• Published 6th Feb 2019
  • 634 Views, 16 Comments

Creating A Hive - Authora97

The Stardust family is back in Ponyville. Morgan and Thorax have one Plan: make their new life work.

  • ...

What Kind of Pony Am I?

The Crystal Empire shined.

Raspberry squinted behind her sunglasses. She still hated the sunlight. A week away hadn’t changed her opinion. All it changed was the size of her travel party.

Today, she traveled alone. Killjoy worked, so it was better for her to have a reliable schedule. Raspberry wouldn’t want Killjoy to feel stifled either, or that Raspberry was doing something sinister like ‘controlling her money flow’ or ‘cockblocking to the extreme’. That was, apparently, a thing. It amused Raspberry all the same.

As for the rest, Thorax stayed behind with the kids. He said it was because they all had too much homework to skip out on, not even for a trip back to the Crystal Empire. If he thought he was hiding the fact that it would become a sleepover between their kids and the Crusaders, he fooled nopony.

That didn’t mean Raspberry arrived at the Crystal Empire alone. She arrived with Twilight, and all of Twilight’s friends. Sure, Raspberry could count them as her friends too. She wouldn’t though.

“Seems like only yesterday I was saving this place from being totally destroyed.” Spike mused. “Hey, you guys remember that?”

He said this while standing in front of the statue, one of himself and Raspberry. Raspberry hated the statue.

“You only mentioned it about fifteen times on the train here.” Dash complained. “Not even Raspberry brags about it.”

Raspberry gave a curt nod. She hated bragging about that damn statue. Or thinking about the Crystal Empire. After the Games, Raspberry would prefer not to think about the Crystal Empire for a long time. She could send letters to Cadance and Shining. They would love to visit Ponyville.

“Yes, and we never hear a peep out of you about your exploits.” Rarity teased Dash.

Dash laughed, bashfully rubbing her neck. “Heh, point taken.”

“I’m glad you all wanted to come, but I don’t think it’s gonna be that exciting.” Twilight reminded her friends for the millionth time. “Raspberry and I pretty much just have to smile and wave as the dignitaries arrive.”

“Yes, but you get to smile and wave like a princess.” Rarity reminded her.

Applejack raised a skeptical eyebrow. “How exactly is that different than smilin’ and wavin’ like not a princess?”

“Like this.” Raspberry waved her hoof, smiling brightly. She waved her hoof across her face- the smile vanishing. She waved it back over her face- the smile returned. “I’m so good at princess waving.”

“At least one of us is.” Twilight frowned, head drooping.

“What’s wrong, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked.

“Why the looooooooong face?” Pinkie asked.

“I’ve just been feeling a little unsure about things lately.” Twilight admitted. “It doesn’t seem that my new role as a princess equates to all that much.”

Raspberry could offer words of comfort. She chose not to do that. Any comforting words would just...fall flat. Besides, it’s not like Twilight would actually be assured by anything Raspberry said. Or that she wouldn’t call it out as a lie.

“That’s just silly. You’ve got a real important role in Equestria.” Applejack told her.

“Princess Celestia wouldn’t have asked you to come today if she didn’t think so.” Fluttershy reminded her.

Twilight’s frown stayed on her face.

Raspberry braced herself. The sunglasses made it easier to hide her rolling eyes. “Twilight, I’m here too. You think I would’ve come if it was useless?”

Twilight considered this. “I guess you’re right.”

“Of course we are.” Rarity dismissed. “Now hurry along! You don’t want to risk having that important role diminished because you were tardy for your regal meet-and-greet.” The white unicorn pushed Twilight and Raspberry ahead.


Raspberry and Twilight stood on the balcony above. Celestia, Luna, and Cadance were downstairs. The two former unicorns wore their tiaras. Raspberry’s sunglasses were long gone, as well as her Bag. They looked completely respectful.

“The Duke and Duchess of Maretonia!” A pegasus guard announced.

