• Member Since 3rd Dec, 2017
  • offline last seen 17 hours ago

An Intricate Disguise

Selling out has never felt so dirty.

Comments ( 183 )

This might be a very interesting story.

Well This is a concept I have not seen before. I shall give this a read.

Damn, for a minute I thought that from the picture it would have been a Herm Sunset Shimmer working at a Prison, but this is even better.

Please change the title of the fic from Correctional Fucking to something else because that can be mistaken for a rape reference.

What have you done

Your making me Straight again.


Keep up the good work!

You know that bisexuality is a thing, right? You can get da boi booty and girl booty.

...But that's why I clicked on this...

But I want my booty destroyed most of the time.

so, what's the plan, are you going to start a dozen interesting stories and then let them all die one by one?
I mean, you do you, but I hope you don't plan on doing it

I took over a month off, I'm catching up on lost time. With one exception, every story I've started on this account I envision finishing.

But it's nice to have options regarding what to update next, y'know?

Y'know, as I read through the long description, I found myself in the odd position of almost being on board with the character being thrust upon me by a second-person fic. Of course, I knew it wouldn't work by the end, but I was willing to set that aside and get to the end to be sure.

I could see myself landing a job as a prison guard. I think I have the qualifications for that. Could be interesting. All-female prison? Well, that's fine too. Hey, that also makes it less likely that...

Of course. A dick. Well, don't have one of those. Not interested in having one.

Sorry, as usual with second-person fics, you're actively preventing me from being able to immerse in your story.

I completely understand your opinion here, but I can obviously only write for one gender at a time, when it comes to second person.

That said, I would be interested in writing a female perspective second person story somewhere down the line. Hopefully that'd interest you, should it come to pass!

The story description alone had me chuckling.

remember, fraternizing with the prisoners is against the rules, and that includes fucking them!


Indeed. As usual, write what you like. I'll occasionally comment when it isn't my cup of tea or if it is. This is the former, and that happens to be one of the major hazards of the perspective. It works for roughly half the audience (at best).

Meanwhile, a quick skim through the 2nd person tag on Fimfic... hmm. Well, let's just say there is a recognizable trend.

I do look forward to something, anything, down the road that does fit my interests. Here's to the stars aligning maybe!

Idk why there’s such a high amount of dislikes so far. Good start. Keep it up

Thank you, best of luck with your work.

I didn't change this solely to appease you, mate. Just thought the new title was funnier.

Happy coincidence though, eh?

By the down votes, it seems like people have not heard about a terrible thing called "Correctional Rape" Where Lesbian and Bisexual Womenn will be raped to "fix" them. Well either that or those down voting you actually support such things.

I can see why the original title would make you think that, hell, I thought it when I read your comment.

I didn’t care what the story was called originally. But this title is much funnier.

Coming from a fellow correctional officer, please dont stop this....

Alright, this looks very interesting. Gonna keep an eye on this. Also on a sidenote, are the other Shadowbolt girls gonna show up in this aswell at somepoint? please tell me they will, it would be such a waste if they didnt.

You caught my interest. How did you do that, user?

Man. You sure know how to have us want more.

Assuming that most if not all the Main 7 are prisoners.

Liking and tracking.

I can already feel the femdom

This is going to be fun and frustrating as hell! :trollestia:
Good job!:moustache:

No, I know, and understand, but there's been more than one writer out there that's done that and ended up being trapped with a bunch of stories he loved writing, at the start, but then never found the right mood and/or courage to finish them
I just hope you don't end up like that is all


Second-person and "Anon" fics are typically based on a male "Everyman/Anyman" character. There are several which are based on a female perspective, the ones which are written by males tend to catch flak from female readers, and it would seem many of our female writers simply aren't writing second-person fics.

On top of that, the modern second-person genre isn't meant to make you feel like it's you by way of natural immersion and relatability, it's you using your imagination to conform to the 'you' in the writing (or just ignoring that effect altogether and viewing the 'you' as its own character and still enjoying the story). Not the other way around, which would be impossible and unreasonable. You can't write a story about every person who reads it because everyone is different and many people will be alienated regardless.

Tfw great Sunset coverart but no Sunset tag.

This is now my new drug

Reminds me of prisons in Norway.
I have a specific fetish for stories where the character has to really fucking hang in there to not give in (which is why I love Monster Musume), or at least resist a few times before giving in. I feel like I'm gonna love this :pinkiehappy:

Hmm, I swear Jailhouse rock by Elvis needs to find a way into this story!
Now following.


My dude, the EQG Mane Seven includes Sunset Shimmer. So I think we probably will see her at some point in the fic.

Promises Sunset Shimmer, prison guard, delivers anon-style bollocks


Question: is Lemon Zest, Sugarcoat, Sunny Flare and Sour Sweet are prison guards like Indigo Zap?

Will this story have any sex scenes, implied or otherwise, where the woman does most or all of the work?

OK I’m in. Let’s see what this rascal gets himself into.

And there is Sunset Shimmer now, so this is where she comes in because of the avatar pic for this story.

...Sunset's the warden? Why the name change?

Also of course Trixie would be in jail for a DUI. And Adagio would also be there because, well, Adagio.

Pretty sure that's a comment below yours that is almost 10 minutes prior.

I didn't see any comment when I posted, but I will happily edit my comment

Damn it I was gonna post that!

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