. Every Crystal Pony thinks I’m the noble, unbreakable hero. They don’t know that I saved their lives by being broken- by running from this kingdom crying. That I used up so much of my magic I nearly died.

Spike shifted on his feet. He remembered that too. While Spike and the others only knew about Raspberry’s arrival after the fact, Spike knew she’d come to the Empire. Spike remembered seeing the barrier fall, watching Sombra fly towards them, only to have a new barrier rise to buy them more time. That time Spike used to help.

Seeing Raspberry in the hospital bed, shivering from the cold, Lilac curled at her side...the image got stuck in Spike’s brain. Cadence and Shining Armor explained how she’d ended up out there in the first place. Still, Raspberry fought for their safety.

“That I spent the past week arguing with my husband about sports. By me being the opposite of compassionate. So I don’t like their praise either.” Raspberry told him. “If it’s not earned, it feels wrong. Right? The torch got lit but you weren’t the one to do it. Ponies got their medals, but you sang their song wrong. So it’s all flat. I get it. And-”

“Raspberry? I get you’re trying to cheer me up, but can we at least watch from inside there?” Spike started walking back up away from the stadium. “I’m not sure I’m ready to face crowds in the stands just yet.”

“No. We’re standing here.” Raspberry stated. She grabbed his coat to drag him back. Spike choked as Raspberry moved him. She dropped him right by her side. “We need to be close by.”

Spike paused. “...you said need.”

Raspberry watched the arrows, focusing on the ponies.

Four ponies were in the ice archery. Two from Cloudsdale, Kevin the Changeling, and another stallion from another town. See, this stallion was in last place. Kevin and #7 from Cloudsdale were neck and neck in the lead. The stallion wasted precious time, constantly looking over to them.

So caught up, that he missed his shot.

Up in the sky. Where the clouds were.

The ice arrows in this event were magical. On impact, the ice arrows turned what they touched to ice.

So if they touched a cloud...a really big cloud...made of water...yikes.

The cloud turned to ice. It started to descend from the sky.

Unicorns tried to use their magic. None of it worked. Pegasi and changelings moved faster, flying towards the giant cloud. The cloud was too heavy, even for all of them.

Up in the stands, Lilac gasped. Killjoy shot up.

“Somepony cut the disabling spell!” Shining Armor yelled.

A guard by Raspberry yelled back “There isn’t time!”

Lilac turned to her aunt. Killjoy knelt down, holding up her hoof. She launched the dragon into the sky.

Spike whipped off his sunglasses.

Raspberry held out her hoof.

Spike leapt up. Raspberry flung him as hard up as she could.

“Dash, Fluttershy! Move!” Spike shouted.

The pegasi and changelings descended. Spike hopped on their backs to climb up, Lilac doing the same. The two dragons reached the descending ice cloud. With two great big breaths, flames of green and blue hit the cloud.

They landed safely too. Lilac reached in her bag, pulling out an umbrella. She and Spike landed with a loud splash.

Rain fell around them.

Lilac closed the umbrella. She turned to Spike, beaming. Spike kept frowning.

The two dragons walked back to the tunnel.

Thorax ran up. Dynamite, Cookie, Justice, and VC were with him. They pulled Lilac in for a big hug. Killjoy and River showed up last, just smiling.

The rest of the ponies were praising Spike.

Princess Cadance walked forward, emerging from deeper in the tunnel. Princess Celestua and Princess Luna walked just behind. “I just wanted to thank you personally for saving those ponies and the Games, O Great and Honorable Spike the Brave and Glorious, and you, Princess Lilac of Equestria. You must be very proud.”

“Yeah!” Lilac replied. “I just- well I felt like a superhero, you know? Spike, did you?”

Spike shrugged. “I guess.”

“You guess?!” Everypony repeated.

“I just saw what needed to be done and reacted.” Spike excused, dismissive. “Just so happens I can breathe fire and...Lilac did the same, you all saw.”

Applejack shook her head.“Forgive me for bein’ blunt, Spike, but you’re not makin’ a lick of sense.”

“Well, it’s just how I feel.” Spike replied.

“It’s alright, everypony.” Raspberry walked over to stand beside the dragons. She ruffled Lilac’s head before turning to Spike. “Yes my daughter helped you, but you were still the first to move. You still acted.” She knelt down, putting her hoof on his shoulder. “I know it’s hard to accept it, but you did earn this. Nopony is saying otherwise. The only one let down is yourself, and I’m sorry but I can’t change that for you. That’s something you need to change for yourself. So tell us- all of us. How can you make it feel right?”