As the dignitaries walked closer to the palace, Twilight’s horn glowed. A large flag for Maretonia unfurled at her command. The tapestry fell for all to see. Raspberry waved down at the leaders. Twilight joined in.

The Duke and Duchess gave the flag the barest nods of their heads. They walked into the Crystal Palace with the other Princesses. Twilight and Raspberry were left on the balcony, alone.

“That was it?” Spike complained. As he walked out on the balcony, so did the rest of Twilight’s friends. Raspberry wanted her sunglasses back. “Princess Celestia had you come all the way to the Crystal Empire just to do that? I mean, whoa, really regal and important!”

Their friends glared at Spike.

Spike laughed, realizing he’d said that outloud.

Twilight sighed. Raspberry gave Twilight a look, wanting to sigh too.


The Princesses were having a conversation with the Duke and Duchess. Twilight paced the empty hall in front of the meeting hall. Raspberry leaned against the wall, a reel of notecards floating in front of her.

Twilight frowned again. Raspberry hated it. The frown came with a sound effect. Sure, nopony else would be bothered by it, or even notice it. Raspberry couldn’t focus on the writing in front of her. That damn frown just kept ticking away in her head.

“I haven’t seen River around. Where is she?” Twilight asked, trying to fill the silence.

Raspberry flipped a notecard. “Out.”

“Out where? On a super secret mission?” Twilight asked. She sounded excited at the idea.

“Visiting family.” Raspberry answered. Twilight opened her mouth. “She’s from another universe- we’re not real cousins. She’s visiting her parents.”

“Oh. That’s good. Does she see them often?” Twilight asked.

“No.” Raspberry looked up at her friend. “Hard to find the...time.” She flipped another notecard over.

Twilight waited for Raspberry to go on. When it was clear that Raspberry was finished talking, Twilight became desperate. “So...do you know why they’re here?”

“It’s rude to ask me for information you can plainly ask another pony for.” Raspberry replied.

“You don’t know?”

“It’s a formal check-in, Twilight. Maretonia is just a duchy, outside of Equestria, and we control the sun. They’re letting us know about the needs of their society.” Raspberry explained. She held up a notecard, squinting at it. “Nothing world ending.”

Twilight nodded. “Right, right, of course! I never thought it was! I just- well I was wondering why you came here.”

“Celestia asked.”

“You never do what Celestia asks.”

“Luna may have asked too.” Raspberry admitted. “Still. They wanted me here, so here I am.”

“Nothing else is going to happen? It’s just for a meeting with the Princesses?” Twilight asked.

“Far as I’m concerned, yes.” Raspberry replied. She lowered her notecards. She tucked them away. “Now are you settled, or do you need more explanation about the meeting here?”

“Why aren’t we inside?” Twilight asked. “Wouldn’t it make more sense for-”

“They already told us this.” Raspberry reminded her. “It’s classified information. If I were having any issues in my kingdom, I wouldn’t want any other kingdom to know about it.”

Are there any problems? On Earth?”

“What did I just say?”

Twilight blushed. “Right.” She ran her hoof over her mane. She glanced at the cards in Raspberry’s hold. “What plan are those for? Is it for a big, action-y movie? I heard you were doing that. Or is it for a smaller TV show? Like- like wasn’t there a TV show that you would visit soon? What about the-”

“It’s Thorax’s dinner plan.” Raspberry told her. Twilight’s ears fell flat. “He wants some groceries from the Crystal Empire, before I come home.”


The doors to the meeting room opened. Twilight and Raspberry were quick to bow for the Duke and Duchess.

“Your highnesses.” The Duke met Raspberry’s eyes. “Thank you for understanding our desire to keep the number of those privy to these confidential discussions to a minimum.”

“Of course.” Twilight replied.

Raspberry stayed smiling, politely.

The Duke and Duchess walked by, not another word said. Celestia, Luna, and Cadance walked up to Twilight and Raspberry.

“Is there anything else I can do to assist with their visit?” Twilight asked.

“I’m sorry, Twilight, but their visit is already over.” Cadance explained.

Twilight’s expression fell. “Oh.”

“Something wrong?” Luna asked.

“I guess I just don’t really understand why I’m here. Couldn’t one of the royal guards have unfurled the banner?” Twilight asked.

“Having all five of us in the Empire to greet them lets the dignitaries know that their visit is considered an important one.” Celestia explained.

“Plus, it gives me an opportunity to see my favorite sister-in-law.” Cadance came up to Twilight, giving her a wide smile. “And one of my closest friends.”

Raspberry chuckled. “Who would miss out on a chance like that?”

“And I’m happy to see you. All of you.” Twilight dragged off.


“But I... well, it’s just that Princess Luna raises the moon, Princess Celestia raises the sun, you protect the Crystal Empire, Raspberry knows everything, and all I seem to do is... smile and wave.”

The purple alicorn walked away. Raspberry watched her go. She waited until Twilight left the hallway to turn to the other alicorns. All of them were looking at her.

“What?” Raspberry asked.

“We were wondering why you were not going after her.” Celestia asked.

Raspberry blinked. “Me?”

“Yes.” Luna replied.

“You all think Twilight would feel better after a talk with me?”

“You’re her friend.” Cadance assured her. “And you’re a princess too.”

“By accident, and not even in Equestria.” Raspberry replied with a shake of her head. The Princess smiled at her. Full of warmth and love and trust. It was enough to make somepony believe in themselves. Except, you know, Raspberry was full of doubt about everything. “Come on. You’re her mentor. Shouldn’t you go?”

Celestia shook her head. “No. This time, Twilight should hear from a good friend.”

Raspberry hated Equestria. She hated these emotionally supportive ponies with all her heart. They were all so kind, so loving, so damn nice that it made any sarcastic asshole feel bad for being an asshole.

So she went after Twilight.


Twilight leaned on the balcony railing.

Raspberry knew that her sister would try pushing Twilight over. That made it easier to walk up to Twilight, waiting for her to start the conversation.

Sorry. Did that say conversation? It was meant to say song.

“It isn’t that I’m ungrateful for all the things that I’ve earned, for all the journeys I have taken, all the lessons that I have learned.” Twilight told Raspberry. “But I wonder where I’m going now, what my role is meant to be.” She turned, just to look Raspberry in the eyes.

Raspberry looked back.

“I don’t know how to travel to a future that I can’t see.” Twilight walked up, showing off her purple wings. “I have my wings, I wear this crown. I’m a princess, this is true but it’s still unclear to me just what I am meant to do. I wanna have a purpose, wanna do all that I can, I wanna make a contribution. I want to be a part of the plan.”

Raspberry winced, holding back a sigh. She hated when people threw her into these things. She wasn’t good at giving comfort. That’s not- Twilight needed kindness, understanding. What understanding could Raspberry give her? Twilight usually did just fine by herself. It took her a while to get there, but Twilight always won in the end. No matter what Raspberry did. Raspberry, at best, helped her get there faster.

“Your destiny’s uncertain and that’s sometimes hard to take.” Raspberry could understand the fear- the fear of feeling useless, of like you’re just standing around waiting for something but having no idea what it was. “But it will become much clearer with every new choice you make.”

She could get how fucking frustating that wait was- that never ending build up of something. An event that either took too long to happen, or never actually does. “Patience is never easy. I understand wanting more. I know how hard it is to wait to spread out your wings and soar.”

Raspberry wanted to scream at the slowness of everything. The past week, she sat around in an anxious ball, waiting for the call. For the letter. For the threat to actually start. It finally has, and still nothing was happening. Instead, Raspberry was singing a song about feelings.

That’s just her, obviously.

Twilight was different.

“But you stand here for a reason.” Raspberry looked Twilight in the eyes. She even put her hoof on Twilight’s shoulder. “You’re gifted and you are strong. That crown is upon your head because you belong.”