“Meh, I don’t know. Can I borrow your time machine?” Spike asked. “’Cause I’d sure like a do-over on that opening ceremony.”

“No.” Raspberry answered. “Laws of time say I can’t.”

Spike clicked his fingers. “I knew it.”

“Would you do me the great honor of lighting fireworks in my place at the closing ceremonies tonight?” Princess Cadance asked.

Raspberry elbowed him. “Just try it.”

“Mm, I guess I have to at least give it a shot.” Spike admitted defeat.

Raspberry hugged her daughter. “Don’t worry- you’ll get a cake.”

“Mom!” Lilac rolled her eyes, pushing her mother off. “You don’t get cake when you save the world!”

“And I wish I did. You’re getting a cake.”


Ponyville won the medal count.

Lilac got a big chocolate cake. She shared it with her siblings. Thorax and Raspberry covered Lilac’s slice in rubies.

Lilac met River Song.

River’s smile when meeting Lilac was very good. If you knew her, you might even call it real. Raspberry and Killjoy certainly did.


Night time. Luna visited Raspberry in a dream, happy that the tragedy had been avoided by Raspberry and Spike’s quick thinking.

Raspberry forced herself to wake up.

As she stepped out to the balcony with her suite, an intruder pony sat outside waiting. A glass of wine in her hoof, a bottle by her hooves.

Raspberry hummed. “Am I still dreaming?”

“Am I often in your dreams?” River asked.

Raspberry snorted. She reached for the bottle.

“What about you?” River asked.

“I’m doing great.” Raspberry poured herself a glass. She had a taste. “Ah. Apple flavor- you have a sick sense of humor.”

“You never answered the question.” River clarified. “What would it take for it to feel right for you?”

Raspberry didn’t even pause to consider it. “Leave. For two days.”

River poured herself another glass. “Really? You want me gone that badly?”

“For two days, yes. Then do whatever you want.” Raspberry dipped her wine.

“It won’t matter. Time won’t move for me. When I step back in, it will be like I never left.” River reminded her.

Raspberry shook her head. “There’s a cheat. As long as you don’t travel anywhere else, time moves with you. Just leave for two days and come back. That’s it.”

“Why?” River asked, eyes narrowed in thought. “What’s coming?”

“They said you were the historian. You still into archeology? Dug into the past of Equestria?”

“Yes. It’s complete nonsense anywhere else, but it makes a sad amount of sense here.” River replied.

Raspberry pressed her lips together. She looked up at the sky to the stars. “Ever hear about a centaur?”

River paused, thinking. She rubbed her chin with her hoof. It took her only ten seconds to recall the centaur, then the very reason Raspberry wanted her to leave. The closest thing Equestria had to a devil. “How did he get out?”

“Cerberus got away for a day, two years ago.” Raspberry answered. “He got out then.”

River stared at her friend, eyes wide. “Your nightmare. Luna saw it. How did you-”

“She saw what I wanted her to see. You’re not the only one that can manipulate the dreamscape.” Raspberry reminded her. “So leave. Leave until he’s gone.”

“When does he come?” River asked.

“Next week.” Raspberry answered. “Don’t you try to fight him. You’ll lose. I’m not joking. Get out.”

“It’s my world as much as your’s. You can’t kick me out.” River sternly reminded her. “The Crystal Empire is my place. How do I defend it?”

“Do you not get it?” Raspberry snapped. “You defend it by leaving. You defend it by not giving him any more then he’ll already take.”

“So we just give up?” River laughed, disbelieving.

“For us? That’s all we can do.” Raspberry stated.

“And what about them?” River pointed towards the Crystal Empire, all the ponies still inside. “The ponies that trust you- that think you’re the savior? What will you do for them?”

“Some also think I’m a traitor.” Raspberry countered.

River scoffed. “And you’re giving into that? That’s not like you.”

Raspberry stormed up to her friend’s face. “Shut up. You asked what I wanted, I told you. Leave for two days.”

“What about you? Are you going to run too?” River asked.

Raspberry sipped her wine. She gazed up at the stars.

River gawked. “I don’t believe that. You’re no coward.”

“Then you’ve lied to yourself.” Raspberry finished off her glass. “Spike’s the brave one. Everypony knows that.” She lowered her glass, turning to the balcony door. “Stop breaking into my houses. I have a thing about that.”

She closed the door on a gobsmacked River Song.

“I hate that girl.”

Author's Note:

I just think it’s hilarious that the actual Olympics happened before I published this update.

Sorry it came late- I was dealing with anxiety stuff all summer. I tried taking a step back from writing to focus on other things. I’ve got a new full time job, so that’s kinda nice. 

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