Who belonged in Equestria more? A princess that loved books and her friends, that strove for only the best of and for Equestria, that never hesitated to run out to help other ponies- from closest friends, to the most random stranger? Or, a pony that invaded the country, lived there as a sleeper agent, took every chance to avoid ponies, and waited until the last second to help save them.

Twilight belonged in Equestria. Raspberry did not. Quite actually, she did not. She forced her way into this reality.

“Know that your time is coming soon.” Raspberry promised. “As the sun rises, so does the moon, as love finds a place in every heart. You are a princess; you’ll play your part.”

Twilight, the hero of Equestria. The future princess of friendship. The Bearer of the Element of Magic. Twilight had a part to play, and she always played it well. Raspberry never did.

“I understand you wanting more. A chance to shine, a chance to soar.”

Raspberry was loath to admit it- but she got it. She tried proving herself all the time. For years, she’d tried proving herself to Equestria. She’d not done it right. Everypony called her a traitor, many times. Raspberry couldn’t name one thing she had done right.

Soon will come the day it turns around.” Raspberry took Twilight’s hoof in her own. She locked eyes with the purple alicorn. “Know that your time is coming soon. As the sun rises, so does the moon, as love finds a place in every heart. You are a princess; you’ll play your part.”

She dragged the alicorn in for a hug. Twilight paused, her hooves moving hesitantly around the pink alicorn.

“You are a princess; you’ll play your part.” Raspberry sang. “Your time will come.”

She pulled back.

“Raspberry-” Twilight began.

Raspberry flared her wings. “I gotta go.” She hopped in the air, flying away.


By the next morning, something changed. Raspberry could feel it in the very air. Something here made her sick. Revolting. Her stomach turned. Something was causing pain.

Raspberry woke up crying.

Then somepony knocked on her door.

“Come in.” Raspberry wiped her teary cheeks. “We need to talk.”


The five Princesses were gathered around a table. The same table from the meeting with Maretonia. A large book rested on the table.

Raspberry hated it.

Golden magic opened it. Pictures appeared of horrific centaurs terrorizing the country.

“Tirek and his brother Scorpan came here from a distant land, intent on stealing Equestrian magic. But Scorpan soon came to appreciate the ways of Equestria, even befriending a young unicorn wizard.” Celestia explained.

“Scorpan urged his brother to abandon their plans. When Tirek refused, Scorpan alerted us to Tirek’s intentions.” Luna explained.

“Scorpan returned to his own land, and Tirek was sent to Tartarus for his crimes. But it appears he has found a way to escape.” Celestia closed the book.

“We believe it happened when Cerberus left his post at the gates.” Luna admitted.

Raspberry frowned at the book.

“But that was a long time ago. Why is he just now starting to steal magic?” Twilight asked.

“His time in Tartarus left him very weak. He has just now gained enough strength to use his dark powers.” Celestia reasoned.

“But with each passing moment, he grows stronger still.” Luna continued.

Cadance leaned towards Twilight, winking. “And I know just the princesses who can stop him.”

Twilight nodded. “Yes. We’ll find him and–”

“No, Twilight.” Celestia interrupted. “I’m afraid I must call in another to stop Tirek. Discord.”

Three princesses gasped.


Celestia looked over at Raspberry. Raspberry sighed.

“One month ago, my sister and I tried tracking Tirek down.” Raspberry admitted. “We had his starting off point, and a vague idea of his end point.”

“And you didn’t share it?!” Twilight yelped.

Raspberry shook her head. “It was a single dark alleyway. That took time to trace. We reasoned he stole ambient magic from the land to keep himself alive. But that was hard to track- how do you track magic that was drained from the air a year ago? There weren’t any ponies that reported a loss of magic. We ended up having to trace the stallion who was attacked. He’s a traveling sales pony, so it would’ve been impossible to track where he would be in a month.”

“Why didn’t you?” Twilight snapped.

“You would’ve asked where we went.” Raspberry explained. “In the end, we found nothing.”

Twilight scoffed.

“Nothing at all?” Cadance asked.

“Raspberry gave me the full report of her search.” Celestia explained. “She was very thorough. She and Killjoy truly did find nothing of Tirek.”

“He’s very good at being subtle.” Raspberry added. “Discord can easily trace him by tracking the magic. As much as I hate to say it, he’s the only one that can.”


Applejack gawked. “...As in Discord Discord?”

Raspberry didn’t roll her eyes. It was a near thing. “Yes.”

“I don’t think it’s that big of a surprise. He can be very helpful.” Fluttershy added.

“Yes! Thank you! See? I’m not crazy for saying it.” Raspberry replied. “He can track the magic- the non-Harmonious, Equestria magic. When Tirek drains the magic from somepony, Discord will find him.”

“And you’re sure of that?” Rarity asked.

“As sure as the sun’ll rise tomorrow.” Raspberry stated.

“So what are you supposed to do in the meantime?” Dash asked.

Raspberry kept a straight face. She

Twilight’s face twitched. “Nothing. Unless of course one of you needs me to smile and wave.” She showed off a too wide smile, and an unhappy wave.

Raspberry hated that she was so useless. That she made ponies suffer like this. How was she supposed to be a good person- let alone be a good hero- if all she did was spread her pain to others?

Raspberry needed a drink.

“Where are you going?” Spike asked.

Twilight and Raspberry turned to him. Raspberry forgot that Twilight started walking away too. She was having a rough day.

“To the Castle of the Two Sisters.” Twilight answered. Her gaze twitched over to Raspberry before looking back at Spike. “I’m not really needed anywhere else. Might as well catch up on some of my reading.”

Dash “You want some company?” Dash asked.

Applejack “It has been a while since we visited the castle. Might be fun!”

Twilight “Maybe I could use a little company right now.”

Raspberry stayed behind. Nopony noticed she stopped following them. Not that Raspberry even wanted them to notice. Let them forget her, let Raspberry go home to lick her wounds.




Thorax was waiting at home. The kids were not.

It impressed Raspberry that all the kids vanished before Raspberry returned home, all without leaving a single sign of them. Raspberry would need to give her kids a special treat for clearing away the evidence.

“So.” Thorax smiled at her. He leaned on the countertop, pushing a bowl of chips to the side. “How’d it go?”

For those curious, Raspberry kept a whole catalogue of Thorax’s smiles. He had so many. Raspberry knew his proud smile- like when he’d perfected a new recipe, or when the kids came home with a good grade after staying up late studying with them. Or his victory smile (as Raspberry called it) when he had a good practice, or got the answer right in Raspberry’s talks over the Plan.

There were so many smiles that existed just for her. One smile was a lovey dovey smile, like an idiot that just got hit in the face by a frying pan. Hearts were literally in his eyes, changing the shape of his pupils. Raspberry liked that one the most.

But this smile? That was his lying smile. Thorax may say different, but Raspberry noted he had only two. A small white lie smile. That kind he wore a lot in those first three months. Sometimes he wore it to lie on behalf of the kids.

This? This was his ‘big lie’ smile. Something he was about to say would upset Raspberry. He thought smiling would make her less upset. It only made her feel worse. He was gonna lie until it was obviously not working.

She sighed.

Thorax’s face twitched. He kept the lying smile up. “That bad, huh?”

“Just say it.” Raspberry walked over the counter. She leaned on the other side, reaching for that bowl of chips. “Rip off the bandaid.”

“I’m sure it’s not as bad as-” Thorax began.

“No, no. Your thing first, my thing second.” Raspberry instructed. Thorax’s smile shook. If he was gonna play dirty with a smile, Raspberry would just have to go lower. “Please?”

Thorax broke. “...Thorne called me to the Hive.”

Raspberry bristled.

“Now. Don’t go freaking out.”

“Whose freaking out? I’m not freaking out.”

“You freak out whenever I have to take a quick trip.”

“I’m not freaking out.”

“Yes you are.”

“No I’m not.”

“It’s only for a day. I’d be right back.”

“I’m not freaking out. Does it feel like I’m freaking out?”

“Yes. You shut down. It feels like...numbness.”

“See? Not freaking out. Can’t be numb and freaking out.”

“You’ve always been able to do the impossible.”

Raspberry tossed chips in her mouth.

Thorax lowered his head, sighing. “It’s probably to talk about my duties as an ambassador of changelings in Equestria. We barely got any time to talk last week since I was busy doing the Games.”

Raspberry swallowed the snack. “Okay. Just...for real, be back by tomorrow?”

“I feel bad leaving you like this.” Thorax admitted. “I don’t even know how the meeting at the Crystal Empire went.”

“Nothing happened. We just talked- that’s all.” Raspberry replied. Thorax raised a skeptical eyebrow. “Talks don’t always go bad for me.”


“Don’t you have a train to catch?” Raspberry prompted.

Thorax made no move to leave. “I want to have a real talk with you when I come back.”

“We will.” Raspberry promised. At the moment, she meant it. She leaned over the counter, pecking his cheek. “Now go be a super smart ambassador.”

“You’re just praising me so I’ll feel embarrassed and leave.” Thorax told her.

Raspberry fluttered her lashes.

Thorax blushed. Then he whined. “It always works on me.”

“I know.”

He whined again. “Fine! Fine, I’ll go.” He walked out of the kitchen. Raspberry tilted her head. Thorax kissed her cheek. “Keep the house warm for me.”

“Dynamite and I will set everything on fire.” Raspberry replied.

Thorax shuddered. Others would think it was a joke. Thorax knew better.

The door closed to their house. Their empty house. All Raspberry had was a bowl of chips. She held it closer, letting the salty snacks fill up the ache in her chest.


Meanwhile, deep in the Everfree Forest, the Mane Six plus Spike were looking over the great chasm that housed the Tree of Harmony. The Tree shone with the Elements of Harmony sitting in the branches.

Dash sighed. “I still can’t believe we had to give back the Elements.”

“It had to be done or the Tree of Harmony wouldn’t have survived.” Rarity reminded her.

“But Twilight was right. Even without the Elements, our friendship is as strong as ever.” Fluttershy cheered.

Applejack rolled her eyes. “I just hope another ‘friend’ of ours never makes us sorry we had to give them up.”

“Oh, you’re talking about me, I presume?”

A figure appeared in a snap. Discord floated above the ponies, his dragon tail wiggling.

“How’d you guess?” Applejack deadpanned.

Discord showed off his on fire ears. “My ears were burning.” He threw a bucket of water from- from somewhere, putting out the flames.

“What are you even doing here, Discord?” Dash snapped.

“Oh, just a bit of light reading before I head off on my extremely important mission. Raspberry recommended I brush up on it before heading off.” Discord explained. He held up a purple journal, decorated with images of the Elements of Harmony. This book, being the shared journal between the mares. He opened it at a blue bookmark, reading the page. “Where is Raspberry, by chance?”

“Huh?” Pinkie searched the group. “Wasn’t she just here a second ago?” Pinkie gasped. “Is she a ninja?!”

“Oh she must be busy. You know how she gets when she has a plan at work!” Discord joked. “I suppose you all know that I’ve been tasked to capture a certain escapee.

Spike scoffed. “Big deal.”

“You’re right, Spike.” Discord flashed away his wings and horn. The crown he spun on his claw. “It is a big deal. Seems I possess a magic that gives me quite an important role in Equestria. Maybe they should make me an Alicorn princess.” Discord flashed himself a pair of hot pink wings, and long pink horn, and a bright glittery tiara. He blew kisses to the flat faced crowd.

“In your dreams!” Dash yelled.

Discord booped her nose. Dash fumed. “Oh, I never dream of such things. Ask Princess Luna.”

“Don’t you have a creepy magic-stealin’ villain to track down?” Applejack sneered.

Discord waved his claw. “Yes, yes, yes, of course.” With a snap of his eagle claw, they all teleported down to just in front of the Tree. More specifically, in front of the shimmering locked box. “It’s just that I couldn’t help but notice that Twilight hasn’t yet opened this little chest of hers.”

Everypony looked at Twilight. She only shrugged, helpless. What was she supposed to do about that? It was a locked box, and Twilight had no keys. Raspberry never even gave her clues for it.

“I-I-It got me thinking, what if what’s locked inside is something that could help her prove her royal worth?” Discord asked. “I only bring it up because she said that she’s been feeling like her role as a princess doesn’t equate to much.”

“Wait a minute! How do you know how she was feeling?!” Pinkie asked.

“Oh, my. Is eavesdropping not the way you’re supposed to find out what your best pals are up to? Woe is me. Somepony should tell Raspberry. We’re both in quite a pickle.” Discord flashed. Suddenly, Discord and a plushie version of Raspberry were stuck together in a pickle. “Will we ever learn the intricate nuances of being a good friend?

Everypony glared at him.

Fluttershy, though, lowered her head in thought. Like a tiny little light bulb went off in her head.

“Well in any case, I suppose now is as good a time as any for me to make my exit.” Discord snapped his claws. A magic train appeared- himself dressed as the conductor. The train carried him out of the cave.

“And good riddance!” Applejack yelled.

Discord reappeared, floating over Twilight. “Oopsie-doopsie, I almost left with the little journal you’ve all been keeping.” He put it on Twilight’s horn. The purple alicorn barely managed to keep it balanced. “What a fascinating read. Haven’t you girls just learned so much? No wonder Raspberry loves you all. We’ve bookmarked a few of the more interesting passages. You really should take a look!”

Twilight grimaced at the mention of the other alicorn. She lifted the book up with her magic. She looked at the five bookmarks, then over at the seven empty key slots on the box.

Discord leaned towards Fluttershy. “We’re still on for tea later, aren’t we, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy smiled. “I wouldn’t miss it.”

Discord squealed in delight. “Well, I’ll bring the cucumber sandwiches...!” He teleported away, leaving behind streamers and glitter

“Sometimes I think the ‘reformed’ Discord is more obnoxious than the ‘before-he-was-reformed’ Discord.” Applejack admitted.

Rarity turned up her nose. “Indeed.”

“But he could be right, couldn’t he?” Fluttershy offered. “What if there is something important in that chest?”

“Then why didn’t Raspberry tell us?” Twilight asked.

“Cause Raspberry loves surprises!” Pinkie replied. She pointed to the blue locked box. “And it’s like a birthday present. Raspberry would never spoil a present!”

Twilight looked at the book. The book that Discord and Raspberry bookmarked. A journal meant to share meaningful stories of friendship. What use did that have right now, unlocking a box? Friendship may be the key to the Elements, but it wasn’t often a literal key.

“There’s only one way to find out.”


In the library, surrounded by books, Twilight decided to read that journal again.

Only two ponies considered reaching out to Raspberry. They even wrote a note, asking Spike to send it away.

Lilac received it. She reached over the dinner table. Raspberry picked it up. Without reading it, she set it aside.

“Everything okay, Mom?” Lilac asked.

Raspberry paused. She looked around the table. Thorax’s absence was noticeable, yeah. The dinner of simple daisy sandwiches with potato chips and vegetables, ignoring anything warm that Thorax would make. The kids hardly noticed a difference. They laughed and played, giggling about the sleepover they thought they’d hidden properly.

Her kids were safe at home.

Maybe Raspberry did something right after all.

She smiled at Lilac. “Yeah, just wanted to finish dinner first before they drag me in their mess.”

Lilac bit her lip, but she ended up smiling.

“Hey guys, after dinner? We need to have a talk.” Raspberry told them.

VC choked on a chip.

Justice sat, stone faced.

Dynamite went still.

Cookie giggled. “We had a sleepover!”

Raspberry tilted her head.

Later, Raspberry did indeed read the note. At the same time as another letter from Princess Celestia.


The dark alley should have been quiet. Instead, the sounds of magic and painful whines fill the space.

Tirek dropped his latest victim. The pony sat silently on the ground, nearly dead from the sudden absence of magic.

A sound behind him. Tirek whirled around.

Discord floated behind him. “Tirek, I presume?”

“Discord. You’re free?” Tirek asked.

A Discord style parrot sat on a stand. “As a bird.” He changed back, multicolored feathers falling around him.

“I commend you on your escape.” Tirek praised.

“I’m afraid the feeling isn’t mutual.” Discord snapped his fingers.

Unbreakable chains appeared on Tirek’s wrists. He strained, trying to break them apart. In his weakened state, the centaur could not step on a fly. His limbs were toothpick thin, his body even smaller. Tirek sneered, straining more against the chains. When nothing happened, he grinned darkly at Discord.

“Oh, I should have known you would want to have Equestria all to yourself.” Tirek reasoned.

“Oh, I’m not doing this for me. I’m doing it for my friends.” Discord leaned closer to whisper in Tirek’s ear. “Just between the two of us, it’s mostly for Fluttershy and Raspberry.”

Tirek reeled back, horrified and disgusted. “Fluttershy and Raspberry? You’re not saying you’re friends with ponies?”

“Surprise!” Discord threw his hands in the air. More streamers and confetti fell around them.

Tirek shook it off his horns. “I am surprised that someone with your intellect does not see this ‘friendship’ is but a new form of imprisonment. Clearly you’ve had to abandon your true nature to stay in their good graces.”

Discord continued playing a harp. He let his halo shine. “I have done nothing of the sort!”

“Oh, please, I’ve seen this before. But he was always weak minded.” Tirek spat. His spoke softer, praising the Discord. “You are Discord, you are legend, you cannot fall into the same trap that claimed my brother!”

Discord threw his halo like a frisbee. His harp disappeared.

“Help me to grow strong, and be rewarded with something far greater than friendship. Freedom.” Tirek offered. “Once I’ve stripped these ponies of their magic, nothing would give me greater pleasure than to see their world turned upside down. Who better to do so than the master of chaos himself? Join me, Discord, and reclaim your greatness. Unless, of course, ’pony errand boy’ is the role you’ve always wanted to play in this world.”

Discord considered this. He turned back, seeing a nightstand floating behind him. His Discord-lamp sat there, shining over the two framed photos. One of him and Fluttershy enjoying a tea party. One of him and Raspberry, ice skating on Sweet Apple Acres. Raspberry was smiling there- laughing like a little kid allowed to play.

Discord smiled too.


Twilight realized the keys. The bit given to Applejack, the flower given to Fluttershy, the spool of rainbow thread given to Rarity, Rainbow Dash’s medal from the Wonderbolts, and Boneless the Chicken for Pinkie Pie. The only two keys missing were Twilight’s, and the seventh key.

The mares could all guess who held that key.

Only she had no journal entries in the journal. Her children wrote a few. Thorax too. Even Killjoy had an entry. True it was about deciding not to murder somepony, but it was an entry. Raspberry wrote nothing.

They were missing two keys. Two keys that would finally unlock the box. Maybe it would help Twilight reach her potential as a royal, maybe it would save Equestria. Or maybe it would help them find Raspberry.

It didn’t matter. Twilight got a letter from Celestia, asking her to come to Canterlot.


Raspberry did not come to Canterlot. Twilight did. Twilight heard about Discord helping Tirek steal magic from unicorns, and flight from the pegasi, and strength from the Earth ponies.

Twilight got to feel betrayed in the moment.

Raspberry dealt with those feelings a long while ago. Feelings over Discord’s betrayal came and went. Why take it personally? Raspberry still has trust in her friend.

Twilight got to hear Celestia’s plan about hiding Alicorn magic.

Raspberry stayed in her house. All her kids were inside. They were told they were grounded. Raspberry saw no reason to tell the truth. It would only scare them.


Dear Raspberry

Is everything okay? We’re really worried. You vanished so suddenly. We want to know you’re okay.

Your friends,

-Pinkie Pie & Fluttershy